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2008年6月至2009年5月,在白马雪山国家级自然保护区南端的响古箐(北纬27°37′,东经99°22′),采用瞬时扫描取样法对一群数量约480只的滇金丝猴群的活动时间分配进行了研究.研究期间共观察取样1609h,扫描个体数为260 546.研究表明,响古箐滇金丝猴用38.8%的时间取食、27.4%的时间移动、20.9%的时间休息、12.9%的时间从事其他类型活动.滇金丝猴活动时间分配季节性差异明显.冬季,滇金丝猴的取食时间长于其他季节,达到41.5%;秋季,取食时间在全年最短(36.5%).夏季的高温没有影响滇金丝猴的移动,它们移动的时间达到32.8%,高于其他3个季节.寒冷的冬季,响古箐滇金丝猴为了减少能量损失,用于休息的时间达到24.4%.秋季,滇金丝猴从事其他类型活动的时间(15.7%)多于另外3个季节.研究发现,绝对移动时间与昼长和月平均温度呈明显正相关(P<0.01),绝对休息时间与月平均温度呈负相关(r=-0.585,P=0.046),但降水量的多少与猴群各种活动时间分配之间没有明显的相关性(P>0.05).食物贡献率与滇金丝猴日活动时间分配也存在相关性.取食松萝比例与猴群移动时间呈负相关(r=-0.902,P<0.001),与休息时间呈正相关(r=0.860,P<0.001).猴群取食树叶比例增加时,它们移动时间也随之增加(r =0.832,P=0.001).夏季,滇金丝猴取食竹笋的比例增加时,猴群移动时间也明显增多.以上结果表明,滇金丝猴活动时间分配受食物资源状况、昼长季节性变化和气候条件的影响.  相似文献   

川金丝猴是中国特有濒危野生动物,其行为生态方面的一个主要特点是猴群随季节变化在不同海拔高度的地区活动和摄食.但在不同年份的同一季节,猴群似乎有规律地生活在同一地区.迄今为止,未见有任何关于川金丝猴在不同年份的同一季节活动区域完全变迁的报道.我们这项研究,根据1990年和1997年两个夏季的跟踪观察,记录了川金丝猴由于受人类活动的影响,彻底改变夏季活动区域的情况.  相似文献   

森林采伐导致秦岭川金丝猴夏季活动范围变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
川金丝猴是中国特有濒危野生动物,其行为生态方面的一个主要特点是猴群随季节变化在不同海拔高度的地区活动和摄食.但在不同年份的同一季节,猴群似乎有规律地生活在同一地区.迄今为止,未见有任何关于川金丝猴在不同年份的同一季节活动区域完全变迁的报道.我们这项研究,根据1990年和1997年两个夏季的跟踪观察,记录了川金丝猴由于受人类活动的影响,彻底改变夏季活动区域的情况.  相似文献   

