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东亚温带藤本植物多样性及其格局   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
胡亮 《生物多样性》2011,19(5):567-573
藤本植物的组成及其地理分布是藤本植物生态学研究的重要内容之一,但对温带藤本植物的相关研究相对缺乏.本文对包括中国东北、日本、朝鲜半岛和蒙古在内的东亚温带9个分区种子植物区系中藤本植物的科属组成、区系成分、生活型和攀援方式及其地理格局进行了比较研究.结果表明:研究范围内总计有藤本304种(含变种、亚种),分属38科96属...  相似文献   

中国种子植物区系中的藤本多样性   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
藤本植物是植被的重要组成部分,但由于野外考察中物种及无性系分株鉴定的困难,长期以来在生态学研究中常常被忽视。为揭示中国藤本植物的多样性和特有性,作者研究了其科属组成、区系成分和攀援方式。结果显示:中国藤本植物种类丰富,共计有85科409属3,073种(含变种、亚种),占中国种子植物区系的11.3%;其中草质藤本898种,木质藤本2,175种,分别占中国种子植物区系的3.3%和8.0%。中国藤本植物区系热带成分显著,热带分布科和属分别占总科数或总属数(不含世界广布科属)的87.9%和79.2%;有14个含藤属为中国所特有,但没有特有含藤科。中国藤本植物最主要的攀援方式是缠绕类,占藤本植物总数的56.7%;其次为蔓生类和卷须类,分别占22.1%和17.0%;吸附类藤本种类最少,只占4.2%。  相似文献   

厦门地区观赏藤本植物资源及其在园林绿化中的应用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文报道厦门地区观赏藤本植物资源58科127属201种,并探讨它们在城市园林绿化中的应用。  相似文献   

胡亮 《生物多样性》2016,24(10):1105-104
喜马拉雅山地是生物地理学研究的热点地区之一。本文对喜马拉雅地区的藤本植物多样性及其与毗邻地区的联系进行了统计分析, 并对该地区与印度河-恒河平原地区藤本植物多样性的地理格局及其成因进行了研究。结果显示: (1)喜马拉雅地区总计有1,083种藤本植物, 分属72科309属; 其中木质藤本725种, 草质藤本358种; 攀援方式主要为缠绕攀援(51.3%)。(2)该区域的藤本植物组成受相邻区域植物区系的显著影响, 其1,083种藤本植物中有74.1% (802种)在东南亚地区有分布, 50.6% (548种)在南亚有分布, 48.9% (530种)在中国西南地区有分布。本区藤本植物缺乏特有性, 仅125种(11.5%)为本区所特有, 没有特有含藤属。(3)藤本植物多样性及其在植物区系中的比例均自东向西逐渐降低; 木质藤本比例和缠绕攀援藤本比例均自东向西略呈上升趋势; 大多数含藤属的藤本多样性由东往西递减, 仅极少数含藤属由东往西逐渐增加, 如野豌豆属(Vicia)和菟丝子属(Cuscuta)。(4)藤本植物多样性在喜马拉雅和印度河-恒河平原地区呈现出自东向西递减的相似格局, 由东往西方向上含藤属递减率分别为8.4属/100 km和6.3属/100 km, 但喜马拉雅地区藤本植物多样性更高。喜马拉雅和印度河-恒河平原地区均有分布的272个含藤属中有196属在中亚及伊朗高原不再有分布, 其中31.1% (61属)在喜马拉雅地区的分布显著更偏西, 仅4.1% (8属)在印度河-恒河平原的分布显著更偏西。综合分析表明, 喜马拉雅地区藤本植物的多样性及其地理格局的特点与其特殊的地理位置、气候条件和生境的梯度变化以及毗邻地区植物区系的多元化有关; 水分条件的东西向梯度变化可能是藤本植物在喜马拉雅和印度河-恒河平原地区形成相似格局的主要原因。  相似文献   

