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本书是科技论文写作与投稿的指南读物,书中全方位地分析和展示了科技论文写作的技巧与诀窍。从论文选题、科技写作的道德规范、拟投稿期刊的选择等方面阐述了科技论文写作前的准备工作,通过大量的实例分析阐述了论文题名和摘要撰写中应遵循的基本原则,分别从写作技巧、  相似文献   

欢迎订阅《英语科技论文撰写与投稿(第二版)》本书是科技论文写作与投稿的指南读物,书中全方位地分析和展示了科技论文写作的技巧与诀窍。从论文选题、科技写作的道德规范、拟投稿期刊的选择等方面阐述了科技论文写作前的准备工作,通过大量的实例分析阐述了论文题名和摘要撰写中应遵循的基本原则,分别从写作技巧、时态和语态的使用等角度  相似文献   

在当今科技的飞速发展,科学信息的存储、传播计算机化的时代,古生物学论文的写作与期刊的编排能否采用国际和国家的统一标准和规范,已经成为国际古生物学信息交流和共享的重要因素.现根据多年来在编辑工作中遇到的一些带有普遍性的不太合适的情况,对照国际上和国家有关标准化规范化的规定,谈谈古生物学期刊的标准化规范化问题.  相似文献   

<正>本书是科技论文写作与投稿的指南读物,书中全方位地分析和展示了科技论文写作的技巧与诀窍。从论文选题、科技写作的道德规范、拟投稿期刊的选择等方面阐述了科技论文写作前的准备工作,通过大量的实例分析阐述了论文题名和摘要撰写中应遵循的基本原则,分别从写作技巧、时态和语态的使用等角度介绍了科技论文正文的撰写,举例说明了致谢及图表制作的注意事项,总结了各主要参考文献体例的特点、格式及相关著录规范。  相似文献   

李慧 《微生物学杂志》2011,31(5):108-112
科技期刊的荚文摘要质量直接决定能否被国际权威检索系统收录以及期刊的学术影响力。然而在查阅本年度中文科技核心期刊上发表的生物医学论文英文摘要的过程中,发现了6类典型错误。通过引用近两年来发表在国外英文科技期刊上的生物医学论文摘要为例,从文体特征和典型表达方式两方面说明中文科技期刊英文摘要的规范化问题。  相似文献   

随着中国科技的飞速发展,国内科技论文数量与日俱增。可是我们必须看到,在论文数量快速增长的同时,我们科技论文还缺乏科学性,创新性和写作的规范性。这一方面要求科研工作人员在科学研究上要更加严谨,一方面也要求他们在论文的写作上要加强学习,提高写作能力。本文就按照论文的一般写作格式,分别阐述了科技论文中存在的问题和应当注意的事项,并简要表述了科技论文投稿遵从的一般原则,希望对写作者有所借鉴和帮助。  相似文献   

以生物专业学生为对象,按照科技论文构成的基本顺序,总结了论文写作中经常出现的问题,并分析了出现这些问题的原因及解决方法,旨在提高生物专业学生科技论文写作的质量,为其能够更好地展现科学研究成果提供参考。  相似文献   

科技论文是科研成果交流和延续的载体,其质量是衡量个人、科研单位乃至国家学术水平的重要指标。文章根据科技论文的特点,结合多年从事科技期刊编辑工作的经验,从如何确保论文学术水平、选题方向和写作思路、杜绝学术不端、保护知识产权等方面进行了阐述,并就科技论文撰写过程中应该注意的几个问题:科技论文的层次结构、语言表达和写作水平、确保数据真实有效和可重复性、表格插图的规范使用、规范参考文献的著录格式,从编辑角度分析了如何提高科技论文的质量,以期为科技论文的撰写提供参考。  相似文献   

本文探讨植物学论文英文摘要的内容、结构和编排格式,并指出写作时应注意的一些问题。  相似文献   

<正>1.请作者务必严格按照本刊的最新格式要求修改稿件(写作模板请到本刊网站"下载中心"下载)。2.英文摘要应准确、完整、明确,内容尽可能详细于中文摘要,通常不少于300个英文单词。3.英文摘要需要请相关领域英语为母语或发表过多篇SCI论文的专家进行修改润色,要求必须上传专家签字稿及其SCI论文题目作为证明,要求无语言文字错误。英文摘要内容包括英文题目、作者姓名(汉语拼  相似文献   

