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Anorectal malformation (ARM) is a common birth defect but the developmental history and the underlying molecular mechanism are poorly understood. Using murine genetic models, we report here that a signaling molecule Dickkopf-1 (Dkk1) is a critical regulator. The anorectal and genitourinary tracts are major derivatives of caudal hindgut, or the cloaca. Dkk1 is highly expressed in the dorsal peri-cloacal mesenchymal (dPCM) progenitors. We show that the deletion of Dkk1 causes the imperforate anus with rectourinary fistula. Mutant genital tubercles exhibit a preputial hypospadias phenotype and premature urethral canalization. Dkk1 mutants have an ectopic expansion of the dPCM tissue, which correlates with an aberrant increase of cell proliferation and survival. This ectopic tissue is detectable before the earliest sign of the anus formation, suggesting that it is most likely the primary or early cause of the defect. Deletion of Dkk1 results in an elevation of the Wnt/ß-catenin activity. Signaling molecules Shh, Fgf8 and Bmp4 are also upregulated. Furthermore, genetic hyperactivation of Wnt/ß-catenin signal pathway in the cloacal mesenchyme partially recapitulates Dkk1 mutant phenotypes. Together, these findings underscore the importance of DKK1 in regulating behavior of dPCM progenitors, and suggest that formation of anus and urethral depends on Dkk1-mediated dynamic inhibition of the canonical Wnt/ß-catenin signal pathway.  相似文献   

Six1 is required for the early organogenesis of mammalian kidney   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  

Urinary tract morphogenesis requires subdivision of the ureteric bud (UB) into the intra-renal collecting system and the extra-renal ureter, by responding to signals in its surrounding mesenchyme. BMP4 is a mesenchymal regulator promoting ureter development, while GREM1 is necessary to negatively regulate BMP4 activity to induce UB branching. However, the mechanisms that regulate the GREM1-BMP4 signaling are unknown. Previous studies have shown that Six1-deficient mice lack kidneys, but form ureters. Here, we show that the tip cells of Six1−/− UB fail to form an ampulla for branching. Instead, the UB elongates within Tbx18- and Bmp4-expressing mesenchyme. We find that the expression of Grem1 in the metanephric mesenchyme (MM) is Six1-dependent. Treatment of Six1−/− kidney rudiments with GREM1 protein restores ampulla formation and branching morphogenesis. Furthermore, we demonstrate that genetic reduction of BMP4 levels in Six1−/− (Six1−/−; Bmp4+/−) embryos restores urinary tract morphogenesis and kidney formation. This study uncovers an essential function for Six1 in the MM as an upstream regulator of Grem1 in initiating branching morphogenesis.  相似文献   

The normal development of the anorectum in the pig   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The development of the anorectum was studied in forty-four embryos and foetuses of pig varying in length from 9 mm total length to 210 mm crownrump length and in three newborn pigs. The presence of some features during critical stages in the development of the cloaca in the pig such as an epithelial mass protruding into the dorsal cloaca near its intestinal orifice and distinct differences in the type of epithelium in different regions of the cloacal system greatly facilitated the study of the developmental process. Thus it could be established that a change in position of the dorsal cloaca and adjacent structures such as the distal part of the gut and the urorectal septum via the dorsal part of the cloacal plate towards the tailgroove is of major importance for the partition of the cloaca into a separate intestinal and urogenital division. A subsequent disintegration of the dorsal part of the cloacal plate results in two separate openings for both the systems at the same time. Disintegration of the ventral part of the cloacal plate leads only to a further widening of the external opening of the urogenital system. In the cloacal system three distinct zones were discerned, a dorsal and ventral cloacal and a cloacal plate region. From the dorsal cloacal epithelium the whole anorectal segment between the intestinal mucosa and the anal epidermis develops. The epithelium of ventral cloacal origin seems to disappear completely . Cloacal plate epithelium forms the epithelial lining of distal parts of the urogenital system. The penile urethra in the male is formed by a ventralward movement of the urogenital opening by the growing perineum and not by fusion of genital folds.  相似文献   