中国亚热带东部藤本植物的多样性   总被引:37,自引:1,他引:36  
藤本植物是一类生物型特殊的非自然分类群,笔者从藤本植物的来源、类型、数量、性质等角度探讨了中国亚热带东部藤本植物的多样性特征。结果如下:①本区计有藤本植物58科、164属、611种(不包括蕨类藤本),分别占总被子植物科、属和种的29.1%、10.3%和9.6%,在种的丰富度上略高于温带森林区域(7%),而低于热带区域(19%);木质藤本占绝对优势,为72.3%,草质藤本占27.7%。②主要由含少量  相似文献   

热带雨林木质藤本植物叶片性状及其关联   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热带雨林中木质藤本植物较为丰富。随着全球气候变化加剧,木质藤本植物的丰富度具有不断增加的趋势,有可能对热带森林的结构、功能和动态产生重要影响。然而,目前对木质藤本响应环境变化的机制所知甚少。本研究以13个科20种热带雨林常见木质藤本植物为材料,测定了冠层叶片的17个形态特征及结构性状,并分析了性状间的相互关系。结果表明,叶片相对含水量的种间变异最小(变异系数为5%),而上表皮厚度的种间变异最大(变异系数为80%),其它性状的种间变异系数为24%~61%。木质藤本植物的叶脉密度、叶片密度均与气孔密度呈显著正相关,叶片干物质含量与比叶面积呈显著负相关。与相同生境的树木相比,木质藤本的叶面积更小、气孔密度和叶片密度更低、比叶面积更高,但两种植物类群的叶片横切面组织结构厚度无显著差异。研究结果对理解木质藤本植物的生态适应性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

藤本植物是森林生态系统的重要组成部分,影响群落的恢复与演替。通过对云南普洱地区不同恢复阶段(恢复15a、恢复30a和原始林群落)季风常绿阔叶林群落的野外调查,分析了不同恢复阶段藤本植物的物种丰富度、密度、多度、径级分布、多样性指数及攀援方式,并探讨藤本植物与支持木的关系。结果表明:在0.81hm2的调查样地中,共发现DBH≥0.1cm的藤本植物1292株(分属34科51属64种)。原始林群落的藤本物种丰富度、密度(DBH<1cm)、胸高断面积和平均胸高断面积都显著高于恢复阶段,原始林和恢复15a群落的密度(DBH≥1cm)、平均胸径和平均长度之间无显著差异,但都显著高于恢复30a。3种群落类型中藤本植物的物种组成和径级分布有显著差异,原始林中藤本植物物种更多,而且大径级(DBH≥10cm)的藤本植物仅出现在原始林及恢复30a的群落。单株藤本攀援的支持木在3种群落类型中均占多数,藤本植物与支持木的胸径存在显著的正相关(P<0.001),原始林群落中DBH≥15cm的支持木更易被攀援,而恢复阶段则相反。茎缠绕藤本植物对原始林的负面影响要显著少于恢复15a及30a群落,而卷须类藤本植物也反映出原始林正处于一个动态变化的阶段,同时根攀缘和搭靠类藤本植物物种组成和多度变化可以反映出干扰后季风常绿阔叶林的恢复程度。森林砍伐是影响不同恢复阶段藤本植物的物种组成和分布的主要因素。  相似文献   

木质藤本植物是热带、亚热带山地森林重要的组分之一, 在森林动态、生态系统过程和森林生物多样性形成与维持等方面具有重要作用。本文调查了哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林木质藤本植物的多样性及其在垂直和水平空间上的分布规律。在20个20 m × 50 m的样地中共调查到DBH≥0.2 cm的木质藤本植物1,145株, 隶属于19科25属29种, 其中物种最丰富的科为菝葜科(4种)和蔷薇科(3种), 但多度最高的科为葡萄科(363株, 占总株数的31.7%)。研究发现林下木质藤本(通常DBH < 1 cm)拥有较高的物种丰富度和多度, 对木质藤本植物多样性具有较大的贡献。有55.7%的个体分布在林下层, 林冠层占28.8%, 亚冠层只有15.5%。木质藤本的垂直空间分布在不同径级、不同攀援类型之间具有明显的差异。 从水平空间分布来看, 地形是影响木质藤本的一个重要因素: 沟谷木质藤本的物种丰富度、多度和基面积分别是坡面的171%, 420%和606%; 有12个物种只分布在沟谷生境。这表明哀牢山中山湿性常绿阔叶林木质藤本植物对生境具有偏好性。  相似文献   

