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硫铁矿酸性矿山废水对大型底栖动物群落结构的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
2006年11月和2007年1月通过金属和生物指标的量化监测,就酸性矿山废水对大型底栖动物群落结构的影响及高岚河污染现状进行研究。典型对应分析表明:酸性废水对高岚河上游大型底栖动物群落结构影响最大。对高岚河大型底栖动物群落结构和功能摄食类群进行分析,研究硫铁矿酸性矿山废水对河流大型底栖动物群落的影响,结果表明:高岚河自矿源起约16km河段,大型底栖动物群落结构已经遭到严重破坏;多足摇蚊Polypedilum tritum和真凯氏摇蚊Eukiefferiellab rehmi对酸和金属均具有较强的耐受力;捕食者和刮食者对矿山酸性废水带来的污染反应最为敏感。逐步回归分析表明:大型底栖动物生物多样性受Al、Ca、Cd、Fe、Mg、Mn等金属影响最大;密度受Ca、Cr和Mg的影响最大。  相似文献   

滦河中游干流底栖动物种类及分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王琳  甘泓  傅小城  王芳 《生态学杂志》2009,28(4):671-676
2007年10月对华北地区的重要河流——滦河干流中游段的底栖动物进行了调查。结果表明:河流底栖动物种类较为丰富,共采集到底栖动物37种,其中优势种有5种;底栖动物平均生物量为5.4 g·m-2,平均密度为1128 个·m-2;蜉蝣目有1种在各采样点均出现,说明滦河中游干流水质较好;下游段动物多度、生物量及生物多样性指数值都较小,上游段相应均较大,底栖生物分布与具体生境条件密切相关,下游段人为扰动使得生境质量较差,不利于底栖动物生存繁殖。  相似文献   

广东横石水河大型底栖动物群落与环境因子的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
迟国梁  赵颖  官昭瑛  王建武  童晓立 《生态学报》2010,30(11):2836-2845
应用典范对应分析(CCA)对横石水河流域14个样点中的大型底栖动物与环境因子的关系进行了研究。结果表明,枯水期和丰水期的物种与环境因子的相关性均在90%以上,说明大型底栖动物在横石水河的分布很大程度上受到环境因子的影响。化学需氧量(COD)和pH值是影响枯水期大型底栖动物分布的两个主要因子,浊度和重金属Cu、Pb浓度对大型底栖动物分布也有一定程度的影响。在丰水期,重金属Cu、Pb浓度和pH值是影响大型底栖动物分布的关键因子。从种类水平看,耐污种类如蠓类、摇蚊和大蚊的丰富度与COD和重金属浓度的环境轴呈正相关,而敏感种类如腹足纲、毛翅目以及蜉蝣目昆虫与COD和重金属浓度的环境轴呈负相关。  相似文献   

底栖动物功能摄食类群对酸性矿山废水的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蒋万祥  贾兴焕  唐涛  蔡庆华 《生态学报》2016,36(18):5670-5681
为研究底栖动物功能摄食类群对酸性矿山废水的响应机理及高岚河硫铁矿对香溪河生态环境的影响状况,2006年9月、11月及2007年1月、3月、5月、7月对高岚河3个河段12个样点(受损河段G1—G3、恢复河段G4—G8、对照河段D1—D4)底栖动物进行了调研,同时测定了各样点水体金属含量(Cd、Cr、Cu、Mn、Pb、Zn、Fe、Al、Ca和Mg)、pH值、电导、水温、总溶解性固体、盐度、溶氧、流速、水深、水面宽度等理化指标。对3个河段底栖动物群落功能摄食类群群落结构及理化指标进行了对比分析,结果表明,受酸性矿山废水的影响,受损河段金属含量及电导、总固体悬浮物明显高于对照河段和恢复河段,受损河段pH值显著低于其他河段;而对照河段和恢复河段各项理化指标不存在明显差异。共采集底栖动物213种,隶属7纲,59科,四节蜉(Baetis sp.)、侧枝纹石蛾(Ceratopsyche sp.)、锯形蜉(Serratella sp.)和扁蜉(Heptagenia sp.)为研究区域优势类群;功能摄食类群相对丰度收集者最大,刮食者和滤食者次之,捕食者和撕食者最小,分别为48.8%、20.6%、17.0%、9.0%、4.7%。受损河段底栖动物各功能摄食类群密度和生物多样性指数明显低于对照河段和恢复河段,且组成相对单一;刮食者对酸性矿山废水反应最为敏感。非度量多维标度排序和多响应置换过程分析表明,受损河段底栖动物各功能摄食类群群落结构同对照河段和恢复河段存在较大差异,而对照河段和恢复河段群落结构相似性较高。典型对应分析发现,矿山酸性废水的排放是影响底栖动物功能摄食类群分布的主要因素。  相似文献   

