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桶形芋螺和菖蒲芋螺的性畸变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2 0 0 1年 9月和 2 0 0 3年 8月在广东湛江的硇洲岛和 2 0 0 3年 6月在广东阳江的闸坡渔港采集桶形芋螺 (Conus betulinus)和菖蒲芋螺 (Conus vexillum) ,发现两个海区的芋螺雌性个体均发生性畸变 ,性畸变率均为 10 0 % ,但雌 /雄性比仍大于 1.0。两种芋螺的畸变阶段和类型多 ,桶形芋螺有 S3b、S3c、 S4 、S*4 、S5b、S5c,而菖蒲芋螺有 S1 c、S3b、S4 、S*4 、S6 b。 2 0 0 3年 6月在阳江采集的桶形芋螺畸变程度最高 ,种群 RPSI为 5 3.8% ,VDSI高达 4 .9,雌性不育率达 4 4 .0 %。 2 0 0 1年 9月在硇洲岛外海深水区采集的菖蒲芋螺的种群 RPSI虽然只有 14 .7% ,但性畸率为 10 0 % ,VDSI也达 4 .1%。由此可见 ,两种芋螺对有机锡污染均比较敏感 ,而且有个体大、易采集、性畸变率高、畸变阶段跨度大、畸变类型多、畸变特征易于鉴别等特点 ,是中国东南沿海低潮线和潮下带有机锡污染生物监测的理想指示种。如与潮间带有机锡污染指示种疣荔枝螺 (Thaisclavigera)结合起来 ,便可相互补充 ,能更加全面和准确地反映近岸海域有机锡污染的现状  相似文献   

温州沿海岛屿众多,水文环境复杂,疣荔枝螺(Reishia clavigera)是岩相潮间带常见种,对其群体间遗传多样性的分析,有助于合理保护和开发利用种质资源。本实验对温州沿海14个典型岛屿的158个疣荔枝螺个体,进行细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(COⅠ)基因片段序列测定,得到158条长度为672bp的序列,A、T、C、G四种碱基含量分别为23.0%、38.4%、17.4%和21.2%。共检测到保守位点562个,变异位点108个,其中包括简约信息位点57个,单突变位点51个。所有个体的核苷酸多样性指数Pi为0.008 0±0.029 7,单倍型多样性为指数Hd为0.978±0.006,平均核苷酸差异度为5.328。群体间遗传距离在0.005 7~0.011 1之间,群体内遗传距离在0.005 7~0.010 8之间,不同疣荔枝螺群体之间的遗传距离处于同一水平。霓屿岛和大竹峙岛群体内遗传距离最小,洞头岛群体内遗传距离最大。共检测到102个单倍型,大部分单倍型聚合为一支,没有形成明显的区系结构,各个岛屿的疣荔枝螺存在基因交流。  相似文献   

温州沿海岛屿众多,水文环境复杂,疣荔枝螺(Reishia clavigera)是岩相潮间带常见种,对其群体间遗传多样性的分析,有助于合理保护和开发利用种质资源。本实验对温州沿海14个典型岛屿的158个疣荔枝螺个体,进行细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(COⅠ)基因片段序列测定,得到158 条长度为672 bp的序列,A、T、C、G 四种碱基含量分别为23.0%、38.4%、17.4%和21.2%。共检测到保守位点562个,变异位点108 个,其中包括简约信息位点57 个,单突变位点51 个。所有个体的核苷酸多样性指数Pi为0.008 0 ± 0.029 7,单倍型多样性为指数Hd为0.978 ± 0.006,平均核苷酸差异度为5.328。群体间遗传距离在0.005 7 ~ 0.011 1之间,群体内遗传距离在0.005 7 ~ 0.010 8之间,不同疣荔枝螺群体之间的遗传距离处于同一水平。霓屿岛和大竹峙岛群体内遗传距离最小,洞头岛群体内遗传距离最大。共检测到102 个单倍型,大部分单倍型聚合为一支,没有形成明显的区系结构,各个岛屿的疣荔枝螺存在基因交流。  相似文献   

