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王蒙  李凤日 《生态学杂志》2016,27(8):2429-2437
基于黑龙江省孟家岗林场长白落叶松人工林5块固定样地(其中1块为对照样地,4块为抚育间伐样地,断面积强度为3.7%~49.7%)1974—2014年(林龄为19~59 a)复测的31次胸径数据,采用三参数Weibull分布函数拟合5块样地各年份直径分布,研究了直径分布曲线随林龄的动态变化规律,并分析了抚育间伐对林分直径分布曲线及Weibull分布参数的动态影响.构建了基于抚育间伐效应的Weibull分布参数预测的联立方程组模型,分别采用三阶段最小二乘法及度量误差法估计了模型的参数.结果表明: 未间伐林分(对照)直径分布曲线随林龄增加由“高峰狭窄”(林木直径分布集中)状态逐渐向“低峰宽广”(林木直径分布分散)状态过渡;抚育间伐后,林木直径分布曲线均较抚育间伐前右偏加剧,峰度变高,径阶变窄,对称性下降;间伐强度越大,伐除的中小径阶树木越多,直径分布曲线较间伐前左侧截尾明显,峰度增高,径阶分布范围变小.低强度抚育间伐使得参数a值变大,b值变小,对参数c的影响不明显;高强度抚育间伐使得参数a的增量变大,b值变小,参数c值变小.参数预测联立方程组模型的拟合结果表明,参数b的预测模型拟合效果最好,R2>0.98;参数c预测模型拟合效果稍差,但R2>0.91;三阶段最小二乘法拟合结果与度量误差联立方程组方法区别不大,两种方法检验结果均较好,模型精度都>97%,拟合效率均>0.92.所建立的模型能够较好地模拟抚育间伐效应下落叶松人工林直径分布动态变化,为科学合理经营森林提供了依据.  相似文献   

三种直径分布拟合模型在长白落叶松林分的实际应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于长白落叶松中龄纯林样地调查,采用相对直径法、指数函数法和Weibull分布函数法三种常用方法拟合林分胸径分布规律.结果表明,三种方法均能有效描述林分直径分布规律,特别是指数函数简单易行、拟合精度高、适用性强,可视为长白落叶松中龄林直径分布拟合的最优模型.  相似文献   

选择能够拟合长白山自然保护区东北红豆杉生境内针阔混交林的直径结构分布模型,为该区林分经营管理提供参考。以长白山自然保护区龙荒沟林场15块东北红豆杉林分内针阔混交林为研究对象,采用负指数函数和三参数Weibull分布函数2种直径分布模型拟合和χ^2检验,分析了15块样地的直径结构分布规律。15块样地的密度为400~981株·hm^-2,平均胸径变化范围为10.5~19.9 cm,各样地林分的直径分布的偏度均为正值,直径分布函数曲线均往左偏,除了9~11号样地的直径分布用三参数Weibull分布模型效果较好外,其他样地均适合用负指数模型拟合。两种模型均能有效描述直径结构分布规律,三参数Weibull分布模型用来拟合不规则直径分布时效果较好,而负指数分布模型拟合近似“反J”型曲线时效果好。该区东北红豆杉林分内针阔混交林直径结构分布不合理,应加强该林区经营技术措施。  相似文献   

近自然毛竹林空间结构动态变化   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
2009年7月在浙江省天目山国家级自然保护区,建立了1块100 m×100 m的近自然毛竹林固定标准地,采用相邻网格法进行每竹调查,利用全站仪测量毛竹的三维坐标(X,Y,Z),结合2010—2012年的3次毛竹复查数据,利用角尺度、大小比数和年龄隔离度3个结构指数,分析毛竹林空间结构的动态特征。结果表明:天目山近自然毛竹林大小年现象明显,平均胸径逐年增加;空间分布格局特征表现为2009、2012年毛竹林呈随机分布,2010、2011年毛竹林呈聚集分布;各年份毛竹林角尺度均服从左偏近似正态分布,且各年份的角尺度无显著性差异(P0.05);各年份毛竹林的平均大小比数均接近0.5,林分处于中庸状态;各年份毛竹林大小比数分布频率出现均衡分布特征,林分较稳定,且各年份间的大小比数无显著性差异;各年份毛竹林的年龄多样性及年龄隔离程度均较高;年龄隔离度逐年增加,毛竹小年向大年过渡期毛竹林年龄隔离度有显著性差异(P0.05),大年向小年的过渡期则无显著性差异。  相似文献   

