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云南省奶牛胚胎移植试验   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
实验用12头黑白花奶牛(3-9岁),PGF[2α]作同步发情处理后,周期第10-12天,总剂量36 mg的FSH-P按递减方式每日肌肉注射2次,间隔12小时,共注射4天,在第3天加注PGF[2α]35 mg,进行超数排卵处理。12头供体牛共得胚135枚,可用胚数118枚,为总胚数的87.47%。平均每头得胚11.25枚。胚胎分别移植给20头同步发情处理的黑白花奶牛和20头黄牛受体(有3头为自然发情),每头移植1枚胚胎。结果,奶牛受孕率为35%(受孕7头,产犊7头);黄牛受孕率为40%(受孕8头,流产2头,产犊6头)。奶牛和黄牛总受孕率为37.5%。  相似文献   

选用健康成年天祝母白牦牛(Poephagus grunniens)(供体)10头、黑牦牛(受体)37头进行实验. 供体牛(组1)用CIDR-B+FSH+PG进行同期发情和超数排卵; 受体牛(组2和组3)分别采用CIDR-B+PG和单次注射PG法进行同期发情. 结果表明, 平均黄体数、卵泡数、可移植胚胎数和退化胚胎数分别为4.75±2.19, 1.13±0.83, 2.50±1.31和1.38±0.92. 在3组中, 组1的同期发情率最高, 为80%, 组2和3分别为60%和45.5%. 处理后不同组别的发情开始时间不同, 组1的大部分白牦牛在处理结束后的25~75 h发情, 而组2和3的受体黑牦牛分别在73~96和49~72 h发情. 平均胚胎回收率55.6%. 共收集18枚可用胚胎, 将其中12枚移植到10头同期发情的受体牦牛, 最终妊娠率50%, 分娩率40%.  相似文献   

小鼠胚胎徒手分割技术的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究不同分割液和分割前胚胎去致密化与否对昆明白系小鼠的桑椹胚和囊胚的徒手分割以及分割后胚胎移植的影响。方法 在mPBS、1 2 5 %蔗糖液和进口分割液三种不同分割液中对桑椹胚和囊胚进行徒手分割。结果和结论 在蔗糖液与进口分割液中分割桑椹胚 ,成功率显著高于mPBS处理组 (6 9 5 3%、77 4 0 %vs5 6 82 % ) (P <0 0 5 ) ,而半胚的囊胚发育率及囊胚细胞数三组差异均无显著性 (P >0 0 5 ) ;在蔗糖液与进口分割液中分割囊胚 ,分割后半胚培养的囊胚发育率显著高于mPBS处理组 (72 38%、74 2 9%vs 5 6 2 0 % ) (P <0 0 1 ) ,而分割成功率及囊胚细胞数三组差异均无显著性 (P >0 0 5 ) ;各处理组半胚的囊胚发育率及囊胚细胞数都显著低于对照组体外培养桑椹胚的囊胚发育率 (98 70 % )和囊胚细胞数 (6 3 6 7± 5 78) (P <0 0 1 ) ;桑椹胚经去致密化处理后分割 ,其分割成功率显著高于未处理组 (82 90 %vs 5 6 6 0 % ) (P <0 0 1 ) ,处理组半胚培养的囊胚发育率也显著高于未处理组 (73 80 %vs 4 6 80 % ) (P <0 0 1 ) ;共移植 1 4 2枚 2分胚形成的囊胚移植于 1 1只受体 ,其中 3只妊娠 ,分别产仔 2只、3只和 4只  相似文献   