树叶凋落物在受酸性矿山废水污染溪流中的分解   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解华南地区酸性矿山废水对溪流中树叶分解的影响,在广东省大宝山矿区附近的1条受酸性矿山废水污染(pH值为2.7—3.4且富含多种重金属元素)的3级溪流中,利用2种孔径(5ram的网袋和0.1ram的布袋)的分解网袋对2种树叶(人面子和蒲桃)进行了为期101d的树叶分解研究。结果表明,人面子树叶网袋和布袋中的树叶干重剩余率分别为39%和48%,而蒲桃树叶网袋和布袋中的干重剩余率仍保持较高的水平,分别为61%和70%。根据指数衰减模型计算出树叶分解的半衰期,人面子树叶在网袋和布袋中的分解半衰期分别为57d和69d,而蒲桃树叶则分别为14-4d和217d。蒲桃树叶的分解速率明显比人面子树叶慢。在网袋中定殖的底栖动物主要是集食者,其中优势类群为摇蚊幼虫,占底栖动物个体总数的99%。摇蚊种群在网袋中的数量波动对2种树叶分解速率的影响并不明显。结果表明,受酸性矿山废水的影响,底栖动物群落的多样性大为减少。同时由于各种金属氧化物在树叶表面的不断沉淀,使树叶处于缺氧状态,抑制了微生物的活动,导致树叶分解速率大为降低。  相似文献   

作为长江上游唯一未在干流建坝的一级支流和长江上游珍稀特有鱼类国家级自然保护区的核心区,赤水河流域孕育和保护了极为丰富的底栖动物多样性。然而对赤水河底栖动物的了解仍不充分,缺乏涵盖整个流域的连续性、季节性的底栖动物调查。本研究于2019–2021年按季度开展4次调查,系统评估了赤水河水系底栖动物物种多样性,更新了物种名录,甄别出其驱动机制及受胁因素,并提出相应的保护对策。本次调查共记录底栖动物5门9纲22目86科186属209种。全流域优势种均为昆虫类,如蜉蝣属一种(Ephemera sp.)、扁蜉属一种(Heptagenia sp.)、河花蜉属一种(Polamanthus sp.)、四节蜉属一种(Baetis sp.)、潜水蝽科一种(Naucoridae sp.)和多足摇蚊属一种(Polypedilum sp.)。春季底栖动物的物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson优势度指数、Pielou均匀度指数均高于其他季节。上游的密度、物种丰富度、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数和Simpson优势度指数均明显高于中下游。主坐标分析显示,不同季节和不同河段间底栖...  相似文献   

