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【目的】从鸡粪中筛选具有拮抗空肠弯曲杆菌能力的乳酸菌,研究其肠道益生特性,探讨其对空肠弯曲杆菌鞭毛毒力因子的影响。【方法】利用牛津杯法测定40株鸡粪源乳酸菌菌株的抑菌活性以确定抑菌性能好的菌株,利用16S r RNA基因分析进行菌株鉴定,采用HT-29细胞测定菌株的细胞粘附能力,通过模拟胃肠液实验分析菌株对胃肠道环境的耐受性,利用扫描电镜分析乳酸菌无细胞提取物对空肠弯曲杆菌鞭毛毒力因子的影响。【结果】从鸡粪中分离得到40株菌株,进一步筛选得到X13、X14和G20等3株拮抗空肠弯曲杆菌能力较强的菌株,经16S r RNA基因序列分析分别鉴定为罗伊氏乳杆菌、唾液乳杆菌和鸡乳杆菌;HT-29细胞粘附实验表明X13、X14及G20的粘附指数分别为11.5、20.3和14.3个/细胞,均具有良好的粘附能力;3株乳酸菌对人工胃肠液均具有良好的耐受性;扫描电镜观察表明,与对照组相比,3株纯培养乳酸菌无细胞提取物均能抑制空肠弯曲杆菌鞭毛毒力因子的合成。【结论】从鸡粪中筛选得到了3株能有效抑制空肠弯曲杆菌生长并能抑制其鞭毛合成的乳酸菌,有望作为拮抗性饲用益生菌用于控制禽畜的空肠弯曲杆菌感染。  相似文献   

目的观察新疆传统发酵乳品中分离的14种菌株的生长特点及产酸能力,筛选出具有较强耐胆盐能力,并能在人工胃肠液中存活的菌株。方法对10株乳酸菌和4株酵母菌进行生长曲线、pH、耐胆盐能力和耐人工胃肠液检测。结果 10株乳酸菌和4株酵母菌具有良好的生长曲线和产酸能力;马乳酒样乳杆菌具有较强的耐胆盐能力;希氏乳杆菌、马乳酒样乳杆菌、乙醇假丝酵母和东方伊萨酵母具有较强的耐人工胃液能力;乳酸乳球菌、哈尔滨乳杆菌、瑞士乳杆菌、马乳酒样乳杆菌、乙醇假丝酵母和东方伊萨酵母具有较强的耐人工肠液能力。结论 10株乳酸菌和4株酵母菌具有优良的益生特性,有望成为益生菌制剂的备用菌株。  相似文献   

重组干酪乳杆菌在模拟消化环境中生存性能的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 探讨重组干酪乳杆菌Lactobacillus casei 393在模拟胃肠道环境中的存活能力.方法 人工模拟胃肠道环境,即人工胃液(pH=1.5~4.5)、人工肠液、胆汁(质量浓度0.3~3.0 g/L)和高盐(质量浓度40~90g/L).结果 重组干酪乳杆菌在pH为2.5~4.5的人工胃液中具有较强的生存能力,3 h活菌数仍达108/ml;在人工肠液中经过不同时间的作用后,重组干酪乳杆菌显出生长趋势;在0.3%的胆汁环境作用8 h仍有存活,且能耐受7%NaCl浓度的高渗环境.结论 实验为干酪乳杆菌Lactobacillus casei 393能否作为益生菌制剂在胃肠道中发挥作用提供了理论基础.  相似文献   

两株乳酸杆菌益生菌特性的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对两株乳酸杆菌作为益生菌的特性进行分析。采用人工胃液、人工肠液,及体外培养人结肠癌细胞株HT-29,模拟 上消化道环境,检测候选菌株L.acidophilus1.1878和L.rhamnosus1.120对上消化道环境的耐受性和粘附性;以琼脂扩散打孔 法,检测候选菌株SCS对4种常见肠道致病菌的抑菌能力。结果表明,两株候选菌株可耐受pH>3.0的人工胃液,及0.2%的 胆盐浓度;光镜观察L.acidophilus1.1878、L.rhamnosus1.120粘附于HT-29细胞边缘,平均4.5~7个/细胞,扫描电镜观察 L.acidophilus1.1878、L.rhamnosus1.120粘附于HT-29细胞表面的刷状缘,且细胞表面结构完整;对4种肠道致病菌的抑菌 圈直径均在12mm以上。证明实验观察的两株乳酸杆菌具有较好的耐酸、耐胆盐及粘附、抑菌特性,符合益生菌的标准。  相似文献   

