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环境资源的异质性在自然界中普遍存在。克隆植物能通过克隆整合较好地适应异质性生境。本文以海南外来强入侵性植物薇甘菊为材料,通过温室盆栽试验,研究克隆整合对异质性土壤养分生境下薇甘菊克隆片段生长的影响。结果表明:在养分异质下,克隆整合显著提高了低养分斑块分株的生物量,但同时降低了高养分斑块分株的生物量,对克隆片段总体的生长无显著影响,且这一结果不受资源输送方向的影响。克隆整合对薇甘菊克隆分株的光合速率和比叶面积影响较小,但当近端分株处于高养分条件时,其改变了克隆分株的根冠比。这些结果指示:克隆整合有利于异质性土壤养分条件下薇甘菊对低养分斑块的占领。因此,克隆整合可影响薇甘菊对资源异质性生境的入侵能力,它使薇甘菊能够扩展到低养分斑块,从而提高其入侵扩散能力。  相似文献   

土壤养分的空间异质性在自然界普遍存在,而克隆植物被认为能很好地适应和利用土壤养分异质性.尽管尺度和对比度是异质性的两个重要属性,但有关上壤养分异质性的尺度和对比度及其交互作用对克隆植物生长和分株分布格局影响的研究仍比较缺乏.在一个温室实验中,根状茎型草本克隆植物扁秆荆三棱(Bolboschoenus planiculmis)被种植在由高养分斑块和低养分斑块组成的异质性环境中.实验为两种尺度处理(大斑块和小斑块)和两种对比度处理(高对比度和低对比度)交叉组成的4种处理组合.在每个处理中,高养分和低养分斑块的总面积相同;在所有4种处理中,土壤养分的总量也完全相同.无论在整个克隆(植株)水平,还是在斑块水平,尺度、对比度及其交互作用对扁秆荆三棱的生物量、分株数、根状茎长和块茎数的影响均不显著.然而,在斑块水平,扁秆荆三棱在高养分斑块中的生物量、分株数、根状茎长和块茎数均显著高于低养分斑块,而在高养分斑块中相邻分株间的距离(间隔物长)小于低养分斑块,并且这种效应均不依赖于斑块尺度的大小和对比度的高低.因此,在土壤养分异质性环境中,扁秆荆三棱可以通过缩短间隔物长,并可能通过提高根状茎的分枝强度,把较多的分株和潜在分株放置在养分条件好的斑块中.这种响应格局体现出克隆植物的觅食行为,有利于整个克隆对异质性资源的吸收和利用.然而,该实验中的尺度和对比度对扁秆荆三棱分株的放置格局均没有显著效应.作者推测,在一个更大的斑块尺度和(或)对比度范围内,扁秆荆三棱对土壤养分异质性的响应可能不同.因此,下一步的研究应涉及更广泛的尺度和对比度.  相似文献   

喀斯特石漠化环境有着高度的生境异质性,异质性生境中土被不连续,土壤瘠薄,岩溶漏斗上的土壤保水性差,严重制约着喀斯特植被的生长及分布。为探究克隆植物在喀斯特地区的适应策略,本研究以喀斯特黄色石灰土为基质,选用克隆植物活血丹(Glechoma longituba),以一个节间连接的两个分株为材料,保持节间连接或切断,种植于相邻花盆中,并施以不同浇水量,以明确不同水分可用性水平下克隆整合对活血丹生物量积累、生物量分配、叶片气孔及叶片组织特征的影响。结果显示,克隆整合显著促进活血丹生物量的积累及对根、叶的生物量分配;增加了活血丹叶气孔导度,降低了气孔指数;叶海绵组织受克隆整合影响较小,但栅栏组织及栅海比(栅栏组织/海绵组织)表现为非整合分株高于整合分株。本研究表明,克隆整合可增加活血丹胁迫分株对根、叶的投资,并以更佳的叶气孔、组织适应策略提高其在喀斯特生境中的生存与适应。  相似文献   

