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Leaves of the Princeton and a variegated clone of Coleus blumei Benth. were examined with the light microscope to determine the course of their vasculature and the spatial relationship between the mesophyll, bundle sheath, and vascular tissues. In Princeton clone leaves two leaf traces enter the petiole at the node and quickly branch to form an arc of bundles which undergo further divisions as well as fusions in the distal half of the petiole. The anastomosing arc of bundles reaches its greatest complexity in the base of the midvein, where its lateral-most bundles unite and diverge outward to form secondary veins. As the midvein bundles continue acropetally, they gradually fuse more and divide less until only a single bundle remains, from which secondaries and smaller veins branch. Major (ribbed) veins include not only the midvein and secondaries but also tertiary and quaternary veins. Decreasing vein size is accompanied by increasing direct contact between vascular and photosynthetic tissues. Minor veins, which make up 86% of the total vein length, are completely surrounded by photosynthetic bundle sheaths and mesophyll consisting of palisade and spongy parenchyma. Statoliths occur in a layer of cells just outside the phloem of the petiole-midrib axis and secondary veins. Functional hydathodes are present at the apices of the marginal teeth. The overall organization of tissues in variegated leaves differs little in either the green or albuminous areas from corresponding (but always green) regions of Princeton leaves. Chloroplasts are lacking in mesophyll, bundle-sheath, and most guard cells of the albuminous region but are present in guard cells which are within 1 mm of green areas.  相似文献   

Mature field- and growth-chamber-grown leaves of Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh. were examined with light and scanning electron microscopes to determine their vasculature and the spatial relationships of the various orders of vascular bundles to the mesophyll. Three leaf traces, one median and two lateral, enter the petiole at the node. Progressing acropetally in the petiole these bundles are rearranged and gradually form as many as 13 tiers of vascular tissue in the petiole at the base of the lamina. (Most leaves contained seven vertically stacked tiers.) During their course through the midrib the tiers “unstack” and portions diverge outward and continue as secondary veins toward the margin on either side of the lamina. As the midvein approaches the leaf tip it is represented by a single vascular bundle which is a continuation of the original median bundle. Tertiary veins arise from the secondary veins or the midvein, and minor veins commonly arise from all orders of veins. All major veins–primaries, secondaries, intersecondaries, and tertiaries–are associated with rib tissue, while minor veins are completely surrounded by a parenchymatous bundle sheath. The bundle sheaths of tertiary, quaternary, and portions of quinternary veins are associated with bundle-sheath extensions. Minor veins are closely associated spatially with both ad- and abaxial palisade parenchyma of the isolateral leaf and also with one or two layers of paraveinal mesophyll that extend horizontally between the veins. The leaves of growth-chamber-grown plants had thinner blades, a higher proportion of air space, and greater interveinal distances than those of field-grown plants.  相似文献   

The leaf and stem of the potato plant (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Russet Burbank) were studied by light microscopy to determine their morphology and vasculature; scanning electron microscopy provided supplemental information on the leaf's morphology. The morphology of the basal leaves of the potato shoot is quite variable, ranging from simple to pinnately compound. The upper leaves of the shoot are more uniform, being odd pinnate with three major pairs of lateral leaflets and a number of folioles. The primary vascular system of the stem is comprised of six bundles, three large and three small ones. The three large bundles form a highly interconnected system through a repeated series of branchings and arch-producing mergers. Two of the three large bundles give rise to short, lateral leaf traces at each node. Each of the small bundles in the stem is actually a median leaf trace which extends three internodes before diverging into a leaf. The three leaf traces enter the petiole through a single gap; thus the nodel anatomy is three-trace unilacunar. Upon entering the petiole, each of the laterals splits into an upper and a lower lateral. Whereas the upper laterals diverge entirely into the first pair of leaflets, the lower laterals feed all of the lateral leaflets through a series of bifurcations. Prior to their entering the terminal leaflet, the lower laterals converge on the median bundle to form a single vascular crescent which progresses acropetally into the terminal leaflet as the midvein, or primary vein. In the midrib, portions of the midvein diverge outward and continue as secondaries to the margin on either side of the lamina. Near the tip of the terminal leaflet, the midvein consists of a single vascular bundle which is a continuation of the median bundle. Six to seven orders of veins occur in the terminal leaflet.  相似文献   

