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发展微藻生物能源是解决能源危机和环境问题的有效途径之一。目前微藻生物能源的藻种筛选、室外养殖、采收、油脂提取、能源制备等各工艺环节均已经打通,但成本高制约了微藻生物能源的产业化发展。本文分析了微藻生物能源的制备工艺(包括藻种特性、培养技术、油脂诱导技术、油脂转化技术等)及应用研究进展(包括反应器),并结合多年在藻种选育、室外规模化培养、低成本采收和藻油多组分分离方面的研究结果与经验,从多角度为微藻生物能源发展给出建议。指出微藻的全价开发将是微藻生物能源发展的有效模式,其中筛选采收成本低、耐污染、油脂含量较高、富含高值副产物的藻种非常重要,丝状藻是一个非常有潜力的方向,并考虑将物理法和水热液化法结合,实现微藻的多成分提取与分离,提高微藻价值的全价开发。  相似文献   

微藻生物柴油的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微藻生物柴油是一种具有较大发展潜力的可再生能源,与动、植物为原料制备的生物柴油相比,它有不占用耕地、产油效率高等优点。目前,微藻生物柴油在国内外都有很大发展,产业化的进程也在逐步推进。介绍了高油脂含量微藻的种类、微藻合成油脂的机理研究、微藻的培养技术及微藻生物柴油的产业化现状,并对微藻生物柴油发展中的一些问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

微藻能源是最有发展潜力的生物能源之一。围绕微藻生物能源的产业化技术开发,全世界众多研究机构与公司进行了大量的研究工作,在藻种技术、规模培养技术、生物炼制技术方面取得了很多重要进展。文章对近些年国内外对能源微藻及其生物炼制技术研发的进展进行了综述,提出加强高产油、耐污染、易采收等工程应用性状的藻种选育,重点发展高光效、低水耗和少占地的创新微藻培养方法与装备技术,并通过微藻高值产品产业化,逐步推动以平衡系统经济性为原则的微藻能源和高值品联产的生物炼制体系的建立,对于解决目前微藻能源产业化的经济竞争性问题具有重要意义。  相似文献   

经济微藻高密度培养技术及其生物资源化利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经济微藻富含不饱和脂肪酸、蛋白质、碳水化合物等多种生物活性物质, 可以应用于食品加工业、水产养殖业、医药与美容业、废水处理环保业和生物能源业等各行业。开发和利用微藻生物资源将是解决人类能源需求的重要途径, 微藻产业化的发展进程与社会经济、生态环境和人类健康有密切的关系。微藻高密度培养是提高微藻生物质产量和活性代谢产物, 发展生物质能源的关键环节。论文综述了微藻的社会经济价值, 指出了其在能源、食品、水产等行业的重要作用; 介绍了开放式培养和封闭式培养的两大类技术体系, 比较分析了柱状光反应器、平板光反应器和管状光反应器的特点; 概括了影响经济微藻生长和油脂含量的主要因素, 包括光照、温度、pH、营养元素等, 最后展望了经济微藻培养及其生物资源化利用的前景。  相似文献   

微藻作为一种有巨大应用前景的生物质资源,在环境保护、废水处理和清洁能源等领域广泛应用。但是微藻采收成本过高严重限制了微藻产业的发展,因此,寻找一种经济、环保、高效的采收技术对促进微藻产业的发展具有十分重要的意义。本文分析了常用微藻采收技术的优缺点,包括离心分离、沉降、过滤、浮选和絮凝技术,重点论述絮凝技术在微藻采收方面的研究进展,以期为微藻高效、低成本采收方案的选择及其研究方向提供参考。  相似文献   

微藻的生产过程可以实现能源生产、废水净化和CO2减排的高度耦合,在能源危机日益紧张、环境问题日趋严峻的今天,微藻的开发利用具有重要的研究价值和经济、社会效益。制约微藻产业化的瓶颈问题是采收成本过高,一种经济合理的采收方法不但可以大大降低生产成本,还可以奠定微藻产业化发展的基础。本文对目前应用较为普遍的微藻采收方法进行了介绍,重点阐述了絮凝法采收微藻,以期对微藻的低成本高效率采收以及产业化发展提供帮助。  相似文献   

微藻生产油脂培养新技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着全球性能源短缺和环境污染等问题日益严重,利用微藻开发绿色、清洁的生物能源已成为了研究热点。但是微藻油脂的低合成速率和高成本限制了微藻油脂的大规模生产。为了有效开发利用微藻资源,双阶段及共培养技术被发展并取得了显著进展。此外,除了改变培养条件,更为简单的添加生长代谢调节因子的策略也被证明是一种有效的提高微藻油脂的技术。对各种新发展的微藻培养技术及其技术原理进行了详细介绍,在此基础上,初步展望了微藻产油研究的未来发展方向。  相似文献   