研究了克隆整合特性对天胡荽在异质性土壤养分环境中繁殖策略的影响。结果表明: 克隆整合可显著提高相连分株中处于低资源条件下近端分株的结果数和坐果率、总种子数量, 及其单个克隆分株的平均结籽数, 但对各处理单果重量的无显著影响。克隆整合有利于促进资源缺乏端的有性繁殖; 促进生理顶端分株的克隆繁殖。在低资源条件下, 克隆整合促进近端分株的有性繁殖以及远端分株的克隆繁殖; 相反则促进远端分株的有性繁殖和克隆繁殖。因此, 克隆整合特性是天胡荽对异质性环境的重要适应对策, 它使天胡荽能够扩展到不适合植物生长的低养分斑块中, 从而增加了天胡荽对恶劣环境的繁殖适合度及适应能力。  相似文献   

研究了3种来自中国北方林下、草地和碱化草甸匍匐茎型克隆草本植物绢毛匍匐委陵菜(Potentilla reptans L.var.sericophylla Franch.)、鹅绒委陵菜(P.anserina L.)和金戴戴(Halerpestes ruthenica (Jacq.)Qvcz.)对由高光照低养分斑块和低光照高养分斑块组成的资源交互斑块性生境的适应性对策。当生长于高照低养分条件下分株(HL分株)与生长于低光照高养分条件下分株(LH分株)之间的匍匐茎连接时,3种克隆植物HL分株、LH分株以及整个分株对系统(HL分株+LH分株)的生物量均得到显提高,同时,HL分株根冠比显增加,而HL分株根冠比显下降。这表明,当互连分株置于由低光照高养分斑块和高光照低养分斑块组成的异质性环境中时,3种植物克隆分株均发生了环境诱导的功能特化。克隆内资源共享以及克隆内不同分株的功能特化有利于整个分株系统对局部丰富资源的获取,从而能够缓解资源交互斑块性生境对克隆植物的不利影响。  相似文献   

增强UV-B辐射会对植物生长和生理生化过程产生有害效应。克隆植物中,相连的克隆分株对经常共享资源和激素,然而鲜有关于异质性UV-B辐射下抗氧化酶活力变化的报道。本研究模拟同质(克隆分株片段均处于自然背景辐射)和异质(克隆分株一端处于自然背景辐射,另一端处于补加的UV-B辐射)UV-B辐射,以克隆植物活血丹为材料,进行连接和隔断处理,研究异质性UV-B辐射下,克隆整合对活血丹抗氧化酶(超氧化物歧化酶(SOD),过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT))活力的影响。结果表明:与处于同质UV-B辐射环境相比,异质UV-B辐射下连接处理中的活血丹UV-B辐射端抗氧化酶活力显著增加,说明克隆植物生理整合存在,且克隆整合提高了活血丹抗氧化酶活力。表明异质UV-B辐射环境中,UV-B辐射胁迫端克隆分株通过生理整合从非胁迫端获益,最大化地利用资源。  相似文献   

薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)原产中、南美洲,1919年薇甘菊作为杂草在中国香港出现,目前已广泛侵入中国广东、海南、云南等省区,是世界上最有害的100种外来入侵物种之一。本文以海南重要外来入侵植物薇甘菊(Mikania micrantha)为实验材料,通过温室盆栽实验,研究了克隆整合对异质性光照生境下薇甘菊克隆片段生长的影响。结果表明:在异质性光照下,克隆整合显著提高了低光斑块分株的生物量,但同时降低了高光斑块分株的生物量,对克隆片段总体的生物量积累无显著影响,且这一结果不受资源输送方向的影响;克隆整合降低了异质性光照下克隆分株间根冠比的差异,加大了克隆分株间净光合速率的差异,且倾向于提高生长在高光斑块分株的比叶面积;克隆整合虽然并不能促进薇甘菊匍匐茎克隆片段在异质性光照生境下总体的生长,但可以促进低光斑块下分株的生长,因而,克隆整合可促进薇甘菊从开阔生境向低光生境(森林、杂草群落等)的入侵能力,因此,克隆整合特性是薇甘菊对异质性光照环境的重要适应对策之一。  相似文献   

