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城市森林景观美景度的测定   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
运用心理物理学派美景度测定与统计方法之一———美景度评估法(scenic beauty estimation),对城市森林典型代表类型———城市公园的植物景观进行了公众审美偏好程度的调查,同时对不同评判人群评价结果的分布、相关性进行了系统的分析、比较。用作评判媒介的39张照片拍摄于沈阳市3个拥有丰富植物种类和配置方式的主要城市公园。136人完成了有效的当面结构化问卷调查,其中学生组72人,公众组64人。调查结果表明,(1)城市森林景观的美景度可以通过基于照片媒介的心理物理学研究方法而获得;(2)学生组和公众组的最终评判结果均呈正态分布,两组人群对于城市森林景观美学评价具有普遍的一致性;(3)从学生组和公众组评价最好的样本A28、A29和评价最差的样本A34、A16来看,其间存在着明显的差异,如植物本身的形态特征,遮荫效果,空间感等。本研究可为城市森林规划设计、管理以及进一步研究提供依据。  相似文献   

基于无人机航拍摄影技术,结合植物现状调查和问卷调查,应用美景度评判法对华南农业大学八类植物景观进行评价。结果表明,基于无人机的航拍影像,华南农业大学植物群落复层结构清晰可见,空间布局层次丰富,植物景观质量整体水平良好;植物色彩丰富度和植物多样性与美景度值有显著相关性,是影响校园植物景观美景度值的有效影响因子。  相似文献   

景观美学质量评价是森林资源管理体系中的重要环节,色彩是秋季景观林的重要组成部分,色彩的定量分析及科学地进行景观美学质量评价对秋季景观林的经营管理具有重要意义。本研究通过美景度评判法评估川西亚高山秋季景观林整体的美学质量,根据人眼视觉特性从色彩组成和色彩空间格局两方面定量分析色彩特征对秋季景观林观赏价值的影响。结果表明: 根据美景度值将川西亚高山秋季景观林景观美学质量从高到低划分为5个等级(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ),71.5%的景观属于Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ等级,说明川西亚高山秋季景观林具有较高的观赏价值;按美景度值大小排序,阔叶混交林的景观美学质量大于针阔混交林和纯林;在色彩要素综合指标评价体系中,按指标权重大小排序,色彩斑块异质性因子>秋季主色调因子>色彩饱和度与明度因子>色彩多样性与均匀度因子;通过聚类分析将川西亚高山秋季景观分为3类,其中,观赏价值较高的秋季景观林具有斑块破碎化和异质性程度大、秋季彩色占比大、绿色占比小、高明度和高饱和度、高色彩多样性指数和高均匀度指数的色彩特征;群落中植物或彩叶植物越丰富,多样性和均匀度指数越高,美景度值越大。在秋季景观林的打造中,应注重色彩的多样性和破碎化处理,通过种植和培育叶色多样且色泽鲜亮的树种来提高秋季景观林的美学质量。  相似文献   

采用美景度评价法(SBE法)对广东省生态景观林带进行评价,分析影响生态景观林带景观水平的主要因子,探讨生态景观林带景观构成要素与景观质量的关系。结果表明,不同专业、性别、学历、年龄的人群在森林审美态度上具有一致性,其评判结果能够反映森林美景度的实际情况;对53张照片评价SBE值,最大为1.4454,最小为-1.6917;对美景度影响较大的4个因子,即色彩丰富度(X6)、色泽明度(X7)、生活型(X8)、生长状况(X9),建立的多元线性回归模型是 Y=1.902-0.346X6-0.461X7+ 0.206X8-0.584X9。  相似文献   

以哈尼梯田遗产核心区主要视觉景观为研究对象,应用GIS技术选取相对坡度、相对距离和出现几率3个客观因子进行景观视觉敏感度分析,运用美景度评价法得到50名专业人士的主观偏好,综合景观视觉敏感度和主观偏好评分,构建敏感度-主观偏好矩阵,将哈尼梯田遗产核心区视觉景观划分为四个区域并提出相应的景观保护、规划建议。结果表明:老虎嘴、麻栗寨茶厂位于敏感度、偏好评价双高的"视觉景观关键区",多依树属于偏好评价高、敏感度低的"自然发展区",黄草岭是敏感度高、偏好评价低的"优先改进区",坝达、箐口、全福庄是敏感度、偏好评价双低的"次优先改进区"。通过构建矩阵结合主客观两方面的评价结果,GIS有效量化抽象的数据,偏好评价真实反映观景者内心感知,为当下的景观视觉评价提供思路。  相似文献   

