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生态保护政策对岷江上游地区土地利用/覆被的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用CLUE-S模型模拟方法,对基于历史发展趋势以及“天然林保护工程”和“退耕还林还草工程”政策下2000-2020年间岷江上游地区土地利用/覆被变化进行了预案分析.结果表明:2000-2020年间,按历史发展趋势,作为研究区景观基质的林地面积将不断减少,而灌木林地和草地面积将不断增加,景观破碎化程度将不断加剧;“天然林保护工程”和“退耕还林还草工程”能够有效增加研究区林地面积,并使草地面积不断下降,同时能够扭转景观破碎化趋势,使景观格局向着更加优化的方向发展.  相似文献   

生境质量是区域生物多样性维持能力的重要表征, 土地利用变化是引起景观格局和生境质量变化的主要原因, 揭示土地利用及景观格局变化下生境质量的时空演变规律能为生物多样性保护提供参考依据。以洞庭湖区为研究对象, 基于1995、2000、2005、2010、2015、2018年6期遥感解译数据, 采用土地利用转移矩阵、景观格局指数及INVEST模型等方法, 分析近年来洞庭湖区土地利用和景观破碎度变化对生境质量的影响。结果表明: (1)研究区段内, 洞庭湖区湿地、建设用地增加比例为0.5%、44%, 耕地、林地减少比例为2.7%、1.6%; (2)耕地、林地破碎度都有所增加, 湿地的破碎度呈现“升高-降低-升高”的N型”波动趋势; (3)时间上看, 六个不同时期洞庭湖区生境质量分别为0.563、0.561、0.562、0.563、0.556、0.554, 经历了“降低-升高-降低”的“倒N型”波动趋势, 生境质量的提高与湿地的大量转入以及湿地破碎度的降低有关, 生境质量的降低与城镇开发占用大量耕地、林地以及主要生境类型(耕地、林地、草地)破碎度增加有关; (4)空间上看, 生境质量与景观破碎度的变化范围大致相同, 景观破碎度增加的地区, 生境质量明显降低。1995-2010年生境质量的变化主要体现在湖体附近包括岳阳市市区、华容县、沅江市、南县、湘阴县, 2010-2018年生境质量的变化体现在各县市城镇用地附近; (5)处理好“三生空间”之间的关系, 实施严格的湿地保护措施, 促进湖区生态保护和经济高质量发展, 是提高洞庭湖区生境质量的必由之路。  相似文献   

根据林地的自然性、林地质量、林分生长状况、群落完整性和稳定性五方面特征,选择17 个指标构建评价模型,对长白山自然保护区阔叶红松林质量进行了评价。结果表明:长白山自然保护区阔叶红松林“一级”小班9 个,占2.190%,“二级”小班个数和面积分别占97.080%和97.627%,“三级”小班3 个,没有“四级”小班。自然保护区阔叶红松林总体质量得分0.858,等级为“二级”,表明长白山自然保护区对阔叶红松林的总体质量较好。类准则层质量评价中,群落完整性质量等级为“三级”,群落稳定性“三级”的小班个数和面积占20%以上,表明人类长期的林下干扰对阔叶红松林质量造成一定负面影响。  相似文献   

生态系统服务供需关系影响生态系统的可持续发展, 探究生态系统服务供需关系对保障生态系统安全、提升人类福祉具有重要意义。利用CiteSpace知识图谱分析工具, 以CNKI数据库中的284篇中文文献和Web of Science数据库中的907篇外文文献为数据源, 从发文量、作者、关键词共现等角度进行可视化分析, 梳理国内外生态系统服务供需相关研究进展与热点。研究结果表明: ①国内外生态系统服务供需研究都在2017年左右开始激增。②国外研究作者之间的合作呈现“大集聚, 小分散”的特征, 国内相关作者之间的合作则呈现“小集聚, 大分散”的特征, 国内作者之间的合作交流有待进一步加强。③“生态系统服务”和“供需关系”是贯穿整个生态系统服务供需研究阶段的关键词, “空间流动”“生态足迹”“生态系统服务需求”和“生态系统服务文化”等关键词体现了生态系统服务供需领域研究的前沿和热点。  相似文献   

