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张鹤  林进添 《环境昆虫学报》2015,37(6):1280-1286
过去的100年全球地表平均温度显著上升,全球气候变暖对生物的影响引起世界范围内的广泛关注。和其他生物一样,昆虫也受到了气候变暖的影响,如繁殖发育速度增快、遗传变异、种群多样性降低、分布区扩大、种群爆发、外来入侵、种群灭绝等等。全球变暖引起的昆虫响应对农林业以及人类健康存在潜在风险,因此本文主要从物候、分布区、生长发育及繁殖、形态、行为与生理、分子水平这些方面综述全球气候变暖背景下昆虫如何响应,并讨论了目前研究动态和未来的研究方向,意在为气候变化条件下昆虫科学管理策略(如种群监控、模型预测、风险评估、遗传多样性、抗性遗传等)提供指导意义。  相似文献   

关止 《生命世界》2006,(12):36-37
全球气候正在逐步变暖,人类活动加快,气候变暖的速度,这已成为人们的普遍共识。那么在自然界或社会活动中,哪些因素是在促进气候变暖,而哪些因素又是在抑制气候变暖呢?  相似文献   

气候变暖对昆虫影响研究进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
陈瑜  马春森 《生态学报》2010,30(8):2159-2172
"全球气候变化"已成为国内外最受关注的环境问题。气候变化中以温度升高为特征的气候变暖对变温动物昆虫自身及其所在的生物群落产生直接或间接影响。从研究内容与研究方法2个方面综述了气候变暖对昆虫影响研究的国内外进展。气候变暖导致昆虫发生期提前,地理分布向更高纬度和海拔地区扩散,低温适生种种群密度下降,高温适生种种群密度增加。气候变暖改变寄主植物—害虫—天敌的物候同步性和昆虫原有种间互作关系,影响植食性昆虫的寄主植物范围和取食为害程度。长期的气候变暖带来的强烈的选择性压力引起某些昆虫种群的基因组发生变异。以日均温升高、日最高气温升高和昼夜温差变化等为主要特征气候变暖对昆虫发育、繁殖及存活等生态学指标产生重要影响。研究方法上主要是利用野外直接观察法、回归预测模型、有效积温模型、CLIMEX和GIS等生态风险评估软件、生物化石比较技术、人工气候下生态试验、检测标记基因频率变化等方法来研究气候变暖对昆虫的影响。最后简要评述了已有研究的不足并指出未来的研究方向:(1)气候变暖情景下开展昆虫种间互作研究并拓展研究对象;(2)高温下昆虫适应性研究;(3)建立完善人工模拟气候下的实验方法;(4)构建昆虫有效生态机理模型。  相似文献   

董兆克  戈峰 《昆虫知识》2011,48(5):1141-1148
全世界地表平均温度在上个世纪增加了0.74℃,并且在未来还会持续增加。在过去的20年,气候变暖对生物系统的影响吸引了大量的研究。本文综述了由温度升高为主要驱动因子的气候变化对昆虫适合度的影响,主要从昆虫越冬存活率、化性(世代数)、扩散迁移、发生分布、物候关系5个方面阐述气候变暖对昆虫发生发展的作用,认为未来应长期进行昆虫种群动态监测预警,更关注气候变暖下植物-害虫-天敌互作关系的研究。  相似文献   

植物与昆虫之间的关系一直被人们作为重要的研究目标。昆虫依靠绿色植物生存,植物通过自身的化学物质影响昆虫的进化方向,两者形成了复杂的协同进化关系。本文阐述了昆虫在定居、产卵、取食过程中运用不同的嗅觉、味觉、触觉刺激标准来选择适宜的寄主或寄主位置的方法,以及植物体内的化学成分对昆虫的营养作用和通过毒杀、拒食、招引天敌寄生蜂等方式抵御昆虫的进攻。  相似文献   