研究将2010-2019年的大型底栖无脊椎动物观测资料进行了系统整理分析,旨在为金沙江上中段大型底栖无脊椎动物的多样性评估以及高海拔地区河流的生物多样性研究和保护提供较为全面的基础资料。研究结果显示,金沙江上中段大型底栖无脊椎动物种类组成上水生昆虫占据绝对优势地位,主要由双翅目、蜉蝣目、毛翅目和襀翅目组成,软体动物占比较低,且以基眼目为主。就科级水平而言,四节蜉科、摇蚊科、扁蜉科和石蝇科为整个研究区域的常见分类单元,其中摇蚊科和四节蜉科在干支流和丰枯期均较为常见。干流和支流大型底栖无脊椎动物的群落结构显著不同,不受丰水期和枯水期的影响。丰水期和枯水期大型底栖无脊椎动物的群落结构差异显著,不受干流和支流的局限。四节蜉(四节蜉属Baetis、二翼蜉Cloeon dipterum、花翅蜉属Baetiella和四节蜉科Baetidae)和石蝇(纯石蝇属Paragnetina和石蝇科Perlidae)以及纹石蛾(纹石蛾属Hydropsyche)是造成不同群组群落结构差异的关键分类单元。整个研究区域大型底栖无脊椎动物呈现较高的嵌套度,且嵌套度枯水期高于丰水期,支流高于干流。底栖物种丰富度和现存量枯水期高于丰水期,支流高于干流。β多样性干流高于支流,丰水期高于枯水期。基于近十年的观测资料,金沙江流域出现的大型底栖无脊椎动物种类较为丰富,观测物种数达148种,基于统计学的估计值也在200种左右变动,但就单次调查情况来看,干流丰水期和枯水期单站出现的物种数很少,群落结构十分简单,而支流单站出现的物种数相对较多,群落结构则相对复杂。  相似文献   

闫云君  李晓宇 《生态科学》2006,25(2):97-101
大型底栖动物在河流生态系统中发挥着重要作用。2003年6月至2004年6月间对汉江流域2级河流——黑竹冲河大型底栖动物群落优势种类的生产力进行了为期一周年的调查研究。结果表明,主要优势种小裳蜉(Leptophlebiasp.)和蜉蝣(Ephemerasp.)的生活史均为一年两代,蜉蝣的两个代之间界限比较明显;小裳蜉成虫羽化主要发生在秋季和冬季,而蜉蝣成虫羽化主要发生在夏季和冬季。小裳蜉和蜉蝣种群的生物量和多度均出现两次峰值。采用体长频率法(size-frequencymethod)测算的周年生产量分别为:小裳蜉,38.0362g·m-2·a-1,P/B为11.4;蜉蝣,76.0318g·m-2·a-1,P/B为11.8。  相似文献   

吕光俊  熊邦喜  刘敏  杨学芬  覃亮  陈朋  徐微  刘俊利 《生态学报》2009,29(10):5339-5349
2006~2007年对湖北省4座不同营养类型水库的大型底栖动物群落结构和多样性进行周年研究,并进行了水质评价.共采集到底栖动物39种,其中寡毛类14种、水生昆虫19种、软体动物6种.以金沙河的底栖动物种类最多,达24种,其次为徐家河19种,道观河和桃园河各10种.4座水库优势种类各异,金沙河为多毛管水蚓(Aulodrilus pluriseta)、隐摇蚊(Cryptochironomus sp.)、多足摇蚊(Polypedilum sp.);徐家河为瑞士水丝蚓(Limnodrilus helveticus)、前突摇蚊(Procladius sp.);桃园河为多毛管水蚓(Aulodrilus pluriseta)、长跗摇蚊(Tanytarsus sp.);水质污染比较严重的道观河水库优势种类为霍甫水丝蚓(Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri)、大红德永摇蚊(Tokunagayusurika akamusi).各库底栖动物年平均密度和生物量分别为:金沙河316 8ind · m-2,1294.3mg · m-2 ;道观河318.2ind · m-2,430.7mg · m-2 ;徐家河330.3ind · m-2,517.4mg · m-2;桃园河209ind · m-2,325 3mg · m-2 .TN、TP、COD平均含量变幅分别为0.392~1.018、0.011~0.042、3.505~9.166mg · L-1;采用理化分析、Goodnight-Whitley指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Margalef指数、Simpson指数、Pielou均匀度指数对水库的水质进行了综合评价,结果表明:金沙河水库属中营养型;徐家河和桃园河属中-富营养型;道观河水库属富营养型.对水库主要的物理化学因子与寡毛类、水生昆虫、软体动物密度,以及各类底栖动物之间进行矩阵分析,发现水生昆虫与水深呈负相关关系,随着水深的增加,其密度和种类下降,水深超过10m,下降的幅度更明显;寡毛类有从属于TN和TP含量的趋势, TP变化对底栖动物的影响更大;寡毛类、水生昆虫、软体动物三者之间无相关性.  相似文献   

