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中国蝮蛇头骨形态比较及分类学讨论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目前,我国蝮蛇某些种类的分类仍存在不同见解,对蝮蛇类群的分类主要集中在外部形态的比较,而较少涉及内部结构的研究.因此,本文对我国13个地区的8种(亚种)共26号蝮蛇的头骨进行了比较解剖.以头骨特征为依据,对岩栖蝮Agkistrodon saxatilis、乌苏里蝮A.ussurensis、蛇岛蝮A.shedaoensis、短尾蝮A brevicaudus、秦岭蝮A.qinlingensis等的有效性及分类地位进行了讨论;同时对尖吻蝮Deinagkistrodon acutus的骨骼形态与其他种类也进行了比较,认为它们在谱系上应代表两个不同的类型,将它们分隶于蝮属Agkistrodon和尖吻蝮属Deinagkistrodon是合理的.还以头骨形态特征为依据对8种蝮蛇编制了检索表.  相似文献   

王湘君  赵尔宓 《四川动物》2008,27(2):172-177
华北地区的短尾蝮的鼻间鳞形状和斑纹与东北地区短尾蝮Gloydius brevicaudus和日本蝮G. blomhoffii相似,鳞片变化范围也有很大重合.尽管不少学者对此进行过研究,但它们的分类地位尚有争议.作者对中国产蝮亚科Crotalinae亚洲蝮属Gloydius乌苏里蝮G. ussuriensis、东北地区短尾蝮G. brevicaudus、长江中下游地区短尾蝮和华北地区短尾蝮共4个居群12个个体测定了约660 bp线粒体ND4基因序列,并从GenBank下载了日本产日本蝮3个个体的ND4基因序列,以尖吻蝮属Deinagkistrodon的尖吻蝮D. acutus和白头蝰属Azemiops的白头蝰A. feae序列为外群,用最大简约法构建分子系统进化树.结果 显示,亚洲蝮属的岩栖蝮G. saxatilis、中介蝮G. intereidius和高原蝮G. strauchii与日本蝮、乌苏里蝮和短尾蝮聚成姐妹群;乌苏里蝮与日本蝮聚集, 3个地区的短尾蝮聚集,且3个地区的短尾蝮不成单系,支持华北地区的短尾蝮不是日本蝮的结论.作者认为,华北地区的短尾蝮是短尾蝮的一个居群,而不是其亚种;短尾蝮暂不分亚种.  相似文献   

我国学者一度认为中国北方不同地区的"中介蝮"(Gloydius intermedius)是一个单一物种,但中国东北、西北、华北地区不同的"中介蝮"彼此的形态和生活习性都有明显差异。为了探究这种差异的内在原因,本研究在中国境内进行了较大范围野外调查采样,并检视了相关标本,通过形态学和分子系统发育分析,并结合地理分布资料,对中国北方的体中段背鳞23行的一些亚洲蝮属蛇类进行了比较研究。结果表明,中国不同地区的"中介蝮"彼此形态差异显著,具分类鉴别意义,达到亚种划分标准,进而将这些蝮蛇与西伯利亚蝮不同亚种间的形态特征和模式产地信息进行了比对,发现这些蝮蛇符合西伯利亚蝮(G.halys)种下几个亚种的鉴定标准:主产区位于东北及内蒙古东部者应为G.h.halys(西伯利亚蝮指名亚种);主产区位于华北地区者应为G.h.stejnegeri;主产区位于西北地区者应为G.h.cognatus。分子研究结果揭示,我国西伯利亚蝮不同亚种在系统发育树中不构成单系群,且彼此间线粒体基因遗传距离达到或高出该复合种中其他已知独立种间的距离。故建议将G.h.stejnegeri和G.h.cognatus从西伯利亚蝮种下独立分出,称华北蝮(G.stejnegeri)和阿拉善蝮(G.cognatus)。单倍型网络分析亦建议将G.h.caraganus提升为种级。本研究亦证实了蛇岛蝮(G.shedaoensis)在辽东半岛陆地山区的分布,从而恢复蛇岛蝮千山亚种(G.sh.qianshanensis)的有效性,主张在下一步工作中对其进行新模指订和再描述工作。在上述结果基础上,对我国境内上述几种蝮蛇的地理分布资料进行了系统地整理和补充。  相似文献   

