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不同土壤水分条件下土壤容重对玉米根系生长的影响   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:23  
用玉米作为实验材料进行分根实验。种子根平分在装有土娄土的分隔的白铁皮桶中。土壤容重分 4种处理 :低容重 (两边容重都为 1 .2 0 g· cm-3 )、中容重 (两边容重都为1 .33g· cm-3 )、高容重 (两边容重都为 1 .45g· cm-3 )和混合容重 (一边为 1 .2 0 g· cm-3 ,另一边为 1 .45g· cm-3 )。土壤水分控制在高基质势 (- 0 .1 7MPa)和低基质势 (- 0 .86MPa) 2个水平。结果表明 :当植株生长在高紧实土壤或土壤基质势从 - 0 .1 7MPa降到 - 0 .86 MPa时 ,根长和根干重都显著降低 ;紧实土壤使根长降低的同时还使根的直径增大。然而 ,当植株生长在混合容重土壤中时 ,处在低容重土壤中的根系生长得到加强 ,补偿甚至超补偿高容重土壤中根系生长的不足  相似文献   

受旱玉米植株木质部汁液中的ABA浓度是高水分处理的5倍,土壤容重每增加0.12g·cm-3,木质部液汁中ABA浓度约增加1倍。在相同土壤基质势下,植株的气孔导度和蒸腾速率随土壤容重的增大而下降,而容重对植株的叶水势没有影响。生长在混合容重(一边为1.20g·cm-3,另一边为1.45g·cm-3)土壤上的植株中,ABA浓度和气孔导度与全部根系处在高容重土壤中的植株接近。  相似文献   

机械作业下土壤理化性质和生态因子的变化   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
夏萍  任丽 《应用生态学报》2002,13(3):319-322
通过 3年对黄淮海农业机械化推广的研究 ,探讨了机械综合作业对旱作农业的影响 .结果表明 ,机械化秸秆还田、化肥深施、土壤深松和免耕覆盖等综合技术的合理配套实施 ,可以改善土壤理化性状 ,具有明显的生物学效应 .与传统作业相比 ,机械综合作业使土壤容重减少 0 .0 8g·cm-3 ,有机质含量增加12 % ,水分利用率提高 10 .1%~ 13.6 % ,小麦玉米产量增加 12 18kg·hm-2 .  相似文献   

Liu YM  Zhang XC  Wang DD 《应用生态学报》2011,22(10):2604-2608
采用盆栽试验,研究了安塞黄绵土不同容重、不同固化剂(路邦EN-1固化剂)掺量对黑麦草生长和根系活力的影响.结果表明:黄绵土容重在1.2~1.4 9·cm-3范围内,随土壤容重的增加,黑麦草叶绿素含量、根系活力、根冠比、根生物量和植株生物量均降低;各土壤容重条件下,黑麦草叶绿素含量、根系活力、根冠比、根生物量和植株生物量均高于对照,且随着固化剂掺量的增加均呈先增加后降低的趋势.土壤容重和固化剂掺量交互作用对根生物量和总生物量的影响均显著(P<0.05).总体来看,土壤容重1.3 g·cm-3、固化剂掺量0.15%处理下,各指标值均最高.  相似文献   

不同土壤水分条件下容重对玉米生长的影响   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
刘晚苟  山仑 《应用生态学报》2003,14(11):1906-1910
用玉米作为实验材料。进行分根实验研究不同土壤水分条件下容重对玉米生长的影响,种子根平分在装有塿土的分隔的白铁皮桶中,土壤容重分4种处理:低容重(两边容重都为1.20g·cm-3)、中容重(两边容重都为1.33g·cm-3)、高容重(两边容重都为1.45g·cm-3)和混合容重(一边为1.20g·cm-3,另一边为1.45g·cm-3),土壤水分控制在高基质势(-0.17MPa)和低基质势(-0.86MPa)两个水平,结果表明,当植株生长在紧实土壤或土壤基质势从-0.17MPa降到-0.86MPa时。根长、根干重和地上部干重都显著降低,并且地上部干重的降幅更大,紧实土壤使根长降低的同时还使根的直径增大,无论是容重增大还是土壤水分含量降低所引起的高土壤阻力都使叶片扩展速度降低和植株变小,生长在紧实土壤中的植株变小不仅是因为叶片扩展速度降低,同时是成熟叶片叶面积缩小的结果。然而,当植株生长在混合容重土壤中时,处在低容重土壤中的根系生长得到加强,补偿甚至超补偿高容重土壤中根系生长的不足,整个植株的生长状况与低容重土壤中生长的植株接近。  相似文献   

