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病毒及其生态功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张全国 《生命科学》2014,(2):107-111
病毒被认为是地球上数量最多的生物类群。在海洋生态系统中,研究人员确认了病毒巨大的数量和遗传多样性以及对很多原核生物和部分真核生物死亡率的重要贡献;建立起病毒影响生物地球化学循环的概念模型;也开始研究病毒及其生态系统功能对全球变化的响应和反馈作用。然而,人们对于土壤病毒生态学的研究严重滞后,甚至对于土壤病毒的多度和分布、环境影响因子等基本信息的了解都很有限。土壤蕴含巨量的可溶性和不可溶性有机物,土壤病毒应该会对土壤微生物的死亡率有重要贡献,并因此对土壤碳循环产生深远影响,因而将土壤病毒纳入到已有的生态系统生态学模型中将促进我们对土壤碳循环的理解。  相似文献   

病毒生态学研究进展   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
韩丽丽  贺纪正 《生态学报》2016,36(16):4988-4996
病毒是目前所知的最简单的生命单元,通常由外壳蛋白和包裹在外壳蛋白内的核酸两部分组成。病毒本身缺乏完整的酶系统及能量转化系统,当游离于环境中时,它只是一个有机大分子,只有侵染宿主后才具有生命特征,进行复制。病毒也是地球上最丰富的生物实体,是微生物群落和功能的重要影响因素。尽管病毒在生态系统中发挥着重要的作用,但因病毒间缺少通用的标记基因,病毒生态学的研究远远滞后于细菌和真核生物。近年来高通量测序技术的发展应用帮助人们发现和认识了许多未知的新病毒及其基因,极大地丰富了病毒基因数据库,直接推动了病毒生态学的发展。从生态学角度对病毒的结构与分类、病毒生态学研究方法、病毒的生态功能及土壤病毒生态学研究进展作一简要综述,并提出今后土壤病毒生态学研究的重点。  相似文献   

向亮 《生物技术世界》2013,(11):115-116
土壤微生物在调控生物地球化学循环和维持生态系统功能方面起着重要作用。研究土壤微生物多样性分布格局具有重要生态学意义。本文概述了山地土壤微生物多样性分布格局的研究进展,讨论了土壤微生物多样性与影响因素的关系,并对以后的研究提出了展望。  相似文献   

环境DNA技术在地下生态学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于水强  王文娟  B. Larry Li 《生态学报》2015,35(15):4968-4976
地下生态过程是生态系统结构、功能和过程研究中最不确定的因素。由于技术和方法的限制,作为"黑箱"的地下生态系统已经成为限制生态学发展的瓶颈,也是未来生态学发展的主要方向。环境DNA技术,是指从土壤等环境样品中直接提取DNA片段,然后通过DNA测序技术来定性或定量化目标生物,以确定目标生物在生态系统中的分布及功能特征。环境DNA技术已成功用于地下生态过程的研究。目前,环境DNA技术在土壤微生物多样性及其功能方面的研究相对成熟,克服了土壤微生物研究中不能培养的问题,可以有效地分析土壤微生物的群落组成、多样性及空间分布,尤其是宏基因组学技术的发展,使得微生物生态功能方面的研究成为可能;而且,环境DNA技术已经在土壤动物生态学的研究中得到了初步应用,可快速分析土壤动物的多样性及其分布特征,更有效地鉴定出未知的或稀少的物种,鉴定土壤动物类群的幅度较宽;部分研究者通过提取分析土壤中DNA片段信息对生态系统植物多样性及植物分类进行了研究,其结果比传统的植物分类及物种多样性测定更精确,改变了以往对植物群落物种多样性模式的理解。同时,环境DNA技术克服传统根系研究方法中需要洗根、分根、只能测定单物种根系的局限,降低根系研究中细根区分的误差,并探索性地用于细根生物量的研究。主要综述了基于环境DNA技术的分子生物学方法在土壤微生物多样性及功能、土壤动物多样性、地下植物多样性及根系生态等地下生态过程研究中的应用进展。环境DNA技术对于以土壤微生物、土壤动物及地下植物根系为主体的地下生态学过程的研究具有革命性意义,并展现出良好的应用前景。可以预期,分子生物学技术与传统的生态学研究相结合将成为未来地下生态学研究的一个发展趋势。  相似文献   