The topologic arrangement of petiolar bundles varies within the length of the cottonwood petiole. Each petiolar bundle is formed by the subdivision and aggregation of acropetally differentiating subsidiary bundles in a predictable pattern. The subsidiary bundles provide vascular continuity between the stem and specific portions of the leaf lamina. Spot-labeling of individual veins with 14CO2, freeze substitution, and microautoradiography were used to establish the relation between the secondary veins of the lamina and the vasculature of the petiole. Within the petiole vasculature each subsidiary bundle was continuous with a specific portion of the lamina and seemed to have a separate function. Subsidiary bundles continuous with the central leaf trace were closely related functionally to the tip region of the lamina, while the subsidiary bundles continuous with the lateral leaf traces were functionally related to the middle and basal portions of the lamina.  相似文献   

Development of the Populus leaf is presented as a model system to illustrate the sequence of events that occur during the sink to source transition. A Populus leaf is served by three leaf traces, each of which consists of an original procambial trace bundle that differentiates acropetally and continuously from more mature procambium in the stem and a complement of subsidiary bundles that differentiates bidirectionally from a leaf basal meristem. During development these subsidiary bundles maintain continuity through the meristematic region of the node. The basipetally developing subsidiary bunles form phloem bridges that serve to integrate adjacent leaf traces of the stem vasculature. Distal to the node the acropetally developing bundles from all three leaf traces are reoriented in a precise and orderly sequence to form tiers of petiolar bundles. These tiers of bundles extend into the midrib where bundles diverge at intervals as the major lateral veins. The dorsal-most tier of bundles extends to the lamina tip and each successive tier of bundles contributes to lateral veins situated more proximally in the lamina. Although the midrib and the major vein system differentiate acropetally in the lamina, they mature basipetally. Maturation of the mesophyll and other lamina tissues also mature basipetally. As a consequence of the basi-petal maturation process, the lamina tip matures very early and begins exporting photosynthates while the lamina base is still importing from other leaves. The transition of a leaf from sink to source status must therefore be considered as a progression of structural and functional events that occur in synchrony.  相似文献   

In this brief review an attempt has been made to discuss some of the important features of the vascular anatomy of angiospermous leaves, especially those related to assimilate transport. Accordingly, emphasis has been placed on the small or minor veins, which are closely related spatially to the mesophyll, and which play a major role in the uptake and subsequent transport of photosynthates from the leaf. The small veins are enclosed by bundle sheaths that intervene between the mesophyll and vascular tissues and greatly increase the area for contact with mesophyll cells. In the minor veins of dicotyledonous leaves, parenchymatic cells having organelle-rich protoplasts and numerous cytoplasmic connections with sieve elements dominate quantitatively. It is these so-called intermediary cells that apparently are directly involved with the loading of assimilates into the sieve elements. In the maize leaf the small and intermediate bundles have two types of sieve tubes, relatively thin-walled ones that have numerous cytoplasmic connections with companion cells, and thick-walled ones that lack companion cells but have numerous connections with vascular parenchyma cells. The companion cell-sieve tube complexes are virtually isolated symplastically from other cells of the vascular bundle and from the bundle sheath. Thick-walled sieve tubes similar to those in the maize leaf have been recorded in the leaves of other grasses.  相似文献   

The ontogeny of the major venation in the lamina of Populus deltoides Bartr. leaves was investigated in relation to the development of original procambial bundles, subsidiary bundles, and their derivatives. Serial sections and clearings were used to show that the midrib region is a composite structure consisting of several independent vascular bundles, each of which eventually diverges into the lamina to become a secondary vein. The sequence of events in the ontogeny of major secondary veins is: (1) an original procambial strand develops acropetally and becomes the precursor of the first vascular bundle of the midrib region of the lamina, (2) ground tissue at the forefront of acropetally developing subsidiary procambial bundles differentiates in a wavelike continuum; meristematic regions precede the acropetally developing procambial bundles, (3) discrete subsidiary bundles differentiate in the meristematic regions as they advance acropetally, (4) subsidiary bundles diverge obliquely in the lamina margin giving rise to the secondary veins in a basipetal fashion, and (5) subsequent differentiation and maturation of the secondary veins occurs within the lamina. The original procambial bundles and first-formed subsidiary bundles become the secondary veins of the uppermost portions of the lamina, the next-formed subsidiary bundles become the secondary veins of the middle portions of the lamina, and the last-formed subsidiary bundles become the secondary veins of the lowermost portion of the lamina.  相似文献   