克隆植物可通过克隆整合较好地适应逆境胁迫,克隆整合对克隆植物忍耐逆境胁迫能力的促进作用可能随环境条件而异。本文以海南恶性入侵植物薇甘菊为对象,通过温室盆栽实验,研究不同土壤养分条件下(低或高)克隆整合对薇甘菊匍匐茎克隆片段(具2个节)忍耐部分分株被埋藏(仅远端分株被埋藏)能力的影响。结果表明:当远端分株被埋藏3 cm时,无论有无克隆整合,其均有较高的出苗率;当远端分株被埋藏入土壤6 cm时,克隆整合显著提高了其出苗率(从不足17%提高到67%),且这些结果不受土壤养分条件的影响。对于近远端均出苗的克隆片段,埋藏深度、是否保持克隆连接对克隆片段的总生物量未见显著影响,尽管近端或远端分株生物量可能受到影响。即便是对远端分株埋藏6cm的处理,克隆整合也可使克隆片段的总生物量维持在和远端分株没有被埋藏时克隆片段总生物量相当的水平,且这些结果也不受土壤养分条件的影响。因此,克隆整合是薇甘菊对局部埋藏胁迫的生态适应对策之一,它能够提高薇甘菊被埋藏分株的存活,提高薇甘菊在局部埋藏胁迫下的适合度。不同土壤养分条件下,克隆整合对出苗率和生物量的影响差异不大,可能是因为不同土壤养分条件下,克隆分株间的资源输送并没有差别,或埋藏深度(6 cm)不足以使植物生长表现出差别。  相似文献   

陈劲松  董鸣  于丹  刘庆 《生态学报》2004,24(5):920-924
以青藏高原和四川盆地过渡带两种不同分枝型匍匐茎植物野草莓 (Fragaria vesca)和过路黄 (Lysimachia christinae)为对象 ,研究它们在高光照低养分斑块和低光照高养分斑块组成的资源交互斑块性生境中的克隆内分工。结果显示 ,与资源的空间同质性处理 (I)和 (II)相比 ,资源的空间异质性处理 (III)和 (IV)中野草莓和过落黄的近端、远端和整个克隆片段的生物量和分株数均获得显著增加。生长在低光高养条件下的远端分株 ,若与高光低养的近端分株相连 ,相比连接到低光高养的近端分株 ,它们分配更多的生物量到地下部分 ;生长在高光低养条件下的远端分株 ,若与低光高养的近端分株相连 ,相比连接到高光低养的近端分株 ,它们分配更多的生物量到地上部分 ;生长在高光低养条件下的近端分株 ,若与低光高养的远端分株相连 ,相比连接到高光低养的远端分株 ,它们分配更多的生物量到地上部分。实验结果表明 ,资源交互斑块性生境中野草莓和过路黄均发生了克隆内分工。通过克隆内分工 ,克隆植物能有效的利用异质性分布的资源 ,缓解资源交互斑块性分布对克隆植物生长的不利影响  相似文献   

我们前期研究发现异质性UV-B辐射下NO参与克隆植物紫外吸收物和抗氧化酶活力的整合过程。光合作用在植物生长过程中十分重要,但异质性UV-B辐射下NO在克隆植物光合特性中是否发挥作用仍不清楚。本研究模拟同质(克隆分株片段均处于自然背景辐射)和异质(克隆分株一端处于自然背景辐射,另一端处于补加的UV-B辐射)UV-B辐射,以克隆植物活血丹为材料,研究异质性UV-B辐射下,NO清除剂在克隆整合提高活血丹气体交换参数和叶绿素含量中的作用。结果表明:与处于同质UV-B辐射环境相比,异质UV-B辐射下连接处理中的活血丹UV-B辐射端气体交换参数和叶绿素含量显著增加,但NO清除剂改变了这一趋势,说明NO作为信号分子在克隆植物生理整合提高了活血丹光合生理特性中发挥重要作用,有助于全面认识UV-B辐射在克隆植物生长调控中的作用,为了解异质性UV-B环境下克隆植物生理整合的机理提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Clonal plants could modify phenotypic responses to nutrients heterogeneously distributed both in space and time by physiological integration. It will take times to do phenotypic responses to modifications which are various in different growth periods. An optimal phenotype is reached when there is a match between nutrient conditions and foraging ability. A single plantlet of Buchloe dactyloides with two stolons was transplanted into heterogeneous nutrient conditions. One stolon grew in homogeneous nutrient patch, while the other cultured in different scales of heterogeneous nutrient patches. As compared to the other nutrient treatment, heterogeneous nutrient treatments with small scale of 25×25 cm resulted in a higher biomass, and larger number of ramets, clumps and stolons in B. dactyloides at both genet and clonal fragment levels. Significant differences of number of ramets, clumps and stolons were detected at the rapid growth stage, but not in the early stage of the experiment. Foraging ability was more efficient in heterogeneous than in homogeneous nutrient conditions as assessed by higher root mass and root to shoot ratio. Different nutrient treatments did not prompt significant differences in internode and root length. Physiological integration significantly increased biomass, but did not influence other growth or morphological characters. These results suggest that physiological integration modifies phenotypic plasticity of B. dactyloides for efficient foraging of nutrients in heterogeneous nutrient conditions. These effects are more pronounced at genet and clonal fragment levels when the patch scale is 25×25 cm. Time is a key factor when phenotypic plasticity of B. dactyloides in heterogeneous nutrient conditions is examined.  相似文献   

