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沈阳细河水中多环芳烃的分布、来源及生态风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过测定不同季节细河水中多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量,研究了细河水中PAHs的分布,探讨了PAHs的来源,评价了其生态风险。细河水中6月(夏季)16种PAHs的含量为0.214~0.857μg·L-1,平均为0.562μg·L-1;9月(秋季)水中PAHs含量为0.195~0.633μg·L-1,平均0.380μg·L-1;11月(冬季)水中PAHs含量为0.122~0.486μg.L-1,平均含量为0.236μg·L-1。苯并(a)芘含量明显高于国家地表水环境质量标准(GB3838-2002);对细河水中PAHs污染来源分析发现,6月和9月PAHs的主要来源为石油污染和石油及其精炼产品的燃烧;通过商值法对细河的初步风险评价表明,细河水中苯并(a)芘存在较大的生态风险,应引起关注。  相似文献   

对沈阳地区河流水体、沿岸地下水和表层沉积物中重金属进行了调查,并运用污染因子法及潜在生态风险指数法对污染程度进行评价。结果表明:河水中As的浓度为0.49~11.9μg.L-1,沈抚灌渠>蒲河>细河>浑河。Cd的浓度为0.01~0.66μg.L-1,细河>沈抚灌渠>浑河>蒲河。Zn浓度范围为1.0~115μg.L-1,最高浓度出现在沈抚灌渠。Pb、Cu、Cr平均浓度最高是在细河。浑河和蒲河河水中6种重金属的单因子污染指数及内梅罗指数都<1,未受污染;沈抚灌渠水中Zn和Cr的单因子污染指数和内梅罗指数都>1,为轻度污染;细河夏季内梅罗指数>1,为轻度污染。细河周边地区浅层地下水中Cd和Cr的污染较为严重,致使内梅罗指数都>1,甚至>2,污染水平为中等污染。深层地下水和水稻田水的所有污染指数均<1,未受污染。蒲河和浑河沉积物中6种重金属元素属低潜在生态风险。细河沉积物中Cd属较高潜在生态风险;Cu为中等潜在生态风险。污染来源大致分为3类:1)污水排放和固体废弃物;2)施用磷肥或粪肥;3)冶金、电镀和不锈钢产业的排放。  相似文献   

对沈阳地区主要河流河水、沉积物及周边地下水、土壤、农作物和人发样品中锰浓度进行了分析,并对其分布特征和生态风险进行了探讨。沈阳河流沿岸地区表层土壤样品中锰浓度平均值处于辽河平原土壤中锰元素背景值范围之内并低于地壳丰度。生活饮用水水源地的水锰浓度(0.01mg·L-1)符合我国集中式生活饮用水地表水源地标准。浑河、细河、沈抚灌渠水中锰浓度为0.06~14.2mg·L-1,与国内外其他河流相比没有明显锰污染;但细河流域部分地区地下水中锰浓度(夏、秋季分别平均为4.17和2.75mg·L-1)超过国家地下水质量标准规定III和IV类水。沈阳彰驿地区农作物中锰浓度范围为3~266μg·g-1干重,不同作物锰浓度差异较大;锰污染较严重的农作物为浅层地下水灌溉所致。当地居民通过饮用水和食用农作物途径的锰摄入量几乎相当,均低于最小中毒剂量0.06mg·kg-1体重·d-1。细河附近一些村庄居民头发中的锰浓度平均达24.6μg·g-1,其中女性平均为26.4μg·g-1,高于男性,接近国内正常发锰(1.3~9.8μg·g-1)上限的3倍;发锰浓度与居民年龄存在着明显关系,20~30岁年龄段人群发锰较高。  相似文献   

太子河水体中多环芳烃分布与污染源解析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用振荡提取-硅胶柱净化-HPLC荧光(FLD)/二级阵列检测器(DAD)检测法测定了太子河水中USEPA16种优控多环芳烃(PAHs)的含量。结果表明,枯水期(4月)、丰水期(7月)和平水期(10月)太子河水中PAHs总浓度分别为454.5~1379.7、1801.6~5868.9和367.0~5794.5ng.L-1,同国内外河流相比,太子河水中PAHs污染较严重,且具有明显的季节分布特征,丰水期PAHs浓度远高于枯水期。丰水期、平水期和枯水期太子河水中均以2~3环PAHs为主,但不同季节代表性PAHs的种类不同。污染来源分析表明,枯水期太子河水中PAHs主要来源于石油污染,丰水期和平水期主要来源于石油源和燃烧源的混合源。  相似文献   

