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种植牧草在白浆土改良中的作用   总被引:24,自引:3,他引:21  
研究了农田生态系统中引种紫花苜蓿对土壤生态环境的影响.结果表明,紫花苜蓿种植3年以后,白浆土的通气孔隙增加2.37-5.34%,渗透系数增加0.7-5.5倍,土壤有机碳增加0.349-0.600%,作物产量平均提高25%.种植苜蓿比单种作物的产投比高0.36-0.39.  相似文献   

胶茶人工群落的生态效应及经济效益评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
根据生态学原理,按植物的生态特性,在橡胶(Hevea brasiliensis)林下配植云南大叶茶(Camellia sinensis),组成胶茶人工群落。现根据中国科学院云南热带植物研究所定位试验点(西双版纳勐仑)胶茶间作群落的测定资料,分析其生态效益和经济效益。研究结果表明,这种人工组合的间作结构,其生态效应和经济效益都优于单一种植方式。  相似文献   

山核桃免耕经营的经济效益和生态效益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
摘要:免耕经营能够有效的提高经济和生态效益,防止水土流失,保护林下植被和增加土壤有机质。浙江杭州地区山核桃长期免耕,取得良好的经济和生态效益。本文调查了主产区临安市、淳安县4个重点乡镇,5个重点村和215户的亩产及人均山核桃收入,分析免耕经营前后地壤肥力变化情况。结果表明:4个重点乡镇成林平均亩产山核桃74.68Kg,亩产值2987元,人均山核桃收入7028元;5个重点村平均亩产95.1kg,亩产值2800元,人均山核桃收入14818.9元; 215户近4年平均亩产125.03Kg,亩产值5001元,投入产出之比达1:8以上。土壤分析表明,施肥前25年土壤有机质含量、土层厚度保持不变,而全氮、全磷、水解氮、速效磷均缓慢上升;免耕加施肥后,土壤肥力显著提高,产量成倍增加,产量年变异系数由施肥前的39.76%下降到19.60%。由于重点产区山核桃纯林过于集中连片,水源涵养功能下降,病虫害日趋严重;同时存在施肥过量,肥料配比失调,林地土壤含氮量全部超标,含钾量严重不足的问题,今后施肥必须注意“控氮、稳磷、增钾”。  相似文献   

种植牧草在白浆土改良中的作用   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
研究了农田生态系统中引种紫花苜蓿对土壤生态环境的影响。结果表明,紫花苜蓿种植3年以后,白浆土的通气孔隙增加2.37—5.34%,渗透系数增加0.7—5.5倍,土壤有机碳增加0.349—0.600%,作物产量平均提高25%。种植苜蓿比单种作物的产投比高0.36—0.39。  相似文献   

水污染损失估算与治理水污染生态效益实例分析   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
辛琨  陈涛 《应用生态学报》1998,9(5):529-532
采用模糊数学法和机会成本法对沈阳市某大型企业排放废水所造成的环境损失价值进行估算,将两种方法所得结果进行比较,结果表明这两种方法在对污染损失价值核算方面具有一定可行性.利用所得结果对该企业的污水治理的生态效益进行评价和分析.  相似文献   

目的 揭示政策对三甲医院经营行为的导向、存在的问题,为新一轮改革进程中有关三甲医院相关政策的制定提供实证依据。方法 回顾性统计描述分析上海10所三甲医院1997—2006年收益变化趋势及其影响因素。结果 (1)1999—2004年平均药品加成率持续快速递增,由13.0%跃升至30.9%,但2004年之后开始下降。(2)万元医疗收入卫生材料支出总体呈现增长趋势,卫生材料支出占医疗收入比重由1997年19.0%升至2006年29.3%;平均人员经费支出占业务收入比重经1999年跃升后维持在27%~30%之间。(3)1999年以来,10所医院平均医疗收入支出比从未超过1.00,总体呈略降趋势,反映医疗服务亏损率增加;同时,药品收入支出比一直维持在1.10以上且呈上升趋势,反映药品利润率增加。2004年后药品收支比呈下降趋势,在时间上与药品集中招标采购政策实施相吻合。(4)平均业务收入结余率、净资产结余率从未超过9.0%,2006年经费自给率低于100%。结论 (1)由于对医院实行“以药养医”补偿机制,为了维持盈亏平衡,医院是以不断增加的药品盈利来弥补不断增加的医疗服务的亏损,致使医院对药品依赖不弱反强。(2)在药品占医院收入比重受制于政策导向不断下降情况下,医院通过不断提高药品加成率来扩大药品盈利,但2004年上海开始实施药品集中招标采购等政策,抑制了医院药品加成率的增长趋势,导致药品盈利减少,最终将打破以药品盈利弥补医疗服务亏损的平衡。(3)医院经营状况呈现收入与资产快速递增,但医疗服务与药品收入结构没有显著改善,且医护人员工作负荷不断加重的趋势。  相似文献   