Y Zhang  Q Zhang  M Sammul 《PloS one》2012,7(9):e44221
Clonal growth allows plants to spread horizontally and to establish ramets in sites of contrasting resource status. If ramets remain physiologically integrated, clones in heterogeneous environments can act as cooperative systems - effects of stress on one ramet can be ameliorated by another connected ramet inhabiting benign conditions. But little is known about the effects of patch contrast on physiological integration of clonal plants and no study has addressed its effects on physiological traits like osmolytes, reactive oxygen intermediates and antioxidant enzymes. We examined the effect of physiological integration on survival, growth and stress indicators such as osmolytes, reactive oxygen intermediates (ROIs) and antioxidant enzymes in a clonal plant, Fragaria orientalis, growing in homogenous and heterogeneous environments differing in patch contrast of water availability (1 homogeneous (no contrast) group; 2 low contrast group; 3 high contrast group). Drought stress markedly reduced the survival and growth of the severed ramets of F. orientalis, especially in high contrast treatments. Support from a ramet growing in benign patch considerably reduced drought stress and enhanced growth of ramets in dry patches. The larger the contrast between water availability, the larger the amount of support the depending ramet received from the supporting one. This support strongly affected the growth of the supporting ramet, but not to an extent to cause increase in stress indicators. We also found indication of costs related to maintenance of physiological connection between ramets. Thus, the net benefit of physiological integration depends on the environment and integration between ramets of F. orientalis could be advantageous only in heterogeneous conditions with a high contrast.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment examined whether clonal integration improves photosynthesis of ramets of alligator weed [Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb.], a widespread invasive clonal plant in China, in heterogeneous (He) nutrient habitats. The connected pairs of ramets experienced different nutrient levels [high homogeneous (Ho) nutrient, low Ho nutrient, and two He nutrient treatments]. Clonal integration significantly improved the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate, and minimal and maximal chlorophyll fluorescence of ramets of alligator weed in low nutrient condition. These characteristics may contribute to the success of the ramets of alligator weed in invading contrasting habitats. The clonal integration of the invasive clonal plants may contribute significantly to their invasiveness.  相似文献   

Morphological and physiological plasticity are crucial attributes enabling plants to acquire resources from heterogeneous habitats. Although physiological integration can modify biomass partitioning in modules, especially when connected modules experience different conditions, its ecological importance has been largely overlooked. This experiment examined its effects on above- and belowground biomass partitioning by modules in the stoloniferous herb Glechoma hederacea. We studied how biomass allocation to roots by younger ramets was affected by connection to older ramets, and by nutrient conditions. A lower proportion of biomass was allocated to roots by younger ramets growing under low nutrient (LN) conditions when connected to older ramets in high nutrient (HN) conditions than when they were isolated, demonstrating localised modification of biomass partitioning due to physiological integration. The proportion of biomass allocated to roots by younger ramets was also lower when connected to older ramets in HN conditions than when connected to older ramets in LN conditions. Thus, the effect of integration on biomass partitioning depended on the nutrient conditions experienced by connected ramets. Such changes in biomass partitioning would result in more extensive stolon growth, and greater lateral displacement of new ramets. Understanding the ecological implications of phenotypic plasticity in plants will require further examination of the effects of physiological integration when connected modules experience contrasting growing conditions. This study demonstrates that such integration affects the biomass allocation strategy of connected ramets, enhancing resource acquisition in heterogeneous habitats. The widespread success of clonality in many communities is likely to be strongly promoted by this characteristic.  相似文献   

