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The oligosaccharide structures ofCry j I, a major allergenic glycoprotein ofCryptomeria japonica (Japanese cedar, sugi), were analysed by 400 MHz1H-NMR and two-dimensional sugar mapping analyses. The four major fractions comprised a series of biantennary complex type N-linked oligosaccharides that share a fucose/xylose-containing core and glucosamine branches including a novel structure with a nongalactosylated fucosylglucosamine branch.Rabbit polyclonal anti-Cry j I IgG antibodies cross-reacted with three different plant glycoproteins having the same or shorter N-linked oligosaccharides asCry j I. ELISA and ELISA inhibition studies with intact glycoproteins, glycopeptides and peptides indicated that both anti-Cry j I IgGs and anti-Sophora japonica bark lectin II (B-SJA-II) IgGs included oligosaccharide-specific antibodies with different specificities, and that the epitopic structures against anti-Cry j I IgGs include a branch containing 1–6 linked fucose and a core containing fucose/xylose, while those against anti-B-SJA-II IgGs include nonreducing terminal mannose residues. The cross-reactivities of human allergic sera to miraculin andClerodendron Trichotomum lectin (CTA) were low, and inhibition studies suggested that the oligosaccharides onCry j I contribute little or only conformationally to the reactivity of specific IgE antibodies.Abbreviations Cry j I a major allergenic glycoprotein ofCryptomeria japonica - B-SJA-II Sophora japonica bark lectin II - CTA Clerodendron trichotomum lectin - TFMS trifluoromethanesulfonic acid - HRP horseradish peroxidase  相似文献   

In this report, we describe the preparation of a library ofN-linked glycans from whole murine brain obtained by the large-scale hydrazinolysis of an acetone powder of the tissue followed by chromatographic procedures. 84% of the characterized oligosaccharides were found to be anionic, the remainder neutral. The anionic species were successively neutralized by neuraminidase (29%), aq. hydrofluoric acid (30%), and methanolysis (26%), indicating that approximately equal portions were sensitive to desialylation, dephosphorylation and desulfation, respectively. The presence of the sulfated fraction was confirmed by direct35SO4 metabolic labelling. A residual partially characterized fraction was found to be anionic through possession of carboxylic acid groups, unrelated to sialic acid. The purified oligosaccharides, in the absence of their original protein conjugates, were shown to retain those immunological characteristics essential for recognition by a specific monoclonal antibody, LS (412), that is known to recognize a carbohydrate epitope present on a number of neural adhesion molecules and functional in neural cell adhesion. These properties confirm the viability of scaling up the size of the hydrazinolysis procedure and adapting it to whole tissue for the production of glycan libraries and for the probing of structures of interest.Abbreviations ConA concanavalin A - ELISA enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay - Fuc fucose - Gal galactose - GalNAc N-acetylgalactosamine - GlcNAc N-acetylglucosamine - g.u. glucose units - HRP horseradish peroxidase - HVE high voltage electrophoresis - Man mannose - MS mass spectrometry - N-CAM neural cell adhesion molecule  相似文献   

