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采用解剖及组织学显微技术观察研究了可口革囊星虫消化道的形态及组织学结构特征。消化道始于口,经咽、食道、游离肠、螺旋肠(上行肠及下行肠)、直肠,止于肛门,各段从内向外均由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层及外膜组成。粘膜层表面具微绒毛及纤毛,微绒毛增加了消化道的表面积,纤毛的摆动有利于消化道内食物或消化后残渣的运送;螺旋肠及直肠的粘膜层中均有杯状细胞,在下行肠前段与中段及上行肠前段与直肠中尤其多,杯状细胞能够分泌粘液,保护粘膜上皮,润滑食物及残渣。粘膜下层为结缔组织,肌层为环肌,外膜为浆膜。肠沿纺锤肌盘绕的特点延长了食物的滞留、消化和吸收时间,弥补了缺乏消化腺的不足。肠各段除直肠肌层较厚外,其余各段肌层薄或不明显。  相似文献   

石磺消化系统的组织学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对石磺消化系统各部分结构进行组织学观察.石磺的消化系统由消化道和消化腺两部分组成.消化道包括口、食道、贲门胃、幽门胃、中肠和后肠,不具吻;消化腺包括肝胰腺、唾液腺和肛门腺.在光学显微镜下,消化道由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和外膜4层组成;肌层主要为环肌,粘膜层主要为柱状细胞.肝胰腺甚为发达,组织结构显示肝胰腺由很多分支的腺管组成,腺管由腺细胞、分泌细胞等组成.唾液腺和肛门腺发达.  相似文献   

弓形革囊星虫(Phascolosoma arcuatum)是近年兴起的水产养殖品种,目前已形成一定养殖规模,但是其生物学特性相关的研究只有零星报道。本文主要采用石蜡切片苏木精-伊红(H.E)染色和扫描电镜方法对弓形革囊星虫的整体形态和各主要器官的结构进行研究。结果表明,弓形革囊星虫主要由吻部和躯干部构成,躯干部有乳突分布;吻部由触手和项器构成,伸长可达躯干部的两倍,具有感光性。其消化系统由口、食道、肠、肛门四个部分构成,不同部分的肌肉组织存在明显差异;收吻肌一端与吻相连,另一端分成4支,分别连于背部两侧(背收吻肌)和腹部两侧(腹收吻肌);食道贴于收吻肌,后连接肠。肠分为肠下回环与肠上回环,肠上回环与肠下回环缠绕盘旋,肠上回环后接直肠。直肠具有盲囊,后连接肛门;两条肾管分布在腹侧。  相似文献   

商城肥鲵消化道的解剖学观察   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
该文首次报道了商城肥鲵消化道各部分的形态结构、长度及其组织学结构。结果表明,除口腔外,消化道管壁由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜层构成,消化道各部分的差别主要在粘膜层和肌层食道粘膜为复层柱状上皮,食完纵肌层,胃、肠粘膜上皮为单层柱状上皮,胃、肠肌层由内环外纵两层平滑肌组成。粘膜上皮的皱褶程度、腺体分布情况、肌层的相对厚度等在消化道各部分也存在差异。  相似文献   

采用解剖及石蜡切片显微技术,观察研究了光唇鱼消化道的形态结构特征。消化道由口咽腔、食道、肠构成。口下位、马蹄形,无颌齿,具咽齿,齿式为4/4。舌较小,前端游离,舌粘膜表层为复层鳞状上皮,有较多的杯状细胞和味蕾。食道及肠均由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层及外膜构成。食道内皱襞发达,粘膜层有大量杯状细胞。肠道盘曲,由前、中、后肠组成,肠长/体长为1.84±0.24;前肠管腔较大,中、后肠管腔渐变小;前、中肠皱襞及纹状缘比后肠发达;前肠及后肠杯状细胞较少,中肠杯状细胞较多。光唇鱼消化道的形态结构特征与其食性相适应。  相似文献   