模拟人体胃肠道环境筛选益生乳杆菌   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
【目的】筛选具有益生特性的乳杆菌作为保健型酸奶的候选菌株。【方法】从健康人肠道和奶豆腐中分离筛选出耐受人工胃液的乳杆菌,对其进行体外益生特性(人工胃肠液耐受性、胆盐耐受性、抑菌活性及胆固醇降解能力)研究。【结果】从在乳杆菌分离培养基上有溶钙圈的41株菌株中筛选出5株耐酸、耐人工胃液较强的菌株,经16S rR NA基因测序鉴定,其中3株为乳杆菌,分别命名为植物乳杆菌Lp MT-3、植物乳杆菌Lp MT-5和唾液乳杆菌LsA F-7。在人工胃液中3株菌的耐受力均强于商品化的对照菌株LGG(鼠李糖乳杆菌GG);转入肠液4 h后直至26 h,Lp MT-5存活率基本稳定在45%左右,仅次于LGG。胆盐浓度为0.10%时,3株乳杆菌的耐胆盐能力均强于LGG;胆盐浓度为0.20%时,Lp MT-3和LsA F-7仍能存活。3株乳杆菌均具有抑菌活性,对粪肠球菌的抑制最明显,其次是金黄色葡萄球菌,对大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌的抑制作用较差。3株乳杆菌对胆固醇的清除效力依次为Lp MT-3LpM T-5Ls AF-7;清除率依次为Ls AF-7Lp MT-3LpM T-5。【结论】筛选出3株适应人体胃肠液环境、耐胆盐、抑菌及降胆固醇活力强的乳杆菌,可作为进一步开发新的益生菌产品和保健型酸奶的菌株。  相似文献   

从藜麦茎叶样品中筛选分离出乳酸菌株,测定菌株脱除游离棉酚能力,通过人工胃液、人工肠液耐受实验、抑菌实验、抗生素敏感实验及表面特性研究菌株各项性能,并通过生理生化及16S rDNA法对菌株进行鉴定。结果表明,筛选出1株高效游离棉酚脱除乳酸菌LR002,其游离棉酚脱除率为62.87%,该菌株具有高效的耐人工胃液、肠液效果,且具有广谱抑菌作用,对抗生素不敏感,经鉴定该菌株为植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)。本研究旨在筛选出高效游离棉酚脱除乳酸菌菌株,为棉粕在畜禽生产中的合理利用提供参考。  相似文献   

4株乳酸菌对14种抗生素的敏感性试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验模拟饲料中益生菌与抗生素接触环境,对益生菌的存活比率进行量化表示,对用于饲料添加剂的4株乳酸菌进行抗生素敏感性试验。结果表明除极个别乳酸菌和抗生素的组合外,乳酸菌均在此种实验方法下对抗生素有很好的耐受性,实验结果对微生物饲料添加剂的研制及其在畜禽生产中的应用具有指导意义。  相似文献   

一株广谱抑菌活性乳酸菌的筛选及特性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
【目的】从贵州剑河采集的传统自然发酵豆酱中分离筛选具有广谱抑菌效果的乳酸菌,并进行肠道益生特性的研究。【方法】通过抑菌试验分离筛选得到菌株DJ-04,对其进行人工胃肠液耐受性、胆盐耐受性和渗透压耐受性的研究,并对其进行生理生化鉴定和16S r RNA鉴定。【结果】菌株DJ-04对大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、志贺氏菌和铜绿假单胞菌的生长有很好的抑制作用;在p H值为2.5的人工胃液中处理3 h活菌数达到107 CFU/m L以上;在人工肠液中处理3 h活菌数达到108 CFU/m L以上,对人工胃肠液表现出良好的耐受性。能耐受一定浓度的牛胆盐,在质量浓度0.2 g/100 m L的牛胆盐环境中活菌数可达到107 CFU/m L;具有较高的渗透压耐受能力,在Na Cl质量浓度为10 g/100 m L的液体MRS中培养24 h后,活菌数仍在107 CFU/m L以上。经鉴定,DJ-04为植物乳杆菌。【结论】植物乳杆菌DJ-04具有良好的人工胃肠液耐受性以及耐胆盐和耐渗透压能力,具有肠道益生菌的潜能。  相似文献   