选取海口市建设用地作为研究对象, 基于2010 年Alos 遥感影像数据, 利用层次分析法和GIS 空间叠加分析法对研究区建设用地生态适宜性进行评价。结果显示: 研究区生态适宜性评价等级为“最适宜”和“适宜”用地仅占全区总面积的14.06%, 所占比例较小, 主要分布在城镇建成区及周边临近区域;“基本适宜”用地占全区总面积的19.77%, 面积较大分布不集中且范围较广;“不适宜”和“很不适宜”两者总比例占整个研究区总面积的44.64%, 所占比例较大, 主要分布在偏远郊区及植被茂密的区域; “不可用地”为21.54%, 主要分布在红树林自然保护区、基本农田保护区、高速公路沿线、海岸带、特殊用地及风景名胜区。研究区建设用地生态适宜性整体比较低, 总体分布规律呈现为南低北高; 依照生态适宜性分析结果, 提议在不同区域合理开发土地资源; 建议加强对区域生态环境的保护并严格控制“禁建区”和“限建区”的开发行为。  相似文献   

以景观生态学的视角去系统地分析旅游景观的功能与尺度、格局与过程以及功能是旅游地理学研究新的延展。通过旅游景观和旅游景观生态系统内涵解析, 分析了旅游景观生态系统的格局构成和特征, 并基于湖南省A 级旅游景区的核心景观展开实证研究。研究发现: (1)旅游景观生态系统是一种具有旅游功能的地域综合体, 景观整体格局特征分析是认识与理解旅游景观生态系统空间异质性的关键。(2)旅游景观生态系统空间单元可划分为斑块、廊道和基质, 旅游景观分布特征、多样性与异质性、和其空间关系三者相互影响, 共同决定了旅游景观生态系统格局。(3)通过对湖南省A 级旅游区景观格局的测度, 湖南省旅游景观整体呈现出“西边一片, 东边一线”格局, 旅游景观综合密度则呈现湘西、湘东北较大, 湘中南较小的特征; 从旅游景观多样性与异质性来看, 湖南省旅游景观类型丰富, 以六大景类为主, 且整个旅游景观生态系统可分为十二个功能区, 异质性较强; 从旅游景观间的空间关系来看, 湘东“一条线”上的旅游景观相互连通性较好, 湘中的旅游景观连通性则最差, 其它斑块的旅游景观连通性比较一般, 相互差异也不大。据此文章提出了对湖南省旅游景观生态系统优化策略的探讨。  相似文献   

作为反映城市生态环境的重要指标,城市生态宜居性受到学术界越来越多的关注。结合遥感与兴趣点(POI)数据生成分类特征,利用文档主题生成模型进行特征重表达,采用随机森林模型提取住区,为后续的生态宜居性评价提供基本单元;随后,依据多源数据生成多个生态宜居性评价指标,使用基于熵权的TOPSIS方法构建生态宜居评价模型,得出每个住区综合得分;以深圳市为实验区对研究提出的方法进行了验证,并对深圳市的住区生态宜居性进行了空间分析。结果表明:(1)机器学习方法与多源数据结合可得到精细的城市功能分区图,总体精度可达82.1%;(2)基于TOPSIS方法构建的生态宜居评价框架能够对住区生态宜居性进行有效量化,综合得分高的住区多为片区绿化率高、空气质量好、建筑密度较小的住宅区,而得分较低的住区主要集中在城中村等生态环境较差的区域,结果符合客观事实;(3)深圳市内的住区及其评价得分呈现出明显的空间分异,南山、福田、罗湖区域的住宅小区较多;宝安、龙华、龙岗区内部同时包含较多的住宅小区与城中村,导致三个区内部各评价单元的得分差异较为明显;因住区数量少、绿地面积大、空气质量高等客观条件,坪山、盐田和大鹏区生态宜居得分情况较好。以上结果展示了研究方法的有效性,可为城市生态宜居建设及城市规划等提供案例参考和数据支撑。  相似文献   