永定河流域大型底栖动物群落分布格局及其影响因子   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人类干扰造成了全球河流生态系统的普遍退化。流域尺度的水生生物分布特征及其影响因素研究对于河流生态系统的保护与恢复具有重要意义。本研究以永定河流域大型底栖动物群落为研究对象,分别于2017年春季(3月)、夏季(7月)、秋季(11月)开展全流域尺度的大型底栖动物调查。研究表明: 永定河流域以摇蚊科为主,优势类群包括直突摇蚊属、摇蚊属、雕翅摇蚊属以及多足摇蚊属。聚类分析表明,大型底栖动物群落结构存在显著的空间差异性,按照群落相似性可分为2组: 组1主要包含桑干河和东洋河水系,以直突摇蚊为主要优势种;组2主要包含洋河、妫水河以及永定河干流部分河段,以雕翅摇蚊为主要优势种。单因素方差分析表明,组2生物量、Shannon指数、Margalef指数、Pielou均匀度指数以及物种丰富度均显著高于组1,指示了该区域内更好的生态状况。大型底栖动物的季节差异显著,夏季的密度、生物量和各多样性指数均显著低于春季和秋季。典范对应分析显示,影响永定河大型底栖动物空间分布的环境因子主要包括水温、铵氮、pH、溶解氧和总磷。从水文因子的角度,流量和流速与主要生物参数存在显著相关性。组2中流速和流量与大型底栖动物密度和EPT%存在显著的正相关关系,表明急流生境有利于EPT(蜉蝣目、襀翅目、毛翅目)敏感类群的生存;但流量和流速与多样性指数呈负相关关系,表明过高流量和流速的生境条件不利于大型底栖动物多样性的维持。总之,水环境因子、水文因子都显示出了对大型底栖动物群落结构和多样性特征的影响,表明永定河流域生态系统受到多类型人为活动的影响。减少水质污染、适度恢复部分河段的流量是永定河流域生态系统修复的重要环节。  相似文献   

Diel drift samples utilizing nets with mesh size less than 200 microns were taken in Linesville Creek, Pennsylvania, an eastern deciduous forest stream, and Inlet Run, Wyoming, an alpine snow melt stream. Identification of drifting Chironomidae larvae to lowest level taxonomic categories indicated 51 species or species group categories representing 51.95% of the total insect drift in Linesville Creek and 18 species or species group categories representing 70.47% of the total insect drift in Inlet Run. Orthocladiinae were the predominant larvae in the drift in Linesville Creek, with 19 species comprising 43.84% of the Chironomidae drift. In decreasing abundance were Chironomini (12 species, 40.36% of Chironomidae drift), Tanytarsini (10 species, 8.89%), and Tanypodinae (10 species, 6.91%). By contrast, Diamesinae were the predominant larvae in the drift in Inlet Run, (5 species, 71.43%) followed by Orthocladiinae (10 species, 27.25%), Tanytarsini (2 species, 1.20%), and Podonominae (1 species, 0.12%). Comparison of drift composition with substrate samples and/ or emergence data indicated a close relationship between relative abundance in drift and relative abundance in the benthos. Behavioral drift patterns with nocturnal peaks were seen for 3 species or species groups in Linesville Creek. Four species with diurnal drift peaks were present in Inlet Run. Analysis of the size distribution of drifting larvae indicates that a mesh size as small as 200 microns is required to resolve diel drift patterns. It is postulated that random factors greatly influence the apparent diel drift pattern of Chironomidae when nets with mesh size in excess of 400 microns are employed in drift studies. Conflicting literature reports of behavioral drift for Chironomidae may be due to differing species composition of drifting larvae and net mesh size related artifacts.  相似文献   

