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赵萍  唐红  刘兴宇  何丽霞 《西北植物学报》2022,42(12):2052-2060
以紫斑牡丹‘象牙白’单瓣和重瓣花的花粉为材料,对其超微结构及生理生化特性进行观察和分析,探讨单瓣和重瓣花花粉超微结构以及不同温度储存花粉活力与其可溶性蛋白含量、MDA含量和3种保护酶活性(POD、SOD、CAT)的关系,以确定紫斑牡丹单瓣和重瓣花花粉最佳储存温度。结果表明:(1)紫斑牡丹重瓣花花粉平均极轴长、平均赤道轴长、极轴长/赤道轴长均小于单瓣花花粉;室温(25℃)条件下,单瓣花花粉萌发率(83.62%)高于重瓣花(72.06%),单瓣花和重瓣花花粉的半衰期分别为40 d和60 d;随着储存温度降低和储存时间的延长,单瓣花和重瓣花的花粉萌发率较室温均显著提高,且单瓣花花粉萌发率始终高于重瓣花花粉。(2)紫斑牡丹单瓣和重瓣花花粉在短期储存(1~120 d)、较长时间储存和长期储存的适宜温度分别为4℃、-20℃,-80℃。(3)与室温相比,低温可提高储存期间紫斑牡丹花粉的可溶性蛋白质含量和保护酶活性,并降低MDA含量,从而有效延缓花粉萌发率的下降。(4)低温胁迫对紫斑牡丹单瓣花花粉的影响低于重瓣花花粉,在相同储存温度条件下,重瓣花花粉细胞受损程度更高、萌发率下降速率更快。研究认为,紫斑牡丹花粉在-80℃储存条件下基本处于代谢平衡状态,故低温能有效延长其花粉储存寿命;储存期间花粉萌发率下降的主要原因是细胞膜脂过氧化程度加剧,细胞损伤加重;紫斑牡丹重瓣花花粉粒小、瘪粒和畸形是导致其较单瓣花花粉萌发率低的主要原因。  相似文献   

测定水稻、玉米和狼见草花粉在低温(5℃)低湿(45%)、低温(5℃)高湿(80%)、高温(35℃)低湿(45%)和高温(35℃)高湿(90%)4种贮藏条件下的活力表明:低温高湿下花粉活力保持的时间最长;狼尾草花粉比水稻、玉米花粉耐贮藏,在低温高湿条件下贮藏30d后,仍有38.3%的萌发率;狼尾草花粉中蛋白质含量较高,淀粉含量较低。  相似文献   

测定水稻、玉米和狼尾草花粉在低温(5℃)低湿(45%)、低温(5℃)高湿(80%)、高温(35℃)低湿(45%)和高温(35℃)高湿(90%)4种贮藏条件下的活力表明:低温高湿下花粉活力保持的时间最长;狼尾草花粉比水稻、玉米花粉耐贮藏,在低湿高湿条件下贮藏30d后,仍有38.3%的萌发率;狼尾草花粉中蛋白质含量较高,淀粉含量较低。  相似文献   

以大花红山茶花粉为材料,用扫描电子显微镜观察花粉表观形态,采用离体培养法研究花粉的萌发特性,并就不同贮藏温度与时间对花粉萌发率、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性的影响进行了分析。结果表明:(1)大花红山茶花粉极面观呈正三角形,沟界极区较宽;花粉粒纹饰为穴状、小沟状雕饰纹;花粉粒平均极轴长为71.05μm;说明大花红山茶在山茶属中具有较为特殊的分类地位和系统进化地位。(2)大花红山茶花粉萌发的最适宜培养基为:150g·L-1蔗糖+20mg·L-1硼酸+100mg·L-1 KNO3+50mg·L-1MgSO4+300mg·L-1 Ca(NO3)2,花粉萌发率可达68.10%。(3)大花红山茶花粉最佳贮藏条件为-80℃;-80℃下贮藏360d后,萌发率仍可达到39.40%。(4)-20℃、-80℃贮藏条件下,大花红山茶花粉3种保护酶(SOD、POD、CAT)的活性较高,花粉抗氧化、抗衰老的能力较强;且在花粉贮藏过程中,3种酶活性高峰值前后花粉萌发率出现大幅度下降。(5)不同贮藏温度下,3种保护酶的作用不同,常温下,SOD为敏感性保护酶;4℃、-20℃下,POD为敏感性保护酶;-80℃下CAT为敏感性保护酶;3种酶活性对花粉萌发率的影响依次为:过氧化氢酶超氧化物歧化酶过氧化物酶。  相似文献   

