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通过对广州市花地湾花鸟鱼虫市场贸易龟鳖类进行为期3年27次调查,共记录了9科29属41种或亚种,包括鳖科(Trionychidae)2属2种,两爪鳖科(Carettochelyidae)1属1种,龟科(Emydidae)4属5种,淡水龟科(Geoemydidae)10属18种,侧颈龟科(Chelidae)3属3种,动胸龟科(Kinosternidae)2属3种,鳄龟科(Chelydridae)2属2种,陆龟科(Testudinidae)4属6种,海龟科(Cheloniidae)1属1种。其中,国内龟鳖类共13种,外来物种共28种。受保护种类30种,所占比例达73.17%,部分龟类来源为野外捕捉。大量实体商家转入互联网进行精确营销,尤其是针对高价值的濒危种类,未来将着重对该隐蔽领域进行深入调查。  相似文献   

本文记述了安徽古新世龟科的一新属(安徽龟属)、两新种(小市安徽龟、潜山安徽龟)以及该属的一个未定种。古新世是龟科迄今确知的最早地史记录,目前报导尚不多。就整个龟鳖类来看,古新世的材料也是比较少的。连同本文记述的,我国已知古新世龟鳖类的记录共有2科、3属、5种。  相似文献   

鳄龟科和平胸龟科线粒体控制区序列分析和结构比较   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
颜亮  张雁  汪宁  张莉  聂刘旺 《动物学研究》2008,29(2):127-133
本文参照龟类近缘种的线粒体DNA(mitochondrial DNA,mtDNA)控制区(control region,CR)及邻接序列,设计了二对特异引物,采用PCR和测序技术,获得了大鳄龟(Macroclemys temminckii)、小鳄龟(Chelydra serpentina)和平胸龟(Platysternon megacephalum)mtDNA CR区序列,其长度分别为1062bp、1124bp和1119bp;A T的含量分别为68.93%、69.34%和69.44%。序列分析显示,三种龟CR区3'末端均存在丰富的微卫星序列,其中大鳄龟和小鳄龟各有一段2bp的TA序列分别重复20和15次;小鳄龟另有一段5bp的TATAT序列重复13次;平胸龟则是一段10bp的AGTATGTTAT序列重复4次和一段17bp的GTTGTTATATAACATAT序列重复13次。本文还结合GenBank中已发表的其他6种龟鳖类动物的控制区序列,探讨了龟鳖类动物微卫星序列的类型及分布,结果表明:9种龟鳖类动物都存在丰富的微卫星序列,且微卫星所在位置及序列存在很大差异。  相似文献   

龟鳖类线粒体全基因组的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张莉  聂刘旺 《生命科学研究》2007,11(3):258-262,272
在基因组水平上,比较分析了已登录GenBank的19种龟鳖类线粒体全基因组的结构特征.结果表明:1)除平胸龟、扁陆龟外,其余17种龟鳖类线粒体基因组结构、基因排列顺序均与典型的脊椎动物相似,显示龟鳖类线粒体基因组在进化上十分保守:2)19种龟鳖类线粒体全基因组和各部分的碱基组成均表现出高AT、低G含量的偏向,在控制区中表现尤为明显:3)除中华鳖和白腹摄龟外,其余种类的某些蛋白编码基因中都存在一个或多个额外插入的核苷酸:4)除侧颈龟亚目的非洲侧颈龟外,其余18种曲颈龟线粒体DNA的“WANCY”区中都存在轻链复制起始点(OL),且它们的二级结构、核苷酸组成高度保守,推测该结构可能是曲颈龟亚目的一个共同特征:5)部分龟鳖类线粒体基因组控制区3’端存在大片段(200~450bp)的重复序列,某些龟鳖类中有由(AT)构成的微卫星序列,并且这些拷贝序列在种间表现出一定的差异,其可作为特异的分子标记,对于龟鳖类动物系统学的研究、亲缘关系的鉴定、物种多样性的保护和研究等方面具有重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