多寄主型寄生性天敌昆虫的寄主适应性及其影响因素   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王小艺  杨忠岐 《生态学报》2010,30(6):1615-1627
寄生性天敌昆虫对不同寄主资源的适应能力是其存活和繁殖的必要条件,它们的寄主选择行为则是其重要的适应结果。多寄主型寄生性天敌昆虫虽然对某种特定寄主资源的利用效率可能不如单寄主型寄生蜂,但却有利于拓展更宽的寄主范围,因此对环境的适应能力更强,更容易在自然界维持其种群的生存。统计结果也表明多寄主型天敌的生物防治效果往往比专食性天敌更高。有时生物防治成功的关键可能并不在于所利用的天敌种类的不同,而在于天敌的不同生物型或地理宗。总结了多寄主型寄生性天敌昆虫的寄主适应能力及其影响因素。寄生性天敌昆虫不仅因地理隔离产生种群分化,也可能因寄生不同的寄主产生种群内的分化,从而更加适应寄主的生活特性和栖境条件。寄主种类、寄主发育阶段、寄主大小、寄主营养、寄主免疫反应、寄主逃避反应、其它天敌的竞争、寄主共生或共栖生物的存在、寄主植物、天敌自身的学习能力及其共生微生物等多种因素对寄生性天敌昆虫的寄主适应性可产生影响。展望了多寄主型寄生性天敌昆虫对新寄主资源的拓展利用能力和适应性在生产上的可能应用前景和途径,以期为明确天敌与寄主间的互作关系,人工驯化寄生性天敌昆虫增强对靶标害虫的控制作用,合理利用天敌提高生物防治效率提供新的思路和理论支持。  相似文献   

陈明 《生态学杂志》1989,8(5):37-42
河西走廊地处青藏高原和内蒙古高原的过渡地带,是甘肃省的粮棉基地。河西走廊的昆虫分布,前人已做过一些调查、采集以及分析工作,发表过一些见解。作者现根据在河西走廊采集、鉴定的昆虫标本和该区植保部门提供的农业昆虫名录,取其中分布资料比较完整的491种,并参考当地的地势地形、气候状况、植被和农业昆虫的发生特点,对河西走廊农业昆虫的区系结构和生态分布进行了分析,籍此可以比较清楚地看出该区农业昆虫的区系结构概貌、生态分布特点和不同分布区的优势种  相似文献   

北京地区外来入侵植物分布特征及其影响因素   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为研究北京地区入侵植物扩散与分布规律,探讨影响入侵植物分布的驱动因子,对北京郊区12区县入侵植物分布情况进行了实地调查,分析了北京地区入侵植物的水平分布格局和其随海拔梯度的变化规律,并对影响入侵植物种数和分布的各类因子进行了相关分析。结果表明:北京地区共有外来入侵植物47种,不同区县入侵植物物种数量差别较大,通州、门头沟等外来入侵植物分布较多;并形成3个明显的集中分布区域。入侵植物在不同海拔高度都有分布,其数量随海拔梯度的变化规律表现出线形关系,低海拔区域100—900 m是外来入侵植物分布数量较多的海拔范围。通过对不同影响因子与入侵植物物种多度相关分析表明,进口额、一级公路密度与外来入侵植物数量显著负相关,而与林木覆盖率显著正相关,这些结论与入侵植物分布与扩散一般规律相悖,这与北京地区森林起源与以及人类活动对于植被干扰多样性和不确定性形成的景观破碎化有关,多样性干扰为更多植物入侵提供了可能性。入侵植物分布格局和多样性人为活动的干扰使其防控难度加大。  相似文献   

木瓜榕上昆虫群落结构及分布特征   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对西双版纳热带雨林木瓜榕上的昆虫群落结构和分布特征进行了研究。结果表明:样地内共采集到木瓜榕树上昆虫48974号,隶属9个目,30个科,56属,70种。主要是鞘翅目、鳞翅目、膜翅目、同翅目、双翅目、等翅目、半翅目、脉翅目和缨翅目的科、属和种类。属和种以鞘翅目和膜翅目类群最丰富;个体数量是膜翅目最多, 高达68.79%, 其中56.58%是传粉类昆虫。从垂直分布规律看:种类和数量是老茎结果部位最高,占71.34%, 在青果期和熟果期表现最丰富;树冠与叶片部位次之,比率为15.68%;根部再次之(9.55%);枝杈和主干最低, 仅占3.42%。在不同季节中,雨季的种类和个体数量最高,为35.96%;干热季节次之(34.22%),干凉季节最低(29.82%)。  相似文献   

