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中药透皮吸收剂对大鼠阴道微生态失衡的调节效应研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过外袭菌破坏大鼠阴道正常微生态平衡,导致局部感染,经0.5倍等效量抗菌药物治疗同时伍用中药透皮吸收剂(黄连解毒汤加味)与单独应用抗菌药物进行了比较。结果证明:中药透皮吸收剂可提高抗菌药物疗效,促进外袭菌感染的恢复,与单独使用抗菌药比有非常显著性差异。本项研究提示中药透皮吸收剂可通过抗菌和提高免疫力双重作用,对外袭菌引发的微生态失衡、局部感染,具有明显调节、治疗效应。  相似文献   

本文给普通BALB/C小鼠口服不同剂量的链霉素、新霉素干扰动物肠道菌群平衡状态,初步研究了肠道菌群平衡紊乱对动物迟发型超敏反应、脾脏抗体形成细胞数、外周血白细胞化功能、腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬活性的影响,以初步探讨普通动物中正常菌群与免疫机制间的微生态关系。结果表明,口服两种抗生素破坏动物正常菌群平衡均可导致机体免疫机能水平降低;免疫机能降低程度与抗生素抗菌谱、药物剂量及用药时间有密切关系。提示,口服抗生素引起机体肠道正常菌群平衡紊乱是导致机体免疫机能下降的重要原因;正常菌群与机体保持稳定的平衡状态对机体免疫机能的正常发挥是必不可少的。  相似文献   

连续培养技术在微生态学研究中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对连续培养技术在微生态学研究中的应用及进展作了综述。连续培养技术可用来建立体外模型以模拟正常菌群的生态系统,如人或动物的肠道菌群、口腔菌群等;用来研究正常菌群与病原菌之间的相互作用,菌群的生理生化特性及代谢产物。并可用于微生态制剂的研制和生产。  相似文献   

为评估克氏原螯虾用产芽孢益生菌的特性和安全,本研究从市售益生菌产品中分离到19株芽孢杆菌属成员.通过测定抗菌活性、产纤维素酶活性、温度对生长影响来评价其益生菌的特性;通过测定芽孢对高温、低pH、胆汁酸盐的耐受、自聚集性和表面疏水性等评价其稳定性;通过溶血活性、抗生素敏感性、小鼠攻毒试验、克氏原螯虾饲养试验等评价其安全性.以抗菌和产纤维素酶活性、低温(15℃)生长快和无溶血活性这四项指标为标准进行筛选,结果表明:只有3株芽孢杆菌(B8,B20,B27)可成为益生菌候选株.在15℃低温时生长迅速、抗菌和产纤维素酶活性高的2株解淀粉芽孢杆菌(B14和B40)有溶血活性,能引起克氏原螯虾的肠炎,并导致肠道菌群中气单胞菌丰度显著上升.因此,在克氏原螯虾用芽孢杆菌益生菌的选择中,不仅要关注益生功能,更要考虑其安全性.本研究结果为芽孢杆菌在动物保护产品中科学评价和合理使用提供参考.  相似文献   

为从湖泊沉积物中筛选出对动物病原菌具有抑菌活性的芽孢杆菌Bacillus,采用纯培养方法对云贵川地区9个湖泊样品中的芽孢杆菌进行分离、16S rRNA基因序列测定和发酵,以4株常见动物病原菌作为对象,对芽孢杆菌次级代谢产物进行活性检测,筛选有抗菌活性的菌株,并对活性菌株的发酵产物进行液相色谱-质谱联用技术分析。结果显示,在9个湖泊样品中共分离出47株芽孢杆菌,筛选出13株有抗菌活性的菌株,且其产生的脂肽类抗生素对动物病原菌显示出较好的抗菌活性。本研究不仅扩大了芽孢杆菌物种资源信息库,为后续开展芽孢杆菌次生代谢产物研究奠定理论依据。同时也为开发新型动物致病菌抗生素提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

