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黑斑侧褶蛙的两性异形和雌性繁殖特征   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
测定了黑斑侧褶蛙成体的体长、体重、头长、头宽、眼径、鼓膜径、前肢长、后肢长等形态指标以及雌体的怀卵数量。黑斑侧褶蛙雌体的体长和体重显著大于雄体。其它局部形态特征指标与体长呈正相关,协方差分析表明,雄体的鼓膜径大于雌体,其余形态指标不存在明显的两性差异。黑斑侧褶蛙雌体怀卵数量与体长和体重皆成正相关关系,表明黑斑侧褶蛙通过增加个体大小增加繁殖输出。  相似文献   

2010年3月下旬-7月上旬于浙江富阳市农田采集680只泽陆蛙(Fejervarya limnocharis),研究了泽陆蛙成体和幼体的个体大小和局部形态特征的两性异形;通过解剖雌体获得窝卵数、测量抱对个体获得形态数据,研究了雌体大小与生育力关系以及抱对两性个体体形大小的相关性.结果表明:捕获个体中,雌性和雄性成体的最小体长分别为33mm和30 mm;雄性成体个体数显著超过雌性成体,两性幼体个体数无显著差异;两性成体头部大小、四肢长随体长呈同速增长,眼径和体重随体长呈异速增长,两性幼体所有被检形态特征均随体长呈同速增长;雌性成体平均体长显著大干雄性成体,去除体长差异的影响后发现,除眼径无显著的两性差异外,其余被检形态特征均为雌性大于雄性;幼体除雌性体重大于雄性外,其余被检形态特征均无两性差异;窝卵数与雌体大小(体长和体重)呈显著的正相关;两性抱对个体的体长无显著相关性;泽陆蛙雄性成体体形小于雌性成体的个体大小两性异形模式可能决定于驱使雄性向较大体形发展的进化驱动力相对较弱,雌性增大体形可增加繁殖输出,故向较大体形发展的进化驱动力相对较强;除体重外,其余被检形态特征的两性异形均形成于性成熟之后.  相似文献   

城市化是造成全球两栖类多样性下降的重要原因,两栖类通过表型特征(尤其是形态特征)的改变响应城市化进程。于2020—2021年4—8月沿上海市城市化梯度设置38个研究样点,共采集170只金线侧褶蛙和305只泽陆蛙成体,以获取5项形态特征数据(体长、体重、头宽、前臂长和后肢长),基于各样点的建筑、道路和林地面积占比定义城市化指数以代表城市化水平,分析上海市城市化对金线侧褶蛙和泽陆蛙形态特征的影响。结果表明:雄性与雌性金线侧褶蛙的体长与城市化指数呈显著正相关,雄性泽陆蛙的体长、头宽和后肢长,以及雌性泽陆蛙的体重和后肢长与城市化指数呈显著正相关。本研究表明,泽陆蛙对上海市城市化进程的形态特征响应强于金线侧褶蛙。  相似文献   

测量和比较采自黄山的凹耳蛙成体标本(雌雄各20个),统计结果表明成年雌雄蛙的体长、头宽、吻长、鼻间距、眼间距、眼径、鼓膜宽、前臂及指长、前臂宽等两性形态学指标存在显著性差异。对与体长显著相关的形态特征,以体长为协变量的协方差分析表明凹耳蛙雌雄两性在头宽、眼间距、眼径、鼓膜宽存在显著差异。凹耳蛙两性异形比达到0.418,雌性平均体长对雄性平均体长的比达到1.716。头宽、眼间距、眼径、鼓膜宽等局部形态特征与体长的线性回归分析表明,雌性斜率大于雄性斜率,说明雌性凹耳蛙上述局部特征随体长的生长速率明显大于雄性。雌性体长的繁殖力选择能够很好地解释凹耳蛙的两性异形。  相似文献   

测量和比较了采自甘肃省康县的康县隆肛蛙Feirana kangxianensis标本共计90只(雌性48只,雄性42只)。结果表明,康县隆肛蛙成体的头体长、头长、头宽、吻长、鼻间距、眼间距、眼径、鼓膜长、前臂及手长、后肢全长、手长、足长的形态特征在两性间的差异有统计学意义。以头体长为协变量的协方差分析显示,康县隆肛蛙两性的差异均有统计学意义,异形指数达到0.08,雌性与雄性的平均头体长比值为1.091。对所有测量的形态特征与头体长进行一元线性回归分析表明,雌性康县隆肛蛙局部形态特征的生长速度明显大于雄性,其中,吻长、眼间距、眼径、鼓膜长、前臂及手长、手长的两性差异最明显。生育力选择假设能解释康县隆肛蛙的两性异形现象。  相似文献   