间作缓解蚕豆连作障碍的根际微生态效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
胡国彬  董坤  董艳  郑毅  汤利  李欣然  刘一鸣 《生态学报》2016,36(4):1010-1020
通过田间小区试验,研究了3个品种蚕豆(92-24、云豆324、凤豆6号)与小麦间作对蚕豆产量、枯萎病病情指数、根际镰刀菌数量、根际真菌代谢功能多样性和土壤酶活性的影响。结果表明:与单作蚕豆相比,云豆324与小麦间作(YD324/W)和凤豆6号与小麦间作(FD6/W)处理均显著提高了蚕豆地上部干重、籽粒产量和百粒重。YD324/W和FD6/W处理使蚕豆枯萎病发病初期病情指数分别降低57.14%和41.67%,镰刀菌数量分别降低32.06%和29.88%,而92-24与小麦间作(92-24/W)处理蚕豆产量、枯萎病病情指数和镰刀菌数量与单作蚕豆均无显著差异。YD324/W和FD6/W处理显著提高了蚕豆根际真菌的多样性指数和丰富度指数,并使蚕豆根际真菌的AWCD值分别比单作蚕豆提高了61.75%和46.49%;YD324/W和FD6/W处理明显改变了蚕豆根际真菌的群落结构。而92-24/W处理对蚕豆根际真菌的多样性指数、丰富度指数和AWCD值均无显著影响,也未明显改变真菌的群落结构。不同发病时期,YD324/W和FD6/W处理均显著提高了蚕豆根际土壤的蔗糖酶、脲酶和过氧化氢酶活性;而92-24/W处理蚕豆根际蔗糖酶、脲酶和过氧化氢酶活性与单作蚕豆均无显著差异。总之,小麦与不同品种蚕豆间作改变了蚕豆根际的真菌群落结构,提高了蚕豆根际真菌的活性、多样性和丰富度,提高土壤酶活性并改善蚕豆生长,增加了蚕豆产量。表明小麦与蚕豆间作改善了根际土壤的微生态环境,降低了镰刀菌的数量,缓解了蚕豆连作障碍,但蚕豆品种的差异影响间作控病效果。  相似文献   

接种蚯蚓对秸秆还田土壤碳、氮动态和作物产量的影响   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:31  
通过为期 2年的小区 (2 .8m× 1.0m)试验 ,研究了旱作水稻 小麦轮作条件下接种蚯蚓对施用玉米秸秆 (第一季用量 15 0 0g·m-2 ,以后各季为 75 0g·m-2 )农田土壤碳、氮动态和作物产量的影响 .结果表明 ,接种 10条·m-2 或 2 0条·m-2 环毛蚓 (Pheretimasp .)对土壤有机碳和全氮含量无显著影响 ,蚯蚓活动未造成土壤C库的衰减 ,土壤碳、氮基本维持平衡 .接种蚯蚓处理土壤N的矿化作用增强 ,矿质N含量提高 ,NO3 - N含量增加 ,而且稻季比麦季增加更为明显 .接种蚯蚓在稻、麦季均能提高微生物量碳、氮含量 ,蚯蚓具有扩大土壤微生物量N库和促进有机N矿化的双重作用 .这种作用在有效C源供应丰富的作物生长发育旺盛期更为明显 .接种蚯蚓对旱作水稻和小麦有一定的增产作用 ,其中水稻的增产幅度达 9.3% ,小麦为 5 .1% .接种蚯蚓后土壤容重明显降低 ,孔隙度显著增加 .蚯蚓在保持土壤C库平衡的同时 ,对于促进秸秆有机肥N素养分的再循环和作物生产力的提高具有重要的生态学意义 .  相似文献   

