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为探讨不同留茬高度对油莎豆(Cyperus esculentus)非结构性碳水化合物代谢的影响,进一步明确不同留茬高度与油莎豆地上生物量的关系,并寻求最佳刈割高度,该研究以油莎豆为研究对象,测定6个留茬高度(10、20、30、40、50 cm和未刈割)油莎豆叶片生长生理参数、非结构性碳水化合物含量和地上生物量。结果显示:刈割对于油莎豆光合作用有刺激作用,刈割后油莎豆在第1–14天达到再生生长高峰期。留茬30cm油莎豆叶片可溶性糖含量(第7、21和28天)均高于其他处理,分别为9.22%、10.83%、9.07%,其淀粉含量(第14和21天)均高于其他处理,分别为4.88%和4.11%。留茬40 cm (第21、28天)蔗糖含量均高于其他处理,分别为7.88%和11.38%;其果糖含量(第14和21天)均高于其他处理,分别为5.29%和6.40%。刈割促进了留茬30和40cm油莎豆叶片蔗糖磷酸合成酶和蔗糖合成酶活性的提高。留茬10cm抑制了油莎豆叶片蔗糖含量增加和相关酶活性。合计刈割时和收获时的饲草质量之和,留茬30cm油莎豆干草质量最高,为10 605.11kg·hm-2  相似文献   

李鑫  石凤翎  高艳  赵明旭  李凌浩 《生态学杂志》2012,23(10):2648-2654
基于内蒙古中部克氏针茅草原长期刈割试验,分析了不同留茬高度下克氏针茅草原植物群落中5个优势及亚优势种地上生物量和群落稳定性的变化.结果表明:留茬高度在10 cm以上时对5种植物地上生物量的影响较小.留茬高度为10 cm适于冷蒿生长,而不利于克氏针茅的生长.糙隐子草在留茬高度为2 cm时表现最佳.黄囊苔草对群落的贡献在留茬高度为5 cm时最大,此时其生物量与刈割年限呈正相关.留茬高度为2和15 cm不利于星毛委陵菜生长.植株较高、竞争力强的多年生植物对干扰的耐受能力较强,刈割的留茬高度不低于10 cm时,有益于维持草原生态系统的稳定性.  相似文献   

基于内蒙古中部克氏针茅草原长期刈割试验,分析了不同留茬高度下克氏针茅草原植物群落中5个优势及亚优势种地上生物量和群落稳定性的变化.结果表明:留茬高度在10cm以上时对5种植物地上生物量的影响较小.留茬高度为10 cm适于冷蒿生长,而不利于克氏针茅的生长.糙隐子草在留茬高度为2 cm时表现最佳.黄囊苔草对群落的贡献在留茬高度为5 cm时最大,此时其生物量与刈割年限呈正相关.留茬高度为2和15 cm不利于星毛委陵菜生长.植株较高、竞争力强的多年生植物对干扰的耐受能力较强,刈割的留茬高度不低于10cm时,有益于维持草原生态系统的稳定性.  相似文献   

2014—2018年8月在内蒙古锡林郭勒盟毛登牧场大针茅典型草原,以围封为对照,设置2、5和8 cm 3个刈割留茬高度,研究刈割留茬高度对群落结构及稳定性的影响。结果表明: 群落中共出现15科23属27种植物;优势种为大针茅、知母、羊草及糙隐子草,累计相对重要值为76.1%。多年生杂类草15种,一、二年生植物5种,多年生丛生禾草和灌木半灌木植物各有3种,多年生根茎禾草有1种。大针茅等处于群落上层;知母、羊草等植物处于群落中层;糙隐子草、刺穗藜、猪毛菜等植物处于群落底层。刈割造成大针茅及多年生丛生禾草相对重要值降低,使得糙隐子草、刺穗藜、猪毛菜及一、二年生植物相对重要值增加。留茬2 cm降低羊草相对重要值,而留茬5、8 cm使其增加;留茬5 cm增加知母相对重要值,而留茬2、8 cm使其降低;留茬8 cm降低杂类草相对重要值,而留茬2、5 cm使其增加。物种及功能群多样性年度间差异显著。总体上,刈割对物种丰富度无显著影响,对其物种多样性影响较小,但对功能群多样性存在一定影响。表明在刈割过程中,群落各功能群存在一定的补偿作用,使得群落保持相对稳定。刈割使群落稳定性增加,留茬5和8 cm时群落稳定性较大;留茬5 cm时群落变异性较大,而留茬8 cm时最小。留茬8 cm时群落稳定性高且变异性小,能促进群落长期稳定。  相似文献   

