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激素敏感脂肪酶(Hormone-sensitive lipase,HSL)是负责分解脂肪组织中甘油三酯释放游离脂肪酸的关键和限速酶,也是影响动物脂肪沉积的关键酶.将HSL基因作为影响猪脂肪代谢和沉积相关性状的候选基因,对不同品种猪HSL基因5’-UTR和外显子Ⅰ片段进行了克隆测序并开展多态性与性状间的关系研究.序列比较发现,在测定的HSL基因靠近起始密码子(ATG)的419 bp中,杜洛克、梅山猪、大白猪和平序列完全一致,与长白猪序列比较,在-13~-12 bp位置存在GC→CG的碱基变异;梅山猪(3个体)、通城猪(3个体)、长白猪(3个体)、大白猪(3个体)HSL基因外显子Ⅰ的442 bp位置有G→A碱基间的变异,G→A的转换改变了限制性内切酶BsaHⅠ酶识别位点,且导致了编码氨基酸Val→Ile的替换.经PCR-RFLP分析,HSL基因外显子Ⅰ BsaHⅠ位点多态性有AA、AG和GG 3种基因型.”大白×梅山”F2代资源家系BsaHⅠ点不同基因型个体背膘厚、肌内脂肪等性状协方差统计分析发现,AG基因型和GG基因型在眼肌面积上存在显著差异.  相似文献   

激素敏感脂肪酶(Hormone sensitivelipase,HSL)是负责分解脂肪组织中甘油三酯释放游离脂肪酸的关键和限速酶,也是影响动物脂肪沉积的关键酶。将HSL基因作为影响猪脂肪代谢和沉积相关性状的候选基因,对不同品种猪HSL基因 5′ UTR和外显子Ⅰ片段进行了克隆测序并开展多态性与性状间的关系研究。序列比较发现,在测定的HSL基因靠近起始密码子(ATG)的 419bp中,杜洛克、梅山猪、大白猪和清平猪序列完全一致,与长白猪序列比较,在-13 ~-12bp位置存在GC→CG的碱基变异;梅山猪(3个体)、通城猪(3个体 )、长白猪 (3个体 )、大白猪(3个体)HSL基因外显子Ⅰ的 442bp位置有G→A碱基间的变异,G→A的转换改变了限制性内切酶BsaHⅠ酶识别位点,且导致了编码氨基酸Val→Ile的替换。经PCR RFLP分析,HSL基因外显子ⅠBsaHⅠ位点多态性有AA、AG和GG 3种基因型。“大白×梅山”F2 代资源家系猪BsaHⅠ位点不同基因型个体背膘厚、肌内脂肪等性状协方差统计分析发现,AG基因型和GG基因型在眼肌面积上存在显著差异。  相似文献   

本实验选择具有优良肉质的本地金华猪与肉质较差的引进品种皮特兰猪杂交所产的金皮F2代为研究对象,利用PCR-RFLP的方法检测金皮F2代猪CAST基因型的频率,并以肌球蛋白重链(MHC)免疫组织化学、过碘酸希夫反应和苏木精-伊红等多种组织学方法,研究猪背腰最长肌的肌肉组织学特性,并对其进行图像分析,在此基础上采用SAS分析其相互关系。结果发现.PAS染色后肌纤维可区分为三种类型。PAS阴性(Ⅰ)、PAS反应强阳性(Ⅱ-a)和PAS反应强度中间型(Ⅱ-b)。利用肌球蛋白重链单克隆抗体MHCs和MHCf染色结果表明.金皮F2代杂交猪背腰最长肌MHCs阳性(慢肌)纤维的比例为7.62%,快肌纤维为92.38%。CAST基因的扩增产物具有524bp和632bp两个Hinfl多态性片段,定义等位基因为A(114+192+400+632bp),B(114+192+400+524bp)。AA、BB和AB基因型频率分别为0.1795、0.5897和0.2308,A和B的基因型频率分别为0.4743和0.5256。AA、BB和AB单型对眼肌面积.系水率、pH值、导电率等参数均无显著的影响。CAST基因的HinfI多态性对肌纤维的轴比有显著影响,AA单型有产生较多轴比较大(近似椭圆形)肌纤维的倾向.而BB则控制形成更多的轴比更小(近似于圆形)的肌纤维。具有AA单型的个体具有更多的肌间结缔组织.而具有BB单型的个体的肌间结缔组织较少.AB单型的个体介于两者之间。  相似文献   