通过采集西沙永兴岛表层土壤和土柱样品, 研究了21种多环芳烃(PAHs)在永兴岛土壤中的浓度和组成特征, 对土壤中PAHs的来源进行解析,并对生态风险进行了评估。结果表明, 永兴岛表层土壤中PAHs的浓度范围为38.9—176.4 ng·g-1, 16种优控PAHs的浓度为36.7—155.6 ng·g-1, 跟其它类似环境相比, 永兴岛土壤中PAHs污染相对较轻。芘、荧蒽、菲、苯并[b]荧蒽、、苯并[a]芘、茚并[1, 2, 3-cd]芘和苯并[e]芘是永兴岛表层土壤中最主要的PAHs。永兴岛土柱中总PAHs与2—3环PAHs浓度分布特征相似, 表层和底层浓度较高, 2—3环PAHs在土柱中占比为74%—96%。来源解析表明永兴岛土壤中PAHs主要以石油、木材或煤等燃烧源为主。16种PAHs的等效致癌风险浓度显示永兴岛土壤中PAHs生态风险较低。  相似文献   

紫松果菊对多环芳烃重污染土壤修复效能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用盆栽试验,以实际油田污染土与自然土和沙土按照一定比例配置两种污染浓度的土壤(PAHs总浓度分别为122.40和183.60 mg·kg-1),以株高、生物量变化以及芘(Pyr)、屈(CHR)、苯并b荧蒽(Bb F)、苯并k荧蒽(Bk F)4种多环芳烃去除率为指标,研究了紫松果菊对PAHs污染土壤的修复效能。结果表明:(1)4种多环芳烃污染土壤对紫松果菊株高和生物量有明显抑制作用,在PAHs总浓度为183.60 mg·kg-1时,紫松果菊仍能存活,说明紫松果菊对PAHs污染土壤具有较强的耐性。(2)在PAHs总浓度为183.60mg·kg-1时,紫松果菊对土壤中4种PAHs的去除率分别为66.2%、70.3%、40.6%和65.4%,4种PAHs的总量由183.60 mg·kg-1降到104.52 mg·kg-1,总去除率为56.93%,远大于对照组中PAHs总去除率。说明紫松果菊具有修复PAHs重污染土壤的潜能。相关性分析发现,PAHs的去除率与地下生物量的相关性更好,说明植物地下生物量对多环芳烃去除率影响较大。本研究拓展了利用植物修复PAHs污染土壤的应用范围,使重污染土壤的植物修复成为可能。  相似文献   

采用液体培养的方法,分离纯化了丝状真菌宛氏拟青霉(Paecilomyces variotii)并研究了其对苯并[a]蒽、苯并[a]芘、苯并[b]荧蒽、苯并[k]荧蒽、茚并[1,2,3-cd]芘的降解效果.结果表明:接种处理30 d,该菌株对混合体系中5种PAHs的降解率为16.1%~24.6%,而对单一体系中的降解率为10.4%~33.3%;同时,对单一与混合体系中PAHs的降解作用存在一定差异,苯并[k]荧蒽和苯并[b]荧蒽在单一体系中降解率增大,而其他种类的则减小.本研究结果为高环多环芳烃共代谢机理研究和多环芳烃复合污染水土环境的生物修复提供了一种新的种质资源.  相似文献   

小冶炼地区PAHs污染及其风险评价   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
林道辉  朱利中  王静 《生态学报》2005,25(2):261-267
采样分析了中国东部沿海某镇小冶炼地区多介质环境中 PAHs的浓度水平 ,发现小冶炼集中生产区内大气中 17种PAHs总浓度 (Σ PAHs)高达 4 170 ng/ m3,是区外大气中 Σ PAHs平均值的 6倍 ;该区内河及边境河流下游河水中 Σ PAHs平均为 8.17μg/ L ,远大于边境河流上游河水中的Σ PAHs平均值 (2 .17μg/ L ) ;表层水稻土中Σ PAHs平均为 15 2 mg/ kg,并随着土壤深度增加逐渐减少 ;水稻根、茎叶、籽实中Σ PAHs平均分别为 5 2 9μg/ kg、5 39μg/ kg、10 5μg/ kg。类比调查表明 ,小冶炼地区各环境介质中的 PAHs浓度均不同程度地高于文献报道值。估算了当地居民及冶炼工人经呼吸进入体内的 8种致癌 PAHs的量 ,分别达 5 30 ng/ d和 1138ng/ d。调查了小冶炼地区及其周围地区近 3a死亡人群的死因 ,发现该区死亡人群中病死比例和死于癌症比例平均分别达 32 .2 %和 2 5 .6 % ,均高于周围地区的相应值 (2 3.3%和 16 .0 % )  相似文献   

