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为了对肝癌(hepatocellularcarcinoma,HCC)的分子发病机理进行研究,首先对肝癌基因表达谱数据用t-检验算法进行了分析,找到了肝癌中特异性表达基因(characteristicgenes).然后把这些基因结合已知的肝HNF家族转录因子染色质免疫共沉淀结合DNA启动子芯片(ChIP-chip)实验数据用SAEM算法进行分析,得到了肝癌特异性表达基因的转录调控关系,并寻找到了多个HNF家族转录因子调控单基因的转录调控模式.结果表明HNF家族转录因子对大量具有重要功能的肝癌特异性表达基因进行了转录调控,并且多个HNF家族转录因子调控单基因可以形成前馈环和多输入调控等模式.  相似文献   

唐利华  鲍大鹏  万佳宁  李燕  王莹  谭琦 《菌物学报》2016,35(9):1106-1116
转录因子在真菌环境响应及生理过程中发挥重要的调节作用。本文利用转录组测序(RNA-Seq)技术研究光诱导香菇菌丝转色过程中的转录因子表达变化。转录组测序结果表明,在光照条件下转色的菌丝(313C)与黑暗条件下未转色的菌丝(313W)相比,香菇菌丝中共有68个转录因子基因表达发生变化(48个转录因子上调表达,20个转录因子下调表达);转色的菌丝(313C)与初始未转色的菌丝(118)相比,香菇菌丝中有80个转录因子基因表达发生变化(49个转录因子上调表达,31个转录因子下调表达)。这些差异表达的转录因子包括WD40、MADS-box、MYB和GATA等家族。另外,样品的两两比较中差异表达的转录因子既存在部分重叠,也表现特异性。其中,313C/313W中有14个特异性差异表达转录因子,313C/118中有26个特异差异表达的转录因子。重叠的转录因子有64个,其中有39个表达水平上调,15个表达水平下调。采用实时荧光定量PCR对几个转录因子进行了表达检测,其中部分转录因子的表达趋势与转录组分析基本相同。这些数据为进一步研究香菇转色的转录调控奠定了一定的基础。  相似文献   

TCP转录因子是植物特有的一类转录因子,参与植物生物学过程的多个方面。为研究马铃薯TCP转录因子在响应低氮肥胁迫中的作用,该研究以氮肥供应不足(0.05 mmol·L-1)和氮肥供应充足(7.5 mmol·L-1)条件下马铃薯的根和叶片构建4个转录组文库进行测序,并对差异表达的TCP转录因子进行分析。结果表明:(1)在4个转录组文库中共鉴定TCP转录因子24个,它们主要分布在2号、3号、6号染色体上。(2)经结构域分析显示,24个TCP 转录因子均具有典型的basic-Helix-Loop-Helix结构域。(3)经系统进化分析显示,马铃薯与拟南芥TCP蛋白可聚集在一起,分属于10个亚类。(4)转录组测序结果显示,在低氮肥胁迫下,大多数TCP转录因子被抑制表达,有3个TCP转录因子在根中显著性差异表达,5个TCP转录因子在叶中特异性表达。(5)根据GO功能注释分析和马铃薯TCP转录因子与拟南芥TCP转录因子的亲缘关系分析推测,这些TCP转录因子参与了马铃薯对低氮肥胁迫的响应。该研究结果为进一步研究马铃薯与其他粮食作物TCP转录因子响应低氮肥胁迫的分子功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为了解在藏波罗花中转录因子WRKY基因家族的结构和组织特异性表达情况,进而为其特征成分萜类化合物的合成与调控提供一定的借鉴,本研究从藏波罗花的转录组数据中共鉴定出了38个WRKY转录因子,进行生物信息学分析。根据WRKY转录因子保守结构域将38个藏波罗花WRKY转录因子分为三类(Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ),长度为115~623。表达量分析结果表明,有16个转录因子在叶和根中差异表达,其中10个在叶中显著上调,6个在根中显著上调。选取了5条WRKY转录因子进行qRT-PCR验证,结果与转录组数据相一致,表明转录组数据可靠。这些在藏波罗花中不同组织之间的差异WRKY转录因子可能在应对极端环境和介导组织特异性次生代谢产物方面发挥作用,这也为后续探究植物在应对高海拔极端环境和次生代谢产物的合成与积累提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   

OsBP-73是用酵母单杂交系统,以水稻蜡质基因(Wx)的顺式作用元件为诱饵,从水稻cDNA表达文库中筛选获得的转录因子。本文以OsBP-73基因为例介绍了用"下拉"(pull-down)方法筛选转录因子靶基因的一般步骤。将含有该基因DNA结合功能域的cDNA片段构建到原核表达载体上,并在大肠杆菌中诱导表达获得其蛋白p73。用纯化后的p73蛋白通过"下拉"实验对OsBP-73靶基因进行初步筛选,获得了22个阳性克隆,为进一步研究转录因子OsBP-73参与的水稻转录调控网络提供依据。  相似文献   

