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指定了黄檀属Dalbergia黄檀D.hupeana Hance、滇黔黄檀D.yunnanensis Franch.、D.collettii Prain和多裂黄檀D.rimosa Roxb.四个名称的后选模式。分别将上海黄檀D.sacerdotum Prain、高原黄檀D.yunnanensis var.collettii(Prain)Thoth.和勐梭黄檀D.mengsuoensis Y.Y.Qian处理为黄檀D.hupeana、滇黔黄檀D.yunnanensis和多裂黄檀D.rimosa的异名。  相似文献   

通过对红果黄檀(Dalbergia tsoi Merr. et Chun)和白沙黄檀(D. peishaensis Chun et T. Chen)的标本研究及野外观察,确认两者为同种植物,故将白沙黄檀处理为红果黄檀的异名。  相似文献   

中国黄檀属植物(豆科)二新记录种   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
报道了2种黄檀属植物,即绒叶黄檀(Dalbergia velutina Benth.)和卵叶黄檀(D.ovata Graham ex Benth.)在中国云南的分布新记录。  相似文献   

在比较研究标本馆标本的基础上,确认Dalbergia darlacensis P.H.H(o)& Niyomdham与红果黄檀(D.tsoi Merr.et Chun)为同种植物,并把前者作为后者的异名处理.  相似文献   

在发表Dalbergia prazeri Prain时Prain曾认为其与托叶黄檀(D.stipulacea Roxb.)近缘,只是该种小叶背面疏被微柔毛,花萼被硬毛与托叶黄檀不同,同时又指出其荚果也与后者不同,但是并没有解释其不同点。之后Prain又将其归并入奥氏黄檀(D.oliveri Gamble ex Prain),亦未给出相应的理由。经研究D.prazeri Prain与南岭黄檀(D.assamica Benth.)为同种,而被归并入后者。Prain发表该种时引证Prazer s.n.为模式,但并没有指定主模式。涉及该种的Prazer s.n.的标本共有6份,该文将藏于印度国立标本馆加尔各答馆(CAL),条形码为CAL0000012326(CAL标本号131311)的标本指定为后选模式(lectotype),其余分别藏于加尔各答标本馆的4份及英国皇家植物园邱园标本馆(K)的1份为等后选模式(isolectotype)。  相似文献   

靖西黄檀新种图1 DalbergiajingxiensisS.Y.Liu,sp.nov.Fig.1 AffinisD.burmanicaePrain.,seddiffertfructibus,oliisetfoliolismultoparvis,foliis4-11cmlongis,oliolis1-3.5cmlongis,8-15mmlatis,paniculisrevioris2-5cmlongis,1-3.5cmlatis,axillaribusvelermin  相似文献   

报道了一种黄檀属植物-南亚黄檀[Dalbergia volubilis Roxb.(Leguminosea)]在中国的分布新记录。  相似文献   

在比较研究馆藏标本和原始文献的基础上,确认Dalbergia beddomei Thoth. 在小叶数目和毛被状况、荚果大小等方面的特征变异式样与锈红黄檀D. rubiginosa Roxb. 相同,两者为同种植物,因此予以归并。  相似文献   

降香黄檀不同混交林土壤细菌多样性差异分析   总被引:23,自引:8,他引:15  
为探讨降香黄檀不同混交林土壤细菌的多样性及其与土壤性质的关系,应用高通量测序技术,比较降香黄檀(Dalbergia odorifera T.Chen)分别与奥氏黄檀(Dalbergia oliveri)、大果紫檀(Pterocarpus macarocarpus)、檀香(Santalum album L.)和母生(Homalium hainanense Gagnep.)混交的4种模式土壤细菌多样性,并结合土壤的理化、酶活进行了相关性分析。结果表明,14种混交林土壤的理化、酶活均存在差异。其中降香黄檀与檀香混交林土壤的含水量、有机质、全氮、有效钾和脲酶含量最高,分别为:5.24%、27.5 g/kg、0.85 mg/g、37.46 mg/kg和0.32 mg/kg,降香黄檀与大果紫檀混交林土壤的p H、有效磷和多酚氧化酶含量最高,分别为:4.48、6.04 mg/kg、4.19 mg/kg。2通过高通量测序表明四种混交模式土壤细菌的丰富度为:降香黄檀×檀香降香黄檀×大果紫檀降香黄檀×奥氏黄檀降香黄檀×母生,土壤细菌多样性为:降香黄檀×大果紫檀降香黄檀×奥氏黄檀降香黄檀×檀香降香黄檀×母生。其中,变形菌门、酸杆菌门、放线菌门、绿弯菌门和厚壁菌门为4种混交模式中的主要菌群。3经冗余分析和相关性分析表明,影响降香黄檀混交林土壤细菌群落结构和细菌多样性的主要土壤理化因子为:p H值、脲酶、多酚氧化酶和有机质。  相似文献   