A A Jeje 《Biorheology》1985,22(4):285-302
The relationships between the geometric characteristics of, the local flow rates of xylem sap in, and relative pressures in the reticulate anastomosing vascular network of dicotyledonous leaves of Populus Balsamifera L. are reported. The conducting channels of cellulosic microcapillaries are covered by sheaths of chloroplast free cells through the walls of which water withdrawn from vascular bundles percolates to reach evaporation sites. Along the mid-rib and branch generations, the population and cross-section areas of the microcapillaries decrease with distance but not in a monotonic manner. Lateral withdrawal rates from the veins were highest at the base of the leaf lamina. More than 50% of the inlet stream had dispersed out of the conduits within the first 25% of the leaf lamina area from the petiole junction. Absolute values of pressure gradients generally decreased in the apical direction along the vein.  相似文献   

The vascular system of the leaf of Populus deltoides Bartr. ex Marsh, was examined quantitatively, and plasmolytic studies were carried out to determine the solute concentrations of sieve-tube members at various locations in the leaf. Both the total number and total crosssectional area of each cell type decreases with decreasing vein size. Although the proportion of phloem occupied by sieve tubes varies considerably from location to location, a linear relationship exists between cross-sectional area of the vascular bundles and both total and mean cross-sectional area of sieve tubes. Collectively, the cross-sectional area of all tertiary and minor veins feeding into a secondary exceeds the total cross-sectional area of sieve tubes at the base of that secondary. Moreover, the total volume of sieve tubes in the “catchment area” of a secondary vein is much greater than the total sieve tube volume of the secondary itself. Both tracheary elements and sieve-tube members undergo a reduction in both total and mean crosssectional area in the constricted zone at the base of the leaf. The plasmolytic studies revealed the presence of positive concentration gradients in sieve tubes of the lamina from the minor veins and tips of the secondaries to the bases of the secondaries and their associated subjacent midvein bundles and from the upper to lower portions of the median bundle of the midvein.  相似文献   

Leaves of Gleditsia triacanthos L. are served by three leaf traces that subdivide in the node to produce subsidiary bundles. The subsidiary bundles differentiate basipetally in the stem and acropetally in the petiole using the original leaf trace bundles (those that developed acropetally) as templates for their development. Within the pulvinus, the acropetal bundle components merge to form the rachis vasculature consisting of a semicircular arc and a ventral chord; several small bundles diverge to form ventral ridge bundles. Mixing of bundles occurs during vascularization of the lateral rachillae axes. Each diverging rachilla axis receives bundles from the semicircular arc, the ventral chord, and a ridge bundle in a relatively reproducible and predictable pattern. During this process the main rachis vasculature is gradually depleted, but the ridge bundles are reconstituted following divergence of each rachilla pair. The distal rachilla pair is vascularized by a bilateral partitioning of the entire rachis vasculature; a remnant of the central leaf trace terminates in a subulate terminal appendage. Vascularization of the bipinnate G. triacanthos leaf is compared to that of the simple Populus deltoides leaf.  相似文献   

The vascular system of the leaf of Amaranthus retroflexus L. was examined quantitatively, and plasmolytic studies were carried out on it to determine the solute concentration in cells of the phloem at various locations in the leaf. The proportion of phloem occupied by sieve tubes varies considerably with vein size and leaf size. Collectively, the cross-sectional area of sieve tubes of all tributaries at their points of entry into either a secondary or midvein far exceeds the total cross-sectional area of sieve tubes at the bases of those major veins. In addition, the total volume of sieve tubes in the “catchment area” of a secondary vein is much greater than total sieve-tube volume of the secondary vein itself. The plasmolytic studies revealed the presence of positive concentration gradients in the sieve tubes of the lamina from the minor veins and tips of the secondaries to the bases of the secondaries and from the tip to the base of the midvein. The C50 (the estimated mannitol concentration plasmolyzing, on the average, 50% of the sieve-tube members) was 1.5 m for minor veins and tips of secondary veins and 1.1 m for the bases of secondaries; 1.3 m for the tip of the midvein and 0.6-0.7 m for the midvein in the basal third of the lamina.  相似文献   