云南富合山地区滇金丝猴游走模式的季节性差异   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
刘泽华  丁伟 《动物学报》2004,50(5):691-696
从 2 0 0 0年 11月至 2 0 0 2年 1月 ,我们在云南富合山 (99°2 0′E ,2 6°2 5′N)记录了滇金丝猴 (Rhinopithe cusbieti)的游走以及其他行为 ,以描述猴群行为模式的季节性变化及其对温带环境的适应。由于季节间行为方式的相似 ,我们将冬季和春季、夏季和秋季的数据合并表述。猴群终年以取食树叶为主 ,多在过夜地附近活动。在冬 -春季 ,猴群一般在低海拔的南部地区活动 ,同时缩短日行走距离 ,花费较多的时间取食树叶、竹叶和竹笋 ;而在夏 -秋季猴群的活动模式与冬 -春季相反 ,并取食大量果实。我们将富合地区猴群的季节性游走模式以及食性看作是食物供给和温度变化之间折中的结果 ,这些行为特征和其它温带灵长类的相似。此外 ,过夜地的分布也会影响猴群利用家域内各方格的方式  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴的昼间活动时间分配   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
1999年12月至2004年11月,通过野外直接跟踪观察,采用焦点取样和瞬时记录的方法,对秦岭川金丝猴西梁猴群的昼间活动时间分配进行了研究.将川金丝猴的昼间活动定义为摄食、休息、理毛、移动和其他行为5种类型,结果发现川金丝猴昼间活动中有两个摄食高峰,分别在每天的上午和下午,中午有一个较长时间的休息期.川金丝猴昼间的主要行为类型是摄食和休息(约占全部活动时间的62%),各种行为依所占时间比例依次为摄食(34.64±1.70%)、休息(26.83±1.69%)、理毛(11.58±0.96%)、移动(18.93±1.08%)和其他行为(8.02±0.82%).在不同季节各种行为类型所占时间比例有明显的变化,表现为摄食和休息行为占昼间活动时间比例在夏(75.00%)、秋季(74.15%)大于春(52.74%)、冬季 (56.64%);而移动、理毛和其他行为所占时间比例之和在夏(25.00%)、秋季 (25.85%)则明显小于冬(43.4%)、春季(47.3%).不同季节间的活动时间分配经非参数检验(Kruskal Wallis H test,N=199),理毛行为(x2 = 11.438, df= 3, P<0.05)有显著差异,摄食(x2= 20.469, df=3, P<0.01)、休息(x2= 27.235, df=3, P<0.01)、移动(x2=24.110, df=3, P<0.01)和其他行为(x2= 60.810, df=3, P<0.01)季节间差异非常显著;除摄食行为外,其余各行为类型的时间分配在不同性别-年龄组间也存在显著差异(P<0.05).  相似文献   

生态限制模型(Ecological constraints model)认为随种群规模增加,灵长类种群会增加日移动距离、移动时间和取食时间,减少休息时间。果食性灵长类为取食斑块分布的高质量食物资源(如果实)而存在群内分摊竞争(Within-group scramble competition),很好地验证了生态限制模型。为了检验温带叶食性灵长类是否适用于生态限制模型,于2018年12月—2019年5月,在云岭省级自然保护区拉沙山采用20 min瞬时扫描取样法收集猴群日活动时间分配,每隔30 min在地形图(1:50 000)上记录猴群活动位点收集其日移动距离数据,比较了同域分布的黑白仰鼻猴较大群(170只)和较小群(100只)冬春季的日移动距离和活动时间分配差异。结果表明,春季和冬季黑白仰鼻猴较大群比较小群的日移动距离更远;虽然春季较大群减少了社交时间、增加了移动时间,但是冬季两群活动时间分配无差异。此外,春季,较大群相比较小群的成年和青少年个体减少了社交时间,成年雌性增加了移动时间;冬季,较大群仅成年雌性增加了休息时间,其他不同年龄—性别组的活动时间分配无差异。本研究证实了黑白仰鼻猴群内存在分摊竞争,且春季分摊竞争的强度更高,符合生态限制模型。此外,群体规模对成年雌性的活动时间分配影响较大,这与其妊娠期相对高的营养和能量需求有关。  相似文献   

