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中国科学家研究发现,大气氮沉降通过诱导土壤酸化效应,引起富氮森林生态系统的植物多样性显著减少。过去一般认为,大气氮沉降将降低氮限制生态系统的生物多样性而对富氮生态系统的影响甚微,人们认为在氮限制的生态系统中,氮的增加更有利于喜氮植物的生长,使其在竞争中处于优势;而在富氮的生态系统中,氮的增加对植物生长的影响不大。新研究不仅填补了国际上热带和亚热带区域氮沉降对森林植物多样性影响研究的空白,同时表明了氮沉降可能威胁“富氮”森林的植物多样性。  相似文献   

森林土壤氮素转换及其对氮沉降的响应   总被引:45,自引:5,他引:40  
近几十年人类活动向大气中排放的含氮化合物激增 ,并引起大气氮沉降也成比例增加。目前 ,氮沉降的增加使一些森林生态系统结构和功能发生改变 ,甚至衰退。近 2 0 a欧洲和北美有关氮沉降及其对森林生态系统的影响方面的研究较多 ,而我国少有涉及。森林土壤氮素转换是森林生态系统氮素循环的一个重要的组成部分 ,而矿化、硝化和反硝化作用是其核心过程 ,氮沉降作为驱动因子势必改变森林土壤氮素转换速度、方向和通量。根据国外近 2 0 a有关研究 ,首先介绍了森林土壤氮素转换过程和强度 ,论述森林土壤氮素在生态系统氮素循环中的作用 ,然后在此基础上 ,介绍了氮沉降对森林土壤氮素循环的研究途径 ,探讨了氮沉降对森林土壤氮素矿化、硝化和反硝化作用的影响及其机理  相似文献   

陆地生态系统氮沉降增加的生态效应   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21       下载免费PDF全文
 人类活动在全球范围内极大地改变着氮素从大气向陆地生态系统输入的方式和速率,人为固定的氮素正在不断积累,并对生态系统的结构和功 能产生显著影响。该文从以下几个方面综述了大气氮沉降增加对陆地生态系统的影响:1)氮输入增加可能影响植物生产力和生态系统碳蓄积能 力,生态系统响应的方向和程度取决于系统的初始氮状况(氮限制或氮饱和)以及当地的植被和土壤特征;2)持续氮输入有可能改变土壤氮循环 过程,降低土壤固持氮的能力,甚至导致土壤酸化、盐基离子损耗,进而影响到土壤有机碳的分解;3)高的氮沉降速率和持续氮输入都可能加 速含氮痕量气体的释放,但其影响程度受生态系统初始状态的影响(例如磷限制和氮限制);4)氮沉降增加会影响生态系统的物种丰富度、植物 群落结构和动态,促进森林扩张,改变菌根真菌的物种多样性;5)持续氮输入带来的植物群落结构和植物生理特征的变化可能影响昆虫取食特 性,进而通过食物链改变生态系统的营养结构;6) 氮沉降增加对生态系统的影响并不是孤立存在的,它与CO2浓度升高和O3浓度变化有协同作 用,但难以从其协同效应中区分出各自的影响。最后,该文总结了我国的氮沉降研究现状,并对今后的研究前景提出了展望。  相似文献   

郑勇  贺纪正 《应用生态学报》2020,31(7):2464-2472
干旱和氮沉降深刻影响着人类世森林生态系统的生命活动与物质循环,进而影响全球碳平衡、并反馈作用于气候变化。土壤微生物驱动元素的生物地球化学循环和关键土壤生态过程,在气候变化生物学研究方面具有核心地位和全球重要性。本文综述了干旱和氮沉降对森林土壤细菌和菌根真菌的影响。提出未来应加强全球变化多因子交互作用对土壤微生物多样性、活性与生态功能的研究;建立野外长期定位站,强化亚热带森林生态系统与全球变化研究;注重土壤生物之间互作及网络研究;利用微生物大数据建立相关的机理模型等。从认识微生物多样性和群落组成对全球变化的响应与适应,逐步发展为调控利用微生物群落服务于森林的优化管理、生态资源的合理保护与可持续利用,为充分发挥微生物减缓全球气候变化的作用提供理论基础。  相似文献   