樟子松沙地人工林直径分布模拟   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用反 Weibull函数模拟了章古台沙地樟子松人工林的直径分布规律 .结果表明 ,反 Weibull分布函数模拟樟子松人工林的直径分布效果好 ,具有精度高、适应性强等特点 .分别建立了反 Weibull分布函数 3个参数与林分年龄及密度之间的关系方程以及直径分布与 3个参数的回归方程 ,这些方程可用来预估林分产量、出材量以及评价经营效果  相似文献   

用PC-ORD 4.0软件对保护区内31个毛竹 (Phyllostachys pubescens)林样方进行聚类分析,把毛竹林划分成9类。利用保护区1980年航空相片、1998年和2000年Landsat TM卫星影像,并结合保护区森林资源调查资料,绘制武夷山保护区毛竹林分布图。利用保护区1:50000的地形图数字化100 m等高距生成数字高程模型 (DEM),并从中获取海拔、坡向、坡度等地形参数,对毛竹林分布进行空间叠加分析。结果表明: 保护区内毛竹纯林和毛竹—甜槠 (Castanopsis eyrei)林面积最大,分别占毛竹林总面积的40.6%和20.3%。分析毛竹林与海拔的关系时得出,海拔500-700 m范围内毛竹林面积最大; 随着海拔升高,毛竹林面积逐渐减少, Shannon-Wiener指数 (H′)增加; 毛竹最大胸径减小。毛竹在东南坡和西北坡分布的面积比例最大。随着坡度的增加,毛竹分布的面积减少。  相似文献   

用PC-ORD4.0软件对保护区内31个毛竹(Phyllostachys pubescens)林样方进行聚类分析,把毛竹林划分成9类。利用保护区1980年航空相片、1998年和2000年Lnndsat TM卫星影像,并结合保护区森林资源调查资料,绘制武夷山保护区毛竹林分布图。利用保护区1:50000的地形图数字化100m等高距生成数字高程模型(DEM),并从中获取海拔、坡向、坡度等地形参数,对毛竹林分布进行空间叠加分析。结果表明:保护区内毛竹纯林和毛竹一甜槠(Gastanopsis eyrei)林面积最大,分别占毛竹林总面积的40.6%和20.3%。分析毛竹林与海拔的关系时得出,海拔500-700m范围内毛竹林面积最大;随着海拔升高,毛竹林面积逐渐减少,Shannon-Wiener指数(H‘)增加;毛竹最大胸径减小。毛竹在东南坡和西北坡分布的面积比例最大。随着坡度的增加,毛竹分布的面积减少。  相似文献   

澄清毛竹(Phyllostachys edulis)生物量与胸径之间的异速生长关系及毛竹林生物量密度与叶面积指数之间的关系有助于准确估算毛竹林生物量。本文结合异速生长关系和地统计方法对中尺度毛竹林生物量进行估算。利用收获法在武夷山南麓毛竹林分布区砍伐103棵标准竹,并用冠层分析仪获取毛竹林叶面积指数,建立毛竹生物量与胸径、林分生物量密度与叶面积指数的异速生长关系;再利用地统计方法对黄坑镇毛竹林生物量的空间分布进行模拟。结果表明:武夷山南麓毛竹单株生物量与胸径之间存在明显的幂函数关系(R~2=0.585,P=0.002);毛竹林生物量密度与叶面积指数间也存在着显著的幂函数关系(R~2=0.525,P=0.002);利用建立的异速生长方程和地统计方法对黄坑镇毛竹林地上生物量的模拟结果表明,黄坑镇毛竹林平均地上生物量密度为53.49 t·hm~(-2),全镇毛竹林地上生物量约为0.62 Tg。  相似文献   