蝮蛇属蝰科蝮亚科蝮属蝮蛇种,下分短尾亚种、中介亚种、乌苏里亚种及黑眉亚种蝮蛇在我国分布较广,东北白眉蝮蛇主要含血液毒,神经毒极微。蛇岛黑眉蝮蛇含血液毒外还含少量神经毒。主要分布在长江以南的短尾蝮蛇(亦称江浙蝮蛇)含血液毒及神经毒等混合毒。头部三角形,上颌长有较长的管状毒牙,生活在平原或丘陵地区,以昆虫、蛙、蜥蜴、鸟、鼠等为食。卵胎生、  相似文献   

蝮亚科蛇线粒体细胞色素b基因序列分析及其系统发育   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
对中国产蝮亚科(Crotaline)亚洲蝮属(Gloydius)6种蛇(其中短属蝮取自两个不同地区)[短尾蝮Gloydius brevicaudus (Stejneger).黑眉蝮Gloydius saxatilis(Emelianov),蛇岛蝮Gloydius shedaoensis(Zhao),雪山蝮Gloydius strauchii(Bedriaga),高原蝮Gloydius strauchii monticola monticlal (Werner),乌苏里蝮Gloydius ussurriensis(Emelianov)]与竹叶青属竹叶青蛇Trimeresurus stejnegeri Schmidt共7种蛇8个个体测定了789bp或744bp线粒体细胞色素b基因序列,用MEGA1.02软件分析了其碱基组成及变异情况,以游蛇科链蛇属半棱鳞链蛇Dinodon semicarinatus序列为外群,用PAUP4.0b2软件构建最简约分子系统树,结果显示,竹叶青蛇在全部受试物种中处于原始地位,分布于东北地区的蛇岛蝮,乌苏里蝮,黑眉蝮与浙江与陕西产的短尾蝮所组成的分枝与横断山区的高原蝮,雪山蝮聚集形居的分枝组成姐妹群,支持分布于中国境内的亚洲蝮属蛇种的两个起源及分化地的假说,同时探讨了蝮蛇的分类地位问题。  相似文献   

李东升  吕秋敏 《蛇志》1999,11(3):25-26
目的 研究我国蝮亚科蝮属尖吻蝮、蝮蛇、雪山蝮3 种蝮蛇和烙铁头属竹叶青、烙铁头的染色体。方法 给蛇体按1m g/kg 蝮腔注射秋水仙素,5~7h 后活体取肋骨、睾丸等组织样品进行细胞染色体检测。结果 5 种蝮蛇的染色体为2 n = 36。结论 蝮亚科两个属的染色体数目是恒定的, 说明其进化上的保守性, 可能它们的祖先是单一的。  相似文献   

蝮蛇Agkistrodon blomhoffii brevicaudus别名:秃灰蛇、土公蛇、草上飞等各地不一。为一种管牙类毒蛇。隶属于蝰科蝮亚科蝮蛇属。早在三千年前以“虺”(音毁)一名见于《诗经》、《楚辞》之中。蝮蛇短尾亚种分布于我国广大地区,除青藏高原、东北北部、西北地区及两广尚未发现外,其余各地均可见到。为我国剧毒蛇类中分布最广的一种,而且在某些分布区里因数量极多而占优势。故蝮蛇伤病例占我国蛇伤病例总数一半左右。各地区的蝮属蛇类在形态及毒力大小上有差别:分布于西北地区的是中介蝮;东北北部的是蝮蛇乌苏里亚种及黑眉蝮。1980年赵尔宓氏…  相似文献   

中国蝮属蛇类的RAPD分析   总被引:30,自引:3,他引:30  
用RAPD技术研究了我国5种蝮属蛇类(中介蝮,蛇岛蝮,短尾蝮,高原蝮,乌苏里蝮)的系统发生关系,研究中使用了33个蝮蛇标本和2个草原蝰标本,用11个引物对样品分别作RAPD扩增,获得72个扩增片段。  相似文献   

对蝮亚科(蛇岛蝮Gloydius shedaoensis Zhao、黑眉蝮Gloydius saxatilis Emelianov、乌苏里蝮Gloydius ussurriensis Emelianov、竹叶青Trimeresurus stejnegeri Schmidt 和分别来自不同地区的尖吻蝮Deinagkistrodon acutus Guenther、短尾蝮Gloydius brevicaudus Stejneger各两条)6种蛇共8个个体测定、分析了约370bp线粒体12S rRNA基因序列,以游蛇科链蛇属半棱鳞链蛇Dinodon semicarinatus 序列为外群构建分子系统树.分子数据结果支持尖吻蝮形态学的属级分类地位;提示蛇岛蝮位于黑眉蝮的蛇岛亚种分类地位,同时探讨了蛇岛蝮的起源问题;并提示短尾蝮和乌苏里蝮同位于种级分类地位.  相似文献   

