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近年黑龙江省凤凰山国家级自然保护区野猪数量不断增长,人猪冲突加剧,保护区资源保护管理工作面临较大管理压力.为确定野猪种群的实际数量,同时评估该保护区的野猪的容纳量水平,以便为保护区管理局针对野猪的管理提供相关指导意见.2009-2010年冬季,在保护区采用样带调查、雪地足迹链跟踪和观察食痕的方法,并结合已有野猪生态研究确定野猪食性.野猪主要食物种类包括:木贼(Equisetum hiemale)、红松(Pinus koraiensis)果实松籽、胡桃楸(Juglans mandshurica)果实核桃、蒙古栎(Quecusmongolica)果实橡子、稠李(Padus racemosa)、榛子(Corylus heterophlla)、苔草(Carex spp.)、辽东葱木(Aralia elata).研究期间共布设长3-5km、单侧宽度50m、总长134 km的样带30条.调查中,每隔200 m布设10 m×10 m的大样方,并在每个大样方中央及四角布设1 m×1 m的小样方,共布设大样方350个,小样方1 750个.通过样方调查,统计野猪栖息生境当年可食植物枝条及其食物种类,然后计算其食物的总供给量,再结合食物营养成分,通过粗蛋白、粗纤维、粗脂肪的能量转换,按照每克粗蛋白和粗纤维的能量转换系数为16.74kJ、每克粗脂肪的能量转换系数为37.66 kJ,确定野外生境食物总能量供给.结合野猪冬季日营养需求,以能量为基础估算保护区野猪的营养容纳量.在种群密度调查过程中,通过足迹链判断个体方法为:单一清晰足迹链确定为一个体所留,30m内多条足迹穿越同一样带被认为是一个野猪群所留,调查中根据个体分开时的足迹链数确定野猪个体数,同时将粪便、卧迹、啃食痕迹作为个体判断的辅助信息.研究结果表明:凤凰山保护区内能够提供的总能量为7.375 ×107MJ,冬季平均每头野猪生存所需能量为(14 677.698±409.92) MJ,野猪营养容纳量为(1 006±28)头,种群密度为(3.79±0.11)头/km2.此外,调查中发现30余个野猪套及2头野猪被猎杀现场,反应出当地的人猪冲突较为严重.结合调查中发现的野猪套数量及野猪被猎杀概率,对野猪种群数量引入20%的死亡风险系数.最终确定凤凰山野猪种群的最适数量在(603±17)头左右,最适密度为(2.27±0.06)头/km2.通过样带法调查得出凤凰山自然保护区实际野猪种群数量为(596±155)头,密度(2.24±0.58)头/km2,已趋近营养容纳量.因此,野猪并未过量,不能采取狩猎等降低种群数量的措施,同时保护区也应对野猪种群进行持续监控,防止野猪种群过度繁殖以至成灾.  相似文献   

黑龙江省完达山东部林区东北虎猎物生物量   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
研究一个地区猎物种群生物量能否满足捕食动物种群数量的需求,这对于了解濒危大型食肉动物是否受到来自于食物缺乏的威胁和制定相应的保护措施极其重要。为了掌握黑龙江省完达山东部林区东北虎食物需求与猎物生物量之间的关系,于2008年冬季至2009早春积雪覆盖期采用随机布设样线,通过收集有蹄类动物在雪地上留下的足迹等活动的方法,在东方红林业局和迎春林业局管辖境内3 692.06 km2的区域布设大样方48个,并在大样方里共布设样线240条开展有蹄类动物种群数量调查,确定东北虎猎物生物量。调查结果表明:研究地区野猪(成体502 606只,亚成体209 210只)、马鹿(成体331 357只,亚成体67 72只)和狍子(成体810 815只,亚成体202 203只)的生物量分别为74 767.50 87 825.00 kg、79 744.50 85 984.50 kg 和 31 337.00 31 525.50 kg,3种有蹄类动物生物量共计1 85 849.00 205 335.00 kg。研究地区猎物总生物量为209 619.89 231 598.24 kg。如果按8%的生物提供给东北虎,3种主要猎物生物量可满足5.22 6.92只东北虎个体的食物需求,研究地区猎物总生物量则可满足5.89 7.81只东北虎个体的食物需求。此外,对足迹遇见率与抽样强度、抽样强度与足迹遇见率的均值标准误差之间关系的分析表明,在完达山东部林区布设120条样线(抽样距离600 km)、150条样线(抽样距离750 km)和115条样线(抽样距离675 km)能满足野猪、马鹿、狍子种群数量调查准确性的最低需求。  相似文献   

