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珠江三角洲马尾松年轮重金属含量年代变化   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用树木年轮化学分析手段,探讨了肇庆鼎湖山(相对清洁区)和南海西樵山(污染区)马尾松(Pinus massonianaL.)不同时期木质部6种重金属(Cu、Zn、Ni、Cd、Cr和Pb)含量的年代变化。结果表明:西樵山马尾松林地表层土壤Cu、Zn、Cd和Pb含量均超过其在广东省表层土壤环境背景值,鼎湖山马尾松林地表层土壤除Cd外其余重金属含量在背景值范围内;鼎湖山和西樵山马尾松木质部中Cu、Zn、Cr和Pb含量均呈现从心材到边材上升的分布格局,反映了珠江三角洲环境中可供植物利用的重金属在过去有了增加。Cu、Zn、Ni,特别是Cr和Pb的最大含量出现在1990年后形成的木质部中,两地环境(土壤和大气)中重金属含量增加是导致马尾松木质部重金属含量上升的主要原因;在相同时期形成的木质部中,西樵山马尾松木质部Cu、Cr和Pb的含量大于鼎湖山,Zn、Ni和Cd含量则小于鼎湖山,这与环境重金属含量差异有关,也与马尾松对不同重金属的富集能力有关。马尾松年轮化学分析的结果能够提供珠三角地区重金属的历史变化信息。  相似文献   

于2016年7至10月采用电感耦合等离子体发射光谱法(ICP-OES),测定了内蒙古包头南海子湿地繁殖期过后的白琵鹭(Platalea leucorodia)、苍鹭(Ardea cinerea)和夜鹭(Nycticorax nycticorax)3种鹭鸟初级飞羽及环境因子(水、土壤、食物)中As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb、Zn、Fe、Mn、Hg 10种重金属的含量,采用单因素方差分析方法比较了不同鹭鸟种类羽毛重金属含量差异,并通过生物富集系数及Pearson相关性检验分析了羽毛与环境因子间重金属含量之间的关系,以揭示包头南海子湿地环境中重金属污染现状及生物富集特征。结果表明:(1)被检测的10种重金属中,As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Pb、Zn、Hg 7种元素在湿地环境中均已超标,尤其土壤中Fe、Zn、Cu已达到重度污染的程度。(2)不同重金属元素在鹭鸟羽毛中的含量存在差异,其中Fe元素在白琵鹭羽毛中的含量水平最高(388.77 mg/kg),Cd元素在夜鹭羽毛中的含量最低(0.12 mg/kg)。在鹭鸟羽毛中重金属含量由高至低的顺序分别为,白琵鹭Fe、Zn、Mn、Cu、Hg、Cr、Ni、Pb、As、Cd,苍鹭Zn、Fe、Cu、Cr、Ni、As、Mn、Hg、Pb、Cd,夜鹭Zn、Fe、Mn、Cu、Ni、Pb、Hg、Cr、As、Cd。除Pb和Cd元素外,其他8种元素含量在3种鹭鸟羽毛中的含量种间差异显著。(3)相关分析表明,鹭鸟羽毛中的重金属含量与环境因子中的重金属含量显著相关且呈现富集特征,为此可作为监测当地环境污染的指示性材料。  相似文献   

对内蒙古西部公路绿化植物油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)、小叶杨(Populus simonii)及其根际土壤中重金属元素(Cd、Hg、Pb、Cu、Zn、Ni、Cr)和类金属元素(As和Se)含量以及根际土壤重金属(Cu、Zn、Pb、Ni和Cr)形态、土壤pH值进行了测定。对比分析了公路沿线不同绿化植物及其不同器官对重金属元素的吸收与积累特征。结果表明:绿化植物根际土壤对重金属元素的吸附及污染程度以Cd为最高。随原子序数的递增,小叶杨和油松两种植物的根部和茎叶两种营养器官中重金属的含量均表现出“N”字形变动趋势。而且重金属元素在不同植物不同器官中的含量具有Zn〉Cu〉Ni,Cr,As,Pb〉Cd〉Hg的基本规律。小叶杨茎叶对重金属元素Cr、Ni和Pb的富集能力较根部为强,油松茎叶对重金属元素Cr、Ni、Cu和Pb的富集能力较根部为强。绿化植物根际土壤重金属元素有效态占总量百分比的大小序列为Zn〉Pb〉Ni、Cr〉Cu,与重金属元素在不同植物不同器官中的含量大小序列Zn〉Cu〉Ni、Cr、As、Pb〉Cd〉Hg并非趋于一致。公路绿化植物对根际土壤中重金属元素的吸收和积累与重金属元素有效态所占的比例有关。  相似文献   