亚洲蝮属两种的种下分类研究(蛇亚目:蝮亚科)   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对分布在辽东半岛和山东半岛的“黑眉”蝮蛇,依据Mayr(1953)两个样本间平均数比较的亚种划分的经典方法,进行分类学研究,辽东半岛半蛇岛蝮应为:蛇岛蝮千山亚种Gloydius shedaoensis qianshanensis ssp;nov.山东半岛产岩栖蝮为:岩栖蝮长岛亚种Gloydius saxatilis changdaoensis ssp;nov.。  相似文献   

辽宁省青龙河自然保护区发现中介蝮   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
2013年8月8日,在辽宁省凌源市青龙河自然保护区红石砬子山主峰(40°47'N,118°55'E,海拔1 253 m)采集到2号亚洲蝮属(Gloydius)蛇类标本,经鉴定为中介蝮(G.intermedius),系该种在辽宁省境内首次发现。本文对其形态特征进行了描述,并与国内其他地区的标本进行了比较,讨论了其分布格局和生物地理学特点。  相似文献   

目的:蛇毒纤维蛋白溶解酶能直接溶解纤维蛋白或纤维蛋白原,在心脑血管疾病的治疗方面具有潜在的应用价值。方法:采用双酶切技术从pMD18T-FLE I克隆载体上获得中介蝮蛇毒纤溶酶基因编码区,再将其亚克隆到真核表达载体pFASTBACHTa上,经转化、筛选和鉴定,获得重组真核表达质粒pFASTBACHTa-FLE。重组质粒经小鼠尾静脉快速注入小鼠体内,进行瞬时表达。结果:经SDS-PAGE和Western blot检测,表明在小鼠肝脏组织中有重组FLE蛋白表达。免疫组织化学检测证明该蛋白在小鼠肝脏组织中大量表达。纤维蛋白平板法鉴定该重组蛋白具有较高的纤溶活性,其活性呈现出剂量相关性和时间依赖性。因此为进一步对中介蝮蛇毒纤溶酶的应用奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   

The life cycle of Gnathostoma nipponicum was examined by field survey and by experimental infection of animals with the larvae. Naturally infected larval G. nipponicum were found in loaches, catfish, and snakes. Experimentally, loaches, killifishes, frogs, salamanders, mice, and rats were successfully infected with the early third-stage larvae of G. nipponicum obtained from copepods (the first intermediate host), whereas snakes, quails, and weasels were not. Frogs, snakes, quails, and rats were experimentally infected with the advanced third-stage larvae (AdL3) from loaches. These results reveal that some species of fishes, amphibians and mammals can act as the second intermediate host and that some species of reptiles, birds and mammals can act as a paratenic host. The life cycle was completed in weasels, the definitive host, which were infected with AdL3 from loaches and started to evacuate eggs of G. nipponicun in faeces on days 65-90 postinfection.  相似文献   

汪玉如  周正彦  李丕鹏 《蛇志》2010,22(2):104-107,192
目的为了有效保护江西的蛇类资源,对该地区蛇类的多样性、现状及其保护需求进行了总结。方法根据有关报道和我们调查的野外资料从物种多样性、分布、受胁情况等方面进行分析和比较。结果江西现有蛇类64种,占中国蛇类的31.1%,其中特有种18种;井冈山脊蛇(Achalinus jingganggensi)(Zong and Ma ,1983)是江西特有种,目前仅知分布于井冈山。有16种处于极度濒危、濒危和易危状态,占江西蛇类种数的25%;近危蛇类5种,占江西蛇类的7.8%。江西境内的武夷山是蛇类多样性最丰富的地区,其次是井冈山和庐山等。结论江西有近1/3的蛇类处于受胁状态,主要是由于过度利用和栖息地遭破坏所致。由于相当部分县、市缺乏蛇类分布等信息,建议尽快对江西蛇类资源进行全面调查。同时,提出相应的保护策略和措施。并建议建立特有珍稀蛇类繁育基地。  相似文献   

河南太行山蕨类植物区系的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
初步探讨了河南太行山蕨类植物区系的特点。该区系有蕨类植物 1 0 4种 ,隶属于 2 3科 4 8属 ,优势成分以蹄盖蕨科、鳞毛蕨科等系统演化上比较高级的类群为主。组成本区系的成分来源不同 ,以温带成分占优势 ,与河北、山西、北京地区的蕨类区系关系密切 ,与山东、秦岭、长白山、黄山、鼎湖山的相似程度渐低。这与中国现代蕨类植物地理分布规律相吻合  相似文献   