四川青川县大熊猫栖息地主要伴生哺乳动物调查   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
1999年10月25日~11月15日,在四川省青川县对大熊猫种群数量进行调查的同时,对主要的伴生哺乳动物也进行了调查.在调查样线遇见率最高的是牛羚,其次为野猪、黑熊、竹鼠等,其遇见率分别为60 8%、16 7%、14 1%、10 1%.动物种类及种群数量分布最多的是唐家河自然保护区,牛羚和野猪已在唐家河周边社区对农作物造成较大的危害.全县大熊猫栖息地内,除唐家河保护区保护较好外,其余地方的野生动物保护不容乐观,栖息地质量和动物多样性都在下降.  相似文献   

2004年和2005年的4~7月,采用绝对数量调查与样线调查相结合的方法,分别对甘肃省东大山自然保护区和盐池湾自然保护区的高山雪鸡繁殖期种群密度进行了调查研究.结果表明,东大山核心区高山雪鸡繁殖期的种群密度为7.12±1.05只/km2(5.85~8.33),总体密度为4.88±1.50只/km2(3.33~6.32);盐池湾高山雪鸡繁殖期的种群密度为4.25±2.10只/km2(2.86~6.67).东大山核心区高山雪鸡的种群密度与1990年相比稍有下降,而总体密度则有所上升.人工捕捉和偷猎等是影响研究区内高山雪鸡种群数量的主要因素.  相似文献   

2010年12月至2011年2月,在新疆哈密山区,采用截线抽样法和遥感技术,对野生天山马鹿(Cervus elaphus songaricus)种群现状和冬季生境选择进行了研究。在不同区域和不同类型栖息地共布设了28条样线,样线总长度达60.1 km。其中,16条样线上发现马鹿共233头,调查区域平均种群密度(2.83±1.01)头/km2,种群数量(1 684.56±379.71)头,与1993年的调查结果相比有所上升。雌雄性比为2.24:1,幼体和亚成体总数多于成体和老体总数,种群数量呈增长趋势。根据野外考察GPS数据并解译天山马鹿分布生境2006秋季的LANDSAT TM/ETM+遥感影像,将生境要素分为山地针叶林、草甸、灌木丛、农田和戈壁5种类型,其中,草甸与山地针叶林为天山马鹿冬季适宜生境。  相似文献   

查清新疆东部哈密山区野生天山马鹿(Cervus elaphus songaricus)种群的现状,可为有效保护与合理利用野生马鹿资源提供科学依据。我们通过截线抽样法和遥感技术,弄清哈密山区天山马鹿的栖息地范围,估算马鹿的种群数量及种群密度。在哈密山区野生天山马鹿分布区域共设计了28条样线,总长度60.1 km,遇见马鹿233头,通过计算得到该地区马鹿天山亚种种群平均密度为(2.83?1.01)头/km2。栖息地面积374.35 km2,估计马鹿总数为(1 057.56?379.71)头左右。雌雄比例2.24:1,幼体和亚成体的总数量多于成体和老体总数。研究区域内马鹿的种群密度和资源总数量比往年的调查结果有所上升;马鹿的分布海拔高度比较一致,但种群的大小具有不均匀性;从性比和年龄结构来看该研究区域的马鹿种群面向着数量的增长趋势。  相似文献   

2005年12月~2006年6月对广东海丰公平大湖保护区的紫水鸡(Porphyrio porphyrio)种群密度进行了调查。繁殖期和非繁殖期的种群密度分别为13.33只/km2和9.33只/km2。通过对大湖和东关联安围总的样线平均个体数比较,差异性显著(P<0.05);在种群密度上,发现东关联安围不同时期的种群密度均较高,分别达16.11只/km2和11.67只/km2,大湖分别为9.17只/km2和5.83只/km2。对种群影响因素分析表明,非法猎捕和栖息地质量下降是导致紫水鸡种群变化的重要原因。  相似文献   

贺兰山岩羊的数量与分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2003年11~12月,采用样线调查法对贺兰山东坡(宁夏贺兰山国家级自然保护区)和西坡(内蒙古贺兰山国家级自然保护区)境内岩羊(Pseudois nayaur)种群的数量与分布进行了调查。共记录岩羊实体141群746只。在宁夏贺兰山国家级自然保护区和内蒙古贺兰山国家级自然保护区范围内均有岩羊分布,但东坡岩羊的平均群大小为6·03只,西坡为3·24只;东坡的遇见率为0·32只/km,西坡的遇见率为0·19只/km。卡方检验表明,贺兰山东、西坡的平均群大小和遇见率均存在极显著差异,东坡是岩羊的主要分布区。利用DISTANCE5·0软件估计贺兰山东坡岩羊的密度为5·144只/km2,种群数量为10611只;西坡的密度为2·532只/km2,种群数量为1714只;整个贺兰山地区岩羊的估计密度是4·445只/km2,种群数量为12178只。  相似文献   

