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稳定碳同位素测定水分利用效率——以决明子为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈平  张劲松  孟平  何春霞  贾长荣  李建中 《生态学报》2014,34(19):5453-5459
通过称重法和稳定碳同位素方法对盆栽决明子生长不同时期不同部位(根、茎、叶)的碳同位素组成(δ13C)、碳同位素分辨率(Δ)和水分利用效率(WUE)进行了研究,并分析了它们之间的相关关系,结果表明:决明子不同部位δ13C值表现为根茎叶,Δ为根茎叶,不同时期方差分析显示只有根部差异显著,茎叶的δ13C值、碳同位素分辨率分别与水分利用效率呈显著的正相关和负相关关系。称重法得出的WUE和不同部位(根、茎、叶)碳同位素测定的水分利用效率(WUER、WUES、WUEL)有显著正线性相关,其中与WUEL相关系数最大为0.86,与WUES、WUER的相关系数分别为0.80和0.82。说明利用稳定碳同位素方法测定决明子水分利用效率具有可行性,尤其是利用叶片测定的水分利用效率得到更为可靠的结果。  相似文献   

以福州市滨海后沿沙地人工营造的湿地松、木麻黄、尾巨桉、肯氏相思和纹荚相思防护林为研究对象,测定不同年龄(新叶、老叶)叶片、表层土壤(0~10cm)天然稳定碳、氮同位素丰度值(δ~(13) C、δ~(15)N),研究稳定碳、氮同位素丰度值与水分利用效率和土壤氮饱和程度的相互关系,以揭示不同树种水分利用效率、氮饱和程度和碳氮循环速率差异的机理。结果表明:(1)滨海沙地不同树种叶片δ~(13) C变化范围为-31.682‰~-29.323‰,其δ~(13) C大小为:湿地松肯氏相思木麻黄纹荚相思尾巨桉,除尾巨桉外各树种δ~(13) C均表现为新叶老叶;各树种叶片δ~(15)N变化范围为-5.548‰~-2.167‰,其δ~(15)N大小为:肯氏相思纹荚相思木麻黄湿地松尾巨桉,且各树种均表现为新叶老叶。(2)不同树种表层土壤δ~(15)N变化范围为-4.675‰~-2.975‰,表层土壤δ~(15)N大小为:纹荚相思肯氏相思木麻黄尾巨桉湿地松,但不同树种表层土壤C含量无显著差异。(3)滨海沙地湿地松、木麻黄、肯氏相思和纹荚相思的水分利用效率随叶龄增加均呈显著递减趋势;不同树种新叶的水分利用效率变化范围为39.09~76.57μmol·mol~(-1),其大小依次为:湿地松肯氏相思木麻黄纹荚相思尾巨桉;老叶的水分利用效率变化范围为38.56~62.59μmol·mol~(-1),其大小依次为:湿地松木麻黄肯氏相思尾巨桉纹荚相思。(4)不同树种人工林水分利用效率与其新叶水分利用效率呈显著正相关关系,说明林分水分利用效率主要体现在新叶的水分利用效率上,同时林分水分利用效率受林分类型的影响。  相似文献   

在模拟自然干旱的条件下,测定2个四倍体刺槐品种(K2、K3)和普通二倍体刺槐(K1)一年生组培苗的长期和瞬时水分利用效率(WUE)及其稳定碳同位素组成(δ13C),以探讨四倍体刺槐的抗旱机理.结果表明,K2、K3的长期水分利用效率(WUEL)在不同水分胁迫条件下都显著高于K1,它们在同等供水条件下比K1具有更大的生物量产出;3个材料叶片的瞬时水分利用效率(WUEI)均随干旱胁迫的加剧表现先升后降的趋势,且胁迫处理均高于适宜水分处理.随水分胁迫的加剧,各品种刺槐苗木叶片的δ13C显著升高;K2、K3的δ13C在各水分条件下均高于K1;各材料叶片的δ13C与其WUEL有良好的正相关性,可以作为筛选高WUE刺槐品种的指标.  相似文献   