中华花龟消化系统的组织学初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
傅丽容  洪美玲  史海涛  王力军  黄元华 《四川动物》2007,26(2):270-273,I0003
采用常规石蜡切片的方法,对4只成体中华花龟(Oeadia sinensis)的消化系统进行组织学观察。结果表明,中华花龟的消化道管壁除口腔外均由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜组成;消化道各部分的差别主要在于粘膜层和肌层,舌、咽上皮为复层柱状上皮,食道、胃、肠上皮为单层柱状上皮,大肠上皮为复层扁平上皮;食道粘膜上皮特化成与水呼吸有关的绒毛,胃体部肌层最发达,内斜中环外纵相间排列,厚约652.6±41.2μm,小肠绒毛长而密集呈叶状;肝实质内含大小不等的色素细胞,门管区明显,肝小叶分界不清;胰腺腺泡细胞发达.内分泌细胞零散分布。  相似文献   

东方铃蟾消化道组织学的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用组织学方法对东方铃蟾的消化道进行了研究。结果表明:肠分为十二指肠、空肠和大肠。消化道管壁由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和浆膜层构成。食道、胃和肠均为单层柱状上皮。胃和十二指肠的粘膜皱褶最丰富。食道腺为复泡状腺,胃腺属于单管状腺,肠的各段无多细胞腺体,但空肠和大肠有丰富的杯状细胞。肌层均为平滑肌,内层环肌较厚,外侧纵肌较薄,其中大肠的外侧纵肌最发达。  相似文献   

王昱  杨小录  何九军  崔文辉  王瀚  王振福 《四川动物》2011,30(2):227-230,封2
利用生物显微技术对文县疣螈的消化道和肝脏进行了观察.结果 表明:文县疣螈的消化道管壁由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层和外膜组成.食管粘膜为复层扁平柱状上皮,胃、小肠和直肠上皮为单层柱状上皮.各段皱褶丰富.胃有发达的腺体,肠的各段无多细胞腺体分布.杯状细胞丰富,其中十二指肠最少,直肠部最多,胃的各部无杯状细胞.肝小叶分界不清,肝...  相似文献   

为了探究可口革囊星虫(Phascolosoma esculenta)精子发生过程及结构上的特殊性,用显微及亚显微技术研究了可口革囊星虫的精子发生和精子结构。可口革囊星虫的精巢位于收吻肌基部,为一曲折的带状组织。成熟精巢内可观察到精原细胞、精母细胞以及精细胞等各阶段的生精细胞。在精子形成早期,很多精细胞脱离精巢,以精细胞团的形式掉落到体腔中。精细胞团内的精细胞同步发育为精子后,脱离精子团进入肾管。成熟精子由头部和尾部组成。头部由钟形顶体与鼓形细胞核构成。顶体后段下包于精核的前端。顶体分内、中、外三层,外层有横隔;顶体下腔内有颗粒状物质不均匀分布,中央有一束丝状纤维组成的顶体棒。核物质电子密度高,核内含空泡。无核前窝,具浅的核后窝。尾部分中段和末段,中段由6个(偶见5个或7个)线粒体围绕近、远端中心粒构成;末段细长鞭状,由轴丝及包绕轴丝的质膜组成,轴丝为典型的"9 2"结构。分析认为:可口革囊星虫精子发生过程以及超微结构上存在特殊的结构与机制:①精细胞团保证了精子形成的同步性;②顶体后段下包于精核的前端使精子头部小而灵巧,利于快速运动;③顶体的横隔使精子顶体的牢固性增强,确保受精时顶体反应的正常进行;④中段较多的线粒体使精子具有更强的环境适应性,有利于有效的受精。  相似文献   

运用解剖学和组织学方法对宽体金线蛭消化道的结构进行了组织学研究。结果表明,宽体金线蛭的嗉囊向两侧伸出11对侧盲囊,第6对侧盲囊狭长并延伸到直肠两侧;咽主要由黏膜层、肌层和外膜构成,外膜几乎不可见;食道、嗉囊、肠和直肠管壁由黏膜层、黏膜下层、肌层和浆膜构成;咽和直肠的上皮具纹状缘。除肠外,其他消化道的上皮细胞均无发达的纤毛,且黏膜上皮皆为单层柱状上皮;除肠和直肠外,腺体及导管较少;直肠的黏膜肌层为内环外纵两层,其他各部均为纵行肌一层;消化道各部黏膜下层较发达;外膜为浆膜,与黏膜下层分界不明显。  相似文献   