本文对柠条锦鸡儿的花、叶、枝皮和根皮的乙醇提取物进行了极性部位的分离,并对各部位的提取物进行了抗氧化及抗须癣毛癣菌的活性筛选。抗氧化活性通过DPPH、ABTS、羟自由基(·OH)和超氧阴离子(O_2~-·)自由基的清除能力来评价,抗须癣毛癣菌活性通过抑菌圈实验来进行初步筛选。结果表明,以Vc为对照,柠条锦鸡儿花和叶的提取物具有很好的DPPH和ABTS自由基的清除能力,尤其是它们的乙酸乙酯部位;但所有的提取物对·OH和O_2~-·自由基的清除能力均较弱(P0.001)。抑菌圈实验发现,花、叶和枝皮的乙酸乙酯部位具有一定的抗菌活性,其中枝皮的抗菌活性最好;通过测定生物量,当秋季采集枝皮乙酸乙酯部位提取物浓度为128μg/m L其抑菌率可达到50%。活性筛选结果说明柠条锦鸡儿的花、叶和枝皮具有一定的深入开发潜力。  相似文献   

E. coli CVCC249分批培养的过程根据菌群瞬时生长速率的变化分为加速生长期、恒速生长期、减速生长期和衰亡期4个阶段. 各阶段分别取样, 测定抗生素浓度-杀菌曲线(concentration- killing curve, CKC), 结果表明菌群的生理异质性导致菌群个体间的药物敏感性不同, 总体呈现正态分布. 检测表明各阶段中菌群的核酸、蛋白质含量和脱氢酶活力都有明显差别, 这种生理异质性导致各阶段菌群对药物敏感性的差异. 以加速生长期菌群的CKC曲线为参照, 对于庆大霉 素, 恒速生长期和衰亡期菌群敏感性增强; 对于恩诺沙星恒速生长期反而减弱, 其他阶段差别不大. 这是常规药敏实验方法难以显示的, 表明对不同生理状态菌群的药敏实验测定结果可深入反映出药物的杀菌机理. 这有助于常规药敏实验方法的改进, 并可为抗菌药物的合理使用提供理论支持.  相似文献   

目的:由于换牙期儿童牙齿及口腔的独特特点(疼痛、易出血、有炎症、易引起发烧),故迫切需要一款专用牙膏。研究了本公司研制的新型生物牙膏中的活性多肽对口腔微生物的抗菌作用。方法:测定生物抗菌多肽(包括:MSI-1,BF-30,Cbf-14,Cbf-K_(16))对口腔微生物的最小抑菌浓度(Minimal inhibitory concentration,MIC),最小杀菌浓度(Minimal bactericide concentration,MBC)及杀菌曲线(Killing curves,KCs),同时评估抗菌多肽牙膏对平板培养微生物的抑菌效果强弱,分析其对口腔微生物的作用。结果:几种多肽对三种细菌均具有良好的杀菌活性,MIC范围为4-32μg/ml,且都能在4 h之内杀灭所有细菌,同时生物活性多肽复合物对微生物也有明显的抑制效果。结论:生物抗菌多肽牙膏中的几种活性多肽具有广谱的杀菌作用,具有潜在的实用价值和临床指导意义。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平日益提高,口腔健康越来越受到关注。近年来,益生菌对口腔菌群和宿主健康的调节作用已成为广泛研究的话题。已有证据表明,益生菌可以竞争性地抑制口腔中致病细菌的黏附和定植,分泌抗菌物质以减少病原菌。本文综述了相关益生菌对变形链球菌这一公认的龋齿病原菌的作用,包括:(1)生物表面活性剂、细菌素、胞外多糖等益生菌代谢产物对变形链球菌牙菌生物膜的抑制作用;(2)刺激宿主免疫反应,调节口腔菌群组成;(3)下调或阻断变形链球菌细胞中与黏附在牙齿表面形成生物膜相关的基因表达。  相似文献   

口腔亚健康是指口腔处于健康与疾病状态之间的一种状态,其灵敏辨别与准确检测对于维护儿童和成人群体的身心健康均具重大意义。最新研究表明,口腔共生菌群的特异性结构或功能变化可先于口腔临床症状出现,因此具备预测疾病发生的潜力。首先,综述了口腔菌群与口腔内生态位、宿主年龄、疾病状态等的关联,讨论了基于口腔菌群定义与检测牙齿、牙周组织的亚健康状态的现有证据及潜力;其次,以微生物组大数据和单细胞分析为例,探讨了新一代微生物组分析技术的最新进展和应用前景。基于微生物组的口腔亚健康状态检测与机制研究,将为口腔乃至全身的精准医疗与精准护理提供新思路和新工具。  相似文献   