目的:孕酮(progesterone,P4)作为一种生殖激素,在牛的发情期和妊娠期呈规律性变化,且在妊娠的建立和维持过程中发挥着重要作用。拟应用孕酮浓度测定辅助人工观察筛选克隆胚胎移植受体牛并监测其整个妊娠过程。方法:通过对自然配种牛不同生殖阶段血液中孕酮水平的分析,建立其在发情初期、妊娠期孕酮浓度的变化规律,以此为依据辅助人工观察筛选适合胚胎移植的受体牛。同时将在体外培养7天后的体细胞核移植重构囊胚移植到所筛选出的同期发情的受体牛子宫内,并应用孕酮测定监测其妊娠状态。实验结果:(1)运用孕酮检测筛选克隆胚胎移植受体牛时,当孕酮浓度在发情第0天和第5天分别为≤0.64nmol/L和2~8nmol/L时,适宜作为胚胎移植受体牛,根据此筛选指标能够排除50%左右假发情牛。(2)运用孕酮检测较传统的人工观察方法,胚胎移植的克隆牛出生率提高了7.1倍。结论:运用牛血清孕酮检测方法能有效提高母牛生理周期判断的准确性,有利于选择合适的胚胎移植受体牛,既能实时、有效地监测怀孕受体牛的妊娠状态,又避免了靠人工观察受体牛返情、流产时的人为疏漏和误判,有效地提高受体牛的利用率,提高克隆牛的生产效率,并能推广应用于畜牧行业牛的生产繁育中。  相似文献   

山羊发情后期三种不同超排方法的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 研究在山羊发情后期三种不同超排方法的超排效果。方法 实验以 2 0只本地山羊为实验材料 ,以氯前列烯醇二次注射法进行同期发情 ,研究了于发情后期 (发情结束后第 2天 )进行 3种不同的超排方法 (对照组 :3 0 0IUFSH 6次减量法 ,F -pvp组 :3 0 0IUFSH溶于 3 0 %PVP一次注射 ,F -pmsg组 :先注射 2 0 0IUFSH ,2 4h后结合 3 3 0IUPMSG一次注射法 )的超排效果。结果 二次注射氯前列烯醇在 60h内同期率为 80 % (16 2 0 ) ,3种超排方法平均获黄体数分别为 9 75± 4 65,11 75± 8 3 4 ,11± 9 13 ;平均获可用胚数分别为 7± 2 94,8± 5 48,7 5± 5 80 ;胚胎回收率分别为 62 16% ,68 0 8% ,61 3 6%。t检验证明实验组 (F pvp组和F pmsg组 )平均获黄体和平均可用胚与对照组差异有显著性 (P <0 0 5) ,而胚胎回收率 (卡方检验 )差异无显著性 (P >0 0 5)。结论 山羊发情周期的发情后期进行超排能取得很好的卵巢反应 ,而且FSH一次注射法 (溶于 3 0 %PVP或 2 4h后结合少量PMSG)与多次减量法的超排效果一致 ,这表明 ,在山羊发情后期使用FSH一次注射的超排方法有可能作为一种简化的体内生产胚胎的方法加以进一步开发和应用  相似文献   

由中国农业科学院水牛所研究员黄右军主持的“水牛胚胎体外生产与胚胎移植技术研究”日前通过专家鉴定。据悉 ,该研究成果创 4项世界第一 :世界最大的试管水牛群 (生产 2 2头全部成活 ) ;世界首例完全体外化冻胚试管水牛 ;世界第一例试管水牛双犊 ;世界首列利用先人工授精后胚胎移植生产的不同品种的水牛双犊。其卵母细胞成熟率、受精分裂率和囊胚率分别为71.6%、5 2 .8%和 2 7.2 %。鉴定委员会专家一致认为 ,该研究成果建立的水牛体外受精胚胎生产技术安全、重复性好 ,达到国际领先水平。据了解 ,此项技术的研究成功 ,为开展水牛活体采卵—…  相似文献   