土壤微生物多样性海拔格局研究进展   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
厉桂香  马克明 《生态学报》2018,38(5):1521-1529
生物多样性的海拔分布格局与维持机制是生物多样性与生态系统功能研究的热点领域。相比动植物多样性海拔分布格局,土壤微生物多样性海拔分布格局的研究还处在起步阶段。近年来,随着以罗氏454、Illumina Mi Seq等为代表的高通量测序平台的发展,土壤微生物海拔梯度分布格局的研究进展较快。对土壤微生物多样性海拔分布格局最新研究综述发现,土壤微生物海拔分布模式并不明确,表现为无趋势、下降、单峰或者下凹型等多种海拔分布模式。这与大型动植物并不相同,暗示其驱动机制可能存在一定的差异。微生物由于其个体微小、扩散能力强以及较高的多样性和个体丰度而在局域尺度上可能更易受到气候环境因素的影响。土壤pH、碳、氮等因子是影响微生物多样性和群落组成在海拔梯度上变异的重要因素。此外,温度和降水也具有重要作用。另外,除微生物自身属性以及取样限制外,测序深度可能是影响土壤微生物物种丰富度海拔分布格局的重要因素。目前,对土壤微生物群落的研究在功能基因、群落构建机制以及生态学理论的验证方面还存在着不足。未来的研究应进一步加大测序深度,增加取样密度,着重关注全球气候变化及生物多样性丧失背景下土壤微生物群落的构建和维持机制及其生态系统功能等方面。  相似文献   

微生态学(microecology)是细胞水平或分子水平的生态学,它是研究微生物群的结构和功能,以及微生物与其宿主相互依赖、相互制约关系的科学。病毒(virus)是一种比细菌还要微小和简单的非细胞形态微生物(acellular microorganism),不仅可寄生于动植物体的组织细胞表面或内部,还可寄生于细菌、真菌等微生物内部。作为宿主以及细胞内的寄生体,病毒除引起宿主多种类型的感染外,还可参与宿主组织细胞的微生态系的组成,赋予细胞干扰相关病毒增殖与复制、抵抗特定病毒感染感染的作用,并能引起宿主细胞产生特定毒素、获得新抗原性等改变。本研究通过微生态学角度,对病毒与细胞的相互关系及病毒与细胞微生态学在医学上的作用作一综述。  相似文献   

微生物生态学理论框架   总被引:12,自引:7,他引:5  
曹鹏  贺纪正 《生态学报》2015,35(22):7263-7273
微生物是生态系统的重要组成部分,直接或间接地参与所有的生态过程。微生物生态学是基于微生物群体的科学,利用微生物群体DNA/RNA等标志物,重点研究微生物群落构建、组成演变、多样性及其与环境的关系,在生态学理论的指导和反复模型拟合下由统计分析得出具有普遍意义的结论。其研究范围从基因尺度到全球尺度。分子生物学技术的发展,使人们可以直接从基因水平上考查其多样性,从而使得对微生物空间分布格局及其成因的深入研究成为可能。进而可以从方法学探讨微生物生物多样性、分布格局、影响机制及其对全球变化的响应等。在微生物生态学研究中,群落构建与演化、分布特征(含植物-微生物相互关系)、执行群体功能的机理(生物地球化学循环等)、对环境变化的响应与反馈机理是今后需要关注的重点领域。概述了微生物生态学的概念,并初步提出其理论框架,在对比宏观生态学基础理论和模型的基础上,分析微生物多样性的研究内容、研究方法和群落构建的理论机制,展望了今后研究的重点领域。  相似文献   

植物病毒可以对寄主植物造成危害,也可以对寄主植物增益;植物病毒的侵染可以对节肢动物及其天敌造成生态适应性、生长发育特性和行为特征的改变;植物病毒与介体节肢动物、非介体节肢动物、介体天敌及其他病原微生物间也存在相互作用。对外来物种进行风险评估是预防生物入侵的重要手段,明晰植物病毒侵染对寄主所在生态系统造成影响的各类生物因子及其相互作用关系,是开展植物病毒侵染所造成生态风险评估的研究基础。对植物病毒侵染寄主植株后,对寄主及寄主周边的介体节肢动物、非介体节肢动物、介体天敌,以及病原微生物等各类生物因子的影响及相互作用关系进行了综述,并从入侵生态学及植物病毒生态学的角度,探讨了植物病毒生态学未来的研究方向。以期为植物病毒入侵某一生态系统后所产生的生态风险评估奠定研究基础,并为植物病毒病的防控提供科学依据。  相似文献   

