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In vitro studies on the fatty acid metabolism of the epimastigotes and trypomastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi showed the following: (1) Trypomastigotes demonstrated the ability to convert labeled palmitic acid to CO2. Epimastigotes either did not convert this fatty acid to CO2 or did so at a very low rate. (2) Trypomastigotes incorporated palmitic acid into neutral lipids, but, at a rate less than that of the epimastigotes. (3) While epimastigotes readily incorporated palmitic acid into phospholipid lipids, trypomastigote forms seemed to lack this ability.  相似文献   

On a nutritional standpoint, lipids are now being studied beyond their energy content and fatty acid (FA) profiles. Dietary FA are building blocks of a huge diversity of more complex molecules such as triacylglycerols (TAG) and phospholipids (PL), themselves organised in supramolecular structures presenting different thermal behaviours. They are generally embedded in complex food matrixes. Recent reports have revealed that molecular and supramolecular structures of lipids and their liquid or solid state at the body temperature influence both the digestibility and metabolism of dietary FA. The aim of the present review is to highlight recent knowledge on the impact on FA digestion, absorption and metabolism of: (i) the intramolecular structure of TAG; (ii) the nature of the lipid molecules carrying FA; (iii) the supramolecular organization and physical state of lipids in native and formulated food products and (iv) the food matrix. Further work should be accomplished now to obtain a more reliable body of evidence and integrate these data in future dietary recommendations. Additionally, innovative lipid formulations in which the health beneficial effects of either native or recomposed structures of lipids will be taken into account can be foreseen.  相似文献   

Intestinal development in amniotes is driven by interactions between progenitor cells derived from the three primary germ layers. Genetic analyses and gene targeting experiments in zebrafish offer a novel approach to dissect such interactions at a molecular level. Here we show that intestinal anatomy and architecture in zebrafish closely resembles the anatomy and architecture of the mammalian small intestine. The zebrafish intestine is regionalized and the various segments can be identified by epithelial markers whose expression is already segregated at the onset of intestinal differentiation. Differentiation of cells derived from the three primary germ layers begins more or less contemporaneously, and is preceded by a stage in which there is rapid cell proliferation and maturation of epithelial cell polarization. Analysis of zebrafish mutants with altered epithelial survival reveals that seemingly related single gene defects have different effects on epithelial differentiation and smooth muscle and enteric nervous system development.  相似文献   

Although the development of the digestive system of humans and vertebrate model organisms has been well characterized, relatively little is known about how the zebrafish digestive system forms. We define developmental milestones during organogenesis of the zebrafish digestive tract, liver, and pancreas and identify important differences in the way the digestive endoderm of zebrafish and amniotes is organized. Such differences account for the finding that the zebrafish digestive system is assembled from individual organ anlagen, whereas the digestive anlagen of amniotes arise from a primitive gut tube. Despite differences of organ morphogenesis, conserved molecular programs regulate pharynx, esophagus, liver, and pancreas development in teleosts and mammals. Specifically, we show that zebrafish faust/gata-5 is a functional ortholog of gata-4, a gene that is essential for the formation of the mammalian and avian foregut. Further, extraembryonic gata activity is required for this function in zebrafish as has been shown in other vertebrates. We also show that a loss-of-function mutation that perturbs sonic hedgehog causes defects in the development of the esophagus that parallel those associated with targeted disruption of this gene in mammals. Perturbation of sonic hedgehog also affects zebrafish liver and pancreas development, and these effects occur in a reciprocal fashion, as has been described during mammalian liver and ventral pancreas development. Together, these data define aspects of digestive system development necessary for the characterization of zebrafish mutants. Given the similarities of teleost and mammalian digestive physiology and anatomy, these findings have implications for developmental and evolutionary studies as well as research of human diseases, such as diabetes, liver cirrhosis, and cancer.  相似文献   

Pea aphids, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), reared at 10 degrees C contain higher levels of fatty acids than those reared at 25 degrees C. This is primarily the result of an accumulation of triacylglycerols containing myristic acid. When aphids reared at 25 degrees C were transferred to 10 degrees C there was a gradual increase in triacylglycerol content that reached a maximum at 16 days post-transfer. Treatment of aphids with precocene II prior to transfer to 10 degrees C blocked the accumulation of fatty acids including myristic acid. A single application of 2 microg precocene II/aphid or two applications of 0.5 microg precocene II/ aphid administered on consecutive days resulted in aphids moved to 10 degrees C maintaining the same fatty acid profile as aphids maintained at 25 degrees C. Aphids that were treated with precocene II and maintained at 25 degrees C did not show changes in fatty acid profiles. Rearing aphids at 10 degrees C resulted in lower rates of reproduction and lower total numbers of progeny with longer longevity. Treatment with precocene II significantly decreased the total number of progeny produced at both temperatures. Precocene II did not reduce life span of aphids reared at 25 degrees C, however, the life span of treated aphids reared at 10 degrees C was decreased. The mechanism by which precocene II prevents the accumulation of myristic acid in aphids reared at 10 degrees C remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Loss-of-function mutations in angiopoietin-like 3 (ANGPTL3) cause familial hypobetalipoproteinemia type 2 (FHBL2) in humans. ANGPTL3 belongs to the angiopoietin-like family, the vascular endothelial growth factor family that is structurally similar to angiopoietins and is known for a regulator of lipid and glucose metabolism, although it is unclear how mutations in ANGPTL3 lead to defect in liver development in the vertebrates. We report here that angptl3 is primarily expressed in the zebrafish developing liver and that morpholino (MO) knockdown of Angptl3 reduces the size of the developing liver, which is caused by suppression of cell proliferation, but not by enhancement of apoptosis. However, MO knockdown of Angptl3 did not alter angiogenesis in the developing liver. Additionally, disruption of zebrafish Angptl3 elicits the hypocholesterolemia phenotype that is characteristic of FHBL2 in humans. Together, our findings propose a novel role for Angptl3 in liver cell proliferation and maintenance during zebrafish embryogenesis. Finally, angptl3 morphants will serve as a good model for understanding the pathophysiology of FHBL2.  相似文献   

Betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase (BHMT) uses betaine to catalyze the conversion of homocysteine (Hcy) to methionine. There are common genetic polymorphisms in the BHMT gene in humans that can alter its enzymatic activity. We generated the first Bhmt(-/-) mouse to model the functional effects of mutations that result in reduced BHMT activity. Deletion of Bhmt resulted in a 6-fold increase (p < 0.01) in hepatic and an 8-fold increase (p < 0.01) in plasma total Hcy concentrations. Deletion of Bhmt resulted in a 43% reduction in hepatic S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) (p < 0.01) and a 3-fold increase in hepatic S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy) (p < 0.01) concentrations, resulting in a 75% reduction in methylation potential (AdoMet:AdoHcy) (p < 0.01). Bhmt(-/-) mice accumulated betaine in most tissues, including a 21-fold increase in the liver concentration compared with wild type (WT) (p < 0.01). These mice had lower concentrations of choline, phosphocholine, glycerophosphocholine, phosphatidylcholine, and sphingomyelin in several tissues. At 5 weeks of age, Bhmt(-/-) mice had 36% lower total hepatic phospholipid concentrations and a 6-fold increase in hepatic triacyglycerol concentrations compared with WT (p < 0.01), which was due to a decrease in the secretion of very low density lipoproteins. At 1 year of age, 64% of Bhmt(-/-) mice had visible hepatic tumors. Histopathological analysis revealed that Bhmt(-/-) mice developed hepatocellular carcinoma or carcinoma precursors. These results indicate that BHMT has an important role in Hcy, choline, and one-carbon homeostasis. A lack of Bhmt also affects susceptibility to fatty liver and hepatocellular carcinoma. We suggest that functional polymorphisms in BHMT that significantly reduce activity may have similar effects in humans.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma cruzi populations, composed primarily of trypomastigote forms, readily converted palmitic acid, linoleic acid, oleic acid, and stearic acid to CO2. Appreciable amounts of carbon from these four fatty acids were also incorporated into neutral and phospholipid lipids by these parasites. Palmitic acid, a 16 carbon saturated fatty acid, was converted at rates greater than those of the other three fatty acids.  相似文献   

Free fatty acids (FFAs) are energy-generating nutrients that act as signaling molecules in various cellular processes. Several orphan G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) that act as FFA receptors (FFARs) have been identified and play important physiological roles in various diseases. FFA ligands are obtained from food sources and metabolites produced during digestion and lipase degradation of triglyceride stores. FFARs can be grouped according to ligand profiles, depending on the length of carbon chains of the FFAs. Medium- and long-chain FFAs activate FFA1/GPR40 and FFA4/GPR120. Short-chain FFAs activate FFA2/GPR43 and FFA3/GPR41. However, only medium-chain FFAs, and not long-chain FFAs, activate GPR84 receptor. A number of pharmacological and physiological studies have shown that these receptors are expressed in various tissues and are primarily involved in energy metabolism. Because an impairment of these processes is a part of the pathology of obesity and type 2 diabetes, FFARs are considered as key therapeutic targets. Here, we reviewed recently published studies on the physiological functions of these receptors, primarily focusing on energy homeostasis.  相似文献   

Fatty acid bile acid conjugates (FABACs) prevent and dissolve cholesterol gallstones and prevent diet induced fatty liver, in mice. The present studies aimed to test their hypocholesterolemic effects in mice. Gallstone susceptible (C57L/J) mice, on high fat (HFD) or regular diet (RD), were treated with the conjugate of cholic acid with arachidic acid (FABAC; Aramchol). FABAC reduced the elevated plasma cholesterol levels induced by the HFD. In C57L/J mice, FABAC reduced plasma cholesterol by 50% (p < 0.001). In mice fed HFD, hepatic cholesterol synthesis was reduced, whereas CYP7A1 activity and expression were increased by FABAC. The ratio of fecal bile acids/neutral sterols was increased, as was the total fecal sterol excretion. In conclusion, FABACs markedly reduce elevated plasma cholesterol in mice by reducing the hepatic synthesis of cholesterol, in conjunction with an increase of its catabolism and excretion from the body.  相似文献   

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