民猪的SLA-DRB基因的PCR-RFLP多态性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用克隆测序和PCR-RFLP相结合的方法,对民猪的SLA-DRB基因的整个编码区进行了扫描和多态性分析.结果表明该基因的第2外显子是整个基因的高变区,突变率达到5.6%,其中80%为有效突变,但没有发现新的等位基因;PCR-RFLP结果表明外显子1用内切酶Alu Ⅰ酶切可获得3种基因型;外显子2用内切酶Taq Ⅰ酶切可获得3种基因型;外显子3用内切酶Bcn Ⅰ酶切可获得3种基因型;外显子4用内切酶Mbo Ⅰ酶切可获得2种基因型;外显子5用内切酶Hin1 Ⅰ酶切可获得3种基因型.Hardy-Weinberg平衡分析表明民猪在Alu Ⅰ和Hin1 Ⅰ处于平衡状态(P>0.05),在Taq Ⅰ、Bcn Ⅰ和Mbo Ⅰ处于不平衡状态.  相似文献   

采用克隆测序和PCR—RFLP相结合的方法,对民猪的SLA—DRB基因的整个编码区进行了扫描和多态性分析.结果表明该基因的第2外显子是整个基因的高变区,突变率达到5.6%,其中80%为有效突变,但没有发现新的等位基因;PCR-RFLP结果表明外显子1用内切酶Alu Ⅰ酶切可获得3种基因型;外显子2用内切酶TaqⅠ酶切可获得3种基因型:外显子3用内切酶BcnⅠ酶切可获得3种基因型:外显子4用内切酶MboⅠ酶切可获得2种基因型:外显子5用内切酶HinlⅠ酶切可获得3种基因型.Hardy-Weinberg平衡分析表明民猪在Alu Ⅰ和HinlⅠ处于平衡状态(P〉0.05).在TaqⅠ、BcnⅠ和MboⅠ处于不平衡状态.  相似文献   

目的分析西藏小型猪SLA-DQA基因第2外显子不同酶切位点的基因型多态性以及等位基因的多态性,检验这些酶切位点上的基因频率是否达到Hardy-Weiberg平衡态。方法采用EcoRⅠ和AluⅠ两种限制性内切酶对西藏小型猪SLA-DQA目的基因的第1和第2内含子部分序列以及完整的外显子2进行PCR-RFLP分析。结果经EcoRⅠ酶切后,以纯合子BB基因型居多,BB、AB、AA基因型频率分布为45.000%、31.667%和23.333%,其中B为优势等位基因(60.833%);经AluⅠ酶切后,MN基因型频率(50.000%)分别高于MM型(30.000%)和NN型(20.000%),  相似文献   

TNF-α基因多态性及其与奶牛乳房炎的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以417头中国荷斯坦奶牛为研究对象,根据体细胞评分(Somatic cell score,SCS)的大小将该奶牛群体划分为感染牛群(100头)和健康牛群(317头)。通过PCR-RFLP和CRS-RFLP方法检测了肿瘤坏死因子α(Tumor necrosis factor-alpha,TNF-α)基因在荷斯坦奶牛群体中的多态性,并分析这些多态位点和奶牛乳房炎的相关性。研究发现了3个单核苷酸多态位点(Single-nucleotide polymorphism,SNP):第2外显子39bp处G→A的突变;第4外显子293bp处C→T的突变;5′侧翼区(5′-flanking region,5′UTR)C→G的突变。这3个突变位点分别是DraⅠ、AfaⅠ和DdeⅠ限制性内切酶的酶切多态位点,其中DraⅠ为创造酶切位点。经过基因型分析与χ2检验表明:3个酶切多态位点在荷斯坦奶牛群中均未达到Hardy-Weinberg平衡状态。运用SPSS13.0软件,采用最小二乘拟合线性模型分析3个酶切多态位点与SCS的关系,结果表明:AA基因型个体在DraⅠ酶切位点中的SCS显著大于BB及AB基因型个体(P0.05),BB基因型表现出乳房炎抗性。AfaⅠ酶切位点中BB基因型个体的SCS显著大于AA及AB基因型个体(P0.05),AA基因型表现出乳房炎抗性。DdeⅠ酶切位点中,AB基因型个体的SCS显著低于AA基因型个体(P0.05),AB基因型为优良基因型。因此BB、AA、AB基因型分别为DraⅠ、AfaⅠ、DdeⅠ酶切位点中的优良基因型,可作为分子标记应用于奶牛乳房炎抗性筛选。  相似文献   