目的对市场销售的几种不同类型益生菌制剂进行胃、肠液耐受程度比较,评价各益生菌制剂活菌数量,为临床选择益生菌制剂提供参考。方法选择7种菌粉及某颗粒益生菌、国产某晶球、日本产某晶球、某胶囊益生菌、圣邦步步佳肠释益生菌共12种口服益生菌产品,在崩解时限仪中加入人工胃液进行崩解试验,在0.0 h、0.5 h、1.0 h、1.5 h和2.0 h时吸取上述样品并进行浓度梯度稀释,并在MRS固体培养基上培养后进行活菌计数。在上述5个时间点吸取部分益生菌-胃液混合物(针对益生菌粉末)或取出益生菌产品(针对晶球、肠溶胶囊、肠释益生菌)换人工肠液再进行40 min崩解,在MRS固体培养基上培养后进行活菌计数。结果粉末状益生菌制剂对人工胃液的耐受能力普遍较差。某颗粒益生菌、国产某晶球、日本产某晶球、某胶囊益生菌、圣邦步步佳肠释益生菌在人工胃液中不崩解。圣邦步步佳肠释益生菌在人工肠液中40 min完全崩解且活菌数峰值较高。结论圣邦步步佳肠释益生菌对人工胃、肠液耐受能力较强,且活菌数较高。  相似文献   

目的通过驯化以及筛选,得到能够耐酸的鼠李糖乳杆菌菌株。方法将鼠李糖乳杆菌三级发酵菌液接入人工胃液中驯化,获得耐酸菌株。经连续6次驯化筛选,以及人工肠液耐受性实验。结果鼠李糖乳杆菌GD0029在人工胃液中的存活率可达42.93%,比驯化前提高了2.7倍,其对人工肠液也具有较好的耐受性。结论筛选得到的鼠李糖乳杆菌菌株具有很高的应用价值。  相似文献   

Lin WH  Yu B  Jang SH  Tsen HY 《Anaerobe》2007,13(3-4):107-113
Systematic procedures were used to evaluate the probiotic properties of Lactobacillus fermentum (L. fermentum) strains isolated from swine and poultry. The major properties included their capabilities to adhere to the intestinal epithelium of swine and poultry, the inhibition on pathogenic bacteria, and their tolerance to the gastric juice and bile salts. Results showed that L. fermentum strains from poultry digestive tract showed better adherence to the swine intestine and chicken crop epithelial cells as compared to those strains from the swine origin. In addition, six strains from poultry and one strain from swine showed adhesion specificity to their own intestinal epithelium. Four poultry isolates and one swine isolate were able to adhere to the epithelial cells from both swine and chicken. For gastric juice and bile tolerance, most of the strains isolated from swine or poultry were acid tolerant but less strains were bile intolerant. The spent culture supernatant (SCS) of these L. fermentum strains showed antagonistic effect against the indicator bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Shigella sonnei and some enterotoxigenic Staphylococcus aureus. From the above studies, some L. fermentum strains isolated from poultry were found to have the probiotic properties required for use in animal feed supplement. This study suggested that poultry digestive tract may serve as potential source for the isolation of probiotic lactic acid bacteria.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine the antioxidative activity, glutathione production, acid and bile tolerance and carbohydrate preferences of Lactobacillus plantarum LP 1, Streptococcus thermophilus Z 57 and Bifidobacterium lactis B 933. Methods and Results: The intact bacteria exhibited antioxidative capacity against linolenic acid and ascorbate oxidation. The antioxidative activity of cell-free extracts was determined by chemiluminescent assay and agreed with total glutathione content. Superoxide dismutase was negligible in all the strains. Bile and gastric juice resistance was tested in vitro to estimate the transit tolerance in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Bifidobacterium lactis B 933 and L. plantarum LP 1 were more acid tolerant than S. thermophilus Z 57. All the strains were resistant to bile. Among 13 indigestible carbohydrates, galacto-oligosaccharides and fructo-oligosaccharides were utilized by all the strains and did not affect survival in human gastric juice. Conclusions: These potential probiotic strains exhibited antioxidative properties and good viability in gastric juice and bile may indicate tolerance to the transit through the upper gastrointestinal tract. Galacto-oligosaccharides and fructo-oligosaccharides are the most appropriate prebiotics to be used in effective synbiotic formulations. Significance and Impact of the Study: These results outline promising strains with antioxidative properties. Carbohydrate preferences can be exploited in order to develop synbiotic products.  相似文献   