刘琦  李鹏  刘莹  肖列  黄鹏  汤珊珊 《生态学报》2018,38(9):3035-3045
植物根呼吸是土壤呼吸的主要组成,研究根呼吸对生态系统碳收支及碳平衡有重要意义。采用~(13)C脉冲标记技术,在3种供水条件下,对比不同根离体时间(标记后0,6,24,48,216,360 h)的白羊草离体根呼吸速率和根呼吸释放的δ~(13)C同位素比值变化,分析根参数与离体根呼吸相关性。结果表明:1)不同离体时间的离体根呼吸速率变化趋势一致,3种供水条件下无显著差异,均在0—20 min急剧下降,下降范围为32%—39%。2)测定离体根呼吸释放的δ~(13)C在不同离体时间的变化,为实时监测转移到白羊草根系的~(13)CO_2在根部释放的过程提供了新思路;不同离体时间,3种供水条件下根呼吸释放的δ~(13)C在2 h内均值大小呈:供水充分轻度胁迫重度胁迫。随离体时间(0—360 h)推移根呼吸释放的δ~(13)C均值先增大后减小,在216 h达到峰值31.46‰;3)离体根呼吸速率和根呼吸释放的δ~(13)C受根系根面积、比根面积、N含量、C/N及根组织δ~(13)C的影响显著。4)轻度水分胁迫可促使根系生长(C固定)和根呼吸(C代谢)同时增加。  相似文献   

内陆黑河流域植物稳定碳同位素变化及其指示意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苏培玺  严巧娣 《生态学报》2008,28(4):1616-1624
对黑河流域山地、绿洲和荒漠区木本植物叶片或同化枝进行稳定碳同位素分析得出,山地植物稳定碳同位素比率(δ13C)在-23‰~-29‰之间,平均值为-26.3‰;绿洲植物在-26‰~-30‰之间,平均值为-27.2‰;荒漠植物在-23‰~-28‰和-12‰~-15‰两个范围,平均值分别为-26.0‰和-13.8‰,严酷生境植物δ13C 值较高.同种植物在不同生境下的δ13C值,也表现为较差生境高于较好生境.荒漠河岸林树种胡杨(Populus euphratica)柳树形叶的δ13C值低于杨树形叶.无论是山区还是荒漠区,随着海拔高度增加,有些植物稳定碳同位素辨别力(Δ)减小,有些变化不明显,青海云杉(Picea crassifolia)的△值随着海拔升高线性递减显著.研究得出,荒漠植被中高水分利用效率(WUE)的C4植物占有一定比例.严酷生境下植物WUE高于较好生境.胡杨长条形叶的WUE最低,圆形叶的最高,由幼苗时期的柳树形叶向杨树形叶的演变中WUE在提高.青海云杉为黑河上游山区环境变化的重要指示植物.同种植物过高的δ13C值指示着植物的衰退和生境的严重胁迫.植物适应干旱环境是沿着有利于提高水分利用效率的方向发展.  相似文献   

植物叶片水分利用效率研究综述   总被引:42,自引:7,他引:35  
植物能否适应当地的极限环境条件,最主要的看它们能否很好地协调碳同化和水分耗散之间的关系,即植物水分利用效率(WUE)是其生存的关键因子.就近来研究最多的叶片水平上的WUE,从叶片WUE的定义,方法,进展等方面对其进行总结概括,并就今后植物叶片水分利用效率的研究提出了几点看法:方法上,叶片碳同位素方法是目前植物叶片长期水分利用效率研究的最佳方法,而δ13C的替代指标将继续是方法研究中的一个方向,前景乐观;研究内容上,要加强极端干旱区河岸林木的δ13C和WUE的研究;结合植物生理生态学,生物学和稳定同位素技术,探究植物叶片长期水分利用效率的机理,特别是要加强运用双重同位素模型加深和理解植物叶片长期水分利用效率变化规律和内在机制的研究;要结合多种方法,加强多时空尺度植物叶片WUE及其之间的转换研究.  相似文献   

荒漠植物叶片或同化枝δ13C值及水分利用效率研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
温带荒漠植物长期生长在夏季炎热高温、冬季寒冷低温、长年干旱缺水的极端环境中,以其特有的形态学特征和生理功能来减少水分损失.为了探讨荒漠植物水分利用效率(WUE),为荒漠生态系统保育和退化植被恢复重建提供理论依据,运用稳定碳同位素技术和光合仪测定对比的方法,对河西走廊中段临泽绿洲北部荒漠中5种植物进行了全年生长期研究.结果表明荒漠植物月水分利用效率与年生长期平均水分利用效率的相关性在8月份最高,其方程式为WUEgpa= -1.8 + 1.98 WUEAug(P = 0.011,r =0.96);月稳定碳同位素比率(δ13C 或13 C/12C) (‰)与生长期平均WUE的相关性在8月和9月最大,可靠性最高,其方程式为WUE gpa= 4.7 + 0.0813 C/12Cmon(P=0.057,r=0.87).研究得出用稳定碳同位素比率指示温带荒漠植物的短期水分利用效率,随着叶片或同化枝成熟,越往生长后期,正相关性越高,直至霜降;用稳定碳同位素比率指示植物的长期水分利用效率,以8月下旬至9月下旬采样最好.梭梭和沙拐枣的水分利用效率显著高于其它荒漠植物,5种荒漠植物长期水分利用效率的排列顺序为梭梭>沙拐枣>柠条>花棒≈泡泡刺.  相似文献   