在室内用人工饲料连续饲养和未用药剂筛选条件下,测定了采自田间对氯氟氰菊酯产生高水平抗性甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua (Hübner)种群的抗药性及其多功能氧化酶系活性的变化情况。用点滴法测定不同世代3龄幼虫抗性结果为:室内F1代LD50值为 0.9672 μg/头,抗性倍数为4 836.0倍,以后各世代逐渐降低,至F43代LD50值为0.0325μg/头,抗性倍数为162.5倍,抗性水平下降了29.8倍。用浸叶法测定不同世代3龄幼虫抗性结果为:室内F1代LC50值为185.6 mg/L,抗性倍数为964.7倍,以后各世代也逐渐降低,至F43代LC50值为9.2 mg/L,抗性倍数为47.8倍,抗性水平下降了20.2倍。与敏感品系相比,该田间种群室内饲养至F43代仍处于较高的抗性水平,抗性减退缓慢,很难恢复到敏感水平。测定甜菜夜蛾田间种群室内F2、F20和F41代及敏感品系5龄幼虫中肠微粒体甲氧试卤灵-O-脱甲基酶、乙氧试卤灵-O-脱乙基酶、芳香基羟基化酶及艾氏剂环氧化酶活性,结果表明:与敏感品系相比,田间种群甲氧试卤灵-O-脱甲基酶和艾氏剂环氧化酶的活性仅F2代显著较高,F20和F41代差异不显著,乙氧试卤灵-O-脱乙基酶和芳香基羟基化酶的活性F2、F20和F41代均显著较高。结果提示甜菜夜蛾抗性水平可能与其体内微粒体多功能氧化酶系活性有密切关系。  相似文献   

阿维菌素对小菜蛾的抗性选育及其对解毒酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用阿维菌素对小菜蛾Plutella xylostella (L.)进行了抗性选育,并对选育过程中小菜蛾解毒酶的活性进行了研究。选育从F0至F21代,抗性缓慢波动上升,达到选育前的122.91倍;F21至F27代,抗性迅速增长,达到选育前的812.73倍,抗性发展趋势呈现S型曲线。随着选育代数的增加,对乙酰胆碱酯酶(AChE)没有明显的影响;羧酸酯酶(CarE)活性,F27是F0的1.5倍,从F22开始,活性在较高水平上波动;谷胱甘肽转移酶(GST)活性F27是F0的2.2倍,且从F18开始,活性在较高水平上波动。选育的抗性品系,增效醚对阿维菌素增效6.34倍。  相似文献   