A total of thirty-three strains of Bacillus were isolated from sixteen samples of naturally fermented congee in Inner Mongolia of China and identified by 16S rDNA sequence analysis. Probiotic properties including acid, bile tolerance and artificial gastrointestinal juice resistance as well as inhibition on pathogenic bacteria were used for screening of Bacillus. After the preliminary selection, four strains including Bacillus licheniformis IMAUB1002, Bacillus subtilis IMAUB1011, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens IMAUB1014 and Bacillus amyloliquefaciens IMAUB1034 showed high tolerance to simulated gastric juice at pH 2.0 for 3 h with survival rate all above 92%. And then through gastrointestinal transit, survival rates of these four strains were above 90%. Furthermore, Bacillus licheniformis IMAUB1002 performed well in tolerance to bile salt (0.6%) and inhibitory activity to five food-borne pathogens among four strains of Bacillus. The results suggested that Bacillus licheniformis IMAUB1002 should be considered as a potential probiotics. Further study will be focused on evaluation of these porbiotics properties in vivo and clarification of its other functional properties so as to use it in functional foods production in future.  相似文献   

In the present study, the probiotic properties of 52 lactic acid bacteria strains, isolated from the intestinal mucosa of 60-day-old healthy piglets, were evaluated in vitro in order to acquire probiotics of potential application. Based on acidic and bile salt resistance, 11 lactic acid bacteria strains were selected, among which 1 was identified as Pediococcus acidilactici, 3 as Enterococcus faecium, 3 as Lactobacillus rhamnosus, 2 as Lactobacillus brevis, and 2 as Lactobacillus plantarum by 16S rRNA gene sequencing. All selected strains were further investigated for transit tolerance in simulated upper gastrointestinal tract, for adhesion capacity to swine intestinal epithelial cells J2 (IPEC-J2), for cell surface characteristics including hydrophobicity, co-aggregation and auto-aggregation, and for antimicrobial activities. Moreover, hemolytic, bile salt hydrolase and biogenic amine-producing abilities were investigated for safety assessment. Two E. faecium (WEI-9 and WEI-10) and one L. plantarum (WEI-51) exhibited good simulated upper gastrointestinal tract tolerance, and showed high auto-aggregation and co-aggregation with Escherichia coli 1570. The strains WEI-9 and WEI-10 demonstrated the highest adherence capacity. The 11 selected strains mentioned above exhibited strong antimicrobial activity against E. coli CVCC1570, Staphylococcus aureus CVCC1882 and Salmonella pullorum AS1.1859. None of the 11 selected strains, except WEI-9 and WEI-33, exhibited bile salt hydrolase, hemolytic or biogenic amine-producing abilities. This work showed that the E. faecium WEI-10 and L. plantarum WEI-51were found to have the probiotic properties required for use as potential probiotics in animal feed supplements.  相似文献   

Lactic acid bacteria have been attracting increased attentions recent years because of harboring probiotic properties. In present study, a Lactobacillus pentosus strain ZFM94 was screened from healthy infant feces and its probiotic characteristics were investigated. We found that ZFM94 was resistant to environmental stresses (temperature, pH and NaCl), tolerant to gastrointestinal juice and bile salts, with inhibitory action against pathogens and capacity of folate production etc. Additionally, complete genome sequence of the strain was analyzed to highlight the probiotic features at genetic level. Genomic characteristics along with the experimental studies is critically important for building an appropriate probiotic profile of novel strains. Genes that correspond to phenotypes mentioned above were identified. Moreover, genes potentially related to its adaptation, such as carbon metabolism and carbohydrate transporter, carbohydrate-active enzymes, and a novel gene cluster RaS-RiPPs, were also revealed. Together, ZFM94 could be considered as a potential probiotic candidate.  相似文献   

目的对1株具有降胆固醇功能的乳酸菌进行胃肠道环境耐受能力的测定。方法分别测定菌株对胃内酸性和胃蛋白酶的耐受能力以及对小肠内胆盐和胰蛋白酶的耐受能力。结果该菌株对胃肠道有良好的耐受能力。结论本研究为后期菌株在动物及人体内发挥其功能性奠定了实验基础。  相似文献   