龟鳖类锥虫两新种(动体目:锥体科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
龟鳖类锥虫的研究,国内外均比较少。本文记述了在中华鳖和乌龟血液中发现的两新种,鳖锥虫和龟锥虫。这是国内首次对龟鳖类锥虫研究的报道。  相似文献   

1977年冬,我所董技明同志在四川进行脊椎动物化石调查时,于资中县铁佛公社狮子山采集到了几块龟类甲片。化石产自自流井群马鞍山段。关于自流井群的时代,目前尚有不同见解,但有两种意见比较集中:一认为是早侏罗世;另一认为是中侏罗世。自从否定了南非二迭纪的“正南龟”是龟鳖类以后,欧洲晚三迭世(?中三迭世)的原颚龟(或叫三迭龟)便成为龟鳖类的最早化石记录了。往后,在早、中侏罗世,材料非常贫乏,已知的只有欧洲少数1—2个属为代表,并有的尚有怀疑。而到了  相似文献   

为了掌握近年来广州市场龟鳖贸易状况及变化趋势,本研究对中国龟鳖贸易需求大、非法贸易严重的广州地区进行了10年的市场调研,结合2010至2019年广州地区查处龟鳖非法贸易案件的物证鉴定信息进行了统计分析。结果显示,2010年8月至2011年7月的专项调查记录到市场出售的龟鳖74种,其中,野生龟鳖41种,野生龟鳖个体市场占比2.01%,养殖龟鳖33种,个体市场占比97.99%,非法贸易龟鳖40种,个体市场占比3.74%;专项调查之后的8年内的不定期抽查记录到市场出售的龟鳖45种,其中,野生龟鳖18种,野生龟鳖个体市场占比1.13%,养殖龟鳖27种,个体市场占比98.87%,非法贸易龟鳖21种,个体市场占比2.29%;10年的物证鉴定案件信息统计显示,广州市场非法贸易龟鳖19种,共638只个体,其中17种龟鳖在市场调查有记录,包括养殖龟鳖7种,野生龟鳖12种,野生个体339只,占个体总数53.13%。自2010年以来,广州市场龟鳖贸易的种类及规模均呈下降趋势,龟鳖种类减少明显;宠物市场记录数据分析,养殖来源的龟鳖种类及数量市场占比上升,非法贸易龟鳖种类及数量市场占比下降,野生龟鳖种类及数量市...  相似文献   

海南省海口地区龟类市场贸易调查   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
2002~2004年,对海口地区龟类市场贸易进行了调查。在21个贸易市场共发现龟类23种2572只,其中淡水龟科17种,鳖科4种,陆龟科1种,鳄龟科1种;国外龟类12种,占种数的52%,中国和国外共有龟类11种,占种数的48%;在海南岛分布的龟类有7种,占种数的30%;在23种龟中,10种为濒危物种,1种为易危物种,11种为CITES(2003)附录Ⅱ物种。调查表明,市场上的国外龟类在种类和数量上占绝对优势,一些国家保护龟类也出现在贸易市场上。本文对海口地区龟类市场贸易现状进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

吴平  周开亚  杨群 《动物学报》1999,45(3):260-267
对亚洲产淡水和陆生龟鳖4科23个种进行了DNA序列水平的分子系统学研究,用PCR技术扩增约400bp的线粒体12SrRNA基因片段进行了序列分析,合并从GenBank中检索到的其它龟鳖类的序列数据,在基于二级结构的对位排列基因上用邻结法地系统发生研究。结果表明,潮龟科与陆龟简拼要缘关系比龟科与陆龟科的近;支持将平胸龟属归为鳄龟上属;潮产是并系起源,从12SrRNA基因序列得到的系统发生关系不支持根  相似文献   