引言 众所周知,资源、能源和环境是当前人类社会发展必须面临和解决的三大难题.传统化石能源的过量使用导致了石油资源短缺、全球气候变暖和环境污染.目前,各国政府和企业开始大力开发可再生能源,其中生物能源被认为是最具潜力的可再生能源之一.微藻能源集生物能源、生物固碳及N/P废水处理等多种功能于一体,具有独特的优势,已经成为国内外研究与开发的热点①.能源微藻的低成本规模化培养是实现微藻能源产业化的关键,也是当前限制微藻能源产业化的瓶颈.  相似文献   

嘉兴泽元生物制品有限责任公司(以下简称嘉兴泽元公司)是由嘉兴科技城管理委员会、华东理工大学等单位共同投资组建的高新科技企业,公司注册资金3000万元、工业厂房约3000m2、实验室及办公室约4000m2以及户外微藻养殖用土地约25亩.微藻能源与"异养-稀释-光诱导串联培养"技术及系列生物产品的开发与产业化项目,于2010年入选"创新嘉兴精英引领计划"--嘉兴市引进领军人才计划.嘉兴泽元公司的技术团队由我国微藻能源方向"973"项目首席科学家李元广教授领衔.  相似文献   

基于微藻能源的第三代生物燃料,是一种通过微藻的光合作用积累生物量和油脂而获得的新型清洁生物能源。微藻是由阳光驱动的细胞工厂,它可以在常温常压下实现对CO2的高效吸收,通过微藻细胞高效的光合作用,将光能转化为脂肪或淀粉等碳水化合物的化学能,并释放出O2。将就生物能源、微藻生物能源及其在CO2减排中的应用和产业化进程进行总结和展望。  相似文献   

Photosynthetic microalgae can capture solar energy and convert it to bioenergy and biochemical products. In nature or industrial processes, microalgae live together with bacterial communities and may maintain symbiotic relationships. In general interactions, microalgae exude dissolved organic carbon that becomes available to bacteria. In return, the bacteria remineralize sulphur, nitrogen and phosphorous to support the further growth of microalgae. In specific interactions, heterotrophic bacteria supply B vitamins as organic cofactors or produce siderophores to bind iron, which could be utilized by microalgae, while the algae supply fixed carbon to the bacteria in return. In this review, we focus on mutualistic relationship between microalgae and bacteria, summarizing recent studies on the mechanisms involved in microalgae–bacteria symbiosis. Symbiotic bacteria on promoting microalgal growth are described and the relevance of microalgae–bacteria interactions for biofuel production processes is discussed. Symbiotic microalgae–bacteria consortia could be utilized to improve microalgal biomass production and to enrich the biomass with valuable chemical and energy compounds. The suitable control of such biological interactions between microalgae and bacteria will help to improve the microalgae-based biomass and biofuel production in the future.  相似文献   

碳减排与可再生能源的开发利用是研究可持续发展的热点,而微藻在此方面具有巨大优势.利用微藻减排CO2合成生物柴油生产原料油脂,对于解决能源短缺和全球变暖具有重大战略意义.将碳减排与微藻生物柴油的制备方法相结合,对微藻转化CO2合成生物油脂的机制,微藻油脂积累的影响因素以及国内外在工业上的研究概况等方面进行综合归纳和评述,并对微藻生物油脂的发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

作为化石能源的替代品,以微藻能源为核心的生物能源受到越来越多的关注。作为单细胞生物,微藻有生长周期短、易培养、光合效率高及含油量高等优点,在各类生物能源中具有理想前景。从情报学角度出发,通过分析微藻能源相关文献和专利,对微藻能源的发展概况进行分析,并根据科学研究和公司产业发展现状,对微藻的国内外进展进行对比,总结微藻能源研究的进展,并对微藻能源的发展进行展望。  相似文献   


Microalgae are a dynamic biological resource with various biotechnological applications. During recent times, the scope of this application has expanded to include: nutritional health foods, pharmaceuticals, agricultural and industrial products, environmental remediation and bioenergy production. At the same time, the methods and technologies to bioprocess microalgae for the intended applications have also evolved. However, there are still significant developments needed to reach the full potential of microalgae. The presented review discusses current methodologies to improve the effectiveness of algal feedstocks by bioprocessing them innovatively with cost-effective and environmentally sustainable techniques for their applications in therapeutics and bioresource management. The first section discusses the diversity of microalgae and its applications. In following sections, bioprocessing microalgae for their applications in therapeutics focusing on the efficacy of algae-mediated metallic nanoparticles against microbial infections and cancer is discussed. In addition, a discussion on bioresource management to produce value-added products for bioenergy and bioresource conservation elaborated the potential of microalgae as a biological reservoir to resolve the energy crisis for the modern world.  相似文献   