对205国道无林带典型路段东西两侧200 m范围内的农田表层土壤、稻(Oryza sativa L. )叶及糙米中Al、Cd、Cr、Cu、Fe、Ni、Pb、Zn和As的含量及空间分布规律进行了分析研究.结果表明,205国道两侧农田表层土壤中Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Pb和Zn的含量达到土壤环境质量一级标准(GB15618-1995),As含量超过土壤环境质量三级标准.西侧表层土壤中的Al、Cr、Fe、Ni、Zn和As含量,稻叶中的Al、Cd、Cr、Fe和Ni含量及糙米中的Al、Cd、Cr、Cu、Fe和Ni含量均比东侧高,表明路西侧受汽车尾气扩散沉降影响比东侧明显,并与该路段主风向为偏东风有关;西侧表层土壤中的Ni和Zn含量及东侧表层土壤中的Cd含量、西侧稻叶中的Al和Zn含量、西侧糙米中的Fe含量和东侧糙米中的Al含量均有随路侧距离增加而显著递减的规律,负相关关系显著或极显著;稻叶和糙米中某些重金属的含量有明显的峰值区域,均位于路侧10~20 m区域内,并与土壤中的含量有显著或极显著的正相关关系;在糙米中未检出As,且Al、Cd、Cr、Cu和Zn含量均未超出国家食品卫生标准,但部分样本Ni和Pb含量略有超标.主成分分析结果显示,稻叶中的Pb主要来源于土壤,而稻叶中其他重金属含量明显受到公路环境污染物扩散沉降影响.研究结果显示,重金属元素已在205国道两侧的农田表层土壤中显著累积,其中As的积累最严重;稻叶和糙米中重金属的含量水平明显受到公路汽车尾气扩散沉降的影响,且扩散沉降集中在距离公路边缘10~20 m的区域内.  相似文献   

为探索刺楸对受污染土壤重金属的富集和修复效应, 以南京栖霞山的乡土树种刺楸及其根际周边土壤为研究对象, 截取其根基部年轮盘及根际土壤样本, 采用ICP-AES法测定年轮及土壤样本中重金属(Cu、Cd、Cr、Mn、Ni、Pb、Zn)元素含量。结果表明: 栖霞山样地中的土壤受Mn、Pb和Zn污染最为严重, 存在Cu、Cd、Mn、Pb、Zn元素的高度复合污染, Cd、Cr、Cu、Ni、Zn在土壤和年轮中存在相关性, Mn和Pb则没有表现出明显的相关性; 刺楸修复受Cd、Mn、Pb、Zn污染的土壤效果并不显著, 更适用于Cr、Cu、Ni污染的土壤修复; 鉴于Cu元素含量变化特征, 刺楸也可以作为反映当地污染历史的记录载体; 刺楸年轮中的重金属元素之间存在交互作用, 其中Cd与Zn元素含量高度相关(r=0.984, p<0.01), 在刺楸年轮吸收重金属元素的过程中, Cu与Cd、Cr、Mn、Zn元素具有协同作用, Mn元素对其他元素有一定的拮抗作用。  相似文献   

广西马尾松人工林对重金属元素的吸收、累积及动态   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
方晰  田大伦  项文化  蔡宝玉 《广西植物》2004,24(5):437-442,455
探讨了广西马尾松人工林对重金属Cu、Zn、Mn、Pb、Ni、cd元素的吸收、累积及动态。结果表明:马尾松林地土壤层(0~60 cm)中重金属元素Cu、Zn、Mn、Pd、Ni、Cd的平均含量,分别为23.02,24.46,235.46,和0.14 mg·kg-1,储量大小依次为Mn>Zn>Cu>Ni>Pb>Cd。马尾松林不同组分中,重金属元素的含量范围分别为Cu 2.97-13.47,Zn 12.09-42.93,Mn 143.14-751.78,Pd 2.87-25.12,Ni 0.19-25.05和Cd 0.16~1.24 mg·kg-1,对土壤6种重金属元素富集能力的大小依次为Cd>Mn>Pb>Zn>Ni>Cu。马尾松林中,重金属元素的总储量为39.791kg·hm-2,其中Mn、Zn、Pb、Cu、Cd、Ni元素的储量分别为34.047,3.351,1.226,0.874,0.245,0.084 kg·hm-2,各组分中重金属元素储量的空间分布为干>皮>根>叶>枝。Cu、Zn、Mn、Pd、Ni、Cd的周转期分别为13.9、7.0、3.1、20.4、2.1、12 a,流动系数为Ni>Mn>Zn>Cd>Cu>Pb。  相似文献   