Many invasive ant species form mutualisms with honeydew-producing Hemiptera and their aggressive presence deters the natural enemies of the Hemiptera. Invasive ant species like the Argentine ant have often been associated with hemipteran outbreaks in urban, agricultural and natural ecosystems. We investigated the effects of a mutualism between the invasive Argentine ant and the endemic terrapin scale on coccid density and the fitness of the host of this mutualism, the endemic red maple, situated in a commercial park. The terrapin scale has numerous natural enemies and we predicted that the high terrapin scale numbers associated with tending Argentine ants would collapse once Argentine ants were excluded from the host tree canopy. We predicted that excluding the Argentine ant from the tree canopy would result in an indirect net fitness benefit to the host. Terrapin scale numbers collapsed when Argentine ants were excluded from the host tree canopy. Red maples with Argentine ants excluded from their canopy had higher seed mass and larger early leaves indicating that this invasive ant-endemic scale mutualism imposed a net fitness cost to the host tree. The Argentine ant has yet to invade closed-canopy forest within its introduced range. The red maple is common in adjacent closed-canopy forest fragments and recent work has shown that invasion of these forest fragments by the Argentine ant is limited by a steady carbohydrate resource. We discuss the implications to forest invasion posed by a mutualism involving the Argentine ant and an endemic coccid.  相似文献   

Human activities, including the harvesting of natural resources and land development, place substantial pressure on wildlife. The diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) is a small, estuarine species of emydid turtle in decline and at risk due to a suite of human activities. Vehicle-induced mortality from increasing coastal traffic and bycatch mortality in crab pots have been recognized as 2 of the primary conservation concerns for terrapins. We used mark-recapture estimates of terrapin density and sex ratio from repeated seining samples of 29 randomly stratified selected tidal creeks to evaluate the current relationships between road and crabbing pressures and the abundance, sex ratio, and size distribution of terrapin populations along the Georgia coast. We obtained 2005 captures of 1,547 individual terrapins among 29 tidal creeks sampled. Population density estimates ranged from 0 to 1,040 terrapins/km among tidal creeks with a median density of 65 terrapins/km. Among all sites, terrapin density declined with increasing crabbing activity within the creek, but was not related to proximity to roads. Sex ratios did not vary significantly with crabbing activity or proximity to roads; however, we found a significantly larger proportion of smaller-sized terrapins in creeks with no crabbing activity. Although roads may have significant localized effects on terrapin populations, we found no measurable association between proximity to roads and current variation in terrapin density along the Georgia coast. However, we did find that terrapin density and the proportion of smaller sized individuals within the population were negatively associated with crabbing activities. Bycatch from commercial and recreational activities threaten many species. We add to a growing body of research showing crabbing activities are affecting diamondback terrapin populations across much of the species' range. States committed to the conservation of terrapins and coastal species should focus on reducing bycatch risk; for example by regulating soak times and locations, requiring the use of bycatch reduction devices, and removing abandoned or lost crab pots from coastal habitats. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

In a very dry year, when aquatic habitats were scarce, we observed exceptionally massive corixid oviposition on terrapin shells in Doñana National Park, southwestern Spain. Most terrapins inhabiting a large pond devoid of aquatic vegetation exhibited a dense cover of corixid eggs, whilst terrapins from vegetated ponds had no egg cover. Corixid oviposition had also been observed on terrapin shells in previous periods of severe drought. Considering that terrapins frequently alternate between aquatic and terrestrial environments, we experimentally assessed the viability of corixid eggs in varying degrees of dry-exposure. A significant proportion of corixid eggs did not hatch when they were occasionally dried under sun exposure, but egg mortality was lower when they were dried in the shade. The massive oviposition on terrapin shells was probably a consequence of the limited availability of adequate oviposition sites, and it might increase the odds of egg survival when terrapins migrate to other ponds.  相似文献   

为提高作为家庭观赏动物金钱龟的养殖效果,进行了鲜活饲料、水龟配合饲料及二者混合饲料养殖效果的比较研究.经过320 d实验,利用粗蛋白含量35.2%的水龟配合饲料喂养,饲料成本最低,效率显著高于鲜活饲料组和混合饲料组(P<0.05),但体重增长率显著低于其他两组(P<0.05);从养殖成本、饲料转化率及日常管理考虑,配合饲料优于鲜活饲料.  相似文献   