土壤微生物群落构建理论与时空演变特征   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
贺纪正  王军涛 《生态学报》2015,35(20):6575-6583
土壤微生物作为陆地生态系统的重要组成部分,直接或间接地参与几乎所有的土壤生态过程,在物质循环、能量转换以及污染物降解等过程中都发挥着重要作用。对土壤微生物时空演变规律及其形成机制的研究,不仅是微生物演变和进化的基础科学问题,也是预测微生物及其所介导的生态功能对环境条件变化响应、适应和反馈的理论依据。讨论了土壤微生物群落的定义、测度方法和指标,认为群落是联系动植物宏观生态学与微生物生态学的基础,群落构建机制是宏观和微观生态学都需要研究的核心科学问题;从生态学的群落构建理论出发,阐述了包括生态位理论/中性理论、过程理论和多样性-稳定性理论在土壤微生物时空演变研究中的应用,以及微生物群落在时间和空间上的分布特征及其尺度效应;确立了以微生物群落构建理论为基础、不同时空尺度下土壤微生物群落演变特征为主要内容的微生物演变研究的基本框架。  相似文献   

病毒是海洋及淡水微生物群落的重要组成部分,在调控微生物环路、驱动生物地球化学循环、维持浮游植物与细菌多样性等方面扮演着重要角色。然而,传统的病毒培养及定量技术难以对浮游病毒群落结构与多样性进行深入而全面的解析。微生物分子生态学技术的快速发展及广泛应用为此提供了新的途径。概述了克隆文库分析方法、凝胶脉冲场电泳(PFGE)技术、DNA指纹图谱、DNA微阵列、宏基因组技术等分子生物学方法的基本概念及其在研究浮游病毒的种群结构与遗传多样性及其与环境因素之间的相互关系等方面的应用状况。  相似文献   

Viruses and the microbial loop   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The abundance of viral-like particles in marine ecosystems ranges from <104 ml–1 to >108 ml–1. Their distribution in time and space parallels that of other biological parameters such as bacterial abundance and chlorophyll a. There is a lack of consensus between methods used to assess viral activity, i.e., rate of change in viral abundance (increase or decrease). The highest rates, 10–100 days–1, are observed in experiments with short sampling intervals (0.2–2 h), while lower rates, on the order of 1 day–1, are observed in experiments with longer sampling intervals (days). Few studies have been carried out, but viruses appear, at least in some cases, to have a significant impact on carbon and nutrient flow in microbial food webs. Viruses have also been demonstrated to exert a species specific control of both bacteria and phytoplankton populations in natural waters.  相似文献   

Abundance and Diversity of Viruses in Six Delaware Soils   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
The importance of viruses in marine microbial ecology has been established over the past decade. Specifically, viruses influence bacterial abundance and community composition through lysis and alter bacterial genetic diversity through transduction and lysogenic conversion. By contrast, the abundance and distribution of viruses in soils are almost completely unknown. This study describes the abundance and diversity of autochthonous viruses in six Delaware soils: two agricultural soils, two coastal plain forest soils, and two piedmont forest soils. Viral abundance was measured using epifluorescence microscopy, while viral diversity was assessed from morphological data obtained through transmission electron microscopy. Extracted soil virus communities were dominated by bacteriophages that demonstrated a wide range of capsid diameters (20 nm to 160 nm) and morphologies, including filamentous forms and phages with elongated capsids. The reciprocal Simpson's index suggests that forest soils harbor more diverse assemblages of viruses, particularly in terms of morphological distribution. Repeated extractions of virus-like particles (VLPs) from soils indicated that the initial round of extraction removes approximately 70% of extractable viruses. Higher VLP abundances were observed in forest soils (1.31 × 109 to 4.17 × 109 g−1 dry weight) than in agricultural soils (8.7 × 108 to 1.1 × 109 g−1 dry weight). Soil VLP abundance was significantly correlated to moisture content (r = 0.988) but not to soil texture. Land use (agricultural or forested) was significantly correlated to both bacterial (r = 0.885) and viral (r = 0.812) abundances, as were soil organic matter and water content. Thus, land use is a significant factor influencing viral abundance and diversity in soils.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that marine viruses have been increasingly studied in the last decade, there is little information on viral abundance and distribution on a global scale. In this study, we report on a global-scale survey covering the Pacific, Atlantic, and Indian Oceans on viral distribution using flow cytometry. Viruses were stained with the SYBR Green I, which targets only dsDNA viruses. The average viral abundance was 1.10±0.73×107 ml−1 in global surface oceans and decreased from the areas with high chlorophyll concentration (on average, 1.47±0.78×107 ml−1) to the oligotrophic subtropical gyres (on average, 6.34±2.18×106 ml−1). On a large-spatial-scale, viruses displayed significant relationships with both heterotrophic and autotrophic picoplankton abundance, suggesting that viral distribution is dependent on their host cell abundance. Our study provided a basin scale pattern of marine viral distributions and their relationship with major host cells, indicating that viruses play a significant role in the global marine ecosystem.  相似文献   