天敌昆虫在苹果树树冠的空间分布有一定的差异.天敌昆虫在苹果树树冠东、南、西、北四个方位以及内、外部等的水平位置上的数量分布无明显的差异;在苹果树树冠上、中、下部的垂直水平上的分布差异大,树冠中、下部明显多于上部.  相似文献   

Saprolegnia species are destructive pathogens to many aquatic organisms and are found in most parts of the world. Reports based on phylogenetic analysis suggest that Saprolegnia strains isolated from aquatic animals such as crustaceans and frogs are close to Saprolegnia strains isolated from infected fish or fish eggs and vice versa. However, it has often been assumed that host specificity occurs for each individual isolate or strain. Here we demonstrate that Saprolegnia spp. can have multiple hosts and are thus capable of infecting different aquatic organisms. Saprolegnia delica, Saprolegnia hypogyna, and 2 strains of Saprolegnia diclina were isolated from aquatic insects and amphipods while S. delica, Saprolegnia ferax, Pythium pachycaule, and a Pythium sp. were isolated from the water of a medium to fast flowing river. The ITS region of the rRNA gene was sequenced for all isolates. In challenge experiments, all four isolates from insects were found to be highly pathogenic to eggs of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and embryos of the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis). We found that Saprolegnia spp. isolated from salmon eggs were also able to successfully establish infection in nymphs of stonefly (Perla bipunctata) and embryos of X. laevis). These results suggest that Saprolegnia spp. are capable of infecting multiple hosts, which may give them an advantage during seasonal variation in their natural environments.  相似文献   

Abstract. Identifying the biological determinants of range limits of trees is an unsolved problem of critical importance for predicting the effects of climate change on forests. Data showing that many boreal trees can grow in temperate climates indicate that southern range limits do not necessarily result from excessive temperature per se. A growth tradeoff could exist between freezing tolerance and height growth rate if adaptations to tolerate cold climates interfered with growth. Analysis of height growth rate versus freezing tolerance for twenty-two North American trees provided evidence for such a tradeoff. Provenance trials of numerous tree species also showed that a tradeoff exists within species, indicating a genetic basis for these traits. The result of this tradeoff is that at their southern range margins most species do not suffer from too much heat but rather face competitors with a faster growth rate. The implication for future climate change is that forests will not suffer catastrophic dieback due to increased temperatures but will rather be replaced gradually by faster growing types, perhaps over hundreds of years.  相似文献   

吴刚  戈峰  万方浩  肖能文  李俊生 《昆虫知识》2011,48(5):1170-1176
生物入侵已成为一个影响深远的全球性问题,其对我国的生态系统、环境和社会经济的负面影响日益明显。全球气候变化对入侵昆虫有着深刻的影响,它正改变着一些昆虫本地种与入侵昆虫的组成、分布、种群动态和种间关系。本文分析了气候变化与生物入侵之间的互作关系,综述了全球气候变化因子(如温度、湿度及其它气候因子)对入侵昆虫生物学及生态学的影响,探讨了气候变化导致入侵昆虫定殖和传播的原因,并提出了气候变化下入侵昆虫的防治对策。  相似文献   