氮沉降对森林土壤磷循环的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
陈美领  陈浩  毛庆功  朱晓敏  莫江明 《生态学报》2016,36(16):4965-4976
磷是生物体必需的大量元素之一,也是许多生态系统的主要限制因子。近年来,大气氮沉降日益加剧,已对森林生态系统磷循环产生了不可忽视的影响。关于氮沉降对生态系统磷循环的影响已开展了一系列的研究,然而尚缺少对其整体的认识。因此,通过收集国内外已发表的相关文章,从以下五个方面综述氮沉降对森林生态系统土壤磷循环的影响及其机理:1)阐述了森林生态系统土壤磷循环的概念;2)介绍了氮沉降对森林土壤磷循环影响的研究方法,包括长期定位模拟氮沉降法、自然氮沉降梯度法和同位素示踪法等;3)概述了氮沉降对森林生态系统土壤磷循环的影响。目前的研究结论趋向于认为长期氮沉降使森林土壤磷循环速率加快。长期氮输入易于使土壤中可溶性磷向非活性磷酸盐库迁移而难以被利用。因此,为了满足需求,土壤磷酸酶活性将增加以加速有机磷的矿化,从而加速磷素在土壤-植物-微生物之间的周转。4)探讨了氮沉降影响森林土壤磷循环的机制。氮沉降可通过改变土壤有机质的性质、微生物群落组成、磷酸酶活性以及阳离子的流动性等途径影响森林土壤磷循环;5)指出了当前研究存在的问题及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

森林生态系统碳循环对全球氮沉降的响应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
森林土壤和植被储存着全球陆地生态系统大约46%的碳,在全球碳平衡中起着非常重要的作用。过去几十年来,森林生态系统的碳循环和碳吸存受到了全球氮沉降的深刻影响,因为氮沉降改变了陆地生态系统的生产力和生物量积累。以欧洲和北美温带森林区域开展的研究为基础,综述了氮沉降对植物光合作用、土壤呼吸、土壤DOM及林木生长的影响特征和机理,探讨了森林生态系统碳动态对氮沉降响应的不确定性因素。热带森林C、N循环与大部分温带森林不同,人为输入的氮对热带生态系统过程的影响也可能不同,因此指出了在热带地区开展碳氮循环耦合研究的必要性和紧迫性。  相似文献   

森林土壤呼吸对氮硫沉降的响应及机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在氮沉降和硫沉降增加的背景下,土壤氮素可利用性增加和土壤酸化是多数陆地生态系统正在经历的两个重要生态学过程。氮沉降和硫沉降的增加以及两者之间的耦合作用对土壤呼吸会产生扰动,进而很大程度上可能影响到森林生态系统的碳收支。本文综述了氮沉降和硫沉降对土壤呼吸的影响及机制,分析了氮沉降与硫沉降的耦合作用,指出了目前森林生态系统土壤呼吸对氮沉降和硫沉降响应研究的薄弱环节以及今后相关领域的重点研究方向。  相似文献   

氮沉降对森林生态系统碳吸存的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陈浩  莫江明  张炜  鲁显楷  黄娟 《生态学报》2012,32(21):6864-6879
工业化带来的大气氮沉降增加是影响森林生态系统碳吸存的重要因素。将森林碳库分为地上和地下两部分,从3个方面综述了国内外氮沉降对森林生态系统碳吸存影响的研究现状。(1)地上部分:氮限制的温带森林,氮沉降增加了地上部分碳吸存。氮丰富的热带森林,氮沉降对地上部分碳吸存没有影响。过量的氮输入会造成森林死亡率的上升,从而降低地上部分碳吸存。(2)地下部分:相比地上部分研究得少,表现为增加、降低和没有影响3种效果。(3)目前的结论趋向于认为氮沉降促进森林生态系统碳吸存,然而氮沉降所带来的森林生态系统碳吸存能力到底有多大依然无法确定,这也将成为未来氮碳循环研究的重点问题。分析了氮沉降影响森林生态系统碳吸存的机理,介绍了氮沉降对森林生态系统碳吸存影响的4种研究方法。探讨了该领域研究的不足及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