【背景】抗生素的滥用导致牦牛肠道常见病原菌耐药性增加,益生菌作为对抗耐药性细菌的新型武器,应用前景广阔。【目的】获取益生特性优良的牦牛源益生菌。【方法】将20份牦牛粪便样本在含0.5%CaCO3的MRS培养基上分离纯化,以大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌为指示菌,用牛津杯法筛选有抑菌活性的菌株;排除酸和过氧化氢后,经耐酸耐热试验和蛋白酶敏感试验筛选产细菌素菌株,用形态学和16S rRNA基因序列分析鉴定;通过对大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌等腹泻病原菌体外抑菌试验、耐模拟胃肠液、测定自聚集能力和疏水性及抗生素敏感试验分析益生特性。【结果】从20份牦牛粪便样本中共分离出11株产生溶钙圈的菌株,其中6株对大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌抑菌效果显著,经复筛得到2株产细菌素的乳酸菌SC6和SC9,经鉴定均为屎肠球菌(Enterococcus faecium)。其中SC9对腹泻病原菌抑菌效果明显,有良好的耐受性和肠道黏附能力,对5种常用抗生素均敏感。【结论】屎肠球菌SC9有一定的抗逆性和潜在的益生能力,具备作为益生菌的潜力。  相似文献   

This study was conducted in order to evaluate the probiotic properties of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) isolated from intestinal tract of broilers and Thai indigenous chickens. The major properties, including the gastric juice and bile salts tolerance, starch, protein and lipid digesting capabilities, and the inhibition on certain pathogenic bacteria were investigated. Three-hundred and twenty-two and 226 LAB strains were isolated from ten broilers and eight Thai indigenous chickens, respectively. The gastrointestinal transit tolerance of these 548 isolates was determined by exposing washed cell suspension at 41°C to simulated gastric juice (pH 2.5) containing pepsin (3 mg ml−1), and to simulated small intestinal juice (pH 8.0) in the presence of pancreatin (1 mg ml−1) and 7% fresh chicken bile, mimicking the gastrointestinal environment. The survival of 20 isolates was found after passing through the gastrointestinal conditions. The survival rates of six strains; KT3L20, KT2CR5, KT10L22, KT5S19, KT4S13 and PM1L12 from the sequential study were 43.68, 37.56, 33.84, 32.89, 31.37 and 27.19%, respectively. Twelve isolates exhibited protein digestion on agar plate but no isolates showed the ability to digest starch and lipid. All 20 LAB showed the antimicrobial activity against Salmonella sp., Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli except one strain which did not show the inhibitory activity toward E. coli. Accordingly, five isolates of selected LAB (KT2L24, KT3L20, KT4S13, KT3CE27 and KT8S16) can be classified as the best probiotics and were identified as Enterococcus faecalis, Enterococcus durans, Enterococcus faecium, Pediococcus pentosaceus, and Enterococcus faecium, respectively. The survival rate of microencapsulation of E. durans KT3L20 under simulated small intestine juice after sequential of simulated gastric juice was also investigated. An extrusion technique exhibited a higher survival rate than emulsion technique and free cell, respectively.  相似文献   

Five yeast strains isolated from agave juice were studied for their fermentative and aromatic capacity. The experiments were performed using agave juice supplemented with ammonium sulphate, as is commonly done in tequila distilleries. Three strains classified as Saccharomyces cerevisiae showed high biomass and ethanol production, as well as higher ethanol tolerance than those classified as Kloeckera africana and Kloeckera apiculata, which showed scarce growth. The results suggest that Kloeckera strains were affected by nutritional limitation and/or toxic compounds present in agave juice. Agave juice analyses showed a lower amino acid content than those reported in grape juice. S. cerevisiae strains produced predominantly amyl and isoamyl alcohols, n-propanol, 2-phenyl ethanol, succinic acid, glycerol, methanol, isoamyl acetate, ethyl hexanoate, acetaldehyde and isobutanol, whereas Kloeckera strains showed a high production of acetic acid, 2-phenyl ethyl acetate and ethyl acetate. The methanol concentration was significantly different among the yeasts studied. The diversity between three S. cerevisiae strains were higher for the aromatic profile than for genetic level and kinetic parameter. On the other hand, the diversity of Kloeckera yeasts were lower than Saccharomyces yeasts even when belonging to two different species.  相似文献   

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