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柿子滩遗址第9地点(S9)位于山西省吉县柏山寺乡高楼河村黄河支流的清水河畔,西距黄河约7 km。从2000年发现至今,该遗址前后历经三次发掘,出土大量细石叶制品、动物化石、数件蚌制品、骨针及磨制石器等。本文重点对S9地点第4 层(12,575-11,600 cal. BP)及第5层(13,000 cal. BP)出土的动物遗存,尤其是其中测量尺寸在2cm以下的大量烧骨进行了埋藏学与动物考古学方面的观察和分析。研究结果显示,S9地点的烧骨是古人类烧烤猎物、维护遗址(甚至可能还包括以骨骼作燃料)等生存行为活动的文化残留。此外,S9地点出土烧骨的空间分布分析表明,古人类在上述行为活动之后,可能又将烧灼后的残存骨骼(与灰烬等)清理出火塘并堆放在其核心生活区的周边位置。  相似文献   

正当长江三峡初始贯通,三峡地貌开始逐渐演化的时候,三峡就有古人类生存(如重庆龙骨坡遗址、湖北建始人遗址等)。因此,三峡古人类是目睹着三峡一步步形成,伴随着三峡演化而一起演进的。史前时期:捕捞与渔业兴起在旧石器时代晚期,三峡古居民已熟悉并能自觉开发和利用三峡地区的渔业资源。近年,任重庆奉节县更新世晚期的穿洞遗址中,发现有一件古人类用贝壳加工制作的蚌刀。该枚贝壳体长81.6毫米、高82.8毫米,是一件大  相似文献   

2020年4-6月,宁夏文物考古研究所与海原县文管所组队对海原县南华山地区进行史前时期遗存专项考古调查。此次调查共发现旧石器地点27处,其中明确地层的有14处。从地层上看可大致分为18000 BP以后的马兰黄土堆积和24000-18000 BP马兰黄土下部河漫滩相堆积两期,分别以石叶-细石叶工业和小石片石器工业为代表。油坊院遗址第1地点和刘湾遗址断面上发现较厚的灰烬堆积,前者还发现有1处明显的火塘遗迹;测年数据显示,两者年代分别为22000 BP cal和11000 BP cal。此次海原县南华山地区旧石器的发现,为研究中国西北地区旧石器晚期文化提供了新的材料,为进一步探讨LGM阶段中国北方旧石器晚期的环境、文化与人群交流等问题提供了新的线索。  相似文献   

辽宁海城小孤山遗址发掘简报   总被引:25,自引:5,他引:20  
从小孤山晚更新世洞穴遗址出土了38种哺乳动物化石、上万件石制品以及一批制作精美的骨角制品和装饰品。石器工业在技术与类型上和华北旧石器关系密切。大致相同的骨针和穿孔兽牙于三十年代曾在周口店山顶洞遗址发现过,但是与欧洲马格德林鱼叉相似的角制鱼叉在中国旧石器文化中是头一次发现。  相似文献   

王幼平 《人类学学报》2016,35(3):397-406
吊桶环遗址位于江西万年县境内的大源盆地,是一处坐落在盆地西南边缘的孤立小山顶山的岩厦遗址。岩厦内发现晚更新世晚期以来文化堆积厚达4 m以上。1993-1999年期间曾经过三次发掘,出土了数以千计的石制品,包括石片石器、砾石石器及局部经过磨制加工的石制品,数量众多的动物骨骼遗存。尤为重要的是时代早,数量较多,类型复杂的骨、角及蚌制品的发现,如鹿角斧、骨鱼镖及穿孔蚌壳刀等。与此同时,还有多处用火与居住活动遗迹的发现。这些新发现清楚地记录了晚更新世人类在岩厦内活动的历史,为认识华南地区晚更新世晚期人类的"行为现代性"或"复杂化"进程提供了重要的新证据。  相似文献   

汉中盆地梁山龙岗寺遗址地处秦岭南麓汉水上游,是我国发现较早的一处旧石器地点群。龙岗寺遗址第3地点位于汉江右岸第四级阶地之上。2014年2~6月,为了配合国家大遗址保护和龙岗寺考古遗址公园建设项目,从根本上廓清龙岗寺旧石器遗存的石器工业面貌,我们对该地点进行了正式发掘,发掘面积36m2,出土不同类型的石制品4441件。龙岗寺第3地点石制品原料为来自于遗址附近河流阶地及河漫滩中的砾石,以石英为主,火成岩次之,石英岩、细砂岩和燧石等偶有使用。锤击法为主要剥片方法,存在少量砸击技术产品。石制品尺寸以小型为主。工具类型主要是以石片为毛坯加工而成的刮削器,有少量的尖状器和雕刻器。石器加工方向多为正向或反向。从出土石制品的情形看,龙岗寺第3地点石制品的面貌更接近于更新世期间华北地区常见的小型石片和修理小石片工具为主体的石器工业类型,这与以往对汉中盆地旧石器工业面貌为华南砾石石器传统的认识有较大的差距。遗址相关的地层年代学研究工作表明,龙岗寺第3地点埋藏石制品的地层堆积形成于距今120~70万年间,属早更新世晚期至中更新世早期阶段。龙岗寺遗址第3地点及其出土的石制品为我们更加全面地了解汉中盆地旧石器遗址群的地层埋藏状况、遗址年代和石器工业内涵提供了比较丰富的材料。  相似文献   