安徽省九华山风景区古树群落景观美学评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以九华山风景区古树名木群落为研究对象,收集了26个有代表性古树群落和45个对比林分的景观图片和样地资料,采用美景度评判法获得美景度值.利用语义差别法对古树群落的景观要素进行量化,并运用多元线性回归建立美景度值与景观要素的模型.结果表明:古树群落美景度值显著高于其他对比林分;受测者对景区内古树群落树木排列、光感、树木大小变异等景观要素反应值较高;树木形态、色彩丰富度、树木排列、林下层统一度、层次感、自然整枝、乔木层枝叶统一度是影响古树群落景观质量的主要要素,F检验表明,通过这些景观要素建立的模型是合理可行的.  相似文献   

上海环城林带景观美学评价及优化策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张凯旋  凌焕然  达良俊 《生态学报》2012,32(17):5521-5531
选取上海环城林带7种植物群落,采用美景度评判法,从林内景观和林外景观2个空间层次和春、夏、秋、冬4个季节,应用数量化理论Ⅰ建立了美景度和各景观因子类目之间的景观评价与预测的多元回归模型,分析了群落的结构特征和季相特征对林内景观以及外貌特征对林外景观的影响,并提出相应的优化对策。结果表明:(1)群落结构特征对林内景观的影响主要因子为胸径(平均胸径和胸径变异系数)、郁闭度和疏透度。在春季,林内美景度随着树木胸径增大而增加;在夏季,郁闭度增大会提升林内美景度;在秋季,胸径变异小的群落具有更高的林内观赏性;在冬季,疏透度对林内景观美景度影响最大。(2)群落季相特征对林内景观的影响,在各季节表现亦不同。在春季,黄色、紫色等明度较高的色相和开花量适中的群落美景度最佳;在夏季,生长势好、林冠层变化小以及树干清晰度高的群落具较高的美景度,且观花可显著提高夏季林内美景度;在秋季,色彩越纯美景度越高;而在冬季,树皮颜色深的群落美景度高。(3)群落外貌特征对林外景观有显著影响,其中林冠线对林外景观美景度影响最大,其次为林缘线。具有起伏不大林冠线和自然流畅林缘线的植物群落美景度高。旨在通过对典型植被群落不同季相的美景度评价,对上海环城林带的群落景观进行定量的评价,进而为不同情景下的群落结构优化提出相应的对策,为城市森林的群落建构与管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为了了解簕杜鹃植物群落景观的构景主要因素和公众喜爱程度,以深圳市公园绿地中簕杜鹃群落景观作为研究对象,采用美景度评价法(SBE法)对随机选取的25个景观样本进行评价。结果表明,研究区域内25个群落景观样本的美景度值为–0.776~0.700,公众对于簕杜鹃植物群落景观样本总体喜爱度一般。相关性分析表明,对簕杜鹃景观美景度值影响较大的因素分别是群落整体协调性(X4)、观赏特性多样性(X5)和簕杜鹃应用独特性(X9)。通过多元线性回归建立的美景度评价模型,即SBE=0.425X4+0.247X5+0.503X9,可较为准确地评价簕杜鹃景观的美景度。该研究结果为营造和改造提升簕杜鹃植物景观提供理论指导。  相似文献   

植物景观遗传学研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋有涛  孙子程  朱京海 《生态学报》2017,37(22):7410-7417
植物景观遗传学是新兴的景观遗传学交叉学科的一个重要研究方向。目前植物景观遗传学的研究虽落后于动物,但其在生物多样性保护方面具有的巨大潜力不可忽视。从景观特征对遗传结构、环境因素对适应性遗传变异影响两个方面,系统综述了近十年来国际上植物景观遗传学的研究焦点和研究进展,比较了植物景观遗传学与动物景观遗传学研究在研究设计和研究方法上的异同,并基于将来植物景观遗传学由对空间遗传结构的描述发展为对景观遗传效应的量化分析及预测的发展框架,具体针对目前景观特征与遗传结构研究设计的系统性差、遗传结构与景观格局在时间上的误配、适应性位点与环境变量的模糊匹配、中性遗传变异与适应性遗传变异研究的分隔、景观与遗传关系分析方法的局限等五个方面提出了研究对策。  相似文献   