报道并探讨了河北省在大鸨迁徙途径中的重要性,河北省大鸨的地理分布与居留期变化,大鸨的保护工作及其保护与研究展望,指出河北省是大鸨重要的越冬地.  相似文献   

河北沿海发现小凤头燕鸥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
正2017年7月25日,在河北省唐山市海港开发区金沙岛一季节性水塘(39°10′26″N,118°58′16″E)观察到1只小凤头燕鸥(Thalasseus bengalensis),该鸟停歇约10 min后飞离该地。至8月7日,在该地点多次记录到单只小凤头燕鸥停歇洗浴。附近亦有普通燕鸥(Sterna hirundo)、白额燕鸥(S.albifrons)、反嘴鹬(Recurvirostra avosetta)、环颈鸻(Charadrius alexandrinus)、青脚滨鹬(Calidris temminckii)等水鸟在此停歇或觅食。所发现的小凤头燕鸥  相似文献   

Evolutionary hypotheses for ageing generally predict that delayed senescence should evolve in organisms that experience lower extrinsic mortality. Thus, one might expect species that are highly toxic or venomous (i.e. chemically protected) will have longer lifespans than related species that are not likewise protected. This remarkable relationship has been suggested to occur in amphibians and snakes. First, we show that chemical protection is highly conserved in several lineages of amphibians and snakes. Therefore, accounting for phylogenetic autocorrelation is critical when conservatively testing evolutionary hypotheses because species may possess similar longevities and defensive attributes simply through shared ancestry. Herein, we compare maximum longevity of chemically protected and nonprotected species, controlling for potential nonindependence of traits among species using recently available phylogenies. Our analyses confirm that longevity is positively correlated with body size in both groups which is consistent with life‐history theory. We also show that maximum lifespan was positively associated with chemical protection in amphibian species but not in snakes. Chemical protection is defensive in amphibians, but primarily offensive (involved in prey capture) in snakes. Thus, we find that although chemical defence in amphibians favours long life, there is no evidence that chemical offence in snakes does the same.  相似文献   

We present detailed species accounts for 55 species of amphibians and reptiles(14 species of frogs,24 snakes,16 lizards,one turtle) from 24 localities in the vicinity of Subic Bay,southern Zambales Province,Luzon Island,Philippines. Although we note numerous species that are conspicuously absent in Subic Bay(and which we expect will eventually be recorded in the region),our many new records plus a summary of the available historical museum specimen data depict a diverse subset of species diversity known from the southern Zambales Mountains of southwestern Luzon. We compare our data to several other recent herpetofunal surveys from Luzon,discuss biogeographic regionalism of this complex island,and report on numerous new natural history observations for many included species. With the absence of any protected areas in the entire province,the amphibians and reptiles of Zambales should be a particularly important future conservation priority.  相似文献   

Aim To document disjunct, insular populations of animals separated from similar conspecifics distributed to the north, inland and upland, and compare this pattern with that historically described for northern Florida and the Florida Keys islands. Location Nan Ao Island is on the Tropic of Cancer 117° E in the South China Sea, eastern Guangdong Province, China. There are archipelagos of islets extending south‐east, and several coastal islets around Nan Ao. Methods Five field surveys were made in 1999–2001. Voucher specimens were tagged, catalogued, and deposited in major museum collections. The comparable Floridian disjunct pattern was researched and described in overview. Results Five species – a toad, two lizards and two snakes – collected on Nan Ao and three satellite islands were added to the two previously documented species – a lizard and a snake – that fit the austro‐boreal disjunct pattern. One lizard and one snake are minor range extensions of a hundred or few km. One snake's Nan Ao population is disjunct by about 450 km and one lizard's by about 550 km. The small, semi‐fossorial, short‐legged toad is the most notable, separated from the main area of its range by about 800 km. This is similar to the greatest distance between north Floridian and Keys disjunct populations. Main conclusions (1) Seven Nan Ao species of terrestrial vertebrates are isolated and disjunct from conspecifics found to the north, upland and inland; this compares to five species showing a similar north Florida to Florida Keys pattern. (2) The Nan Ao species have no conspecifics known from the intervening area whereas four of the five Floridian species have conspecific, but dissimilar, populations in the gap. (3) Nan Ao and its satellite islets were high points on a large coastal plain at glacial maximum. (4) Holocene sea level rise and concomitant global warming may have isolated the Nan Ao relicts that had continuous distributions at glacial maximum. (5) The intervening mainland conspecific populations may have been replaced by tropical species that moved north along the mainland but failed to colonize the islands. (6) If so, significant adaptation to a warmer climate must have occurred to enable survival of the Nan Ao relicts to the present.  相似文献   

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