三种前鳃亚纲海产腹足类性畸变现象的组织学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
有机锡污染可以导致海产腹足类雌性个体产生性畸变现象。本文报道了阿文绶贝(Mauritia arabica)、褐棘螺(Chicoreus brunneus)和桶形芋螺(Conus betulinus)三种前鳃亚纲腹足类正常雄性个体和性畸变个体雄性生殖器官的组织学结构。结果表明,不同种间雄性个体的输精管和阴茎的结构存在开放和封闭两种类型,封闭型是由开放型进化而来。虽然性畸变个体的雄性生殖器官与正常雄性个体的在组织结构上无明显差异,但性畸变个体的雄性生殖器官并不完整,无法行使生殖功能。由于内分泌扰乱物质对人和动物影响的相似性,使得海产腹足类性畸变现象应受到人们的重视。  相似文献   

笔者在整理浙江沿海荔枝螺属Thais Roeding,1798标本时,经形态分类方法和分子生物学方法鉴定发现1新种,即大渔荔枝螺Thais(Stramonita)dayunensis sp.nov.,隶属于腹足纲、前鳃亚纲、新腹足目、骨螺科、红螺亚科、荔枝螺属、Stramonita亚属.文中对新种的形态特征和栖息环境进行了记述,并与近似种进行了比较讨论.  相似文献   

三江平原典型沼泽湿地螺类组成生态指示   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
螺类作为湿地的重要生物类群,对环境变化响应敏感,这使得螺类成为潜在的环境指示物种。为了研究中国东北沼泽湿地不同类型湿地螺类群落结构的差异以及螺类作为不同类型湿地指示物种的可能,在2014年9月和2015年5月对小叶章沼泽化草甸湿地、臌囊苔草湿地、毛苔草湿地、漂筏苔草湿地共17个采样点进行螺类样品采集。共采集到了螺类8科13属17种4452个。研究表明,螺类以扁卷螺科Planorbidae、椎实螺科Lymnaeidae、膀胱螺科Physidae为主;4种不同类型湿地螺的种类组成不同,这些螺类的种类组成与不同类型湿地的水深、植物类型组成等湿地特征是相对应。螺类的生物多样性指数(ShannonWiener指数和Marglef指数)在不同类型湿地之间也存在一定差异,筛选了指示螺类6种,无褶螺是小叶章沼泽化草甸的指示物种,小土蜗、半球多脉扁螺和虹蛹螺是臌囊苔草湿地的指示物种,琥珀螺是毛苔草湿地的指示物种,平盘螺是漂筏苔草湿地的指示物种,这表明了螺类是沼泽湿地类型的重要指示生物。也为螺类生物多样性资源的保护、恢复和生态评价提供科学依据和资料积累。  相似文献   

根据2015年4月浙江沿岸定点调查资料, 分析了春季调查海域螺类种类组成、优势种、资源生物量和密度、物种多样性以及群落结构与海洋环境因子的关系。结果表明: 浙江沿岸海域春季共捕获螺类27种, 隶属于2目15科21属, 优势种主要有棒锥螺(Turritella bacillum)和褐管蛾螺(Siphonalia spadicea); 螺类平均资源生物量和密度分别为246.64 kg/km2和27.75×103 ind./km2, 总体分布趋势呈现较为明显的斑块分布特征, 但浙北海域资源密度低于浙中南部海域; 种类丰富度指数(D)、物种多样性指数(H′)和种类均匀度指数(J′)的平均值分别为0.36、0.56和0.50, 3种多样性指数均不高, 螺类群落多样性水平处于较低水平, 除物种多样性指数(H′)空间分布特征较为显著以外, 其余2个指数在调查海域整体分布较为均匀; ABC曲线显示浙江沿岸水域春季螺类群落处于中等干扰(或不稳定)状态; 典范对应分析结果表明水深、底层温度和底层溶解氧3个环境因子对研究海域螺类群落的分布起较大的作用。研究旨在探明该海域螺类资源的物种多样性, 丰富我国近海软体动物地理区系的基础资料, 同时也为浙江近海海洋生态和环境保护措施的制定提供参考依据。  相似文献   

