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解码癫痫发作前脑电信号的神经元集群异常痫样放电活动,对癫痫发作进行有效预测并实施病前干预,可显著减少疾病病损,是癫痫防治的研究热点之一。基于脑电信号的癫痫发作预测研究关键在于发作间期和前期的异常状态识别,研究上述两状态间的神经动力学特征差异对明确癫痫发病机制、选取高分辨特征,进而有效识别该渐进性疾病所处的发作阶段具有重要价值。目前,研究者已对当前主流特征提取及模式识别方法进行了充分的调研梳理,但忽视了神经动态特征变化对于癫痫发作预测的重要意义。基于此,本文归纳总结了5类典型的发作预测特征分析方法及其优缺点,重点剖析了发作间期至前期神经生理特征的动态变化及其动力学特性,类比分析了当前该领域主流的机器学习和深度学习特征识别方法,以期为进一步建立精准、高效的癫痫发作预测技术提供新思路。  相似文献   

神经元猝死时神经介质的爆发性释放   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文应用了斑片钳技术研究了瓜蟾胚胎神经元释放神经介质的特性,尤其是支配肌细胞的神经元猝死时爆发性地释放出大量乙酰胆碱(ACCho)的特性.并进而研究了与此有关的肌细胞膜上乙酰胆碱受体通道的性质.本文还讨论了神经元猝死时神经介质的爆发性释放与癫痫等神经疾病相关的可能性.  相似文献   

一对抑制性突触耦合的混沌Chay神经元的同步模式被研究。结果表明当耦合强度超过临界值时,两抑制耦合的混沌Chay神经元能达到反相的同步。与此同时,两混沌的神经元变为周期而不是原来的混沌运动。然而,如果考虑耦合神经元信息的传导时滞,在有效的时滞下,两个耦合神经元的在相簇同步能增加。在相簇同步窗口的大小随着耦合强度的增加而增加。此结果对于我们理解神经元集群的运动是一个指导。  相似文献   

混沌在神经系统中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着非线性动力学的发展,发现神经的不规则电活动具有确定混沌特性。混沌广泛地存在于神经系统,神经元的混沌电活动对神经元的生理功能必不可少,服电的混沌活动特性与大脑的功能状态密切相关,在大脑正常状态下脑电混沌活动的维数、李雅普指数、复杂度等指标较高;而在服功能受损的病理状态下,上述混沌指标降低。混沌在神经系统中起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

研究了两个参数失配较大情况下,处于不同放电模式的两个电突触耦合Hindmarsh-rose(HR)神经元的相位同步问题,发现在适当耦合强度下可以实现相同步并呈现出复杂的放电节律.利用峰峰间期(Interspikeinterval,ISI)和平均放电频率证实了相同步的发生,给出并分析了不同放电状态的神经元在电突触耦合下实现相同步后的神经放电节律.从相同步的角度显示,神经元同步后呈现簇放电特征或峰放电特征,除与两耦合神经元独自放电模式有关外,还与电突触耦合强度有一定的内在关系.  相似文献   

神经元集群响应的高维特性是脑机制研究面临的主要困难之一.拓扑特征是图像的基本特征之一,为了有效表征高维的神经元集群响应的拓扑特征特性,提出了一种基于三维自组织映射网络采用RGB颜色特征表征神经元集群响应的动态可视化方法,分析多通道微电极阵列采集的大鼠初级视觉皮层(V1区)神经元集群信号,进而研究了V1区神经元集群对图形拓扑特征的响应特性.通过与主成分分析(PCA)方法进行对比发现:该方法能够有效表征V1区神经元集群对拓扑结构的时序动态响应特征,表征方式形象直观,具有一定的优越性.  相似文献   

神经系统中的同步和振荡现象的发现,引起了人们对这些时序现象在生物信息处理中所起的机制的广泛关注。本文讨论了自组织脉冲神经网络的动态特性。在Gerstner等工作基础上,我们改进了脉冲响应神经元模型,并推导了多个模式在网络中共存振荡的条件,在这个条件下,网络具有良好的分割外界叠加刺激的能力。计算机模拟结果证实了我们的结论  相似文献   