A study of insect drift was conducted in a small, subtropical Florida stream from December 1971 to December 1972 to describe the seasonal and diel periodicity and to determine factors influencing behavioural drift. Paired samples of 2 h duration beginning 15 min after sunset were taken biweekly, and hourly collections over a 24-h period were made quarterly. Benthic invertebrates were collected on each date from three habitats (riffle, pool and aquatic vegetation) and temperature, dissolved oxygen and current velocity were measured. Drift rates ranged from 100 to 2125 organisms/m2. h (0·03 to 0·49 organisms/m3) and were greatest in winter and early spring; minimal rates occurred in the summer months. The following six taxa, in order of relative abundance, comprised 87% of the drift: Baetis intercalaris, Cheumatopsyche sp., Stenonema exiguum, Chironomidae, Stenelmis fuscata and Simulium sp. Total drift showed no significant correlation with temperature, dissolved oxygen or mean benthic abundance and only slight correlation with current velocity (r=0·34). Stepwise, multiple regression analyses indicated that riffle density and mean size of drifting organisms were important factors influencing the drift rates of B. intercalaris (R=0·67) and S. exiguum (R=0·82); mean size, riffle density and water temperature influenced the drift of Cheumatopsyche sp. (R=0·78). The other taxa of drifting insects showed no significant correlation with the variables measured. Diel (24 h) studies of the major taxa showed marked differences in the periodicity, both within and between taxa, indicating the need for long-term studies with frequent sample intervals in subtropical habitats. A new drift pattern for the family Chironomidae, alternans type, was observed for late instars of Polypedilum halterale.  相似文献   

The effects of the lampricide, TFM, on the benthic macroinvertebrates in the Rouge River, a hardwater tributary to Lake Ontario was examined at 1 untreated and 2 treated sites over a 7 month period. Drift samples were collected from one one of the treated sites during the 5 days bracketing treatment. Significant decreases in relative abundance attributable to TFM were recorded for Chimarra sp., Dugesia sp. and Tubificoidea 2–19 d following treatment. Large reductions were also exhibited by Caenis sp. and Lumbricidae. Two-thirds of the Chironomidae genera and Nematoda tended to decline in abundance 2 d after treatment at only one of the treated sites, probably due to a 2.5 h longer treatment. This decline was followed by a significant increase to greater than pretreatment abundances 17 d later undoubtedly as a result of an upward migration of macroinvertebrates from within the hyporheos. Partial recolonization of the TFM-sensitive benthic taxa was evident 19 d after lampricide treatment with complete recolonization 6.5 months later. With the exception of Caenis sp. those taxa in the present study found to be TFM-sensitive were in accordance with those found in softwater field studies. Chimarra sp., Dugesia sp., Hemerodromia sp., Lumbricidae and Tubificoidea exhibited substantial increases in drift abundance resulting from TFM treatment. Generally drift abundance of the taxa returned to pretreatment levels within 12 h following the completion of treatment. The drift abundance of Chimarra sp. and Dugesia sp. remained above normal throughout the rest of the sampling period likely due to continued irritation or mortalities induced by the presence of TFM in the substrate. Generally, drift was a good indicator of those taxa likely to experience a decline in abundance as a result of TFM treatment.  相似文献   