安徽涡阳县桐农间作类型及其效益分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
姜志林  方越井 《生态学杂志》1991,10(3):22-26,40
一、概况涡阳县位于黄淮平原南部,安徽省的西北部。全县土地面积2.09×10~5ha,其中耕地面积1.44×10~5ha。人口105万。本县属暖温带半湿润季风气候区,年平均气温14.6℃,降水量824mm,蒸发量1974.5mm。太阳辐射总量5.22×10~5J·m~(-2)。气候温和,水热同季,  相似文献   

李梅  王清君  梅杰 《植物研究》2002,22(4):508-512
高寒林区引种辽宁种源的中国沙棘,完全适应该地的生态条件,中国沙棘生长茂盛,已正常开花结果,引种的中国沙棘与红皮云杉营造人工混交林,林分生长良好,伴生树种中国沙棘生态效益和经济效益显著。  相似文献   

江西省主要作物(稻、棉、油)生态经济系统综合分析评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
孙卫民  欧一智  黄国勤 《生态学报》2013,33(18):5467-5476
基于成本收益分析和能值分析理论,构建经济效益指标和生态经济效益指标,对江西省水稻(早稻和晚稻)、棉花、油菜种植系统的经济效益、生态经济综合效益进行分析和评价。经济效益方面,分析比较了单位面积作物成本构成,构建了净利润(Rev)和净利润率(Prof)两个经济效益指标;生态经济方面,分析比较了单位面积能值投入产出构成,构建了能值投入率、能值产出率、环境负载率、宏观经济能值等四个能值评价指标。计算结果表明江西省水稻、棉花和油菜等作物的生产成本占主导地位,价格因素是影响种植成本最重要的因素。水稻主要是以生产物资费用为主,而棉花和油菜以人工费用为主。从产值和收益来看,Rev大小为棉花>晚稻>早稻>油菜,Prof大小为晚稻>棉花>早稻>油菜。水稻、棉花和油菜种植系统对自然更新资源的依靠程度较低,系统的维系主要依赖于外部购买能值的投入,其构成与生产成本构成是一致的。水稻、棉花和油菜等作物的种植系统能值投入率比较高,大小为棉花>早稻>晚稻>油菜,能值产出率:油菜>棉花>晚稻>早稻,造成生态环境压力为晚稻>早稻>油菜>棉花,宏观经济能值大小为油菜>棉花>晚稻>早稻。结果表明,江西省水稻、棉花、油菜种植系统是高度开放的系统,主要依赖购买能值,但是系统产出率不高,其环境压力也不大。研究结果可为深入认识江西水稻、棉花和油菜等主要作物种植系统提供一个新的视角,并为种植业可持续发展提供一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

对杉木-籽西瓜经营模式的研究表明,杉木连栽林地采用籽西瓜套种经营模式,可提高土壤肥力,防止林地水土流失,促进杉木幼林生长,套种林分的生产力平均比对照高141.85%.材积生产力高191.22%,实现了林地的持续生产力和幼林的速生丰产.  相似文献   

油菜与紫云英间混作系统的生理生态效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用7种耕种方式研究油菜与紫云英间混作系统中油菜生长发育、产量形成及其效益.结果表明,育苗移栽油菜的株高、叶片大小、根颈粗、开盘度以及产量指标均明显优于免耕直播油菜;与紫云英混作的免耕直播油菜,各形态指标均优于免耕直播间作和单作油菜.耕翻后与紫云英混作的育苗移栽油菜产量比免耕直播单作油菜增产11.9%;与紫云英混作的免耕育苗移栽油菜产量与免耕直播单作相近.耕翻后与紫云英混作的育苗移栽油菜产值和效益最大,免耕直播油菜单作其次.结合产投比和土地当量比,耕翻后与紫云英混作育苗移栽油菜和与紫云英混作免耕育苗移栽油菜两种方式综合效益最高,增产增收,增加有机肥源,提高土壤肥力.  相似文献   