采用元胞自动机建立了脑海马神经元信息传递的计算机仿真模型,发现海马神经元从个体到群体,在时间尺度上均呈现出1/f涨落。分析了模型的动力学特性,认为产生1/f涨落的机制在于脑海马神经元处于自组织临界状态,即在混沌的边缘上进化。  相似文献   

Hindmarsh-Rose 神经网络的混沌同步   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了通过特殊构造的非线性函数耦合连接的神经网络的混沌同步问题。在发展基于稳定性准则的混沌同步方法的基础上,给出了计算同步稳定性的误差发展方程,当耦合强度取参考值时,可实现稳定的混沌同步而不需要计算最大条件Lyapunov指数去判定是否稳定。通过对按照完全连接形式构成的Hindmarsh-Rose神经网络的数值模拟,显示可仅从两个耦合神经的耦合强度的稳定性范围预期到许多耦合神经实现同步的稳定性范围。该方法在噪声影响下,对实现神经元的混沌同步仍具有较强的鲁棒性。此外发现随着耦合神经数的增加,满足同步稳定性的耦合强度减小,与耦合神经的数量成反比。  相似文献   

Tang ZH  Liu GQ 《生理科学进展》2005,36(2):148-151
位于神经元和胶质细胞上的γ-氨基丁酸转运体(GAT)是调节GABA能神经元活动的重要糖蛋白。根据GAT的4种不同亚型的脑区及亚细胞分布特点,参与调节脑内GABA水平的可能是GAT-1和GAT-3。GAT表达异常或功能受损是癫痫发作时神经元高兴奋性的原因之一。对癫痫患者的海马标本和多种癫痫动物模型的研究表明,GABA能抑制性回路减少及其表达的GAT下降,GAT逆向转运功能障碍;原发性GAT表达增加,或某些刺激性伤害引起的GAT表达上调,也可诱发癫痫。随着对GAT结构与功能的进一步了解,调节GAT表达和功能的靶点将会进一步得到阐明,选择性作用于这些靶点的新化合物可能会对癫痫的治疗产生重大影响。  相似文献   

Central pattern generating neurons from the lobster stomatogastric ganglion were analyzed using new nonlinear methods. The LP neuron was found to have only four or five degrees of freedom in the isolated condition and displayed chaotic behavior. We show that this chaotic behavior could be regularized by periodic pulses of negative current injected into the neuron or by coupling it to another neuron via inhibitory connections. We used both a modified Hindmarsh-Rose model to simulate the neurons behavior phenomenologically and a more realistic conductance-based model so that the modeling could be linked to the experimental observations. Both models were able to capture the dynamics of the neuron behavior better than previous models. We used the Hindmarsh-Rose model as the basis for building electronic neurons which could then be integrated into the biological circuitry. Such neurons were able to rescue patterns which had been disabled by removing key biological neurons from the circuit.  相似文献   

We studied the synchronous behavior of two electrically-coupled model neurons as a function of the coupling strength when the individual neurons are tuned to different activity patterns that ranged from tonic firing via chaotic activity to burst discharges. We observe asynchronous and various synchronous states such as out-of-phase, in-phase and almost in-phase chaotic synchronization. The highest variety of synchronous states occurs at the transition from tonic firing to chaos where the highest coupling strength is also needed for in-phase synchronization which is, essentially, facilitated towards the bursting range. This demonstrates that tuning of the neuron’s internal dynamics can have significant impact on the synchronous states especially at the physiologically relevant tonic-to-bursting transitions.  相似文献   