杜华强  孙晓艳    韩凝  毛方杰 《生态学杂志》2017,28(10):3163-3173
综合面向对象和CART决策树方法,对浙江省安吉县山川乡毛竹林分布信息及胸径、树高、郁闭度等调查因子和地上部分碳储量进行遥感定量估算.结果表明: 综合基于多尺度分割的对象特征及决策树,能够充分利用不同尺度层次信息关联的优势,实现毛竹林专题信息高精度提取,其用户精度达到89.1%;基于对象特征构建的毛竹林调查因子回归树估算模型,其估算结果均能达到正常或较好水平,其中,郁闭度回归树模型的精度最高为67.9%,估算效果较好;而平均胸径和树高估算的总精度相对较低,这与采用光学遥感数据进行森林树高、胸径估算达不到理想结果的结论一致;毛竹林地上部分碳储量回归树模型的估算结果较好,高值区域估算精度达到80%以上.  相似文献   

天目山近自然毛竹林空间结构与胸径的关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以浙江省天目山国家级自然保护区内的近自然毛竹林为研究对象,设置1块100m×100m的固定标准地,采用相邻网格调查法划分为100个调查单元,通过全站仪精确定位毛竹基部的三维坐标(X,Y,Z),利用角尺度、大小比数和年龄隔离度3个林分空间结构指数,并按毛竹胸径大小划分为Ⅰ(DBH7cm)、Ⅱ(7cm≤DBH13cm)、Ⅲ(DBH≥13cm)3个径级,分析近自然毛竹林空间结构与胸径的关系。结果表明:毛竹林直径结构呈右偏近似正态分布,与乔木同龄林直径结构较接近;Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ径级毛竹以及全林分的空间分布格局分别为聚集、随机、随机和随机,毛竹林角尺度随径阶的增加有减小的趋势,且服从幂函数关系,决定系数R2=0.7793,各径阶角尺度无显著性差异(P0.05);毛竹林整体处于中庸状态,胸径大小分化不明显,各径级毛竹优势度排序为ⅢⅡⅠ,毛竹林大小比数随径阶的增加而减小,与胸径呈线性关系,决定系数R2=0.9233,各径阶大小比数差异极显著(P0.01);毛竹林的平均年龄隔离度为0.8178,属强度至极强度异龄,各径级毛竹年龄隔离程度大小排序为ⅢⅡⅠ,毛竹林年龄隔离度随径阶的增大呈现逐渐递增的趋势,且服从幂函数关系,决定系数R2=0.6774,各径阶年龄隔离度差异极显著(P0.01)。  相似文献   

目的:克隆壳聚糖酶基因于大肠杆菌中实现高表达,制备壳寡糖。方法:以枯草芽孢杆菌总DNA为模板扩增壳聚糖酶基因(CSN),克隆至载体pET23a(+)上,转化菌株BL21(DE3)。重组子经0.5 mmol/L IPTG诱导后,SDS-PAGE和质谱检测与鉴定重组酶。酶纯化后水解壳聚糖,薄层色谱分析其水解产物。结果:质谱证明壳聚糖酶(31.5kDa)成功表达,表达量占菌体总蛋白的45%左右。纯化后重组酶浓度为900 mg/L,纯度95%、回收率85%,酶活力为10 000 U/mg。壳聚糖降解产物为壳二糖至壳四糖。结论:原核表达载体pET23a(+)-CSN构建正确,壳聚糖酶表达量与活性高,适用于水解壳聚糖制备壳寡糖。  相似文献   