数种农药对蚕豆根腐病的田间防效   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在实验室内探讨了三唑酮,甲基硫菌灵,福美双,恶霜灵和甲霜灵等5种杀菌剂单用或混用对蚕豆种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响,据此,在田间开展了杀菌剂拦种和杀菌剂与杀虫剂混用防治蚕豆根腐病的研究,第1年的结果表明,在11个处理中,三唑酮单独拌和效果最为显著,与对照相比,在0.01ga.i.kg^_1种子的剂量下,使6周龄植株的根腐病指数降低51.5%,成株累计死亡率减少36%,单株种子产量提高21%,每公顷种子产量增加97.6%,其他处理未取得显著防效,第2年开展的三唑酮拌种是防治蚕豆根腐病的有效措施之一。但杀菌拌种应与其他防治措施综合应用,方可取得更好的防治效果。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验研究了水分胁迫下接种丛枝菌根真菌摩西球囊霉(Glomaus mosseae)对枳[Poncirustrifoliat(L.)Raf.]实生苗的生长和渗透调节物质含量的影响.结果表明,在土壤含水量为20%、16%和12%条件下,接种G.mosseae能够增加植株的生长(株高、茎粗、叶面积、地上部干重、地下部干重和植株干重),促进植株根系活跃吸收面积和根际土壤有效磷的吸收,提高叶片和根系可溶性糖含量的积累,降低叶片脯氨酸含量,增强植株的水分利用效率(达20%~40%),使枳实生苗的抗旱能力得到增强.土壤含水量为20%和16%条件下接种G.mosseae对植株的效果较土壤含水量为12%条件下更显著.12%的土壤含水量严重抑制Gmosseae的侵染,说明丛枝菌根侵染程度轻,其对植物的效果也差.  相似文献   

东北盐碱化羊草草地生物治理的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
 盐碱草地的生物治理包括两种形式:一是人工建立枯草层,改变盐碱土的理化性质,直接种植羊草,恢复植被;二是种植耐盐碱植物,自然积累有机质,逐渐恢复植被。枯草层可改变盐碱土的理化性状,当枯草量达1.5kg·m-2时,与对照区相比,土壤容重由1.71g·cm-3减少 到1.10g·cm-3,土壤孔隙度和空气含量分别提高了41.7%和1.7倍,土壤含水量增加31.7%。土壤pH值由10.05下降到8.5,含盐量和电导率分别下降了34.1%和40%,碱化度由64.59%下降到35.75%。种植虎尾草改良盐碱化草地是一种有效的途径,4年后,光碱斑已全部被植被覆盖,群落产量达450g·m-2,羊草在群落中大量出现,约占总产量的45%以上。实验结果表明当枯草量达1.5g·m-2时,播种羊草即可在盐碱上壤上存活,4年后,羊草群落的产量可达600g·m-2,基本上恢复到了羊草草地。  相似文献   

The effects of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) colonisation on phosphorus (P) uptake and growth of clover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) in response to soil compaction were studied in three pot experiments. P uptake and growth of the plants decreased as the bulk density of the soil increased from 1.0 to 1.6 Mg m-3. The strongest effects of soil compaction on P uptake and plant growth were observed at the highest P application (60 mg kg-1 soil). The main observation of this study was that at low P application (15 mg kg-1 soil), P uptake and shoot dry weight of the plants colonised by Glomus intraradices were greater than those of non-mycorrhizal plants at similar levels of compaction of the soil. However, the mycorrhizal growth response decreased proportionately as soil compaction was increased. Decreased total P uptake and shoot dry weight of mycorrhizal clover in compacted soil were attributed to the reduction in the root length. Soil compaction had no significant effect on the percentage of root length colonised. However, total root length colonised was lower (6.6 m pot-1) in highly compacted soil than in slightly compacted soil (27.8 m pot-1). The oxygen content of the soil atmosphere measured shortly before the plants were harvested varied from 0.18 m3m-3 in slightly compacted soil (1.0 Mg m-3) to 0.10 m3m-3 in highly compacted soil (1.6 Mg m-3).  相似文献   