基因组上众多基因和非编码转录体按照特定的规律有序地表达是细胞正常生命活动的基础。转录调控是基因表达调控的关键步骤,转录因子结合在基因启动子序列中的转录因子结合位点,启动基因的转录和控制基因的转录效率。分析转录因子结合位点对研究基因调控系统有着重要意义,生物信息学在转录因子结合位点的研究中发挥着关键的作用。文章综述了分析蛋白质编码基因的转录因子结合位点的典型流程,总结了主要的算法、软件和资源,并简要评述了目前非编码RNA转录调控的研究现状。  相似文献   

NTL(NAC with transmembrane motif 1-like,NTM1-LIKE)类转录因子是NAC转录因子家族的一员,其特征是除NAC结构域外,C末端具有跨膜结构域。NTL转录因子已被证实在植物发育以及响应生物和非生物胁迫中发挥着重要作用,但小麦中NTLs的研究相对较少。基于此,对小麦中NTL类转录因子进行全基因组鉴定,并分析NTLs的系统发育、基因结构、保守基序及其在小麦与亲和条锈菌互作过程的表达变化。结果表明,在小麦中有17个NTLs,属于7个同源群,分布在12条染色体上,亚细胞定位的预测分析结果显示,NTL转录因子在细胞核、质膜、叶绿体类囊体及内质网膜都有定位信号的出现。此外,部分NTL转录因子的表达受小麦与条锈菌亲和互作的诱导。研究结果为小麦NTL转录因子家族的功能分析提供了一定的参考。  相似文献   

为了研究细胞周期相关基因8(CDCA8)的转录调控机制,首先克隆了人类CDCA8基因5’端上游的1071 bp转录调控区。生物信息学预测发现,此区域存在一系列已知转录因子的可能结合位点。联合运用DNA pull-down和转录因子芯片技术分析发现共有114种转录因子在人恶性多发性畸胎瘤细胞(NTERA-2)中与该区域结合, 其中某些转录因子有预测的结合位点,其他没有预测结合位点的转录因子可能是以复合物的形式结合到CDCA8基因的转录调控区。  相似文献   

转录因子对顺势调控元件的选择性结合,在哺乳动物细胞类型特异的基因表达中扮演重要的角色.这个过程受到染色质表观遗传状态的潜在调控.近期,染色质免疫共沉淀结合测序的研究提供了大量泛基因组水平的数据,阐述转录因子结合以及组蛋白修饰的位点,这为系统地研究转录因子和表观遗传标记之间的空间及调控关系提供了基础.该研究对公共数据库中的染色质免疫共沉淀结合测序数据进行整合分析,涉及5个细胞系中的85种转录因子、9种组蛋白修饰,目的是研究转录因子结合位点与组蛋白修饰模式以及基因表达在泛基因组水平上的关联.作者发现,不同转录因子与组蛋白修饰的共定位模式高度一致,并且组蛋白修饰在距离转录因子结合位点约500碱基对的位置富集.作者还发现,转录因子结合位点的占有率与活性组蛋白修饰的水平和双峰模式正相关,并且启动子区域组蛋白修饰的双峰和共定位模式和基因的高转录水平相一致.组蛋白修饰模式、转录因子结合位点的占有率与基因转录之间的关联暗示了细胞可能利用的基因表达调控机制.  相似文献   

盐胁迫下两个甜瓜品种转录因子的转录组分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用新一代高通量测序手段——转录组测序(RNA-Seq)技术研究在300 mmol.L-1NaCl胁迫下两个甜瓜(Cucumis melo L.)品种‘玉露’和‘冰雪脆’的转录因子基因表达变化。这两个甜瓜品种在叶绿素荧光参数上的差异表明其在盐胁迫下有不同的生理反应。转录组测序结果表明,盐胁迫与对照相比,‘玉露’共有属于19个转录因子家族的56个转录因子基因表达发生变化(在转录水平,属于7个转录因子家族的22个转录因子上调表达,属于14个转录因子家族的34个转录因子下调表达)。‘冰雪脆’有属于20个转录因子家族的47个转录因子基因表达发生变化(在转录水平上,属于5个转录因子家族的17个转录因子上调表达,属于17个转录因子家族的30个转录因子下调表达)。盐胁迫下,两个甜瓜品种差异表达的转录因子既表现特异性,也存在部分重叠。‘玉露’有29个转录因子特异响应,‘冰雪脆’有20个特异响应。盐胁迫响应重叠的转录因子有27个,其中9个上调表达,18个下调表达。采用实时荧光定量PCR对几个转录因子进行了盐胁迫下的表达检测,其趋势与转录组分析结果基本一致。  相似文献   

