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翅果油树幼苗抗旱性   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
刘任涛  毕润成  任佳 《生态学杂志》2006,25(12):1528-1531
通过盆栽试验,研究不同土壤水分条件下翅果油树(Elaeagnus mollis)幼苗的生长、叶水分和丙二醛含量等各项生理指标的变化。结果表明,轻、中度干旱(30%~35%、45%~50%)胁迫时叶片含水量和叶绿素含量下降幅度较小,水势较高,丙二醛含量较低,翅果油树幼苗能保汪基本的生长,表现出耐旱植物的生理特征;在重度干旱胁迫(20%~25%)条件下,叶含水量和叶绿素含量下降较显著,水势最低,丙二醛含量最高,植株矮小,颜色发黄,表明翅果油树幼苗受到干旱伤害严重,不能正常生长。  相似文献   

我国独有的翅果油树   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

翅果油树体内矿质元素的初步研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
本文采用等离子光谱法和原子吸收火焰法测定翅果油树Elaeagnusmollis体内的15种矿质元素,即Ca、Mg、P、K.Na、Fe、Cu、Zn、Mn、Cr、Ni、Mo、Al.Sr和Ba。结果表明,在不同器官及同一器官不同部位或不同生长阶段,其矿质元素含量均有显著差异。总体上看,该种植物矿质元素含量丰富,尤其以根皮、幼叶和种仁中更为突出。  相似文献   

翅果油树群落结构多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张殷波  张峰 《生态学杂志》2012,31(8):1936-1941
群落结构多样性的研究可以为实施更加有效的生物多样性监测、保护与持续利用提供科学依据。采用扩展形式的Shannon指数和基于方差的结构多样性指数(STVI)对山西省翅果油树群落进行了结构多样性研究。结果表明:两个结构多样性指数表现出较为一致的变化趋势,均可反映山西翅果油树群落的结构多样性差异;群落类型、物种组成、空间结构,以及生境条件、环境因子和人为干扰强度等是影响翅果油树群落结构多样性的主要因素;STVI结构多样性指数克服了在计算多样性时将直径和高度划分等级时的主观性,并且能更好地描述一个较大的结构序列,因此运用价值更大。  相似文献   

我国特有珍稀植物翅果油树濒危原因分析   总被引:33,自引:6,他引:27  
上官铁梁  张峰 《生态学报》2001,21(3):502-505
翅果油树是我国特有种,为国家2级珍稀濒危保护植物,主要分布于山西南部的低山和丘陵区以及陕西秦岭北麓的户县。翅果油树分布区的生态环境特征是:热量充足,降水量较少,立地条件较差。翅果油树濒危的主要原因有(1)果实形态结构特殊,不利于传播和萌发,(2)果实结实率较低,(3)种子寿命短,发芽率低,(4)翅果油树幼苗缺乏竞争力和(5)人力破坏严重。此外,针对翅果油树的濒危现状和原因,还提出了科学保护对策。  相似文献   

翅果油树资源及开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
翅果油树(Elaeagnus mollis)系胡颓子科胡颓子属植物。它是经第四纪冰川作用后残存下来的孑遗植物,为我国特有种。它对研究我国及世界范围内,植物的分布演化规律,植物区系组成,植物与环境的关系及地史变迁等都有很高的科学价值,已受到世界各国科学界的关注。 翅果油树为落叶乔木或呈灌丛状,一般株高2—10米,胸径10厘米左右,树冠基本呈伞形,分枝稀硫,叶片卵形纸质。它自然分布于山西省吕梁山南段的东侧,中条山南段西侧及陕  相似文献   

翅果油树根瘤超微结构及其内生菌的观察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者用光学显微镜,透射电镜和扫描电镜对翅果油树(Eldaeagnus mollis D.)根瘤侵染细胞的超微结构及其内生菌的形态进行了观察研究。翅果油树根瘤中的内生菌具有五种不同的发育形态:菌丝、固氮泡囊、孢囊、孢囊孢子和拟类菌体。内生菌的这些不同形态以及它们在共生固氮中的作用,本文也作了讨论。  相似文献   

山西翅果油树群落的多样性研究   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33       下载免费PDF全文
用丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数对山西翅果油树群落的多样性进行了研究 ,并用相关分析研究了海拔与多样性指数及多样性指数间的关系 ,结果表明 :1 )在干扰强烈的生境中 ,翅果油树群落具有较低的丰富度指数、多样性指数的均匀性 ,而接近顶极群落阶段 ,多样性指数和丰富度指数也较低 ,但具有较高的均匀性 ;干扰强度较小的生境中 ,群落具有较高的丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀性。2 )灌木层和草本层的丰富度、多样性指数和均匀度指数呈现多元化的趋势。 3)海拔对山西翅果油树群落多样性的影响不显著。  相似文献   