唐一思  石慰  曾文豪  郑维艳  曹坤芳 《生态学报》2018,38(24):8750-8757
藤本植物是热带和亚热带森林的重要组分,在过去几十年中藤本植物多样性在热带森林增加,有可能导致森林的多样性减少,碳储量等生态系统服务功能降低,引起广泛关注。以《广西植被志要》中共355个样地数据(喀斯特森林、海拔1000 m以下的非喀斯特森林和海拔1000 m以上的非喀斯特森林)为基础,结合气候数据,分析天然林中藤本植物区系组成、不同生境藤本植物物种多样性与系统发育多样性关系、藤本植物物种多样性与年平均温度关系,以及系统发育结构特点。结果表明:(1)广西天然林藤本植物中,热带分布的含藤属占比最大(75.4%),温带分布含藤属占比较低(12.3%),世界广布含藤属和亚洲分布含藤属占比最小,海拔1000 m以下的喀斯特和非喀斯特森林都有一些专有的含藤科属;(2) 3个生境藤本的Gleason物种多样性和系统发育多样性与年均温都不相关,它们的物种多样性差异不显著,但是系统发育多样性有显著差异,海拔1000 m以下的非喀斯特森林中系统发育多样性最高,喀斯特森林系统发育多样性最低;(3)非喀斯特森林藤本植物系统发育结构趋向于离散,暗指竞争排斥作用是藤本植物组合在该生境群落主要构建机制,喀斯特森林藤本植物系统发育结构趋向于聚集,暗指藤本植物组合由生境过滤作用为主形成。这些研究发现对于热带亚热带森林藤本植物的多样性组成及其共存机制提供了新认识。  相似文献   

为揭示喀斯特生境中藤本植物的生态策略,对中国科学院普定喀斯特生态系统观测研究站的陈旗流域中9种木质藤本的叶片功能性状及其相关性进行了研究。结果表明,叶面积、叶厚度、叶绿素含量、比叶面积、叶组织密度和叶干物质含量6个叶功能性状均存在不同程度的变异,性状的种间变异为9.24%~98.18%,种内变异为0.64%~39.71%。落叶植物性状的种内变异系数低于常绿植物;相较于喀斯特乔灌木,藤本植物具有较低的叶厚度、叶组织密度和较高的叶面积、叶干物质含量;藤本植物叶功能性状间关系紧密,比叶面积与叶组织密度、叶干物质含量呈极显著负相关,叶组织密度与叶干物质含量呈极显著正相关。叶绿素含量与叶干物质含量呈极显著负相关。叶厚度与叶绿素含量呈显著正相关,与叶组织密度呈显著负相关。除叶厚度外,叶面积与其余性状均存在显著或极显著相关性。结合叶经济谱理论分析,刺葡萄(Vitis davidii var. davidii)、野葛(Pueraria montana)和野葡萄(V. amurensis)倾向于"快速偿还"型,白木通(Akebia trifoliata)、红毛悬钩子(Rubus pinfaensis)、小果蔷薇(Rosacymosa)和崖豆藤(Millettiaextensa)倾向于"慢速偿还"型,插田泡(Rubuscoreanus)和勾儿茶(Berchemia polyphylla)的功能分异明显,介于两者之间。可见,为适应干旱贫瘠的喀斯特环境,藤本植物通过权衡叶功能性状关系来采取不同的适应策略。  相似文献   

Native plants are increasingly used for revegetation and restoration. These plants are cultivated for several generations at plant nurseries and often they are of unknown provenance. Therefore, cultivated plants often differ from their wild progenitors in life‐history traits. Using germination behavior as example, we tested the assumption that cultivated plants have different life‐history traits than their uncultivated progenitors. Cultivated as well as wild individuals of Plantago lanceolata and Lotus corniculatus, two species frequently used in revegetation, were tested in a common garden experiment as well as in incubators for their germination behavior. We observed significantly faster and more abundant germination in cultivated varieties. Using artificial crossings, we found that also hybrids of cultivated varieties and wild relatives germinate faster and more abundant than the wilds. As wild plants acquire their life‐history traits by natural selection, we have to assume that they represent the optimal adaptation to the environmental conditions. If these traits are changed by cultivation or by hybridization between cultivated varieties and local populations, the long‐term survival probabilities of local populations may be altered. Therefore, the use of cultivated varieties of native plants should be avoided in revegetation.  相似文献   