The diel drift patterns of Chironomidae larvae were investigated in a seventh order section of the Warta River (Central Poland) over two diel cycles during May 1989. Three nets (mesh size 400 m) were installed in a cross section of the Warta River.The estimated drift density was low, but was comparable to that calculated for other large rivers. Spatio-temporal fluctuations in abundance and composition of macroinvertebrate drift, including Chironomidae, were observed with the highest density of drifting macrobenthos recorded near the depositional bank of this river. The ratio benthosdrift indicated differing propensities for of the older instars of a given chironomid taxon to drift. Orthocladiinae larvae were the most abundant subfamily of Chironomidae in drift but not in benthos, reaching up to 73% of the total drifting chironomid larvae. More taxa but fewer individuals (about 20% of the chironomid larvae collected) belonged to the tribe Chironomini, the dominant group in benthos.A major part of chironomid drift collection may represent behavioural drift because the net mesh size used in the Warta River was insufficient to catch the earliest instars (distributional drift). Both at the family and subfamily level chironomid larvae exhibited a distinct nocturnal drift periodicity. Nocturnal periodicity was documented for the dominant species, but due to the low density of many chironomid species, it was impossible to determine their diel drift pattern. Some Chironomidae appeared to be aperiodic.  相似文献   

In this study we quantified invertebrate drift and related it to the structure of the benthic community, over a 6–8 month period, in a 4th-order tropical stream in Costa Rica. Relative to reports from similar-sized temperate and tropical streams, drift densities were high (2-fold greater: mean 11.2 m−3; range 2.5–25 m−3), and benthic insect densities were relatively low (>3-fold lower: mean 890 m−2; range 228–1504 m−2). Drift was dominated by larval shrimps that represented more than 70% of total drift on any given date; the remaining 30% was composed of 54 insect taxa. Among insects, Simuliidae and Chironomidae (Diptera) and Baetidae, Leptohyphes and Tricorythodes (Ephemeroptera) comprised 24% of total drift. Drift periodicity was strongly nocturnal, with peaks at 18:00 h (sunset) and 03:00 h. Our results, and those of previous experiments in the study stream, suggest that nighttime drift is driven by the presence of predatory diurnal drift-feeding fishes and nocturnal adult shrimps. There were no clear seasonal patterns over both ‘dry’ and wet seasons, suggesting that benthic communities are subject to similar stresses throughout the year, and that populations grow and reproduce continuously. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Aquatic macroinvertebrates living in anastomosing lowland rivers use different habitats and respond differently to the hydrological regime. In this paper, the structure and composition of benthic, drifting and marginal macroinvertebrate assemblages are analyzed in the lowland river Ctalamochita (Córdoba, Argentina). The assemblages were studied in an annual cycle; a comparison among the composition of benthos, drift and marginal fauna was carried out; and size structure of the assemblages was characterized. Samples were obtained from two sites: a rural and an urban site. In total 73 taxa of aquatic macroinvertebrates were collected. Benthos was characterized by Chironomidae and Oligochaeta; marginal fauna was mainly constituted by Coleoptera, Heteroptera, Decapoda, the Trichoptera Nectopsyche sp., Ephemeroptera and Odonata. Drifting assemblage was composed by macroinvertebrates from local and remote upstream benthos, and from the marginal zone. Marginal fauna diversity was higher than benthos and drift. Total biomass of the assemblages pooled together was relatively equitably among size classes. Larger size classes consisted of organisms from the marginal zone whereas the smallest ones were composed by benthic and drifting organisms. In the study area there is habitat partitioning in the lateral dimension of the river. Marginal fauna was more diverse due to the asymmetry of transport and deposit processes, which generate a heterogeneous habitat in the bankside. The relation between fine substrate and high current velocity determines an unstable habitat in the central channel, which makes colonization by benthic macroinvertebrates difficult.  相似文献   

Simultaneous hourly net collections in a meadow and canyon reach of a mountain stream determined diel and spatial abundances of drifting Chironomidae larvae. Sixty-one taxa were identified to the lowest practical level, 52 in the meadow and 41 in the canyon. Orthocladiinae was the most abundant subfamily with 32 taxa and a 24 h mean density of 294 individuals 100 m−3 (meadow) and 26 taxa and a mean of 648 individuals 100 m−3 (canyon). Chironominae was the second most abundant subfamily. Nonchironomid invertebrates at both sites and total Chironomidae larvae (meadow) were predominantly night-drifting. Parakiefferiella and Psectrocladius were day-drifting (meadow) whereas 8 other chironomid taxa (meadow) and 2 taxa (canyon) were night-drifting. All others were aperiodic or too rare to test periodicity, Stempellinella cf brevis Edwards exhibited catastrophic drift in the canyon only. The different drift patterns between sites is attributed to greater loss of streambed habitat in the canyon compared to the meadow as streamflow decreased. Consequent crowding of chironomid larvae in the canyon caused catastrophic drift or interfered with drift periodicty. This study adds to knowledge of Chironomidae drift and shows influences on drift of hydrologic and geomorphic conditions.  相似文献   