对螺序草属(Spiradiclis B1、)16种2变型共18个样品的种子形态特征的初步研究表明,本属植物种子为小型(0.2—0、3mm)或中型(0.3—2mm),整体形状不太规则,表面纹饰为蜂窝状,种脐稍突出。种子的外壁由内外2层种皮组成。依据表面突起分布方式,螺序草属的种子大致分为2种类型:(1)平周壁微下陷,疣突均匀分布于其上,如大叶螺序草、螺序草、尖叶螺序草、柳叶螺序草、峨嵋螺序草和龙州螺序草;(2)平周壁下陷成穴状,突起分布在穴边缘,如红花螺序草、心叶螺序草、两广螺序草、广东螺序草、海南螺序草、宽昭螺序草、疏花螺序草、多枝螺序草、罗氏螺序草、小叶螺序草、石生螺序草和紫花螺序草。螺序草属的种子形态特征对属下类群的划分具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

2004年7~8月,对温州乐清市雁荡镇西门码头、西门岛红树林、南岳镇、岐头、大门岛百花庙滩涂5个样点的珠带拟蟹守螺(Cerithideopsilla cingulata)种群密度进行调查,分别采用Taylor幂法则、Iwao聚集格局回归分析法及Morisita指数公式计算和统计分析,结果表明,珠带拟蟹守螺种群空间分布格局理论上属于聚集型负二项分布。其种群在中潮区的分布量最大,而高潮区又大于低潮区。珠带拟蟹守螺是一种对环境污染非常敏感的指示生物,滩涂生境如有污染就会直接反映在其种群密度上。  相似文献   

《Ecological Indicators》2008,8(3):239-245
Adult specimens of the muricid gastropod Hexaplex trunculus were collected from their natural habitat: the Lake Club station located in the North Tunis Lake, a sampling site characterized by the absence of shipping activity and an imposex incidence of 12.9%. These specimens were transplanted to a sampling site with intense shipping traffic: the Bizerta channel, where a preliminary survey detected an imposex incidence of 100%. The transplanted specimens were tagged prior to release and periodical recaptures were made every 60 days during a study period of 8 months (from July 2004 to March 2005) in order to compare the imposex development between both sampling sites. After 5 months of exposure in the Bizerta channel, all transplanted females were affected by imposex (with the development of an incomplete male genital tract). Microscopic examinations showed that imposex begun by the development of a small portion of vas deferens located halfway between the expected position of the future penis and the vagina. The imposex indices used in this study were the imposex frequency (I (%)), the vas deferens sequence index (VDSI), the relative penis length index (RPL), the average female penis length index (FPL) and the average female vas deferens length (VDL). All these indices increased in the transplanted population as compared to the population from the original sampling site, but VDSI and VDL were considered the best indices to assess the environmental pollution by tributyltin (TBT) and its deleterious effects in H. trunculus.  相似文献   

During a tributyltin (TBT)-exposure experiment, the ultrastructural features of oogenesis have been examined in TBT-induced imposex females of Babylonia areolata and compared with those of the normal female. The results obtained from such experiment demonstrates that B. areolata exhibits a low to moderate intensity of imposex because all VDSI values are never higher than 3. Ultrastructures of germ cell development including oogonia, pre-vitellogenic, early vitellogenic, late vitellogenic and mature oocytes show that oogenesis in imposex female is similar to that of normal females except for the presence of numerous lipid droplets in the cytoplasm of the oocytes and the follicle cells in imposex females, indicating the degeneration of their oocytes. Vitellogenesis in B. areolata involves both auto- and heterosynthetic processes that resemble those of the basal gastropods and the pulmonates. In addition, the presence of cortical granules and microvilli are unique structures of this species.  相似文献   