We explore the effects of stochastic sodium (Na) channel activation on the variability and dynamics of spiking and bursting in a model neuron. The complete model segregates Hodgin-Huxley-type currents into two compartments, and undergoes applied current-dependent bifurcations between regimes of periodic bursting, chaotic bursting, and tonic spiking. Noise is added to simulate variable, finite sizes of the population of Na channels in the fast spiking compartment.During tonic firing, Na channel noise causes variability in interspike intervals (ISIs). The variance, as well as the sensitivity to noise, depend on the model's biophysical complexity. They are smallest in an isolated spiking compartment; increase significantly upon coupling to a passive compartment; and increase again when the second compartment also includes slow-acting currents. In this full model, sufficient noise can convert tonic firing into bursting.During bursting, the actions of Na channel noise are state-dependent. The higher the noise level, the greater the jitter in spike timing within bursts. The noise makes the burst durations of periodic regimes variable, while decreasing burst length duration and variance in a chaotic regime. Na channel noise blurs the sharp transitions of spike time and burst length seen at the bifurcations of the noise-free model. Close to such a bifurcation, the burst behaviors of previously periodic and chaotic regimes become essentially indistinguishable.We discuss biophysical mechanisms, dynamical interpretations and physiological implications. We suggest that noise associated with finite populations of Na channels could evoke very different effects on the intrinsic variability of spiking and bursting discharges, depending on a biological neuron's complexity and applied current-dependent state. We find that simulated channel noise in the model neuron qualitatively replicates the observed variability in burst length and interburst interval in an isolated biological bursting neuron.  相似文献   

 Vestibular and optokinetic nystagmus are characterized by alternating slow-phase eye rotations that stabilize the retinal image, and fast-phase eye rotations that reset eye position. Nystagmus is coordinated in the brainstem by burst neurons that fire an intense, temporally circumscribed burst that terminates the slow phase and drives the fast phase. This paper demonstrates that such a burst can be generated during nystagmus using a simple neural network model containing only known brainstem neurons and their interconnections. These include the feedback connections of the burst neuron (burst feedback). The burst neuron excites itself directly, and disinhibits itself by inhibiting the pause neuron (positive feedback). It also inhibits itself by inhibiting the vestibular neuron (negative feedback). The burst neuron begins to fire after its inhibitory bias is overcome by excitation from the vestibular neuron, and burst neuron positive feedback then produces an intense burst with an abrupt onset. The burst causes the vestibular and pause neurons to pause. The benefit of the pause neuron loop is that it contributes to burst neuron positive feedback when it is needed at burst onset, but that contribution is eliminated when the pause neuron pauses and opens the loop. The burst can then terminate, with an offset duration proportional to burst amplitude, under the control of burst neuron self-excitation and inhibitory bias. Model neuron behavior is comparable to that of real brainstem neurons. Synchronized bursts can be produced over the population of burst neurons in a distributed version of the network. Variability in connection weights in the distributed network results in variability in prelude activity among burst neurons that is similar to the spread in lead observed for real burst neurons during nystagmus. Received: 11 April 1996 / Accepted in revised form: 6 August 1996  相似文献   

Hindmarsh-Rose神经模型的混沌控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
应用稳定性准则的混沌控制方法控制单个Hindmarsh-Rose神经元模型的混沌发放峰序列和混沌爆发运动。通过对膜电压的非线性连续-时间反馈干扰的输入,将混沌运动控制到5峰/爆发(5spikes/burst)轨道上,该轨道嵌入在混沌吸引子内。数值模拟结果显示该方法在控制HR神经元模型方面是有效的。  相似文献   