王立龙  晋秀龙  陆林 《生态科学》2015,34(6):177-181
湿地公园的生态脆弱区特性与保存湿地原生境矛盾引起国内外学者关注, 使其未来可能成为人类扰动下生态脆弱区生物多样性研究的模式基地。植物是湿地公园承受旅游活动等干扰的积极响应者, 已有研究多关注旅游对园内植物物种多样性等层面上的单一尺度影响, 忽视了其多尺度性, 使得植物在公园关键生态过程及整体功能发挥中的作用存争议。未来的工作中, 应注重开展多重时空格局下旅游扰动对自然湿地公园植物的物种、群落及景观等尺度多样性的独立和耦合影响研究, 筛选出驱动湿地公园不同尺度植物多样性变化响应的关键环境因子, 阐明其关键生态过程,探究湿地公园植物多样性对旅游扰动的多尺度响应机理, 构建湿地公园不同尺度植物多样性的保护机制。相关研究成果也将丰富生态脆弱区生物多样性研究的理论体系。  相似文献   

天然阔叶林景观质量评价及其垂直结构优化技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以江西省婺源县天然阔叶林近景景观为对象,收集了30个有代表性的近景景观图片和相关资料,采用大众评判法获得美景度值,运用多元数量化模型Ⅰ建立美景度与景观要素的关系模型.结果表明:树干形态、林木密度、林下层总盖度、林下层高度、自然整枝和色彩丰富度是影响天然阔叶林近景景观质量的主要要素,其偏相关系数在0.4482~0.7724之间,t检验结果为极显著或显著;复相关系数达0.9508,F检验结果为极显著(F=36.11^**).分析表明,树干通直、自然整枝良好、色彩富于变化有利于提高景观的美景度,而林木密度、林下层总盖度和林下层高度过高或过低(矮)均会给景观美学质量带来负面影响.针对这些景观要素特征提出了天然阔叶林景观垂直结构优化的相应经营措施.  相似文献   

Some parasitoid flies exploit odors derived from plants as olfactory cues for locating the food plants of host insects, but the role of visual cues associated with plants remains largely unknown. The generalist tachinid Exorista japonica Townsend (Diptera: Tachinidae) is attracted to odors derived from maize plants [Zea mays L. (Poaceae)] infested by the larvae of Mythimna separata (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). In this study, we examined the effects of visual parameters on the olfactory attraction of female flies to host‐infested plants. A paper plant model of one of four colors (blue, green, yellow, or red) was placed in front of a host‐infested plant, which was hidden behind a mesh screen in a wind tunnel. The landing rate of females was significantly higher on the green plant model than on the other three models. When an achromatic plant model of one of four gray scales (white, light gray, dark gray, or black) was tested, the response rate of females was significantly higher towards the white model and decreased as the brightness of models decreased. Few female flies responded to the green plant model without odors of the host‐infested plants. When the four color plant models were placed together in a cage filled with odors of host‐infested plants, females remained significantly longer on the green model than on the other three models. These results showed that E. japonica females preferred the color green when odors of the host‐infested plants were present and suggest that E. japonica uses visual as well as olfactory cues to locate the host habitat.  相似文献   

Caterpillars (Lepidoptera and Symphyta larvae) employ diverse visual defensive tactics, and effectiveness of such tactics may be highly dynamic across time due to seasonal changes in the predator assemblages and their preferences. However, this has rarely been studied especially in tropical regions. Here we assessed temporal changes in the defensive value of caterpillar color and shape, using six types of plasticine dummy caterpillars: three colors (green, black, and white) × two shapes (curled and straight). These dummy caterpillars were deployed five times over different seasons in tropical forests of Xishuangbanna (China) and, as a comparison, twice in a temperate forest of Hirosaki (Japan). The colors and shapes of dummy caterpillars simulate visual traits of black sawfly larvae which take the curled resting posture in tropical rainforests of Xishuangbanna, apparently masquerading excrements commonly found on plants, while in Hirosaki there is no black-curled sawfly larvae and few excrements on plants. We found no significant effects of caterpillar colors or shapes on predation in Hirosaki. In contrast, black and curled caterpillars received significantly lower predation by birds in Xishuangbanna constantly across time. However, we were unable to provide evidence that the black-curled sawfly larvae are masquerading as excrements. Shapes of the dummy caterpillars also affected the predation by ants and parasitoid wasps at certain times. This is the first report on ecological function of the curled posture of sawfly larvae, and we demonstrated the importance to assess the temporal dynamics of predation and effectiveness of defensive tactics in tropical forests.  相似文献   