成年耳细胞克隆山羊(Capra hircus)   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:30  
繁殖季节采集关中奶山羊卵巢,采集获得可用卵母细胞5.5枚/卵巢(1815/330).经约20 h 成熟培养,第一极体排放率66.17%(1201/1815).将有类第二极体排出结构的成熟卵母细胞去核,去核率75.44%(906/1201).培养济宁青山羊耳部皮肤成纤维细胞传2代后液氮冷冻,解冻培养3~6代,用0.5% FBS饥饿2~10 d作为供体细胞.利用卵母细胞胞质内注射法将分离的供体细胞核胞体注入到去核卵母细胞内,注核成功率98.12%(889/906).克隆胚胎用5μmol/L 离子酶素激活4.5 min, 在含2 mmol/L 6-二甲氨基嘌呤(6 dime-thylaminopurine,6-DMAP)的培养液中培养3 h,然后在mCR1aaBF培养液中培养36 h,卵裂率76.69%(645/841).其中由未经冷藏处理供体细胞克隆得到308枚胚胎,激活后卵裂率、4-细胞发育率、囊胚发育率分别为68.5%(211/308),59.72%(126/211)和17.46% (22/126);另外,由4℃冷藏处理24h供体细胞获得的109枚克隆胚胎,激活率、4-细胞率、囊胚率分别为72.48%(79/109),53.16%(42/79)和19.05%(8/42).统计学分析表明,4℃处理供体细胞对克隆胚胎的早期发育没有显著影响.将102枚发育至4-细胞期的克隆胚胎移植到17只自然发情2~3 d 的受体山羊输卵管,其中非冷藏供体细胞克隆的84枚胚胎移植后没有产仔.18枚冷藏体细胞克隆的胚胎移植获得1只发育足月的克隆山羊.将冷藏或非冷藏处理供体细胞克隆得到的19枚体外发育囊胚移植到自然发情6~8 d 的受体山羊,结果无一产仔.未经冷藏处理供体细胞克隆得到的18枚体外发育桑椹胚移植到自然发情5 d受体山羊后获得1只足月羔羊.微卫星引物PCR扩增结果证实2只克隆山羊来源于同一供体细胞.  相似文献   

间接免疫荧光鉴别奶牛胚胎性别的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本实验用H—Y抗体的间接免疫荧光方法对奶牛6—7日龄胚胎进行性别鉴别。用数排卵法获得的胚胎,共选37枚在含H—Y抗血清的M2培养液中温育30min,用M2培养液清洗后,在含FITC—荧光标记的羊抗鼠IgG二抗的M2中温育30min,经洗后的胚胎在Nikon倒置荧光显微镜下鉴别有无荧光,结果21枚胚胎有特异免疫荧光,判作雄性胚胎;16枚无特异免疫荧光,判作雌性胚胎,分别占57%和43%。这与自然出生公母犊各约50%和性比率无显著差别(P>0.25),判定为雄性的5枚胚胎移植给3头受体奶牛(每头移植1或2枚)、3枚判定为雌性胚胎移植给2头受体奶牛一头移植一枚,枚、另一头移植2枚)移植后两个月时检查有3头受体怀孕,其中,一头移植有荧光胚胎的受体返植无荧光胚胎的2头受体各产一母犊(体重皆41kg)。  相似文献   

整合人mAAT基因转基因山羊的获得   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
旨在通过动物转基因技术开发奶山羊的乳腺生产治疗人肺纤维性囊肿的新药-人抗胰蛋白酶因子(人mAAT),选择繁殖机能优良的奶山羊56只作为供体,采用FSH+LH做超数排卵,获取原核期胚,并进行显微注射和鲜胚移植,3月和5月两个月份超排处理后超排效果明显好于12月份,分别可获得平均排卵19.50,21.70和16.06枚,受精卵精分别为4.31,6.48和3.57枚,显微注射后胚胎移植给供体或自然发情的受体,移植受胎率分别为18.18%和25.00%,所生羔羊29只,对转入外外基因编码区N-末端和3‘调控区部分序列进行PCR,PCR-Southem和Southern检测,检出阳性转基因羊羔4只,基因的融合效率为13.79%。  相似文献   