Treatment of alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) and human serum samples with Escherichia coli resulted in a time- and concentration-dependent inhibition of bacterial proliferation. When inoculated with E. coli, alligator serum exhibited 10-fold lower bacterial survival rates after 1 h than human serum. In addition, the antibacterial spectrum of alligator serum was shown to be much broader than that of human serum, with growth inhibition occurring in 100% of bacterial strains tested (compared to only 35% for human serum). Additional results showed that the antimicrobial activities of alligator serum could be completely inhibited by preincubation with proteases, indicating the proteinaceous nature of the antimicrobial activities. Furthermore, incubation of alligator serum at 56 degrees C for 30 min (classical human serum complement inactivation conditions) obliterated all antimicrobial properties of the alligator serum. The antibacterial activities occurred relatively quickly in vitro, with significant activity occurring within 5 min of inoculation with E. coli and maximal activity at 20 min. Also, the antimicrobial activity exhibited temperature dependence, with a substantial decrease in activity below 15 degrees C. These data suggest that the antimicrobial properties of alligator serum may be due to an active serum complement system.  相似文献   

Antibacterial activities of anthozoan corals on some marine microfoulers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wilsanand V  Wagh AB  Bapuji M 《Microbios》1999,99(394):137-145
The antibacterial activities of twelve species of anthozoans (4 gorgonians, 5 soft corals and 3 antipatharians) collected off the east coast of India were assayed against four dominant marine fouling bacterial strains isolated from the biofilm of fouled aluminium panels. Of the 48 combinations (12 corals x 4 bacteria) eighteen interactions showed antibacterial activity (37.5%). Such activity was most apparent in gorgonians, which inhibited bacterial growth in ten out of sixteen interactions (62.5%) compared with that of five out of twenty interactions (25%) among soft corals and three out of twelve interactions (25%) among antipatharians. The activity scores varied with different extracts and test organisms used, and was highest in antipatharians. Among the four bacterial strains Vibrio sp. was the least sensitive (2/12) when compared with Flavobacterium sp. (6/12). This is the first report of antibacterial activities of antipatharian colonies against marine microfoulers. The results imply that anthozoan corals harbour potent agents which could be exploited for the development of antifouling technology.  相似文献   

Although the antimicrobial peptide nisin has been extensively studied in the food industry for decades, its application in the oral cavity remains to develop and evaluate its feasibility in treating oral common diseases. Nisin is an odorless, colorless, tasteless substance with low toxicity and with antibacterial activities against Gram-positive bacteria. These biologic properties may establish its use in promising products for oral diseases. This article summarizes the antibacterial efficiency of nisin against pathogenic bacteria related to dental caries and root canal infection and discusses the combination of nisin and common oral drugs.  相似文献   

Several ant species vary in the number of queens per colony, yet the causes and consequences of this variation remain poorly understood. In previous experiments, we found that Formica selysi workers originating from multiple-queen (=polygyne) colonies had a lower resistance to a fungal pathogen than workers originating from single-queen (=monogyne) colonies. In contrast, group diversity improved disease resistance in experimental colonies. This discrepancy between field and experimental colonies suggested that variation in social structure in the field had antagonistic effects on worker resistance, possibly through a down-regulation of the immune system balancing the positive effect of genetic diversity. Here, we examined if workers originating from field colonies with alternative social structure differed in three major components of their immune system. We found that workers from polygyne colonies had a lower bacterial growth inhibitory activity than workers from monogyne colonies. In contrast, workers from the two types of colonies did not differ significantly in bacterial cell wall lytic activity and prophenoloxidase activity. Overall, the presence of multiple queens in a colony correlated with a slight reduction in one inducible component of the immune system of individual workers. This reduced level of immune defence might explain the lower resistance of workers originating from polygyne colonies despite the positive effect of genetic diversity. More generally, these results indicate that social changes at the group level can modulate individual immune defences.  相似文献   