为了获得天山马鹿Cervuselaphus songaricus喀拉乌成山种群数量,并评估不同种群数量统计方法之间的差异。2010~2012年利用样线法、粪堆计数法以及非损伤性标记重捕法对喀拉乌成山的天山马鹿种群数量进行研究,发现样线法估计的种群数量最低,仅为1.316~1.656头/km2;而非损伤性标记重捕法获得的种群数量最高,为2.075~3.11头/km2;粪堆计数法获得的数据居中,为1.422~2.844头/km2,说明不同的方法之间很难具有可比性。  相似文献   

湖北省神农架林区野猪分布与传播非洲猪瘟风险分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
野猪是非洲猪瘟(ASF)传播的重要媒介,神农架林区野猪种群数量高、分布广,调查野猪分布对ASF防控有着重要意义.本研究首先通过布设红外相机117台、样线287条调查神农架林区野猪实体和痕迹位点后,应用最大熵模型预测林区野猪分布,再根据野猪、居民区、交通要道的空间分布数据,应用核密度估计法分析神农架林区各地野猪传播ASF...  相似文献   

扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis)是我国特有的古老而珍稀的爬行动物,现阶段野生扬子鳄的分布区域进一步萎缩,成为彼此孤立的点状,残存栖息地的生态环境趋于恶化,野生鳄数量估计为120~150条,老年化程度高。扬子鳄的保护管理依据现实状况及时加以调整,加大了野外保护力度,逐步改善野生鳄的栖息生境,实施野外放归工程,初步遏制了野生鳄数量迅速下滑的局面。人工饲养种群数量已逾10 000条,当前人工饲养繁殖的重点是管理好有限的遗传多样性资源。扬子鳄的研究主要涉及形态学、解剖学、组织胚胎学、生态学、生理生化、细胞及分子生物学,人工饲养繁殖技术等方面。营养生理和保护遗传学的应用研究有待加强。  相似文献   

A survey of wild Chinese Alligator was conducted from July to August 1999 and from August to September 2000 by direct counting after dark (20 z00pm) using headlamps or a 12v portable spotlight. At each site visited , the authors mapped the ponds using laser rangefinder and compass , characterized the physical nature of the ponds and vegetation , and conducted interviews with local residents. The location of all sites was recorded using a hand2held GPS. There are 26 sites in 5 counties that were surveyed where wild Chinese Alligators still exist in Anhui province , including 13 designated conservation sites of the National Chinese Alligator Reserve. The current wild alligator populations mainly exist in the best type of habitat , which totals 17.4 ha with estimated populations of 50.7 % in 1999 and 40.0 % in 2000. This can be compared with the other two types of habitat , which total 22. 0 ha and 19. 0 ha , with their estimated population numbers of 24.0 % in 1999 and 30.9 % in 2000 , and 25.3 % in 1999 and 29.1 % in 2000 respectively. The average ecological densities of the alligators in the two years were 1.3 ind. / ha and 1.8 ind. / ha , with an estimated population of 145 individuals. However , the population has been evidently divided into 18 isolated small local populations with different numbers of individuals. We suggest that habitat should be restored and captive-reared alligators should be reint roduced into the area to rebuild a viable population.  相似文献   

野生扬子鳄种群动态变化及致危因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
1998—2003年,采用问卷调查、走访居民、夜间灯光照射计数等方法,对可能有野生扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis)分布的安徽省、浙江省和江苏省的45个地点进行了调查。结果发现:目前野生扬子鳄呈点状分布在至少23个地点,个体总数约120条,主要集中分布在安徽扬子鳄国家级自然保护区内。通过连续调查和对比分析表明:自20世纪50年代扬子鳄数量急剧下降(从5000—6000条下降为120条),但1998年至今其数量保持相对稳定(120条),种群的致危因素主要是栖息地破坏、人为捕杀、环境污染、自然灾害、繁殖力低等。在不同时期导致数量下降的因素不同:1950—1990年问,主要是由于栖息地丧失、人为捕杀等;目前的主要致危因素是缺乏适宜的自然栖息地,环境污染和遗传多样性丧失是潜在的致危因素。旱灾对野生扬子鳄生存的影响并不明显。  相似文献   

为探究道路对三江源国家公园黄河源园区藏野驴(Equus kiang)和藏原羚(Procapra picticaudata)种群数量及其栖息地的影响,于2020年冷季采用截线取样法在黄河源园区进行实地调查.通过设置4种不同等级的道路情景,使用MaxEnt模型评价藏野驴和藏原羚的生境适宜性,模拟了不同等级道路变量情景下两种...  相似文献   