Imposex – the superimposition of male sexual organs (penis and vas deferens) onto female Neogastropods such as Hexaplex trunculus (Linné, 1758) – is used world-wide as a biomarker of ecological impact of organotin based antifouling biocides (TBT and TPhT). To limit the impact of organotin pollution, since January 1, 2003, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) has enacted a global ban on the use of organotin compounds in antifouling systems. It is important to record imposex levels and organotin contamination before the implementation of the ban, in order to assess the current situation and be able, in the future, to verify the effects of the International Protocol. In this paper, recent imposex data measured in populations of Hexaplex trunculus from three different Mediterranean regions are compared: the Ligurian Sea (Italy), the Lagoon of Venice (Italy) and the western coast of Istria (Croatia). In the two former locations, a partial ban on TBT has been in force for vessels less than 25 m since 1982, while in the latter region no restrictions on organotin antifouling paints have been applied yet. Gastropod samples collected from the Venice lagoon were analysed with an acid extraction followed by Grignard derivatisation, clean up and GC-MS determination, in order to relate the levels of TBT, TPhT and their metabolites with the imposex degree detected. Biological data show that the levels of imposex were very high (VDS from 4.3 to 5) in all the sampling sites considered, particularly in the Croatian coast stations. The concentrations of organotin compounds – butyltins and phenyltins – measured in the samples from the lagoon of Venice were found to partition differently in the visceral coil and in the rest of the soft body of the analysed organisms.  相似文献   

Imposex (superimposition of male genital organs on female phenotype) of the rock shell or whelk, Thais clavigera, shows typical evidence of endocrine disruption by organotin compounds within inter-tidal zones polluted by such compounds. It will be informative to see how low fertility caused by imposex of this species finally affects the genetic diversity of polluted populations. For future use in population genetic research of the rock shell, we report the isolation and characteristics of 11 highly polymorphic microsatellite markers with a mean of 11.7 alleles per locus. We observed heterozygosities of these sequences ranging from 0.43 to 0.95. These markers will be useful for future ecological genetic studies of rock shell.  相似文献   

Tributyltin (TBT) exposure at different concentrations (5, 60, and 100 ng TBT as Sn/l) induces a concentration- and time-dependent imposex (=pseudohermaphroditism) development in femaleNucella lapillus andHinia reticulata. In both species the average imposex stage, termed as vas deferens sequence (VDS) index, and the average female penis length increases with increasing TBT concentration and duration of TBT exposure. Testosterone added at a concentration of 500 ng/l induces a faster and more intensive imposex development compared to that induced by the TBT concentrations used in the present experiments. Radioimmunological determination of endogenous steroid content reveals increasing testosterone titres in female gastropods exposed to TBT which correlate with the TBT concentration used and the duration of the experiment. The most marked and highest increase of the endogenous testosterone level is exhibited by females, of both species exposed to testosterone. Simulataneous exposure to TBT and to the antiandrogen cyproterone acetate which suppresses imposex development completely inN. lapillus and reduces imposex development strongly inH. reticulata proves that the imposex-inducing effects of TBT are mediated by an increasing androgen level and are not caused directly by the organotin compound itself. Further-more, TBT-induced imposex development can be suppressed in both snails by adding estrogens to the aqueous medium. These observations suggest that TBT causes an inhibition of the cytochrome P-450 dependent aromatase system which catalyses the aromatization of androgens to estrogens. The increase of the androgen content or the shift of the androgen-estrogen balance in favour of androgens induces the development of pseudohermaphroditism in marine prosobranchs. Artificial inhibition of the cytochrome P-450 dependent aromatase system using SH 489 (1-methyl-1,4-androstadiene-3,17-dione) as a steroidal aromatase inhibitor and flavone as a nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor induces imposex development inN. lapillus as well as inH. reticulata.  相似文献   