Nesting ecology and population studies indicate that diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) exhibit nest site fidelity and high habitat fidelity. However, genetic studies indicate high levels of gene flow. Because dispersal affects the genetics and population dynamics of a species, we used six highly polymorphic microsatellite markers to investigate sex-biased dispersal and natal philopatry of M. terrapin in Barnegat Bay, NJ. We compared results of spatial autocorrelation analysis, assignment methods and Wright's F(ST) estimators to a mark-recapture analysis. Mark-recapture analysis over a 4-year period indicated that most individuals have relatively small home ranges (<2 km), with mature females displaying greater home ranges than males. Goodness of fit analysis of our mark-recapture study indicated that some juvenile males were likely transient individuals moving through our study location. Mean assignment indices and first-generation migrant tests indicated that mature males were more prone to disperse than mature females, but first-generation migrant tests indicated that per capita there are more female than male dispersers. Thus, the relative importance of males and females on gene flow in terrapin populations may change in relation to population sex ratios. Spatial autocorrelation analysis indicated that mature females exhibited natal philopatry to nesting beaches, but first-generation migrant tests indicated that a small number of females failed to nest on natal beaches. Finally, we discuss the important conservation implications of male-biased dispersal and natal philopatry in the diamondback terrapin.  相似文献   

The formation of estrogens from androgens in all vertebrates is catalyzed by the "aromatase" complex, which consists of a membrane bound P(450) enzyme, P(450) aromatase (which binds the androgen substrate and inserts an oxygen into the molecule), and a flavoprotein (NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase). Among vertebrates, the two major sites of aromatase expression are the brain and gonads. Given the importance of estrogen in reptile sex determination, we set out to examine whether P450arom was involved in the initiation and/or stabilization of sex determination in turtles. We examined the expression of aromatase activity in the brain and gonads of two turtle species exhibiting temperature dependent sex determination (TSD), the diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin), and the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina). Estradiol when applied at stage 14 of the terrapin induces expression of aromatase in the gonad of embryos incubated at male temperatures (26.5 degrees C). The level of expression is similar to that of a normal embryonic ovary. When applied at stage 22, estradiol does not induce aromatase expression in the terrapin. The xenoestrogen, nonylphenol, sex reverses terrapin embryos at 26.5 degrees C. Letrazole, a nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor, suppresses aromatase activity in the brain at either incubation temperature. Ovotestes are produced by letrazole administration in the terrapin when incubated at 30.5 degrees C. In the snapping turtle at stage 23, gonadal and brain aromatase activity in embryos incubated at female temperatures (30.5 degrees C) is nearly half that exhibited in terrapin embryos at the same temperature. Moreover, letrazole administration suppresses aromatase expression to nearly basal levels. At male incubation temperatures (26.5 degrees ), brain aromatase expression is nearly three times higher than at female temperatures, while gonadal expression levels are nearly one third lower. However, the gonadal expression levels at male temperatures in the snapping turtle are nearly 25 times higher than that found in the terrapin. Estradiol administration elevates this level nearly three fold. These data suggest that is not merely the expression of aromatase that is important for ovarian development, but that the level of expression may be more important.  相似文献   

High concentrations of sulfolipids (four fractions having different hexose/sulfate ratio), intense enzyme activity (ATPase, oxoreductases) and evidence of mucines (staining with PAS and Alcian blue) in intercellular spaces were found in the lachrymal glands of Caretta caretta and Malaclemys terrapin adapted to sea water. In addition, the supranuclear region of the gland cells in Malaclemys terrapin is filled with mucin granules. These biochemical and histochemical observations indicate that these glands have a function in salt secretion in both species and are also consistent with a function of mucous secretion exclusively in Malaclemys terrapin. Limited signs of hypotrophy are not accompanied by changes in concentrations of sulfolipids in Malaclemys terrapin adapted to fresh water; only the reactions for enzyme activities are less intense. The mucous secretion is not affected, whereas, in correlation with changes in salt secretion, the change in ATPase activity is mot conspicuous. The correlations between the different components of the gland and salt secretion are compared with salt glands of birds and elasmobranchs.  相似文献   