Genes of the Eya family and of the Six1/2 subfamily are expressed throughout development of vertebrate cranial placodes and are required for their differentiation into ganglia and sense organs. How they regulate placodal neurogenesis, however, remains unclear. Through loss of function studies in Xenopus we show that Eya1 and Six1 are required for neuronal differentiation in all neurogenic placodes. The effects of overexpression of Eya1 or Six1 are dose dependent. At higher levels, Eya1 and Six1 expand the expression of SoxB1 genes (Sox2, Sox3), maintain cells in a proliferative state and block expression of neuronal determination and differentiation genes. At lower levels, Eya1 and Six1 promote neuronal differentiation, acting downstream of and/or parallel to Ngnr1. Our findings suggest that Eya1 and Six1 are required for both the regulation of placodal neuronal progenitor proliferation, through their effects on SoxB1 expression, and subsequent neuronal differentiation.  相似文献   



Epispadias is the mildest phenotype of the human bladder exstrophy–epispadias complex (BEEC), and presents with varying degrees of severity. This urogenital birth defect results from a disturbance in the septation process, during which separate urogenital and anorectal components are formed through division of the cloaca. This process is reported to be influenced by androgen signaling. The human PARM1 gene encodes the prostate androgen-regulated mucin-like protein 1, which is expressed in heart, kidney, and placenta.


We performed whole mount in situ hybridization analysis of Parm1 expression in mouse embryos between gestational days (GD) 9.5 and 12.5, which are equivalent to human gestational weeks 4–6. Since the spatio-temporal localization of Parm1 corresponded to tissues which are affected in human epispadias, we sequenced PARM1 in 24 affected patients.


We found Parm1 specifically expressed in the region of the developing cloaca, the umbilical cord, bladder anlage, and the urethral component of the genital tubercle. Additionally, Parm1 expression was detected in the muscle progenitor cells of the somites and head mesenchyme. PARM1 gene analysis revealed no alterations in the coding region of any of the investigated patients.


These findings suggest that PARM1 does not play a major role in the development of human epispadias. However, we cannot rule out the possibility that a larger sample size would enable detection of rare mutations in this gene.  相似文献   

Signaling by Bone morphogenetic proteins (Bmps) has multiple and diverse roles in patterning and morphogenesis of the kidney, eye, limbs and the neural tube. Here, we employed the Bmp7lacZ strain to perform a detailed analysis of Bmp7 expression and the null phenotype during development of the mouse urogenital system. The urethral compartment originates in mid-embryogenesis from the ventral part of the cloaca, a transient cavity at the caudal end of the hindgut. At mid-gestation, Bmp7 expression was detected within several specific domains in the cloacal epithelium and mesenchyme. In late embryogenesis, Bmp7 expression was present in the urethra, rectum, the urethral glands, corpus cavernosum, and in the male and female genital ducts. Importantly, loss of Bmp7 resulted in arrest in cloacal septation, and severe defects in morphogenesis of the genital urethra and mesenchyme. Together, our analysis of Bmp7 expression and the null phenotype, indicates that Bmp7 may play an important role in re-organization of the epithelium during cloacal septation and morphogenesis of the genital tubercle.  相似文献   

The hindgut of the semi-terrestrial tardigrade, Milnesium tardigradum was examined with light and electron microscopy. The hindgut consists of a cloaca and an anterior hindgut. It is delineated anteriorly by the pylorus into which four Malpighian tubules empty and posteriorly, by a broad cloacal slit. A single oviduct enters the hindgut at the junction between the cloaca and the anterior hindgut. Two pairs of muscles insert on the cloaca and anterior hindgut respectively. Electron microscopic observations demonstrate that the anterior hindgut is a specialized transporting epithelium. The luminal surface is covered by a thin layer of cuticle which penetrates into channel-like invaginations. Numerous mitochondria are concentrated apically. The basal and lateral surfaces are also folded. The cells are joined apically by deep tight junctions and a simple basal lamina lines the entire hindgut. The cloaca which receives the contents of the gut and Malpighian tubules as well as gametes of the reproductive tract is a transitional organ that exhibits several characteristics of the hypodermis and anterior hindgut. The cuticle of the cloaca changes sequentially from the complex structure of the integument to a simple layer of the anterior hindgut. The function of the hindgut is discussed with emphasis on the possible response of the anterior hindgut to a hypoosmotic habitat, evaporative water loss during the induction of anhydrobiosis and low oxygen tension.  相似文献   

