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转座子(transposon)研究是当前分子遗传学中活跃的领域之一,由于发现了转座子,使人们对遗传物质及其运动的认识,提高到了新水平,也为当前分子遗传学和遗传工程的研究提  相似文献   

四、禾谷类作物体细胞变异 的分子遗传学基础 禾谷类作物体细胞变异的另一主要因素就是分子水平上发生的基因变化,这里通称为分子遗传学上的变异,包括点突变,基因扩增和丢失,转座子活化,核外基因组重排等。现分别阐述于下。  相似文献   

<正>曹晓风女,1965年5月出生于北京市,籍贯北京。植物表观遗传学家。1988年毕业于北京大学,1991年获现中国农业大学硕士学位,1997年获北京大学博士学位。中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所研究员。长期从事植物表观遗传学研究。在组蛋白甲基化研究方面,发现植物中首个H3K27去甲基化酶REF6,并提出REF6与LHP1共进化的理论;揭示组蛋白甲基化酶和去甲基化酶调控基因表达和维持转座子活性的分子机制,首次在基因组水平上证实转座子具有调控功能。系统研究了拟南芥中蛋白质精氨酸甲基转移酶  相似文献   

本书为美国冷泉港实验室高级细菌遗传学课程所采用的实验性手册,书中较为详细介绍了有关基因融合、转座子及重组DNA实验方法、技术操作及其在大肠杆菌遗传学分析中的应用。从三个方面介绍了本书的大概内容:第一部分描述了在多拷贝质粒上克隆LacZ的基因融合,14个具有普遍意义的分子遗传学实验原理、操作及其评论;  相似文献   

害虫基因防治新方向:转基因昆虫的研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
利用转基因昆虫防治害虫是害虫基因防治方法之一,它是用遗传工程方法,体外连接昆虫转座子、对昆虫有害基因和启动子,构建一个复合转座子(transposonswitharmedcassettes,TAC)在昆虫转座子的引导下,TAC插入昆虫基因组,形成转基因昆虫。转基因昆虫与野生型昆虫交配,TAC随着昆虫转座子的自然扩散传递到子代,并在后代中迅速扩散,经过几个世代,TAC扩散到靶昆虫种群的所有个体。TAC中的对昆虫有害基因在启动子的调控下表达,使害虫种群“自毁”。近年来,随着分子遗传学和基因工程研究的迅速发展,利用转基因昆虫防治害虫成为害…  相似文献   

转座子是广泛存在于高等植物基因组中的可移动的DNA分子。文中主要介绍高等植物的各种转座子超家族,包括LTR类反转录转座子、hAT、CACTA因子、Mutator和MULEs、Tc1/mariner、微小反向重复转座子MITEs等;另外还阐述了植物转座子标签体系和筛选方法,以及转座子在生物多样性与遗传连锁分析、植物基因组学研究与植物性状改良方面中的应用。  相似文献   

最近,由于分子遗传学的深入研究,已可以通过转座子或细胞自身的重组机制在细胞内操作基因,使基因在不同种、属的细菌间转移、扩增,并可按人们的需要和设想来构建细菌,这就是所谓细胞内遗传工程(Genetic Engineering in vivo)。  相似文献   

转座子是DNA插入因子的一种,是指能在基因组间或组内跳跃的DNA片段。转座子作为插入突变剂或分子标签已被广泛地应用于基因的分离和克隆,且因其独特的性质已成为发现新基因和基因功能分析的有效工具。这使得转座子无论是在单基因水平还是全基因组水平,都成为细菌、酵母和其他微生物研究的有力工具。简单而有效的体外转座反应可以对一些以往难以进行分析的顽固微生物进行转座诱变分析。而建立在转座子基础上的信号标签诱变技术和遗传足迹法的应用则发现了一些新的病原微生物毒力因子,从而可以更好地对这些病原微生物的致病机理进行阐述。这些再次说明转座子是微生物功能基因组研究中的有力工具。本文综述了转座子及其衍生载体介导的一些技术,并讨论其在微生物功能基因组研究中的应用。  相似文献   