大气氮沉降量持续增加已经成为当前关注的热点.土壤细菌群落作为土壤环境中大量存在的微生物,在养分循环过程中发挥着不可忽视的作用.在福建三明森林生态系统与全球变化研究站陈大观测点,我们在野外模拟大气氮沉降试验,通过16S rDNA扩增子测序,研究中亚热带地区杉木幼林土壤细菌群落多样性和组成对氮沉降的响应.结果表明:短期施氮对研究区的土壤细菌群落多样性和组成并未产生显著影响,但高氮处理显著改变敏感菌群相对丰度,如富营养型类群丰度增加、贫营养型类群丰度降低.土壤细菌群落的营养策略发生变化,这可能是受到了养分有效性的驱动.因此,了解土壤细菌群落和养分分配格局对氮沉降的响应,有助于提高我们对未来环境的预测能力.  相似文献   

顾峰雪  黄玫  张远东  李洁  闫慧敏  郭瑞  钟秀丽 《生态学报》2016,36(17):5379-5390
由于人类活动的干扰,通过沉降和施肥形式进入陆地生态系统的氮素持续增加,中国已经成为继欧洲和北美之后的第三大氮沉降区,同时也是最大的化肥消费国。氮输入与陆地生态系统生物地球化学循环的一系列过程都相互联系,碳循环及其格局也受到氮输入的影响。土壤有机碳库在全球碳循环中具有重要作用,氮输入能否或在多大程度上对土壤碳库产生影响已经成为全球变化和氮沉降研究中不可回避的问题。东北地区是世界三大黑土带之一,土壤碳的变化不仅对于土壤肥力维持具有重要意义,而且对区域碳收支具有重要影响。利用生态系统过程模型——CEVSA2模型,基于我国能源消费、施氮数据和降水数据生成了一套中国大气氮沉降的时空网格数据,结合大气CO_2浓度、气候、土地覆被、土壤类型和质地的时空数据,模拟评估了1961-2010年氮输入对中国东北地区土壤碳蓄积的影响。结果表明:(1)1961-2010年东北地区的平均氮沉降速率为1.00gNm~(-2)a~(-1),年增长率为0.047 gN m~(-2)a~(-1)。东北农田总氮输入速率达到5.78 gN m~(-2)a~(-1),从20世纪80年代开始显著增加。(2)氮输入促进了东北地区土壤碳的蓄积,东北陆地生态系统的土壤碳密度平均增加了135 gC/m~2,50a氮输入共增加土壤碳蓄积0.16 PgC。(3)氮输入引起的东北地区土壤碳蓄积量的变化呈现出东高西低、南高北低的空间格局,辽河平原、松嫩平原和三江平原的土壤碳密度增加量超过了300 gC/m~2。(4)不同植被类型下的土壤碳密度对氮输入的响应存在较大差异,农田土壤碳密度平均增加了230 gC/m~2,森林、灌丛和草地则分别增加了76、169 gC/m~2和89 gC/m~2。氮输入的空间差异和不同植被类型对氮输入响应的差异共同决定了东北地区土壤碳增加量的空间格局。通过本研究阐明了氮输入对东北农田土壤碳蓄积的影响,从而为农田生态系统的固碳减排和农田土壤碳氮管理提供了决策依据。  相似文献   

Concurrent changes in climate, atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition, and increasing levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) affect ecosystems in complex ways. The DayCent-Chem model was used to investigate the combined effects of these human-caused drivers of change over the period 1980–2075 at seven forested montane and two alpine watersheds in the United States. Net ecosystem production (NEP) increased linearly with increasing N deposition for six out of seven forested watersheds; warming directly increased NEP at only two of these sites. Warming reduced soil organic carbon storage at all sites by increasing heterotrophic respiration. At most sites, warming together with high N deposition increased nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions enough to negate the greenhouse benefit of soil carbon sequestration alone, though there was a net greenhouse gas sink across nearly all sites mainly due to the effect of CO2 fertilization and associated sequestration by plants. Over the simulation period, an increase in atmospheric CO2 from 350 to 600 ppm was the main driver of change in net ecosystem greenhouse gas sequestration at all forested sites and one of two alpine sites, but an additional increase in CO2 from 600 to 760 ppm produced smaller effects. Warming either increased or decreased net greenhouse gas sequestration, depending on the site. The N contribution to net ecosystem greenhouse gas sequestration averaged across forest sites was only 5–7 % and was negligible for the alpine. Stream nitrate (NO3 ?) fluxes increased sharply with N-loading, primarily at three watersheds where initial N deposition values were high relative to terrestrial N uptake capacity. The simulated results displayed fewer synergistic responses to warming, N-loading, and CO2 fertilization than expected. Overall, simulations with DayCent-Chem suggest individual site characteristics and historical patterns of N deposition are important determinants of forest or alpine ecosystem responses to global change.  相似文献   