山羊超数排卵与胚胎移植技术的研究与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究于 2 0 0 0年 9月~ 2 0 0 3年 11月分别对 883只 (次 )波尔山羊、95只黑山羊、5 2只努比羊和 37只波黑杂交羊采用孕激素 FSH法进行超排处理 ,对 1190 0只受体黑山羊埋置CIDR或孕酮海绵栓并分别注射Folligon的方法进行同期发情处理 ,通过对不同品种、季节、年龄和重复超排对山羊超排反应的影响 ,胚胎分割、胚龄和黄体状况对移植妊娠率和产羔率的影响及不同孕激素制剂对同期发情效果的影响等因素进行分析 ,为山羊胚胎移植产业化提供理论和技术依据  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to identify the most effective dosage level of folltrooin for superovulation in buffalo. In addition, the effect of the day of estrus on superovulation and the use of exogenous GnRH were also studied. Eighty-three buffalo were treated with prostaglandin. A functional Corous luteum (CL) was palpated in only 73 buffalo 1 d before the superovulation treatment was initiated. One of eight treatments was used on the buffalo: Protocol I(n 8) 9 mg folltropin (PPFE) on Days 9 to 12 of the cycle; Protocol II(n 10) 18 mg PPFE on Days 9 to 12 of the cycle; Protocol III(n 9) 18 mg PPFE on Days 13 to 15 of the cycle; Protocol IV(n 9) 21.6 mg PPFE on Days 9 to 12 of the cycle; Protocol V(n 9) 21.6 mg PPFE with GnRH on Days 9 to 12 of the cycle; Protocol-VI(n 10) 25.2 mg PPFE on Days 9 to 12 of the cycle; Protocol VII(n 9) 28.8 mg PPFE on Days 9 to 12 of the cycle; Protocol VIII (n 9) 36 mg PPFE on Days 9 to 12 of the cycle. The highest ovulation rate was observed in Protocol VI (x 5.3+/-0.79) which is significantly higher (P < 0.01) than other Protocols. Maxium embryos (x 3.7) were recovered using Protocol III. Whereas, highest number of transferable embryos (x 2.2) were recovered from Protocol V. Use of GnRH and superovulation treatment on Days 13 to 15 has no advantageous effect on ovulation rate. In all, 41 embryos were transferred to 35 recioients: nine buffalo became pregnant; 59 embryos were frozen; 12 were thawed; nine good frozen-thawed embryos were transferred to eight recidients, three of which were diagnosed pregnant.  相似文献   

This study was designed to ascertain the rate of transport and development of preimplantation embryo in the superovulated buffalo in order to determine the optimum time for their nonsurgical collection. Eighteen Murrah-type buffalo were superovulated with 600 mg NIH-FSH-P1. Luteolysis was induced by administration of PGF2 alpha at 72 (PG + 72) and 84 h (PG + 84) after initiating gonadotrophin treatment and fixed-time AI was done beginning at 36 h post PG + 72 administration and at 12-h intervals thereafter, upto 72 h. Six control buffalo received treatment similar to experimental group except that in place of FSH they received normal saline. For embryo collection, experimental animals were humanely killed at 6-h intervals corresponding to 156 (n = 2), 162 (n = 2), 168 (n = 2), 174 (n = 3), 180 (n = 3), 186 (n = 3) and 192 h(n = 3) after PG + 72 treatment, whereas the control animals were humanely killed at 156 (n = 2), 174 (n = 2) and 192 h (n = 2). Superovulated buffalo had higher number of ovulations than untreated controls (8.78 +/- 5.00 vs 0.67 +/- 0.51) and total ova/embryos recovered was 4.11 +/- 2.46 and 0.67 +/- 0.51, respectively. The high estradiol-17 beta (E2) levels with its prolonged rise may, by leading to reverse peristalsis in the oviduct with a consequent loss of some embryos in the peritoneal cavity, be one of the reasons for our inability to recover nearly 84/158 ova/embryos in the superovulated buffalo. In superovulated animals, nearly all the ova/embryos reached the uterus between 168 and 174 h post PG + 72 treatment or about 134 h (circa 5.5 d) after the onset of superovulatory estrus, suggesting that the ideal time for non-surgical embryo collection in the buffalo is between Days 7 to 8 after PG + 72 treatment or Days 5.5 to 6.0 of the superovulated cycle (estrus = Day 0). Embryo development of superovulated buffalo showed considerable variation as various stages of embryos (8 cell to expanded blastocyst) were recovered from the same donor buffalo, and the rate of development appeared to be 24 to 36 h faster than in cattle.  相似文献   

Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) is a glycoprotein hormone with a short half-life and has to be given twice daily for 3-4 days to induce superovulation in heifers. Since such a regimen is time consuming we compared the ovulatory response and yield of embryos in heifers following superovulation with either once or twice daily injections of pFSH for 4 days during the mid-luteal phase of a synchronized estrous cycle or during a prolonged luteal phase in heifers which had been immunized against prostaglandin F2alpha (PG). In Experiment 1, crossbred heifers (n = 42) previously actively immunized against a PG immunogen were superovulated in a 2 (cyclic or persistent corpus luteum) x 2 (once or twice daily injection) factorial plan. The heifers were superovulated with 75 units pFSH, which was injected subcutaneously once (22.5, 22.5, 15 and 15 units per day) or twice daily (9.3 units per injection) for 4 days. In Experiment 2, cyclic crossbred beef heifers (n = 80) were superovulated using pFSH which was given randomly to heifers once daily subcutaneously (T1) or twice daily intramuscularly (T2) using the same daily dose of 9, 7, 5, and 3 mg per day. Estrus was induced in all heifers in both experiments using 500 mug and 250 mug Cloprostenol 12 hours apart on the third day of pFSH injections. All heifers were inseminated twice with frozen-thawed semen at 12 and 24 hours after the onset of standing estrus or at 56 and 72 hours after the first PG if estrus was not observed. Embryos were recovered at slaughter and graded on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 = excellent, 5 = degenerated). Data were recorded for the number of corpora lutea (CL), large (>/=10 mm) and medium (5-9 mm) follicles, number of embryos recovered and embryo morphology. Data were analyzed by least squares analysis of variance procedures. In Experiment 1, there was no difference in ovulation rate between main effects. Fewer embryos were recovered from heifers with a persistent corpus luteum (pCL) and injected once daily (1.71+/-.75 vs 5.75+/-1.27) than from any other group. Heifers with pCL yielded lower (P < 0.05) numbers of freezable embryos than cyclic animals, regardless of injection regimen. In Experiment 2, T2 heifers had a significantly higher number of CL (16.4+/-1.7 vs 7.7+/-1.7; P = 0.0003), large follicles (4.1+/-0.5 vs 2.8+/-0.5; P = 0.04), medium follicles (6.4+/-0.7 vs 4.4+/-0.7; P = 0.04), embryos recovered (9.6+/-1.1 vs 4.9+/-1.1; P = 0.0025) and freezable embryos (4.7+/-0.7 vs 2.1+/-0.7; P = 0.014) than T1 heifers. It is concluded that a single daily subcutaneous injection of pFSH results in a lower superovulatory response than the twice daily regimen in heifers.  相似文献   

Advanced reproductive technology in the water buffalo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drost M 《Theriogenology》2007,68(3):450-453
Embryo transfer techniques in water buffalo were derived from those in cattle. However, the success rate is much lower in buffaloes, due to their inherent lower fertility and poor superovulatory response. The buffalo ovary has a smaller population of recruitable follicles at any given time than the ovary of the cow (89% fewer at birth). In addition, estrus detection is problematic. Progress in the field of embryo transfer in water buffalo has been slow, and is primarily due to a poor response to superovulation. The average yield of transferable embryos is less than one per superovulated donor. In vitro embryo production could considerably improve the efficacy and logistics of embryo production. The technique of Ovum Pick Up is superior to superovulation; it can yield more transferable embryos per donor on a monthly basis (2.0 versus 0.6). The feasibility of intergeneric embryo transfer between buffalo and cattle has been investigated. No pregnancy resulted after transfer of 13 buffalo embryos to synchronized Holstein heifers. Preliminary successes with nucleus transfer of Bubalus bubalis fetal and adult somatic nuclei into enucleated bovine oocytes and subsequent development to the blastocyst stage have been reported.  相似文献   