神农架一个川金丝猴群的食物分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
食物分布是灵长类行为生态学研究的重要内容之一。国内对川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)的食物种类和喜好程度已进行了大量翔实的研究,但在食物的时空分布方面相对薄弱。在2006年8月~2008年7月的两年间,我们对神农架千家坪地区一个川金丝猴群的食物组成做了调查,同时通过样方法(每隔200 m的海拔梯度)研究了该猴群的食物在该地区的分布状况,以及食物分布海拔的季节性变化。结果表明,该猴群的食源植物至少有15种,占食物组成的55.0%,而地衣占食物组成的38.4%;该猴群的食物在某些海拔地带具集中分布趋势,但分布密度总体上不高,重要食源植物(占食物组成的5.0%以上)的乔木胸高断面积和灌木冠部面积所占比例在任何季节分别小于12%和小于14%,约89%的乔木和81%的灌木表面没有地衣覆盖;食物主要分布在海拔1 900~2 500 m之间,可能制约着该猴群的活动海拔范围;植物性食物在海拔上的分布呈现明显的季节性差异,即春季和夏季比秋季和冬季的分布海拔低,这很可能引起该猴群活动海拔的季节性变化。  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴群在非移动时的空间结构   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
本研究在个体识别的基础上 ,采用瞬时扫描取样法 (Instantaneousandscansampling)和行为的全事件取样法 (Alloccurrencesampling) ,对秦岭川金丝猴 (Rhinopithecusroxellana)的一个投食群的空间结构进行研究。发现秦岭川金丝猴社群的空间结构是以类似于“家庭”的社会单元为基本单位 ,属于同一社会单元的个体主要集中在同一棵树上 (占观察频率的 6 0 6 % ) ,其次是在距离相近的两棵树上 (占 2 9 1% ) ,个体间的直线距离通常保持在 0 - 10m之间 ,主要是在 0 - 5m之间 ,不同的社会单元个体间的空间直线距离主要集中在 10 - 30m之间 ,通常是在 2 0 - 2 5m之间 ,明显大于同一社会单元的个体间的空间直线距离 ,这些研究结果可以作为一种野外鉴别猴群社会单元的尺度 ,供未来的研究人员参考。通过对空间形状近似圆形的猴群进行分层 ,统计表明高社会等级的单元常出现在猴群的内层和中层内侧 (df =1,χ2 =16 6 97,P <0 0 0 5 ) ,中社会等级的单元主要出现在猴群的中层 (df=1,χ2 =2 1 5 4 ,P <0 0 0 5 ) ,而低社会等级的单元出现在猴群的外层 (df =1,χ2 =12 6 0 ,P <0 0 0 5 ) ;等级较高的单元在猴群中占有的空间大小与空间质量也较高 ,随着单元社会等级的降低 ,其占有空间的大小与质量也随之降低 ;变化的  相似文献   

张宇  李丽  张于光  李佳  薛亚东  李迪强 《生态学报》2019,39(8):2935-2945
川金丝猴湖北种群是川金丝猴分布的最东缘,现主要分布于神农架国家公园和巴东自然保护区,其作为单独的管理单元,相对较低的遗传多样性、孤立的遗传状态和较小的种群数量,使得该种群面对环境变化脆弱性高。以神农架为研究区域,首先基于物种分布模型获得川金丝猴移动的阻力图层,利用电路理论分析适宜生境连接度;其次,设置道路和旅游两个人为干扰情景,运用最小费用距离模型与电路理论模型,分析道路和旅游活动对川金丝猴移动路径以及对不同亚群内和亚群间连通性的影响;最后,利用CDPOP软件模拟道路对川金丝猴遗传多样性的影响。结果表明:(1)神农架川金丝猴适宜生境分布较集中,生境斑块间存在多个潜在扩散区域;(2)道路改变了川金丝猴往来于南北生境间的最优路径,旅游干扰对川金丝猴移动路径无明显影响,其干扰主要在于川金丝猴对其具有回避性,回避距离为100 m;(3)道路显著降低金猴岭亚群内的连通性,并显著增加了所有亚群间的移动阻力,旅游活动对亚群内和亚群间的连通性无显著影响;(4)川金丝猴种群在150年内的遗传多样性呈下降趋势,道路的影响将加剧遗传多样性下降的程度。基于以上结果本文提出了针对性的保护建议,对于该物种的保护和其他濒危物种的类似研究具有较强的参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

2009年12月至2010年2月,对唐家河自然保护区内的一群(约60只)川金丝猴群采用直接跟踪观察,并结合植物样方调查对该猴群冬季栖息地选择进行了初步研究。根据猴群的活动位点,设置了75个20m×20m的植物样方,测定了12个生态因子(植被类型、乔木的胸径、郁闭度、乔木的高度、海拔、坡度、坡向、坡位、坡形、距水源距离、乔木密度、灌木盖度)。研究发现,冬季猴群主要在海拔2000~2500m、乔木平均胸径11~30cm、乔木平均树高为10~29m、乔木密度为20~40棵/20m×20m之间的落叶阔叶林和针阔混交林的阳坡中活动,还偏好在郁闭度为25%~49%、坡度为6°~20°、坡形为凸坡和复合坡、坡位为脊中部和下部、距水源距离0~300m的生境中活动。研究表明,冬季的食物资源、气候条件是影响川金丝猴群栖息地选择的主要生态因子。  相似文献   

