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顾海南 《生态学报》1985,5(1):64-70
田间实际调查和试验结果表明,大螟在江苏苏南地区仅以幼虫态越冬,在不同水稻茬口中各龄幼虫的比例不同;越冬幼虫具有滞育特性,短光照对其有诱导效应。越冬幼虫的耐寒性随虫龄变大而提高,随冬季环境温度下降而增强,并能经受较长时间的过冷却,但不能忍受短暂的体液结冰。  相似文献   

上海地区红棕象甲的耐寒性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红棕象甲Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier)是我国危害棕榈科植物的重要入侵害虫, 为探明其越冬抗寒性, 利用过冷却点测定仪测定了红棕象甲上海种群不同虫态的过冷却点, 在低温箱内测定了该虫不同虫态的耐寒性, 然后结合田间越冬模拟试验、气象资料和寄主分布情况, 初步确定了红棕象甲在我国的越冬北界。结果表明: 红棕象甲过冷却点随虫态的发育程度的升高而下降, 卵、1龄幼虫、5龄幼虫、9龄幼虫和成虫的平均过冷却点分别为-5.92, -6.42, -7.19, -7.43和-11.84℃, 过冷却点由高到低的顺序依次为: 卵>幼虫>成虫。在6, 24, 48和72 h 4个时间处理下, 各虫态在低温与存活率之间呈显著或极显著的logistic回归, 半致死温度(Ltemp50)均随处理时间的延长而上升, 不同虫态在处理72 h 后, 卵、1龄幼虫、5龄幼虫、9龄幼虫和成虫之间的Ltemp50分别为1.61, -1.67, -2.39, -2.40和-0.40℃, 各虫态耐寒性由弱到强的顺序依次为: 卵<成虫<幼虫。红棕象甲不同发育阶段的过冷却点与其耐寒性并不完全相关, 幼虫和成虫均可能是该虫的越冬虫态。连续两年的田间模拟越冬试验表明, 在上海地区, 红棕象甲的幼虫和成虫的越冬存活率均在60%以上, 说明红棕象甲在上海地区是可以越冬的。根据这些结果, 结合寄主分布情况, 初步将红棕象甲在我国的越冬北界定于北纬35°附近, 即1月份0℃等温线左右。  相似文献   

研究了低温(<8℃)对小菜蛾的发育、存活和繁殖的影响.结果表明,卵和蛹在4℃和6℃下死亡率随处理时间的延长而增加,在分别处理55d和70d后,卵和蛹全部死亡;经4℃和6℃处理的蛹,在16℃下羽化成虫的平均产卵量随处理时间的延长而减少,处理45d时,产卵量均为0.小菜蛾幼期各虫态在0℃以下,死亡率随低温强度加大和处理时间的延长而增高.就耐寒力而言,3龄幼虫和蛹最强,其次是2龄和4龄幼虫,卵和1龄幼虫的耐寒力最弱.不同低温和时间处理小菜蛾幼期虫态对其后继虫态的发育历期有较大影响,总体说来,经过处理的小菜蛾幼期虫态,其后继虫态的发育历期普遍延长,一般处理某一虫态对其相邻虫态发育历期的影响最大.小菜蛾蛹经低温处理后其羽化成虫的产卵量随着蛹期所经历低温强度的增强和时间延长而减少.  相似文献   

低温对小菜蛾实验种群的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
研究了低温(<8℃)对小菜蛾的发育、存活和繁殖的影响结果表明,卵和蛹在4℃和6℃下死亡率随处理时间的延长而增加,在分别处理55d和70d后,卵和蛹全部死亡;经4℃和6℃处理的蛹,在16℃下羽化成虫的平均产卵量随处理时间的延长而减少,处理45d时,产卵量均为0小菜蛾幼期各虫态在0℃以下,死亡率随低温强度加大和处理时问的延长而增高就耐寒力而言,3龄幼虫和蛹最强,其次是2龄和4龄幼虫,卵和1龄幼虫的耐寒力最弱不同低温和时间处理小菜蛾幼期虫态对其后继虫态的发育历期有较大影响,总体说来,经过处理的小菜蛾幼期虫态,其后继虫态的发育历期普遍延长,一般处理某一虫态对其相邻虫态发育历期的影响最大小菜蛾蛹经低温处理后其羽化成虫的产卵量随着蛹期所经历低温强度的增强和时间延长而减少。  相似文献   