南京城市土壤重金属含量及其影响因素   总被引:82,自引:5,他引:77  
研究了南京城市土壤重金属含量、来源及其与土壤性质的关系。结果表明,南京城市土壤中,Fe、Ni、Co、V污染不明显,但受到了不同程度的Mn、Cr、Cu、Zn、Pb污染,其中:Pb污染非常严重;重金属在土壤剖面分布没有规律性;Fe、Ni、Co、V元素主要来源于原土壤物质,Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr元素主要来源于人为输入,Mn可能在不同的土壤中来源不同;Fe、Cr、Ni、Co、V元素含量之间均呈极显著正相关,Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr元素含量之间均呈极显著正相关。Fe、Co、V、Ni含量与粘粒含量、CEC呈极显著正相关;Cu、Zn、Pb含量与粘粒含量呈极显著负相关;Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr含量与有机碳呈极显著正相关,Pb含量与pH呈极显著正相关。  相似文献   

海口城市土壤重金属污染特征与生态风险评估   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对海口城市土壤重金属含量、空间分布特征与赋存形态进行了研究,并评估了其生态风险。结果表明,海口城市土壤重金属Hg、As、Cd、Cu、Cr、Ni、Pb、Zn的平均含量分别为0.073、3.82、0.25、26.7、92.4、52.5、29.1和84.1 mg·kg-1。与海口土壤背景值相比,海口城市土壤明显富集重金属Hg、As、Cd、Cu、Cr、Ni、Pb和Zn,受到一定程度重金属污染。Cr、Ni、Cu、Cd和Zn元素主要在郊区富集,Pb主要在路边绿化带中富集,Hg主要在生活区富集。海口城市土壤中Zn、As、Cr、Cu和Ni以残渣态为主,Hg主要以强有机态和残渣态存在,Pb主要以铁锰氧化态和残渣态存在,而Cd则主要以生物可利用态为主。生态风险评价结果显示,海口城市土壤重金属综合生态风险属于微弱水平,但Cd和Hg污染应引起重视。  相似文献   

江苏省典型区农田土壤及小麦中重金属含量与评价   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
为了研究江苏省典型区地震带农田土壤和小麦中重金属的污染,在具有代表性的农田采集收获期小麦及耕层土壤,分析和评价了土壤和小麦中重金属Cu、Pb、Cd、Ni、Cr、Hg、As和Zn的含量及污染程度。结果表明,土壤样品中Cd、Zn、Pb的含量均超过江苏省土壤背景值,Cr、Cu、Ni和As分别有25.64%、97.44%、92.31%和92.31%的土壤样品中超过江苏省土壤背景值,Hg的含量均在背景值以下;与国家土壤环境质量标准(GB15618—1995)中Ⅱ级标准相比,Cd的含量均超出标准限值,其它7种重金属元素含量均在标准限值以下。土壤中重金属相关分析表明,Cd、Cu、Cr、Ni、Pb、Zn、As具有相同的来源的可能性较大,而Hg与Cd、Cu、Cr、Ni、Pb、Zn、As的来源均不相同。以NY 861—2004为评价标准,小麦籽粒Pb、Cr、Hg、Ni、As样品超标率分别为100%、58.97%、33.33%、10.26%、2.56%,Cu、Zn和Cd没有样品超标,由此可见小麦籽粒中Pb的污染最为严重。采用单因子污染指数法、综合污染指数法和Hakanson潜在生态评价指数法以国家土壤环境质量标准(GB15618—1995)和江苏省土壤背景值为参比值,对农田土壤重金属污染进行评价,结果显示,从单项污染指数来看只有Cd达到重度污染水平,其它元素均在安全范围以内,从综合污染指数来看土壤重金属污染达到中度污染水平,从潜在生态评价指数法来看,研究区域表现为很强的生态危害,并以Cd为主要污染因子。  相似文献   