Abstract. This paper is the fifth in a series designed to cover taxono-mically all species-groups of the lebiine genus Agra , whose cumulative ranges extend from southernmost Texas to northernmost Argentina. The mixta, virgata, feisthameli and ohausi groups constitute Section Feisthameli of the genus, and a key to these groups is provided. The mixta group consists of two species which have a composite range extending from southeastern Brazil to middle Mexico; the virgata group consists of nine species which have a composite range extending from southeastern Brazil to Guatemala; and the ohausi group consists of four species which have a composite range restricted to southeastern Brazil. The speciose feisthameli group is covered in a separate paper.
Among the three groups in the present paper, eleven new species are described from the following type localities: perkinsorum (MEXICO, Nayarit, 17.6 km southwest of Compostela), vate (MEXICO, Veracruz, Los Tuxtlas, La Playa Escondida), nola (REPUBLIC OF PANAMA, Panama, Cerro Campana), cadabra (EQUADOR, Pichincha, 47 km south of Santo Domingo de los Colorados, Rio Palenque Station), chocha (WEST INDIES, Trinidad, Arima Valley), phainops (FRENCH GUIANA, Pariacabo), imaginis (BRAZIL, Goias, Jatahy), inca (PERU, Madre de Dios, Rio Tambopata Reserve, 30 km (air) southwest of Puerto Maldonado), itatiaya (BRAZIL, Rio de Janeiro, Parque Nacional Itatiaya), calamitas (BRAZIL, Bahia, Itamaraju), anthrax (BRAZIL, Espirito Santo, Parque Socretama). A dot map illustrates the range of each taxon.
Distribution and relationships are discussed in general, but detailed cladistic and biogeographic analysis is deferred until taxonomy of the four groups of Section Feisthameli is completed. Species distribution correspond to Pleistocene refuges suggested by other authors based on other groups and classes of organisms.  相似文献   

The prevalence of spotted fever group (SFG) and typhus group (TG) rickettsioses was investigated in 3,362 sera by immunofluorescence assay. The serum samples were obtained from patients with acute febrile episodes in South Korea from December 1992 to November 1993. The number of polyvalent positive sera against SFG rickettsial agents at the level of 1: 40 dilution was 269 (8%) in Rickettsia sibirica, 482 (14.34%) in R. conorii, and 546 (16.24%) in R. akari. Many of the positive sera contained immunoglobulin (Ig) M antibodies rather than IgG antibodies. These results strongly suggest that SFG rickettsioses are prevalent in Korea. For TG rickettsial agents, the number of positive sera was 1,096 (32.60%) in R. typhi and 951 (28.29%) in R. prowazekii. Only a few epidemic typhus positive sera contained IgM antibodies. The result suggests that recent and/or primary infections of epidemic typhus were very rare in Korea during the said period. Among seven patients who had high titers (1:5,120) of IgG antibody to R. prowazekii, six were over 50 years old. The result suggests that Brill-Zinsser disease was prevalent in Korea.  相似文献   

目的探索A群、C群脑膜炎球菌多糖疫苗培养基的适宜配方。方法通过筛选改良培养基(配方2)中酸水解酪蛋白替代培养基配方1中原50%盐酸酪蛋白水解液制备相应的培养基,培养A群、C群脑膜炎球菌一定时间后,以收获的细菌浓度和复合多糖量来确定培养基的配比,并比较该培养基在不同温度条件下培养细菌的结果。结果在A群、C群脑膜炎球菌多糖疫苗不同培养基的细菌培养过程中,用酸水解酪蛋白制备的改良培养基(配方2)培养的细菌浓度和多糖收获量均高于其他培养基(配方1和配方3),用酸水解酪蛋白培养基能提高脑膜炎球菌的产量。结论以酸水解酪蛋白为主要原料(配方2)的改良培养基能作为流脑A群、C群细菌的最适培养基,且细菌在(37±0.2)℃培养情况良好。  相似文献   