樟树林生态系统水文学过程中多环芳烃的迁移与转化机理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
依据3a定位研究数据,采用气相色谱法对樟树林生态系统水文过程中PAHs的迁移转化机理进行了研究,结果表明:大气降水中携带的PAHs有10种,总含量为288.662μg.L-1;林内穿透水中PAHs有6种,总含量为101.901μg.L-1;树干茎流水中有5种,总含量为82.069μg.L-1;灌木层和草本层穿透水中只有4种,总含量分别为49.049μg.L-1和74.938μg.L-1。大气降水中的PAHs经过树冠、树干、灌木和草本层的吸收、淋溶和淋洗作用后,有的种类表现为完全被吸收而消失,有的种类浓度大幅度降低,而有的种类则浓度增大。随地表径流迁移水中PAHs有5种,总含量为36.866μg.L-1,与大气降水相比,PAHs种类减少50%,浓度降低87%。同时阐述了水文学过程中PAHs迁移转化机理和樟树林具有较高的净化效能。该项研究为城市森林的铲污机制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

采用富集培养方法从多环芳烃污染土壤中筛选分离得到1株能以苯并[a]芘(B[a]P)为唯一碳源和能源生长的菌株.形态特征观察和16S rDNA序列分析结果表明,该菌株为副球菌属(Paracoccus sp.),编号为HPD-2.HPD-2在3.0 mg/L的B[a]P液体培养基中生长较慢,培养5 d后B[a]P的降解率为89.7%.同时,该菌株对四环的芘和荧蒽也具有较好的降解能力,培养7 d后芘和荧蒽的降解率分别达到47.2%和84.5%.可见,该菌株对高分子量PAHs具有很好的降解潜力.  相似文献   

Freshwater scarcity is a growing concern, placing considerable importance on the accuracy of indicators used to characterize and map water scarcity worldwide. We improve upon past efforts by using estimates of blue water footprints (consumptive use of ground- and surface water flows) rather than water withdrawals, accounting for the flows needed to sustain critical ecological functions and by considering monthly rather than annual values. We analyzed 405 river basins for the period 1996-2005. In 201 basins with 2.67 billion inhabitants there was severe water scarcity during at least one month of the year. The ecological and economic consequences of increasing degrees of water scarcity--as evidenced by the Rio Grande (Rio Bravo), Indus, and Murray-Darling River Basins--can include complete desiccation during dry seasons, decimation of aquatic biodiversity, and substantial economic disruption.  相似文献   

There are different approaches to define the soil available water (SAW) for plants. The objectives of this study are to evaluate the SAW values of 12 arable soils from Hamadan province (western Iran) calculated by plant available water (PAW), least limiting water range (LLWR) and integral water capacity (IWC) approaches and to explore their relations with Dexter’s index of soil physical quality (i.e., S-value). Soil water retention and mechanical resistance were determined on the intact samples which were taken from the 5–10 cm layer. For calculation of LLWR and IWC, the van Genuchten-Mualem model was fitted to the observed soil water retention data. Two matric suctions (h) of 100 and 330 cm were used for the field capacity (FC). There were significant differences (P?<?0.01) between the SAW values calculated by PAW100, PAW330, LLWR100, LLWR330 and IWC. The highest (i.e., 0.210 cm3 cm?3) and the lowest (i.e., 0.129 cm3 cm?3) means of SAW were calculated for the IWC and LLWR330, respectively. The upper limit of LLWR330 for all of the soils was h of 330 cm, and that of LLWR100 (except for one soil that was air-filled porosity of 0.1 cm3 cm?3) was h of 100 cm. The lower limit of LLWR330 and LLWR100 for five soils was h of 15,000 cm and for seven soils was mechanical resistance of 2 MPa. The IWC values were smaller than those of LLWR100 for two soils, equal to those of LLWR100 for three soils and greater than those of LLWR100 for the rest. There is, therefore, a tendency to predict more SAW using the IWC approach than with the LLWR approach. This is due to the chosen critical soil limits and gradual changes of soil limitations vs. water content in the IWC calculation procedure. Significant relationships of SAW with bulk density or relative bulk density were found but not with the clay and organic matter contents. Linear relations between IWC and LLWR100 or LLWR330 were found as: IWC?=??0.0514 + 1.4438LLWR100, R 2?=?0.83; and IWC?=??0.0405 + 2.0465LLWR330, R 2?=?0.84, respectively (both significant at P?<?0.01). Significant relationships were obtained between the SAW values and S indicating the suitability of the index S to explain the availability of soil water for plants even when complicated approaches like IWC are considered. Overall, the results demonstrate the importance of the choice of the approach to be used and its critical limits in the estimation of the soil available water to plants.  相似文献   