深圳福田红树植物群落特征及金属元素分布状况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对深圳福田红树林群落特征的研究,对红树植物的区系组成、群落的外貌和结构、群落的主要类型和分布进行了概述,并对该红树林中的桐花树+秋茄+白骨壤+老鼠簕+海漆混交群落林地土壤和红树植物的金属元素分布进行分析。结果发现,该林地土壤金属元素含量分布具有一定规律性,元素K、Na、Ca、Mg在各层土壤中分布均匀;必需金属元素Fe、Mn在各层土壤中含量变化不明显;非必需重金属元素Cr、Ni、Pb、Hg、Cd和必需元素Zn、Cu含量从底层至表层逐步提高;金属元素在该林地红树植物中分布也具有一定规律性,元素K、Na、Ca、Mg在五种红树植物的不同部位均大量存在;必需金属元素Fe、Mn、Zn、Cu在各种红树植物中含量FeMnZnCu;非必需重金属元素Cr、Ni、Pb、Hg、Cd在各种红树植物中含量表现出差异性,秋茄和海漆中Ni含量较大,白骨壤中Pb含量最大,桐花树中Cr含量最大,老鼠簕Cu含量最大,Cd和Hg在五种红树植物中含量都最低;植物中金属元素含量分布和土壤中金属元素含量分布具有相关性。  相似文献   

广西英罗湾红海榄林重金属元素的累积及动态   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
 探讨了广西英罗湾红海榄红树林重金属Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr元素的累积及动态。结果表明:植物体不同部位元素的含量范围,分别为Cu 0.433~1.21、Pb 0.369~1.88、Zn 2.94~7.66、Cd0.020~0.233和Cr0.330~0.562μg/g。林地残留物组分元素含量远高于植物体及凋落物组分含量。该群落Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr的现存储量,分别为28.73、25.25、143.68、3.14和14.61mg/m2。林地残留物相应元素的储量,分别为271.68、323.41、1983.70、8.18和34.44μg/m2。群落Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr元素的生物循环为:年吸收量分别为1351.70、1613.12、8808.37、240.74和759.30μg/m2;年存留量分别为842.46、806.91、4694.10,94.88和464.80μg/m2;年归还量分别为509.24、806.21、4114.27、145.86和294.50μg/m2;周转期分别为56、31、35、22和50年;流动系数Cd>Pb、Zn>Cu、Cr。  相似文献   

大熊猫毛发中无机元素的初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张万诚  王东 《兽类学报》1991,11(4):246-252

Trace elements including Al, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, Sr, and Zn were analyzed in the scalp hair samples of women with malignant breast lesions, women with benign breast lesions, and healthy donors using atomic absorption spectrophotometric method. In the scalp hair of malignant-tumor patients, the highest average concentration was shown by Ca (1,187 μg/g), followed by Na (655 μg/g), Mg (478 μg/g), Zn (391 μg/g), Sr (152 μg/g), Fe (114 μg/g), and K (89.8), while in the case of benign-tumor patients, the average estimated element levels were 1,522, 1,093, 572, 457, 217, 80.4, and 74.7 μg/g, respectively. Most of the elements exhibited non-normal distribution evidenced by large spread, standard error, and skewness values. Mean concentrations of Ca (634 μg/g), Zn (206 μg/g), Mg (162 μg/g), Fe (129 μg/g), and Na (82.1 μg/g) were noteworthy in the scalp hair of healthy women. Average levels of Na, Sr, K, Cd, Co, Pb, Mg, Ca, Zn, Ni, Sb, and Mn were revealed to be significantly higher in the hair of malignant and benign patients compared to the healthy women; however, Fe, Cu, Al, and Cr were not significantly different in the scalp hair of the three groups. The quartile distributions of Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, Pb, Sb, and Sr revealed maximum spread in the scalp hair of malignant and benign groups; nevertheless, Al, Cu, Fe, and Zn exhibited almost comparable quartile levels in the three groups. Strong correlation coefficients were found between Fe and Cd, Al and Na, Mn and Sr, Co and Cr, Cd and Cr, Pb and K, Pb and Mn, Cu and Na, and Al and Fe in the scalp hair of malignant-tumor patients, while Fe and K, Cd and Co, Na and Co, and Cr and Pb showed strong correlations in the scalp hair of benign-tumor patients, both of which were significantly different compared with the healthy subjects. Multivariate cluster analysis also revealed divergent clustering of the elements in the scalp hair of malignant and benign patients in comparison with the healthy women.  相似文献   