从春生  李玉斌 《遗传》2020,(2):131-144
转座子是一类可以在基因组中不同遗传位点间移动的DNA序列,在其转移过程中有时会伴随自身拷贝数的增加。作为基因组的重要组成部分,转座子可以通过多种方式影响宿主基因及基因组的结构与功能,进而在宿主的演化过程中扮演重要角色。目前依据转座过程中间体类型的不同可以将其分为I类转座子和II类转座子。Mutator超家族转座子是20世纪70年代在玉米(Zea may L.)中发现的一类特殊的转座子,其属于II类转座子,广泛存在于真核生物基因组中,包含遗传特征明晰可分的众多转座子家族。此外,该超家族转座子转座频率高,倾向于插入基因富含区及低拷贝序列区,可快速产生大量新的突变体,目前已被广泛应用于正向及反向遗传学研究。本文结合近年来相关研究结果,围绕Mutator超家族转座子的分类组成、结构特征、转座机制、插入偏好、靶位点重复序列以及玉米自主性MULEs元件展开综述,并对转座子研究面临的问题及未来研究方向进行了探讨,旨在与研究领域内的同行探讨相关研究的可能突破点、未来发展方向及可能产生的重大影响。  相似文献   

piRNA和PIWI蛋白的功能机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵爽  刘默芳 《生命科学》2010,(7):623-627
piRNA是2006年7月在动物生殖细胞中发现的一类新小分子非编码RNA。piRNA特异地与PIWI家族蛋白相互作用,因此,被命名为PIWI-interacting RNA,简称piRNA。这类长度在26~32核苷酸的小分子非编码RNA代表了一个生殖细胞转座子沉默的独特小RNA通路。它们可能通过与PIWI家族蛋白质相互作用,在表观遗传学水平和转录后水平沉默转座子等基因组自私性遗传元件,参与生殖干细胞自我维持和分化命运决定、减数分裂、精子形成等生殖相关事件。在piRNA发现后短短数年的时间,对其生物发生、功能及作用机制的研究都取得了诸多重大突破。该文就piRNA研究的最新研究进展作一简述。  相似文献   

For a long time, genetic studies of complex diseases were most successfully conducted in animal models. However, the field of genetics is now rapidly evolving, and human genetics has also started to produce strong candidate genes for complex diseases. This raises the question of how to continue gene-finding attempts in animals and how to use animal models to enhance our understanding of gene function. In this review we summarize the uses and advantages of animal studies in identification of disease susceptibility genes, focusing on rheumatoid arthritis. We are convinced that animal genetics will remain a valuable tool for the identification and investigation of pathways that lead to disease, well into the future.  相似文献   

RNA干扰及其在动物繁殖研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
RNA干扰(RNAi)是指小分子双链RNA通过特异性降解与其同源的mRNA,而在mRNA水平上高效阻断体内特异性基因表达的现象,属于转录后水平基因沉默。利用该技术进行基因功能研究,经济有效,通用性好,已成为反向遗传学研究中最重要的工具之一。在动物繁殖领域,RNAi技术主要应用于体外研究哺乳类和禽类卵母细胞发育、胚胎发育和精子形成中重要基因的功能及其作用机制。随着该技术不断发展完善,RNAi必将在动物繁殖生产实践中发挥巨大的作用。  相似文献   

影响动物肉质性状主要候选基因的研究进展   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
仇雪梅  李宁  邓学梅  吴常信 《遗传》2002,24(5):571-574
随着分子生物学在动物遗传育种中的应用,对数量性状主效基因的研究成为必然。本文对影响肉质的脂肪酸结合蛋白基因、肥胖基因、leptin 基因、黑素皮质受体基因、脂蛋白脂酶基因、激素敏感脂酶基因的国内外研究状况加以综述。 Progress in Candidate Genes Influencing Meat Quality Traits in Chickens QIU Xue-mei1,3,LI Ning1,DEND Xue-mei2,WU Chang-xin2 1.The National Laboratories for Agrobiotechnology,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100094,China; 2.College of Animal Science and Technology,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100094,China; 3.College of Animal Science and Technology,Heilongjiang August First Land Reclamation University,Mishan 158308,China Abstract:As the molecular biology has been applied in animal genetics and breeding,it is important that we research major genes on quantitative traits for animal breeding by transgenic technology.In this paper,the research advance of FABP genes,obese gene,leptin gene,MCRs genes,LPL gene,HSL gene affecting meat quality in animals are reviewed. Key words:animal; meat quality; candidate gene  相似文献   

Planarian regeneration: its end is its beginning   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Sánchez Alvarado A 《Cell》2006,124(2):241-245
Why does regeneration take place in some animals but not others? Increased understanding of gene function is required to dissect the genetics, cell biology, and physiological aspects that make regeneration possible. An unlikely model animal, the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea, is proving valuable in this endeavor.  相似文献   