Early embryonic development in Thai swamp buffalo (Bubalus bubalis )   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A total of 33 nonsurgical embryo collections was carried out to investigate early embryo development in Thai swamp buffalo. Collections were performed on Days 5.5, 6.0, 6.5, 7.0 and 7.5. The different stages of embryo development on these days were the 16-cell stage, compact morula, blastocyst, hatched blastocyst and hatched expanding blastocyst, respectively. In addition, some degenerating embryos and unfertilized ova were also recovered. A higher recovery rate was obtained with single embryo collection after natural estrus than after induced estrus or superovulation, 78% (7 9 ) vs 46% (6 13 ) vs 54.5% (6 11 ), respectively. A higher percentage of normal embryos was also obtained with single embryo collection after either natural or induced estrus than after superovulation, 71% (5 7 ), 83% (5 6 ) and 38% (6 16 ), respectively.  相似文献   

Cloprostenol (500 ug) and dinoprost tromethamine (65 mg in three doses) were similarly effective in controlling estrus during superovulation with FSH-P. Estrous response was 97.3% and 99.5%, respectively. Embryo production was the same measured in terms of the number transferable, total, percent transferable and number of ova cleaved. The percent cleaved was higher in the dinoprost group (75.5%) than the cloprostenol group (67.4%, P=0.019). The number (P=0.04) and proportions (P=0.009) of degenerate embryos were higher in the dinoprost group as compared to the cloprostenol group (2.9 and 27.9% vs 2.2 and 20.5%).  相似文献   

Crossbred gilts and sows (n=116) were used for the collection of 1-cell zygotes for DNA microinjection and transfer. Retrospectively, estrus synchronization and superovulation schemes were evaluated to assess practicality for zygote collection. Four synchronization and superovulation procedures were used: 1) sows were observed for natural estrous behavior; 1000 IU human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) was administered at the onset of estrus (NAT); 2) cyclic gilts were synchronized with 17.6 mg altrenogest (ALT)/day for 15 to 19 days followed by superovulation with 1500 IU pregnant mares serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and 500 IU hCG (LALT); 3) gilts between 11 and 16 days of the estrous cycle received 17.6 mg ALT for 5 to 9 days and PMSG and hCG were used to induce superovulation (SALT); and 4) precocious ovulation was induced in prepubertal gilts with PMSG and hCG (PRE). A total of 505 DNA microinjected embryos transferred into 17 recipients produced 7 litters and 50 piglets, of which 8 were transgenic. The NAT sows had less (P < 0.05) ovarian activity than gilts synchronized and superovulated by all the other procedures. Synchronization treatments with PMSG did not differ (P > 0.05) in the number of corpora hemorrhagica or unovulated follicles, but SALT and PRE treaments had higher ovulation rates than LALT (24.7 +/- 2.9, 24.3 +/- 1.8 vs 11.6 +/- 2.7 ovulations; X +/- SEM). The SALT and PRE treatments yielded 12.3 +/- 2.6 and 17.7 +/- 1.7 zygotes. Successful transgenesis was accomplished with SALT and PRE procedures for estrus synchronization and superovulation.  相似文献   