There is no generally accepted method for assessing abstracts that are submitted for a medical scientific meeting. This article describes the development and prospective evaluation of such a method applied to the 220 abstracts submitted for the 2000 Annual Meeting of the European Association of Plastic Surgeons. Structured abstracts were evaluated in three categories: aesthetic surgery, basic research, and clinical study. Each anonymous abstract was assessed separately by 10 reputable European plastic surgeons. These reviewers used a structured rating questionnaire which resulted in a score given by each reviewer to each abstract between -6 and +6. The scores of all 10 reviewers were added for each abstract, and the papers were accepted in each of the three categories on the basis of this abridged score. To evaluate the reliability of this structured method of selection, the interrater agreement among the reviewers was tested by means of kappa analysis and the Cronbach alpha coefficient. The kappa values for agreement among reviewers regarding acceptability of abstracts were low, but the alpha coefficient indicated an acceptable degree of reliability of the average reviewers' ratings for all categories. Using a structured questionnaire can be helpful in the objective assessment of abstracts for a scientific meeting and may facilitate comparison of abstracts. Meritocratic dichotomy of abstracts by the reviewers is advocated to further improve reliability of the rating. Even though reliability generally increases with the number of reviewers, the annual increase of submitted abstracts may necessitate a decrease in the number of reviewers for each abstract.  相似文献   

Strauss BS 《Genetics》2005,171(4):1449-1454
An elementary course in human heredity for students not planning to major in the sciences can be based on current scientific literature and on the popular media. Examinations are constructed from questions on recent abstracts obtained from PubMed. The course is designed to promote writing skills in the sciences, and students write two papers in the course of a quarter. In the first paper, students trace the primary source of media reports on genetics and attempt to evaluate the reporter's translation. In a second paper, students write popular articles on the basis of current primary sources.  相似文献   

Mining literature for protein-protein interactions   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
MOTIVATION: A central problem in bioinformatics is how to capture information from the vast current scientific literature in a form suitable for analysis by computer. We address the special case of information on protein-protein interactions, and show that the frequencies of words in Medline abstracts can be used to determine whether or not a given paper discusses protein-protein interactions. For those papers determined to discuss this topic, the relevant information can be captured for the Database of Interacting PROTEINS: Furthermore, suitable gene annotations can also be captured. RESULTS: Our Bayesian approach scores Medline abstracts for probability of discussing the topic of interest according to the frequencies of discriminating words found in the abstract. More than 80 discriminating words (e.g. complex, interaction, two-hybrid) were determined from a training set of 260 Medline abstracts corresponding to previously validated entries in the Database of Interacting Proteins. Using these words and a log likelihood scoring function, approximately 2000 Medline abstracts were identified as describing interactions between yeast proteins. This approach now forms the basis for the rapid expansion of the Database of Interacting Proteins.  相似文献   

The method of selecting abstracts for an international congress at which only 15% of submitted papers could be accepted entailed a panel of 12 assessors using their specialised knowledge, but presentation of the abstract was also important is selection. There was only a limited agreement between assessors in arranging abstracts in order of merit, so that a single assessor would be unacceptable. Use of the full panel to grade all abstracts was very expensive, but it could be replaced, without unacceptable injustice, by dividing the work randomly among groups of three selectors.  相似文献   

Textpresso Site Specific Recombinases ( http://ssrc.genetics.uga.edu/ ) is a text‐mining web server for searching a database of more than 9,000 full‐text publications. The papers and abstracts in this database represent a wide range of topics related to site‐specific recombinase (SSR) research tools. Included in the database are most of the papers that report the characterization or use of mouse strains that express Cre recombinase as well as papers that describe or analyze mouse lines that carry conditional (floxed) alleles or SSR‐activated transgenes/knockins. The database also includes reports describing SSR‐based cloning methods such as the Gateway or the Creator systems, papers reporting the development or use of SSR‐based tools in systems such as Drosophila, bacteria, parasites, stem cells, yeast, plants, zebrafish, and Xenopus as well as publications that describe the biochemistry, genetics, or molecular structure of the SSRs themselves. Textpresso Site Specific Recombinases is the only comprehensive text‐mining resource available for the literature describing the biology and technical applications of SSRs. genesis 47:842–846, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The Japanese Journal of Limnology is another official publication of the Japanese Society of Limnology. The original papers in the journal were peer-reviewed by a few authorized referees, and appeared in Japanese with English abstracts.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