大叶冬青、枸骨叶的结构与苦丁茶基本相似:背腹叶;栅栏组织数层;外韧维管束;小维管束具维管束鞘;气孔仅分布于下表皮,有无规则型和轮列型两种;叶内有纤维、石细胞。叶内都含有单宁、淀粉、脂类及少量草酸钙结晶。叶结构主要区别在于苦丁茶叶主脉维管束成心形的环,另两种呈弧形;枸骨叶缘有横跨叶断面的大纤维束,而另两种叶缘仅少量纤维。  相似文献   

The patterns of initiation and early development of the minor and major veins in the flat portion of the leaf blade of maize (Zea mays L.) follow similar patterns. The veins and their associated bundle sheath cells commonly arise from cell assemblages derived from a single cell lineage, or longitudinal file of cells, rather than from two “half vein units” derived from different cell lineages. In addition, apparently, none of the vascular cells derived from the procambium is directly related ontogenetically to a bundle sheath cell. In veins derived from larger cell assemblages, the lateral bundle sheath cells are more closely related ontogenetically to the mesophyll cells, which are derived from the ground meristem, than to the vascular cells, which are derived from procambium. The bundle sheath cells, accordingly, are interpreted as being ground meristem in origin.  相似文献   

Microautoradiography was used to follow the translocation pathways of 14C-labeled photosynthate from mature source leaves, through the stem, to immature sink leaves three nodes above. Translocation occurred in specific bundles of the midveins and petioles of both the source and sink leaves and in the interjacent internodes. When each of six major veins in the lamina of an exporting leaf was independently spot-fed 14CO2, label was exported through specific bundles in the petiole associated with that vein. When the whole lamina of a mature source leaf was fed 14CO2, export occurred through all bundles of the lamina, but acropetal export in the stem was confined to bundles serving certain immature sink leaves. Cross-transfer occurred within the stem via phloem bridges. Leaves approaching maturity translocated photosynthate bidirectionally in adjacent subsidiary bundles of the petiole. That is, petiolar bundles serving the lamina apex were exporting unlabeled photosynthate while those serving the lamina base were simultaneously importing labeled photosynthate. The petioles and midveins of maturing leaves were strong sinks for photosynthate, which was diverted from the export front to differentiating structural tissues. The data support the idea of bidirectional transport in adjacent bundles of the petiole and possibly in adjacent sieve tubes within an individual bundle.Abbreviations C central leaf trace - L left leaf trace - LPI leaf plastochron index - R right leaf trace  相似文献   

Leaf structure and translocation in sugar beet   总被引:17,自引:12,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Anatomical and ultrastructural details of a translocating 10-cm leaf of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L. var. Klein Wanzleben) were correlated with translocation rate data. The minor veins were found to be 13 times as extensive as the major veins and measure 70 cm/cm2 leaf lamina. Measurements disclosed that a 33-μ length of minor vein services 29 mesophyll cells with the result that translocate moves an average of 73 μ or 2.2 cell diameters during transport from mesophyll cells to a minor vein. High-resolution, freeze-dry autoradiography revealed that assimilates accumulate in organelle-rich cells of the minor vein phloem. Correlation of phloem volume and loading rate for minor veins yielded an uptake rate of 735 μmoles of sucrose per g fresh weight of phloem. The arrangement and structural features of minor veins appeared to be consistent with the concept that vein loading precedes translocation.  相似文献   

Typical salt stress symptoms appear in banana ( Musa sp., cv. 'Grand Nain' AAA) only along the leaf margins. Mineral analysis of the dry matter of plants treated with increasing concentrations of KCl or NaCl revealed significant accumulation of Na+, but not of K+ or Cl-, in the affected leaf margins. The differential distribution of the three ions suggests that water and ion movement out of the xylem is mostly symplastic and, in contrast to K+ and Cl-, there exists considerable resistance to the flow of Na+ from the xylem to the adjacent mesophyll and epidermis. The parallel veins of the lamina are enclosed by several layers of bundle sheath parenchyma; in contrast, the large vascular bundle that encircles the entire lamina, and into which the parallel veins merge, lacks a complete bundle sheath. Xylem sap containing a high concentration of Na+ is 'pulled' by water tension from the marginal vein back into the adjacent mesophyll without having to cross a layer of parenchyma tissue. When the marginal vein was dissected from the lamina, the pattern of Na+ distribution in the margins changed markedly. The distinct anatomy of the marginal vein plays a major role in the accumulation of Na+ in the margins, with the latter serving as a 'dumping site' for toxic molecules.  相似文献   