Rates of nitrogen (N) deposition have been historically high throughout much of the northeastern United States; thus, understanding the legacy of these high N loads is important for maintaining forest productivity and resilience. Though many studies have documented plant invasions due to N deposition and associated impacts on ecosystems, less is known about whether invasive plants will continue to increase in dominance with further shifting nutrient regimes. Using soil N and carbon additions, we examined the impact of both increasing and decreasing soil N on native and invasive understory plant dynamics over 4 years in a northeastern deciduous forest with a long history of N deposition. Despite applying large quantities of N, we found no difference in soil nitrate (NO3) or ammonium (NH4 +) pools in N addition plots over the course of the study. Indicative of the potential N saturation in these forest soils, resin-available NO3 ? and NH4 + showed evidence that the added N was rapidly moving out of the soil in N addition plots. Accordingly, we also found that adding N to soil altered neither invasive nor native plant abundance, though adding N temporally increased invasive plant richness. Carbon additions decreased soil N availability seasonally, but did not alter the total percent cover of invasive or native plants. Rather than being suppressed by excess N availability, native plant species in this ecosystem are primarily inhibited by the invasive species, which now dominate this site. In conclusion, understory plant communities in this potentially N-saturated ecosystem may be buffered to future alterations in N availability.  相似文献   

There has been a rapidly developing literature on the effects of some of the major drivers of global change on carbon (C) sequestration, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2) enrichment, land use change, nitrogen (N) deposition and climate change. However, remarkably little attention has been given to one major global change driver, namely biological invasions. This is despite growing evidence that invasive species can dramatically alter a range of aboveground and belowground ecosystem processes, including those that affect C sequestration. In this review, we assess the evidence for the impacts of biological invaders on forest C stocks and C sequestration by biological invaders. We first present case studies that highlight a range of invader impacts on C sequestration in forest ecosystems, and draw on examples that involve invasive primary producers, decomposers, herbivores, plant pathogens, mutualists and predators. We then develop a conceptual framework for assessing the effects of invasive species on C sequestration impacts more generally, by identifying the features of biological invaders and invaded ecosystems that are thought to most strongly regulate C in forests. Finally we assess the implications of managing invasive species on C sequestration. An important principle that emerges from this review is that the direct effects of invaders on forest C are often smaller and shorter‐term than their indirect effects caused by altered nutrient availability, primary productivity or species composition, all of which regulate long‐term C pools and fluxes. This review provides a conceptual basis for improving our general understanding of biological invaders on ecosystem C, but also points to a paucity of primary data that are needed to determine the quantitative effects of invaders on ecosystem processes that drive C sequestration.  相似文献   

Aim We investigated how ozone pollution and climate change/variability have interactively affected net primary productivity (NPP) and net carbon exchange (NCE) across China's forest ecosystem in the past half century. Location Continental China. Methods Using the dynamic land ecosystem model (DLEM) in conjunction with 10‐km‐resolution gridded historical data sets (tropospheric O3 concentrations, climate variability/change, and other environmental factors such as land‐cover/land‐use change (LCLUC), increasing CO2 and nitrogen deposition), we conducted nine simulation experiments to: (1) investigate the temporo‐spatial patterns of NPP and NCE in China's forest ecosystems from 1961–2005; and (2) quantify the effects of tropospheric O3 pollution alone or in combination with climate variability and other environmental stresses on forests' NPP and NCE. Results China's forests acted as a carbon sink during 1961–2005 as a result of the combined effects of O3, climate, CO2, nitrogen deposition and LCLUC. However, simulated results indicated that elevated O3 caused a 7.7% decrease in national carbon storage, with O3‐induced reductions in NCE (Pg C year?1) ranging from 0.4–43.1% among different forest types. Sensitivity experiments showed that climate change was the dominant factor in controlling changes in temporo‐spatial patterns of annual NPP. The combined negative effects of O3 pollution and climate change on NPP and NCE could be largely offset by the positive fertilization effects of nitrogen deposition and CO2. Main conclusions In the future, tropospheric O3 should be taken into account in order to fully understand the variations of carbon sequestration capacity of forests and assess the vulnerability of forest ecosystems to climate change and air pollution. Reducing air pollution in China is likely to increase the resilience of forests to climate change. This paper offers the first estimate of how prevention of air pollution can help to increase forest productivity and carbon sequestration in China's forested ecosystems.  相似文献   

