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胡相明  程积民  万惠娥  赵艳云 《生态学报》2006,26(10):3276-3285
在黄土丘陵区,地形因素和土壤水分是决定草地景观格局的主要因素,同时草地景观格局在不同尺度上影响着景观中的流.地形因素、土壤水分和草地结构在不同尺度上有着密切的联系,研究它们之间的关系对于了解生态系统的过程十分重要.针对黄土高原异质化的草地群落结构,选取黄土丘陵区经过20多年自然封育形成的天然草地,从坡面尺度对景观格局进行了调查研究,在地形因素、土壤水分和草地结构中选取了有代表性的指标14个,用多元统计分析对选取的指标进行了主成分分析和聚类分析.聚类分析将样方分成3种植被类型,不同植被类型的海拔、坡度、20~140cm土壤含水量以及物种丰富度和生物多样性存在显著性差异.相关分析表明:海拔对0~300cm土壤含水量影响显著;海拔对草地群落盖度,坡位、坡向对草地群落的物种丰富度和生物多样性有着重要影响;而草地群落的物种丰富度和生物多样性与0~100cm土层的含水量关系密切.  相似文献   

基于中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所在木论国家级自然保护区借鉴CTFS标准建立的2hm2喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶混交林动态监测样地(50个20m×20m样方),选取代表木本植物群落、土壤性质和地形因子的22个指标,对其总体特征及三者之间的相互关系进行了经典统计分析、主成分分析、聚类分析与典型相关分析。结果表明,喀斯特常绿落叶阔叶混交林生态系统的景观异质性强、土壤养分含量高、物种丰富且结构合理,除海拔、Simpson指数、均匀度、pH之外的18个指标均呈中、强变异;综合土壤因子是影响生态系统的主要因子群,其次是综合群落多样性因子和结构性因子,综合地形因子的作用相对较弱;4种不同类型真实而直观地表征了群落类型、土壤肥力和地形的差异,相对优化的第3种类型主要分布在海拔较高、裸石率较大、坡度较高的阴坡中上部;植被、土壤、地形两两之间均存在着较高的相关性,植被与土壤因子之间,有机质、氮、磷起较大的作用,主要影响群落结构,植被和地形之间,坡向和岩石裸露率影响群落结构和物种丰富度,而坡向和坡位直接导致了土壤有机质、全氮、有效磷和pH的变化。  相似文献   

研究了旅游干扰下滇西北高原碧塔海和属都湖湖滨湿地植被和土壤变化特征. 结果表明: 采用TWINSPAN分类方法将22个典型湿地样点划分为原生湿地、轻度退化、中度退化和重度退化4个类型.沿退化梯度,碧塔海和属都湖湿地植物群落的密度、盖度、物种数、Shannon多样性指数增大,植被高度下降,碧塔海湿地植物群落的Whittaker多样性指数增大;碧塔海湿地植物物种数、土壤有机质、全氮、孔隙度、速效氮、速效磷、速效钾含量低于属都湖湿地,群落密度、高度、土壤全钾、pH值变化规律则相反.利用42种植物的重要值和11个土壤理化指标进行典范对应分析,发现土壤有机质、全钾、全氮等养分含量是影响旅游干扰下碧塔海和属都湖湖滨湿地植物物种分布的关键因素. TWINSPAN分类和植被-土壤变化特征分析表明,旅游干扰对碧塔海湿地的影响比属都湖湖滨湿地更大.  相似文献   

宁夏东部风沙区荒漠草原植物群落物种多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过野外植被调查,研究了宁夏东部风沙区荒漠草原植物群落组成与结构、物种多样性变化;采用典范对应分析(CCA)对植物群落分布与土壤性状关系进行了分析。结果表明:(1)风沙区荒漠草原物种较为单一,多集中在6~13种;不同群落类型间地上生物量和盖度差异显著;群落内竞争性较弱的物种减少,优势种具有较高的重要值。(2)群落间物种多样性差异显著,但变化趋势并不一致;物种多样性指数与丰富度指数、均匀度指数的相关系数分别为0.975 7和0.880 2,而与优势度指数相关系数为-0.519 8。(3)CCA结果表明,土壤含水率、有机质以及氮磷钾含量较高、容重小时,植物物种相对丰富;对群落分布影响较大的环境因子是土壤水分、容重和土壤有机质,相关系数分别为-0.742 8、0.683 8、0.532 9,物种和群落二者在CCA排序轴相关性较大的土壤因子较为一致。研究认为,宁夏东部风沙区荒漠草原植物优势种在群落中的地位明显,物种丰富度对植物多样性的影响大于均匀度,土壤水分是影响该区草原植物群落分布的决定性环境因子。  相似文献   