The question of Kurdish language rights has been a central issue in the Turkish–Kurdish conflict. The current study examined endorsement of Kurdish language rights in relation to intergroup factors (i.e. group identifications, cross-group friendships, perceived discrimination, and perceived out-group beliefs about state unity) among self-identified Turkish and Kurdish participants. The results indicate that Turks were much less in favour of these rights than the Kurds. In addition, for the Turks, higher national and ethnic identification were associated with lower support for Kurdish language rights, while cross-group friendship, perceived discrimination of Kurds and the belief that Kurds endorse national unity were associated with more support for rights. For the Kurdish participants, stronger national identification seems to undermine the mobilizing meaning that Kurdish group identification has for language rights support. Furthermore, friendship with Turks can undermine the support for rights because it strengthens national identification and reduces ethnic identification.  相似文献   

With 1,400 described species, Megaselia is one of the most species-rich genera in the animal kingdom, and at the same time one of the least studied. An important obstacle to taxonomic progress is the lack of knowledge concerning the phylogenetic structure within the genus. Classification of Megaselia at the level of subgenus is incomplete although Schmitz addressed several groups of species in a series of monographs published from 1956 to 1981. Another problem is the lack of molecular phylogenetic analyses to support morphology-based conclusions. As a contribution towards addressing these problems, we here circumscribe a previously unrecognized monophyletic lineage of Megaselia consisting of species similar to Megaselia lucifrons. We base this taxonomic decision on morphological study of an extensive phorid material from Sweden, complemented by molecular analyses of select exemplars using two markers (COI and 28S). We name the clade the lucifrons species group, and show that it contains three distinct species. Our results also demonstrate that Megaselia subnitida Lundbeck, 1920, previously treated as a synonym of Megaselia lucifrons Schmitz, 1918, is a separate species, and we remove it from synonymy. The third species in the group was previously unknown; we describe it here as Megaselia albalucifrons sp. n.  相似文献   

When presented with his/her own reflection in a mirror (within an environment that is natural for that particular group of primates) the position that animal holds within the group affects his/her interpretation of that image. Each individual perceives the animal in the mirror to be another animal of equal circumstances as him/herself. An alpha animal sees a potential alpha animal attempting to take over the troop. A beta or lesser animal sees another non-alpha animal attempting to enter the troop through affiliation. In this study a group of zoo raised Japanese macaques were challenged with their own reflection in a mirror. Incidents of aggressive behavior rose in the alpha animals while all affiliative behavior ceased between members of the group. The lesser animals vied for time with the mirror, each attempting to be near the perceived con-specific.  相似文献   

Race, ethnic group, and disease   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A Damon 《Social biology》1969,16(2):69-80

Genomic imprinting is a form of epigenetic inheritance that is characterized by differential expression of a gene depending on its parental origin. The mini-X chromosome Dp(1;f)LJ9 in Drosophila shows this type of classical imprinting; when transmitted by the maternal parent genes on this chromosome are fully expressed, but when the chromosome is transmitted by the male parent at least three genes are subject to silencing, resulting in a variegated expression pattern. Chemical and environmental modifiers of position-effect variegation have been shown to alter the somatic maintenance of the imprint. To extend these observations, several mutations in chromatin-associated proteins were examined for their effect on imprinting on the Dp(1;f)LJ9 mini-X chromosome. Effects on establishment and maintenance were independently assessed by genetically associating the mutations in chromatin modifiers with the mini-X chromosome in either the parents, where the imprint is established, or the progeny, in which the imprint must be maintained. Nine Suppressor of variegation [ Su(var)] mutations, including alleles of the Su(var)2-5 gene, which encodes the well characterized heterochromatin-associated protein HP1, abolished maintenance but not the establishment of the imprint. Mutant alleles of two genes in the trithorax group ( trx-G), brahma and trithorax, showed a maternal-effect enhancement of the paternal imprint. Surprisingly, however, with the exception of an Enhancer of Polycomb [ E(Pc)] allele, none of the Polycomb-group ( Pc-G) mutations tested affected the imprint. Thus, the maintenance of this imprint relies on the wild-type products of Su(var) and trx-G, but not Pc-G, genes. Finally, none of the mutations tested affected the maintenance of the maternal imprint or the establishment of either the maternal or paternal imprint, suggesting that the maternal and paternal imprints depend on different molecular processes and that imprint establishment and maintenance are independently regulated.  相似文献   

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