以猪解耦联蛋白基因 3(UCP3)作为控制猪胴体与肉质性状主基因的候选基因。利用直接测序法对 4个品种猪骨骼肌中UCP3基因的部分编码区序列 (第 4外显子部分及第 5、6、7外显子全部片段 )进行比较分析 ,发现3个cSNP位点 ,其中ORF中第 84 2碱基的突变可导致相应编码氨基酸序列的改变 :甲硫氨酸→苏氨酸 ,选取此位点作为猪UCP3基因的多态位点。用PCR SSCP检测方法在 3个品种猪中进行该cSNP位点多态性片段的基因型分型 ,结果显示在 3个猪群中表现出 3种基因型 (AA、AB、BB) ,χ2 独立性检验结果表明 3种基因型在各品种间分布不一致 ,梅山猪同大白、长白猪分别比较差异极显著 (P <0 0 1) ;对大白×梅山资源家系F2 代 139头个体进行了该多态片段的基因型鉴定 ,并对其基因型与所检测个体相应的胴体、肉质性状采用GLM分析进行遗传效应研究 ,结果表明 :该基因对一些胴体、肉质性状有显著性影响 ,并且该基因以加性效应为主 (如 ,眼肌高度、背最长肌色值、系水力的加性效应都达显著水平 )。因此 ,推测UCP3基因可能是影响猪胴体及肉质性状的主效基因或与主效基因紧密连锁的标记基因 ,并且能够在分子标记辅助选择中用于对猪胴体、肉质性状的遗传改良及固定  相似文献   