The synthetic glycopeptides are interesting model systems to study the effect of O-glycosylation in modulating their function and structure. A series of glycosylated analogs of two antibacterial peptides, formaecin I and drosocin, were synthesized by varying the nature of sugar and its linkage with bioactive peptides to understand the influence of structure variation of glycosylation on their antibacterial activities. Higher antibacterial activities of all glycopeptides compared to their respective non-glycosylated counterparts emphasize in part the importance of sugar moieties in functional implications of these peptides. The consequences of the unique differences among the analogs were apparent on their antibacterial activities but not evident structurally by circular dichroism studies. We have shown that differently glycosylated peptides exhibit differential effect among each other when tested against several Gram-negative bacterial strains. The change of monosaccharide moiety and/or its anomeric configuration in formaecin I and drosocin resulted into decrease in the antibacterial activity in comparison to that of the native glycopeptide, but the extent of decrease in antibacterial activity of glycosylated drosocin analogs was less. Probably, the variation in peptide conformation arising due to topological dissimilarities among different sugars in the same peptide resulting in possible modulation in binding properties appears to be responsible for differences in their antibacterial activities. Indeed, these effects of glycosylation are found to be sequence-specific and depend in the milieu of amino acid residues. Interestingly, none of the carbohydrate variants affected the basic property of these peptides, which is non-hemolytic and non-toxicity to eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

【目的】颊下囊是蚂蚁口前腔中一个特殊的袋状结构,在蚂蚁取食过程中,固体食物和其它颗粒在进入食道前被过滤在颊下囊中,稍后被蚂蚁从口前腔排出,这种过滤机制保证了主要利用液体食物的蚂蚁整个消化道的畅通。本文旨在揭示蚂蚁颊下囊结构及其内含物中存在的细菌类群及其可能在蚂蚁的消化、清洁以及其它方面发挥的潜在作用。【方法】利用扫描电镜确定了日本弓背蚁颊下囊在蚂蚁头部的位置及其形状,然后采用传统的细菌分离培养与细菌16S r RNA基因序列分析相结合的方法进行了颊下囊内含物以及蚁巢内土壤样品细菌的分离培养研究。【结果】(1)颊下囊位于蚂蚁口腔的后侧,呈袋状结构,内部含有大量的固体颗粒物质;(2)3个蚁巢工蚁颊下囊内含物每克样品中可培养细菌的菌落总数(cfu/g)数量差异较大,并且显著大于同巢土壤样品的细菌cfu/g数量;(3)从3个蚁巢的工蚁颊下囊内含物中共分离到11属的细菌,分别隶属于厚壁菌门(Firmicutes)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)和γ-变形菌纲(γ-Proteobacteria)三大类群,其中放线菌门细菌为优势类群;在属级水平上,巢1和巢2工蚁颊下囊内含物中的优势菌群为微杆菌属,分别占47.83%和49.73%,巢3优势菌群为不动杆菌属和微杆菌属,分别占37.27%和30%;3个蚁巢土壤样品优势菌均为芽孢杆菌属,分别占各自分离总菌落数的49.69%、56.22%和44.79%。(4)蚁巢土壤中所分离出的细菌均能在同巢工蚁的颊下囊内含物中分离得到,但同一蚁巢蚂蚁颊下囊内含物与其巢内土壤的细菌组成存在明显差异;不同蚁巢蚂蚁颊下囊内含物的细菌组成也存在明显差异。【结论】蚂蚁的颊下囊中存在丰富的细菌种类,在蚁巢土壤中分离到的细菌均能在颊下囊中发现,而在颊下囊中分离到的部分细菌并没有在相应的蚁巢土壤样品中分离到。  相似文献   