文慧  彭立华  殷实  冯宁叶  凌子尧 《生态学报》2023,43(19):8193-8205
城市绿地能够调节热气候,是城市实现高质量可持续发展的重要空间载体。以往研究着重探讨城市绿地夏季降温效应的空间特征,较少分析绿地热效应的全年变化规律与潜在影响因子。在南京城区选择7个代表性城市公园,采用热气候定点观测方法获取公园大气温度全年观测数据,并与城市中心区参照点进行对比,分析公园热效应的全年动态变化规律及背景气象因子的影响。研究发现,由于植被覆盖率、冠层郁闭度及海拔不同,不同公园热效应的季节、昼夜规律存在显著差异,主要表现为3种形式:全年降温型,全年昼升夜降型,以及夏季全天降温、春秋冬季昼升夜降型。与城市中心区相比,公园夏季最高可降低气温7.7℃,冬季最高可增温3℃。大气温度、相对湿度,风速与太阳辐射4个背景气象因子能解释23.5%-77.4%的公园热效应变异。夏冬两季日间热效应主要受太阳辐射和气温的影响,夜间热效应主要受风速影响:太阳辐射每升高100W/m2,夏季日间降温强度减少0.3℃,冬季日间增温强度增加0.2-0.5℃;气温每升高1℃,夏季日间降温强度提高0.1-0.14℃,冬季日间增温强度提高0.05-0.08℃;风速每增加1m/s,夏季夜间降温强度减少0.05-0.78℃,冬季夜间降温强度减少0.4-1.1℃。研究结果有助于深入认识城市绿地热效应的复杂形成机制,并为夏热冬冷地区城市自然空间保护与气候适应性设计提供科学参考。  相似文献   

1. We measured respiration of the larvae of aquatic insects from streams in the Ecuadorian Andes in relation to oxygen saturation at 5, 8, 11, 14 and 17 °C. Polycentropus (Polycentropodidae), Lachlania (Oligoneuriidae), Anchytarsus (Ptilodactylidae) and Anacroneuria (Perlidae) represented genera absent from the highest altitudes, reaching 2720, 2930, 3120, 3450 m a.s.l., respectively, while Claudioperla (Gripopterygidae) and Anomalocosmoecus (Limnephilidae) occurred only above 2900 m a.s.l. Our purpose was to determine whether natural altitudinal limits were reflected in physiological critical points on respiration versus oxygen curves and by the effect of temperature on the ability to oxy‐regulate. 2. For all six genera, respiration was affected by oxygen saturation and temperature. Respiration (mg O2 g−1 AFDM h−1) at 70% oxygen saturation (Michaelis–Menten fitted) varied from 2.6 to 7.6 between genera at 17 °C, and from 1.3 to 2.5 at 5 °C. Q10 values for this temperature interval ranged 1.5–2.9 (mean 2.3). The two “high‐altitude” genera had higher respiration rates at low temperature and oxygen saturation, and their respiration rate saturated at lower temperatures, than three of the four “low‐altitude” genera. 3. The oxy‐regulatory capacity (critical points and initial decrease in respiration versus oxygen regressions) varied among genera and was affected by temperature. Lachlania, Claudioperla and Anomalocosmoecus had a higher ability to oxy‐regulate at low than at high temperatures, Anacroneuria was not clearly affected by temperature, while Polycentropus and Anchytarsus had a greater oxy‐regulatory capacity at high than at low temperature. These results indicate that the ability to oxy‐regulate is related to the temperature (altitude) at which species naturally occur. 4. Upper altitudinal limits of the six genera were not reflected in their respiratory performance, because all genera had critical minima of temperature and oxygen saturation much lower than those occurring at the limits of their natural distribution. So, the altitudinal limit could not be attributed to absolute short‐term physiological tolerance of low temperature and oxygen concentration. 5. Multiple regressions (based on respiration experiments and previously obtained relationships between water temperature, oxygen saturation and altitude) were used to predict how respiration rates should vary with altitude. At the upper limit of the four “low‐altitude” genera, respiration rates were 50–68% of those predicted at the centre of the range. With an arbitrary increase of 400 m above the actual limit, the effect of temperature would be a 13% decrease, and that of oxygen a 2% decrease, in respiration rate of Polycentropus, Lachlania and Anacroneuria, while respiration in Anchytarsus would be reduced by 5% by both factors. 6. It seems that, while the immediate decrease in respiration with increased altitude is caused mainly by a decrease in temperature, the long‐term survival of a species at given altitudes might be more affected by oxygen saturation. Further quantitative and long‐term studies on survival and recruitment in populations and communities are needed to determine the importance of temperature and oxygen for altitudinal limits of aquatic insects.  相似文献   

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