The histological characteristics of the digestive tract and the ultrastructure of mucosal cells of the stomach and intestine of rice field eel, Monopterus albus, are described to provide a basis for future studies on its digestive physiology. The digestive tract of the rice field eel is a long and coiled tube composed of four layers: mucosa, lamina propria‐submucosa, muscularis and serosa. The pharynx and oesophagus mucosa is lined with a stratified epithelium. The stomach includes the cardiac and pyloric portions and the fundus. Many gastric pits are formed by invaginations of the mucosal layer and tubular gastric glands formed by the columnar cells in the fundus. The intestine is separated from the stomach by a loop valve and divided into a proximal portion and a distal portion. The proximal intestinal epithelium consists of columnar cells with microvilli towards the lumen and goblet cells. The enterocytes are joined at the apical surface by the junctional complex, including the evident desmosomas. Numerous lysosomes and some vesicles are evident in the upper cytoplasm of the cells, and a moderate amount of endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes are scattered in the supranuclear cytoplasm. The epithelium becomes progressively thicker and the folds containing large numbers of goblet cells are fewer and shorter in the distal portion of the intestine. At the ultrastuctural level, the columnar cells of the tubular gastric glands have numerous clear vacuoles and channels. A moderate amount of pepsinogen granules are present in the stomach. The enterocytes of the intestinal mucosa display a moderate amount of endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes, and long and regular microvilli.  相似文献   

The digestive tract of Hoplosternum thoracatum consists of an esophagus, gastric area, anterior digestive intestine with elaborate folds, digestive intestine with decreasing folds and thin, smooth-surfaced respiratory intestine. The upper tract has a mucoid columnar lining which is gently folded, whereas the gastric area has numerous pits opening into the tubular secretory glands. Striated muscle comprises the anterior muscularis but is replaced by inner circular and outer longitudinal smooth muscle layers in the gastric region. The digestive intestinal mucosa is elaborately folded, consisting of columnar cells with prominent brush borders. Mucosa, submucosa, circular and longitudinal muscularis and serosa layers are present throughout the tract. Goblet cells occur in both the digestive and respiratory intestine. Major changes that appear in the respiratory intestine are a drastic reduction in mucosa epithelial thickness and the penetration of an elaborate capillary bed into the epithelium. The other basic layers are not significantly reduced in thickness. The air-blood barrier consists of the thin epithelium, basement lamina and very thin capillary endothelium. Regional cellular composition and ultrastructural features are correlated with respective digestive and respiratory functions.  相似文献   

香鱼消化道及肝脏的形态结构特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用解剖及石蜡切片显微技术观察了香鱼消化道及肝脏的组织学结构。香鱼消化道由口咽腔、食道、胃及肠构成。口咽腔大且狭长,其底壁前部有一对粘膜褶,两颌边缘着生宽扁梳状齿,腭骨及舌骨具齿,犁骨无齿;舌由基舌骨突出部分覆盖粘膜构成,舌粘膜上皮为复层扁平上皮,含有较多的杯状细胞和味蕾。食道、胃及肠均由粘膜层、粘膜下层、肌层及外膜构成。食道粘膜层上皮为复层扁平上皮,杯状细胞发达。胃呈V形,由贲门部、胃体部及幽门部组成,胃壁粘膜上皮为单层柱状上皮,贲门部与胃体部的固有层中有胃腺。肠较短,由前、中、后肠构成,肠壁粘膜上皮为单层柱状上皮,其游离面具微绒毛;上皮细胞间有杯状细胞。幽门盲囊有350~400条,其组织学结构与肠相同。肝脏单叶,外被浆膜;肝细胞形态不规则,肝小叶界限不明显。  相似文献   