翅果油树的生态学特征及其根瘤固氮活性的研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
翅果油树是中国放线菌结瘤植物资源中一种具有较高经济价值的稀有油料树种。作者对其生态学特征以及多种生态因子与其根瘤固氮活性的关系进行了调查和研究。 研究结果表明:在生长季节内,翅果油树根瘤的固氮活性呈双驼峰状变化。在6月出现一个高峰、9月出现一个次高峰。这种季节性变化,是受各种生态因子和寄主植物体内代谢因素所制约的。温度对根瘤固氮活性有明显影响;光合作用強度与固氮活性密切相关,但并不呈同步关系;有性生殖生长在不同季节对根瘤固氮活性的影响,是由于二者对光合作用产物发生竞争的结果。种植翅果油树可以明显地提高林地内的氮素含量,12年生人工林和20年生人工改造林分别比荒坡自然植被下的土壤含氮量提高75%和99%。  相似文献   

Mining disturbs large forested areas around the world, including boreal forests after oil sands mining in Canada. Industrial companies are expected to reclaim degraded land to ecosystems with equivalent land capability. This research showed the value of woody debris for reclamation of dramatically disturbed landscapes with a forest ecosystem end land use. Adding woody debris during reclamation can facilitate recovery of flora, soil nutrient cycling and water and nutrient holding capacity. Combined with forest floor material, woody debris can provide native plant propagules that would be otherwise commercially unavailable. Sites with and without woody debris on forest floor material containing identifiable litter (L), fragmented and fermented litter (F), and humus (H) (LFH), and peat mineral soil mix (peat) cover soils were studied. Within 2 years, woody debris decreased bare ground and created microsites which were positively associated with greater vegetation cover and woody plant density. Woody debris treatments had lower soil available nitrate and soil under woody debris had a lower temperature range and higher soil volumetric water content than control treatments without woody debris. Woody debris did not affect first year microbial biomass carbon or mycorrhizae, but both were greater on LFH than peat cover soil. LFH was associated with lower bare ground and greater vegetation cover, species richness, and soil phosphorus and potassium than peat cover soil, which had greater soil sulfate .  相似文献   

Difficulty in quantifying rates of biological N fixation (BNF), especially over long time scales, remains a major impediment to defining N budgets in many ecosystems. To estimate N additions from BNF, we applied a tree-scale N mass balance approach to a well-characterized chronosequence of woody legume (Prosopis glandulosa) encroachment into subtropical grasslands. We defined spatially discrete single Prosopis clusters (aged 28–99 years), and for each calculated BNF as the residual of: soil N (0–30 cm), above- and below-ground biomass N, wet and dry atmospheric N deposition, N trace gas and N2 loss, leaching loss, and baseline grassland soil N at time of establishment. Contemporary BNF for upland savanna woodland was estimated at 10.9 ± 1.8 kg N ha?1 y?1, equal to a total of 249 ± 60 kg N ha?1 over about 130 years of encroachment at the site. Though these BNF values are lower than previous estimates for P. glandulosa, this likely reflects lower plant density as well as low water availability at this site. Uncertainty in soil and biomass parameters affected BNF estimates by 6–11%, with additional sensitivity of up to 18% to uncertainty in other scaling parameters. Differential N deposition (higher rates of dry N deposition to Prosopis canopies versus open grasslands) did not explain N accrual beneath trees; iterations that represented this scenario reduced estimated BNF estimates by a maximum of 1.5 kg N ha?1 y?1. We conclude that in this relatively well-constrained system, small-scale mass balance provides a reasonable method of estimating BNF and could provide an opportunity to cross-calibrate alternative estimation approaches.  相似文献   

我国6种主要木本油料作物的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选择我国3种传统木本油料作物油茶(Camellia oleifera)、核桃(Juglans regia)和文冠果(Xanthoceras sorbifolium)以及3种新兴木本油料作物油用牡丹(Paeonia suffruticosa)、星油藤(Plukenetia volubilis)和元宝枫(Acer truncatum), 从种质资源概况、脂肪酸组成、活性成分以及油脂合成代谢的分子生物学等方面进行了详细综述。文章旨在引导国内生产者因地制宜地种植木本油料作物, 从而发挥木本植物油的优势, 补充草本油料供给不足。同时, 在资源保护的前提下, 增加我国植物油供给量, 丰富人们的营养来源和提高健康水平。该文还分析了我国木本油料作物利用中存在的问题, 为进一步开发利用木本油料作物指明了研究方向。  相似文献   