McNamara ME  Briggs DE  Orr PJ  Wedmann S  Noh H  Cao H 《PLoS biology》2011,9(11):e1001200
Structural colors are generated by scattering of light by variations in tissue nanostructure. They are widespread among animals and have been studied most extensively in butterflies and moths (Lepidoptera), which exhibit the widest diversity of photonic nanostructures, resultant colors, and visual effects of any extant organism. The evolution of structural coloration in lepidopterans, however, is poorly understood. Existing hypotheses based on phylogenetic and/or structural data are controversial and do not incorporate data from fossils. Here we report the first example of structurally colored scales in fossil lepidopterans; specimens are from the 47-million-year-old Messel oil shale (Germany). The preserved colors are generated by a multilayer reflector comprised of a stack of perforated laminae in the scale lumen; differently colored scales differ in their ultrastructure. The original colors were altered during fossilization but are reconstructed based upon preserved ultrastructural detail. The dorsal surface of the forewings was a yellow-green color that probably served as a dual-purpose defensive signal, i.e. aposematic during feeding and cryptic at rest. This visual signal was enhanced by suppression of iridescence (change in hue with viewing angle) achieved via two separate optical mechanisms: extensive perforation, and concave distortion, of the multilayer reflector. The fossils provide the first evidence, to our knowledge, for the function of structural color in fossils and demonstrate the feasibility of reconstructing color in non-metallic lepidopteran fossils. Plastic scale developmental processes and complex optical mechanisms for interspecific signaling had clearly evolved in lepidopterans by the mid-Eocene.  相似文献   

城市滨水景观的视觉环境质量评价——以合肥市为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚玉敏  朱晓东  徐迎碧  杨海燕  孙翔 《生态学报》2012,32(18):5836-5845
滨水景观是城市景观的重要组成部分,以合肥市为例评价城市滨水景观的视觉环境质量。综合"基于公众感知"和"基于专家/设计"的评价方法,选取22张滨水景观照片作为研究对象,评价这些滨水景观的视觉环境质量和各物理要素等级,对评价数据进行了相关和回归分析。评价结果表明环境质量得分较高的滨水景观比得分较低的滨水景观拥有更多的自然式驳岸和适当的园林小品。统计分析结果表明"有利的人工景观"、"驳岸类型"和"树群轮廓线"对滨水景观视觉环境质量有着非常显著的积极影响。另外,将研究结果与其他学者研究结论进行了对比分析,并对未来城市滨水景观的规划和管理提出一些建议。  相似文献   

Colorful displays have evolved in multiple plant and animal species as signals to mutualists, antagonists, competitors, mates, and other potential receivers. Studies of color have long relied on subjective classifications of color by human observers. However, humans have a limited ability to perceive color compared to other animals, and human biological, cultural, and environmental variables can influence color perception. Here, we test the consistency of human color classification using fruit color as a model system. We used reflectance data of 67 tropical fruits and surveyed 786 participants to assess the degree to which (a) participants of different cultural and linguistic backgrounds agree on color classification of fruits; and (b) human classification to a discrete set of commonly used colors (e.g., red, blue, green) corresponds to natural clusters based on light reflectance measures processed through visual systems of other animals. We find that individual humans tend to agree on the colors they attribute to fruits across language groups. However, these colors do not correspond to clearly discernible clusters in di‐ or tetrachromatic visual systems. These results indicate that subjective color categorizations tend to be consistent among observers and can be used for large synthetic studies, but also that they do not fully reflect natural categories that are relevant to animal observers.  相似文献   

松墨天牛成虫对寄主颜色的视觉选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为验证视觉信息在松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope成虫寄主选择中的作用,并探索其对寄主健康状况的偏好,本文通过林间对寄主云南松针叶的色彩比对,选取国际标准色卡对应卡色作为视觉信号源,对松墨天牛雌、雄成虫的视觉选择进行了研究。研究表明,松墨天牛雌虫选择最多的颜色分别是:棕红色(选择率26.67%),赭石棕(选择率20.00%),栗棕色(选择率16.67%);松墨天牛雄虫选择最多的颜色为:信号褐(选择率26.67%),棕红色(选择率23.33%),栗棕色(选择率20.00%)。雌、雄成虫均偏好选择棕褐色系,对应于林间衰弱和濒死寄主针叶呈现的颜色,说明松墨天牛成虫通过视觉判断偏好攻击长势衰弱的林木,属于次期性蛀干害虫。  相似文献   

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