The mammalian metanephric kidney is derived from the intermediate mesoderm. In this report, we use molecular fate mapping to demonstrate that the majority of cell types within the metanephric kidney arise from an Osr1+ population of metanephric progenitor cells. These include the ureteric epithelium of the collecting duct network, the cap mesenchyme and its nephron epithelia derivatives, the interstitial mesenchyme, vasculature and smooth muscle. Temporal fate mapping shows a progressive restriction of Osr1+ cell fates such that at the onset of active nephrogenesis, Osr1 activity is restricted to the Six2+ cap mesenchyme nephron progenitors. However, low-level labeling of Osr1+ cells suggests that the specification of interstitial mesenchyme and cap mesenchyme progenitors occurs within the Osr1+ population prior to the onset of metanephric development. Furthermore, although Osr1+ progenitors give rise to much of the kidney, Osr1 function is only essential for the development of the nephron progenitor compartment. These studies provide new insights into the cellular origins of metanephric kidney structures and lend support to a model where Osr1 function is limited to establishing the nephron progenitor pool.  相似文献   

Although it is well established that the Gdnf-Ret signal transduction pathway initiates metanephric induction, no single regulator has yet been identified to specify the metanephric mesenchyme or blastema within the intermediate mesoderm, the earliest step of metanephric kidney development and the molecular mechanisms controlling Gdnf expression are essentially unknown. Previous studies have shown that a loss of Eya 1 function leads to renal agenesis that is a likely result of failure of metanephric induction. The studies presented here demonstrate that Eya 1 specifies the metanephric blastema within the intermediate mesoderm at the caudal end of the nephrogenic cord. In contrast to its specific roles in metanephric development, Eya 1 appears dispensable for the formation of nephric duct and mesonephric tubules. Using a combination of null and hypomorphic Eya 1 mutants, we now demonstrated that approximately 20% of normal Eya 1 protein level is sufficient for establishing the metanephric blastema and inducing the ureteric bud formation but not for its normal branching. Using Eya 1, Gdnf, Six 1 and Pax 2 mutant mice, we show that Eya 1 probably functions at the top of the genetic hierarchy controlling kidney organogenesis and it acts in combination with Six 1 and Pax 2 to regulate Gdnf expression during UB outgrowth and branching. These findings uncover an essential function for Eya 1 as a critical determination factor in acquiring metanephric fate within the intermediate mesoderm and as a key regulator of Gdnf expression during ureteric induction and branching morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Cre-mediated recombination, a method widely used in mice for tissue-specific inactivation of endogenous genes or activation of transgenes, is critically dependent on the availability of mouse lines in which Cre recombinase functions in the tissue of interest or its progenitors. Here we describe a transgenic mouse line, Osr1-cre, in which Cre is active from embryonic day (E)11.5 in a few specific tissues. These include the endoderm of the posterior foregut, midgut, hindgut, and developing urogenital system, the heart left atrium, extra-ocular muscle progenitors, and mesenchyme in particular regions of the limb. Furthermore, starting at E12.5, Cre functions in limb interdigital mesenchyme. Within the urogenital system, recombination appears to be virtually complete in the epithelium of the bladder and urethra just posterior to it by E14.5. In males, some of these urethral cells form the prostate. The spatiotemporal pattern of Cre activity in Osr1-cre makes it a unique resource among the lines available for Cre-mediated recombination experiments.  相似文献   