唐菖蒲花粉低温保存过程中的生理生化特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以唐菖蒲切花栽培品种嫦娥粉花粉为实验材料,比较其花粉各项生理生化指标在-80℃和4℃贮藏过程中(360 d)的变化,以探讨2种保存条件下花粉保存效果出现显著性差异的生理生化原因.结果表明:唐菖蒲花粉在2种保存温度条件下,随保存时间的延长,各项生理生化指标表现出显著差异.与4℃保存处理相比,-80℃保存处理抑制了花粉中MDA的积累,增强了超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)的活性,减轻了花粉膜质过氧化和膜系统受伤害程度,同时提高了花粉可溶性蛋白质和可溶性糖的含量,增强了花粉的抗冻能力,从而使低温保存花粉活力维持在相对较高水平,这或许是-80℃条件下花粉保存效果较好的部分生理生化原因.  相似文献   

测定了水稻、玉米和狼尾草花粉在低温(4℃),低湿(RH45%),低温(4℃)高湿(RH90%),高温(35℃),低湿(RH45%)和高温(35℃),高湿(RH90%)4种贮藏条件下的蛋白酶活性,蛋白质含量,游离氨基酸含量的变化,结果表明:在低温高湿条件下,蛋白质降解和游离氨基酸含量上升慢;在高温条件下蛋白质降解快,游离氨基酸含量迅速上升。3种植物花粉中,水稻花粉蛋白酶活性强,在贮藏过程中蛋白质降解速率和游离氨基酸含量上升快:狼尾草花粉蛋白酶活性低,在贮藏过程中蛋白质降解速率和游离氨基酸含量上升慢;玉米花粉的蛋白酶活性、蛋白质降解速率和游离氨基酸含量上升速率居两者之间。  相似文献   

百合不同杂交系品种花粉贮藏特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
百合花粉贮藏是解决育种过程中花期不遇以及种质资源保存的重要环节,该试验以亚洲百合、东方百合和OT杂种系列的12个品种为材料,筛选出适合大部分品种花粉萌发的培养基及萌发率的观测时间,探讨花蕾发育时期[完全显色(-1级)、2/3显色(-2级)]、花粉收集后处理方式[离心管(处理Ⅰ)、离心管口加棉花(处理Ⅱ)、离心管口加棉花和管底添加干燥剂(处理Ⅲ)]、贮藏温度(常温、4℃、-20℃和-80℃)对花粉活力的影响。结果显示:(1)5%蔗糖+100(150)mg/L硼酸+30(50)mg/L氯化钙为适合大部分品种花粉萌发的液体培养基配方,百合花粉培养24h后测定萌发率为宜。(2)-1级花粉的萌发率比-2级的高且保持生命力的时间更长,如‘Tresor’-1级新鲜花粉的萌发率可达到83.2%,但其-2级只有21%。常温条件最不利于花粉保存,20d时大部分花粉萌发率为0;4℃与-20℃下较利于花粉短期贮藏且差别不显著。(3)经过4℃、120d贮藏,亚洲百合4个品种花粉萌发率最低能保持24.7%,最高能有55.9%左右;2个东方百合品种4℃下花粉萌发率为6.8%~12.7%;花粉在-80℃条件能较长时间保持活力,亚洲百合和东方百合花粉萌发率分别能保持26.7%~61.9%和7.1%~16.2%。(4)各个品种在不同温度条件下,大部分在处理Ⅲ下花粉萌发率较其他两种处理稍高。因此,-80℃结合在离心管口加棉花和管底添加干燥剂(处理Ⅲ)适合百合花粉的长期贮藏。  相似文献   

黄藤花粉萌发与低温贮藏研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
用培养法对黄藤花粉进行了蔗糖浓度梯度、培养温度和培养时间试验;用干燥脱水法对黄藤花粉进行了低温贮藏研究.结果表明:(1)10%~15%的蔗糖浓度有利于花粉萌发生长;(2)花粉在31~35℃下培养6~9 h,其萌发生长最佳;(3)黄藤花粉随着贮藏时间的延长,花粉萌发率逐渐下降,花粉管长度较短;随着贮藏温度的加深,花粉萌发率下降趋于缓慢,花粉管长度较长。尤其在45℃下恒温干燥4 h,并在-20~-30℃下贮藏的花粉,540 d后仍然保持了较高的萌发率和较长的花粉管;(4)40℃水浴化冻和室温化冻均可用于黄藤花粉解冻,两者效果一样。  相似文献   