【目的】为了准确掌握典型春油菜种植区小菜蛾Plutella xylostella(L.)种群变化动态和抗药性现状。【方法】诱捕法调查了青海高原小菜蛾成虫发生动态、室内用浸渍法测定了小菜蛾田间种群的抗性倍数,并进行了田间药效试验。【结果】青海省小菜蛾一般一年发生3代,但2 500 m以上的地区第3代成虫数量较第1代、第2代明显下降。在我省高原春油菜区,每日20:00至次日晨4:00是小菜蛾成虫发生主要的时间段。小菜蛾在青海省不能越冬。湟中点小菜蛾对溴虫腈产生低水平抗性;对多杀菌素、丁醚脲产生中等抗性水平;对Bt、高效氯氰菊酯、茚虫威产生高水平的抗性;对阿维菌素、啶虫隆、氯虫苯甲酰胺产生极高水平抗性。互助点小菜蛾对溴虫腈、丁醚脲产生低水平抗性;对多杀菌素、啶虫隆产生中等抗性水平;对Bt、氯虫苯甲酰胺、茚虫威产生高水平抗性;对阿维菌素产生极高水平抗性。小菜蛾的抗性监测结果与田间药效结果基本一致,溴虫腈的抗性倍数最低,田间防治效果好于其他参试药剂。【结论】青海省小菜蛾年发生代数较少,且不能越冬。春油菜田小菜蛾已对大部分农药产生了抗药性。  相似文献   

对褐飞虱各虫态和不同生育期水稻过冷却点的测定及在人工模拟低温条件下耐寒力的比较表明:褐飞虱各虫态的耐寒力明显高于水稻。证明在冬季低温降临后,水稻先行枯萎,褐飞虱在食料缺乏和低温的共同影响下相继死亡。 水稻生存的下限温度在0—-2℃间,可作为褐飞虱在我国越冬的温度指标。据此,对褐飞虱在我国大陆的越冬北界提出了讨论意见。  相似文献   

针对我国小菜蛾Plutella xylostella(L.)严重为害及高抗药性的现状,在华南、华中、华东、华北和西南等具代表性地区开展小菜蛾灾变规律、抗性监测及治理、越冬迁飞、抗性机理及可持续防控技术研究集成与示范。灾变规律研究结果表明,我国各地小菜蛾的年发生世代从北至南呈逐渐增加趋势,各地小菜蛾发生起始峰时间从南至北逐渐向后推移,每年不同区域有一至两个发生高峰,年度间受温度和降水等气候因素、天敌等生物因子以及耕作制度等人为操作等多种因素的影响。抗性监测及治理研究显示,全国5个十字花科蔬菜主产区小菜蛾对11种代表性杀虫剂都有较强的抗药性,不同药剂在全国的抗药性水平有很大差异,在华南、西南和华东十字花科蔬菜主产区抗性水平相对较高,华中和华北呈现抗性上升趋势,并根据抗性监测结果制定区域性抗性治理策略。越冬和迁飞研究证明,武汉至驻马店区域为小菜蛾的越冬北限,小菜蛾存在远距离迁移的特性,并确定小菜蛾有迁入迁出和迁入定殖两种迁飞模式。抗性机理研究结果表明,小菜蛾对Bt制剂、阿维菌素、氟虫腈、茚虫威和丁醚脲的抗性遗传方式不同,各药剂交互抗性普也存在差异。可持续防控技术方面,制定了适合各区域的小菜蛾可持续防控技术体系,并在华南、华东、华北、华中和西南等地区建立了45个示范基地,依区域不同分别示范推广具区域特色的以农业措施、生物防治、生态调控和合理用药为主的可持续防控等技术,累计印刷技术宣传手册16万份,培训各类农民和基层农技人员5.19万人次,累计示范面积近4万公顷,带动技术示范近20万公顷,取得了显著的经济、社会和生态效益。  相似文献   

通过对甜菜夜蛾Spodopteraexigua越冬蛹过冷却点、各虫态发育起点温度、有效积温测定,结合10年来田间调查及越冬观察试验,表明甜菜夜蛾在鲁西南地区一般年份不能安全越冬,得出了每年初代虫源来于外地的结论,这对甜菜夜蛾预测预报和综合防治有着重要的指导作用。  相似文献   

