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对利用底物广泛的乙醇发酵菌株马克斯克鲁维(Kluyveromyces marxianus)DL1菌株与工业用乙醇发酵菌株酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)6525利用己糖(葡萄糖、甘露糖、半乳糖)和戊糖(木糖、阿拉伯糖)的情况进行对比研究。结果发现:以己糖为底物时,K.marxianus DL1均表现出细胞生长快、乙醇得率高的特点;在不通气、糖20 g/L条件下,K.marxianus DL1的最大乙醇质量浓度均比S.cerevisiae 6525高出10%左右,细胞量及乙醇生产强度分别是S.cerevisiae 6525的近2和1.7倍。当以戊糖为底物时,K.marxianus DL1可以利用木糖和阿拉伯糖;在不通气、糖20g/L条件下,K.marxianus DL1利用木糖产木糖醇和乙醇,乙醇终质量浓度可达7.68 g/L,木糖醇质量浓度为9.12 g/L;以阿拉伯糖为发酵底物时,阿拉伯糖醇的产量可达6 g/L左右;而S.cerevisiae 6525不能利用戊糖。马克斯克鲁维酵母比酿酒酵母更适合纤维乙醇生产。  相似文献   

【背景】肌醇是一种B族维生素,广泛应用于食品、医药、饲料等领域。微生物发酵法是最具前景的肌醇生产方法,但使用大肠杆菌生产的肌醇在食品及医药领域中的使用受到限制。毕赤酵母作为生物安全菌株是工业上生产异源蛋白的良好宿主,其本身含有天然的肌醇合成途径,具有被改造成为高效生产肌醇细胞工厂的潜力。【目的】通过代谢工程改造毕赤酵母工程菌株,降低副产物的生成并提高肌醇的产量。【方法】以实验室前期构建的产肌醇毕赤酵母工程菌株为出发菌株,确定副产物阿拉伯糖醇、核糖醇和甘露糖合成相关基因。通过关键基因敲除、发酵液中葡萄糖浓度控制降低副产物的产量。通过过表达甘油转运蛋白、甘油激酶和甘油-3-磷酸脱氢酶基因实现产肌醇毕赤酵母对甘油和葡萄糖的共利用,得到重组菌Z10。经过发酵条件优化,进一步提高Z10的肌醇产量。【结果】在最优条件下,重组菌Z10的肌醇产量达到36.7 g/L,是目前酵母类细胞工厂生产肌醇的最高值,副产物总产量与出发菌株相比降低了63.1%。【结论】在毕赤酵母中建立了降低阿拉伯糖醇、核糖醇和甘露糖合成的有效策略,并通过甘油、葡萄糖共利用及相对应的发酵条件优化提高了肌醇产量,为肌醇及其他高价值生物...  相似文献   

马克斯克鲁维酵母Kluyveromyces marxianus是目前研究较为广泛的一种非传统酵母,因其耐高温、生长速率快、底物谱广等诸多优势而越来越多地应用于工业生物技术领域。马克斯克鲁维酵母可以分泌菊粉酶、β-半乳糖苷酶等多种应用广泛的水解酶类;还可以利用菊粉类原料、乳清、糖蜜以及木糖等多种非粮底物生产乙醇;其在外源蛋白的分泌以及基因工程操作等工业分子生物学领域也取得了突破。现主要对近年来马克斯克鲁维酵母在产酶、乙醇发酵、分泌外源蛋白等诸多工业生物技术领域的研究进展及存在的挑战进行综述,为进一步推动马克斯克鲁维酵母在工业生物技术中的应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