森林生态系统具有吸收大气CO_2、缓解气候变化的作用。造林再造林作为京都议定书认可的大气CO_2减排途径,是提高森林固碳能力的低成本、有效策略。森林生态系统固碳能力还受森林采伐、气候变化、大气CO_2浓度升高、火灾以及虫害等自然因素和人为因素的强烈影响。综述了全球和区域造林再造林的固碳能力,以及目前较受重视的一些因素(森林采伐、气候变化、大气CO_2浓度升高、火灾以及虫害)对森林生态系统固碳能力的影响。结果表明,全球造林再造林固碳能力为148—2400TgC/a;采伐造成的全球森林碳损失最大为900 TgC/a,其次是火灾为300 TgC/a,虫害造成森林碳释放最小在2—107 TgC/a之间。建议在今后的研究中,应关注固碳措施和多种环境因素对森林生态系统固碳能力,尤其是对森林土壤固碳能力的影响,严格控制森林采伐和火灾发生,以及减少或避免造林再造林活动引起的碳泄漏。  相似文献   

海岛陆地生态系统固碳估算方法   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:3  
陆地生态系统在调节全球碳平衡和减缓全球气候变化中起着重要作用。海岛作为一种特殊的生态系统,生物群落和环境与大陆基本相似。虽然海岛生态结构相对简单,物种的丰富程度比大陆低,但对全球碳循环也有一定的影响。在海岛陆地生态系统中,森林和灌草的种属相对较少,且不同纬度的海岛森林植被种属差异明显,可采用典型样地清查和生物量模型估算相结合的方法估算乔木层和灌草层的碳储量。采用模型估算固碳潜力时,根据海岛生态环境的特殊性,综合考虑岛陆面积、季节、风向、坡度、坡向、海拔、平均温度、降雨量、土壤理化性质等参数对其碳储量估算的影响。海岛植被生物多样性影响其土壤碳储存的生态服务功能,利用多元统计分析方法,建立岛陆植物物种丰度与土壤碳储量的空间回归模型,明确植物多样性的改变对岛陆土壤固碳能力的影响。此外,从土壤固碳的角度而言,海岛土壤-植物-微生物间相互作用是其重要的研究方向。利用现代分子生物学技术,研究海岛陆地生态系统的土壤-植物-微生物相互作用关系,有利于海岛土壤固碳潜力估算精度的提高。  相似文献   

Ecosystem-level experiments on the effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment and N deposition on forest trees are urgently needed. Here we present data for nine model ecosystems of spruce (Picea abies) on natural nutrient-poor montane forest soil (0.7 m2 of ground and 350 kg weight). Each system was composed of six 7-year-old (at harvest) trees each representing a different genotype, and a herbaceous understory layer (three species). The model ecosystems were exposed to three different CO2 concentrations (280, 420, 560 μl l−1) and three different rates of wet N deposition (0, 30, 90 kg ha−1 year−1) in a simulated annual course of Swiss montane climate for 3 years. The total ecosystem biomass was not affected by CO2 concentration, but increased with increasing N deposition. However, biomass allocation to roots increased with increasing CO2 leading to significantly lower leaf mass ratios (LMRs) and leaf area ratios (LARs) in trees grown at elevated CO2. In contrast to CO2 enrichment, N deposition increased biomass allocation to the aboveground plant parts, and thus LMR and LAR were higher with increasing N deposition. We observed no CO2 ×  N interactions on growth, biomass production, or allocation, and there were also no genotype × treatment interactions. The final leaf area index (LAI) of the spruce canopies was 19% smaller at 420 and 27% smaller at 560 than that measured at 280 μl CO2 l−1, but was not significantly altered by increasing N deposition. Lower LAIs at elevated CO2 largely resulted from shorter branches (less needles per individual tree) and partially from increased needle litterfall. Independently of N deposition, total aboveground N content in the spruce communities declined with increasing CO2 (−18% at 420 and −31% at 560 compared to 280 μl CO2 l−1). N deposition had the opposite effect on total above ground N content (+18% at 30 and +52% at 90 compared to 0 kg N ha−1 year−1). Our results suggest that under competitive conditions on natural forest soil, atmospheric CO2 enrichment may not lead to higher ecosystem biomass production, but N deposition is likely to do so. The reduction in LAI under elevated CO2 suggests allometric down-regulation of photosynthetic carbon uptake at the canopy level. The strong decline in the tree nitrogen mass per unit ground area in response to elevated CO2 may indicate CO2-induced reductions of soil N availability. Received: 11 May 1997 / Accepted: 4 August 1997  相似文献   