稻褐飞虱迁飞规律的研究   总被引:28,自引:2,他引:26  
褐飞虱已成为我国当前水稻生产上的重要害虫。初步查明,褐飞虱在我国过冬地区的分布大体以一月份12℃等温线为北限,由于各年冬季气温高低的不同,越冬北界摆动于北纬21—25°之间;冬季田间有无稻苗存活,是能否在当地过冬的生物指标。按越冬分市可划分为:1.终年繁殖区:北纬19°以南的海南岛南端;2.少量越冬区:海南岛中部至北回归线之间;3.不能越各区:常年在北回归线以北无越冬。 褐飞虱常年不能越冬的广大稻区内,每年春夏季发生的虫源,经近年来多方面研究,证明是自南向北远距离迁飞而来。 根据褐飞虱在我国的越冬分布,南、北各稻区发生的代数和季节性种群消长规律,试将我国东半部划分为六个发生区:即终年繁殖区、少量越冬区、南岭6、7代区、岭北5代区、沿江4代区、沿淮2—3代区。 近三年的研究,特别是1977年在我国各稻区设点进行迁飞跟踪观察表明,春、夏季向北迁飞有五个过程,秋季又有三次向南回迁。褐飞虱在我国东半部的迁飞途径大体是:4月中、下旬—5月上旬第一次“北迁”,是由19°N以南终年繁殖区迁到两广南部20—23°N之间;5月中、下旬—6月上旬第二次“北迁”,是由海南岛中部往北及中南半岛同纬度地区迁到我国两广南部和南岭地区;6月中、下旬—7月初第三次“北迁”,是由两广南部稻区主迁到南岭以北至长江南岸;7月上、中旬第四次“北迁”,是由南岭地区主迁到长江中下游地区,井波及淮河流域;7月下旬—8月初第五次“北迁”,是自岭北、沿江区南部迁到江淮间及淮北稻区。8月下旬—9月初沿淮、淮北中稻成熟,开始往南回迁,9月中旬出现由江淮间迁向长江以南的回迁峰;9月下旬—10月上旬,由长江中、下游回迁到南岭以北各地;10月中旬起—11月间,由江南、岭北回迁到华南以及更南地区。通过上述研究,初步提出我国东半部地区褐飞虱的发生区划与迁飞路线图。  相似文献   

小菜蛾远距离迁飞的证据研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着气候变暖,十字花科作物种植区北移,小菜蛾成为我国北方地区的重要害虫.远距离迁飞不仅引起小菜蛾大面积突然爆发,而且增大了抗药性基因扩散范围,导致抗药性大面积发展.阐明小菜蛾远距离迁飞对于早期监测预警与综合防治策略制订有重要意义.迄今为止,我国尚未对小菜蛾迁飞开展系统研究.本文总结了国内外有关小菜蛾远距离迁飞的研究结果,提出了小菜蛾远距离迁飞的证据:1)在冬季寒冷地区(如日本北部、加拿大西部和中国东北),小菜蛾无法越冬,推测翌年春季大量发生虫源是远距离迁飞而至;2)在海上观察船、山顶、海岛上或空中捕获到小菜蛾成虫,或直接观察到数量巨大的蛾群,为小菜蛾远距离迁飞提供了直接证据;3)小菜蛾地面成虫突增与昆虫远距离迁飞的适宜气象条件(如夜间逆温层、锋线过境等)相一致,为小菜蛾的远距离迁飞提供了适宜条件;4)垂直昆虫雷达识别的目标昆虫特征与小菜蛾的实验室测量特征和地面诱捕数据相吻合;5)小菜蛾不同地理种群的生物学性状和基因差异程度与地理距离无关,推测不同地点的小菜蛾之间进行频繁的基因交流;6)吊飞试验表明,小菜蛾具有远距离迁飞所需的飞行能力,且寄主植物的适合度下降可能是诱发小菜蛾迁飞的原因之一.最后展望了未来的研究方向:构建小菜蛾远距离迁飞轨迹模型,明确小菜蛾在我国远距离迁飞的路径;研究小菜蛾远距离迁飞的生理生化和生态学基础;提出小菜蛾迁飞条件下的种群抗药性治理策略.  相似文献   