Clonal plants from poor habitats benefit less from morphologically plastic responses to heterogeneity than plants from more productive sites. In addition, physiological integration has been suggested to either increase or decrease the foraging efficiency of clonal plants. We tested the capacity for biomass production and morphological response in two closely related, rhizomatous species from habitats that differ in resource availability, Carex arenaria (from poor sand dunes) and C. disticha (from nutrient-richer, moister habitats). We expected lower total biomass production and reduced morphological plasticity in C. arenaria, and that both species would produce more ramets in high nutrient patches, either in response to signals transported through physiological integration, or by locally determined responses to nutrient availability. To investigate mineral nutrient heterogeneity, plants were grown in boxes divided into two compartments with homogeneous or heterogeneous supply of high (H) or low (L) nutrient levels, resulting in four treatments, H-H, H-L, L-H and L-L. Both C. arenaria and C. disticha produced similar biomass in high nutrient treatments. C. disticha responded to high nutrients by increased biomass production and branching of the young parts and by altering root:shoot ratio and rhizome lengths, while C. arenaria showed localised responses to high nutrients in terms of local biomass and branch production in high nutrient patches. The results demonstrated that although it has a conservative morphology, C. arenaria responded to nutrient heterogeneity through morphological plasticity. An analysis of costs and benefits of integration on biomass production showed that young ramets of both species benefited significantly from physiological integration, but no corresponding costs were found. This suggests that plants from resource-poor but dynamic habitats like sand dunes respond morphologically to high nutrient patches. The two species responded to nutrient heterogeneity in different traits, and this is discussed in terms of local and distant signalling of plant status.  相似文献   

克隆整合有助于狗牙根抵御水淹   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
尽管国内外开展了大量的克隆整合对克隆植物抵御逆境能力影响的研究,但整合对植物抵御水淹能力的影响研究仍比较缺乏。该文从克隆整合的角度探讨多年生草本植物狗牙根(Cynodon dactylon)对水淹胁迫的响应。试验模拟了先端分株(相对年幼的分株)分别处于0、5和15cm三种水淹胁迫环境,并在每个水淹梯度下实施先端分株与基端分株(相对年长的分株)之间匍匐茎连接或切断处理,调查水淹一个月后基端分株和先端分株以及整个克隆片段在形态和生理上的表现。研究发现:切断匍匐茎连接显著降低了狗牙根先端分株的生长,表现在生物量下降、匍匐茎长度减短和分株数减少等方面;水淹显著抑制了先端分株的生长,但对基端分株的生长并未造成显著影响;在5cm水淹处理下,匍匐茎保持连接时,先端分株和整个克隆片段的生长显著增加;连接或切断处理在不同水淹梯度下对匍匐茎平均节间长没有显著影响,对先端分株或基端分株在光化学转化效率上也未表现显著性差异。结果表明:克隆整合效应促进了狗牙根在水淹胁迫下分株的生长,并有助于整个克隆片段抵御水淹胁迫。  相似文献   

Effects of clonal integration on plant plasticity in Fragaria chiloensis   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Peter Alpert 《Plant Ecology》1999,141(1-2):99-106
The ability of clonal plants to transport substances between ramets located in different microsites also allows them to modify the plastic responses of individual ramets to local environmental conditions. By equalising concentrations of substances between ramets, physiological integration might decrease responses to local conditions. However, integration has also been observed to increase plasticity and induce novel plastic responses in ramets. To ask how integration modifies plant plasticity in the clonal herb, Fragaria chiloensis, ramets were given either low light and high nitrogen or high light and low nitrogen, simulating a pattern of resource patchiness in their native habitat. Ramets in contrasting light/nitrogen treatments were either connected or single. Effects of light/nitrogen and connection were measured at three levels of morphological organisation, the organ, the ramet, and the clonal fragment. Connection between ramets reduced or had no effect on plastic responses in leaf size at the level of the plant organ. This suggested that integration dampened certain plastic responses. Connection induced a new plastic response at the level of the clonal fragment, an increase in allocation to vegetative reproduction in patches of low light and high nitrogen. It is concluded that clonal integration can have different effects on plant plasticity at different levels of plant organisation. It appears that, at least in this species, integration can increase plasticity at the level of the clonal fragment and concentrate vegetative reproduction in particular microsite types.  相似文献   

