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大白菜软腐菌种群组成及优势菌致病型的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对黑龙江省成熟大白菜[Brassica pekinensis(Lour.)Rupr.]生产田采集的软腐病菌进行分离、纯化,并根据形态学特征分析了大白菜软腐病菌的种群组成。结果表明,引起黑龙江省秋季大白菜软腐病的主要致病菌是胡萝卜软腐欧文氏菌胡萝卜软腐亚种[Erwinia carotovora(Jones)Bergey et al.subsp、carotovora](Ecc);利用20个Ecc菌株的混合菌对来源于不同生态型及不同地区的大白菜品种进行接种,筛选出5个鉴别寄主,以此将20个Ecc菌株划分为5个致病力类型,其中V型为优势致病菌,其分布广且致病力强。  相似文献   

通过非分离培养分析方法,直接从海绵体内提取细菌总DNA。以样品总DNA为模板进行PCR扩增获得细菌16S rDNA。用16S rDNA限制性酶切片段长度多态性(ARDRA)和测序方法对南海湛江海域海绵Pachychalina sp.体内的细菌多样性进行了研究。在细菌16S rDNA的ARDRA图谱中,大多数克隆的酶切带谱间存在差异;随机挑选22个克隆进行测序得到它们的16S rDNA部分序列,大部分序列属于γproteobacterium和αproteobacterium,但有少数克隆序列与RDP数据库中收录的16S rDNA序列间的相似性极小,不参与系统发育树的构建。研究结果表明海绵Pachychalina sp.体内细菌组成具有丰富的多样性。  相似文献   

为获得高效产氢发酵细菌,采用改进的厌氧Hungate培养技术,从生物制氢反应器CSTR中分离一株产氢细菌X1。对该株细菌进行了形态学特征、生理生化指标、16S rDNA和16S23S rDNA 间隔区序列分析等研究。结果表明与最相近的种属Clostridium cellulosiAcetanaerobacterium elongatum等的16S rRNA基因序列同源性为94%以下。16S23S rRNA 间隔区基因序列比对分析显示保守区域仅为tRNAAla和tRNAIle序列,其它可变部位没有同源性区域,鉴定为新属Ethanologenbacterium sp.。该株细菌为专性厌氧杆菌,代谢特征为乙醇发酵,葡萄糖发酵产物主要为乙醇、乙酸、H2和CO2。在pH4.0和36℃条件下最大产氢速率是28.3mmol H2/(g dry cell·h)。经鉴定和产氢效能分析表明该菌株是一新属的高效产氢细菌。  相似文献   

采用非分离培养分析方法,即16S rDNA限制性酶切片段长度多态性(ARDRA)和测序方法对南海湛江海域海绵Pachychalina sp.体内的古菌多样性进行了研究。从海绵体内直接提取古菌总DNA。以样品总DNA为模板,用古菌16S rDNA通用引物进行PCR扩增获得16S rDNA,回收、纯化16S rDNA产物并克隆到TVector。进行第二次PCR扩增反应,且对扩增产物进行ARDRA。在古菌16S rDNA的ARDRA图谱中,大多数克隆的酶切带谱上存在差异;随机挑选8个克隆子进行测序,获得古菌16S rDNA的部分序列,并对16S rDNA序列进行聚类分析构建了系统进化树,结果发现海绵体内的古菌主要属于Methanogenium organophilum、Methanoplanus petrolearius等古菌类。但它们与目前数据库中收录的古细菌间的相似性均不超过90%,它们极有可能是一些新的古菌。  相似文献   

魔芋软腐病菌分子鉴定与遗传多样性   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过对分离的魔芋软腐病菌株和其它参试菌株的致病性测定、选择性培养基培养性状观察和16S-23S rDNA转录间隔区PCR(ITS-PCR)分析,将测试的33株软腐病菌株主要分为3个组群。第1组群为胡萝卜软腐欧文氏杆菌胡萝卜软腐亚种(Erwinia carotovorasubsp.carotovora,E.c.c.);第2组群为菊欧文氏杆菌(Erwinia chrysanthemi,E.ch.);还有一组未能确定的菌株。利用细菌基因组重复序列通用引物BOX和J3进行Rep-PCR特异性扩增,引起软腐病的菌株E.c.c.和E.ch.(ITS-PCR鉴定)种内的Rep-PCR指纹存在明显的遗传分化,经聚类分析,在0.1水平上把E.c.c.13株区分为5个类群。  相似文献   

从江苏无锡土壤中分离到两株玫瑰小双孢菌SIPI226和SIPI207,经形态、化学分析、Ribotyping及16S rRNA分析,两菌株细胞壁含meso\|DAP、磷酸类脂PIV、无枝菌酸,醌为MK9(H0,H2,H4),G+C mol%分别为683和694。经初步鉴定为玫瑰小双孢菌的两个新亚种:玫瑰小双孢菌无锡亚种(Microbispora rosea subsp. wuxiensis)和玫瑰小双孢菌鼋头渚亚种(Microbispora rosea subsp. yuantouzhuensis)。菌株SIPI226和SIPI207分别为玫瑰小双孢菌无锡亚种和玫瑰小双孢菌鼋头渚亚种的典型菌株。  相似文献   