马克斯克鲁维酵母作为非常规酵母在燃料乙醇发酵中受到人们越来越多的关注。马克斯克鲁维具有天然的发酵戊糖的能力,但不同菌株的发酵能力存在较大差异。本研究比较了3株马克斯克鲁维菌株Kluyveromyces marxianus 9009/1911/1727(K.m 9009/1911/1727)在不同温度下的木糖和阿拉伯糖的发酵性能差异,结果发现不同发酵温度下,3株菌在耗糖速率、糖醇产率均表现出了显著的差异。菌株K.m 9009和K.m 1727在40℃下的发酵性能均优于30℃,这充分体现了马克斯克鲁维酵母的高温发酵优势。针对发酵差异,采用PCR方法获得3个不同菌株的戊糖代谢途径中的5种关键代谢酶(XR、XDH、XK、AR和LAD)的基因序列,并利用Clustalx 2.1进行了序列比对。结果显示3株菌的相关基因与文献中报道的1株克鲁维酵母的相应关键酶氨基酸编码序列相似性达98%以上,并且差异的氨基酸不在酶的关键位点处。在此基础上,通过Real-time实验,对木糖发酵差异最为明显的K.m 1727和K.m 1911的木糖代谢过程4个关键酶(XR、XDH、XK和ADH)的基因表达量进行测定,其结果显示对于耐热菌株K.m 1727,XDH和XK基因表达量低是导致木糖代谢过程中木糖醇积累、乙醇产量低的主要原因。最后,将所测得的马克斯克鲁维酵母的戊糖代谢关键酶序列与其他不同种属相比对,确定了其木糖和阿拉伯糖代谢途径,为进一步利用代谢工程方法提高戊糖发酵性能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

几种地霉(Geotrichum)的鉴定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
我们研究了186株地霉,鉴定出4个种,其对12种糖类的同化性能如下: 1.白地霉(Geotrichum candidum Link AS2.361):只同化葡萄糖、牛乳糖、山梨糖、术糖及L一阿拉伯糖(弱)。 2.果香地霉(G.Suaveolens (Krzemeckl)comb.Nov.AS2.364):只同化葡萄糖、牛乳糖、山梨糖及木糖(弱)。 3.鲁氏地霉(G. ludwigii(Hansen)comb.….AS2.363):只同化葡萄糖、牛乳糖及蔗糖。 4.健强地霉(G.Robustum sp.nov.AS2.621):只同化葡萄糖、牛乳糖、麦芽糖、乳糖、纤维二糖、木糖、山梨糖(弱)、L一阿拉伯糖及D一阿拉伯糖。  相似文献   

皮状丝孢酵母( Trichosporon cutaneum)能够同步利用葡萄糖和木糖生产油脂。以2脱氧葡萄糖(2 DOG)为底物,考察皮状丝孢酵母糖跨膜运输的转运动力学。结果表明:2 DOG转运符合米氏方程,表观米氏常数Km为0.19 mmol/L,最大转运速率Vmax为14.1 nmol/( min·mg)。葡萄糖和木糖均竞争性抑制2 DOG转运,葡萄糖表观抑制常数Ki远低于木糖,表明存在一个共用转运体系,且该转运体系对葡萄糖亲和力更高。大量木糖与2 DOG同时转运到胞内,进一步说明木糖与葡萄糖共运输。代谢抑制剂和pH对糖转运有明显影响,说明质子/底物同向运输系统是该酵母的主要糖转运系统。  相似文献   

本文以脱脂画眉草为原料,用纤维素酶超声辅助法提取多糖;经脱蛋白、脱色、DEAE-纤维素分离纯化,得到3种多糖TPS1、TPS2、TPS3,提取率分别为0.42%、0.66%、0.54%.通过高效凝胶渗透色谱(HPGPC)分析,3种多糖的分子量分别为7886 Da、8467 Da、6366 Da;高效离子色谱(HPIC)测得TPS1组成单糖为果糖,TPS2、TPS3组成单糖为阿拉伯糖、半乳糖、葡萄糖、木糖、甘露糖、果糖、核糖和一种未知糖.对多糖TPS2的保湿和吸湿性研究结果表明TPS2的保湿和吸湿能力均优于常用保湿剂甘油、聚乙二醇400、1,3-丁二醇、壳聚糖.  相似文献   