在草地刈割过程中, 群落地上生物量的时间稳定性与物种多样性及物种异步性关系密切。本文基于2014-2018年的野外刈割实验, 研究了围封(对照, 无刈割)、轻度(留茬8 cm)、中度(留茬5 cm)和重度(留茬2 cm)等不同刈割强度对内蒙古大针茅(Stipa grandis)典型草原地上生物量时间稳定性的影响。结果表明: (1)与围封相比, 刈割对群落时间稳定性无显著影响, 但对种群平均时间稳定性影响显著, 重度刈割处理的种群平均时间稳定性显著降低; 且种群平均时间稳定性与群落时间稳定性无显著相关关系, 表明这二者独立波动。(2)与围封相比, 重度刈割处理的物种丰富度显著降低, 但它与群落时间稳定性无显著相关关系, 表明物种丰富度不是群落地上生物量时间稳定性的主导因素; 此外, 重度刈割处理的群落抵抗力显著降低, 但也与群落时间稳定性无显著相关关系。(3)异步性与群落稳定性存在极显著正相关关系, 但刈割对异步性无显著影响, 故未造成群落稳定性显著变化。因此, 异步性可能是影响群落时间稳定性的主导效应之一, 在草地管理与利用过程中, 可从物种异步性角度来对草地稳定性进行评价。  相似文献   

不同刈牧强度对冷蒿生长与资源分配的影响   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
利用野外实验与盆栽实验,对不同刈牧强度下冷蒿生长与资源分配影响的研究结果表明,按比例刈割冷篙的再生生长大于留茬高度刈割,在生长季前期,不刈割冷蒿净生长高于刈割处理,而进入生长季中后期(8月中旬以后),轻度刈割净生长高于不刈割处理,冷篙种群生物量分配的总体格局是根>叶>茎,刈牧明显影响冷蒿生物量分配格局,尤其是叶和花的分配,3/4刈割或留茬4cm刈割叶生物量分配显著高于其它各处理,而花的生物量及其分配显著低于其它处理,根、茎生物量分配各处理间差异不显著.冷蒿有性生殖分配随刈牧强度的增加而降低,繁殖方式发生了改变,优先将光合产物分配给再生茎以及繁殖方式转向营养繁殖,通过克隆生长维持和扩大种群是冷蒿对强度放牧的生态适应对策。  相似文献   

采用7种播种方式(3种单播和4种混播)和3种刈割留茬高度裂区试验,测定了青藏高原高寒地区人工建植3年的垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)、中华羊茅(Festuca sinensis)和羊茅(Festuca ovina)草地地上生物量、物种丰富度以及杂草生物量,以分析刈割对青藏高原人工草地初级生产力和物种丰富度的影响。结果显示:(1)在草地建植第2年,不刈割与刈割留茬60和20 mm的草地初级生产力均有显著差异;留茬60和20 mm刈割使单播草地的平均初级生产力分别降低20%和27%,使混播草地的平均初级生产力分别降低29%和37%。(2)草地建植第3年,不刈割、留茬60和20 mm 3个处理间的草地生产力均差异极显著;留茬60和20 mm刈割使单播草地的平均生产力分别降低19%和36%,使混播草地的平均生产力分别降低4%和18%。研究表明,刈割显著降低了人工草地的初级生产力,同时显著增加了垂穗披碱草单播草地的物种丰富度和杂草生物量以及3种牧草混播草地物种丰富度,其他播种草地的物种丰富度和杂草生物量与不刈割草地均无显著差异。  相似文献   

通过野外控制实验,研究了刈割(留茬3 cm、留茬1 cm及不刈割)、施肥(施肥、不施肥)和浇水(浇水、不浇水)处理对高寒草甸矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)和垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)补偿高度、株高相对生长率、比叶面积、叶片净光合速率和地上总生物量的影响.结果表明:2物种的株高和地上总生物量在刈割后均为低补偿响应,但其株高相对生长率显著提高,并均随年份而增加;垂穗披碱草比叶面积、叶片净光合速率和地上总生物量对刈割损伤更加敏感;尽管施肥能显著提高2物种上述各项指标,但在不同处理条件下矮嵩草的耐牧性指数均小于垂穗披碱草;浇水的作用不显著.说明2物种的耐牧性依赖于土壤养分资源获得性,矮嵩草的耐牧性强于垂穗披碱草.  相似文献   