为了从显微结构上进一步探讨虉草(Phalaris arundinacea L.)的抗旱耐涝性及与利用的关系,于2011年采用常规石蜡切片技术,对其根、茎叶3种营养器官进行解剖观察。结果表明,虉草根的结构自外而内依次为表皮、皮层、维管束鞘、初生韧皮部和初生木质部;茎由表皮、基本组织和维管束构成;叶片内部结构可分为表皮、叶肉和叶脉3部分。根皮层大的细胞间隙和气腔,初生木质部的后生大导管和茎基本组织解体形成的髓腔都是虉草良好的通气组织,是其耐水淹的主要显微特征。茎、叶片角质化的表皮和叶表皮所含的丰富泡状细胞组是虉草具有抗旱性的主要解剖结构特征。叶肉细胞排列紧密且只有少量气孔分布于叶片下表皮,这样的结构可减少蒸腾;叶肉细胞富含叶绿体,增强光合作用,获得更多的同化产物,确保了植株在干旱条件下也有足够的光合产物来维持正常的生理活动。茎、叶维管束部分大量的木纤维起到支撑作用。虉草根的皮层和维管柱部分、茎的基本组织和维管束部分、叶的叶脉部分都含有大面积的厚壁细胞,厚壁细胞中含有丰富的粗纤维和木质素。丰富的粗纤维、木质素等成分则是虉草能成为新能源燃料植物的必备条件。  相似文献   

青藏高原草地植物叶解剖特征   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6  
运用常规石蜡制片技术对我国青藏高原66种草地植物优势种的叶解剖特征进行研究,并分析了叶解剖特征与海拔、生长季降水及生长季均温之间的关系.结果表明:青藏高原草地植物叶片具有很多适应高寒环境的结构特征,如表皮层厚且表皮细胞大小差异显著,表皮毛等表皮附属物发达,异细胞丰富,通气组织普遍发达等;叶片各组成部分厚度的变异程度不同,其中海绵组织厚度变异最大,其次为上角质层、下表皮层、下角质层、上表皮层、栅栏组织,叶片厚度的变异最小;青藏高原草地植物叶片各组成部分的厚度存在协同进化,上下角质层厚度呈强烈正相关,海绵组织厚度与叶片厚度相关性最强;青藏高原草地植物叶片各组成部分的厚度与海拔、生长季降水、生长季均温3个重要环境变量呈较弱的相关性,总体表现为随海拔升高叶片各组成部分的厚度减小,而随生长季降水和生长季均温的增加叶片厚度增加.  相似文献   

A study of leaf anatomy of 24 genera of Cunoniaceae was made. The prevailing petiole vasculature is a nearly complete, usually adaxially flattened, medullated cylinder with the flat dorsal segment separated from the ventral arc. Medullary and cortical vasculation in Codia, Cunonia, Geissois and Pancheria is correlated with an increase in leaf coriaceousness. Very few characters are uniformly found in leaves of all species; these are druse or prismatic crystals, bifacial mesophyll and unicellular and simple trichomes. In most species vein sheathing occurs. Characters of the lamina that show variation and are useful in generic delimitation are: trichome type, presence of a hypodermis, occurrence of mucilaginous cells, presence of specialized terminal veinlet cells, major and higher order venation patterns, vein sheathing type, and mature stomatal types. Stomata are of the anomocytic, paracytic or anisocytic types. Leaves of various cunoniaceous species of xerophytic environments exhibit a leathery texture, thicker cuticle, more intensive sclerification along the veins, a sclerified hypodermis, and an increase in the amount of vascular tissue per unit area. Leaf anatomy does not provide immediate clues toward elucidating the relationships of cunoniaceous genera.  相似文献   

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