结合PCR/DGGE (Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis,变性梯度凝胶电泳)和16S rDNA序列分析技术,研究添加益生菌Lactobacillus amylovorus S1后仔猪从7至35日龄(断奶后两周)后肠菌群的变化。6窝新生仔猪被随机分成两组:对照组和处理组,处理组仔猪于7、9和11日龄口服L. amylovorus S1菌液(活菌数5×10.9 CFU/mL)。分别于7、14、21、24和35日龄,每窝随机屠宰一头仔猪,收集肠道样品。比较不同日龄仔猪后肠菌群DGGE图谱表明,断奶后图谱中多数高GC含量细菌条带消失,至断奶后两周又逐渐出现。序列分析显示,这些高GC含量细菌主要为乳酸杆菌。统计分析表明,仔猪口服益生菌S1对其盲肠和结肠菌群的多样性指数无显著影响。通过比较处理组和对照组图谱发现,处理组14日龄出现一特异条带,与其匹配的序列的最相似已知菌为Clostridium disporicum,相似性为95%;而35日龄对照组有一特异优势条带,该条带被鉴定为猪链球菌(Streptococcus suis),相似性为99%。  相似文献   

拟南芥对细菌性软腐病抗性变异分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
由胡萝卜软腐欧文氏菌胡萝卜软腐亚种 Erwinia carotovora subsp.carotovora (Ecc)引起的细菌性软腐病是世界性的重要流行病害,由于缺乏天然抗源,研究进展缓慢,拟南芥成为软腐病抗性研究的主要试材。本文选用 29 份拟南芥材料,制定了病情分级标准,以接种后 48 小时的病情指数作为软腐病抗性的鉴定指标,筛选出抗软腐病材料 CS906 和感病材料 CS20。通过分析抗、感材料接种 Ecc 后 AOS、ERF1-1、PR1、PDF1.2 和 PAL1 等 5 个基因的表达变化,发现 SA、ET 和 MJ 信号途径都参与了拟南芥对 Ecc 的防卫反应,且基因表达模式在抗、感材料中相似,差异体现在表达量上。本研究对深入探讨拟南芥软腐病抗病机制具有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过Southern杂交发现高毒力苏云金芽胞杆菌(\%Bacillus thuringiensis)\% YBT1520菌株含有两个杀虫晶体蛋白基因片段,其5’末端所在HindⅢ片段分别为68kb和46kb,它们对应的基因分别命名为cry218和cry46。经PCR鉴定,该菌含有cry1Aa\,cry1Ab和cry1Ac基因,以及cry2基因,其中cry218属于cry1Ac。分析了cry218基因4190bp的核苷酸序列,在杀虫晶体蛋白基因分类系统中被命名为cry1Ac10。结合Southern杂交和PCR结果可判断3个cry1A基因的拷贝数不同,其中cry1Ac拷贝数最高,YBT1520菌株与其它库斯塔克亚种的杀虫晶体蛋白基因所在限制性内切酶位置明显不同。  相似文献   

一种短杆状耐辐射菌的分离与鉴定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
从北京地区公园湖岸土壤中分离到一株橙红色杆状耐辐射菌,细胞壁革兰氏染色为阴性,电镜显示菌体大小为06μm~16μm,略大于日本学者报道的Deinobacter grandis菌,过氧化氢酶的含量和分子量不同于D.radiodurans R1菌,分离菌的(G+C)mol%含量为707%, 16S rDNA序列分析表明,分离到的杆状耐辐射菌(RR5332)16S rRNA基因序列与Deinobacter grandis菌高度同源,提示RR5332归于Deinobacter菌属,并可能是该菌属中的一个新种。  相似文献   

The pyrimidine analogue 5-fluorouracil was shown to be a potent inhibitor of the growth ofMethanobacterium thermoautotrophicum strain Marburg (50% inhibition of growth at 1 g ml–1). The nucleoside, 5-fluorodeoxyuridine, also inhibited growth, but the nucleotide 5-fluorodeoxyuridylate did not inhibit, nor did 5-fluorocytosine. Several nucleobases and nucleosides were used as potential antagonists of fluorouracil and fluorodeoxyuridine. Of these, only uracil in excess over fluorouracil relieved the inhibition of growth. These results imply that a pyrimidine salvage pathway is present inM. thermoautotrophicum. 5-Fluorouracil does not inhibit methane production. Although treated cultures produced less methane than did controls, more than twice as much methane was synthesized per cell. This result suggests that methanogenesis is uncoupled from growth by 5-fluorouracil.  相似文献   

Abstract A promiscuous plasmid (pLM2) carrying amber mutations in two antibiotic-resistance genes was transferred to a derivative of Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora strain SCRI193. Following mutagenesis, two putative amber-suppressing mutants of this strain were isolated. The genotype of these mutants was confirmed by use of rep am plasmid-specific phage. This constitutes the first isolation of amber-suppressing mutants in Erwinia spp.  相似文献   