Microalgae are a potential candidate for biofuel production and environmental treatment because of their specific characteristics (e.g. fast growth, carbon neutral, and rich lipid accumulations). However, several primary bottlenecks still exist in current technologies, including low biomass conversion efficiency, bio-invasion from the external environment, limited or costly nutrient sources, and high energy and capital input for harvest, and stalling its industrial progression. Coupling biofuel production with environmental treatment renders microalgae a more feasible feedstock. This review focuses on microalgae biotechnologies for both bioenergy generation and environmental treatment (e.g. CO2 sequestration and wastewater reclamation). Different intelligent technologies have been developed, especially during the last decade, to eliminate the bottlenecks, including mixotrophic/heterotrophic cultivation, immobilization, and co-cultivation. It has been realized that any single purpose for the cultivation of microalgae is not an economically feasible option. Combinations of applications in biorefineries are gradually reckoned to be necessary as it provides more economically feasible and environmentally sustainable operations. This presents microalgae as a special niche occupier linking the fields of energy and environmental sciences and technologies. The integrated application of microalgae is also proven by most of the life-cycle analysis studies. This study summarizes the latest development of primary microalgal biotechnologies in the two areas that will bring researchers a comprehensive view towards industrialization with an economic perspective.  相似文献   

In the recent years, microalgae have captured researchers’ attention as the alternative feedstock for various bioenergy production such as biodiesel, biohydrogen, and bioethanol. Cultivating microalgae in wastewaters to simultaneously bioremediate the nutrient-rich wastewater and maintain a high biomass yield is a more economical and environmentally friendly approach. The incorporation of algal–bacterial interaction reveals the mutual relationship of microorganisms where algae are primary producers of organic compounds from CO2, and heterotrophic bacteria are secondary consumers decomposing the organic compounds produced from algae. This review would provide an insight on the challenges and future development of algal–bacterial consortium and its contribution in promoting a sustainable route to greener industry. It is believed that microalgal-bacterial consortia will be implemented in the near-future for sub-sequential treatment of wastewater bioremediation, bioenergy production and CO2 fixation, promoting sustainability and making extraordinary advancement in life sciences sectors.  相似文献   

发展生物能源是减轻经济和社会发展对不可再生矿物质能源依赖程度,实现CO2减排的有效措施。本期专刊包括综述报告和研究论文两部分,涉及燃料乙醇、生物柴油、生物燃气、生物氢能、微生物燃料电池和微生物电解池等主要生物能源产品和系统,比较全面地分析其基础研究、关键技术开发和产业发展现状,讨论了存在的问题和挑战,展望了发展的前景。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper reviews recent literature on bioenergy potentials in conjunction with available biomass conversion technologies. The geographical scope is the European Union, which has set a course for long term development of its energy supply from the current dependence on fossil resources to a dominance of renewable resources. A cornerstone in European energy policies and strategies is biomass and bioenergy. The annual demand for biomass for energy is estimated to increase from the current level of 5.7 EJ to 10.0 EJ in 2020. Assessments of bioenergy potentials vary substantially due to methodological inconsistency and assumptions applied by individual authors. Forest biomass, agricultural residues and energy crops constitute the three major sources of biomass for energy, with the latter probably developing into the most important source over the 21st century. Land use and the changes thereof is a key issue in sustainable bioenergy production as land availability is an ultimately limiting factor.  相似文献   

Biorefineries are commercial facilities that transform raw materials into commodities of considerable interest to the world bioeconomy. In addition, biorefineries have the potential to achieve favorable environmental characteristics, such as minimal greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and a lower water footprint, compared to homologous fossil fuels. However, for this concept to become efficient and viable, the use of potentially abundant and specific renewable biological feedstocks should be considered, such as microalgae biomass and other generated products. However, there is an emerging need to consolidate industrial plants that are not only affected by market fluctuations but also aim to transform biological materials into industrially usable products. Thus, for a microalgae biorefinery to compete with the resilient oil refineries in the future, process integration in the supply chain is a promising engineering approach, associating all the components from the cultivation to obtain multiple products that are economically and environmentally sustainable. Therefore, the objective of this review is to compile issues related to microalgal biorefineries applied to bioenergy and biofuel production.  相似文献   

Gong Y  Jiang M 《Biotechnology letters》2011,33(7):1269-1284
Due to negative environmental influence and limited availability, petroleum-derived fuels need to be replaced by renewable biofuels. Biodiesel has attracted intensive attention as an important biofuel. Microalgae have numerous advantages for biodiesel production over many terrestrial plants. There are a series of consecutive processes for biodiesel production with microalgae as feedstock, including selection of adequate microalgal strains, mass culture, cell harvesting, oil extraction and transesterification. To reduce the overall production cost, technology development and process optimization are necessary. Genetic engineering also plays an important role in manipulating lipid biosynthesis in microalgae. Many approaches, such as sequestering carbon dioxide from industrial plants for the carbon source, using wastewater for the nutrient supply, and maximizing the values of by-products, have shown a potential for cost reduction. This review provides a brief overview of the process of biodiesel production with microalgae as feedstock. The methods associated with this process (e.g. lipid determination, mass culture, oil extraction) are also compared and discussed.  相似文献   

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