The perturbation of the global nitrogen (N) cycle due to the increase in N deposition over the last 150 years will likely have important effects on carbon (C) cycling, particularly via impacts on forest C sequestration. To investigate this effect, and the relative importance of different mechanisms involved, we used the Generic Decomposition And Yield (G'DAY) forest C–N cycling model, introducing some new assumptions which focus on N deposition. Specifically, we (i) considered the effect of forest management, (ii) assumed that belowground C allocation was a function of net primary production, (iii) assumed that foliar litterfall and specific leaf area were functions of leaf N concentration, (iv) assumed that forest canopies can directly take up N, and (v) modified the model such that leaching occurred only for nitrate N. We applied the model with and without each of these modifications to estimate forest C sequestration for different N deposition levels. Our analysis showed that N deposition can have a large effect on forest C storage at ecosystem level. Assumptions (i), (ii) and (iv) were the most important, each giving rise to a markedly higher level of forest C sequestration than in their absence. On the contrary assumptions (iii) and (v) had a negligible effect on simulated net ecosystem production (NEP). With all five model modifications in place, we estimated that the C storage capacity of a generic European forest ecosystem was at most 121 kg C kg?1 N deposited. This estimate is four times higher than that obtained with the original version of G'DAY (27.8 kg C kg?1 N). Thus, depending on model assumptions, the G'DAY ecosystem model can reproduce the range of dC : dNdep values found in the literature. We conclude that effects of historic N deposition must be taken into account when estimating the C storage capacity of a forest ecosystem.  相似文献   

森林凋落物分解及其对全球气候变化的响应   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
杨万勤  邓仁菊  张健 《应用生态学报》2007,18(12):2889-2895
凋落物分解是重要的森林生态系统过程之一,受到气候、凋落物质量、土壤生物群落等生物和非生物因素的综合调控.迄今,有关不同森林生态系统和不同树种地上部分的凋落物动态、凋落物分解过程中的养分释放动态、生物和非生物因素对凋落物分解的影响等研究报道较多,但对地下凋落物的分解研究相对较少.近年来,森林凋落物分解对以大气CO2浓度增加和温度升高为主要特征的全球变化的响应逐步受到重视,但其研究结果仍具有很多不确定性.因此,未来凋落物生态研究的重点应是凋落物分解对土壤有机碳固定的贡献、地上/地下凋落物的物理、化学和生物学过程及其对各种生态因子(例如冻融、干湿交替)及交互作用的响应、凋落物特别是地下凋落物分解对全球气候变化的响应机制等方面.  相似文献   

Livestock grazing activities potentially alter ecosystem carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles in grassland ecosystems. Despite the fact that numerous individual studies and a few meta‐analyses had been conducted, how grazing, especially its intensity, affects belowground C and N cycling in grasslands remains unclear. In this study, we performed a comprehensive meta‐analysis of 115 published studies to examine the responses of 19 variables associated with belowground C and N cycling to livestock grazing in global grasslands. Our results showed that, on average, grazing significantly decreased belowground C and N pools in grassland ecosystems, with the largest decreases in microbial biomass C and N (21.62% and 24.40%, respectively). In contrast, belowground fluxes, including soil respiration, soil net N mineralization and soil N nitrification increased by 4.25%, 34.67% and 25.87%, respectively, in grazed grasslands compared to ungrazed ones. More importantly, grazing intensity significantly affected the magnitude (even direction) of changes in the majority of the assessed belowground C and N pools and fluxes, and C : N ratio as well as soil moisture. Specifically,light grazing contributed to soil C and N sequestration whereas moderate and heavy grazing significantly increased C and N losses. In addition, soil depth, livestock type and climatic conditions influenced the responses of selected variables to livestock grazing to some degree. Our findings highlight the importance of the effects of grazing intensity on belowground C and N cycling, which may need to be incorporated into regional and global models for predicting effects of human disturbance on global grasslands and assessing the climate‐biosphere feedbacks.  相似文献   

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