通过对高寒草甸不同坡向条件下25科86种C3植物叶片稳定性碳同位素组成(δ~(13)C)的测定,研究了高寒草甸C3植物δ~(13)C和水分利用效率对坡向变化的响应以及环境因子对其产生的影响,分析了坡向上控制植物δ~(13)C变化的主要环境因子.结果表明:从北坡到南坡的生境梯度上,土壤含水量不断减少,而土壤温度及光照强度不断增加,植物群落结构也发生了相应变化.5个坡向中,植物叶片δ~(13)C值为-31.19‰~-21.80‰,均值为(27.18±0.13)‰;生长季植物叶片δ~(13)C均值在南坡最高,其次为西南坡、西坡、西北坡,最低值出现在北坡.坡向间δ~(13)C值的差异主要是由不同坡向土壤含水量和土壤温度,以及光照强度的不同导致的,其中土壤含水量是主要的限制因子.北坡-南坡梯度上植物叶片δ~(13)C值随土壤含水量下降、土壤温度及光照强度升高而变大,表明不同坡向植物的水分利用状况对干旱胁迫的响应不同,植物逐渐提高了水分利用效率以适应干旱胁迫的生境.  相似文献   

稳定性碳同位素在植物生理生态研究中的应用   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
稳定性碳同位素~(13)C/~(12)C比率是研究植物光合作用及有关的物质代谢、水分关系和生态系统中种间关系、进化及对环境的响应等的有效指标。δ~(13)C值与细胞间CO_2浓度及水分利用效率之间有一定的数量关系。光合作用过程中对碳同位素的辨别力主要是不同的CO_2扩散阻抗和羧化反应速率引起的结果。  相似文献   

由于植物稳定碳同位素组成(δ13C)综合反映了植物光合过程中C、H2O交换的信息,因而从理论上讲它可以作为植物长期水分利用效率的潜在指标,并揭示与植物生理生态过程相联系的一系列气候环境信息。通过对中国北方农牧交错带400 mm等降水样带上28个科的118种C3草本植物叶片δ13C值的测定,探讨了C3草本植物δ13C和水分利用效率(WUE)对环境温度梯度变化的响应以及气候环境因素对其产生的影响,揭示了样带控制植物δ13C变化的主要环境因子。结果显示: 在400 mm降水带上C3植物δ13C分布区间为-31.5‰ -23.0‰,平均值为-27.6‰,分布范围与黄土区干旱-半干旱区C3草本植物一致。整体C3植物δ13C随年均温度和夏季均温升高分别变重0.14‰/℃和0.27‰/℃,指示植物WUE随大气温度升高而增加。但这仅是一种表象,温度与植物碳同位素的这种关系实质上是温度升高导致的土壤相对湿度(或湿润指数)降低造成水分胁迫进而影响植物碳同位素分馏的结果,植物可利用的有效水分是本样带植物碳同位素分馏的控制因子。5种C3广适性植物δ13C均随温度升高而变重,但变化幅度不同,而且它们之间平均δ13C值有显著差异,表明不同物种的水分利用状况对温度的响应不同,说明不同物种有不同适应环境变化的策略。此外,本结果还显示不同寿命的草本植物δ13C值以及用碳同位素表征的WUE表现出多年生草本>2年生草本>1年生草本(可能与不同寿命草本植物的根系分布和吸水能力有关),这与Ehleringer等在沙漠地区研究的结果一致,而与湿润气候区的结果相反,表明不同寿命的草本植物δ13C值和WUE的变化可能与当地水分条件有关。  相似文献   