One of the central ethical tenets of research in developing countries is the sponsor's obligation to benefit host participants and communities. Two known models of benefits provision dominate the ethical discourse of research in developing countries. The first model, known as the “reasonable availability,” endorses the obligation to provide interventions proven to be effective at the end of a study. This contrasts with the second model, known as “fair benefits,” which endorses other forms of benefits that host communities may deem as fair beyond those derived directly from the study's findings. This paper explores a third benefit model consistent with the writings of the Human Hereditary and Health in Africa (H3Africa) research initiative. The H3Africa—a North‐South collaborative initiative predicated by U.S. National Institutes of Health, the Wellcome Trust and the African Society of Human Genetics upholds a benefit model that endorses capacity building as the primary obligation of its research agenda. This is evident by the endorsement of mechanisms to strengthen capacity building in its research projects. While capacity building remains a plausible means of improving the expertise, quality and independence of research in Africa, sustainable measures are needed to realizing the full potential for African‐led research on the continent.  相似文献   

曹宸  李叙勇 《生态学报》2018,38(12):4296-4306
伴随郊区城市化的快速发展,高强度人工管控对河流生态系统产生持续胁迫作用,河流生态系统健康受到严重威胁甚至损害。以北京房山区河流水系为例,于2016—2017年在区域内的31处样点进行野外调查。选取河流的水环境功能、防洪效益功能、生态效益功能和支持利用功能4方面16个具体评价指标,并通过层次分析法计算权重,构建区县尺度下的河流生态系统健康评价指标体系,并进行健康状况评价。结果表明:房山区河流的防洪效益功能与生态效益功能中"健康与亚健康"状态比例分别为58.0%与41.9%,而水环境功能与和支持利用功能中"较差与差"状态比例为71.0%与41.9%;河流生态系统健康整体水平较差,勉强满足河流生态系统一般需求。同时,房山区境内的拒马河与小清河的河流生态系统健康状态远优于大石河与永定河。河流生态基流是影响河流生态系统健康的关键因素,适当释放库区截留水量与调配区外清洁水体,已成为恢复房山区河流生态系统健康的前提与基础。  相似文献   

We analyse the evolution of the assortment of encounters through active choice of companions among individuals that interact cooperatively in a situation of mutual benefit. Using a simple mathematical model, we show that mutual benefit can favour the evolution of a preference to interact with individuals that are similar to themselves with respect to an arbitrary tag even when both the preference and the tag depend on two independent and unlinked genes. Two necessary requisites to obtain this result are: (i) a small population or a large subdivided metapulation and (ii) an asymmetry between partners in such a way that one of them (donor) proposes the cooperation and elects the partner, whereas the other (receiver) never rejects the offer. We also show that mutual benefit can be the starting point for the evolution of altruistic behaviours as long as there are preferential interactions. This requires that the tag used in the election of partners is the altruistic or selfish behaviour itself.  相似文献   

Most pharmaceutical research carried out today is focused on the treatment and management of the lifestyle diseases of the developed world. Diseases that affect mainly poor people are neglected in research advancements in treatment because they cannot generate large financial returns on research and development costs. Benefit sharing arrangements for the use of indigenous resources and genetic research could only marginally address this gap in research and development in diseases that affect the poor. Benefit sharing as a strategy is conceptually problematic, even if one, as we do, agrees that impoverished indigenous communities should not be exploited and that they should be assisted in improving their living conditions. The accepted concept of intellectual property protection envisages clearly defined originators and owners of knowledge, whereas the concept of community membership is fluid and indigenous knowledge is, by its very nature, open, with the originator(s) lost in the mists of time. The delineation of 'community' presents serious conceptual and practical difficulties as few communities form discrete, easily discernable groups, and most have problematic leadership structures. Benefit sharing is no substitute for governments' responsibility to uplift impoverished communities. Benefit sharing arrangements may be fraught with difficulties but considerations of respect and equity demand that prior informed consent and consultation around commercialisation of knowledge take place with the source community and their government.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to show that any process of benefit sharing that does not guarantee the representation and participation of women in the decision-making process, as well as in the distribution of benefits, contravenes a central demand of social justice. It is argued that women, particularly in developing countries, can be excluded from benefits derived from genetic research because of existing social structures that promote and maintain discrimination. The paper describes how the structural problem of gender-based inequity can impact on benefit sharing processes. At the same time, examples are given of poor women's ability to organise themselves and to achieve social benefits for entire communities. Relevant international guidelines (e.g. the Convention on Biodiversity) recognise the importance of women's contributions to the protection of biodiversity and thereby, implicitly, their right to a share of the benefits, but no mechanism is outlined on how to bring this about. The authors make a clear recommendation to ensure women's participation in benefit sharing negotiations by demanding seats at the negotiation table.  相似文献   