岷江干旱河谷灌丛α多样性分析   总被引:30,自引:13,他引:17  
通过对岷江干旱河谷植被及其环境因子的系统取样调查 ,研究了该地区植物群落的α多样性及其与环境因子的关系。土壤、植被、地形三者之间的典范相关分析结果表明 ,三者两两之间均存在着较高的相关性。土壤因子与地形因子之间 ,海拔和坡向起较大的作用 ,主要影响土壤中的全氮、有机质和土壤含水量 ;地形因子和植被之间 ,海拔和坡向影响灌木层的多样性和盖度 ;植被和土壤因子之间 ,土壤中的全氮量、有机质和土壤含水量影响灌木层的盖度和多样性。随着海拔的增加 ,草本和灌木群落的多样性都呈现出先增加后减小而后又增加的趋势 ,草本层的α多样性明显高于灌木层的α多样性 ,草本层和灌木层均在14 0 0~ 16 0 0 m和 2 0 0 0~ 2 2 0 0 m两个海拔段有较高的α多样性 ;华帚菊 -小黄素馨灌丛、金花小檗 -忍冬灌丛、绣线菊灌丛有着较高的多样性 ,西南野丁香灌丛、莸灌丛、小马鞍羊蹄甲 -白刺花灌丛的群落多样性较低 ;样带的多样性 ,灌木层 :样带 3>样带 1>样带 2 ,草本层 :样带 1>样带 3>样带 2 ;不同坡向的多样性 ,灌木层 :阴坡 >半阴半阳坡 >阳坡 ,草本层 :半阴半阳坡 >阴坡 >阳坡 ;不同坡形上的多样性 ,无论是灌木层还是草本层 ,多样性大小为凹坡 >平坡 >凸坡 ;灌木层和草本层在不同坡位上的多样性大小均为上  相似文献   

选取雾灵山自然保护区莲花池至燕山主峰段盘山公路周边的植被为对象,调查分析了公路建设对沿线植被组成、盖度、密度、生物量的影响。结果表明:1)公路干扰作用下,公路沿线乔木数量减少,但出现不同种类的幼龄乔木;草本植物群落生物量较高,物种丰富度指数、多样性指数较高。2)随样地与路肩距离的增加,草本与灌木层植物群落的生物多样性逐渐降低,乔木层植物群落的密度、高度、胸径均有所增加;距离路肩30m以上时,灌草植物群落组成趋向稳定;距离路肩150m以上时,乔木层植物群落结构趋于稳定。3)公路对植被的干扰作用包括正负2种,乔木层主要受负干扰影响,灌木和草本层主要受正干扰影响,且灌草植物群落所受的干扰作用大于乔木植物群落。4)公路干扰对于边坡上、下区域植被群落物种丰富度影响强度不同,对上边坡植物群落的影响大于下边坡植物群落。  相似文献   

历山自然保护区森林群落的典范主分量分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
典范主分量分析是结合环境因子数据的排序方法,能够有效地研究植物群落与环境间的关系.本文应用其对山西历山自然保护区森林群落与环境的关系进行了研究,结果表明它的双序排序图较好地描述了群落与环境的生态关系.海拔高度等地形因子是影响历山森林植被分布的主要因素,土壤有机质、N、P、Cu、Mn、Zn等对植被也有明显影响。  相似文献   

基于喀斯特峰丛洼地草丛、灌丛、次生林、原生林4个生态系统24个样地(20 m × 20 m)的系统取样调查, 研究了喀斯特峰丛洼地不同生态系统群落的结构组成与生物多样性特征, 选取代表植物群落和土壤性质的35个指标, 对不同生态系统及整个喀斯特脆弱生态系统植物群落与土壤主要养分、土壤矿质养分和土壤微生物间的相互关系进行了主成分分析与典范相关分析。结果表明: 沿草丛、灌丛、次生林、原生林的顺向演替发展, 重要值(importance value, IV)>10.00的科、属、种及物种多样性最大值出现在次生林, 群落结构最佳值出现在顶级群落原生林; 喀斯特峰丛洼地景观异质性高, 各生态系统影响因子不同, 土壤微生物在喀斯特脆弱生态系统处于主导地位, 其次为灌丛; 不同集团因子的典范相关分析表明, 植物多样性指标与土壤氮素、Al2O3、Fe2O3、土壤微生物生物量碳(Cmic)、真菌和细菌关系密切。因此, 在喀斯特脆弱生态系统恢复与重建过程中, 应针对不同生态系统制定相应的培育管理措施。  相似文献   