黄文文  张全国 《生态学报》2022,42(20):8453-8460
土壤微生物是维持陆地生态系统稳定性和功能的重要组成部分。病毒是地球上数量最多的生物实体,也是若干类型生境中微生物数量的重要调节者。因此,了解病毒与微生物的相互作用,对深入认识包括碳循环在内的生态系统过程具有重要意义。在实验室建立土壤微宇宙实验系统,跟踪调查恒定低含水量、恒定高含水量和波动含水量3种水分处理下土壤病毒和细菌多度的变化,以及土壤异养呼吸速率对土壤病毒-细菌相互作用的响应。相较于低水分处理,高水分处理显著增加了病毒多度(P<0.001)和病毒-细菌多度比(P=0.0026),波动水分处理显著增加了病毒多度(P<0.001)。在高水分处理的土壤微宇宙中,细菌和病毒多度呈现出随时间动荡的信号,即细菌多度表现出增加-降低-增加的趋势,而病毒多度则表现出增加-降低的趋势,且其变化滞后于细菌。土壤异养呼吸速率与土壤含水量(P<0.001)、细菌多度(P=0.0045)和病毒多度(P<0.001)都具有显著的正相关关系。这些结果说明:病毒导致的下行控制可能是细菌多度的重要影响因子,在水分增加情形下,病毒有可能通过加速细菌的更新速率进而加速土壤呼吸。因此,病毒与细菌的相互作用可能是碳循环的重要决定因素。  相似文献   

Viruses affect biogeochemical cycling, microbial mortality, gene flow, and metabolic functions in diverse environments through infection and lysis of microorganisms. Fundamental to quantitatively investigating these roles is the determination of viral abundance in both field and laboratory samples. One current, widely used method to accomplish this with aquatic samples is the “filter mount” method, in which samples are filtered onto costly 0.02-μm-pore-size ceramic filters for enumeration of viruses by epifluorescence microscopy. Here we describe a cost-effective (ca. 500-fold-lower materials cost) alternative virus enumeration method in which fluorescently stained samples are wet mounted directly onto slides, after optional chemical flocculation of viruses in samples with viral concentrations of <5 × 107 viruses ml−1. The concentration of viruses in the sample is then determined from the ratio of viruses to a known concentration of added microsphere beads via epifluorescence microscopy. Virus concentrations obtained by using this wet-mount method, with and without chemical flocculation, were significantly correlated with, and had precision equivalent to, those obtained by the filter mount method across concentrations ranging from 2.17 × 106 to 1.37 × 108 viruses ml−1 when tested by using cultivated viral isolates and natural samples from marine and freshwater environments. In summary, the wet-mount method is significantly less expensive than the filter mount method and is appropriate for rapid, precise, and accurate enumeration of aquatic viruses over a wide range of viral concentrations (≥1 × 106 viruses ml−1) encountered in field and laboratory samples.  相似文献   