Anorectal malformations are congenital anomalies that form a spectrum of disorders, from the most benign type with excellent functional prognosis, to very complex, such as cloaca malformation in females in which the rectum, vagina and urethra fail to develop separately and instead drain via a single common channel into the perineum. The severity of this phenotype suggests that the defect occurs in the early stages of embryonic development of the organs derived from the cloaca. Owing to the inability to directly investigate human embryonic cloaca development, current research has relied on the use of mouse models of anorectal malformations. However, even studies of mouse embryos lack analysis of the earliest stages of cloaca patterning and morphogenesis. Here we compared human and mouse cloaca development and retrospectively identified that early mis-patterning of the embryonic cloaca might underlie the most severe forms of anorectal malformation in humans. In mouse, we identified that defective sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling results in early dorsal-ventral epithelial abnormalities prior to the reported defects in septation. This is manifested by the absence of Sox2 and aberrant expression of keratins in the embryonic cloaca of Shh knockout mice. Shh knockout embryos additionally develop a hypervascular stroma, which is defective in BMP signaling. These epithelial and stromal defects persist later, creating an indeterminate epithelium with molecular alterations in the common channel. We then used these animals to perform a broad comparison with patients with mild-to-severe forms of anorectal malformations including cloaca malformation. We found striking parallels with the Shh mouse model, including nearly identical defective molecular identity of the epithelium and surrounding stroma. Our work strongly suggests that early embryonic cloacal epithelial differentiation defects might be the underlying cause of severe forms of anorectal malformations in humans. Moreover, deranged Shh and BMP signaling is correlated with severe anorectal malformations in both mouse and humans.KEY WORDS: Anorectal malformation, Cloaca, Patterning, Epithelial differentiation, Sonic hedgehog  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal stromal tumours (GISTs), the most common mesenchymal neoplasm of the gastrointestinal tract, result from deregulated proliferation of transformed KIT‐positive interstitial cells of Cajal that share mesenchymal progenitors with smooth muscle cells. Despite the identification of selective KIT inhibitors, primary resistance and relapse remain a major concern. Moreover, most patients develop resistance partly through reactivation of KIT and its downstream signalling pathways. We previously identified the Limb Expression 1 (LIX1) gene as a unique marker of digestive mesenchyme immaturity. We also demonstrated that LIX1 regulates mesenchymal progenitor proliferation and differentiation by controlling the Hippo effector YAP1, which is constitutively activated in many sarcomas. Therefore, we wanted to determine LIX1 role in GIST development. We found that LIX1 is strongly up‐regulated in GIST samples and this is associated with unfavourable prognosis. Moreover, LIX1 controls GIST cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo. Upon LIX1 inactivation in GIST cells, YAP1/TAZ activity is reduced, KIT (the GIST signature) is down‐regulated, and cells acquire smooth muscle lineage features. Our data highlight LIX1 role in digestive mesenchyme‐derived cell‐fate decisions and identify this novel regulator as a target for drug design for GIST treatment by influencing its differentiation status.  相似文献   

Eyes absent (Eya) genes regulate organogenesis in both vertebrates and invertebrates. Mutations in human EYA1 cause congenital Branchio-Oto-Renal (BOR) syndrome, while targeted inactivation of murine Eya1 impairs early developmental processes in multiple organs, including ear, kidney and skeletal system. We have now examined the role of Eya1 during the morphogenesis of organs derived from the pharyngeal region, including thymus, parathyroid and thyroid. The thymus and parathyroid are derived from 3rd pharyngeal pouches and their development is initiated via inductive interactions between neural crest-derived arch mesenchyme, pouch endoderm, and possibly the surface ectoderm of 3rd pharyngeal clefts. Eya1 is expressed in all three cell types during thymus and parathyroid development from E9.5 and the organ primordia for both of these structures failed to form in Eya1(-/-) embryos. These results indicate that Eya1 is required for the initiation of thymus and parathyroid gland formation. Eya1 is also expressed in the 4th pharyngeal region and ultimobranchial bodies. Eya1(-/-) mice show thyroid hypoplasia, with severe reduction in the number of parafollicular cells and the size of the thyroid lobes and lack of fusion between the ultimobranchial bodies and the thyroid lobe. These data indicate that Eya1 also regulates mature thyroid gland formation. Furthermore, we show that Six1 expression is markedly reduced in the arch mesenchyme, pouch endoderm and surface ectoderm in the pharyngeal region of Eya1(-/-) embryos, indicating that Six1 expression in those structures is Eya1 dependent. In addition, we show that in Eya1(-/-) embryos, the expression of Gcm2 in the 3rd pouch endoderm is undetectable at E10.5, however, the expression of Hox and Pax genes in the pouch endoderm is preserved at E9.5-10.5. Finally, we found that the surface ectoderm of the 3rd and 4th pharyngeal region show increased cell death at E10.5 in Eya1(-/-) embryos. Our results indicate that Eya1 controls critical early inductive events involved in the morphogenesis of thymus, parathyroid and thyroid.  相似文献   

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