Chronic by-catch of diamondback terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) in blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) pots is a concern for terrapin conservation along the United States Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico coasts. Despite the availability of by-catch reduction devices (BRDs) for crab pots, adoption of BRDs has not been mandated and by-catch of terrapins continues. We conducted experimental fishing studies in North Carolina's year-round blue crab fishery from 2000 to 2004 to evaluate the ability of various BRDs to reduce terrapin by-catch without a concomitant reduction in the catch of blue crabs. In 4,822 crab pot days fished, we recorded only 21 terrapin captures. Estimated capture rates were 0.003 terrapins/pot per day in hard crab experimental fishing and 0.008 terrapins/pot per day in peeler experimental fishing. All terrapin captures occurred from April to mid-May within 321.4 m of the shoreline. Longer soak times produced more dead terrapins, with 4 live and 4 dead during hard crab experimental fishing and 11 live and 2 dead during peeler experimental fishing. The 4.0-cm BRDs in fall and 4.5-cm and 5.0-cm BRDs in spring reduced the catch of legal-sized male hard crabs by 26.6%, 21.2%, and 5.7%, respectively. Only the 5.0-cm BRDs did not significantly affect the catch of legal-sized hard male crabs. However, BRDs had no measurable effect on catch of target crabs in the peeler crab fishery. Our results identify 3 complementary and economically feasible tools for blue crab fishery managers to exclude terrapins from commercially fished crab pots in North Carolina: 1) gear modifications (e.g., BRDs); 2) distance-to-shore restrictions; and 3) time-of-year regulations. These measures combined could provide a reduction in terrapin by-catch of up to 95% without a significant reduction in target crab catch. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Measuring the thermal conditions of aquatic reptiles with temperature dataloggers is a cost-effective way to study their behavior and habitat use. Temperature dataloggers are a particularly useful and informative approach to studying organisms such as the estuarine diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) that inhabits a dynamic environment often inaccessible to researchers. We used carapace-mounted dataloggers to measure hourly carapace temperature (Tc) of free-ranging terrapins in South Carolina from October 2007 to 2008 to examine the effects of month, sex, creek site, and tide on Tc and to determine the effects of month, sex, and time of day on terrapin basking frequency. Simultaneous measurements of environmental temperatures (Te; shallow mud, deep mud, water) allowed us to make inferences about terrapin microhabitat use. Terrapin Tc differed significantly among months and creek and between sexes. Terrapin microhabitat use also varied monthly, with shallow mud temperature being the best predictor of Tc November–March and water temperature being the best predictor of Tc April–October. Terrapins basked most frequently in spring and fall and males basked more frequently than females. Our study contributes to a fuller understanding of terrapin thermal biology and provides support for using dataloggers to investigate behavior and habitat use of aquatic ectotherms inhabiting dynamic environments.  相似文献   

The diamondback terrapin (Malaclemys terrapin) is a charismatic and long-lived species of the United States eastern coast, and the only North American turtle that exclusively inhabits coastal brackish waters. Many terrapin populations are declining, and these declines have been largely linked to human activities; however, few studies have documented human and natural factors affecting terrapin population demography. Jamaica Bay, an urban estuary located in southern New York City, USA, is home to 2 nesting aggregations of terrapins, located at Ruler's Bar Hassock (RBH) and John F. Kennedy Airport (JFK). We analyzed mark-recapture data for RBH from 2003–2018 and JFK from 2011–2018 to estimate annual survivorship of female diamondback terrapins and test the effects of 3 factors (a hurricane, water quality represented by nitrogen concentration, and injuries) on survival. The initial estimated annual survival was high (0.93) at RBH but declined to 0.89, while survival remained constant at JFK (0.92). Models examining the effect of Hurricane Sandy (2012) indicated a significant decline in survival in the 2 years following the hurricane in the RBH nesting aggregation but no change at JFK. Water quality did not influence trends in either aggregation, but the presence of major injuries (caused by boat collisions, predators, and the hurricane) significantly reduced annual survival at RBH. We propose increasing terrapin survivorship through mitigation of boat traffic, reducing populations of northern raccoons (Procyon lotor) to reduce injury to female terrapins and decrease egg and hatchling mortality, and increased law enforcement to reduce on-going poaching and capture as illegal by-catch.  相似文献   

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