基于景观格局的云南省富源县生态脆弱性空间特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析生态脆弱性的空间分布特征、形成原因以及对其进行定量研究对于合理利用土地资源、保护生态环境以及可持续发展都具有一定的指导意义。以云南省富源县为例, 在生态脆弱性评价指标体系研究的基础上, 结合研究区域实际情况, 运用熵权法构建生态脆弱性评价模型。以“压力-状态-响应”为评估框架, 从生态压力度、生态敏感性、生态恢复力三个方面选取评价指标(景观分维数、矿区扰动指数、居民点临近指数、景观破碎度、地形指数、植被覆盖度、景观适应度指数、优势度)。在格网尺度对生态脆弱性展开评估并使用点格局方法对不同空间尺度下各生态脆弱等级动态特征和变化规律进行分析。结果表明: (1)水域的生态脆弱性最高, 草地和灌木林地次之, 乔木林地最低; (2)全县生态脆弱性空间分布差异较大, 呈现 “中部高两端低”的分布特征; (3)中安镇生态脆弱性最高, 墨红镇最低; (4)不同脆弱度等级空间分布格局表现出一定相似性, 在中小尺度下高度集群分布, 随着空间尺度的增大, 聚集性逐渐减弱, 且尺度范围有所变化。  相似文献   

目的:探讨西安市高校学生膳食模式与视功能相关生存质量的关系。方法:抽取西安市某高校303名在校学生,通过问卷调查法获得研究对象的一般情况和膳食摄入,利用视功能相关生存质量量表得分对视功能进行评价,采用因子分析提取膳食模式,分析不同膳食模式下视功能得分之间的差异。结果:共纳入对象289人,男性110人(381%)、女性179人(619%)。视功能相关生存质量三部分(一般健康及视力情况、活动受限程度、视力问题的反映程度)得分分别为679±152分、890±124分和845±167分。经因子分析提出“高脂肪酸”膳食模式、“高糖”膳食模式和“谨慎”膳食模式。 “高糖”膳食模式在三部分得分分别为596、862和819,明显低于其他两种模式,在活动受限程度和视力问题的反应程度两个部分得分有显著差异(P<001)。结论:“高糖”膳食模式与视功能相关生存质量的降低存在负相关关系,因此通过调整膳食模式,均衡膳食营养,减少糖类物质摄入对改善视功能相关生存质量具有重要意义。  相似文献   

基于土地利用变化的京津冀生境质量时空演变   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
土地利用变化是全球变化的核心内容,评估土地利用变化引起的生境质量时空分异性是区域生态规划的基础,能为土地利用规划和土地管理政策制定提供科学依据.本文在分析京津冀2000—2010年土地利用变化的基础上,以InVEST模型对生境质量进行总体评估,并基于流域划分,借助剖面线和空间自相关深入分析了生境质量格局时空分异性.结果表明:2000—2010年,研究区主要土地利用变化类型为:耕地转为建设用地、林地和草地间的相互转换及水体转为耕地,这导致景观结构异质性的减弱和破碎度的提升.两时期生境质量格局整体表现为东南部和南部较低、北部和西部较高.其中,东南部和南部2010年生境质量明显下降,发生了一定生境退化乃至丧失现象.各流域生境质量具有明显分段特征,较多样点在2010年出现不同程度退化,但也有部分有所改善.该区生境质量格局空间分布集聚性有所增强.2000年“高高”型生境质量流域空间聚集区为滦河流域和白河流域上游地区,“低低”型聚集区集中在永定河中下游和潮白河流域部分地区.2010年“高高”型和“低低”型空间聚集区在原有基础上各自向西南方向有所扩展.  相似文献   

A variety of research has linked high temperature to outdoor thermal comfort in summer, but it remains unclear how outdoor meteorological environments influence people's thermal sensation in subtropical monsoon climate areas, especially in China. In order to explain the process, and to better understand the related influential factors, we conducted an extensive survey of thermally comfortable conditions in open outdoor spaces. The goal of this study was to gain an insight into the subjects' perspectives on weather variables and comfort levels, and determine the factors responsible for the varying human thermal comfort response in summer. These perceptions were then compared to actual ambient conditions. The database consists of surveys rated by 205 students trained from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm outdoors from 21 to 25 August 2009, at Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology (NUIST), Nanjing, China. The multiple regression approach and simple factor analysis of variance were used to investigate the relationships between thermal comfort and meteorological environment, taking into consideration individual mood, gender, level of regular exercise, and previous environmental experiences. It was found that males and females have similar perceptions of maximum temperature; in the most comfortable environment, mood appears to have a significant influence on thermal comfort, but the influence of mood diminishes as the meteorological environment becomes increasingly uncomfortable. In addition, the study confirms the strong relationship between thermal comfort and microclimatic conditions, including solar radiation, atmospheric pressure, maximum temperature, wind speed and relative humidity, ranked by importance. There are also strong effects of illness, clothing and exercise, all of which influence thermal comfort. We also find that their former place of residence influences people's thermal comfort substantially by setting expectations. Finally, some relationships between thermal perception and amount of exercise, thermal experience, mood, clothing, illness and microclimate, etc., are established. Our findings also shed light on how to resist or adapt to outdoor hyperthermic conditions during summer in subtropical monsoon climate areas.  相似文献   