The aim of this project was to develop a method to assess fiber type specific protein content across the continuum of human skeletal muscle fibers. Individual vastus lateralis muscle fibers (n = 264) were clipped into two portions: one for sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) fiber typing and one for Western blot protein identification. Following fiber type determination, fiber segments were combined into fiber type specific pools (~20 fibers/pool) and measured for total protein quantity, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), citrate synthase (CS), and total p38 content. GAPDH content was 64, 54, 160, and 138% more abundant in myosin heavy chain (MHC) I/IIa, MHC IIa, MHC IIa/IIx, and MHC IIx fibers, respectively, when compared with MHC I. Inversely, CS content was 528, 472, 242, and 47% more abundant in MHC I, MHC I/IIa, MHC IIa, and MHC IIa/IIx fibers, respectively, when compared with MHC IIx. Total p38 content was 87% greater in MHC IIa versus MHC I fibers. These data and this approach establish a reliable method for human skeletal muscle fiber type specific protein analysis. Initial results show that particular proteins exist in a hierarchal fashion throughout the continuum of human skeletal muscle fiber types, further highlighting the necessity of fiber type specific analysis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the contractile properties of individual myofibers in response to periodized training periods throughout a collegiate cross-country season in male runners. Muscle biopsies of the gastrocnemius were taken after a summer base training phase (T1), an 8-wk intense training period (T2), and a 4-wk taper phase (T3). Five runners (n = 5; age = 20 +/- 1 yr; wt = 65 +/- 4 kg; ht = 178 +/- 3 cm) completed all three time points. A total of 328 individual muscle fibers [myosin heavy chain (MHC) I = 66%; MHC IIa = 33%; hybrids = 1%] were isolated and studied at 15 degrees C for their contractile properties. Diameter of MHC I fibers was 3% smaller (P < 0.05) at T2 compared with T1 and an additional 4% smaller (P < 0.05) after the taper. Cell size was unaltered in the MHC IIa fibers. MHC I and IIa fiber strength increased 18 and 11% (P < 0.05), respectively, from T1 to T2. MHC I fibers produced 9% less force (P < 0.05) after the taper, whereas MHC IIa fibers were 9% stronger (P < 0.05). Specific tension increased 38 and 26% (P < 0.05) for MHC I and IIa fibers, respectively, from T1 to T2 and was unchanged with the taper. Maximal shortening velocity (Vo) of the MHC I fibers decreased 23% (P < 0.05) from T1 to T2 and 17% (P < 0.05) from T2 to T3, whereas MHC IIa Vo was unchanged. MHC I peak power decreased 20% (P < 0.05) from T1 to T2 and 25% (P < 0.05) from T2 to T3, whereas MHC IIa peak power was unchanged. Power corrected for cell size decreased 15% (P < 0.05) from T2 to T3 and was 24% (P < 0.05) lower at T3 compared with T1 for the MHC I fibers only. These data suggest that changes in run training alter myocellular physiology via decreases in fiber size, Vo, and power of MHC I fibers and through increases in force per cross-sectional area of slow- and fast-twitch muscle fibers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to characterize the contractile properties of individual slow- and fast-twitch myofibers from highly trained distance runners. Muscle biopsies were obtained from the gastrocnemius of eight competitive runners (Run) and eight recreationally active individuals (Rec). Slow-twitch [myosin heavy chain (MHC) I] and fast-twitch (MHC IIa) myofibers were isolated and analyzed for diameter (microm), peak force (Po; mN), unloaded contraction velocity (Vo; fiber lengths/s), and power. Maximum oxygen uptake was higher (P<0.05) in Run (71+/-1 vs. 47+/-2 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)). Diameter of MHC I and MHC IIa fibers from Run subjects was approximately 20% greater (P<0.05) than Rec. Peak force of the MHC IIa fibers was 31% higher (P<0.05) in Run, whereas Po of MHC I fibers was not different between groups. No differences for specific tension (Po/cross-sectional area) were present between groups for either fiber type. Vo was higher (P<0.05) in MHC I (+70%) and MHC IIa (+18%) fibers from Run subjects. In vitro peak absolute power (microN.s(-1)) of both fiber types was greater (P<0.05) in Run (131 and 85% for MHC I and MHC IIa, respectively). Additionally, normalized power (W/l) of the MHC I fibers was 64% higher in Run, whereas no differences were noted for normalized power of MHC IIa fibers. These data indicate that highly trained endurance runners have elevated contraction velocity in both slow- and fast-twitch myofibers. These characteristics of the fast-twitch muscle fibers have not been previously reported in competitive endurance athletes and may contribute to the high level of running performance in these athletes.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle adaptations to microgravity exposure in the mouse.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
To investigate the effects of microgravity on murine skeletal muscle fiber size, muscle contractile protein, and enzymatic activity, female C57BL/6J mice, aged 64 days, were divided into animal enclosure module (AEM) ground control and spaceflight (SF) treatment groups. SF animals were flown on the space shuttle Endeavour (STS-108/UF-1) and subjected to approximately 11 days and 19 h of microgravity. Immunohistochemical analysis of muscle fiber cross-sectional area revealed that, in each of the muscles analyzed, mean muscle fiber cross-sectional area was significantly reduced (P < 0.0001) for all fiber types for SF vs. AEM control. In the soleus, immunohistochemical analysis of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform expression revealed a significant increase in the percentage of muscle fibers expressing MHC IIx and MHC IIb (P < 0.05). For the gastrocnemius and plantaris, no significant changes in MHC isoform expression were observed. For the muscles analyzed, no alterations in MHC I or MHC IIa protein expression were observed. Enzymatic analysis of the gastrocnemius revealed a significant decrease in citrate synthase activity in SF vs. AEM control.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine single cell contractile mechanics of skeletal muscle before and after 12 wk of progressive resistance training (PRT) in older men (n = 7; age = 74 +/- 2 yr and weight = 75 +/- 5 kg). Knee extensor PRT was performed 3 days/wk at 80% of one-repetition maximum. Muscle biopsy samples were obtained from the vastus lateralis before and after PRT (pre- and post-PRT, respectively). For analysis, chemically skinned single muscle fibers were studied at 15 degrees C for peak tension [the maximal isometric force (P(o))], unloaded shortening velocity (V(o)), and force-velocity parameters. In this study, a total of 199 (89 pre- and 110 post-PRT) myosin heavy chain (MHC) I and 99 (55 pre- and 44 post-PRT) MHC IIa fibers were reported. Because of the minimal number of hybrid fibers identified post-PRT, direct comparisons were limited to MHC I and IIa fibers. Muscle fiber diameter increased 20% (83 +/- 1 to 100 +/- 1 microm) and 13% (86 +/- 1 to 97 +/- 2 microm) in MHC I and IIa fibers, respectively (P < 0.05). P(o) was higher (P < 0.05) in MHC I (0.58 +/- 0.02 to 0.90 +/- 0.02 mN) and IIa (0.68 +/- 0.02 to 0.85 +/- 0.03 mN) fibers. Muscle fiber V(o) was elevated 75% (MHC I) and 45% (MHC IIa) after PRT (P < 0.05). MHC I and IIa fiber power increased (P < 0.05) from 7.7 +/- 0.5 to 17.6 +/- 0.9 microN. fiber lengths. s(-1) and from 25.5 to 41.1 microN. fiber lengths. s(-1), respectively. These data indicate that PRT in elderly men increases muscle cell size, strength, contractile velocity, and power in both slow- and fast-twitch muscle fibers. However, it appears that these changes are more pronounced in the MHC I muscle fibers.  相似文献   