Misra AK  Pant HC 《Theriogenology》2003,59(5-6):1203-1207
Early return-to-estrus after embryo collection would shorten the interval between consecutive superovulations and improve efficiency of embryo production. Following superovulation and embryo collection, 80 buffaloes were treated with 15.0mg Luprostiol (PGF2alpha analogue) for the induction of luteolysis and early return-to-estrus. A total of 67.5% donor animals returned to estrus, on average 11.8+/-0.84 days after the PGF2alpha treatment. The number of ovulations (5 CL) had no significant effect on the percentage of donors returning to estrus within 30 days, as 70% of the buffaloes with 5 CL returned to estrus during this time. However, an increase in the number of ovulations significantly delayed the return to estrus as this duration was 9.7+/-0.93 days in the buffaloes with 5 CL.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of synchronization of follicular wave emergence using steroid hormone treatments in Nelore cows. Donors were placed into three groups. Those that were between days 9 and 12 of their cycle (estrus=day 0) formed the TI group (n=60), whilst those that were in any other stages of their estrus cycle constituted groups TII (n=60) and TIII (n=60). TI donors were submitted to a standard protocol of superovulation, however, TII and TIII donors were treated with the Syncro-Mate-B (SMB) or Controlled Internal Drug Releasing Device (CIDR-B) programs, respectively. Superovulation was induced with p-FSH, divided into eight decreasing doses at intervals of 12h. The donors received cloprostenol 48h after the beginning of the treatment and progestagens were removed 12h later. Artificial inseminations (AI) were done at 12 and 22h after the initiation of estrus and the embryo collections were done 7 days after AI. In the donors which displayed behavioral estrus, mean (+/-S.E.M.) total ova and viable (transferable) embryos were 15.8+/-1.4 and 8.3+/-1.0 (TI, n=56); 15.6+/-1.3 and 8.9+/-1.0 (TII, n=56); 17.3+/-1.0 and 9.9+/-0.9 (TIII, n=57), respectively, with no significant difference (P > or =0.05) among groups. In those animals that did not displayed behavioral estrus, the mean values of total ova and viable embryos were 3.5+/-1.6 and 0.7+/-0.5 (TI, n=4); 11.5+/-3.9 and 9.0+/-4.4 (TII, n=4); 8.7+/-5.0 and 5.0+/-2.9 (TIII, n=3), respectively, with no significant differences (P > or =0.05) among groups. Pregnancy rates of 62.2% (TI, n=235); 66.4% (TII, n=284) and 65.1% (TIII, n=244) were obtained with embryos transferred from these collections and did not differ significantly (P > or =0.05) among groups. It was concluded that the synchronization of the emergence of follicular waves in Nelore donors is usable and does not harm the efficiency of embryo transfer programs. In addition, in contrast to the standard superovulation protocol, this method permits the use of a large number of donors in a short time period, at any stage of the estrus cycle, minimizing the costs of embryo transfer.  相似文献   

Hu J  Bao J  Ma X  Li W  Lei A  Yang C  Gao Z  Wang H 《Animal reproduction science》2010,122(3-4):313-316
The Bamei gilt is a Chinese native breed located in northwest China, which adapts to the extremely dry and cold environment and is distinguished for its excellent reproductive and maternal characters. To ensure sufficient numbers of embryos for transgenic and nuclear transfer research, hormonal induction of gilt estrus and superovulation may be necessary. The objective of this study was to compare the superovulation effects of equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG, Group A) and FSH (Groups B-D) in Chinese Bamei gilts. The results show that though eCG could produce more corpora lutea (CL, 14.3) than the control (CL, 9.2), and the FSH treatments had significantly increased the number of CL compared with the eCG treatment. Within the different FSH protocols, the numbers of CL were significantly greater in Groups B (CL, 77.8) and C (CL, 66.8) than in Group D (CL, 42.7), however, ovarian cysts were observed in Groups B and C, but not in Group D. These data suggest that Group D (280 IU FSH) is a suitable protocol to facilitate the development of ovarian follicles and increase the number of useful embryos per gilt for embryos recovery. The optimal FSH protocol of superovulation in Bamei gilts appears to be: D13/100 IU, D14/80 IU, D15/60 IU, D16/40 IU plus prostaglandin (PG) 0.2mg, D17/hCG 1000 IU.  相似文献   

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