Interviews identified that most small‐scale maize farmers in central Uganda and in the Southern Highlands of Tanzania plant home‐saved seed of landraces or seed derived from various open‐pollinated and hybrid varieties. Some farmers also bought a portion of their seed, either certified seed, locally traded seed or even maize sold for consumption. Selection for home‐saved seed was generally among harvested cobs. Big cobs with many, regularly arranged, large, white, flint kernels were preferred. A maize cob may bear several hundred seeds, so a farmer needs to save <1% of cobs for seed. A form of resistance in which plants show only moderate symptoms and suffer only a small reduction in yield when infected has been incorporated in some released varieties. Because not all plants in most crops are infected and because plants uninfected with Maize streak virus (MSV) tend to produce bigger cobs than infected resistant plants, the few cobs selected by a farmer for seed may all be from the uninfected ‘escapes’, with no preferential selection of resistant types. On‐station simulation of the farmers’ selection process in a crop of the MSV‐resistant maize variety, Longe 1, confirmed this. An alternative very strong form of MSV resistance was identified.  相似文献   

In the present study, the possible evidence of positive selection was analyzed for the neuraminidase (NA) sequences of Guangxi H5N1 strains of China. Based on an overall site-specific positive selection analysis, it was found that NA gene of H5N1 Guangxi strains underwent purifying selection and no significant positively selected sites were identified. For the branch-specific positive selection analysis, there was no positive selection evidence for the branches leading to different poultry hosts (chicken, duck and goose). Conclusively, positive selection seems not possible (if not rare) for the NA gene in influenza H5N1 subtype, at least for the samples found in Guangxi Province of China.  相似文献   

Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) has undergone intensive selection during and following domestication. We investigated population structure and genetic differentiation within a collection of 70 tomato lines representing contemporary (processing and fresh-market) varieties, vintage varieties and landraces. The model-based Bayesian clustering software, STRUCTURE, was used to detect subpopulations. Six independent analyses were conducted using all marker data (173 markers) and five subsets of markers based on marker type (single-nucleotide polymorphisms, simple sequence repeats and insertion/deletions) and location (exon and intron sequences) within genes. All of these analyses consistently separated four groups predefined by market niche and age into distinct subpopulations. Furthermore, we detected at least two subpopulations within the processing varieties. These subpopulations correspond to historical patterns of breeding conducted for specific production environments. We found no subpopulation within fresh-market varieties, vintage varieties and landraces when using all marker data. High levels of admixture were shown in several varieties representing a transition in the demarcation between processing and fresh-market breeding. The genetic clustering detected by using the STRUCTURE software was confirmed by two statistics, pairwise F(st) (θ) and Nei's standard genetic distance. We also identified a total of 19 loci under positive selection between processing, fresh-market and vintage germplasm by using an F(st)-outlier method based on the deviation from the expected distribution of F(st) and heterozygosity. The markers and genome locations we identified are consistent with known patterns of selection and linkage to traits that differentiate the market classes. These results demonstrate how human selection through breeding has shaped genetic variation within cultivated tomato.  相似文献   

This study concerns the knowledge and selection of biological diversity of maize (Zea mays) within its center of domestication in Mesoamerica. Maize farmers in central Chiapas of Southern México keep local varieties (landraces) belonging to six races and four race mixtures. Fifteen local varieties are recognized. In spite of widespread adoption of a modern, high yielding variety, maize farmers continue to select local varieties for specific soils and because of agronomic and use criteria. Farmers maintain maize varieties primarily through seed selection. Spatial and temporal separation do not seem sufficient to maintain varieties. The management of improved varieties can lead from a uniform population to a heterogeneous one as hybridization with local maize populations occurs.  相似文献   