2004年5-6月,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所和新疆文物考古研究所联合组队,在新疆北部和中部进行了旧石器时代考古调查。发现24个石器地点和数千件石制品,采集和试掘出500余件石制品;绝大多数石制品来自于地表,少数出自原生地层。石制品类型多样,包括普通石核与石片、棱柱状石核、石叶、两面器、细石叶石核、细石叶、勒瓦娄哇石核与石片等;原料种类多样,尺寸、形态、技术变异大。从技术与类型判断,这些不同地点的文化材料时代跨度较大,较早的可能属旧石器时代晚期之初,甚至旧石器时代中期,较晚的则可能属于新石器时代早中期。较早阶段的石制品组合与中亚、西伯利亚阿尔泰地区同期遗址的文化面貌有相似之处,也与我国水洞沟遗址的石叶遗存有一定联系。骆驼石遗址及其丰富的勒瓦娄哇制品及大型石叶制品是本次调查的最大收获。本次调查的成果表明,新疆地区在旧石器时代晚期是人类迁徙和生存演化的活跃地带,留下丰富的文化遗存,对研究当时人类技术、文化特点和适应生存能力提供了重要材料与信息;很多地点具有与欧洲、俄罗斯阿尔泰地区旧石器时代中、晚期相似的文化遗存,对研究当时欧亚大陆古人群的迁徙、融合和文化交流具有重要价值;该地区具有发现更多、更重要的旧石器时代遗址并开展深入的考古发掘与研究的巨大潜力。  相似文献   

水洞沟第2地点是水洞沟遗址群的重要遗址之一, 自2003年来共进行了4次发掘, 揭露面积约100m2, 发现7个文化层, 包含用火遗迹、石制品、动物化石、串珠装饰品和磨制骨针等。本文观察和研究的石制品1万余件, 总体上显示中国北方石片石器工业的技术特征, 但最下部第7文化层出土1件具有水洞沟第1地点特征的石叶石核。动物化石比较破碎, 集中分布于火塘内部或周围, 反映了古人类围绕火塘进行肉类资源利用的行为。综合水洞沟第2地点的AMS14C及光释光测年数据,该地点主要文化层年龄集中在距今41ka-20ka BP之间。  相似文献   

吉林和龙柳洞2004年发现的旧石器   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
吉林和龙柳洞旧石器地点于2002年5月发现,2004年5月对其进行了复查。该地点位于图们江流域第2级阶地上,在地表和灰黄色土层中发现石制品142件,包括石核、石片、石叶和工具(石砧、使用石片、刮削器、砍砸器、雕刻器、尖状器和琢背小刀);原料以黑曜岩为主,占93.66%。遗址应属于晚更新世晚期,即旧石器时代晚期。  相似文献   

山西榆次大发旧石器地点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山西榆次大发旧石器地点,属搬运埋藏类型,文化遗物和哺乳动物化石产自潇河右岸第二级阶地中部,时代为晚更新世末期。该地点的文化遗物包括传统的打制石器和细石器。石器类型和制作技术显示出与雁北地区的峙峪遗址和晋南的下川遗址有密切关系。该地点在晋中盆地的发现对连接、对比山西南、北旧石器晚期文化具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Mollusk remains are abundant in archaeological sites in the Guanzhong Basin of Northwestern China, providing good opportunities for investigations into the use of mollusks by prehistoric humans. Here we report on freshwater gastropod and bivalve mollusks covering the time interval from about 5600 to 4500 cal. yrs BP from sites of Mid-Late Neolithic age. They are identified as Cipangopaludina chinensis and Unio douglasiae, both of which are currently food for humans. The shells are well preserved and have no signs of abrasion. They are all freshwater gastropods and bivalves found in pits without water-reworked deposits and have modern representatives which can be observed in rivers, reservoirs, and paddy fields in the studied region. Mollusk shells were frequently recovered in association with mammal bones, lithic artifacts, and pottery. These lines of evidence indicate that the mollusks are the remains of prehistoric meals. The mollusk shells were likely discarded into the pits by prehistoric humans after the flesh was eaten. However, these mollusk remains may not have been staple food since they are not found in large quantities. Mollusk shell tools and ornaments are also observed. Shell tools include shell knives, shell reaphooks and arrowheads, whereas shell ornaments are composed of pendants and loops. All the shell tools and ornaments are made of bivalve mollusks and do not occur in large numbers. The finding of these freshwater mollusk remains supports the view that the middle Holocene climate in the Guanzhong Basin may have been warm and moist, which was probably favorable to freshwater mollusks growing and developing in the region.  相似文献   