We investigated the in vivo salinity-dependent behavior of transepithelial potential (TEP) in Fundulus heteroclitus (3-9 g) using indwelling coelomic catheters, a technique which was validated against blood catheter measurements in a larger species (Opsanus beta; 35-70 g). In seawater (SW)-acclimated killifish, TEP was +23 mV (inside positive), but changed to -39 mV immediately after transfer to freshwater (FW). Acute transfer to dilute salinities produced a TEP profile, which rapidly attenuated as salinity increased (0, 2.5, 5 and 10% SW), with cross-over to positive values between 20 and 40% SW, and a linear increase thereafter (60, 80 and 100% SW). TEP response profiles were also recorded after acute transfer to comparable dilutions of 500 mmol L(-1) NaCl, NaNO3, Na gluconate, choline chloride, N-methyl-D-glutamate (NMDG) chloride, or 1,100 mosmol kg(-1) mannitol. These indicated high non-specific cation permeability and low non-specific anion permeability without influence of osmolality in SW-acclimated killifish. While there was a small electrogenic component in high salinity, a Na+ diffusion potential predominated at all salinities due to the low P Cl/P Na (0.23) of the gills. The very negative TEP in FW was attenuated in a linear fashion by log elevations in [Ca2+] such that P Cl/P Na increased to 0.73 at 10 mmol L(-1). SW levels of [K+] or [Mg2+] also increased the TEP, but none of these cations alone restored the positive TEP of SW-acclimated killifish. The very negative TEP in FW attenuated over the first 12 h of exposure and by 24-30 h reached +3 mV, representative of long-term FW-acclimated animals; this reflected a progressive increase in P Cl/P Na from 0.23 to 1.30, probably associated with closing of the paracellular shunt pathway. Thereafter, the TEP in FW-acclimated killifish was unresponsive to [Ca2+] (also to [K+], [Mg2+], or chloride salts of choline and NMDG), but became more positive at SW levels of [Na+]. Killifish live in a variable salinity environment and are incapable of gill Cl(-) uptake in FW. We conclude that the adaptive significance of the TEP patterns is that changeover to a very negative TEP in FW will immediately limit Na+ loss while not interfering with active Cl(-) uptake because there is none. Keeping the shunt permeability high for a few hours means that killifish can return to SW and instantaneously re-activate their NaCl excretion mechanism.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that a major phosphorylated 25-kDa glycoprotein of the human peripheral nerve binds to Mycobacterium leprae. In the present study, we confirm that the 25-kDa glycoprotein of the human peripheral nerve is myelin P zero (P0) by immunoprecipitation and Western blot experiments using monoclonal antibodies to myelin P0. Immunohistochemical studies on human nerve using these antibodies to myelin P0 exhibited a strong immunoreactivity to the myelin and Schwann cells. Myelin P0 is a peripheral nerve specific protein; therefore it could likely be one of the key target molecules for M. leprae binding/internalization or even contact-dependent demyelination. This finding of M. leprae binding to myelin P0 adds to the present understanding on neural predilection of M. leprae.  相似文献   

Carbohydrates were extracted from high Arctic harbour seal milk, Phoca vitulina vitulina (family Phocidae). Free neutral oligosaccharides were separated by gel filtration and preparative thin layer chromatography, while free sialyl oligosaccharides were separated by gel filtration and then purified by ion exchange chromatography, gel filtration and high performance liquid chromatography. Oligosaccharide structures were determined by 1H-NMR spectroscopy. The structures of the neutral oligosaccharides were as follows: lactose, 2'-fucosyllactose, lacto-N-neotetraose, lacto-N-neohexaose, monofucosyl lacto-N-neohexaose and difucosyl lacto-N-neohexaose. Thus, all of the neutral saccharides contained lactose or lacto-N-neotetraose or lacto-N-neohexaose as core units and/or non-reducing alpha(1-2) linked fucose. These oligosaccharides have also been found in hooded seal milk. The structures of the silalyl oligosaccharides were: monosialyl lacto-N-neohexaose, monosialyl monofucosyl lacto-N-neohexaose, monosialyl difucosyl lacto-N-neohexaose and disialyl lacto-N-neohexaose. These oligosaccharides contained lacto-N-neohexaose as core units, and one or two alpha(2-6) linked Neu5Ac, and/or non-reducing alpha(1-2) linked Fuc. The Neu5Ac residues were found to be linked to GlcNAc or penultimate Gal residues. The acidic oligosaccharides are the first to have been characterized in the milk of any species of seal.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we determined the structures of the glycans present in ancrod, a thrombin-like serine protease from the venom of the Malayan pit viperAgkistrodon rhodostoma (Pfeifferet al. (1992)Eur J Biochem 205:961–78). In order to allocate the various carbohydrate chains to distinctN-glycosylation sites of the molecule, we have now isolated individual glycopeptides. Peptide moieties were identified after deglycosylation with peptide-N 4-(N-acetyl--glucosaminyl)asparagine amidase F by amino acid analysis and sequencing. Liberated oligosaccharides were assigned to the previously deduced carbohydrate structures by high performance liquid chromatography. Although only quantitative differences were observed, the results indicate that each glycosylation site of ancrod carries its characteristic oligosaccharide pattern. Furthermore, all potential sites were shown to be substituted by carbohydrates.Abbreviations HPAE-HPLC high pH anion exchange HPLC - RP-HPLC reversed phase HPLC - PNGase-F peptide-N 4-(N-acetyl--glucosaminyl)asparagine amidase F - PAD pulsed amperometric detection.  相似文献   