报道了一种黄檀属植物―南亚黄檀[Dalbergiavolubilis Roxb.(Leguminosae)]在中国的分布新记录。  相似文献   

四川玉兰属两新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
描述了中国四川省木兰科玉兰属两新种,北川玉兰(Yulania carnosa D. L. Fu et D. L. Zhang sp. nov.)和时珍玉兰(Y.shizhenii D. L. Fu et F. W. Li sp. nov.)。两新种的独特特征是:北川玉兰每花具佛焰苞状苞片2枚,1枚膜质,着生在花梗中间,另1枚肉质,着生在花梗顶端。时珍玉兰花被片、雄蕊和雌蕊的花柱、柱头均为纯白色;雄蕊约20枚。两新种由傅大立于2001年3月在四川省发现并采集,模式标本存于中国林业科学研究院,模式标本号:北川玉兰No.200103141,时珍玉兰No.200103161。  相似文献   

河南玉兰属两新变种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发表河南玉兰属两新变种,即:①狭被望春玉兰(Yulania biondii (Pamp.) D. L. Fu var. angustitepala D. L. Fu, T. B. Zhao et D. W. Zhao,var. nov.);②椭圆叶罗田玉兰(Y. pilocarpa (Z. Z. Zhao et Z. W. Xie) D. L. Fu var. ellipticifolia D. L. Fu, T. B. Zhao et J. Zhao,var. nov.)。  相似文献   

R. Bakour  Y. Laroche  G. Cornelis 《Plasmid》1983,10(3):279-289
The 70-kb virulence plasmid, vir, from four Yersinia enterocolitica and one Y. pseudotuberculosis strains are incompatible with IncFI plasmids FLac and R386 while they are compatible with plasmids representing nine other incompatibility groups. Hybridization experiments carried out on one of these virulence plasmids showed that it contains the F incompatibility determinant D, incD. This determinant was cloned onto pACYC184 and the recombinant clone expressed incompatibility with FLac. We conclude that the incompatibility observed between F or R386 and the 70-kb virulence plasmid of Y. enterocolitica and Y. pseudotuberculosis is mediated by incD. Replication genes (rep) from the same plasmid were cloned independently in Escherichia coli. Rep and incD map on two different BamHI fragments. Surprisingly, the replicon isolated is not sensitive to inc D incompatibility. Apart from incD, vir and F share extremely little homology. In particular, there is no evidence for the presence of an F-like transfer operon on vir.  相似文献   

Abstract The D. melanogaster rst and kirre genes encode two highly related immunoglobulin-like cell adhesion molecules that function redundantly during embryonic muscle development. The two genes appear to be derived from a common ancestor by gene duplication. Gene duplications have been proposed to be of major evolutionary significance since duplicated redundant sequences can accumulate mutations without detrimental effects for the organism and leave the duplicated genes free to assume novel functions. To address the issue of conservation of the duplicated sequences and their putative redundancy, as well as to identify putative functional divergence of the paralogs during drosophilid evolution, we performed an interspecies comparison of the rst and kirre genes from D. virilis and D. melanogaster. The D. virilis genome contains orthologues of both rst and kirre and hence the duplication took place before the split of the two lineages and has subsequently been conserved. However, whilst the Rst orthologues show a high degree of sequence similarity, this similarity is lower in Kirre orthologues. Especially the intracellular domains of D. virilis and D. melanogaster Kirre sequences are highly divergent: the D. virilis kirre gene lacks the 3′-most exon present in D. melanogaster, which contains motifs conserved between kirre and rst in D. melanogaster. Hence, while each of the two genes is highly conserved at the level of its exon-intron organization, the selection forces acting on the rst and kirre coding sequences are different. These findings are discussed in the light of general evolutionary mechanisms.  相似文献   