大针茅草原地上生物量形成的规律与特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
大针茅草原能进行光合作用的时间为160—170天。地上生物量的季节生长曲线呈单峰型,适宜的收获期在8月份。地上生物量的增长与群落的高度增长呈明显相关(R=0.959)。立枯量于6月份开始出现,其增长规律与绿色量呈相反的趋势。刈割后的再生草量以春季(5月份)刈割后的产量最高。仲夏(7月份)刈割对草场生产力的威胁最大。群落产量结构的研究表明:5己于人cm以上可供牲畜采食的部分约占总产量的70—80%。  相似文献   

不同采收方式对富养化河道浮床空心菜生物产出的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
以浮床空心菜为研究对象,在过水河道条件下,研究了不同采收周期(14 d采收1次、21 d采收1次、28 d采收1次)和留茬高度(15 cm、25 cm、35 cm)组合对浮床植物生物产出的影响.结果表明:刈割后的植物仍能够适应过水河道环境,并在其生长周期内持续生长.经110 d的生长,分枝数提高了近5倍,最长根长27.55 cm,平均根长15 cm,根系直径达11cm.单株根鲜重可达146 g,每平方米浮床根部可吸附颗粒物3.36 kg.新芽生长速率随采收次数增多,处理组均呈现先不断提高然后减小的趋势,变化幅度为0.54~3.7cm·d-1,对照组为1.63 cm·d-1.适当刈割能提高新芽再生速率.单次收获生物量同新芽变化规律相似,即先逐渐增多然后减小,生物量增长速率变化幅度3.83~37.9 g·m-2·d-1.从总生物量来看,28 d采收1次留茬25 cm、35 cm组的生物量(干重)产出最高,达2112 g·m-2;从茎叶比看,每14 d采收1次3个留茬高度,及每21d采收1次留茬15 cm和25 cm方式收获生物量茎叶比较佳.综合考虑产量、质量及浮床便捷管理,每21 d采收1次留茬15 cm的采收方式效果最佳,此时新芽平均生长速率1.88 cm·d-1,平均茎叶比<1,总生物量1966 g·m-2.  相似文献   

In seminatural grasslands, the success of reintroduction of locally extinct rare plant species may depend on the ambient management regime. We aimed to study to what extent the success of the restoration of a rare species (Gladiolus imbricatus) depends on management conditions. A management experiment with traditional cutting by scythe and hay removal, mowing (machine cutting and hay removal), mulching (machine cutting without hay removal), spring burning, and unmanaged control, combined with reintroduction of seeds of Gladiolus, was conducted in an Estonian flooded meadow in which the species had become extinct. Seeds were reintroduced in 2003 in all management treatments and populations monitored until 2006. Mulching, mowing, and traditional management resulted in the greatest establishment, whereas the subsequent mortality was not influenced greatly by management regime. The population started to increase in mulching treatment in the third season due to vegetative growth. The results indicate that the establishment of G. imbricatus is primarily seed limited under current conditions, whereas favorable management significantly enhances establishment in a river floodplain meadow. Successful restoration depends on seed addition and proper grassland management—mowing to a height of approximately 15 cm and mulching.  相似文献   

Abstract. The relation between the dry matter production and species density of 27 grasslands with different fertilization histories in the Netherlands was studied. The range in species density was 12–28 species on 150 m2, the average annual dry matter production in 1983–1985 varied between 3.3 and 12.8 ton /ha. The results show an optimum curve and confirm the hump-backed model proposed by other researchers for a great variety of vegetation types. It is concluded that a high species density can be expected when the annual dry matter production above a stubble height of 5 cm, is between 4 and 6 ton/ha (ca. 4.6 - 6.0 ton seasonal maximum standing biomass). Species density can be expected to decrease when the dry matter production exceeds values of 6 - 7 ton ha-1yr-1 (ca. 6.0 - 6.7 ton seasonal maximum standing biomass). The implications of this relation for grassland restoration, aimed at an increase in species density, are discussed. The results agree with other grassland data based on the seasonal maximum standing biomass. The difference between annual production estimated by harvesting the biomass after mowing at 5 cm above the soil surface (mostly in two cuts), and the maximum seasonal standing biomass must be taken into account. It is proposed to compare data on the basis of the estimation that 62 ± 5% of the annual yield is harvested at the first cut, and that there is a linear relation between the total standing biomass, y (g/m2), and the biomass harvested above a stubble height of 5 cm, x (g/m2) that could be described by the regression line y = 1.10 x + 189.6 (r = 0.89, p < 0.01, n = 34).  相似文献   