Single muscle fiber adaptations with marathon training.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this investigation was to characterize the effects of marathon training on single muscle fiber contractile function in a group of recreational runners. Muscle biopsies were obtained from the gastrocnemius muscle of seven individuals (22 +/- 1 yr, 177 +/- 3 cm, and 68 +/- 2 kg) before, after 13 wk of run training, and after 3 wk of taper. Slow-twitch myosin heavy chain [(MHC) I] and fast-twitch (MHC IIa) muscle fibers were analyzed for size, strength (P(o)), speed (V(o)), and power. The run training program led to the successful completion of a marathon (range 3 h 56 min to 5 h 35 min). Oxygen uptake during submaximal running and citrate synthase activity were improved (P < 0.05) with the training program. Muscle fiber size declined (P < 0.05) by approximately 20% in both fiber types after training. P(o) was maintained in both fiber types with training and increased (P < 0.05) by 18% in the MHC IIa fibers after taper. This resulted in >60% increase (P < 0.05) in force per cross-sectional area in both fiber types. Fiber V(o) increased (P < 0.05) by 28% in MHC I fibers with training and was unchanged in MHC IIa fibers. Peak power increased (P < 0.05) in MHC I and IIa fibers after training with a further increase (P < 0.05) in MHC IIa fiber power after taper. These data show that marathon training decreased slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fiber size but that it maintained or improved the functional profile of these fibers. A taper period before the marathon further improved the functional profile of the muscle, which was targeted to the fast-twitch muscle fibers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effects of 12 wk of progressive resistance training (PRT) on single muscle fiber myosin heavy chain (MHC; I, I/IIa, I/IIa/IIx, IIa, IIa/IIx, IIx) isoform proportions in young individuals. Young, untrained men (YM; n = 6) and women (YW; n = 6) (age = 22 +/- 1 and 25 +/- 2 yr for YW and YM, respectively) received pre- and post-PRT muscle biopsies from the right vastus lateralis for single muscle fiber MHC distribution by electrophoretic analysis (192 +/- 5 pre- and 183 +/- 6 post-fibers/subject analyzed; 4,495 fibers total). Data are presented as percentages of the total fibers analyzed per subject. The PRT protocol elicited an increase in the pure MHC IIa (Delta = + 24 and + 27; YW and YM, respectively; P < 0.05) with no change in the pure MHC I distribution. The hybrid MHC distributions decreased I/IIa/IIx (Delta = -2; YM and YW; P < 0.05), IIa/IIx (Delta = -13 and -19 for YM and YW, respectively; P < 0.05), and total hybrid fiber proportion (I/IIa + I/IIa/IIx + IIa/IIx) decreased (Delta = -19 and -30 for YM and YW, respectively; P < 0.05) with the training, as did the MHC IIx distribution (Delta = -2; YW only; P < 0.05). Alterations in the predominance of MHC isoforms within hybrid fibers (decrease in MHC I-dominant I/IIa and nondominant MHC IIa/IIx, increase in MHC IIa-dominant IIa/IIx; P < 0.05) appeared to contribute to the increase in the MHC IIa proportion. Electrophoresis of muscle cross sections revealed an approximately 7% increase (P < 0.05) in MHC IIa proportion in both groups, whereas the MHC IIx decrease by 7.5 and 11.6% post-PRT in YW and YM, respectively. MHC I proportions increase in YM by 4.8% (P < 0.05) post-PRT. These findings further support previous resistance training data in young adults with respect to the increase in the MHC IIa proportions but demonstrate that a majority of the change can be attributed to the decrease in single-fiber hybrid proportions.  相似文献   