The Water Framework Directive (WFD) is a key legislative action developed by the European Union in order to protect aquatic ecosystems. One of the concerning pollutants, listed in this directive as a priority hazardous substance, is tributyltin (TBT), a biocide largely used in antifouling paints and identified as a causative agent of imposex/intersex in gastropods. In order to integrate TBT pollution monitoring within this legislative framework, a practical exercise is here proposed to assess the evolution of surface water ecological status in Ria de Aveiro (NW Portugal). Three bioindicators – the caenogastropods Nucella lapillus, Nassarius reticulatus and Littorina littorea – were used under the general WFD benthic invertebrate quality element, and the vas deferens sequence index (VDSI) and the intersex index (ISI) were selected as biomarkers for the purpose of assessing the condition of this quality element regarding the impact of TBT pollution. Levels of VDSI in N. lapillus and N. reticulatus, and ISI in L. littorea, were surveyed in 2013 and compared with previous data available for the same species and study area in 1998 and 2005, providing a time lapse for a period of 15 years. VDSI and ISI values were converted into Ecological Quality Ratios (EQR) and EQR boundaries were set for each species in order to define the five ecological status classes (High, Good, Moderate, Poor and Bad). We propose N. lapillus as key bioindicator, however the combined use of further species is very useful to cover a wider study area. Based on the proposed method, it is concluded that the ecological status of the surface waters surveyed in Ria de Aveiro, concerning the impact of TBT pollution on the above benthic invertebrate taxa, improved considerably since 1998 and achieved a Good Ecological Status in 2013, thus meeting the WFD environmental objectives for this priority hazardous substance even before 2015.  相似文献   

Comparison of imposex response in three Prosobranch species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A comparative study of the three gastropod species Nucella lapillus (L.), Ocenebra erinacea (L.) and Hinia (Nassarius) reticulata (L.) reveals that Nucella is the most TBT sensitive species while Hinia is the least sensitive. Of the two imposex indices VDSI and RPSI, good interspecies correlations were obtained only for VDSI. The three species can be considered as complementary not only in terms of their ecology but also for their levels of sensitivity. Indeed, Nucella and Ocenebra are useful test species at TBT concentrations below 2 ng Sn 1−1 while Hinia is the more appropriate species at higher TBT levels. For the first time, two sterilised Hinia females are recorded. This sterilization does not seem to be due to proliferation of vas deferens tissue in the vaginal opening and further investigation is needed to find intermediary VDS stages between stage 4+ and sterilization. Studies using Nucella show that the use of narcotization in imposex analysis leads to an underestimation of RPSI compared with non-narcotization methods. Indeed, narcotization straightens the penis and increases its length when compared with non-narcotized animals, but this increase is proportionally higher in males than in females.  相似文献   

The present study aimed at analyzing the imposex incidence and the presence of butyltins namely tributyltin (TBT) with its di- and mono-substituted metabolites in Bolinus brandaris whole tissues and in surface sediments at seven sites from the Tunisian coast during one campaign in May 2010. Butyltin levels were evaluated using isotope dilution GC–MS. Except the population collected from Zarat site, imposex was found in snails from the remained six sites with a maximal incidence and sterility (closure of the vaginal opening) registered in Carrier bay. Both imposex indices VDSI and RPLI showed a positive correlation with tissue concentrations of TBT. Total butyltin concentrations in sediments were higher in sites located in the vicinity of shipping areas with levels of TBT high enough to cause environmental concern if there is no legislative restriction and enforcement for the sale and use of these chemicals in Tunisia. These results further confirmed that B. brandaris is a good bioindicator of butyltin pollution in the studied areas. In addition, this study provided recent and new data on sediment butyltin concentrations that could serve for long-term monitoring of TBT pollution in Tunisia and the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

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