To determine why elements of central pattern generators phase lock in a particular pattern under some conditions but not others, we tested a theoretical pattern prediction method. The method is based on the tabulated open loop pulsatile interactions of bursting neurons on a cycle-by-cycle basis and was tested in closed loop hybrid circuits composed of one bursting biological neuron and one bursting model neuron coupled using the dynamic clamp. A total of 164 hybrid networks were formed by varying the synaptic conductances. The prediction of 1:1 phase locking agreed qualitatively with the experimental observations, except in three hybrid circuits in which 1:1 locking was predicted but not observed. Correct predictions sometimes required consideration of the second order phase resetting, which measures the change in the timing of the second burst after the perturbation. The method was robust to offsets between the initiation of bursting in the presynaptic neuron and the activation of the synaptic coupling with the postsynaptic neuron. The quantitative accuracy of the predictions fell within the variability (10%) in the experimentally observed intrinsic period and phase resetting curve (PRC), despite changes in the burst duration of the neurons between open and closed loop conditions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we highlight the topological properties of leader neurons whose existence is an experimental fact. Several experimental studies show the existence of leader neurons in population bursts of activity in 2D living neural networks (Eytan and Marom, J Neurosci 26(33):8465–8476, 2006; Eckmann et al., New J Phys 10(015011), 2008). A leader neuron is defined as a neuron which fires at the beginning of a burst (respectively network spike) more often than we expect by chance considering its mean firing rate. This means that leader neurons have some burst triggering power beyond a chance-level statistical effect. In this study, we characterize these leader neuron properties. This naturally leads us to simulate neural 2D networks. To build our simulations, we choose the leaky integrate and fire (lIF) neuron model (Gerstner and Kistler 2002; Cessac, J Math Biol 56(3):311–345, 2008), which allows fast simulations (Izhikevich, IEEE Trans Neural Netw 15(5):1063–1070, 2004; Gerstner and Naud, Science 326:379–380, 2009). The dynamics of our lIF model has got stable leader neurons in the burst population that we simulate. These leader neurons are excitatory neurons and have a low membrane potential firing threshold. Except for these two first properties, the conditions required for a neuron to be a leader neuron are difficult to identify and seem to depend on several parameters involved in the simulations themselves. However, a detailed linear analysis shows a trend of the properties required for a neuron to be a leader neuron. Our main finding is: A leader neuron sends signals to many excitatory neurons as well as to few inhibitory neurons and a leader neuron receives only signals from few other excitatory neurons. Our linear analysis exhibits five essential properties of leader neurons each with different relative importance. This means that considering a given neural network with a fixed mean number of connections per neuron, our analysis gives us a way of predicting which neuron is a good leader neuron and which is not. Our prediction formula correctly assesses leadership for at least ninety percent of neurons.  相似文献   

How aging affects the communication between neurons is poorly understood. To address this question, we have studied the electrophysiological properties of identified neuron R15 of the marine mollusk Aplysia californica. R15 is a bursting neuron in the abdominal ganglia of the central nervous system and is implicated in reproduction, water balance, and heart function. Exposure to acetylcholine (ACh) causes an increase in R15 burst firing. Whole-cell recordings of R15 in the intact ganglia dissected from mature and old Aplysia showed specific changes in burst firing and properties of action potentials induced by ACh. We found that while there were no significant changes in resting membrane potential and latency in response to ACh, the burst number and burst duration is altered during aging. The action potential waveform analysis showed that unlike mature neurons, the duration of depolarization and the repolarization amplitude and duration did not change in old neurons in response to ACh. Furthermore, single neuron quantitative analysis of acetylcholine receptors (AChRs) suggested alteration of expression of specific AChRs in R15 neurons during aging. These results suggest a defect in cholinergic transmission during aging of the R15 neuron.  相似文献   

Time intervals of 12 records of bursting discharges in Aplysia neurons were analysed by digital computer to determine the interrelations between the burst period, the interburst interval and the burst duration. The effects of membrane potential changes on the parameters of bursting discharges were examined also. A low correlation was found between burst duration and burst period in the majority of cases, and this was interpreted as an indication of probable independence between the mechanisms governing these parameters. Also, a specific temporal organization of interspike intervals seems to be present in each type of neuron. The results suggest that the mechanism governing the burst period is characterized by a slow membrane potential oscillation resembling that observed in bursting neurons when actions potentials are blocked by tetrodotoxin. The burst duration would be determined by the response of the neuron to suprathreshold depolarization.  相似文献   

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