本研究的目的是寻找一种可行的花粉贮藏方法。我们采用快速冷冻-真空干燥-常低温保存的方法进行花粉贮藏研究。对贮藏花粉分别作了活性染色,过氧化物酶同工酶活性分析及花粉培养,以测定其生活力(以下称活力)。研究表明,快速冷冻-真空干燥-常低温(-10℃─-20℃)保存玉米花粉的方法是可行的。保存150天的玉米花粉仍有8%的萌发率。同时证明,常用的各种染色方法只能反映花粉的成熟度,而不能作为检验花粉是否具有活力的唯一标准。而花粉是否能够萌发,即长出正常的花粉管,才是判断花粉活力的主要指标。  相似文献   

为进行紫荆杂交育种和开发利用,以垂丝紫荆花粉为试材,利用离体培养法、3种染色法(醋酸洋红、TTC和碘-碘化钾染色)对花粉生活力进行测定,并分析不同贮藏温度和时间对花粉萌发的影响。结果显示,培养基中添加蔗糖和硼酸对花粉的萌发有促进作用,垂丝紫荆花粉萌发的适宜培养基为120 g/L蔗糖+40 mg/L硼酸,花粉萌发率达86.23%;醋酸洋红染色法适宜快速测定垂丝紫荆花粉生活力;垂丝紫荆花粉最佳的贮藏温度为 -196 ℃,经济的贮藏方法为-20 ℃。  相似文献   

A comparison between the aerobiological and floristic data carried out for Platanus are reported. The source was constituted by 60 Platanus trees. When they were pollinating we calculated the total pollen prodution of the source, controlling the number of male inflorescences for each plant, the number of anthers for each inflorescence and the number of pollen for each anther. Aerobiological data were obtained with 16 Durham gravimetric samplers positioned over an area of approximately 25 km2 at variable distances and in different directions to capture pollen transported by winds coming from any direction. In the first year of analysis, we carried out two kind of aerobiological monitoring positioning a Hirst volumetric trap near the closest gravimetric sampler. The two methods showed a similar trend in Platanus pollen profiles. In the following years, only Durham gravimetric samplers were used to study pollen dispersion. The data showed that there were high concentrations of pollen on the soil near the source while at distances higher than 800 m pollen concentration decreased dramatically. About 1/4 of all the pollen produced fell in an area within 400 m from the source and at a distance of 2750 m only 9 pollen grains/cm2 fell throughout the entire season. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Pastorino MJ  Gallo LA 《Genetica》2006,126(3):315-321
The mating system of a species is an essential factor that determines the genotypic frequencies of its populations in each generation. Thus, knowledge in this regard is important in the application of practical measures in conservation and forest tree breeding. Austrocedrus chilensis (D.DON) PIC. SER. ET BIZZARRI is a member of the Cupressaceae native to the Andean–Patagonian Forest of Argentina and Chile with regional economic importance. It is a dioecious tree with pollen and seeds distributed by wind. Isozyme markers were utilized to study the mating system of this species through the survey of individual effective pollen clouds in a natural low-density population. If random mating occurs, effective pollen clouds that pollinate single seed trees are expected to be genetically homogeneous. The classical HardyWeinberg test of panmixia was also performed. Although it failed to reject random mating, the analysis of the pollen clouds showed that this mating pattern does not occur. Evidence of locally distributed heterogeneous pollen clouds is presented. The two methods are critically compared.  相似文献   

Pollen of Betula spp. is one of the main European aeroallergens. The aim of this study was to determine characteristics and occurrence of the Betula pollen in Novi Sad atmosphere, based on 3-year observations (2000–2002), and to compare pollen season start dates calculated by different methods. Pollen samples have been collected by Hirst volumetric method with a 7-day Burkard spore trap. Four methods (Sum 75, 2.5%, 30 and 1 pg/m 3) have been used for determination of the start dates of the Betula pollen season and the results have been compared. The total annual pollen sum increased during the observed period. In 2000, 2001 and 2002, the highest daily pollen concentrations were 97, 137 and 1034 pg/m 3, respectively. The earliest Betula pollen season start has been calculated by the 1 pg/m 3 method.  相似文献   