Knowledge of the responses of root systems in horizoned heterogeneous soil is vital to optimise uptake of water and nutrients to maximise crop productivity. We explored the interacting effects of soil bulk density and texture on the development of root systems in tomato.Two main techniques were employed, X-ray micro-Computed Tomography (μCT), to provide non-destructive, three-dimensional (3D) images of root systems in situ and destructive root washing followed by WinRHIZO® scanning. Solanum lycopersicum L. cv. Ailsa Craig plants were grown in soil columns for 10 days to measure the effect of soil compaction on selected root traits. Treatments included bulk density (1.2–1.6 Mg m−3), soil texture (loamy sand and clay loam) and the effects of layering.The effect of bulk density on root growth was greatest 3 days after transplanting (DAT) in both soil types. The effect of soil texture was not apparent at this stage, but was significant at 10 DAT for most root and shoot variables. The influence of bulk density differed between soil types as increasing compaction promoted plant growth in clay loam but retarded root growth in loamy sand.We observed that at 3 DAT root growth is primarily influenced by bulk density but by 10 DAT a switch in the processes regulating root growth occurs and the texture of the soil becomes very influential. Future investigations of root growth must consider soil physical properties individually and at specific time points, as their importance changes as the root system becomes established. Here we have demonstrated both positive and negative impacts across a wide range of bulk density treatments in different soil textures on root growth. This illustrates the importance of understanding the complex nature of root–soil interactions, especially for agricultural practices such as seedbed preparation.  相似文献   

土壤紧实胁迫对黄瓜根系活力和叶片光合作用的影响   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
研究了黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L)根系活力和叶片光合作用对土壤紧实胁迫的响应.结果表明:当土壤紧实度增大时,黄瓜根系重量减小,活力下降.同时,叶片的相对电导率(REC)及丙二醛(MDA)含量升高;可溶性蛋白质含量降低;超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)及过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性增强;净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(E)及比叶重(SLW)减小,胞间CO2浓度(Ci)增大.  相似文献   

Toker C 《Hereditas》2004,140(3):222-225
Eight faba bean (Vicia faba L.) genotypes were grown at lowlands of the west-Mediterranean region of Turkey in order to estimate the broad-sense heritability for plant height, number of stems and pods per plant, seed yield, biological yield, 100-seed weight, days to flowering and maturity. The heritability for plant height, number of stems and pods per plant, seed yield, biological yield, 100-seed weight, days to flowering and maturity were estimated as 83%, 63%, 43%, 62%, 52%, 99%, 97% and 97%, respectively. It was found that seed weight was the least affected trait across changing environmental conditions and followed by days to flowering and maturity. On the other hand, number of pods per plant, biological and seed yields and number of stems per plant were the most affected traits versus environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Plant nutrition and growth: Basic principles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Soil compaction may restrict shoot growth of sugar beet plants. Roots, however, are the plant organs directly exposed to soil compaction and should therefore be primarily affected. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of mechanical resistance and aeration of compacted soil on root and shoot growth and on phosphorus supply of sugar beet. For this purpose, a silt loam soil was adjusted to bulk densities of 1.30, 1.50 and 1.65 g cm–3 and water tensions of 300 and 60 hPa. Sugar beet was grown in a growth chamber under constant climatic conditions for 4 weeks. Both, decrease of water tension and increase of bulk density impeded root and shoot growth. In contrast, the P supply of the plants was differently affected. At the same air-filled pore volume, the P concentration of the shoots was reduced by a decrease of soil water tension, but not by an increase of bulk density. Both factors also reduced root length and root hair formation, however, in compacted soil the plants partly substituted for the reduction of root size by increasing the P uptake efficiency per unit of root. Shoot growth decreased when root growth was restricted. Both characteristics were closely related irrespective of the cause of root growth limitation by either compaction or water saturation. It is therefore concluded that shoot growth in both the compacted and the wet soil was regulated by root growth. The main factor impeding root growth in compacted soil was penetration resistance, not soil aeration.FAX no corresponding author: +49551 5056299  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify lentil-specific rhizobial strains with the ability to tolerate fungicide and synthesize plant growth regulators even in soils contaminated with fungicides. A fungicide-tolerant and plant-growth-promoting rhizobial strain was used to assess its impact on lentil grown in fungicide-treated soils. The tebuconazole-tolerant Rhizobium sp. strain MRL3 produced plant-growth-promoting substances when grown in the presence and the absence of tebuconazole. Tebuconazole at the recommended and two and three times the recommended doses decreased consistently the dry biomass, symbiotic properties, nutrient uptake, and seed yields of lentil plants. In contrast, the fungicide-tolerant strain MRL3 significantly increased the measured parameters when lentil was grown in soils treated with varying concentrations of tebuconazole compared to uninoculated plants. As an example, strain MRL3 with 100 μg tebuconazole/kg soil significantly increased the root nitrogen, shoot nitrogen, root phosphorus, shoot phosphorus, and seed yield by 31, 10, 41, 21, and 117%, respectively, compared to the uninoculated plants grown in soil treated solely with 100 μg tebuconazole/kg soil. In conclusion, the Rhizobium strain MRL3 may be applied as biofertilizer to enhance the performance of lentil plants in fungicide-applied soils.  相似文献   