研究了成年雌性黑麂(Muntiacus crinifrons)的肝、小肠和大肠的组织学结构及Ghrelin的分布。采用H.E染色法观察组织学结构,免疫组化PV-9000两步法并结合DAB显色技术确定Ghrelin的分布。结果表明,黑麂的肝组织分为被膜、肝小叶、肝中央静脉、门管区等结构。被膜为浆膜结构,肝小叶不明显。肝细胞以中央静脉为中心,呈放射状排列。肝血窦的形状不规则。肠黏膜上皮为单层柱状上皮,小肠、盲肠和结肠的黏膜肌层很薄,管壁皱襞与肠绒毛等形态在消化道各部也存在差异。免疫组化结果显示肝细胞中有Ghrelin阳性细胞的表达;在肠道,免疫阳性细胞在十二指肠、空肠、回肠、盲肠和直肠的黏膜、黏膜下层和肌层均有分布,尤其在肠绒毛上皮和黏膜下层分布较多。黑麂肝、小肠和大肠结构与哺乳动物基本相似,但无十二指肠腺;Ghrelin阳性细胞在肝、小肠和大肠均有分布,这表明Ghrelin可能对消化有一定的调节作用。  相似文献   

大鸨消化系统组织学观察   总被引:15,自引:4,他引:11  
应用常规石蜡切片,H.E.染色,对3只大鸨消化系统组织结构进行了观察。结果表明,大鸨食管复层扁平上皮有化不明显,粘液腺十分丰富。腺胃内有发达的复管状腺和单管状腺,密集排列在胃壁内。腺胃乳头内有发达的粘液腺,开口于乳头顶部,复管状腺的集合窦则开口于粘液腺底部。肌胃粘膜内密布单管状腺,无粘膜肌。小肠内环肌发达,粘膜下层不明显,十二指肠处绒毛最高,分支最复杂,无十二指肠腺。盲肠前部具发达的绒毛,而中后部不明显,直肠绒毛发达,杯状细胞增多,盲肠与直肠粘膜下层较发达。肝、胰小叶界限不清。  相似文献   

Suíçmez M  Ulus E 《Folia biologica》2005,53(1-2):95-100
The anatomy, histology and ultrastructure of the digestive tract of Orthrias angorae (Steindachner, 1897) were investigated using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The histological structure consists of four layers: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis and serosa. The esophageal mucosa consists of undifferentiated basal epithelial cells, mucous cells and surface epithelial cells. It was observed that the J-shaped stomach had a meshwork of folds in the cardiac region, and longitudinal folds in the fundic and pyloric regions. A single layer of columnar cells, PAS positive only in their apical portions, forms the epithelium. The convoluted tube-shape intestine is lined by simple columnar epithelial cells, which have microvilli at the apical surface. The wall of the esophagus and stomach are thicker than that of the intestine because of the thick muscle layer. There were numerous goblet cells in the intestine. There were numerous gastric glands in the submucosa layer ofthe cardiac stomach, but none were present in the pyloric region of the stomach. There were no pyloric caeca between the stomach and intestine. The enterocytes with microvilli contained rough endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomes and rounded bodies, and the gastric cells contained a well-developed Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

The histology of the digestive tract of the amberjack ( Seriola dumerili , Risso) was studied using light and scanning electron microscopy. The anterior oesophagus mucosa displays primary and secondary folds lined with a stratified squamous epithelium with fingerprint-like microridges which is substituted, on the top of the oesogaster folds, by a simple columnar epithelium with short microvilli. Only primary folds are present in the stomach. The anterior portion is rich in simple tubular glands, whereas the oesogaster and the pyloric region are devoid of them. Pyloric caeca and anterior and middle intestine mucosa display the same pattern of folding. The dominant cell type is the enterocyte, which exhibits larger and thinner microvilli in the caeca than in the intestine. The columnar epithelium of the rectum is replaced, in the anal sphincter, by a stratified flattened epithelium. Goblet cells are numerous throughout the whole length of the tract with the exception of the initial part of the oesophagus, the oesogaster, the stomach and the anal sphincter. Mucosubstances have been shown to vary in the different regions of the gut: acid mucines are found in the oesophagus, pyloric stomach, caeca, intestine and rectum, whereas neutral mucosubstances dominate in the anterior portion of the stomach. The muscularis is well developed throughout the length of the tract: two layers of striated muscle at the oesophageal level; two layers of smooth muscle in the stomach wall and three at the intestinal level.  相似文献   

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