BioRAT: extracting biological information from full-length papers   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
MOTIVATION: Converting the vast quantity of free-format text found in journals into a concise, structured format makes the researcher's quest for information easier. Recently, several information extraction systems have been developed that attempt to simplify the retrieval and analysis of biological and medical data. Most of this work has used the abstract alone, owing to the convenience of access and the quality of data. Abstracts are generally available through central collections with easy direct access (e.g. PubMed). The full-text papers contain more information, but are distributed across many locations (e.g. publishers' web sites, journal web sites and local repositories), making access more difficult. In this paper, we present BioRAT, a new information extraction (IE) tool, specifically designed to perform biomedical IE, and which is able to locate and analyse both abstracts and full-length papers. BioRAT is a Biological Research Assistant for Text mining, and incorporates a document search ability with domain-specific IE. RESULTS: We show first, that BioRAT performs as well as existing systems, when applied to abstracts; and second, that significantly more information is available to BioRAT through the full-length papers than via the abstracts alone. Typically, less than half of the available information is extracted from the abstract, with the majority coming from the body of each paper. Overall, BioRAT recalled 20.31% of the target facts from the abstracts with 55.07% precision, and achieved 43.6% recall with 51.25% precision on full-length papers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Most clinicians read only the abstract of papers in scientific journals. Therefore, it is very important that abstracts contain as much information as possible, to summarize the data succinctly. Our objectives were to evaluate the quality of information in abstracts reporting human fetal outcomes following drug exposure during pregnancy. METHODS: We developed quality criteria based on previous work, modifying them for use with pregnancy outcomes. Quality scores were calculated as present/absent for all of the equally weighted criteria, then expressed as percentages (present/[present + absent]). We examined a random sample of 100 abstracts obtained through searches of MEDLINE, EMBASE, and the Web of Science databases from 1990 to 2005. Average quality scores were compared across designs (cohort, case-control, meta-analysis, and mixed design) Using Kruskal-Wallis ANOVA and structured/unstructured formats using Student's t test. RESULTS: The overall average quality was 59.2% +/- 14% (median, 61.5%; range, 15.4-83.3%). Quality was not significantly different across designs (P = .16) or between structured and unstructured abstracts (P = .44). Quality scores increased over time (Rho = 0.23, P = .02). Most frequently absent were baseline risk (94%), drug dose (91%), nonsignificant P values (72%), confounders (69%), significant P values (57%), and risk difference (48%). CONCLUSIONS: Abstracts provide insufficient information, particularly baseline risk values, for readers to make evidence-based decisions regarding drug use during pregnancy. Efforts need to be made to improve the quality of abstracts and include critical information such as baseline risk.  相似文献   

The anti-tuberculosis BCG (Bacille Calmette-Guérin) vaccine was conceived and developed between 1905 and 1921 at Pasteur Institutes in France. Between 1921 and A. Calmette's death in 1933, the vaccine went through a first period of national and international production and distribution for its use in humans. In France these activities were exclusively carried out by Calmette and his collaborators at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. Initially improvised production in a small room in the cellar gave way in 1931 to the construction of the spacious and magnificent 'New laboratories for research on tuberculosis and the preparation of the BCG' within the premises of the Pasteur Institute. Presentation and image-building of the vaccine in France insisted on the fact that the BCG was not a commercial specialty but distributed free of charge. The technical monopoly of its production nevertheless lay with the Paris Pasteur Institute and standardization of scientific proof of safety, efficacy and stability was dominated by that Institute in France. In contrast, the international production and distribution of the vaccine was entrusted and transferred, free of charge, to trustworthy laboratories outside France. Multiplication of producers and users led to an increased need for standardization. For this process the analysis distinguishes between the standardization of scientific proof concerning safety, efficacy and stability of the vaccine and standardization of its medical uses. Whereas standardization was rather successful in the inter-war period in France, the international efforts remained rather unsuccessful. Only after world war II under Scandinavian leadership and in the context of mass vaccination programs supported by the WHO and UNICEF was the international standardization effectively implemented and succeeded at least to some extend.  相似文献   


A review of the most useful periodicals, periodical indexes, and computer data bases for the study of international marine affairs will be provided. The results of research in this multidisciplinary field are published in a vast array of social science, scientific, and technical journals. In a representative, rather than an exhaustive listing, these journals are described and organized by subject. Indexes and abstracts which provide bibliographical control of the marine affairs literature are annotated, followed by a discussion of on‐line information retrieval in this rapidly developing field of inquiry.  相似文献   

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