During intracellular stay, Toxoplasma gondii secretes dense granule proteins (GRA) which remodel the parasitophorous vacuole and are considered functional in parasite-host interrelation. Comparative analysis of parasites from mouse-virulent strain BK and an in vitro attenuated variant revealed that the level of GRA7 expression correlates with T. gondii virulence: proteome analysis and quantitation by immunoblot demonstrated a massive decrease in GRA7 steady-state synthesis parallel to the loss of virulence. Properties of GRA7 that are pertinent to its membrane targeting and to GRA7-directed immune resistance were studied in detail. GRA7 is exclusively membrane-associated in both parasites and infected host cells as demonstrated by subcellular fractionations. Triton X-114 partitioning of isolated parasites substantiated that GRA7 is an integral membrane protein, the hydrophobic stretch from amino acid 181 to 202 providing a possible membrane anchor. A fraction enriched for membranous material from infected host cells contained additional forms of GRA7 with reduced mobility in gel electrophoresis, indicating that the protein is modified after exocytosis from the parasite. By flow cytometric analysis, GRA7 was detected on the surface of intact host cells. An intracellular origin of surface-associated GRA7 seems likely since GRA7 released from extracellular parasites failed to label the host cell surface. Consistent with a role at a parasite-host interface, GRA7 proved to be a target antigen of the intracerebral immune response as evidenced by the presence of GRA7-specific antibodies in mouse cerebrospinal fluid during chronic infection.  相似文献   

Important components of the parasitophorous vacuole in which the intracellular protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii develops, comprise proteins secreted from apicomplexan specific secretory organelles named the dense granules. Here, we confirm by immunofluorescence and by cryo-electron microscopy that the recently isolated B10 protein (318 amino acids, 41kDa) is a new dense granule protein that should now be referred to as GRA9. Within the vacuolar compartment, GRA9, like GRA2, GRA4 and GRA6, associates with the network of tubular membranes connected to the parasitophorous vacuole delimiting membrane. Like the other GRA proteins, GRA9 is secreted into the vacuole from the anterior end of the parasite. However, unlike GRA2 or GRA6, GRA9 does not transit by the posterior invaginated pocket of the parasite where the network first assembles. Within the dense granules, GRA9 exists in both a soluble and an insoluble state. Like the other GRA proteins, GRA9 is secreted as a soluble form only and like most of the GRA proteins, two forms of GRA9 of the similar molecular weight are detected within the vacuolar space: a soluble form and a membrane associated form. The dual properties of GRA9 are not only ascribed by the presence of amphipathic and hydrophobic alpha-helices but also by the fact that the protein is mainly hydrophilic.  相似文献   

The intracellular protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii develops within the parasitophorous vacuole (PV), an intracellular niche in which it secretes proteins from secretory organelles named dense granules and rhoptries. Here, we describe a new dense granule protein that should now be referred to as GRA12, and that displays no homology with other proteins. Immunofluorescence and immuno-electron microscopy showed that GRA12 behaves similarly to both GRA2 and GRA6. It is secreted into the PV from the anterior pole of the parasite soon after the beginning of invasion, transits to the posterior invaginated pocket of the parasite where a membranous tubulovesicular network is first assembled, and finally resides throughout the vacuolar space, associated with the mature membranous nanotubular network. GRA12 fails to localise at the parasite posterior end in the absence of GRA2. Within the vacuolar space, like the other GRA proteins, GRA12 exists in both a soluble and a membrane-associated form. Using affinity chromatography experiments, we showed that in both the parasite and the PV soluble fractions, GRA12 is purified with the complex of GRA proteins associated with a tagged version of GRA2 and that this association is lost in the PV membranous fraction.  相似文献   

Type II Toxoplasma gondii KU80 knockouts (Δku80) deficient in nonhomologous end joining were developed to delete the dominant pathway mediating random integration of targeting episomes. Gene targeting frequency in the type II Δku80 Δhxgprt strain measured at the orotate (OPRT) and the uracil (UPRT) phosphoribosyltransferase loci was highly efficient. To assess the potential of the type II Δku80 Δhxgprt strain to examine gene function affecting cyst biology and latent stages of infection, we targeted the deletion of four parasite antigen genes (GRA4, GRA6, ROP7, and tgd057) that encode characterized CD8(+) T cell epitopes that elicit corresponding antigen-specific CD8(+) T cell populations associated with control of infection. Cyst development in these type II mutant strains was not found to be strictly dependent on antigen-specific CD8(+) T cell host responses. In contrast, a significant biological role was revealed for the dense granule proteins GRA4 and GRA6 in cyst development since brain tissue cyst burdens were drastically reduced specifically in mutant strains with GRA4 and/or GRA6 deleted. Complementation of the Δgra4 and Δgra6 mutant strains using a functional allele of the deleted GRA coding region placed under the control of the endogenous UPRT locus was found to significantly restore brain cyst burdens. These results reveal that GRA proteins play a functional role in establishing cyst burdens and latent infection. Collectively, our results suggest that a type II Δku80 Δhxgprt genetic background enables a higher-throughput functional analysis of the parasite genome to reveal fundamental aspects of parasite biology controlling virulence, pathogenesis, and transmission.  相似文献   

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