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用RAPD分子标记探讨沙拐枣属的种间关系   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
任Jun  陶玲 《西北植物学报》2002,22(2):338-343
利用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)技术分析了14种沙拐枣属(Calligonum L.)植物,通过对16个Sangon公司十聚体随机引物进行PCR扩增,3个引物能产生多态性带。对3个引物扩增产生的45条扩增产物,计算单匹配系数,应用UPGMA方法构建亲缘关系树状图。分析结果表明:(1)物种间遗传差异明显,具有丰富的遗传多样性;(2)14种沙拐枣属植物明显聚为4类,与传统的形态学分类结果基本一致。  相似文献   

应用RAPD分子标记技术探讨3种石斛属植物的种间关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用RAPD分子标记技术,分析了金钗石斛、铁皮石斛和齿瓣石斛三种石斛属植物的种间关系。10个引物产生的113条DNA扩增片段中,106条(93.81%)具有多态性,利用113个RAPD标记,计算遗传距离,利用非加权组平均法建立聚类图。结果表明,RAPD标记技术较好地从分子水平揭示金钗石斛、铁皮石斛和齿瓣石斛三种石斛属植物的遗传背景、亲缘关系,并为后期在DNA水平上对药用石斛的开发利用提供资料。  相似文献   

采用SSR和RAPD标记研究黄瓜属(葫芦科)的系统发育关系   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
野黄瓜Cucumis hystrix(2n=24)是在亚洲发现的第一个染色体基数为12的黄瓜属物种。这一发现对现行的以染色体基数和地理分布为基础的黄瓜属分类系统提出了质疑。采用SSR和RAPD两种分子标记对黄瓜属22份不同类型材料的亲缘关系进行了研究。结果表明,野黄瓜C.hystrix与黄瓜C.sativus var.sativus(2n=14)间的遗传距离(SSR:0.59,RAPD:0.57)小于其与甜瓜C.melo var.melo(2n=24)间的距离(SSR:0.87,RAPD:0.70)。SS  相似文献   

黄精属植物甾体皂苷的分子进化及其化学分类学意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在植物化学研究的基础上,按分子的氧化水平将黄精属植物的甾体皂苷元分为5个等级,通过对不同氧化水平之间分子进化规律的分析,讨论黄精属植物甾体皂苷元分子进化与形态特征的相关性。结果表明,较原始的类群通常含有氧化水平较低的甾体皂苷,如:互叶系(Ser. Alternifolia);而氧化水平较高的甾体皂苷类型则大多存在于较进化的类群中,如:轮叶系(Ser. Verticillata)。这一植物化学分类学的观点有助于黄精属植物的系统分类。  相似文献   

李鸣  高光跃 《植物研究》1994,14(3):263-266
本文对国产獐牙菜属和花锚属药用植物的花瓣进行了扫描电镜的研究.发现实验样品花瓣的表面纹饰(包括初级雕纹与次级雕纹)具各种类型,在属间、种间以及种与变种间都存在稳定区别,具有一定的分类意义.研究结果为近缘植物分类提供了新的证据和建议.文中并附检索表与扫描电镜照片.  相似文献   

药用鼠尾草属数值分类与丹参药材道地性   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
运用数值分类方法,将鼠尾草属(SalviaL.)药用植物资源划分为3类:高山丹参类、低山丹参类和非丹参类。该结果为鼠尾草属植物分类鉴定、资源开发及丹参药材道地性研究提供了新的参考依据  相似文献   

鸢尾属部分植物种质资源的RAPD分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用RAPD分子标记技术,从100个随机引物中筛选出多态性强、重复性好且稳定性高的引物18个,对38份野生鸢尾属材料进行扩增,共扩增出409条带,其中多态性带405条,多态性比率为99.0%,表明野生鸢尾属植物种间有丰富的遗传多态性;根据DNA谱带计算物种间遗传距离,聚类分析结果将鸢尾属38份材料划分为6组,其结果与传统生物学特性划分的6个亚属的分类结果基本一致;物种特有RAPD标记分析表明,利用18个引物可以较好地将鸢尾属38种植物区分开,其中9个材料得到了单一标记的扩增带,表明运用RAPD分子标记对研究鸢尾属植物特异性基因及标记的筛选等有一定的理论和实际应用价值。  相似文献   

国产甘草属植物的RAPD分析及其分类学研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
应用RAPD技术,探讨甘草属(G ly cy rrh iza L.)13种1变种30个植物类群的遗传差异和几个争议种的分类地位。从60个随机引物中筛选出14个多态性好的引物进行RAPD实验,DNA片段的二态数据用U PGM A聚类法构建系统发育树。共扩增出250条带,多态性带204条,约占总数的81.7%。聚类结果显示RAPD分子标记构建的系统发育树与经典分类系统一致。甘草属植物具有丰富的遗传多样性,同种内不同居群间的遗传分化较大。黄甘草、胀果甘草、乌拉尔甘草三者亲缘关系较近,平卧甘草与粗毛甘草存在很大的遗传差异,作为独立种较合理。RAPD标记可为甘草属植物的系统分类研究提供分子生物学依据。  相似文献   