Antibacterial activities have been demonstrated on oral bacteria with inorganic antibacterial agents (ABAs) after their incorporations into an experimental self-etching primer (ESP) before curing. This study was to assess their biocompatibility and antibacterial activity after curing. Six ABAs were incorporated respectively into ESP for treating specimens. After curing, their bactericidal activities on Streptococcus mutans and influences to the early bacterial colonization were assessed by direct contact and viable count. Systemic toxicity in rats after short-term oral exposure and direct contact cytotoxicity with NIH3T3 fibroblasts were tested. Incorporation of ZnOw AT-83, Longbei antibiotic, Antim-AMS2 or IONPURE-H significantly enhanced the antibacterial effect of ESP after curing, even after 1 month aging. Specimens treated by ESP with ZnOw AT-83, Longbei antibiotic or Antim-AMS2 showed slightly less bacterial adhesion than control. Animal experiments revealed neither toxic signs nor significant differences in body weight gain between control and other groups. Cell vitality or proliferation rates were ranged from 76% to 100% with respect to controls. Basic magnesium hypochlorite, ZnOw AT-83 and ZnOw AT-88 were less toxic. Toxicity only observed in areas beneath the specimens and/or in the direct vicinity of the specimen edge. From microbiological and biocompatibility aspects, the tested ABAs can be effectively incorporated in ESP to provide antibacterial activity against S. mutans. ZnOw AT-83 was the most promising one.  相似文献   

The present investigation determined the antibacterial activities in the sera of both cultured and wild Atlantic cod Gadus morhua . Serum samples from both groups of fish were quantified for total protein, and their effects against fish pathogens Listonella anguillarum , Aeromonas salmonicida and Yersinia ruckeri were determined using co-incubation assay. Total serum protein concentrations were not significantly different between farmed and wild Atlantic cod. Sera of cultured Atlantic cod significantly decreased growth of L. anguillarum by at least two-log10 reductions in bacterial count, while those of the wild Atlantic cod were able to inhibit the growth of all three fish bacterial pathogens. The present study showed that sera from wild fish possess broader antibacterial activities than cultured Atlantic cod and that these could provide an explanation for the differences regarding their immunity to bacterial infections as well as their health status.  相似文献   

Nitrite is reduced to nitric oxide (NO) in the oral cavity. The NO generated can react with molecular oxygen producing reactive nitrogen species. In this study, reduction of nitrite to NO was observed in bacterial fractions of saliva and whole saliva. Formation of reactive nitrogen species from NO was detected by measuring the transformation of 4,5-diaminofluorescein (DAF-2) to triazolfluorescein (DAF-2T). The transformation was fast in bacterial fractions but slow in whole saliva. Salivary components such as ascorbate, glutathione, uric acid and thiocyanate inhibited the transformation of DAF-2 to DAF-2T in bacterial fractions without affecting nitrite-dependent NO production. The inhibition was deduced to be due to scavenging of reactive nitrogen species, which were formed from NO, by the above reagents. The transformation of DAF-2 to DAF-2T was faster in bacterial fractions and whole saliva which were prepared 1-4 h after tooth brushing than those prepared immediately after toothbrushing. Increase in the rate as a function of time after toothbrushing seemed to be due to the increase in population of bacteria which could reduce nitrite to NO. The results obtained in this study suggest that reactive nitrogen species derived from NO are continuously formed in the oral cavity and that the reactive nitrogen species are effectively scavenged by salivary redox components in saliva but the scavenging is not complete.  相似文献   

Nitrite is reduced to nitric oxide (NO) in the oral cavity. The NO generated can react with molecular oxygen producing reactive nitrogen species. In this study, reduction of nitrite to NO was observed in bacterial fractions of saliva and whole saliva. Formation of reactive nitrogen species from NO was detected by measuring the transformation of 4,5-diaminofluorescein (DAF-2) to triazolfluorescein (DAF-2T). The transformation was fast in bacterial fractions but slow in whole saliva. Salivary components such as ascorbate, glutathione, uric acid and thiocyanate inhibited the transformation of DAF-2 to DAF-2T in bacterial fractions without affecting nitrite-dependent NO production. The inhibition was deduced to be due to scavenging of reactive nitrogen species, which were formed from NO, by the above reagents. The transformation of DAF-2 to DAF-2T was faster in bacterial fractions and whole saliva which were prepared 1–4?h after tooth brushing than those prepared immediately after toothbrushing. Increase in the rate as a function of time after toothbrushing seemed to be due to the increase in population of bacteria which could reduce nitrite to NO. The results obtained in this study suggest that reactive nitrogen species derived from NO are continuously formed in the oral cavity and that the reactive nitrogen species are effectively scavenged by salivary redox components in saliva but the scavenging is not complete.  相似文献   

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