Treading water     
Rebecca Ann C. Auer 《CMAJ》2021,193(24):E917

Growth-induced water potentials may mobilize internal water for growth   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
Abstract. Wphen there is no external source of water, plants can grow by mobilizing internal water from nongrowing tissues. We investigated how this internal water moves by measuring continuously and simultaneously the water potential (ψw) of soybean ( Glycine max L. Merr.) seedlings in the upper, growing stem tissues and the lower, non-growing stem tissues. When external water was available to the roots, the stems grew rapidly and the ψw of the growing tissue was continually below that of the nongrowing tissue and the medium around the roots. This indicated that a growth-induced gradient in ψw favoured water movement from the external source to the growing cells. When the external source was removed, the ψw of the growing tissue remained constant for a time and the ψw of the nongrowing tissue decreased somewhat. Growth took place slowly as water was withdrawn from the nongrowing tissue but ψw gradients continued to favour water transport to the growing cells. On the other hand, if this internal source was removed by excision, growth ceased abruptly. In this case, the cell walls relaxed and the ψw of the growing tissue decreased by about 0.1 MPa instead of remaining constant. The ψw of the detached nongrowing tissues remained constant instead of decreasing. This indicates not only that water mobilization required attached nongrowing or slowly growing tissues but also that mobilization affected wall relaxation. Thus, ψw differences may mobilize internal water, may explain the continued growth of plants and plant parts removed from external sources of water, and may account for discrepancies in measurements of cell wall properties in growing tissues.  相似文献   

Modeling soil water movement with water uptake by roots   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Wu  Jinquan  Zhang  Renduo  Gui  Shengxiang 《Plant and Soil》1999,215(1):7-17
Soil water movement with root water uptake is a key process for plant growth and transport of water and chemicals in the soil-plant system. In this study, a root water extraction model was developed to incorporate the effect of soil water deficit and plant root distributions on plant transpiration of annual crops. For several annual crops, normalized root density distribution functions were established to characterize the relative distributions of root density at different growth stages. The ratio of actual to potential cumulative transpiration was used to determine plant leaf area index under water stress from measurements of plant leaf area index at optimal soil water condition. The root water uptake model was implemented in a numerical model. The numerical model was applied to simulate soil water movement with root water uptake and simulation results were compared with field experimental data. The simulated soil matric potential, soil water content and cumulative evapotranspiration had reasonable agreement with the measured data. Potentially the numerical model implemented with the root water extraction model is a useful tool to study various problems related to flow transport with plant water uptake in variably saturated soils. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Rates of weight loss and release of nutrients during different phases of decomposition in young water hyacinth leaves were determined under laboratory conditions. The leaves decomposed solely by physical leaching during the initial 4-day phase and later by microbial processes. The largest part of weight loss and nutrient release by physical leaching took place within the first 4 h of incubation and thereafter the decomposition rate declined. Microbial processes decayed leaves at a significantly higher rate than that by physical leaching. The overall decay rate constants were related inversely and the release of nutrients directly to the levels of leaf additions in the lake water. The dissolved inorganic and organic nutrients were released chiefly by abiotic processes during the initial as well as later phases of decay. The release was significantly higher during the initial phase in comparison with that during the later phase. Microbes utilized only a small amount of nutrients that were released during decomposition of water hyacinth leaves. The % release of various elements from the decaying leaves was in the order of K > P > C > Na > N.  相似文献   

Decomposition of water hyacinth detritus in eutrophic lake water   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A study was conducted to determine the seasonal production of detritus by water hyacinths [Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Sohns] cultured in eutrophic Lake Apopka water, and the decomposition of detritus in situ and under laboratory conditions. Annual averages for C, N and P deposited through detritus production at the sediment-water interface were 2870, 176 and 19 kg ha-1 yr-1, respectively.Decomposition rates were faster in the root zone of hyacinth mats than at the sediment-water interface. Approximately 92% of the detritus C deposited at the sediment-water interface was decomposed in one year, while only 11% of the detrital organic N was mineralized. Detrital tissue gained P during decomposition, suggesting P limitation for the system. Dry-weight loss of detrital tissue was significantly correlated with the mass of C lost (r 2 = 0.947**), C/N ratio (r 2 = 0.644**) and C/P ratio (r 2 = 0.428**).Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations Journal Series No. R-00348.  相似文献   

N. F. Low 《Hydrobiologia》1982,88(1-2):93-101
The options available for the management of Rutland Water are identified and their use discussed. The changes in the chemistry of the stored water with regard to sulphate, silica (molybdate-reactive), dissolved reactive phosphate and total oxidised nitrogen are shown.  相似文献   

水的饱和辛醇溶液水分标准物质的研制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
生物燃料的国家标准规定了产品的技术指标和相应的检测方法。水的饱和辛醇溶液的水分标准物质,用于生物燃料水分测量时仪器的校准和方法的验证,能够保障测量结果的准确可靠和等效一致。该标准物质采用卡尔·费休库仑法、卡尔·费休容量法和定量核磁共振等三种不同原理的方法定值。通过方法研究和改进,实现了库仑法和容量法的一致;通过引入新的核磁共振方法,提高了结果的准确性。最终标准物质的水分量值为4.76%,扩展不确定度为0.09%。  相似文献   

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