黄精属(Polygonatum)的许多物种具有重要的药用价值,但目前缺乏能够准确、高效地鉴定黄精属药用植物的DNA条形码。本研究通过对ITS、trnK-matK、rbcL、psbA-trnH和psbK-psbI序列进行扩增和测序,并从ITS序列中提取ITS2序列,共获得黄精属7个药用物种23份样品的138条序列。进一步比较6个DNA条形码对黄精属药用植物的鉴定效率,并验证所筛选条形码的可靠性。结果显示:trnK-matK的种内和种间变异重合少且有较明显的条形码间隙,其他5个序列的种内和种间变异重合多且无条形码间隙;BLAST结果表明trnK-matK的鉴定效率最高(85.7%),系统发育树显示trnK-matK的鉴定能力最强,能将全部12个多花黄精样品聚在一支,并能区分黄精、滇黄精、玉竹、点花黄精和湖北黄精;AMOVA分析结果揭示trnK-matK的群体遗传分化指数(Fst)最高,适用于区分黄精属物种间差异。因此,trnK-matK最适用于黄精属药用植物的分子鉴定。  相似文献   

中国柴胡属药用植物的数量分类研究(Ⅰ)   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
综合研究了柴胡属植物的形态,解剖和花粉方面的性状,对中国柴胡属药用的14种,2变种,1变型进行了数量分类研究。根据植物分类学的实际意义,首次提出了中国柴髹属植物的分类系统,分为2亚属,2组;探讨了柴胡属药用植物各种间的亲缘关系及种间,种下单位的分类关系;并通过对分类性状的主成分分析和排序,找出了柴胡属植物分类中所应依据的重要性状。  相似文献   

七种蟋蟀基因组DNA的RAPD多态性研究(直翅目:蟋蟀总科)   总被引:20,自引:6,他引:14  
应用10种随机引物,对西北地区常见的3属7种蟋蟀进行RAPD多态性检测,共筛选出2种引物S142,S8可以对7个种扩增出清晰稳定的多态性片段,多态性片段共计58条,相对分子质量在320bp-2400bp之间。应用UPGMA(非加权配对算术平均法)对多态性片段进行聚类分析,构建树状图,推测系统发生关系。每一种蟋蟀均先各自聚为一类,棺头蟋属与油葫芦属间的遗传距离最小,亲缘关系最近,斗蟋属4个种间的亲缘关系较为复杂,明显分为2个支系,与传统分类并不一致。  相似文献   

Three molecular techniques, ITS sequence analysis, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) were used to study phylogenetic and genotypic relationships among strains of the genus Fellomyces. In the analyses were included strains isolated predominantly from epiphytic lichens collected in Indonesia, China and Mexico. The polyphasic approach indicated that the Fellomyces isolates are genotypically heterogeneous and that lichens represent a specific environment for selection of large number of the sterigmatoconidia producing species. The phylogenetic and genotypic analysis confirmed the existence of 11 currently accepted Fellomyces species and indicated that several species may be the new representatives of the genus. The RAPD and AFLP analyses demonstrated a higher potential in distinguishing the Fellomyces strains than the ITS regions. Since the sequence analysis showed low or no divergence among several strains, both RAPD and AFLP fingerprinting indicated that the strains may be discriminated at the species level.  相似文献   

RAPD genome analysis of 53 species and cultivars of the genus Lycopersicon (Tourn.) Mill. revealed their high genetic polymorphism (Tourn.) Mill., based on which their phylogenetic relationships were inferred. In total, 248 polymorphic DNA fragments were amplified. Intraspecific polymorphism was maximum (79%) in L. peruvianum and minimum (9%) in L. parviflorum. In general, genome divergence among cross-pollinating tomato species was substantially higher than in self-pollinating species. An UPGMA dendrogram constructed from the RAPD patterns was consisted with the Lycopersicon phylogeny inferred from the molecular data of RFLP, ISSR, and microsatellite analyses and with a classification based on morphological characters. The relationships of taxa within the genus Lycopersicon are discussed.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus is an estuarine bacterium that is capable of causing a rapidly fatal infection in humans. A randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) PCR protocol was developed for use in detecting V. vulnificus, as well as other members of the genus Vibrio. The resulting RAPD profiles were analyzed by using RFLPScan software. This RAPD method clearly differentiated between members of the genus Vibrio and between isolates of V. vulnificus. Each V. vulnificus strain produced a unique band pattern, indicating that the members of this species are genetically quite heterogeneous. All of the vibrios were found to have amplification products whose sizes were within four common molecular weight ranges, while the V. vulnificus strains had an additional two molecular weight range bands in common. All of the V. vulnificus strains isolated from clinical specimens produced an additional band that was only occasionally found in environmental strains; this suggests that, as is the case with the Kanagawa hemolysin of Vibrio parahaemolyticus, the presence of this band may be correlated with the ability of a strain to produce an infection in humans. In addition, band pattern differences were observed between encapsulated and nonencapsulated isogenic morphotypes of the same strain of V. vulnificus.  相似文献   