Urbanisation affects indigenous fauna in many ways; some species persist and even increase in urban areas, whereas others are lost. The causative mechanisms determining changes in distributions and community structure remain elusive. We investigated three hypothesized mechanisms, which influence success or failure of the insectivorous bat assemblage across the urban landscape of Sydney, Australia; landscape heterogeneity (diversity of land uses), productivity (as indexed by landscape geology) and trait diversity. We present data on species richness and activity (bat passes per night) collected systematically using ultrasonic bat detectors from randomly selected landscapes (each 25 km2). Landscapes were categorized into classes including ‘urban’, ‘suburban’ and ‘vegetated’, where suburban sites were additionally stratified based on geology, as a proxy for productivity. Four landscape elements were sampled within each landscape, including remnant bushland (>2 ha), riparian areas, open space/parkland and residential/built space. We found that there was significantly greater bat activity and more species of bat in areas on fertile shale geologies (p<0.05), supporting the productivity, rather than the heterogeneity hypothesis. Within landscapes, there was no significant effect of the landscape element sampled, although bushland and riparian sites recorded greater bat activity than open space or backyard sites. Using general linear mixed models we found bat activity and species richness were sensitive to landscape geology and increasing housing density at a landscape scale. Using an RLQ analysis a significant relationship was found between these variables and species traits in structuring the community present (p<0.01). Specifically, open‐adapted bats were associated with areas of greater housing density, while clutter‐adapted bats were uncommon in urban areas and more associated with greater amounts of bushland in the landscape. Overall we found greater support for the productivity and traits hypotheses, rather than the heterogeneity hypothesis. The degree of urbanisation and amount of bushland remaining, in combination with landscape geology, influenced bat activity and mediated the trait response. Our findings reflect global trends of species diversity and abundance in urban landscapes, suggesting that processes affecting bat species distribution in urban ecosystems may be predictable at a landscape scale.  相似文献   

We investigated the bat (Microchiroptera) diversity of four major habitat types within a large Australian subtropical city (Brisbane, Australia) to determine whether species richness was affected by habitat changes associated with urbanization, as suggested from studies elsewhere. Forty sites, ten in each habitat type (remnant bushland, parkland, low‐density residential and high‐density residential) were surveyed using acoustic bat detectors on six non‐consecutive occasions. Fourteen bat species were recorded. The species accumulation curve of the entire Brisbane bat assemblage reached a plateau at 14 species. The total numbers of species in bushland, parkland, low‐density residential and high‐density residential habitats were 14, 13, 14 and 11 species, respectively. Asymptotic estimates of species richness for each habitat were close or equal to these totals. Mean asymptotic estimated species richness differed significantly among habitats, being lowest in high‐density residential sites and highest in low‐density residential sites. Evenness profiles were similar across habitats, and were not strongly dominated by a few species. Partitioning of diversity components showed that landscape (γ) diversity was mainly determined by the high species richness of low‐density residential and bushland habitats (α diversity), rather than high beta (β) diversity among habitats. These findings contradict those of other studies on bat diversity in which species richness was highest within ‘natural’ areas of the urban landscape and assemblages were dominated by one or two species. This highlights the need for caution in making generalizations based on existing information, which is dominated by studies in temperate regions.  相似文献   