国内外蝗害治理技术现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张龙 《昆虫知识》2011,48(4):804-810
本文首先概述了国内外蝗虫发生与为害的态势,总结了现阶段我国蝗虫发生与为害的主要特点:即农田飞蝗暴发频繁而且严重,草原土蝗的发生时常造成严重的经济损失,而且侵入城市干扰市民生活,我国与周边国家之间蝗虫过境迁移频繁,使用化学农药污染环境和农产品;分析了国内外蝗虫防治对策与技术的发展现状,重点介绍了应急防治和可持续治理对策、...  相似文献   

研究放牧对草地植物生理活动的影响,对于揭示草地放牧演替的生理机制有重要意义.大量研究表明,家畜放牧对牧草光合作用、呼吸作用以及C和N吸收与转运的影响,可以分为生理伤害和生理恢复2个阶段.放牧通过改变草地冠层结构影响牧草光合作用,净光合作用速率短期内迅速下降,随着叶面积指数增加又逐渐上升,呼吸作用有相似的变化趋势.牧草放牧后再生长所需的C和N最初主要来自根系和留茬中的贮藏物质,此后随着牧草生长恢复逐渐由同化作用供给,C代谢与土壤N水平负相关.放牧后牧草生理活动变化与牧草遗传特性、种间竞争、家畜放牧特征、非生物环境等因素密切相关.  相似文献   

N -substituted phenothiazines (PTs) and phenoxazines (POs) catalyzed by fungal Coprinus cinereus peroxidase and Polyporus pinsitus laccase were investigated at pH 4–10. In the case of peroxidase, an apparent bimolecular rate constant (expressed as k cat/K m) varied from 1 ×107 M−1 s−1to 2.6×108 M−1 s−1 at pH 7.0. The constants for PO oxidation were higher in comparison to PT. pH dependence revealed two or three ionizable groups with pK a values of 4.9–5.7 and 7.7–9.7 that significantly affected the activity of peroxidase. Single-turnover experiments showed that the limiting step of PT oxidation was reduction of compound II and second-order rate constants were obtained which were consistent with the constants at steady-state conditions. Laccase-catalyzed PT and PO oxidation rates were lower; apparent bimolecular rate constants varied from 1.8×105 M−1 s−1 to 2.0×107 M−1 s−1 at pH 5.3. PO constants were higher in comparison to PT, as was the case with peroxidase. The dependence of the apparent bimolecular constants of compound II or copper type 1 reduction, in the case of peroxidase or laccase, respectively, was analyzed in the framework of the Marcus outer-sphere electron-transfer theory. Peroxidase-catalyzed reactions with PT, as well as PO, fitted the same hyperbolic dependence with a maximal oxidation rate of 1.6×108 M−1 s−1 and a reorganization energy of 0.30 eV. The respective parameters for laccase were 5.0×107 M−1 s−1 and 0.29 eV. Received: 20 September 1999 / Accepted: 24 February 2000  相似文献   

The nanomechanical properties of the coiled-coils of myosin are fundamentally important in understanding muscle assembly and contraction. Force spectra of single molecules of double-headed myosin, single-headed myosin, and coiled-coil tail fragments were acquired with an atomic force microscope and displayed characteristic triphasic force-distance responses to stretch: a rise phase (R) and a plateau phase (P) and an exponential phase (E). The R and P phases arise mainly from the stretching of the coiled-coils, with the hinge region being the main contributor to the rise phase at low force. Only the E phase was analyzable by the worm-like chain model of polymer elasticity. Restrained molecular mechanics simulations on an existing x-ray structure of scallop S2 yielded force spectra with either two or three phases, depending on the mode of stretch. It revealed that coiled-coil chains separate completely near the end of the P phase and the stretching of the unfolded chains gives rise to the E phase. Extensive conformational searching yielded a P phase force near 40 pN that agreed well with the experimental value. We suggest that the flexible and elastic S2 region, particularly the hinge region, may undergo force-induced unfolding and extend reversibly during actomyosin powerstroke.  相似文献   