The characteristics of the contents of 20 elements (Al, Fe, Mn, Ca, Mg, K, S, Si, P, Cd, Cu, Zn, Ti, Ni, Sr, Mo, Na, B, Cr, V) in 16 plant species collected from the Three Gorges Region in China were investigated. The average contents of Ca, K and Mg were higher than 1 000 μg·g-1, that of Al, P, Si, Fe, S and Mn ranged between 100—1 000 μg·g-1 and Ti, Cu, Ni, Cr, Mo, Cd and V were less than 10 μg·g- 1. The level of Na content was less than that of the reported. The main character of the element contents was of the Ca> K type. The contents of P, S, Ca and K in different plant samples showed a normal distribution pattern, while Al and Mn showed a elements lognormal distribution pattern. Plant species differed greatly in the element contents. On analyzing the coefficient of variation (C. V., % ), Al, Mn, Mg, Ni, Sr and Fe had higher C.V., while the C.V. of K, S, P, Cr, Cd and Cu was less than 60%, and Cu had the lowest C.V. The correlations between Al and Fe, Al and Ti, Al and Cr, A1 and V, Cd and Sr, Cd and Mo, Fe and V, Zn and Cr, Ni and Sr, Mg and Ni, Mo and Sr, Ca and Sr, Cr and Mo, Na and Mg, Na and P, P and S were statistically significant in different plant species. The classification of the 16 plant species and 20 dements by two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) method may suggest the difference in dement contents of the different plant species.  相似文献   


This study investigated the airborne concentration of PM10 and 20 trace elements (Al, As, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, Na, Pb, Ti, V, Zn) in residential, industry, traffic road, coal mining, thermal power plant area of Bac Giang province. The average PM10 concentration was highest at coal site, followed by traffic 1 sites, industrial sites and traffic 2 sites, the residential sites, and lowest at the power plant site located in mountain area. While Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na were the most abundant elements in all sampling sites, accounting for 73–96% of total obtained elements, the concentration of As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn occupied from 2.9 to 23.2%. Noticeably, the concentrations of Cd were from 7 to 65 times higher than the concentration limit for Cd (0.1?ng/m3) according the World Health Organization (WHO). Although, the Hazard Index (HI values) of all metals were found to be within the safe level for both children and adults, the Carcinogenic Risk (CR) of Cr and As in all sites were closed to the acceptable levels for children, implying a potential carcinogenic risks of these metals.  相似文献   

Soils from four estuaries of SW Iberian Peninsula, affected by anthropogenic influence (urban, industrial and agricultural activities), were analyzed for the occurrence of a variety of metals and trace elements including Al, As, B, Ba, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S and Zn. The soils presented very high levels of salinity (high concentrations of Na, K and Mg), organic matter and, consequently, of C and N concentrations. In contrast, very low values of CaCO3, Ca and P were found. In addition, it should be highlighted that in certain localities (Piedras 1 and 2 and Guadiana in Huelva, Spain, and Ria Formosa, Faro, Portugal) the concentrations of Pb, S and Zn were extremely high, reaching levels of pollution.  相似文献   

The metal contents of eleven black tea samples, four cultivated in Iran and seven imported, and their tea infusions were determined. Twelve elements consisting toxic metals (Al, As, Pb, Cr, Cd, and Ni) and essential mineral elements (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Ca, and Mg) were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). Al, Ca, Mg, and Mn ranged in black tea leaves at mg g−1 levels, while Cr, Fe, Ni, Cu, Zn were at μg g−1 levels. Analysis of variance showed no statistically significant differences among most elements determined in cultivated and imported black teas in Iran except for Ni and Cu. The extraction efficiency of each element into tea infusions was evaluated. The solubility of measured metals in infusion extracts varied widely and ranged from 0 to 59.3%. Among the studied elements, Cr, Pb, and Cd showed the lowest rates of solubility and Ni had the highest rates of solubility. The amount of toxic metals and essential mineral elements that one may take up through consumption of black tea infusion was estimated. The amount of realizing each element into tea infusions and acceptable daily intake, for safety consumption of black tea, was compared.  相似文献   