病毒作为食物网的重要组成部分,在生态系统中发挥着重要的功能。病毒能够影响宿主的死亡率、群落结构和进化,以及营养元素循环。但由于技术方法的限制,对土壤病毒的群落组成和功能特征还知之甚少。为探索不同土地利用方式下土壤病毒组特征,采集了新疆棉花地和荒漠土壤样品。通过宏病毒组学分析发现,棉花地土壤和荒漠土壤分别注释到20个和15个病毒科,单链DNA(ssDNA)病毒占优势,其中微小噬菌体科(Microviridae)占比最高。仅在棉花地土壤中检测到花椰菜花叶病毒科(Caulimoviridae)、逆转录病毒科(Retroviridae)、裸露病毒科(Nudiviridae)、多分DNA病毒科(Polydnaviridae)、杆状病毒科(Baculoviridae)和囊泡病毒科(Ascoviridae),其中大部分病毒属于植物病毒和昆虫病毒。本研究推测与土地利用方式相关的人为活动、土壤理化性质以及动植物的差异可能影响土壤病毒的群落组成。通过Virsorter共注释到1824条病毒contigs,主要为微小噬菌体科。进一步利用SEED数据库对病毒功能进行注释,发现两个土壤病毒组注释到的主要功能类似;在SEED level 2水平上,均以"Phage capsid proteins"和"Phage packaging machinery"占比最高。本研究可为进一步探索土壤病毒生态功能和土壤食物网提供数据支持。  相似文献   

Viruses were found to be very abundant in the top layer of the sediments of Lac Gilbert, Québec. Viruses were extracted from the sediments using pyrophosphate buffer, and viruses from the diluted extracts were pelleted onto grids and enumerated using transmission electron microscopy. Viral abundance in the sediments ranged from 6.5 × 108 to 1.83 × 1010 ml–1, which is 10- to 1,000-fold greater than the number observed in the water column. This increase corresponds well with the 100- to 1,000-fold increase in bacterial abundance in the sediments. Viral abundance differed significantly among the surface sediment samples taken at different bottom depths and among samples taken at different depths of the water column. Viral abundance also varied significantly between the oxic and anoxic zones of the water column and the sediments. The virus-to-bacteria ratio varied greatly among the different sediment sites but not among depths in the water column. Viral abundance in the water column was related to bacterial abundance and chlorophyll concentration, whereas viruses in the sediments were most abundant in sediments with high organic matter content. Elevated viral abundance and their erratic distribution in the sediments suggest that viruses might play an important role in sediment microbial dynamics. Correspondence to: Roxane Maranger  相似文献   

Viruses are a driving force of microbial evolution. Despite their importance, the evolutionary dynamics that shape diversity in viral populations are not well understood. One of the primary factors that define viral population structure is coevolution with microbial hosts. Experimental models predict that the trajectory of coevolution will be determined by the relative migration rates of viruses and their hosts; however, there are no natural microbial systems in which both have been examined. The biogeographic distribution of viruses that infect Sulfolobus islandicus is investigated using genome comparisons among four newly identified, integrated, Sulfolobus spindle-shaped viruses and previously sequenced viral strains. Core gene sequences show a biogeographic distribution where viral genomes are specifically associated with each local population. In addition, signatures of host–virus interactions recorded in the sequence-specific CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) system show that hosts have interacted with viral communities that are more closely related to local viral strains than to foreign ones. Together, both proviral and CRISPR sequences show a clear biogeographic structure for Sulfolobus viral populations. Our findings demonstrate that virus–microbe coevolution must be examined in a spatially explicit framework. The combination of host and virus biogeography suggests a model for viral diversification driven by host immunity and local adaptation.  相似文献   

Viral abundances in benthic environments are the highest found in aquatic systems. Photosynthetic microbial mats represent benthic environments with high microbial activity and possibly high viral densities, yet viral abundances have not been examined in such systems. Existing extraction procedures typically used in benthic viral ecology were applied to the complex matrix of microbial mats but were found to inefficiently extract viruses. Here, we present a method for extraction and quantification of viruses from photosynthetic microbial mats using epifluorescence microscopy (EFM) and flow cytometry (FCM). A combination of EDTA addition, probe sonication, and enzyme treatment applied to a glutaraldehyde-fixed sample resulted in a substantially higher viral (5- to 33-fold) extraction efficiency and reduced background noise compared to previously published methods. Using this method, it was found that in general, intertidal photosynthetic microbial mats harbor very high viral abundances (2.8 × 1010 ± 0.3 × 1010 g−1) compared with benthic habitats (107 to 109 g−1). This procedure also showed 4.5- and 4-fold-increased efficacies of extraction of viruses and bacteria, respectively, from intertidal sediments, allowing a single method to be used for the microbial mat and underlying sediment.  相似文献   

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