Species-rich grasslands are rare in the Netherlands and need consistent vegetation management to retain their characteristic biodiversity. Roadside verges are important refuges for grassland plants since the mowing management no longer aims at traffic safety only but also strives for botanical diversity. Although arthropods are highly abundant in roadside verges, the effect of different mowing practices on this group is largely unknown. During 4 years, we studied ground beetles, weevils, ants and ground-dwelling spiders with pitfall traps in experimental plots in roadside verges with five different mowing treatments: (i) no management, (ii) and (iii) mowing once a year with and without hay removal, (iv) and (v) mowing twice a year with and without hay removal. This was done in a plant productivity gradient; the experiment was repeated in low-, medium- and high-productive verges. In the low-productive site, the effect of management on the arthropods only existed in a higher abundance in plots mown twice per year with hay removal. In the medium- and high-productive sites, mowing twice a year with hay removal resulted not only in highest abundances but also in highest arthropod species richness. Mowing twice without hay removal and mowing once with removal showed intermediate values, while mowing once per year without removal and particularly the absence of management resulted in low diversity and low abundance. To promote ground-dwelling arthropods in medium-to-high-productive grassland verges, we recommend a management of mowing twice a year with the removal of hay. It is reasoned that some form of rotational management, aiming at leaving some vegetation refuges intact after mowing events, may further promote arthropod survival. However, caution should be taken that these refuges are not too large, as overall suitability for ground-dwelling arthropod decreases rapidly in such patches. Out of several studied vegetation characteristics, the number of flowering plant species (medium-productive verge) and total flower abundance (high-productive verge) appeared to represent suitable, and easily monitored, proxies that significantly mirror arthropod diversity.  相似文献   

The microclimate of an improved hay meadow was studied using Tinytag dataloggers to record sward temperature after cutting. Temperatures in the sward were then compared to grasshopper abundances to see if mowing created an excessively hot microclimate unfavourable for sustained grasshopper activity in mid summer. The abundance of Chorthippus albomarginatus and Chorthippus parallelus was significantly reduced on the hay plots compared to the unmanaged control swards, which may have been due to high sward temperatures created by the absence of tall, shady vegetation in which grasshoppers may take refuge to avoid overheating. This study suggests that a combination of mortality caused by the physical process of mowing, and high sward temperatures created by removal of the standing crop by cutting may cause the low abundance of grasshoppers in improved grassland in eastern England. This research is particularly important when considering the orthopteran assemblages of Environmental Stewardship Scheme field margins where mowing for hay in July and August may seriously reduce grasshopper populations. If mowing of grassland has to occur during the grasshopper season, we suggest a later cut in September or a system of rotational mowing, leaving areas of uncut grassland as shelter.  相似文献   

Conservation status of hay meadows highly depends on their management. The main goal of this study was to assess the efficiency of different mowing regimes in maintenance of plant species richness and diversity of mesic hay meadows. The field experiment was carried out on a species rich, mesic hay meadow in Western Hungary. We evaluated the effects of four alternative types of management on the plant community after 7 years of continuous treatment: (1) mowing twice a year, typical traditional management, (2) mowing once a year in May, most practised currently by local farmers, (3) mowing once a year in September, often proposed for conservation management and (4) abandonment of mowing. Traditional mowing resulted in significantly higher number and higher diversity of vascular plant species than other mowing regimes. Mowing twice a year was the only efficient way to control the spread of the invasive Solidago gigantea, and mowing in September was more successful in it than mowing in May. We conclude that the traditional mowing regime is the most suitable to maintain botanical diversity of mesic hay meadows; however, other regimes should also be considered if certain priority species are targeted by conservation.  相似文献   