Chitinases, the enzymes responsible for the biological degradation of chitin, are found in a wide range of organisms from bacteria to higher plants and animals. They participate in numerous physiological processes such as nutrition, parasitism, morphogenesis and immunity. Many organisms, in addition to chitinases, produce inactive chitinase-like lectins that despite lacking enzymatic activity are involved in several regulatory functions. Most known chitinases belong to families 18 and 19 of glycosyl hydrolases, however a few chitinases that belong to families 23 and 48 have also been identified in recent years. In this review, different aspects of chitinases and chi-lectins from bacteria, fungi, insects, plants and mammals are discussed.  相似文献   

Asparagine-linked glycosylation is an enzyme-catalyzed, co-translational protein modification reaction that has the capacity to influence either the protein folding process or the stability of the native glycoprotein conjugate. Advances in both glycoconjugate chemical synthesis and glycoprotein expression methods have increased the availability of these once elusive biopolymers. The application of spectroscopic methods to these proteins has begun to illuminate the various ways in which the saccharide affects the structure, function and stability of the proteins.  相似文献   

Summary Total denitrification (N2O+N2) and nitrous oxide emission were measured on intact soil cores using the acetylene inhibition technique.Total denitrification from the depth 0–8 cm during the growth period from April to August was 7 kg N/ha from plots supplied with 30 kg N/ha and 19 kg N/ha from plots supplied with 120 kg N/ha. The amounts of precipitation, plant growth, and N application were found to affect the denitrification rate. These factors also affected the ratio (N2O+N2)/N2O, which varied from 1.0 to 7.2. Plant growth and precipitation increased the proportion of N2 produced, whereas a high nitrate content increased the proportion of N2O.  相似文献   

The 3.7 kb XbaI fragment harbouring the cryIVB gene which encoded a 130 kDa mosquitocidal toxin protein from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis (B.t.i.) was placed downstream to the cat-86 gene promoter (P cat-86, spore stage specific expression) or bgaB gene promoter (P bgaB , vegetative stage specific expression). The constructs were subcloned into pBC16 to obtain pBTC3 and pBTC6, respectively. Both plasmids and the other construct, pBTC1 were successfully transferred into B. thuringiensis subsp. israelensis c4Q2-72 and B. sphaericus 2362. Western blot analysis showed that P bgaB in front of P cryIVB could enable cells to produce a 130 kDa protein from the vegetative stage (4 h) whereas those with P cat-86 could not. The positive detection of 130 kDa crystal protein during the vegetative stage (4 h) by Western blot analysis indicated the vegetative-stage-specific expression of P bgaB , while the 130 kDa crystal protein produced from cryIVB gene under control of P cat-86 was detected only at 48 h. The strong activity of P bgaB , together with P cryIVB within pBTC6 in both bacterial hosts was also shown by the toxicity assay against Aedes aegypti larvae (B.t.i. c4Q2-72, 5.6 ± 3.6 × 102 c.f.u./ml; B. sphaericus 2362, 5.4 ± 2.5 × 102 c.f.u./ml) which were 100-fold and 10-fold more toxic to such larvae when compared with pBTC3 (P cat-86 together with P cryIVB ) and pBTC1 (contained only its self promoter) in the same bacterial host strains, respectively. The plasmid pBTC6 is not stable in either Bacillus host.  相似文献   

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