四种十字花科蔬菜上小菜蛾自然种群连续世代生命表   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
吕利华  何余容  庞雄飞 《生态学报》2003,23(12):2624-2630
利用作用因子生命表技术,组建芥菜、芥蓝、小白菜和菜心4种十字花科蔬菜上小菜蛾自然种群连续世代生命表,分析寄主植物和生物因子对小菜蛾种群数量的控制作用。结果表明:在4种十字花科蔬菜的一造菜上,小菜蛾均能完成两个世代。虽然小菜蛾在芥菜上的初始卵量最高,但害虫种群总增长倍数在芥蓝上最高,其次为小白菜,菜心和芥菜,分别为17.64、11.90、11.43和3.76。这说明尽管芥菜对小菜蛾成虫的产卵有一定的吸引作用,但不适合小菜蛾生长发育。芥蓝是最适宜小菜蛾种群增长的寄主。生物因子在小菜蛾自然种群控制中起着重要的作用,但是在不同种类十字花科蔬菜上,天敌类群对小菜蛾控制作用存在一定差异。除芥菜之外,寄生性天敌对芥蓝、菜心和小白菜上的小菜蛾种群控制作用最大,其次为“捕食及其它”,病原微生物的控制作用最小。“捕食及其它”对芥菜上小菜蛾种群的作用非常明显,如果排除此因子作用,小菜蛾种群两代后将增长126.03倍。该因子是导致芥菜小菜蛾自然种群增长趋势指数低的主要原因。因此在制定小菜蛾防治策略时,应考虑蔬菜的种类和布局,加大对芥蓝小菜蛾种群的防治力度;芥菜可作为一种诱杀植物种植,以吸引小菜蛾产卵,并集中防治。这些防治策略在小菜蛾综合治理中具有重要的实际意义。  相似文献   

在实验室内研究了本地天敌拟澳洲赤眼蜂和外来天敌短管赤眼蜂在不同卵龄和不同空间条件下对小菜蛾卵的寄生和种间竞争.结果表明,在0~62 h的小菜蛾卵上,拟澳洲赤眼蜂和短管赤眼蜂单独接蜂时对小菜蛾卵的寄生率、子代羽化率、子代雌蜂百分率随卵龄下降,而后代发育死亡率则随卵龄增加.短管赤眼蜂对各龄小菜蛾卵的寄生率、子代羽化率、子代雌蜂百分率均较拟澳洲赤眼蜂高,而子代蜂的发育死亡率则较拟澳洲赤眼蜂低.两种蜂对小菜蛾卵龄的要求都不太严格,在小于48 h的小菜蛾卵上都能产卵寄生,且寄生率高于50%,但短管赤眼蜂寄生对小菜蛾卵龄的要求更宽松.在两种蜂混合接蜂时,后代中短管赤眼蜂的比例在各处理中都高于50%,且随寄主卵龄增加,当小菜蛾卵龄大于48 h后,短管赤眼蜂的比例高达100%,说明短管赤眼蜂对小菜蛾有更强的寄生能力和竞争能力.拟澳洲赤眼蜂和短管赤眼蜂单独接蜂时,在4~22cm^3空间范围内,各处理间对小菜蛾卵的寄生率没有显著差异,而短管赤眼蜂的寄生率(76.4%~86%)略低于拟澳洲赤眼蜂(88.7%~92.3%).当空间大于53 cm^3时,寄生率显著下降,在102cm^3空间时显著降低到50%.混合接蜂时各处理间寄生率差异不显著.两种接蜂方式对后代羽化率和雌蜂百分率没有太大影响,蜂的后代发育死亡率在两种蜂单独接蜂时随空间而增加.在4~102cm^3空间范围内,混合接蜂后代雄蜂中短管赤眼蜂从80%以上降低到20%以下,说明短管赤眼蜂的竞争能力随接蜂空间的加大而降低.  相似文献   

L. R. Fox  J. Eisenbach 《Oecologia》1992,89(4):574-579
Summary The pressure to escape natural enemies may shape how herbivorous insects use their plant resources. On wild crucifers, ovipositional preferences of the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella; DBM) were similar to searching preferences of its main parasitoid, an ichneumonid wasp (Diadegma insulare). But on cultivated crucifers, these species had opposite preferences. In addition, DBM ovipositional preferences did not correlate with growth or reproduction on several foodplants. We interpret these patterns as evidence of evolution for use of enemy-free space in agricultural systems.  相似文献   