2017年和2018年的4月在浙江九龙山国家级自然保护区发现一种姬蛙,经形态学比较、16S rRNA序列比对及系统发育分析,鉴定为北仑姬蛙(Microhyla beilunensis),是该种的地理新分布。通过测量31只成体(25雌和6雄)的体长、头长、头宽、吻长、鼻间距、眼间距、眼径、前臂及手长、后肢全长和足长10个形态指标,研究该种的两性异形。结果显示,该种具有雌性大于雄性的个体大小两性异形;体长之外的9个局部形态特征均与体长成正相关,去除体长效应后,北仑姬蛙雄蛙前臂及手长显著大于雌蛙,其余形态特征在两性间均无差异;主成分分析(特征值≥1)显示,头长、头宽、吻长、鼻间距、眼间距、眼径、前臂及手长、后肢全长和足长等9个特定体长的形态变量辨析出两个主成分,共解释了原始数据52.5%的变异,头宽和前臂及手长在第一向量上具有较高的正负载系数,且两性形态在第一向量上差异显著,这表明头宽和前臂及手长可用于区分雌雄个体。  相似文献   

本研究测量了2012年7月采自云南省剑川县的125只成体滇蛙Nidirana pleuraden(♀64只,♂61只)的11项形态指标,并使用骨龄学方法测定年龄。结果显示:滇蛙两性的体长与其余形态指标呈正相关,雌性头长、头宽、吻长、前臂及手长、前臂宽、前肢全长、后肢全长、胫长和足长的均值都大于雄性,属于偏雌性的两性异形模式。两性异形指数分别为:1龄组0.05、2龄组0.06、3龄组0.07、4龄组0.08,即两性异形指数随年龄增大而增加。这反映出随年龄增长,雌性的繁殖投入增加,而雄性的繁殖机会受体型的影响较小,符合生育力选择假说。  相似文献   

用采自海南东寨港红树林保护区的58只(35 ♀♀,23 ♂♂)成体海陆蛙(Fejervarya cancrivora),通过测量头体长、体重、头长、头宽、吻长等11个形态特征指标和雌体卵巢质量(窝卵重),研究该种形态特征的两性异形和雌性繁殖特征,并检验雌性成体大小(头体长和体重)与其繁殖的相关性.雌雄两性个体的最小头体长分别为44.9 mm和45.2 mm.除吻长和眼间距外,其余局部形态特征与头体长皆呈正相关性.头体长在雌雄两性之间差异显著,雌性显著大于雄性;而体重、头长、头宽等局部形态均无两性差异.海陆蛙雌体的窝卵重与头体长和体重之间皆成正相关关系,表明雌性可能是通过增大体型从而增加繁殖输出,而向较大体型发展.  相似文献   

蓝尾石龙子的生长、两性异形及雌性繁殖   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:27  
杜卫国  计翔 《动物学研究》2001,22(4):279-286
报道蓝尾石龙子(Eumeces elegans)的生长、两性异形和雌性繁殖,性成熟个体体色的两性差异显著,成年雄性体长、头长和头宽显著大于成年雌性,幼体体长生长率无显著的两性差异。成年雄体体长生长率显著大于成年雌体,因此,个体大小的两性异形是性成熟后发生的,体长小于50mm的幼体,头长和头宽无性差异;当体长大于50mm。雄性头长和头宽随体长的生长率显著大于雌性。并导致头部大小的两性异形,并随个体发育变得越来越显著,蓝尾石龙子产卵雌体的最小体长为69.3mm,大于此体长的雌体均年产单窝卵。窝卵数、窝卵重和平均卵重均与雌体体长呈正相关,平均值分别为6.4、2.783和0.554g。窝卵数与雌体产后状态无关,蓝尾石龙子雌体主要通过增加窝卵数和卵大小来增加繁殖输出。  相似文献   

浙江丽水虎纹蛙形态特征的两性异形和食性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
林植华  计翔 《动物学研究》2005,26(3):255-262
用数显游标卡尺测量了407只2001—2003年9月下旬至10月上旬浙江丽水罚没的死亡虎纹蛙的体长等10个形态指标,结果表明:雌性成体体长(SUL)大于雄性成体,幼体形态无显著两性差异;ANCOVA去除SUL差异的影响后,雌性成体的头长和后肢长大于雄性成体,前肢长、眼径和耳径则小于雄性成体。前肢两侧对称性的偏移度成体大于幼体,雌性大于雄性;后肢两侧对称性成幼体和两性无显著差异。10个形态指标主成分分析的前三个主成分共解释64·6%的变异:第一主成分中头宽、眼径和耳径,第二主成分中后肢长,第三主成分中眼间距和鼻间距分别有较高的正负载系数。用NikonSMZ-1000解剖镜鉴别277只个体胃内容物中的食物种类,发现其秋季食物以节肢动物为主;成幼体和两性食物生态位宽度为3·42~5·25,食物生态位重叠度较高为0·93~0·98。分析表明,虎纹蛙局部形态特征的两性差异微弱,而体长两性异形差异显著;雌体具有较大的体形与食性无关,而可能与生育力选择的作用有关。  相似文献   