The assignment of complex behavior of animals to the function of specific genes has seen significant advances in the past decade. The advent of modern tools of genetics and genomics permitted analyses that revealed a good number of neural system enriched genes whose products modulate, and whose polymorphism qualitatively or quantitatively influenced invertebrate feeding behavior. The most prominent of these genes are orthologues of foraging (for) and the neuropeptide Y (NPY)/NPY receptor. The former encodes a cyclic‐GMP‐dependent protein kinase, which functional genetics have been characterized in Drosophila melanogaster, Apis mellifera and Caenorhabditis elegans. Allelic variations and changes in the expression of the above genes could influence the initiation of particular feeding behaviors or related social phenotype. These genes have provided the first molecular insights towards feeding behavior in invertebrates. Besides detailed investigations into the neural pathways involved and mechanisms of function of the gene products, parallel studies in other animal models is imperative to understand ecological drivers of animal feeding behavior.  相似文献   

Since the work of Watson and Crick in the mid-1950s, the science of genetics has become increasingly molecular. The development of recombinant DNA technologies by the agricultural and pharmaceutical industries led to the introduction of genetically modified organisms (GMOs). By the end of the twentieth century, reports of animal cloning and recent completion of the Human Genome Project (HGP), as well techniques developed for DNA fingerprinting, gene therapy and others, raised important ethical and social issues about the applications of such technologies. For citizens to understand these issues, appropriate genetics education is needed in schools. A good foundation in genetics also requires knowledge and understanding of topics such as structure and function of cells, cell division, and reproduction. Studies at the international level report poor understanding by students of genetics and genetic technologies, with widespread misconceptions at various levels. Similar studies were nearly absent in India. In this study, I examine Indian higher secondary students' understanding of genetic information related to cells and transmission of genetic information during reproduction. Although preliminary in nature, the results provide cause for concern over the status of genetics education in India. The nature of students' conceptual understandings and possible reasons for the observed lack of understanding are discussed.  相似文献   

Transgenic animal models have played an important role in elucidating gene functions and the molecular basis development, physiology, behavior, and pathogenesis. Transgenic models have been so successful that they have become a standard tool in molecular genetics and biomedical studies and are being used to fulfill one of the main goals of the post-genomic era: to assign functions to each gene in the genome. However, the assumption that gene functions and genetic systems are conserved between models and humans is taken for granted, often in spite of evidence that gene functions and networks diverge during evolution. In this review, I discuss some mechanisms that generate functional divergence and highlight recent examples demonstrating that gene functions and regulatory networks diverge through time. These examples suggest that annotation of gene functions based solely on mutant phenotypes in animal models, as well as assumptions of conserved functions between species, can be wrong. Therefore, animal models of gene function and human disease may not provide appropriate information, particularly for rapidly evolving genes and systems.  相似文献   

Forward genetics, the phenotype-driven approach to investigating gene identity and function, has a long history in mouse genetics. Random mutations in the mouse transcend bias about gene function and provide avenues towards unique discoveries. The study of the peripheral nervous system is no exception; from historical strains such as the trembler mouse, which led to the identification of PMP22 as a human disease gene causing multiple forms of peripheral neuropathy, to the more recent identification of the claw paw and sprawling mutations, forward genetics has long been a tool for probing the physiology, pathogenesis, and genetics of the PNS. Even as spontaneous and mutagenized mice continue to enable the identification of novel genes, provide allelic series for detailed functional studies, and generate models useful for clinical research, new methods, such as the piggyBac transposon, are being developed to further harness the power of forward genetics. Special issue article in honor of Dr. George DeVries.  相似文献   



Transgenic RNAi holds promise as a simple, low-cost, and fast method for reverse genetics in mammals. It may be particularly useful for producing animal models for hypomorphic gene function. Inducible RNAi that permits spatially and temporally controllable gene silencing in vivo will enhance the power of transgenic RNAi approach. Furthermore, because microRNA (miRNA) targeting specific genes can be expressed simultaneously with protein coding genes, incorporation of fluorescent marker proteins can simplify the screening and analysis of transgenic RNAi animals.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Peripheral neuropathies, disorders of peripheral nerves, result from genetic alterations or from metabolic, inflammatory, infectious, or chemical insults. Experimental animal models, spontaneous or induced, exist for many of the common human peripheral neuropathies. Recent advances in human genetics have led to identification of several specific gene defects involved in heritable neuropathies and have allowed reproduction of the molecular defects in experimental animals. METHODS: Genetic modifications in mice and rats, similar to those seen in humans, along with animal models of specific gene defects are presented and discussed. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: Chemotherapeutic agents administered to affected animals mimic the dose-dependent neuropathies similar to those seen in humans. Availability of the experimental animal models has been invaluable to an understanding of the pathogenesis of disease and the development of new treatments.  相似文献   

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