We used a modified version of the method of Hanahan (D. Hanahan, J. Mol. Biol. 166:557-580, 1983) to transform Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora and E. carotovora subsp. atroseptica with the plasmids pBR322, pBR325, and pAT153. The transformation frequency ranged from 1 X 10(2) to 4 X 10(4) colonies per micrograms of plasmid DNA. The nature of these transformants was confirmed by plasmid analysis. ColE1-based plasmids make potentially useful cloning vectors for the study of genes involved in the pathogenesis of this species.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage P1KMclr100 was tranferred toErwinia carotovora subsp.carotovora. P1 was stably maintained as detected by hybridization and transfer of kanamycin resistance. Lysogens ofE. carotovora failed to produce any viable P1 phage. Although total DNA from P1 lysogens ofE. carotovora hybridized to32P-labeled P1 probe, we were not able to detect P1 DNA as an extrachromosomal element. Attempts to use bacteriophage P1 as a vector for transposon Tn5 insertion mutagenesis inE. carotovora were not successful. Our results indicate that lytic replication of P1 DNA does not occur in P1 lysogens ofE. carotovora and that P1 DNA is probably integrated into the bacterial chromosome.Journal paper 10085 from the Purdue Agricultural Experiment Research Station.  相似文献   

Abstract Inc-P plasmids, RP4, R751, pMO850, and pRK2013 were transferred to Erwinia carotovora . These plasmids were stably maintained in E. carotovora and the transconjugants were efficient donors of respective plasmids to other strains of E. carotovora and Escherichia coli . These plasmids were not able to mobilize chromosomal markers from one strain of E. carotovora to another strain of E. carotovora even in the presence of homologous DNA sequences on the plasmid and the bacterial chromosome. The presence of Inc-P plasmid does not affect the pathogenic phenotype of E. carotovora . A broad host range Inc-P cosmid, pLAFR1, was transferred to E. carotovora with the help of pRK2013, suggesting the potential use of a binary plasmid system for genetic complementation in E. carotovora .  相似文献   

In matings between Escherichia coli 2492(pJB4JI) and Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora Ecc71 and E. carotovora subsp. atroseptica Eca12, Kmr Gms transconjugants were obtained at high frequencies, indicating instability of the Mu-containing plasmid pJB4JI and transposition of Tn5 into the recipient genome. This was verified by Southern blot hybridization with pRZ102 DNA containing Tn5 as the 32P-labeled probe. Examination of Kmr Gms transconjugants of Ecc71 and Eca12 disclosed that a proportion (2 to 3%) were either auxotrophic or defective in catabolism of specific carbohydrates. Spontaneous prototrophic revertants were obtained for all markers with the exception of ilv, tyr, and suc. Genetic and physical data indicate that scattered insertions of Tn5 from pJb4JI into the chromosome of Ecc71 and Eca12 produced a variety of altered phenotypes due mostly to single insertions of Tn5 not accompanied by Mu DNA.  相似文献   

An exopolygalacturonate lyase (exo-PGL) was rapidly purified from the cells of E. carotovora subsp. carotovora with a modified cross-linked pectate (mdCLPA); the material CLPA was partially degraded by an endopolygalacturonase to increase its adsorption capacity, followed by reduction with sodium borohydride. The Erwinia strain used here produced no pectolytic enzyme other than the exo-PGL under the present culture conditions. Since the mdCLPA was scarcely affected by the exo-PGL, the adsorbent can be repeatedly used for this enzyme purification with no risk of decomposition. The yield of the purified enzyme, which gave a single protein band on polyacryl-amide gel electrophoresis, was about 43%. The apparent molecular weight was about 76,000.  相似文献   

Six different 10-mer oligonucleotide primers were used to differentiate Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica (Eca) and carotovora (Ecc) using RAPD-PCR. All primers gave different banding patterns for Eca and Ecc indicating their value for identification. UPGMA clustering analysis clearly showed two separate clusters, one for Eca and the other for the Ecc group. Similarity within Eca strains was very high, over 85% among most isolates but within the Ecc group extensive genetic diversity was found and many of the Ecc strains were no more than 50% similar. Similarity between the 10 Eca and 10 Ecc strains was generally only 10–25% based on the results from six primers. Three RAPD fragments from Eca group, which were amplified by three different RAPD primers, were isolated and used as probes for Southern hybridisation to test, if homologous fragments were amplified from Ecc strains. All these probes hybridised only with Eca isolates indicating that these fragments could be useful in order to develop a PCR-based detection system for Eca strains.  相似文献   

The O-polysaccharide of a phytopathogenic bacterium, Erwinia carotovora ssp. carotovora GSPB 436, was studied by sugar and methylation analysis, along with 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. The following structure of the branched tetrasaccharide repeating unit of the O-polysaccharide was established: [carbohydrate structure in text] The O-polysaccharide contains a minor proportion of 4-O-methylrhamnose, which is suggested to terminate the polymer main chain.  相似文献   

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