【目的】酵母表达外源糖蛋白时会对蛋白进行过度N-糖基化修饰,产生高甘露糖型糖链,影响蛋白的活性,其中α-1,6-甘露糖转移酶(och1p)在这一过程中起着关键作用。通过敲除毕赤酵母X-33的α-1,6甘露糖转移酶(och1p)基因,获得一个对糖蛋白进行低糖基化修饰的毕赤酵母表达系统。【方法】采用双交换同源重组敲除目的基因的方法,首先敲除毕赤酵母X-33的URA3基因,获得一个尿嘧啶营养缺陷型的X-33(ura3-)菌株;然后用URA3基因作为选择标记,敲除X-33(ura3-)的α-1,6甘露糖转移酶(och1p)基因,获得OCH1基因敲除的X-33(och1-)菌株。用X-33(och1-)菌表达糖蛋白GM-CSF,分析GM-CSF蛋白糖链的变化。【结果】首次成功敲除了X-33的URA3和OCH1基因,与野生型相比,X-33(och1-)菌表达的GM-CSF蛋白过度糖基化修饰程度明显降低。【结论】X-33(och1-)菌株的构建提供了一个对蛋白低N-糖基化修饰的毕赤酵母表达系统,也为进一步的糖基化改造提供了良好的基础。  相似文献   

摘要: 【目的】酵母表达外源糖蛋白时会对蛋白进行过度N-糖基化修饰,产生高甘露糖型糖链,影响蛋白的活性,其中α-1,6-甘露糖转移酶(och1p)在这一过程中起着关键作用。通过敲除毕赤酵母X-33的α-1,6甘露糖转移酶(och1p)基因,获得一个对糖蛋白进行低糖基化修饰的毕赤酵母表达系统。【方法】采用双交换同源重组敲除目的基因的方法,首先敲除赤酵母X-33的URA3基因,获得一个尿嘧啶营养缺陷型的X-33(ura3-)菌株;然后用URA3基因作为选择标记,敲除X-33(ura3-)的α-1,6甘露糖转移酶(och1p)基因,获得OCH1基因敲除的X-33(och1-)菌株。用X-33 (och1-)菌表达糖蛋白GM-CSF,分析GM-CSF蛋白糖链的变化。【结果】首次成功敲除了X-33的URA3和OCH1基因,与野生型相比,X-33(och1-)菌表达的GM-CSF蛋白过度糖基化修饰程度明显降低。【结论】X-33(och1-)菌株的构建提供了一个对蛋白低N-糖基化修饰的毕赤酵母表达系统,也为进一步的糖基化改造提供了良好的基础。  相似文献   

[目的] 以秸秆等木质纤维素类生物质为原料生产液体生物燃料乙醇,目前生产成本高,大规模工业化生产尚有较大难度。构建能同化阿拉伯糖进行木糖还原生产木糖醇的重组酿酒酵母菌株,以实现原料中全糖利用、生产高附加值产品,实现产品多元化。[方法] 首先,利用CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑技术依次向出发菌株中导入阿拉伯糖代谢途径和木糖还原酶基因,使菌株获得代谢阿拉伯糖和将木糖转化为木糖醇的能力;其次,通过适应性驯化的进化工程手段,提高重组菌株对阿拉伯糖的利用效率;最后,通过混合糖发酵验证重组菌株利用阿拉伯糖和还原木糖产木糖醇的能力。[结果] 通过导入植物乳杆菌的阿拉伯糖代谢途径,酿酒酵母菌株获得了较好的利用阿拉伯糖生长繁殖的能力;进一步导入假丝酵母的木糖还原酶基因后,重组菌株在葡萄糖作为辅助碳源条件下可高效还原木糖产木糖醇,但阿拉伯糖的利用能力下降。利用以阿拉伯糖为唯一碳源的培养基进行反复批次驯化,阿拉伯糖的利用能力得以恢复和提升,得到表型较好的重组菌株KAX3-2。该菌株在木糖(50 g/L)和阿拉伯糖(20 g/L)混合糖发酵条件下发酵72 h时,对阿拉伯糖和木糖利用率分别达到42.1%和65.9%,木糖醇的收率为64%。[结论] 本研究成功构建了一株能有效利用阿拉伯糖并能将木糖转化为木糖醇的重组酿酒酵母菌株KAX3-2,为后续构建、获得阿拉伯糖代谢能力更强、木糖醇积累效率更高菌株的工作奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The use of lignocellulose as a source of sugars for bioproducts requires the development of biocatalysts that maximize product yields by fermenting mixtures of hexose and pentose sugars to completion. In this study, we implicate mgsA encoding methylglyoxal synthase (and methylglyoxal) in the modulation of sugar metabolism. Deletion of this gene (strain LY168) resulted in the co-metabolism of glucose and xylose, and accelerated the metabolism of a 5-sugar mixture (mannose, glucose, arabinose, xylose and galactose) to ethanol.  相似文献   