Occupants’ preferences for air movement in naturally ventilated buildings have been extracted from a database of three thermal comfort surveys conducted in the humid subtropical climate zone in China, during winter, spring, and summer seasons. The distribution of draft sensation shows that only 25.7, 38.5, and 28.7% of the subjects in winter, spring, and summer, respectively, felt that the available air movement was just right, suggesting that indoor air velocity may be a big problem in naturally ventilated buildings in humid subtropical China. Air movement preferences show that 15.8, 61.3, and 80.6% of subjects in winter, spring, and summer, respectively, wanted more air movement. Only a handful of subjects wanted less air movement than they were actually experiencing in any season, suggesting that draft was not much of an issue for thermal comfort. Occupants’ preference for air movement is strongly related to thermal sensation, showing that people want to control air movement as a means of improving their comfort. The demand for less air movement under cool sensation is much smaller than the overwhelming demand for more air movement when the sensation was warm. The above results indicate that air movement might have a significant influence over the respondents’ comfort sensation and that people required a high level of air movement in order to be comfortable during the summer season. Thus, one efficient way to improve the thermal environment in summer in humid subtropical China could be to provide occupants with effective natural ventilation and allow personal control of the air movement. Our findings are also applicable to other buildings, to encourage designers to provide air movement as a low energy cooling strategy and to ensure that sufficient levels of air movement are available.  相似文献   

城市绿地对于改善城市微气候、缓解城市热岛效应有重要作用,且不同的植物配置、绿地形态以及植被结构所产生的效果不同。以严寒地区典型城市哈尔滨为例,采用现场实测的方法,针对不同植被结构的居住区绿地进行冬夏两季微气候现场实测,对不同植被结构的微气候调节性能进行深入研究,比较分析不同植被结构影响下的空气温度、相对湿度和风速。结果表明:随着植被结构趋于复杂,植被对于冬季冷风的遮挡作用和夏季的降温增湿作用均随之增强。该研究为严寒地区城市居住区景观设计提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The influences of physico-chemical and biological processes on dimethylsulfide (DMS) dynamics in the most oligotrophic subtropical zones of the global ocean were investigated. As metrics for the dynamics of DMS and the so-called ‘summer DMS paradox’ of elevated summer concentrations when surface chlorophyll a (Chl) and particulate organic carbon (POC) levels are lowest, we used the DMS-to-Chl and DMS-to-POC ratios in the context of three independent and complementary approaches. Firstly, field observations of environmental variables (such as the solar radiation dose, phosphorus limitation of phytoplankton and bacterial growth) were used alongside discrete DMS, Chl and POC estimates extracted from global climatologies (i.e., a ‘station based’ approach). We then used monthly climatological data for DMS, Chl, and POC averaged over the biogeographic province wherein a given oligotrophic subtropical zone resides (i.e., a ‘province based’ approach). Finally we employed sensitivity experiments with a new DMS module coupled to the ocean general circulation and biogeochemistry model PISCES to examine the influence of various processes in governing DMS dynamics in oligotrophic regions (i.e., a ‘model based’ approach). We find that the ‘station based’ and ‘province based’ approaches yield markedly different results. Interestingly, the ‘province based’ approach suggests the presence of a ‘summer DMS paradox’ in most all of the oligotrophic regions we studied. In contrast, the ‘station based’ approach suggests that the ‘summer DMS paradox’ is only present in the Sargasso Sea and eastern Mediterranean. Overall, we found the regional differences in the absolute and relative concentrations of DMS between 5 of the most oligotrophic regions of the world’s oceans were better accounted for by their nutrient dynamics (specifically phosphorus limitation) than by physical factors often invoked, e.g., the solar radiation dose. Our ‘model based’ experiments suggest that it is the limitation of phytoplankton/bacterial production and bacterial consumption of DMS by pervasive phosphorus limitation that is responsible for the ‘summer DMS paradox’.  相似文献   

Although urban areas are often considered to have uniformly negative effects on biodiversity, cities are most accurately characterized as heterogeneous mosaics of buildings, streets, parks, and gardens that include both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ areas for wildlife. However, to date, few studies have evaluated how human impacts vary in direction and magnitude across a heterogeneous urban landscape. In this study, we assessed the distribution of floral resources and flower‐visiting insects across a variety of land uses in New York City. We visited both green spaces (e.g. parks, cemeteries) and heavily developed neighborhood blocks (e.g. with high or low density residential zoning) and used structural equation modeling (SEM) to evaluate the direct and indirect effects of median income, vegetation, and development intensity on floral resources and insects in both settings. Abundance and taxonomic richness of flower‐visiting insects was significantly greater in green spaces than neighborhood blocks. The SEM results indicated that heavily‐developed neighborhoods generally had fewer flower‐visiting insects consistent with reductions in floral resources. However, some low‐density residential neighborhoods maintained high levels of floral resources and flower‐visiting insects. We found that the effects of surrounding vegetation on floral resources, and thus indirect effects on insects, varied considerably between green spaces and neighborhood blocks. Along neighborhood blocks, vegetation consisted of a mosaic of open gardens and sparsely distributed trees and had a positive indirect effect on flower‐visiting insects. In contrast, vegetation in urban green spaces was associated with increased canopy cover and thus had a negative indirect effect on flower‐visiting insects through reductions in floral resources. In both neighborhood blocks and green spaces, vegetation had a positive direct effect on flower‐visiting insects independent of the influence of vegetation on floral resources. Our results demonstrate how inter‐related components of an urban ecosystem can vary with respect to one another across a heterogeneous urban landscape, suggesting that it is inappropriate to generalize about urban systems as a whole without first addressing differences among component land use types.  相似文献   