两广茶区10个茶树品种染色体数目研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
李斌  陈国本  贺利雄  张文滟  黄国安   《广西植物》1999,19(3):233-235+291
采用植物染色体去壁、低渗、火焰干燥制片技术,分析了两广茶区10个茶树品种染色体数目。结果表明,这10个茶树品种均为二倍体(2n=2x=30);但在广东平远锅 品种中发现3个三倍体细胞;在广东连南大叶种中发现1个单倍体细胞;在清远笔架茶等6个茶树品种中均发现染色体数少于30条的细胞。研究结果说明,茶树染色体基数具有高度的稳定性,极端气候条件的变化,很可能是导致染色体出现整倍性或非整倍性变异的原因。  相似文献   

Copper tolerance is expressed in the diploid sporophyte as well as the microgametophyte of Mimulus guttatus. Previous studies, based on reproductive output, suggested that selection for copper tolerance could occur within the pistil. The objective of this study was to determine if selection within the pistil can increase sporophytic tolerance to copper and to determine whether this selection occurs pre- or postzygotically. Mixtures of pollen from copper tolerant or sensitive sources or from plants heterozygous for tolerance to copper were applied at two intensities to plants cloned and grown in control or copper supplemented solutions. The proportion of copper tolerant progeny showed a small, 7%, but significant increase when pollen recipients were grown with added copper. Comparisons of the numbers of tolerant progeny, as well as various components of reproduction, following light and heavy pollinations suggested that microgametophytic selection was unlikely to account for this increase. However, the 8 to 10% decrease in the seed/zygote ratio, compared to control values, was sufficient to account for the difference in proportion of copper tolerant progeny from control and copper treated plants. Thus, it appeared likely that selection for copper tolerance could occur within the pistil, and that much of this selection occurred postzygotically through the early failure of developing seeds.  相似文献   

Highly efficient Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.) was obtained by first wounding stem explants via microprojectile bombardment. When this was followed by cocultivation with disarmed Agrobacterium in the dark, the transformation frequency-based on transient GUS expression-increased to over 10-fold that of explants wounded by other means and cocultivated under constant light. Two cycles of regeneration/selection on kanamycin were employed to generate stably transformed carnation plants and eliminate chimeras: first, plantlets were regenerated from inoculated stem explants and then leaves from these plantlets were used to generate transgenes in a second selection cycle of adventitious shoot regeneration. Agrobacterium strain AGLO, carrying the binary vector pCGN7001 containing uidA and nptII genes, was used in the stable transformation experiments. The combination of wounding via bombardment, cocultivation in the dark and two cycles of kanamycin selection yielded an overall transformation efficiency of 1–2 transgenes per 10 stem explants for the three carnation varieties analyzed. Histochemical and molecular analyses of marker genes in T0 and T1 generations confirmed the transgenic nature of the selected plants.  相似文献   

广西野生果树资源调查研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
广西有丰富的野生果树资源,计有野生果树50科99属290种(含变种、变型),其科属种分别占全国野生果树73科173属1157种(含变种、变型)的68.49%、57.23%、25.07%。蔷薇科(46种)、猕猴桃科(38种)、壳斗科(29种)、葡萄科(12种)、芸香科(12种)和桑科(11种)六个科共有148种,共占广西野生果树种类的51.03%。这六个科是广西野生果树的优势科。根据目前广西野生果树开发利用状况、技术经验、经济价值等,将广西野生果树分为具备成熟开发条件的种类(48种),进一步研究可开发种类(33种)以及亟待开发种类(209种)。对具备成熟开发条件的种类和进一步研究可开发种类的分布、生境、果熟期、果实用途等进行了详细介绍。提出了保护和合理开发利用广西野生果树资源的建议。  相似文献   

据调查,广西拉沟自然保护区有维管束植物186科657属1078种(含变种、亚种),包括材用植物88种、药用植物358种、油脂植物36种、纤维植物70种、淀粉植物29种、杂果植物25种、芳香植物28种、栲胶植物39种、保健饮料植物12种、饲用植物49种、花卉观赏植物75种、水土保持植物23种、珍稀濒危植物43种等资源植物,保护植物资源迫切而重要,对此提出植物资源保护与可持续利用的建议。  相似文献   

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