Seasonal dynamics of invertebrate drift in a Hong Kong stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drift samples were taken with paired nets on 19 occasions over a 12-month period in Tai Po Kau Forest Stream (TPKFS), Hong Kong. Mean drift density (±1 S.E.) was 277·9 ± 25·0 individuals 100 m-3; peaks in density were apparent during autumn and spring. One hundred and two taxa were recovered from the drift, and the total number of taxa drifting was positively related to water temperatures. Over 99% of the aquatic animals collected in drift samples were insects, 10 taxa of which constituted 67·3% of the entire catch. Baetid mayflies dominated the composition of the drift, comprising 40·4% of individuals caught.
Seasonal changes in the drift of individual taxa were evident, reflecting significant relationships between drift densities and water temperature: Simulium T1 (Diptera). Anisocentropus maculatus (Trichoptera) and Amphinemura chui (Plecoptera) drifted most in winter, whereas Chimarra T1, Polymorphanisus astictus (Trichoptera), Helodes #1 and cf. Rhantus sp. (Coleoptera) were most numerous in summer. Drifting mayflies showed spring ( Indobaetis sp., Cinygmina T1, Serratella T2), autumn ( Baetiella sp., Pseudocloeon T2), or spring and autumn ( Baetis nr pseudofrequentus ) peaks which were not clearly related to water temperature. In only two cases ( A. maculatus and P. astictus ) was TPKFS drift seasonality associated with life-cycle events. Overall, there was no evidence of community-level trends in the periodicity of stream drift in this seasonal tropical habitat.  相似文献   

  • 1 Interspecific differences in diatom abundances in stream drift (plankton), immigration, and natural benthic assemblages were compared to assess the importance of emigration and immigration in benthic diatom community dynamics. Water samples were collected throughout a 24-h period to measure diel changes in diatom drift abundances and to estimate benthic diatom emigration rates. Immigration was assessed with 24-h colonization of bare tiles.
  • 2 Dissimilarity in species composition of drift, immigration, and natural substrate assemblages indicated differential emigration and immigration among diatom species.
  • 3 A mathematical model indicated that reproduction by diatoms in the plankton could not account for diel drift peaks and that diel variation in drift was an informative measure of benthic diatom emigration.
  • 4 Emigration and immigration of some species constituted substantial proportions of diatom abundances on natural substrata. We conclude that emigration into the drift and immigration onto substrata can be important processes that regulate benthic diatom species composition and standing crop in streams.

We studied the distribution and seasonal abundance of benthic macroinvertebrates from July 1975 through September 1976 in a hypereutrophic lake in subtropical Florida. The benthic community was comprised principally of oligochaetes (56.1%), chironomids (37.1%), and chaoborids (5.7%). Numbers of taxa and mean densities correlated negatively with depth and positively with mean grain size of the substratum and dissolved oxygen concentration at the mud-water interface. Seasonal abundances and life history information obtained for the predominant species of Chironomidae (Polypedilum halterale, Glyptotendipes paripes, Chironomus crassicaudatus, Cryptochironomus fulvus, C. blarina, Cladotanytarsus sp., Procladius culiciformis, and Coelotanypus concinnus) indicated that all of these species are multivoltine with rapid generation times. Larval lengths of life at summer temperatures, 27–31 °C, ranged from 14–22 days indicating that sampling in subtropical lakes should be at short intervals (approximately 3 days) if the life cycles, ecology, and function of the components of the benthic community is to be understood.  相似文献   

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