降水对鄂尔多斯高原克隆植物分布的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鄂尔多斯高原地处半干旱区到干旱区的过渡带。通过沿鄂尔多斯高原从东到西的天然降水梯度的样带调查,分析了克隆植物的分布特征与降水的关系。结果表明:克隆植物的物种数量、占物种总数的比例和重要值以及根状茎型克隆植物的物种数量均与降水量呈显著正相关。5种优势植物克氏针茅、本氏针茅、黑沙蒿、赖草和短花针茅均为克隆植物,它们的分布也受降水影响。克氏针茅的密度、本氏针茅的盖度和密度、黑沙蒿的高度、盖度和密度以及赖草的高度均与降水量呈显著正相关。然而,赖草的盖度以及短花针茅的高度、盖度和密度均与降水量成负相关。因此,克隆植物在鄂尔多斯高原植被中具有重要作用,而且其作用随着降水量的增加而加强。  相似文献   

In order to test the feasibility of using native halophytes to reclaim brinecontaminated soil, seedlings of five inland halophytes, Atriplexprostrata, Hordeum jubatum, Salicornia europaea, Spergularia marina, and Suaeda calceoliformis, were planted at threedensities on a site near Athens, Ohio which had been contaminated by oilwell brine water. Ten replicates of each density treatment weretransplanted on two distinct areas of high and low salinity in May of 1993. Seedling survivorship, soil moisture, and soil salinity were monitored weeklythroughout the growing season. Biomass production and ion uptake weredetermined for each plant surviving until harvest. Soil analyses wereperformed prior to planting and after harvest to determine overall changesin soil chemistry and to determine the amount of Na+ reductionfrom the soil due to leaching by precipitation during the course of theexperiment. Survival was determined to be density independent for all ofthe species with the exception of S. marina where survival wasfacilitated at high density. Increased salinity negatively affected the survivaland yield of A. prostrata. The remaining species had greater survivalunder high salinity conditions, and density appeared to be the key factorinfluencing yield. Sodium and chloride ions were accumulated in planttissues in much greater amounts than K+, Ca+2or Mg+2. Salicornia europaea plants grown in high densityon the high salinity site accumulated the highest amount of Na+ andH. jubatum grown in low density on the high salinity site accumulatedthe lowest amount of Na+. Soil salinities measured directly from theroot zone were significantly reduced (p<0.05) at the end of thegrowing season when compared to their controls. Atriplex prostrata(high density/low salinity) plots produced the greatest reduction in soilsalinity (15.8%) and S. marina (high density/high salinity) plots hadthe least reduction (1.2%).  相似文献   

A study of the type specimen ofUstilago jehudana resulted in the correction of the diagnosis. The sori are localized in the host gynoecium but not in the anthers. Morphological characters of the sori and ustospores of the later describedU. moenchiae-manticae are identical with these ofU. jehudana. Ustilago moenchiae-manticae is reduced here to a synonym ofU. jehudana. The smut is reported as new to Bulgaria on a new host, viz.,Moenchia erecta. A new combination,Bauhinus jehudanus, is proposed.  相似文献   

Pleurotus florida produced high amounts of laccase (4.60 U/ml) in malt extract broth after 12 days' growth under stationary conditions. The production of laccase was semi-constitutive. Hyperlaccase mutants ofP. florida were obtained through mutagenesis of mycelial protoplasts usingN-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine (50 g/ml) for 2 min. Three hyperlaccase mutants were selected showing growth and enzyme production responses similar to the parent.  相似文献   

Ants were the most apparent invertebrate scavengers observed foraging on entomopathogenic nematode-killed insects (i.e., insect cadavers containing entomopathogenic nematodes and their symbiotic bacteria) in the present study. Workers of the Argentine ant,Linepithema humile(Mayr), scavenged nematode-killed insects on the surface and those buried 2 cm below the soil surface. Ant workers scavenged significantly more steinernematid-killed (60–85%) than heterorhabditid-killed (10–20%) insects. More 4-day-postinfected cadavers (hosts died within 48 h after exposure to nematodes) were scavenged than 10-day-postinfected cadavers. Ten-day-postinfected hosts contained live infective juvenile nematodes therefore ants may serve as phoretic agents. Other ant species, includingVeromessor andrei(Mayr),Pheidole vistanaForel,Formica pacificaFrancoeur, andMonomoriom ergatogynaWheeler, also scavenged nematode-killed insects. These ant species removed or destroyed about 45% of the steinernematid-killed insects. These results suggest that survival of steinernematid nematodes may be more significantly impacted by invertebrate scavengers, especially ants, than that of heterorhabditid nematodes, and placement of steinernematid-killed insects in the field for biological control may be an ineffective release strategy. Because entomopathogenic nematodes kill insects with the help of symbiotic bacteria, we tested the role of these bacterial species in deterring invertebrate scavengers by injecting bacteria (without nematodes) into insects and placing the cadavers in the field. None of the insects killed by the symbiotic bacterium,Photorhabdus luminescens(Thomas and Poinar) fromHeterorhabditis bacteriophoraPoinar, were scavanged, whereas 70% of the insects killed by the symbiotic bacterium,Xenorhabdus nematophilus(Poinar and Thomas) fromSteinernema carpocapsae(Weiser), and 90% of the insects killed byBacillus thuringiensisBerliner were scavenged by the Argentine ant. We conclude thatP. luminescensis responsible for preventing ants from foraging on heterorhabditid-killed hosts.  相似文献   