红花尔基地区沙地樟子松群落及其与环境关系研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
通过野外调查,采用双向指示种分类(TWINSPAN)和除趋势典范对应分析(DCCA)方法。对内蒙古红花尔基地区沙地樟子松群落进行了分类和排序,并根据DCCA排序结果对樟子松群落和物种空间分布格局及其与环境因子之间关系进行定量分析。结果表明,应用TWINSPAN方法将该区沙地樟子松植被划分为6个类型。DCCA分析表明,海拔高度、地貌类型、群落盖度、土壤总碳含量、土壤总氮含量、乔木胸面积等因子对植物群落和物种分布格局影响明显。在DCCA排序图上,樟子松群落及物种的空间分布呈明显的聚集格局,可划分出不同的类群,并反映与环境因子之间具有密切的关系。对各类环境因子解释植被分布格局的作用进行了定量分解,指出地形因素是解释作用最强的变量,对未能解释部分的原因进行了分析。  相似文献   

以广州市水源地流溪河二级支流的河岸带为研究对象,分析流域多尺度环境因子对河岸带土壤理化性质的影响,确定调控河岸带土壤理化性质的不同尺度景观因子,为河岸带管理和修复提供科学依据。结果表明,河岸带流域纵向尺度上的地形指数、坡度、海拔、土地利用类型等因子是影响土壤水分含量、土壤质地及p H的主要因素;河岸带横向断面尺度上距河边远近不同的景观位置及植被覆盖度因子是影响土壤可溶性有机碳、土壤硝态氮及土壤容重的主要因素;河岸带垂直剖面尺度上人为活动对土壤干扰强度大小、剖面根系分布情况及地下水位高低是影响土壤有机碳、总氮及铵态氮的主要因素。  相似文献   

 在样线调查基础上, 用半方差函数、分形维数、空间自相关等方法对青藏高原“黑土滩”次生毒杂草群落地上成体植株、幼苗空间的异质性, 二者物种构成的相似性及其尺度特征进行分析。结果表明, “黑土滩”次生毒杂草群落在较大尺度上地上成体植株物种数的空间依赖性强, 异质性高, 而个体密度则较均匀; 幼苗物种数在小尺度上空间异质性高, 幼苗密度在大尺度上空间异质性较高, 幼苗密度独立于其物种分布, 高密度的幼苗分布在微地形下和群落间隙中, “黑土滩”毒杂草植物幼苗充分利用空余生态位进行群落补充; “黑土滩”群落在不同尺度上地上成体植株与幼苗物种构成相似性变化的规律性不大; “黑土滩”群落幼苗靠其高密度特征完成群落更新, 植物群落幼苗更新力强, 导致“黑土滩”毒杂草群落趋于稳定。因此, 建议加强干扰以减弱“黑土滩”次生毒杂草群落稳定趋势, 这对恢复“黑土滩”具有重要指导意义。  相似文献   

Whether and how the roles of environmental factors in producing vegetation patterns in coastal marshes vary with spatial scale is not well understood. We investigated the relationship between plant communities and edaphic factors in the Yangtze estuary at three spatial scales. Plant communities and edaphic factors were quantified at high and low tidal levels in both freshwater and salt marshes. Canonical correspondence analyses were conducted to examine the relationship between plant communities and edaphic factors at the landscape scale (freshwater vs. salt marsh), the zonation scale (high vs. low tidal level) and the patch scale (dominant vs. other species). Soil salinity, moisture content, pH, bulk density, and organic carbon could well explain segregations of plants at the landscape and zonation scales. However, the same factors exhibited only very weak relationships to plant communities at the patch scale. These results suggest that plant communities in the Yangtze estuary are segregated at different spatial scales by different environmental factors. As spatial scale is often not explicitly addressed investigating community assembly rules, our study underscores the importance of scaling for an improved understanding of community organization in coastal wetlands.  相似文献   