Nodal segements were taken from juvenile shoots of mature 100 year-old trees of saucer magnolia (Magnolia x soulangiana Soul.-Bod.) and cultured on Standardi and Catalano medium supplemented with 1.33 μmol·dm−3 BA, 0.54 μmol·dm−3 NAA, 58 μmol·dm−3 sucrose and 6.0 g·l−1 agar-agar. After 8 weeks, separated shoots were transferred to rooting medium with half-strength macronutrients (basal medium) supplemented with 0.3% activated charcoal and one of carbohydrates: arabinose, cellulose, fructose, galactose, glucose, lactose, mannose, rhamnose, ribose, sorbose, sucrose or xylose at 20 g·dm−3 and 7.0 g·dm−3 agar-agar. After 13 weeks of culture, shoot number, fresh and dry weight of shoots and roots, total root length and number of roots/per shoot were recorded. Percentages of rooted shoots were calculated. Fructose, mannose and xylose were the most effective carbon source on shoot proliferation followed by sucrose. The rooting response was induced by cellulose and xylose. Arabinose, rhamnose and sorbose inhibited root formation. The number of adventitious roots produced per shoot was stimulated by cellulose and xylose. Total biomass (shoot plus roots) of the plantlets was the highest at fructose and cellulose.  相似文献   

The effects of exogenous sucrose, lactose, d -glucose, d (-)fructose, d -galactose, d -mannose, l -sorbose, l -arabinose and d -xylose on nitrate reductase (NR), glutamine synthetase (GS) and glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) levels, on anaerobic nitrite production and on respiratory O2 consumption were studied in excised roots of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Raman). Sucrose, glucose and fructose increase NR and GS levels and decrease GDH level (when compared with roots cultures without any sugar) at all concentrations used, but the extent of this effect varies. NR induction is enhanced by all sugars within the concentration range studied. Precultivation of roots with mannose and galactose results in an increase in anaerobic nitrite production in a medium consisting of phosphate buffer and KNO3. GS reaches its maximum at lower sugar concentrations, this fact being especially clear-cut with galactose. The decrease in GS level observed in roots cultured without sucrose is enhanced by higher sorbose concentrations. The increase in GDH level occurring in roots cultured without sucrose is depressed by low galactose and mannose concentrations but enhanced by high galactose, mannose, xylose and a wide range of sorbose concentrations. Lactose exerts only slight influence on the enzymes. The effects of sugars are in no case consistent with their effect on respiratory O2 consumption which is most pronounced with NR. The above results show that the effects of sugars on NR, GS and GDH are not mediated by one universal mechanism.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate composition was determined in isolated cell walls of meiospores of Allomyces arbuscula after incubation for 15 min (encysted meiospores: cysts), 150 min (germlings: cysts + rhizoids) and 24 h (cysts + rhizoids + hyphae). The principal constituent in all cell wall samples is chitin, accounting for about 75% of the recovered carbohydrates. In addition, cell walls of all stages examined contain polysaccharides which release galactose, glucose, mannose, arabinose, xylose, fucose, and rhamnose on acid hydrolysis. While different developmental stages show minor quantitative changes in chitin, the ratio of galactose to glucose decreases sharply during differentiation of ungerminated cysts into germlings with rhizoids and hyphae. The increase in glucose is accompanied by a decrease in the amount of xylose and/or fucose and of galactose.List of Abbreviation TFA trifluoroacetic acid  相似文献   