十字花科蔬菜对小菜蛾实验种群的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过组建4种十字花科蔬菜上小菜蛾实验种群生命表发现,在菜心、芥蓝、芥菜和小白菜4种蔬菜上繁殖的小菜蛾实验种群增长趋势指数分别为41.0、69.5、38.2、52.4,影响种群增长的重要因子为幼虫的自然死亡,不同蔬菜种类对小菜蛾雌蛾的总产卵量和寿命无影响,但芥蓝繁殖的小菜蛾日平均产卵量显著高于其它几种蔬菜。在芥蓝和小白菜上繁殖的小菜蛾幼虫具有较高的存活概率,是其种群具有较大增长潜力的重要原因。试验结果表明,在4种蔬菜中,芥蓝提供的营养最适宜于小菜蛾种群生长、发育和繁殖,是最佳的寄主,其次为小白菜、菜心,而芥菜尽管被报道为小菜蛾成虫最喜欢产卵的寄主,由于所繁殖的小菜蛾种群在幼虫期有较高的死亡率,是最不适宜于小菜蛾生长发育的寄主。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lep., Plutellidae), is one of the most destructive insect pests of crucifers worldwide. It was the first crop insect reported to be resistant to DDT and now in many crucifer-producing regions it has shown significant resistance to almost every insecticide applied in field including biopesticides such as crystal toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis and spinosyns from Saccharopolyspora spinosa . In certain parts of the world, economical production of crucifers has become almost impossible because of its resistance to insecticides and resulting control failure. A coordinated resistance management program needs to be implemented with the involvement of pesticide industry, local pesticide regulatory authorities, scientists and farmers. The judicious use of chemicals in conjunction with other control measures (e.g. biological control agents, resistant varieties, proper fertilization rates) is the best way to manage DBM and other pests of cruciferous crops. Introduction of glucosinolate-sulphatase inhibitors as plant-incorporated-products or sprayable material may also lead to a novel pest management strategy.  相似文献   

The diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), is one of the most destructive cosmopolitan insect pests of brassicaceous crops. It was the first crop insect reported to be resistant to DDT and now, in many crucifer producing regions, it has shown significant resistance to almost every synthetic insecticide applied in the field. In certain parts of the world, economical production of crucifers has become almost impossible due to insecticidal control failures. Consequently, increased efforts worldwide have been undertaken to develop integrated pest management (IPM) programs, principally based on manipulation of its natural enemies. Although over 130 parasitoid species are known to attack various life stages of DBM, most control worldwide is achieved by relatively few hymenopteran species belonging to the ichneumonid genera Diadegma and Diadromus, the braconid genera Microplitis and Cotesia, and the eulophid genus Oomyzus. DBM populations native to different regions have genetic and biological differences, and specific parasitoid strains may be associated with the specific DBM strains. Therefore, accurate identification based on genetic studies of both host and parasitoid is of crucial importance to attaining successful control of DBM through inoculative or inundative releases. Although parasitoids of DBM larvae and pupae are currently its principal regulators, bacteria-derived products (e.g., crystal toxins from Bacillus thuringiensis) and myco-insecticides principally based on Zoophthora radicans and Beauveria bassiana are increasingly being applied or investigated for biological control. Viruses, nematodes and microsporidia also have potential as biopesticides for DBM. When an insect pest is exposed to more than one mortality factor, there is the possibility of interactions that can enhance, limit, or limit and enhance the various aspects of effectiveness of a particular control tactic. This paper reviews the effectiveness of various parasitoids and entomopathogens against DBM, interactions among them, and their possible integration into modern IPM programs.  相似文献   

The wild crucifers,Rorippa indica andLepidium virginicum, are known to serve as host plants for the diamondback moth (DBM),Plutella xylostella, but they are less suitable than the preferred cultivated cruciferous plant, cabbage, in terms of adult body size and fecundity. The life history traits and flight activity of DBM adults grown on various host plants were investigated. The adults thus reared on each host plant were divided into three size groups (small, medium and large). In general, female adults grown on the wild crucifers were less fecund and lived longer than those reared on cabbage. Flight activity was higher in adults grown on wild crucifers than in those reared on cabbage. Male adults flew longer than females. Fecundity, longevity, flight activity and morphometrical characters of adults were positively correlated with pupal weight in individuals reared on the same host plant. A negative relationship was found between fecundity and flight activity in females of the same size group, but a positive one was observed in females reared on the same host plant.  相似文献   

A population of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) (DBM) was recently found to infest sugar snap- and snowpeas in the Rift Valley in Kenya, causing heavy damage. The influence of this host shift on host location preferences of two parasitoids was investigated: The indigenous Diadegma mollipla (Holmgren) regarded as a relative generalist, and Diadegma semiclausum(Hellen), regarded as highly specific to DBM. The attractiveness of different odour sources was compared for the two parasitoid species using a Y-tube olfactometer using naïve females. D. mollipla was not significantly attracted to any cabbage related odours but showed a significant preference for the DBM infested pea plant when tested against clean air. D. semiclausum was highly attracted to the undamaged cabbage plant and odours related to cabbage. On the other hand, peas infested with DBM, showed no attractiveness to this parasitoid. The results showed that specialisation of D. semiclausum is mediated by host plant signals, associated with crucifers, which are not encountered in DBM feeding on peas. For D. mollipla,although a frequent parasitoid on DBM in crucifers, volatiles emitted by these plants might not be used as primary cues for host location. This species may respond largely to chemicals yet unknown and associated with a variety of plant-herbivore interactions.  相似文献   