该研究以呼伦贝尔羊草(Leymus chinensis)草甸草原割草场为研究对象, 通过对羊草营养生长期内功能性状变化的观测, 研究切根对羊草叶、茎、植株功能性状的影响, 为干扰状态下羊草植株的响应机制和天然割草场植被的恢复提供参考。运用9QP-830型草地破土切根机对草地进行切根处理, 分期测定羊草单株高度、叶长、自然叶宽、展开叶宽、茎粗、茎长、叶质量、茎质量、单株质量等多个功能性状, 通过统计分析切根前后性状的差异, 拟合其变化方程, 探索影响羊草产量的表型性状和质量性状的驱动因子。研究结果显示: (1)切根显著降低了羊草的比叶面积、总叶质量、茎长/茎粗、茎干物质含量, 显著提高了平均叶长和叶面积, 整体上提高了单株质量、株高和植株干物质含量。(2)对照和切根羊草叶、茎功能性状均呈二次曲线变化, 拟合效果达显著或极显著水平。除叶干物质含量、茎干物质含量和茎长/茎粗外, 其余叶、茎功能性状均呈先升高后降低的变化趋势。(3)除叶片数外, 羊草各表型性状之间均呈极显著的正相关关系, 叶质量、茎质量、单株质量之间呈极显著的正相关关系, 比叶面积与质量性状关系不显著。(4)总叶长和总叶质量分别是羊草单株质量表型性状和质量性状之中的最大驱动因子。羊草功能性状间存在协同变化的关系, 切根一定程度上使羊草地上植株的生活史提前。  相似文献   

中国东北羊草草原生长季内产量生态模拟及信息参数应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对中国北方羊草草原生物量动态、生物量垂直空间格局及其与环境因子相互关系等主要产量生态数量特征的模拟与内在相关性的研究 ,结果表明 ,草地地上生物量的生长规律呈“单峰”型 ,最大地上生物量出现在 8月 5日 ,其值为1 97.3g· m- 2 干物质 ,而后下降 ;在达到峰值前 ,符合 logistic模型 ,进一步分析模型有关特征值获得了草地有效管理期为返青后的第 73天到第 1 1 9天等十分重要的产量生态信息参数。生长季内地上生物量动态与前一个月的平均气温 ( R=0 .82 87)和积累降雨量 ( R=0 .8932 )均呈极显著正相关 ,这是实施科学水肥管理的重要参数 ;而地上部生物量最大绝对增长速率 ( AGR)出现在 6月 2 0日至 7月 5日 ,平均为 3.35 33g· m- 2 · d- 1干物质 ;而地上部生物量最大相对增长速率( RGR)出现在 5月 2 0日至 6月 5日 ,平均为 0 .0 6 6 2 g· g- 1· d- 1干物质 ;在生长后期绝对增长速率和相对增长速率均出现负值 ,这表明地上部生物量的生长效率在生长初期最高。地上生物量垂直空间格局由下向上呈幂函数变化 ,其模型为 :Bn=a Xb,其中 93%的产量集中在 4 0 cm以下 ,这对不同的家畜的选择利用与刈割利用提供了依据 ;不同种群对草原牧草产量形成的作用是不同的 ,羊草种群对草原牧草产量形成的正向  相似文献   

To maintain European semi-natural grasslands, agri-environment schemes (AES) have been established in many countries but their biodiversity benefits have remained limited. We tested the effects of three new mowing regimes designed to benefit biodiversity in extensively managed meadows across the Swiss lowlands. Our experimental treatments mimicked easily implementable farming practices. We previously showed that invertebrates benefit from delayed mowing and leaving an uncut grass refuge. Here we focus on the effects on plant and bryophyte communities.We compared the standard AES practice (earliest mowing on June 15, no fertilizer input, but no restriction on number of cuts) to three alternative mowing regimes: (i) earliest mowing delayed by one month, (ii) maximum of two cuts per year with at least eight weeks in between, and (iii) leaving an uncut refuge on 10–20% of the meadow area in 12 study areas in the Swiss lowlands. We also tested for the interactive effects of ambient temperature, precipitation, elevation, meadow size, local forest cover, time since AES registration, and phytomass production.After five years of application, we found no difference in the effects of mowing regimes on vascular plant or bryophyte species richness, community composition, phytomass, flowering phenology or average plant height (the latter two indices were derived from the literature). However, cutting frequency and hay nutritional quality (C:N and Ca:P ratios) were lower under delayed mowing. Vascular plant and bryophyte species richness as well as forage quality were negatively related to phytomass, while the latter was positively related to mean summer temperature and negatively to time since AES registration.We conclude that supporting invertebrate biodiversity with alternative mowing regimes has no detrimental effects on the vascular plants and mosses, while the reduced forage quality calls for additional financial compensation of the farmers adopting these agri-environment schemes.  相似文献   

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