Metals and Ca, Na and K were examined in human teeth taken from inhabitants of two towns Sosnowiec and Katowice in the south of Poland (n = 170 samples) during 1993/1994. They are located in Upper Silesia, a heavily industrialised and urbanised region of Poland. The concentrations of Pb, Mn, Fe, Cd, Cu, Ni, Co, Zn and Cr were determined by AAS, and Na, Ca and K by flame photometer. Variations in the Pb/Fe, Pb/Mn, Pb/Ca and Cd/Ca ratios of elements in human teeth were examined. Influence of age, sex type of teeth on concentrations of elements for inhabitants from the two different towns (Katowice and Sosnowiec) and on levels of ratios of the elements were analysed using one-way ANOVA. Cluster Analysis was used to investigate relationships among metals. The smallest duster distances were obtained for: Ca-Fe, Mn-Cd and Na-Co, which indicated the strongest relation between elements in teeth for the investigated population living in a heavily industrialised and urbanised region.  相似文献   

从天山山地3个区段(巴里坤-伊吾、乌鲁木齐-阿克苏、昭苏-特克斯)采集土壤样品,测定了其中(类)重金属Pb、Ni、Cd、Co、Hg、Cu、Mn、Zn、Cr和As的含量.运用经典统计学与多元统计方法分析了这些(类)重金属的来源;同时采用污染指数法与潜在生态风险指数法,并结合天山及新疆土壤背景值、国家土壤质量标准开展了区域土壤微量(类)重金属生态风险的评价.结果表明: 所测10种(类)重金属的平均含量均高于天山或新疆土壤背景值.从变异系数来看,均为中等变异.总体上看,天山山地土壤中10种(类)重金属的含量均较低;主成分分析显示,10种元素可以辨识出 2 个主成分,主成分1(PC1,包括Cd、Pb、Hg、Mn和Zn)为人为源因子,主成分2(PC2,包括Cu、Ni、Cr、Co和As)为自然源因子.Mn 和As在PC1和PC2上均有较大载荷,主要受人为源和自然地质背景的共同控制;污染评价表明, 重金属Hg、Cd在天山中部的乌鲁木齐-阿克苏区段、As在天山西部的昭苏-特克斯区段的单因子污染指数(Pi)属于警戒等级,其他均属于安全等级和清洁水平.从综合污染(Pz)指数来看,天山中部乌鲁木齐 阿克苏区段土壤中10种(类)重金属元素的综合污染程度均属于轻度污染,其他两个区段均属于清洁水平;生态风险评估表明,重金属Hg、Cd在天山中部乌鲁木齐 阿克苏区段,As在天山西部昭苏 特克斯区段的潜在生态风险系数(Eir)和生态危害指数(RI)相对较高.  相似文献   

The issue of heavy metal pollution is of high concern due to its potential health risks and detrimental effects on human beings, animals, and plants. In this study, farmland soil samples from 79 sampling sites were collected in Karashahar–Baghrash oasis, northwest China, and the contents of eight heavy metal elements (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn) were determined by standard methods. The spatial distribution, pollution, and ecological risks of heavy metals were analyzed based on Geographical Information System (GIS) technology, contamination factor (CF), pollution load index (PLI), and potential ecological risk index (RI). Results indicated that: (1) The average contents of Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, and Zn exceeded the background values of irrigation soils of Xinjiang by 54.0, 1.34, 1.39, 3.44, and 5.01 times, respectively. The average contents of Cd exceeded the national standard of China by 10.80 times; (2) The pollution order of CF was ranked as Cd > Zn > Pb > Ni > Cr > Cu > As > Mn, and the ecological risk order of Eri was ranked as Cd > Ni > As > Cu > Ni > Pb > Cr > Zn. The average PLI of the study area showed heavy pollution level, and the average RI of the study area fell into considerable risk; (3) The moderately polluted areas with moderate potential ecological risks distributed in the northern parts, whereas heavily polluted areas with considerable potential ecological risks distributed in the southern parts of the study area; (4) Cr, Cu, and Mn of farmland soils were mainly originated from natural factors. Cd, Ni, and Pb were mainly originated from anthropogenic factors. As and Zn may be associated with both natural and anthropogenic factors. Cd contributed most to the PLI and RI of the farmland soils in the study area.  相似文献   

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