We investigated butterfly responses to plot-level characteristics (plant species richness, vegetation height, and range in NDVI [normalized difference vegetation index]) and spatial heterogeneity in topography and landscape patterns (composition and configuration) at multiple spatial scales. Stratified random sampling was used to collect data on butterfly species richness from seventy-six 20 × 50 m plots. The plant species richness and average vegetation height data were collected from 76 modified-Whittaker plots overlaid on 76 butterfly plots. Spatial heterogeneity around sample plots was quantified by measuring topographic variables and landscape metrics at eight spatial extents (radii of 300, 600 to 2,400 m). The number of butterfly species recorded was strongly positively correlated with plant species richness, proportion of shrubland and mean patch size of shrubland. Patterns in butterfly species richness were negatively correlated with other variables including mean patch size, average vegetation height, elevation, and range in NDVI. The best predictive model selected using Akaike’s Information Criterion corrected for small sample size (AICc), explained 62% of the variation in butterfly species richness at the 2,100 m spatial extent. Average vegetation height and mean patch size were among the best predictors of butterfly species richness. The models that included plot-level information and topographic variables explained relatively less variation in butterfly species richness, and were improved significantly after including landscape metrics. Our results suggest that spatial heterogeneity greatly influences patterns in butterfly species richness, and that it should be explicitly considered in conservation and management actions.  相似文献   

We investigated the spatial structures of soil properties and snow-bed vegetation, and their relationships, in southern Italy. We analyzed data on 26 plant species and 10 soil traits from adjacent 1 × 1 m plots in two snow-bed patches. Measures of spatial autocorrelation revealed striking spatial structures for plant cover and soil properties at both sites. Bivariate statistics and Mantel tests highlighted a significant correlation between spatial patterns of plants and soil in the study sites. Canonical correspondence analysis related such relationships to an ecological gradient connecting soil properties and plant assemblages in this unusual ecological context. Among the variables significantly related to plant patterns is the soil organic matter, which is recognized as being sensitive to global warming. Our analyses suggest that soil dynamics due to increasing temperature may promote the replacement of species typical of southern snow-bed ecosystems by more mesophilous plants.  相似文献   

The relationships between cover and AGB for the dominant and widely distributed alpine grasslands on the northern Tibetan Plateau is still not fully examined. The objectives of this study are to answer the following question: (1) How does aboveground biomass (AGB) of alpine grassland relate to plant cover at different spatial scales? (2) What are the major biotic and abiotic factors influencing on AGB–cover relationship? A community survey (species, cover, height, and abundance) was conducted within 1 m × 1 m plots in 70 sites along a precipitation gradient of 50–600 m. Ordinary linear regression was employed to examine AGB–cover relationships of both community and species levels at regional scale of entire grassland and landscape scale of alpine meadow, alpine steppe, and desert steppe. Hierarchical partitioning was employed to estimate independent contributions of biotic and abiotic factors to AGB and cover at both scales. Partial correlation analyses were used to discriminate the effects of biotic and abiotic factors on AGB–cover relationships at two spatial scales. AGB and community cover both exponentially increased along the precipitation gradient. At community level, AGB was positively and linearly correlated with cover for all grasslands except for alpine meadow. AGB was also linearly correlated with cover of species level at both regional and landscape scales. Contributions of biotic and abiotic factors to the relationship between AGB and cover significantly depended on spatial scales. Cover of cushions, forbs, legumes and sedges, species richness, MAP, and soil bulk density were important factors that influenced the AGB–cover relationship at either regional or landscape scale. This study indicated generally positive and linear relationships between AGB and cover are at both regional and landscape scales. Spatial scale may affect ranges of cover and modify the contribution of cover to AGB. AGB–cover relationships were influenced mainly by species composition of different functional groups. Therefore, in deriving AGB patterns at different spatial scales, community composition should be considered to obtain acceptable accuracy.  相似文献   