Courtship and mating of the tailed frog (Ascaphus truei)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

1. Plasma immunoreactive calcitonin (iCT) and ionic calcium [( Ca]i) were measured in intact frogs (Rana pipiens) within complete 24 hr light-dark cycles over an 18 month period. 2. Plasma iCT exhibits an annual periodicity about the annual mean of 10.0 ng/ml, with an amplitude of 5.4 ng/ml that peaks in October. 3. Within an annual cycle, a significant inverse association exists between the basal monthly levels of plasma iCT and [Ca]i for animals maintained in freshwater control conditions. 4. When subjected to a high calcium environment during the latter half of the year, plasma [Ca]i and iCT were elevated above control levels but exhibited independent cyclic patterns. 5. A distinct seasonal response of increased iCT in a high calcium environment may be related to the secretory activity of the ultimobranchial glands and physiological responsiveness to other calcemic hormones; e.g. parathyroid hormone and vitamin D.  相似文献   

Summary A detailed study was conducted of the three-dimensional accuracy of phonotaxis by femaleHyperolius marmoratus. This analysis involved videotape recordings of phonotactic approaches to an elevated loudspeaker through a three-dimensional grid. Females readily resolved the sound source elevation, but the jump error angles describing the precision of approach were considerably greater in this three-dimensional analysis than in the more conventional two-dimensional ground approach analysis. Extensive use was made of visual cues in elevated phonotactic approach and lateral head scanning prior to jumps, often accompanied by vertical changes in head orientation, was frequent. The ability of such small anurans to localize a sound source in both the horizontal and vertical plane is remarkable.On leave from the Section of Neurobiology and Behavior, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA  相似文献   

Information has been collected from various sources on spawn site selection and colony size of the frog ( Rana temporaria ) and the toad ( Bufo bufo ). Details are tabulated for 764 frog breeding sites in Britain and in the Republic of Ireland and for 139 toad sites in Britain (the toad does not occur in Ireland). Both species tend to breed in whatever types of site are most available. In Britain the garden pond has steadily increased in importance for both species since 1950. Frogs usually spawned in shallow water, 266 reports out of a total of 588 (45%) referring to water up to six inches (15 cm) deep. Toads tended to spawn in deeper water, 48 reports out of 82 (59%) mentioning water 7–18 inches (18–46 cm) in depth. Median depths were: frog, seven inches (18 cm); toad 13 inches (33 cm). Information on colony size was assimilated for 574 frog colonies and 86 toad colonies. Colonies in gardens were smaller than those in other types of site. Relatively fewer large frog colonies (≡100 animals) were found to occur in London than elsewhere in Britain, and British colonies were generally larger than those in Ireland. Colonies of 100 or more individuals were recorded relatively more frequently for toads than for frogs. By combining information on choice of site and colony size, rough estimates can be derived of the percentage of frogs and toads breeding in gardens and other types of site. For instance, in the London area in the 1960s perhaps 20–25% of the frogs bred in gardens and private grounds. The ecological significance of these observations is discussed.  相似文献   

Increased mortality was observed in a single colony of 50 Xenopus laevis. The frogs were used as oocyte donors in developmental biology studies. Necropsy findings included dermal erythema and petechiation consistent with red leg syndrome; dermal ulcerations and white, filamentous growths on the skin were consistent with Saprolegnia sp. Microscopic evaluation of the skin and fungus revealed an astigmatid mite similar to those of the genus Rhizoglyphus. The mite was also found in the water and the biological filter of the tanks housing the frogs. This mite is considered not to be a parasite of X. laevis; instead, it feeds off moss, fungi, and detritus. Subsequent evaluation of the sphagnum moss used for shipping the frogs from the supplier revealed the same mite in the moss. Our hypothesis is that the mite was introduced into the tank with the shipment of new frogs in sphagnum moss. The mites lived within the biological filter, and were only found after the growth of Saprolegnia sp. attracted the mites to the frogs. Laboratory animal care and veterinary personnel should consider non-pathogenic species of mites in the differential diagnosis of acariasis in Xenopus frogs.  相似文献   

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