Two synthetic approaches leading toN-4-carboxymethyl-2-nitrobenzyloxycarbonyl derivatives of model compounds and of glycosylsphingosines are described. The carboxymethyl group can be converted into a hydrazido derivative and the resulting products react with an active ester polymer yielding light-sensitive polymeric products that may subsequently serve as acceptors in glycosyltransferase reactions.Author for correspondence. Address until September 1990; Graduate Department of Biochemistry, Brandeis University, 415 South Street, Waltham, MA 02254, USA  相似文献   

Clémençon  Heinz  Hongo  Tsuguo 《Mycoscience》1994,35(1):21-27
Three species of Agaricales from Japan are treated here. 1) From the examination of the types and additional specimens,Lyophyllum nigrescens is conspecific withHydropus nigrita from Cuba. 2)Hydropus kansaiensis sp. nov. from Otsu appears close toTrogia mellea from Malaysia. 3)Alnicola lactariolens sp. nov. from Otsu is a distinctive species in this genus because of the purple color of its spore print.This work has been supported by a grant to one of us (H. C.) by the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science in 1988/89.  相似文献   

Summary Dry deposition of gases and airborne particles is reviewed in particular relation to their interaction with vegetation. Once deposited, pollutants overcome the system of resistances (air, cuticular, stomatal and mesophyll) and penetrate key physiological points that affect the plant's biochemistry. Strong relationships have been found between gases in the environment and the chlorophyll content of leaves, production and partitioning of dry matter, relative growth rate and net assimilation rate. Physical modes of dry deposition involving anthropogenic pollutants present in the surface layer and micrometeorological conditions allowing their diffusion in the canopy are also discussed, with emphasis on measurement techniques.  相似文献   

Distribution of VA mycorrhiza on halophytes on inland salt playas   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The value of mycorrhizal association for higher plants has been well established. However, the impact of high salinity on the mycorrhizal relationship has not been investigated to any great extent. Inland salt playas represent an opportunity to test the impact of salinity because it is possible to obtain a gradient by following a transect from the centre of the salt playa to the higher outer zones. In a salt playa near Goshen, Utah, the sodium concentration ranged from 27,150 ppm in the centre to 25 ppm in the outer zone. In the playas with sodium concentrations of 20,000 ppm, no mycorrhiza were detected on the halophytes and no spores of mycorrhizal fungi were found in the soil. One percent of the roots of salt grass in soils containing 8,450 ppm of sodium were mycorrhizal. In soils containing 622 ppm of 45 percent of the roots of a salt-tolerant grass (hybrid ofAgropyron repens × Agropyron spicatum) were mycorrhizal. Halophytes such asSalicornia pacifica var.utahensis which are among the most salt tolerant halophytes of the inland salt playas rarely had mycorrhizal roots. The mycorrhizal associations appear to be very limited in inland salt playas with sodium content.  相似文献   

Floral ontogeny ofCleome spinosa, Cleome violacea andPolanisia dodecandra subsp.trachysperma was studied in the context of the question whether the fascicled androecium ofReseda andCapparis (with fused fascicles) or the 2 + 4-pattern of theBrassicaceae is primitive in theCapparales. InPolanisia dodecandra, the 9–18 stamens show unidirectional initiation from the adaxial side toward the abaxial side of the flower. InCleome violacea, the six stamens also are formed in an unidirectional order, but development starts abaxially and a zigzag-like pattern is superimposed. InCleome spinosa, two stamen primordia in transversal (lateral) position are followed by four stamens which arise on a somewhat higher level in two pairs in front of the median sepals. It is assumed that the evolutionary steps in the androecial development proceed fromReseda viaCapparis andPolanisia/Cleome toBrassicaceae. This interpretation is supported byrbcL-studies (Chase & al. 1993,Rodman & al. 1993).Dedicated to emer. Univ.-Prof. DrFriedrich Ehrendorfer on the occasion of his 70th birthday  相似文献   

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