野生扬子鳄种群及栖息地现状研究   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:24  
1999年7~8月及2000年8~9月,利用GPS、激光测距仪等,采用夜间灯光照射计数方法,对 有野生扬子鳄(Alligator sinensis)存在的安徽省宣州、泾县、广德、郎溪、南陵等5 县市的26个地点进行了调查,包括扬子鳄国家级自然保护区的13个指定保护点。结果发现: 目前野生扬子鳄主要生存在第一类栖息地(1999年50.7%、2000年40.0%),面积为17.38 hm2;其他两类栖息地的野生扬子鳄分布比率较小(各为1999年24.0%、2000年30.9%、1999 年25.3% 、2000年29.1%),面积分别为22.04hm2、19.03hm2。两年的平均生态密度分别为1.28条/hm2和1.79条/hm2,野生扬子鳄种群数量为145条。其种群已明显分为至少18个数 量不等且相互隔离的地方种群。建议恢复足够大的栖息地,并放饲养鳄于其中以重新 建立有效野生种群。  相似文献   

Population estimates are required for effective conservation of many rare marine species, but can be difficult to obtain. The critically endangered red handfish (Thymichthys politus) is a coastal anglerfish known only from two fragmented populations in southeast Tasmania, Australia. It is at a high risk of extinction due to low numbers, loss of habitat, and the impacts of climate change. To aid conservation efforts, we provide the first empirical population size estimates of red handfish and investigate other important aspects of the species' life history, such as growth, habitat association, and movement. We surveyed both red handfish local populations via underwater visual census on scuba over 3 years and used photographic mark-recapture techniques to estimate biological parameters. In 2020, the local adult population size was estimated to be 94 (95% confidence interval [CI] 40–231) adults at one site, and 7 (95% CI 5–10) at the other site, suggesting an estimated global population of 101 adults. Movement of individuals was extremely limited at 48.5 m (± 77.7 S.D. ) per year. We also found evidence of declining fish density, a declining proportion of juveniles, and increasing average fish size during the study. These results provide a serious warning that red handfish are likely sliding toward extinction, and highlight the urgent need to expand efforts for ex situ captive breeding to bolster numbers in the wild and maintain captive insurance populations, and to protect vital habitat to safeguard the species' ongoing survival in the wild.  相似文献   

The giant panda is an example of a species that has faced extensive historical habitat fragmentation, and anthropogenic disturbance and is assumed to be isolated in numerous subpopulations with limited gene flow between them. To investigate the population size, health, and connectivity of pandas in a key habitat area, we noninvasively collected a total of 539 fresh wild giant panda fecal samples for DNA extraction within Wolong Nature Reserve, Sichuan, China. Seven validated tetra‐microsatellite markers were used to analyze each sample, and a total of 142 unique genotypes were identified. Nonspatial and spatial capture–recapture models estimated the population size of the reserve at 164 and 137 individuals (95% confidence intervals 153–175 and 115–163), respectively. Relatively high levels of genetic variation and low levels of inbreeding were estimated, indicating adequate genetic diversity. Surprisingly, no significant genetic boundaries were found within the population despite the national road G350 that bisects the reserve, which is also bordered with patches of development and agricultural land. We attribute this to high rates of migration, with four giant panda road‐crossing events confirmed within a year based on repeated captures of individuals. This likely means that giant panda populations within mountain ranges are better connected than previously thought. Increased development and tourism traffic in the area and throughout the current panda distribution pose a threat of increasing population isolation, however. Maintaining and restoring adequate habitat corridors for dispersal is thus a vital step for preserving the levels of gene flow seen in our analysis and the continued conservation of the giant panda meta‐population in both Wolong and throughout their current range.  相似文献   

A major function of contact calls in nonhuman primates is to maintain spatial cohesion among individuals in a group. The risks of spatial/visual separation from the group are likely to affect auditory contact behavior, in particular by increasing the call rate. We tested whether the risk of separation influences coo call emission by investigating the variation in call rate among behavioral contexts in two wild populations of Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata). We focused on caller activity and the degree of visibility within the habitat as primary potential factors mediating call rate. We first estimated the habitat visibility of the two research sites at Yakushima Island (YK) and Kinkazan Island (KZ), Japan. The habitat visibility of YK was significantly more restricted than that of KZ. We then compared the call rate of 20 adult and 12 juvenile female macaques between the two wild populations to examine the potential effects of environmental differences. Both populations had a lower call rate during grooming than during feeding and moving, which are behaviors associated to higher interindividual distances. The call rate of YK adult females was significantly greater than that of both juveniles and KZ adult females, independently of activity. The call rate increased as macaques matured in the YK population, but not in the KZ population, suggesting that different developmental processes involved in contact calling of the two populations. Our findings suggest that separation risk influences call rate, and also imply a possibility of social influence that social structure change effects on the call rates.  相似文献   

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