3-O-Carboxymethylcoumestrol was prepared as the hapten for immunoassay by a partial alkylation of coumestrol with ethyl chloroacetate in acetone alkalized with potassium carbonate. 3-O-Ethoxycarbonylmethylcoumestrol was separated by column chromatography and finally was hydrolyzed with formic acid. 1H and 13C NMR data (APT, COSY, HMQC, and HMBC) revealed that the reaction was regioselective, as 3-O-ethoxycarboxymethylcoumestrol was the only monosubstituted derivative. The hapten was then conjugated to bovine serum albumin and used for immunization of rabbits. A radioimmunoassay (RIA) system was established based on the polyclonal antiserum and a 125I-labeled hapten-tyrosine methyl ester conjugate as the radioligand. Parameters of the RIA: sensitivity: 12 pg per tube, 50% intercept: 140 pg per tube, working range: 20-4000 pg per tube. The cross-reactivity of a panel isoflavonoid and lignan phytoestrogens was either negligible (e.g. formononetin 0.07%; biochanin A 0.06%) or not detectable at all. The major immunoreactive peak in HPLC fractions from an alfalfa extract had the same retention time as coumestrol standard and represented 94.8% of the signal. The remaining 5.2% of immunoreactivity was distributed between five minor peaks. We conclude that after the validation for particular matrices, the method will be a useful tool for analysis of coumestrol, especially in low volume and low concentration samples.  相似文献   

Among tetrapods, evidence for postrenal modification of the urine by the distal digestive tract (including the colon and cloaca) is highly variable. Birds and bladderless reptiles are of interest because the colon and cloaca represent the only sites from which water and ions can be reclaimed from the urine secreted by the kidney. For animals occupying desiccating environments (e.g., deserts and marine environments), postrenal modification of the urine may directly contribute to the maintenance of hypo‐osmotic body fluids. We compared the morphology and distribution of key proteins in the colon, cloaca, and urogenital ducts of watersnakes from marine (Nerodia clarkii clarkii) and freshwater (Nerodia fasciata) habitats. Specifically, we examined the epithelia of each tissue for evidence of mucus production by examining the distribution of mucopolysaccharides, and for evidence of water/ion regulation by examining the distribution of Na+/K+‐ATPase (NKA), Na+/K+/Cl? cotransporter (NKCC), and aquaporin 3 (AQP3). NKCC localized to the basolateral epithelium of the colon, urodeal sphincter, and proctodeum, consistent with a role in secretion of Na+, Cl?, and K+ from the tissue, but NKA was not detected in the colon or any compartment of the cloaca. Interestingly, NKA was detected in the basolateral epithelium of the ureters, suggesting the urothelium may play a role in active ion transport. AQP3 was detected in the ureters and coprodeal complex, consistent with a role in urinary and fecal dehydration or, potentially, in the production of the watery component of the mucus secreted by the coprodeal complex. Since no differences in general cloacal morphology, production of mucus, or the distribution of ion transporters/water channels were detected between the two species, cloacal osmoregulation may either be regulated by proteins not examined in this study or may not be responsible for the differential success of N. c. clarkii and N. fasciata in marine habitats. J. Morphol. 2011. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

以白术(Atractylodes macrooephala Koidz.)二倍体组培苗为材料,对其四倍体诱导方法进行研究,共获得45个白术同源四倍体株系,为优良株系的选育提供了材料。此外,还分析比较了其中8个白术四倍体株系与二倍体的过氧化物酶同工酶(POD)的酶谱差异,发现四倍体各株系过氧化物酶同工酶谱比二倍体的均多了Rf0.310的谱带,且总过氧化物酶比活力也发生了很大改变,对探讨白术四倍体优良株系的生理生化机理具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

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