Li G Q  Wang X A  Guo H  Zhu Z H 《农业工程》2008,28(6):2463-2471
This paper explores the relationships between environmental factors and community patterns. In 60 plots in the Malan Forest Region of the Loess Plateau, 17 variables were used as indicators of spatial position, soil and topography characteristics. Plant community types were analyzed by TWINSPAN (Two-way Indicator Species Analysis). Significant environmental factors were selected by forward selection and Monte Carlo tests. The relationship between communities and environmental factors was identified by DCCA (Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis). Partial CCA (Canonical Correspondence Analysis) partitioned observed compositional variation into components explained by environment, locality and covariation between them. The results showed that: (1) the plant communities can be divided into 13 types including 4 different successional stages. (2) Salt and alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen are the significant factors related to plant community distribution at early stage. Elevation and humus thickness are the significant factors in the transitional stage. Elevation, slope, aspect, thickness of forest floor, humus thickness and pH are the significant factors for the sub-climax stage. Elevation, slope, aspect, pH and available phosphorus are the significant factors for the climax stage. (3) The ecological characters and the distribution patterns of plant communities in different successional stages are consistent with environmental gradients. (4) As succession proceeds, the impact of environmental conditions on plant communities increases, while the total influence of spatial location, and the interaction between the spatial location and environmental factors decrease.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationships between environmental factors and community patterns. In 60 plots in the Malan Forest Region of the Loess Plateau, 17 variables were used as indicators of spatial position, soil and topography characteristics. Plant community types were analyzed by TWINSPAN (Two-way Indicator Species Analysis). Significant environmental factors were selected by forward selection and Monte Carlo tests. The relationship between communities and environmental factors was identified by DCCA (Detrended Canonical Correspondence Analysis). Partial CCA (Canonical Correspondence Analysis) partitioned observed compositional variation into components explained by environment, locality and covariation between them. The results showed that: (1) the plant communities can be divided into 13 types including 4 different successional stages. (2) Salt and alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen are the significant factors related to plant community distribution at early stage. Elevation and humus thickness are the significant factors in the transitional stage. Elevation, slope, aspect, thickness of forest floor, humus thickness and pH are the significant factors for the sub-climax stage. Elevation, slope, aspect, pH and available phosphorus are the significant factors for the climax stage. (3) The ecological characters and the distribution patterns of plant communities in different successional stages are consistent with environmental gradients. (4) As succession proceeds, the impact of environmental conditions on plant communities increases, while the total influence of spatial location, and the interaction between the spatial location and environmental factors decrease.  相似文献   

Abstract. The objective of this study was to quantitatively describe vegetation-environment relationships at a regional scale within the Province of New Brunswick, Canada, using vegetation and environment data from 3947 provincial forestry sample plots. The major plant community types in the province were identified using cluster analysis. Relationships of these communities to climate, topography and soil variables were analyzed by Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA), using both a reduced data set consisting of cluster likelihood scores × sample plots and an unreduced species × sample plots data matrix. The vegetation types and major axes of environmental variation were mapped to examine the geographic distributions of these factors within the province. Eight communities were identified and described in terms of enhanced/reduced species (significantly higher or lower frequencies of occurrence in a specific community type relative to all plots) and common species (species in the community type with the highest frequencies of occurrence). The canonical axes explained 25 % of the variation in the vegetation cluster data. Vegetation composition was related to three major environmental gradients representing climate and elevation, soil moisture, and soil fertility. The geographic distributions of vegetation communities exhibited predictable but weak correspondence to the geographic distributions of individual environmental factors. Our findings emphasize the overriding importance of climate and topography and the secondary importance of soil factors in controlling vegetation pattern at the regional scale.  相似文献   

Environmental gradients are caused by gradual changes in abiotic factors, which affect species abundances and distributions, and are important for the spatial distribution of biodiversity. One prominent environmental gradient is the altitude gradient. Understanding ecological processes associated with altitude gradients may help us to understand the possible effects climate change could have on species communities. We quantified vegetation cover, species richness, species evenness, beta diversity, and spatial patterns of community structure of vascular plants along altitude gradients in a subarctic mountain tundra in northern Sweden. Vascular plant cover and plant species richness showed unimodal relationships with altitude. However, species evenness did not change with altitude, suggesting that no individual species became dominant when species richness declined. Beta diversity also showed a unimodal relationship with altitude, but only for an intermediate spatial scale of 1 km. A lack of relationships with altitude for either patch or landscape scales suggests that any altitude effects on plant spatial heterogeneity occurred on scales larger than individual patches but were not effective across the whole landscape. We observed both nested and modular patterns of community structures, but only the modular patterns corresponded with altitude. Our observations point to biotic regulations of plant communities at high altitudes, but we found both scale dependencies and inconsistent magnitude of the effects of altitude on different diversity components. We urge for further studies evaluating how different factors influence plant communities in high altitude and high latitude environments, as well as studies identifying scale and context dependencies in any such influences.  相似文献   

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