Summary Utilization of 8 monosaccharides, viz., glucose, fructose, galactose, mannose, sorbose, arabinose, xylose and rhamnose, by some plant pathogenic isolates ofColletotrichum gloeosphorioides andC. dematium has been studied with the help of paper chromatography. Among hexoses, the rate of utilization of glucose, fructose and mannose was fast, whereas, that of galactose was comparatively slow. The rate of assimilation of sorbose was very slow at early stages of incubation, although at later stages this rate showed marked enhancement. The pentoses were utilized readily. The dry weight of mycelial mats showed an increase up to the end of final incubation period (15 days), on sugars which were slowly assimilated. In cases where the sugars were consumed up rapidly, the dry weight at later stages of incubation either became nearly stationary or recorded slight fall.  相似文献   

A new derivatization reagent, Fmoc-hydrazine, has been synthesized from the reaction of Fmoc-chloroformate with hydrazine as a precolumn fluorometric labeling reagent for reducing sugars such as glucose, galactose, mannose, fructose, fucose, ribose, xylose, arabinose, lactose, and maltose. The optimization of derivatization conditions was examined in detail. Using a reversed-phase high-performance C-8 column and a mobile phase consisting of acetonitrile-aqueous acetic acid, seven sugar derivatives were separated under either isocratic or gradient conditions within 20 min. The Fmoc-hydrazine and sugar Fmoc-hydrazone derivatives exhibit excellent stability. The extent of the hydrazone formation was 77 and 82% for mannose and fucose as assessed by Dionex high-performance anion-exchange chromatography with pulsed amperometric detection. Linear calibration graphs were established in the range from 0.5 to 2 pmol and 12 to 110 pmol for individual sugar derivatives. The determination limits were 0.05-0.09 pmol for mannose, galactose, and ribose; 0.1 pmol for maltose, xylose, and glucose; 0.2 pmol for fucose and lactose; 0.3 pmol for arabinose; and 0.4 pmol for fructose. The component monosaccharides of ultramicroquantities of two glycoproteins (e.g., from 7 ng fetuin and ovalbumin) were determined in the subpicomole range.  相似文献   

An extracellular polysaccharide producing bacterium Zoogloea sp. was isolated from an agro-industrial environment in the north-eastern region of Brazil. The extracellular polysaccharide produced from sugarcane molasses was hydrolysed with trifluoroacetic acid (mild and strong conditions) giving 88% of soluble material. The main monosaccharides present in the soluble fraction were glucose (87.6%), xylose (8.6%), mannose (0.8%), ribose (1.7%), galactose (0.1%), arabinose (0.4%) and glucuronic acid (0.8%). Methylation analysis of the polysaccharide showed mainly 2,3,6-tri-O-methylhexitol (74.7%) and 2,3,-di-O-methylhexitol (17.7%). Enzyme hydrolysis of the polysaccharide with a cellulase confirmed the presence of (1→4)-β- -glucopyranosyl residues.  相似文献   

The Agrobacterium tumefaciens virulence determinant ChvE is a periplasmic binding protein which participates in chemotaxis and virulence gene induction in response to monosaccharides which occur in the plant wound environment. The region downstream of the A. tumefaciens chvE gene was cloned and sequenced for nucleotide and expression analysis. Three open reading frames transcribed in the same direction as chvE were revealed. The first two, together with chvE, encode putative proteins of a periplasmic binding protein-dependent sugar uptake system, or ABC-type (ATP binding cassette) transporter. The third open reading frame encodes a protein of unknown function. The deduced transporter gene products are related on the amino acid level to bacterial sugar transporters and probably function in glucose and galactose uptake. We have named these genes gguA, -B, and -C, for glucose galactose uptake. Mutations in gguA, gguB, or gguC do not affect virulence of A. tumefaciens on Kalanchoe diagremontiana; growth on 1 mM galactose, glucose, xylose, ribose, arabinose, fucose, or sucrose; or chemotaxis toward glucose, galactose, xylose, or arabinose.  相似文献   

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