Research was carried out on the genotoxic effects (induction of micronucleated cells in primary root tips) and toxic effects (reduction in primary root growth) in young plants of Vicia faba grown in soils with different organic matter contents and treated with the herbicides atrazine, glyphosate and maleic hydrazide. The data obtained show that the genotoxic effects are noticeably influenced by the interactions between the herbicide and the type of soil in which the Vicia faba have grown. While maleic hydrazide proved to be highly clastogenic for young plants grown in both soils, atrazine was genotoxic only in young plants grown in soil poor in organic matter. Glyphosate did not induce micronuclei under either soil condition, but induced a significant toxic effect.  相似文献   

American elm (Ulmus americana) seedlings were either non-inoculated or inoculated with Hebeloma crustuliniforme, Laccaria bicolor and a mixture of the two fungi to study the effects of ectomycorrhizal associations on seedling responses to soil compaction and salinity. The seedlings were grown in the greenhouse in pots containing non-compacted (0.4 g cm?3 bulk density) and compacted (0.6 g cm?3 bulk density) soil and subjected to 60 mM NaCl or 0 mM NaCl (control) treatments for 3 weeks. All three fungal inocula had similar effects on the responses of elm seedlings to soil compaction and salt treatment. In non-compacted soil, ectomycorrhizal fungi reduced plant dry weights, root hydraulic conductance, but did not affect leaf hydraulic conductance and net photosynthesis. When treated with 60 mM NaCl, ectomycorrhizal seedlings had several-fold lower leaf concentrations of Na+ compared with the non-inoculated plants. Soil compaction reduced Na+ leaf concentrations in non-ectomycorrhizal plants and decreased dry weights, gas exchange and root hydraulic conductance. However, in ectomycorrhizal plants, soil compaction had little effect on the leaf Na+ concentrations and on other measured growth and physiological parameters. Our results demonstrated that ECM associations could be highly beneficial to plants growing in sites with compacted soil such as urban areas.  相似文献   

Nutrient acquisition and growth of citronella Java (Cymbopogon winterianus Jowitt) was studied in a P-deficient sandy soil to determine the effects of mycorrhizal symbiosis and soil compaction. A pasteurized sandy loam soil was inoculated either with rhizosphere microorganisms excluding VAM fungi (non-mycorrhizal) or with the VAM fungus, Glomus intraradices Schenck and Smith (mycorrhizal) and supplied with 0, 50 or 100 mg P kg-1 soil. The soil was compacted to a bulk density of 1.2 and 1.4 Mg m-3 (dry soil basis). G. intraradices substantially increased root and shoot biomass, root length, nutrient (P, Zn and Cu) uptake per unit root length and nutrient concentrations in the plant, compared to inoculation with rhizosphere microorganisms when the soil was at the low bulk density and not amended with P. Little or no plant response to the VAM fungus was observed when the soil was supplied with 50 or 100 mg P kg-1 soil and/or compacted to the highest bulk density. At higher soil compaction and P supply the VAM fungus significantly reduced root length. Non-mycorrhizal plants at higher soil compaction produced relatively thinner roots and had higher concentrations and uptake of P, Zn and Cu than at lower soil compaction, particularly under conditions of P deficiency. The quality of citronella Java oil measured in terms citronellal and d-citronellol concentration did not vary appreciably due to various soil treatments.  相似文献   

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