Turtles are a small taxon that has nevertheless attracted much attention from biologists for centuries. However, a major portion of their life cycle has received relatively little attention until recently - namely what turtles are doing, and how they are doing it, during the winter. In the northern parts of their ranges in North America, turtles may spend more than half of their lives in an overwintering state. In this review, I emphasise the ecological aspects of overwintering among turtles, and consider how overwintering stresses affect the physiology, behaviour, distributions, and life histories of various species.Sea turtles are the only group of turtles that migrate extensively, and can therefore avoid northern winters. Nevertheless, each year a number of turtles, largely juveniles, are killed when trapped by cold fronts before they move to safer waters. Evidently this risk is an acceptable trade-off for the benefits to a population of inhabiting northern developmental habitats during the summer.Terrestrial turtles pass the winter underground, either in burrows that they excavate or that are preformed. These refugia must provide protection against desiccation and lethal freezing levels. Some burrows are extensive (tortoise genus Gopherus), while others are shallow, or the turtles may simply dig into the ground to a safe depth (turtle genus Terrapene). In the latter genus, freeze tolerance may play an adaptive role.Most non-marine aquatic turtles overwinter underwater, although Clemmys (Actinemys) marmorata routinely overwinters on land when it occurs in riverine habitats, Kinosternon subrubrum often overwinters on land, and several others may overwinter terrestrially on occasion, especially in more southern climates. For northern species that overwinter underwater, there are two physiological groupings, those that are anoxia-tolerant and those that are relatively anoxia-intolerant. All species fare well physiologically in water with a high partial pressure of oxygen (PO2). A lack of anoxia tolerance limits the types of habitats that a freshwater turtle may live in, since unlike sea turtles, they cannot travel long distances to hibernate.Hatchlings of some species of turtles spend their first winter in or below the nest cavity, while hatchlings of other species in the same area, including northern areas, emerge in the autumn and presumably hibernate underwater. All hatchlings are relatively anoxia-intolerant, and there are no studies to date of where hatchling turtles that do not overwinter in or below the nest cavity spend their first winter. Equally little is known of the ontogeny of anoxia tolerance, other than that adults of all species are more anoxia-tolerant than their hatchlings, probably because of their better ossified shells, which provide adults with more buffer reserves and a larger site in which to sequester lactate. The northern limits of turtles are most likely determined by reproductive limitations (time for egg-laying, incubation, and hatching) than by the rigors of hibernation.Mortality is typically lower in turtle populations during hibernation than it is during their active periods. However, episodic mortality events do occur during hibernation, due to freezing, prolonged anoxia, or predation.  相似文献   

Determining the most efficacious method for the release of parasitoids is challenging, depending on the crop area to be covered and the environmental conditions created by the agroecosystem. Release of the parasitoid Oomyzus sokolowskii (Kurdjumov) and the effect of crucifers cropping systems were investigated in relation to diamondback moth (DBM), Plutella xylostella (L.) control. First, we investigated the dispersal ability of O. sokolowskii. Kale plants were infested with 20, 25, 30 and 35 DBM larvae each, at distances of 0, 8, 16, and 24 m, from a central release point in the field. Second, the effect of a multiple host plant system composed of cabbage, broccoli and Napa cabbage on the parasitism capacity of O. sokolowskii was investigated. Lastly, the parasitism capacity of O. sokolowskii and the colonization rate of DBM were investigated comparing cropping systems composed of either a monoculture of cabbage, or three different intercropping systems: cabbage and green onion, cabbage and cilantro, and cabbage, green onion and cilantro. For all experiments, selected plants were infested with sentinel DBM larvae and caged with mesh that allowed parasitoids to search inside the cages while reducing the impact of opportunists on DBM larvae. Results showed that parasitoids were able to disperse and parasitize P. xylostella at similar rates throughout a field of kale up to 24 m from the release point. Intercropping of cabbages with other crop plants did not negatively affect parasitism rates of O. sokolowskii, which makes it promising for DBM biological control; however it did not interfere with cabbage colonization by DBM.  相似文献   

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