We report the morphological, biochemical and molecular characteristics of a trypanosomatid isolated from the flower of Cucurbita moschata. Although the trypanosomatid was isolated from a plant, the lack of recognition of Phytomonas-specific molecular markers based on spliced-leader and ribosomal genes as well as by monoclonal antibodies specific for Phytomonas argues against assigning it to this genus. Because the isolate displayed typical opisthomastigote forms in culture, it is assigned to the genus Herpetomonas. Analysis of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) patterns and characterization of ribosomal SSU and ITS markers suggest that it is more closely related to H. samuelpessoai than to any other species. However, the presence of spined flagellates in culture (displaying lateral expansions of the plasma membrane originating near the flagellar pocket) and isolate-specific RAPD fingerprints argue strongly that the trypanosomatid belongs to a new subspecies, for which the name Herpetomonas samuelpessoai camargoi n. subsp. is proposed.  相似文献   

Ephedra, also known as "ma huang", is a dioecious, drought- and frost-resistant, perennial, evergreen shrub with compelling medicinal value. The genus is represented by 42 species around the world, 9 of which were provisionally reported from Pakistan. Species of the genus have a controversial taxonomy due to their overlapping morphological features. Conventional tools alone are not sufficient for characterizing the species. The objective of present study was to assess the genetic variability present in different biotypes of Ephedra growing in Pakistan using molecular markers. A total of six genotypes collected from diverse geographic zones of Pakistan were used. The DNA of all genotypes was amplified using nine randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers to study genetic variability at the molecular level. The dissimilarity coefficient matrix based on the data of 9 RAPD primers was used to construct a dendrogram which was then used to group the genotypes in clusters. Based on the dendrogram and dissimilarity coefficient matrix, the RAPD markers used here revealed a moderate to high level of genetic polymorphism (6 to 49%) among the genotypes. It was found that the collection of genotype accessions from Swat Valley in northwestern Pakistan was most distantly related to the other five collections. More molecular markers including functional genes and ribosomal spacer regions are suggested to find a better estimate of the genetic diversity present in Ephedra growing in Pakistan. The information provided here is useful for identifying valuable Ephedra variants which will be used for medicinal purposes and earning foreign currency.  相似文献   

Maslova EV 《Genetika》2008,44(3):366-373
Two species of the genus Galeopsis L., G. tetrahit L. and G. bifida (family Lamiaceae), are problematic to distinguish often wrongly recognized, and treated by some taxonomists as a single species. Morphological diagnostical characters of these species are variable and partly overlap. Species independence of G. tetrahit and G. bifida was evaluated and their diagnostic characters verified using ISSR and RAPD markers. A total of 57 ISSR and 28 RAPD fragments were obtained providing distinct subdivision of the accessions examined into two groups. Analysis of molecular data using the neighbor-joining method showed that the accessions studied fell into two clades in the same way as demonstrated by the analysis of 20 morphological characters using single linkage method. The morphological characters were found to be more variable compared to the molecular markers, although the combined of these characters provided differentiation of the species.  相似文献   

An F(1) mapping population of the septoria tritici blotch pathogen of wheat, Mycosphaerella graminicola, was generated by crossing the two Dutch field isolates IPO323 and IPO94269. AFLP and RAPD marker data sets were combined to produce a high-density genetic linkage map. The final map contained 223 AFLP and 57 RAPD markers, plus the biological traits mating type and avirulence, in 23 linkage groups spanning 1216 cM. Many AFLPs and some RAPD markers were clustered. When markers were reduced to 1 per cluster, 229 unique positions were mapped, with an average distance of 5.3 cM between markers. Because M. graminicola probably has 17 or 18 chromosomes, at least 5 of the 23 linkage groups probably will need to be combined with others once additional markers are added to the map. This was confirmed by pulsed-field gel analysis; probes derived from 2 of the smallest linkage groups hybridized to two of the largest chromosome-sized bands, revealing a discrepancy between physical and genetic distance. The utility of the map was demonstrated by identifying molecular markers tightly linked to two genes of biological interest, mating type and avirulence. Bulked segregant analysis was used to identify additional molecular markers closely linked to these traits. This is the first genetic linkage map for any species in the genus Mycosphaerella or the family Mycosphaerellaceae.  相似文献   

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