Three types of growth lines are recognised on articulate brachiopod shells: (1) very fine diurnal growth lines formed by calcite increments at the shell margin, (2) seasonal growth lines, formed by inward reflection (doubling back) of the mantle edge, seen as concentric steps on the shell surface and marked by re-orientation of growth vectors evidenced by secondary shell fibres, (3) disturbance lines, formed by abrupt regression of the mantle edge, also seen as concentric steps on the shell surface, but indicated by a dislocation in the shell fabric. Lamellose and spinose ornaments of the sort seen in Tegulorhynchia are essentially genetically controlled. Periodic outgrowths from the outer mantle lobe secrete frills of primary shell that project from the shell surface and form short hollow spines where they cross the radial ornament. In longitudinal section spine formation is seen to involve gradual increase in the rate of secretion of primary shell followed by retraction, and often collapse, of the mantle outgrowth, accompanied by regression. Reflection of the mantle edge usually follows spine formation.  相似文献   

The girdle epidermis of adult Mopalia muscosa secretes several types of structures, including calcareous spicules and innervated hairs. Newly metamorphosed chitons superficially resemble adult animals, but they lack the adult girdle ornaments, shell sculpture, and coloration. The morphogenesis of the adult girdle structures has not been described previously for any species. Juvenile Mopalia muscosa secrete hairs at metamorphosis, but it was not known if these hairs were sensory or if they were retained as the animals grew. I discovered that the hairs of juveniles become the tips of adult hairs. When juvenile hairs are detectable by light microscopy the sensory components already exist, suggesting that they are functional receptor organs. The other girdle ornaments of young juveniles, the primary calcareous spicules, are lost as the animal grows. I also demonstrated that the hairs are not uniquely innervated; the same sensory structures are produced in conjunction with other girdle ornaments on the marginal and ventral faces.  相似文献   

The rockshelter of Mochi, on the Ligurian coast of Italy, is often used as a reference point in the formation of hypotheses concerning the arrival of the Aurigancian in Mediterranean Europe. Yet, the site is poorly known. Here, we describe the stratigraphic sequence based on new field observations and present 15 radiocarbon determinations from the Middle Palaeolithic (late Mousterian) and Early Upper Palaeolithic (Aurignacian and Gravettian) levels. The majority of dates were produced on humanly modified material, specifically marine shell beads, which comprise some of the oldest directly-dated personal ornaments in Europe. The radiocarbon results are incorporated into a Bayesian statistical model to build a new chronological framework for this key Palaeolithic site. A tentative correlation of the stratigraphy to palaeoclimatic records is also attempted.  相似文献   

1.  Female preferences for particular male ornaments may shift between populations as a consequence of ecological differences that change the reliability and detectability of the ornament, but few studies have examined how ornaments function in different populations.
2.  We examined the signalling function of male plumage ornaments in a warbler, the common yellowthroat ( Geothlypis trichas ), breeding in New York (NY) and Wisconsin (WI), USA. Males have two prominent ornaments: a black facial mask pigmented with melanin and a yellow bib pigmented by carotenoids. Previous studies in WI indicate that the size of the mask, and not the bib, is primarily related to female choice and male reproductive success. In NY, however, the pattern is reversed and attributes of the bib (size and colour), and not the mask, are the target of sexual selection.
3.  We found that brightness of the yellow bib was the best signal of humoral immunity (immunoglobulin G) in NY and mask size was the best signal in WI, after controlling for breeding experience and capture date. Thus, similar aspects of male quality appeared to be signalled by different ornaments in different populations.
4.  There was no difference between populations in the level of plasma carotenoids or the prevalence of malarial parasites, which may affect the costs and benefits of choosing males with particular ornaments in each location.
5.  Even though females in different populations prefer different ornaments produced by different types of pigments, these ornaments appear to be signalling similar aspects of male quality. Our results caution against inferring the function of particular ornaments based simply on their type of pigment.  相似文献   