丹霞柿,广东柿属(柿科)一新组合及其一新异名   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过查阅模式标本后发现丹霞南烛(Lyonia danxiaensis R. H. MiaoW. Q. Liu)具有聚伞花序,花部为4数,雄蕊16枚且成对着生,花丝非膝曲状等特征与珍珠花属(Lyonia)不符,而与柿科(Ebenaceae)柿属(Diospyros)一致,因此提出一新组合:丹霞柿[Diospyros danxiaensis (R. H. MiaoW. Q. Liu) Y. H. TongN. H. Xia]。且经标本比对后发现,新近发表的彭华柿(Diospyros penghuae W. B. Liao, Q. FanW. Y. Zhao)与丹霞柿实为同种,在此也予以合并。  相似文献   

1. Only a few studies have compared patterns of genetic variation among populations of different Daphnia species on a regional scale. The present study addresses this gap and examines the relationship between diversity as revealed by allozyme variation and habitat size for populations of Daphnia pulex, D. obtusa and D. curvirostris in Flanders (Belgium). In addition, we examined whether patterns of isolation‐by‐distance could be observed in each of these three Daphnia species. 2. The relationship between genetic diversity and habitat size varied among Daphnia species that occur in the same region. In D. pulex and D. obtusa populations, a positive relationship between local genetic diversity and habitat size was found, whereas the relationship was negative in D. curvirostris populations. 3. Regional genetic diversity was lower than expected from patterns of local genetic diversity in D. pulex and D. obtusa populations in Flanders. This suggests that the subdivision of local Daphnia populations in a region did not obviously increase genetic diversity. 4. Genetic differentiation among populations of these three species in Flanders was moderate and comparable with values observed in other Daphnia species. Patterns of isolation‐by‐distance could be observed, but the scatter was high (D. pulex) or the slope was very low (D. obtusa).  相似文献   

The regulation of amylase activity in threeDrosophila species, D. melanogaster,D. funebris and D. saltans, wasanalyzed by measuring the specific activity levels infour dietary environments, cornmeal, glucose, 5% starch, and 10% starch, at threedevelopmental stages, i.e., the third-instar larval,pupal, and 2-day-old adult stages. The developmentalprofiles of amylase activity for the threeDrosophila species showed that the level of activity washigh at the larval and adult stages but substantiallylow at the pupal stage, suggesting thatDrosophila does not utilize starch at the pupalstage. Divergence in the regulation of amylase was observed amongthe three Drosophila species on the followingpoints. (1) The order of amylase specific activity wasD. melanogaster > D. funebris >D. saltans. (2) The response pattern to the dietary environment varied amongthe species and changed during development. (3) Thetiming of the switch in the response pattern to thedietary environment during development was before pupation in D. funebris and D.saltans but after pupation in D.melanogaster. The significance of the divergence inthe regulation of amylase activity for adaptation to astarch environment in Drosophila is discussed.  相似文献   

The disribution ranges of Drosophila azteca and D. athabasca overlap in northen California and southern Oregon. Seven populations, four of which are located in this area, were studied. Large random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) variation was found within species; nevertheless, more than half the primers used in the study yielded greater diofference between than within species. A nested analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that the variance between populations within species was significantly greater than zero for 55% of the oligonucleotides used, which provided evidence for an underlying geographical structure of these populations. Specimens of D. azteca and D. athabasca from Salem (OR), where both species were collected together, presented the highest similarity encountered between species.  相似文献   

The elements of the transposon families G, copia, mdg 1, 412, and gypsy that are located in the heterochromatin and on the Y chromosome have been identified by the Southern blotting technique in Drosophila simulans and D. melanogaster populations. Within species, the abundance of such elements differs between transposon families. Between species, the abundance in the heterochromatin and on the Y chromosome of the elements of the same family can differ greatly suggesting that differences within a species are unrelated to structural features of elements. By shedding some new light on the mechanism of accumulation of transposable elements in the heterochromatin, these data appear relevant to the understanding of the long-term interaction between transposable elements and the host genome. Received: 8 August 1997 / Accepted: 11 December 1997  相似文献   

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