The purpose of requiring cost-benefit analysis is to produce better out-comes from regulatory processes. If implemented well, cost-benefit analysis and risk assessment can produce improvements at several levels, by encouraging regulators to consider unintended effects of regulations and thereby avoid making things worse, to find the least burdensome approach to a goal, and to balance the pluses and minuses involved in choosing a goal. Whether these improvements will occur depends in large part on how cost-benefit analysis is implemented. Guidelines for conducting cost-benefit analysis and procedures for considering evidence on costs and benefits play an important role. This article describes how guidelines and rules of process can affect outcomes, and the issues that cost-benefit guidelines need to cover. Guidelines can affect the bias of a regulatory process toward one set of stakeholders or another, make outcomes more predictable, define the information needed for decisions, and provide a basis for legal challenges. The questions that guidelines should address include: what are costs and benefits, what constitutes good economics, what are standards of proof, how should unquantified costs and benefits be treated, how should uncertainties of cost-benefit estimates be dealt with, and how should alternatives be generated? The article concludes with recommen dations about how the adoption of cost-benefit analysis can be made most effective and beneficial in regulatory processes.  相似文献   

Why are females so choosy when it comes to mating? This question has puzzled and marveled evolutionary and behavioral ecologists for decades. In mating systems in which males provide direct benefits to the female or her offspring, such as food or shelter, the answer seems straightforward — females should prefer to mate with males that are able to provide more resources. The answer is less clear in other mating systems in which males provide no resources (other than sperm) to females. Theoretical models that account for the evolution of mate choice in such nonresource-based mating systems require that females obtain a genetic benefit through increased offspring fitness from their choice. Empirical studies of nonresource-based mating systems that are characterized by strong female choice for males with elaborate sexual traits (like the large tail of peacocks) suggest that additive genetic benefits can explain only a small percentage of the variation in fitness. Other research on genetic benefits has examined nonadditive effects as another source of genetic variation in fitness and a potential benefit to female mate choice. In this paper, we review the sexual selection literature on genetic quality to address five objectives. First, we attempt to provide an integrated framework for discussing genetic quality. We propose that the term ‘good gene’ be used exclusively to refer to additive genetic variation in fitness, ‘compatible gene’ be used to refer to nonadditive genetic variation in fitness, and ‘genetic quality’ be defined as the sum of the two effects. Second, we review empirical approaches used to calculate the effect size of genetic quality and discuss these approaches in the context of measuring benefits from good genes, compatible genes and both types of genes. Third, we discuss biological mechanisms for acquiring and promoting offspring genetic quality and categorize these into three stages during breeding: (i) precopulatory (mate choice); (ii) postcopulatory, prefertilization (sperm utilization); and (iii) postcopulatory, postfertilization (differential investment). Fourth, we present a verbal model of the effect of good genes sexual selection and compatible genes sexual selection on population genetic variation in fitness, and discuss the potential trade-offs that might exist between mate choice for good genes and mate choice for compatible genes. Fifth, we discuss some future directions for research on genetic quality and sexual selection.  相似文献   

稻-萍-蟹立体农业的效益   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
稻-萍-蟹立体农业的效益朱清海,李毓鹏,徐春河(辽宁省盘锦市土肥工作站,124010)魏晓敏毛艳,朱浩峥(辽宁省盐碱地利用研究所,盘锦124200)(辽宁省盘锦市土肥工作站,124010)BenifitofStereoscopicAgricultur...  相似文献   

生态效益评价内容和评价指标筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态效益评价的重要性已经广为人知,但评价内容和指标不统一,大大影响了评价结果的可信度。基本上是各说各有理,很难相互比较。在分析国内外相关生态系统评价方法基础上,提出生态效益评价框架,强调生态效益与经济效益和社会效益共同构成了人类社会的价值判断标准和决策依据,是经济效益和社会效益的基础,应该包括生态系统整体贡献,考虑与生态系统的动态变化的关系;并探讨了生态效益评价指标筛选的原则(关联性、灵敏性、层级性、决策导向性、代表性、可行性、独立性及经济适用性和社会可接受性);提出了生态效益指标筛选的多准则综合法和生态效益评价指标检验的3个标准(可定量化、专一化和震撼性)。本研究将为生态效益指标体系的构建提供重要参考。  相似文献   

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