Liao Y M  Lei N F  Wang J C  Chen J S 《农业工程》2009,29(3):199-203
Reciprocally patchy environments, where the availability of two resources are patchily distributed and negatively correlated in each patch, are common in many ecosystems. Interconnected ramets of clonal plants can specialize in the uptake of locally abundant resources. Ramet pairs of the stoloniferous herb Duchesnea indica were grown in reciprocally patchy environments i.e., one ramet of a pair was grown in the high light but low water patch (high light patch) and the other in the low light but high water patch (high water patch). Biomass allocation pattern (root-shoot ratio), morphological traits (leaf area and root length) and physiological traits (photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll content) were altered in a way that potentially enables ramets to enhance the capture of the locally abundant resource (i.e., increase the capture of light resource in the high light patch and of water in the high water patch). As a result,biomass and number of ramets in the connected ramet pairs were greatly improved. Functional specialization of ramets, modified by clonal integration, may have contributed greatly to the growth increase of D. indica in the reciprocally patchy environment.  相似文献   

李倩  刘晓  张晓飞  张瑞昌  柴永福  岳明 《生态学报》2014,34(13):3568-3575
增强UV-B辐射会对植物生长和生理生化过程产生有害效应。克隆植物中,相连的克隆分株对经常共享资源和激素,然而鲜有关于异质性UV-B辐射下UV-B辐射方向对克隆整合的影响及克隆植物形态结构变化的报道。模拟同质(克隆分株片段均处于自然背景辐射)和异质(克隆分株一端处于自然背景辐射,另一端处于补加的UV-B辐射)UV-B辐射,以克隆植物白三叶为材料,进行连接和隔断处理,研究UV-B辐射方向对克隆整合强度变化、叶片形态结构特化及生理可塑性的影响。结果表明:异质性UV-B辐射下,15N同位素标记端保留的15N百分比高于同质UV-B辐射处理,转移到无标记相连端的15N含量则降低,紫外辐射处理和同位素标记是否处于同一分株端对结果无显著性影响,说明克隆植物白三叶生理整合存在但整合强度降低,辐射方向与克隆整合强度无关;隔断处理组气孔长度增加,栅栏组织增厚,但连接处理组却无此变化,表明生理整合在白三叶叶片形态结构特化中发挥作用。UV-B辐射下,最小荧光、电子传递速率及光化学淬灭系数降低但非光化学淬灭系数升高,而生理整合却使结果相反;叶绿素和紫外吸收物可在异质性UV-B辐射相连的两端运输分享。以上均表明异质UV-B辐射环境中,UV-B辐射胁迫端克隆分株通过生理整合从非胁迫端获益,并以此提高胁迫环境中克隆植物对资源的利用效率。  相似文献   

Background and Aims Enhanced availability of photosynthates increases nitrogen (N) mineralization and nitrification in the rhizosphere via rhizodeposition from plant roots. Under heterogeneous light conditions, photosynthates supplied by exposed ramets may promote N assimilation in the rhizosphere of shaded, connected ramets. This study was conducted to test this hypothesis.Methods Clonal fragments of the stoloniferous herb Glechoma longituba with two successive ramets were selected. Mother ramets were subjected to full sunlight and offspring ramets were subjected to 80 % shading, and the stolon between the two successive ramets was either severed or left intact. Measurements were taken of photosynthetic and growth parameters. The turnover of available soil N was determined together with the compostion of the rhizosphere microbial community.Key Results The microbial community composition in the rhizosphere of shaded offspring ramets was significantly altered by clonal integration. Positive effects of clonal integration were observed on NAGase activity, net soil N mineralization rate and net soil N nitrification rate. Increased leaf N and chlorophyll content as well as leaf N allocation to the photosynthetic machinery improved the photosynthetic capability of shaded offspring ramets when the stolon was left intact. Clonal integration improved the growth performance of shaded, connected offspring ramets and whole clonal fragments without any cost to the exposed mother ramets.Conclusions Considerable differences in microbial community composition caused by clonal integration may facilitate N assimilation in the rhizosphere of shaded offspring ramets. Increased N content in the photosynthetic machinery may allow pre-acclimation to high light conditions for shaded offspring ramets, thus promoting opportunistic light capture. In accordance with the theory of the division of labour, it is suggested that clonal integration may ameliorate the carbon assimilation capacity of clonal plants, thus improving their fitness in temporally and spatially heterogeneous habitats.  相似文献   

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