为深入了解鱼腥草花粉母细胞的减数分裂特征与花粉育性的关系,该研究采用卡宝品红染色法对2个鱼腥草居群花粉母细胞的减数分裂过程进行观察,并采用氯化三苯基四氮唑(TTC)染色法、I2-KI染色法、B-K培养基培养法及荧光显微镜观察法来检测鱼腥草花粉的活力及萌发率。结果发现:(1)鱼腥草减数分裂的进程与花序大小、花药颜色、花药长度均有密切的关系。(2)2个居群的鱼腥草中花粉母细胞减数分裂过程正常占88.2%,有11.8%的花粉母细胞减数分裂异常。(3)减数分裂异常表现在减数分裂过程中出现微核、落后染色体、染色体桥、不均等分离、多分体等现象,并发现在二分体阶段及单核花粉发育过程中存在细胞融合。(4)2个居群的鱼腥草花粉活力均不超过1.5%,花粉几乎不萌发。研究认为,鱼腥草花粉育性低的主要原因是单核花粉的发育过程异常,而非鱼腥草花粉母细胞减数分裂异常所致。  相似文献   

Immature maize spikelets have been successfully grown in vitro. Culture conditions were refined to maximize development of normal pollen grains. Kinetin was not required for normal development, in contrast to the absolute requirement for this plant growth regulator for in vitro tassel development. Development occured in all stages sampled, from premeiosis to postvacuolation, and there was no lag in progression through the various stages of development as compared to greenhouse-grown material. Cultured spikelets produced pollen that appeared morphologically normal, accumulated starch and had the normal two sperm nuclei and single vegetative nucleus.  相似文献   

无距虾脊兰花粉离体萌发及储藏条件的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以天目山野生无距虾脊兰的花粉为材料,采用离体萌发法研究了花粉的储藏性以及不同的培养基组分和培养条件对花粉萌发和花粉管生长的影响,并采用联苯胺-过氧化氢法测定了其柱头的可授性,以筛选无距虾脊兰花粉的培养方法以及储藏条件,为其种质资源保存等研究奠定基础。结果表明:(1)无距虾脊兰最适花粉液体培养基为200g·L-1蔗糖+50mg·L-1 H3BO3+40mg·L-1 Ca(NO3)2·4H2O,并且在pH 5.5~6.0、温度25℃恒温下培养48h,无距虾脊兰花粉萌发率(81.71%)和花粉管生长(247.42μm)最佳。(2)无距虾脊兰花粉在-80℃中低温干燥储藏360d后仍具有48.58%的萌发率。(3)无距虾脊兰的柱头在开花前5d内均具有可授性,花粉块在整个花期内均保持了28.96%~81.71%的生活力,但柱头可授性和花粉活力均随开花后时间的延长显著降低。  相似文献   

The concentration of airborne chestnut pollenhas been investigated at four monitoringstations situated in several cities in Galicia(NW Spain) during 1995–1998. Their pollenseason takes place from mid June to thebeginning of August. The annual total chestnutpollen shows differences between years in eachcity. Likewise there are significantdifferences between cities in each year.The pollen concentrations were closelycorrelated with meteorological parameters. Theyincreased with maximum temperatures and hoursof sunshine and they decreased with rainfalland relative humidity.The diurnal variations of pollen concentrationsshow different patterns in urban and ruralareas. Where the spore trap is surrounded byarboreal masses with chestnut as the dominanttree, the pattern shows two peaks, one in theevening (between seven and mid-night) andanother in the morning (between four and one inthe afternoon).  相似文献   

Up to now,Ambrosia pollen has not been considered a cause of allergy symptoms in Bulgaria. However, the results of pollen monitoring suggest that such allergies will become inevitable in the near future. This conclusion is supported by allergometric data on 120 patients.  相似文献   

Up to now,Ambrosia pollen has not been considered a cause of allergy symptoms in Bulgaria. However, the results of pollen monitoring suggest that such allergies will become inevitable in the near future. This conclusion is supported by allergometric data on 120 patients.  相似文献   

From a pollen tube cDNA library ofPetunia inflata, we isolated cDNA clones encoding a protein, PPE1, which exhibits sequence similarity with plant, bacterial, and fungal pectin esterases. Genomic clones containing thePPE1 gene were isolated using cDNA for PPE1 as a probe, and comparison of the cDNA and genomic sequences revealed the presence of a single intron in thePPE1 gene. During pollen development,PPE1 mRNA was first detected in anthers containing uninucleate microspores; it reached the highest level in mature pollen and persisted at a high level inin vitro germinated pollen tubes. The observed expression pattern of thePPE1 gene suggests that its product may play a role in pollen germination and/or tube growth.  相似文献   

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