The Darwin–Fisher theory proposes that the presence of male secondary sexual traits in monogamous birds is selected for by early season breeding of females that are in good condition. These early breeding females have high fecundity because of their good condition, and they select mates based on secondary sex traits. We tested whether this hypothesis may be responsible for the presence of male sexual ornaments in the great frigatebird, a socially and genetically monogamous seabird. Consistent with the Darwin–Fisher theory, we found that reproductive success declined over the season. However, males with more exaggerated ornaments were not chosen as mates earlier in the season than males with less exaggerated ornaments, and selection gradients on these ornaments were not significantly different from zero.  相似文献   

Parco cave, discovered in 1974, has yielded more than 50 objects fashioned of hard animal parts from levels dating to later phases of the Magdalenian. In the work described here, we have undertaken a technotypological analysis of this previously unstudied bone and antler assemblage. The osseous series from Parco are homogeneous and very similar to those from nearby sites of roughly the same time period; that is to say of the late Upper Magdalenian of the peninsular Mediterranean. The latter are composed primarily of hunting weapons dominated by antler projectile points, as well as eyed bone needles and a few shell ornaments. Technological analysis shows production in which there is a tight relationship between morphological type and raw material employed. The production schema saw the removal of blanks by means of groove and splinter technique, followed by shaping of pieces by scraping and finishing of them - in some cases by abrasion.  相似文献   

Mate choice can lead to the evolution of sexual ornamentation. This idea rests on the assumption that individuals with more elaborate ornaments than competitors have higher reproductive success due to gaining greater control over mating decisions and resources provided by partners. Nevertheless, how the resources and quality of sexual partners that individuals gain access to are influenced by the ornamentation of rival individuals remains unclear. By experimentally concealing and subsequently revealing female ornaments to males, we confirm in the fowl, Gallus gallus, that female ornamentation influences male mating decisions. We further show, by manipulating the relative ornament size of females, that when females had larger ornaments than competitors they were more often preferred by males and obtained more sperm, especially from higher quality males, as measured by social status. Males may benefit by investing more sperm in females with larger ornaments as they were in better condition and produced heavier eggs. Female ornament size also decreased during incubation, providing a cue for males to avoid sexually unreceptive females. This study reveals how inter-sexual selection can lead to the evolution of female ornaments and highlights how the reproductive benefits gained from mate choice and bearing ornaments can be dependent upon social context.  相似文献   

桃山遗址发现于2011年,2013年进行试掘,并于次年展开系统的考古发掘工作。遗址2014年度发掘总面积36m~2,揭露出3个史前文化层,出土了丰富的遗物,包括石制品1943件,陶片12件,装饰品备料2件,植物果壳1件。石制品类型包括石核、石片、细石叶、鸡冠状石叶、削片、刮削器、锯齿刃器、端刮器、凹缺器、斧形器、锛形器和石镞等。此次发掘出土遗物从数量和类型两个方面均突破了2013年试掘工作对遗址认识的局限,更全面地展现出桃山遗址的文化面貌。遗址各阶段石制品原料及技术类型虽存在一定相似性,但也表现出较为明显的差异。光释光和AMS~(14)C年代测定表明古人类在该遗址活动的时间从旧石器晚期后段一直延续到新石器时代。  相似文献   

We investigated patterns of variation of feather and bill ornaments of Crested Auklets Aethia cristatella , a monogamous seabird, based on 963 individuals measured in the years 1990 to 1998. Three prominent ornaments were displayed: a forehead crest, composed of 11–31 curved feathers averaging about 40 mm in length, bilaterally symmetrical white auricular plumes on the sides of the head behind the eyes, averaging about 30 mm in length, and brightly coloured semi-circular rictal plates at the corners of the bill. As in other putative sexually selected traits, auklet ornaments were more variable across individuals than non-ornamental traits. Crest length and auricular plume length were positively correlated within individuals but not across years. Among the traits measured there was evidence for slight sexual dimorphism for the auricular plume and rictal plate ornaments and for culmen length and tarsus (males were slightly larger than females) but not for the crest ornament. Breeding adult females and males had greater crest and plume ornament expression than non-breeding adults. Paradoxically, females' crests and rictal plates were more variable than males' crests and rictal plates. Based on independent samples, the expression of feather ornaments and rictal plate varied among years between 1990 and 1998. Crested Auklet ornaments did not vary in concert with the ornaments of Whiskered Aethia pygmaea and Least Auklets Aethia pusilla during this period. Crested Auklet subadults had smaller ornaments than adults. Based on adults remeasured after an interval of one to seven years, the size of individuals' feather ornaments increased with age. We found no relationship between auricular plume length and asymmetry. Male auricular plumes and female crests were weakly correlated with body condition.  相似文献   

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