目的:研究不同强度运动对骨骼肌纤维MHC亚型转化及钙调神经磷酸酶(CaN)/活化T细胞核因子1(NFATc1)信号通路的影响。方法:雄性SD大鼠(2月龄)24只,随机分为3组(n=8):正常对照组(NC)、中等强度组(ME)、大强度组(HE),进行8周跑台训练。采用ATP酶染色法测定I、Ⅱ型肌纤维,凝胶电泳技术分离肌球蛋白重链(MHC)亚型,比色法测定骨骼肌中CaN活性,免疫印迹技术测定骨骼肌NFATc1蛋白含量。结果:①肌纤维密度变化:股四头肌ME组I、Ⅱ型纤维数密度均显著增加(P<0.05),HE组仅Ⅱ型纤维面密度显著增加(P<0.05);比目鱼肌HE、ME组I型纤维数密度均显著增加(P<0.05);②肌纤维MHC亚型百分比变化:股四头肌ME组MHCI、Ⅱa百分比升高(P<0.05),而MHCⅡb百分比降低(P<0.05);比目鱼肌MHCI百分比升高,MHCⅡa、Ⅱb百分比降低;③ME组大鼠CaN活性、NFAT1蛋白含量均显著升高(P<0.05)。结论:大、中等强度运动可诱导骨骼肌MHC快型向慢型转化,同时伴随肌纤维亚型变化骨骼肌中CaN活性增加、NFATc1蛋白表达增加。  相似文献   

The effects of hypergravity (HG) on soleus and plantaris muscles were studied in Long Evans rats aged 100 days, born and reared in 2-g conditions (HG group). The morphological and contractile properties and the myosin heavy chain (MHC) content were examined in whole muscles and compared with terrestrial control (Cont) age-paired rats. The growth of HG rats was slowed compared with Cont rats. A decrease in absolute muscle weight was observed. An increase in fiber cross-sectional area/muscle wet weight was demonstrated, associated with an increase in relative maximal tension. The soleus muscle changed into a slower type both in contractile parameters and in MHC content, since HG soleus contained only the MHC I isoform. The HG plantaris muscle presented a faster contractile behavior. Moreover, the diversity of hybrid fiber types expressing multiple MHC isoforms (including MHC IIB and MHC IIX isoforms) was increased in plantaris muscle after HG. Thus the HG environment appears as an important inductor of muscular plasticity both in slow and fast muscle types.  相似文献   

The cross-sectional area (CSA), myonuclear number per mm of fiber length, and myonuclear domain (cytoplasmic volume/myonucleus) of mechanically isolated single fibers from biopsies of the soleus muscle of 5 vivarium control, 3 flight simulation and 2 flight (BION 11) Rhesus monkeys (Macaca [correction of Macacca] mulatta) were determined using confocal microscopy before and after a 14-day experimental period. Simulation monkeys were confined in chairs placed in capsules identical to those used during the flight. Fibers were classified as type I, type II or hybrid (containing both types I and II) based on myosin heavy chain (MHC) gel electrophoresis. A majority of the fibers sampled contained only type I MHC, i.e. 89, 62 and 68% for the control, simulation and flight groups, respectively. Most of the remaining fibers were hybrids, i.e. 8, 36 and 32% for the same groups. There were no significant pre-post differences in the fiber type composition for any of the experimental groups. There also were no significant pre-post differences in fiber CSA, myonuclear number or myonuclear domain. There was, however, a tendency for the fibers in the post-flight biopsies to have a smaller mean CSA and myonuclear domain (approximately 10%, p=0.07) than the fibers in the pre-flight biopsy. The combined mean cytoplasmic volume/myonucleus for all muscle fiber phenotypes in the Rhesus soleus muscle was approximately 25,000 micrometers3 and there were no differences in pre-post samples for the control and simulated groups. The cytoplasmic domains tended to be lower (p=0.08) after than before flight. No phenotype differences in cytoplasmic domains were observed. These data suggest that after a relatively short period of actual spaceflight, modest fiber atrophy occurs in the soleus muscle fibers without a concomitant change in myonuclear number.  相似文献   

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