David Woods 《CMAJ》1986,135(8):839

Forest soils and canopies are major components of ecosystem CO2 and CH4 fluxes. In contrast, less is known about coarse woody debris and living tree stems, both of which function as active surfaces for CO2 and CH4 fluxes. We measured CO2 and CH4 fluxes from soils, coarse woody debris, and tree stems over the growing season in an upland temperate forest. Soils were CO2 sources (4.58 ± 2.46 µmol m?2 s?1, mean ± 1 SD) and net sinks of CH4 (?2.17 ± 1.60 nmol m?2 s?1). Coarse woody debris was a CO2 source (4.23 ± 3.42 µmol m?2 s?1) and net CH4 sink, but with large uncertainty (?0.27 ± 1.04 nmol m?2 s?1) and with substantial differences depending on wood decay status. Stems were CO2 sources (1.93 ± 1.63 µmol m?2 s?1), but also net CH4 sources (up to 0.98 nmol m?2 s?1), with a mean of 0.11 ± 0.21 nmol m?2 s?1 and significant differences depending on tree species. Stems of N. sylvatica, F. grandifolia, and L. tulipifera consistently emitted CH4, whereas stems of A. rubrum, B. lenta, and Q. spp. were intermittent sources. Coarse woody debris and stems accounted for 35% of total measured CO2 fluxes, whereas CH4 emissions from living stems offset net soil and CWD CH4 uptake by 3.5%. Our results demonstrate the importance of CH4 emissions from living stems in upland forests and the need to consider multiple forest components to understand and interpret ecosystem CO2 and CH4 dynamics.  相似文献   

The role of tree plantations as facilitators of tropical forest restoration in degraded lands has been explored recently, but there are few data on the effect of different tree species on invasion of the plant understory. We evaluated early patterns of understory composition in three-year-old native tree plantations in lowland Costa Rica using two pure-species treatment (Jacaranda copaia and Vochysia guatemalensis) and one mixed-species treatment (J. copaia, V. guatemalensis, Stryphnodendron microstachyum, and Calophyllum brasiliense). We also monitored woody invasion in unplanted control areas dominated by grasses. The understory of the different plantation treatments differed in light environment, woody-plant growth and recruitment, and quantity and quality of woody regeneration. Forest tree invasion appeared to be enhanced under Vochysia, while shrubs were more abundant under the Jacaranda and mixed-species treatments. Woody plant growth, herbaceous cover, and understory light availability were highest under Jacaranda, intermediate under mixed species, and lowest under Vochysia. Soil-stored seeds seemed an important source for woody plant recruitment in Jacaranda and mixed species and of minimal importance under Vochysia, probably due to light suppression. It appears that competition from grasses is a major factor influencing early woody invasion in our study area. We found no woody recruitment after one year in the unplanted controls. We suggest that to promote the use of plantations as tools of forest restoration, there is a need to gather basic ecological information on how different tree species may influence patterns of plant understory colonization.  相似文献   

比较油页岩污染点(茂名石化公司废渣场)和相对清洁点(茂名市林科所)生长的灌木翅荚决明(CassiaalataL.)和乔木乌墨(Syzygiumcumini(Linn.)Skeels)的光合生理指标的变化。在两个试验点,翅荚决明的净光合速率、气孔导度和蒸腾速率的绝对值在一天的多数时段均高于乌墨,但与对照点相比,在污染点翅荚决明的净光合速率和水分利用效率的下降幅度却大于乌墨,气孔导度则相反,可能与土壤含水量有关。结果表明乌墨的抗油页岩废渣污染能力强于翅荚决明。  相似文献   

选用含油量、油脂成分、结实性状、分布范围和繁殖性状作为评价指标,运用灰色关联度分析法对云南分布的、可作为生物柴油原料的188种主要木本油料植物(含油量≥30%)进行了综合评价。结果表明:滇新樟(Neocinnamomum caudatum)、西南红山茶(Camellia pitardii)等29种木本油料植物与理想种的关联度均超过0.6500,具有良好的综合性状,可以在研究开发的基础上作为云南生物柴油产业的原料植物来推广应用。此外,脉叶虎皮楠(Daphniphyllum paxianum)、牛紏吴萸(Evodia trichotoma)、长梗大花漆(Toxicodendron grangiflorum var. longipes)是这次新发现的3种具有开发潜力的木本生物柴油原料植物。  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Plant growth and development are regulated by phytohormones, such as abscisic acid, auxins, or gibberellins. Under drought stress, melatonin and the signaling...  相似文献   

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