建于1922年的浅香山医院是一个具有悠久历史的医院。该项目主要分为占地约9 000m2的一楼户外景观设计、三楼屋顶康复庭园以及四楼护理庭园。浅香山医院除了普通科223个床位以外,还有精神科的840个床位,以及街道对面的福利设施。1922年创立之时,是将一个叫做“香之丘”的丘陵凿开后建造的,但是如今周边都变成了住宅区。白塔作为以堺市一个重要的文化遗产,现场葱郁的植物作为一种景观标志,让人们想起这里曾经的山丘。该项目旨在继承医院的历史,同时将建设社区重点医院、增加可持续性、提供诊疗服务、打造一个使员工心情愉悦并且富有魅力的工作环境作为目标,同时优化周边环境,让附近居民更加信赖和接受浅香山医院。  相似文献   

Residential buildings are a key driver of energy consumption and also impact transportation and land-use. Energy consumption in the residential sector accounts for one-fifth of total U.S. energy consumption and energy-related CO2 emissions, with floor space a major driver of building energy demands. In this work a consistent, vintage-disaggregated, annual long-term series of U.S. housing stock and residential floor space for 1891–2010 is presented. An attempt was made to minimize the effects of the incompleteness and inconsistencies present in the national housing survey data. Over the 1891–2010 period, floor space increased almost tenfold, from approximately 24,700 to 235,150 million square feet, corresponding to a doubling of floor space per capita from approximately 400 to 800 square feet. While population increased five times over the period, a 50% decrease in household size contributed towards a tenfold increase in the number of housing units and floor space, while average floor space per unit remains surprisingly constant, as a result of housing retirement dynamics. In the last 30 years, however, these trends appear to be changing, as household size shows signs of leveling off, or even increasing again, while average floor space per unit has been increasing. GDP and total floor space show a remarkably constant growth trend over the period and total residential sector primary energy consumption and floor space show a similar growth trend over the last 60 years, decoupling only within the last decade.  相似文献   

Microbats perform important ecological services in agro‐ecosystems, but several species are globally threatened by loss of roosting and breeding habitats. The successful conservation of bats in agricultural land requires adequate knowledge of their ecology. Using ultrasonic recorders, we studied the activity of insectivorous bats in areas of macadamia production in eastern Australia at two spatial scales: across woodland‐orchard transects at the local scale and across three levels of fragmentation at the landscape scale. At the local scale, activity patterns of ‘clutter’ and ‘edge’ specialists were consistently higher in woodland patches, gradually decreasing towards isolated orchards, where only a few ‘open’ specialists were active. At the landscape scale, bat community activity was affected by the level of fragmentation, partly because three of the most recorded taxa (Austronomus australis, Saccolaimus flaviventris and Miniopterus australis) had their highest activity in less‐fragmented areas. A distance‐based model explained 24% of the bat community activity based on a combination of six environmental variables. Canonical correspondence analysis showed that a number of bat taxa were associated with open areas of macadamia, whereas other taxa were associated with increasing values of landscape composition, and arthropod and water availability. In addition, total bat activity was highly correlated with foraging rate. These results suggest that most bat taxa were influenced by proximity to woodland and the degree of fragmentation, and only few taxa were able to exploit isolated orchards. Environmental factors that promote bat activity could be exploited to strengthen conservation efforts. Preserving remnant woodland and promoting habitat heterogeneity will benefit several bat species. In particular, the foraging activity of ‘edge’ specialists could be fostered by increasing landscape connectivity and maintaining unobstructed water bodies near macadamia orchards. Considering that bats forage as they navigate these areas, conservation efforts could also bring benefits to farmers through pest‐reduction services.  相似文献   

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