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Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and Angelman syndrome (AS) are neurobehavioral disorders resulting from deficiency of imprinted gene expression from paternal or maternal chromosome 15q11-15q13, respectively. In humans, expression of the imprinted genes is under control of a bipartite cis-acting imprinting center (IC). Families with deletions causing PWS imprinting defects localize the PWS-IC to 4.3 kb overlapping with SNRPN exon 1. Families with deletions causing AS imprinting defects localize the AS-IC to 880 bp 35 kb upstream of the PWS-IC. We report two mouse mutations resulting in defects similar to that seen in AS patients with deletion of the AS-IC. An insertion/duplication mutation 13 kb upstream of Snrpn exon 1 resulted in lack of methylation at the maternal Snrpn promoter, activation of maternally repressed genes, and decreased expression of paternally repressed genes. The acquisition of a paternal epigenotype on the maternal chromosome in the mutant mice was demonstrated by the ability to rescue the lethality and growth retardation in a mouse model of a PWS imprinting defect. A second mutation, an 80-kb deletion extending upstream of the first mutation, caused a similar imprinting defect with variable penetrance. These results suggest that there is a mouse functional equivalent to the human AS-IC.  相似文献   

The relationship between DNA methylation and histone acetylation at the imprinted mouse genes U2af1-rs1 and Snrpn is explored by chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and resolution of parental alleles using single-strand conformational polymorphisms. The U2af1-rs1 gene lies within a differentially methylated region (DMR), while Snrpn has a 5' DMR (DMR1) with sequences homologous to the imprinting control center of the Prader-Willi/Angelman region. For both DMR1 of Snrpn and the 5' untranslated region (5'-UTR) and 3'-UTR of U2af1-rs1, the methylated and nonexpressed maternal allele was underacetylated, relative to the paternal allele, at all H3 lysines tested (K14, K9, and K18). For H4, underacetylation of the maternal allele was exclusively (U2af1-rs1) or predominantly (Snrpn) at lysine 5. Essentially the same patterns of differential acetylation were found in embryonic stem (ES) cells, embryo fibroblasts, and adult liver from F1 mice and in ES cells from mice that were dipaternal or dimaternal for U2af1-rs1. In contrast, in a region within Snrpn that has biallelic methylation in the cells and tissues analyzed, the paternal (expressed) allele showed relatively increased acetylation of H4 but not of H3. The methyl-CpG-binding-domain (MBD) protein MeCP2 was found, by ChIP, to be associated exclusively with the maternal U2af1-rs1 allele. To ask whether DNA methylation is associated with histone deacetylation, we produced mice with transgene-induced methylation at the paternal allele of U2af1-rs1. In these mice, H3 was underacetylated across both the parental U2af1-rs1 alleles whereas H4 acetylation was unaltered. Collectively, these data are consistent with the hypothesis that CpG methylation leads to deacetylation of histone H3, but not H4, through a process that involves selective binding of MBD proteins.  相似文献   

Whereas DNA methylation is essential for genomic imprinting, the importance of histone methylation in the allelic expression of imprinted genes is unclear. Imprinting control regions (ICRs), however, are marked by histone H3-K9 methylation on their DNA-methylated allele. In the placenta, the paternal silencing along the Kcnq1 domain on distal chromosome 7 also correlates with the presence of H3-K9 methylation, but imprinted repression at these genes is maintained independently of DNA methylation. To explore which histone methyltransferase (HMT) could mediate the allelic H3-K9 methylation on distal chromosome 7, and at ICRs, we generated mouse conceptuses deficient for the SET domain protein G9a. We found that in the embryo and placenta, the differential DNA methylation at ICRs and imprinted genes is maintained in the absence of G9a. Accordingly, in embryos, imprinted gene expression was unchanged at the domains analyzed, in spite of a global loss of H3-K9 dimethylation (H3K9me2). In contrast, the placenta-specific imprinting of genes on distal chromosome 7 is impaired in the absence of G9a, and this correlates with reduced levels of H3K9me2 and H3K9me3. These findings provide the first evidence for the involvement of an HMT and suggest that histone methylation contributes to imprinted gene repression in the trophoblast.  相似文献   

Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) was used to analyze DNA methylation patterns across the mouse brain genome in mice carrying a deletion of the Prader-Willi syndrome imprinting center (PWS-IC) on either the maternally- or paternally-inherited chromosome. Within the ∼3.7 Mb imprinted Angelman/Prader-Willi syndrome (AS/PWS) domain, 254 CpG sites were interrogated for changes in methylation due to PWS-IC deletion. Paternally-inherited deletion of the PWS-IC increased methylation levels ∼2-fold at each CpG site (compared to wild-type controls) at differentially methylated regions (DMRs) associated with 5′ CpG island promoters of paternally-expressed genes; these methylation changes extended, to a variable degree, into the adjacent CpG island shores. Maternal PWS-IC deletion yielded little or no changes in methylation at these DMRs, and methylation of CpG sites outside of promoter DMRs also was unchanged upon maternal or paternal PWS-IC deletion. Using stringent ascertainment criteria, ∼750,000 additional CpG sites were also interrogated across the entire mouse genome. This analysis identified 26 loci outside of the imprinted AS/PWS domain showing altered DNA methylation levels of ≥25% upon PWS-IC deletion. Curiously, altered methylation at 9 of these loci was a consequence of maternal PWS-IC deletion (maternal PWS-IC deletion by itself is not known to be associated with a phenotype in either humans or mice), and 10 of these loci exhibited the same changes in methylation irrespective of the parental origin of the PWS-IC deletion. These results suggest that the PWS-IC may affect DNA methylation at these loci by directly interacting with them, or may affect methylation at these loci through indirect downstream effects due to PWS-IC deletion. They further suggest the PWS-IC may have a previously uncharacterized function outside of the imprinted AS/PWS domain.  相似文献   

Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) was used to analyze DNA methylation patterns across the mouse brain genome in mice carrying a deletion of the Prader-Willi syndrome imprinting center (PWS-IC) on either the maternally- or paternally-inherited chromosome. Within the ~3.7 Mb imprinted Angelman/Prader-Willi syndrome (AS/PWS) domain, 254 CpG sites were interrogated for changes in methylation due to PWS-IC deletion. Paternally-inherited deletion of the PWS-IC increased methylation levels ~2-fold at each CpG site (compared to wild-type controls) at differentially methylated regions (DMRs) associated with 5′ CpG island promoters of paternally-expressed genes; these methylation changes extended, to a variable degree, into the adjacent CpG island shores. Maternal PWS-IC deletion yielded little or no changes in methylation at these DMRs, and methylation of CpG sites outside of promoter DMRs also was unchanged upon maternal or paternal PWS-IC deletion. Using stringent ascertainment criteria, ~750,000 additional CpG sites were also interrogated across the entire mouse genome. This analysis identified 26 loci outside of the imprinted AS/PWS domain showing altered DNA methylation levels of ≥25% upon PWS-IC deletion. Curiously, altered methylation at 9 of these loci was a consequence of maternal PWS-IC deletion (maternal PWS-IC deletion by itself is not known to be associated with a phenotype in either humans or mice), and 10 of these loci exhibited the same changes in methylation irrespective of the parental origin of the PWS-IC deletion. These results suggest that the PWS-IC may affect DNA methylation at these loci by directly interacting with them, or may affect methylation at these loci through indirect downstream effects due to PWS-IC deletion. They further suggest the PWS-IC may have a previously uncharacterized function outside of the imprinted AS/PWS domain.  相似文献   

The Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS)/Angelman syndrome (AS) region, on human chromosome 15q11-q13, exemplifies coordinate control of imprinted gene expression over a large chromosomal domain. Establishment of the paternal state of the region requires the PWS imprinting center (PWS-IC); establishment of the maternal state requires the AS-IC. Cytosine methylation of the PWS-IC, which occurs during oogenesis in mice, occurs only after fertilization in humans, so this modification cannot be the gametic imprint for the PWS/AS region in humans. Here, we demonstrate that the PWS-IC shows parent-specific complementary patterns of H3 lysine 9 (Lys9) and H3 lysine 4 (Lys4) methylation. H3 Lys9 is methylated on the maternal copy of the PWS-IC, and H3 Lys4 is methylated on the paternal copy. We suggest that H3 Lys9 methylation is a candidate maternal gametic imprint for this region, and we show how changes in chromatin packaging during the life cycle of mammals provide a means of erasing such an imprint in the male germline.  相似文献   

The underlying mechanism for the establishment and maintenance of differential DNA methylation in imprinted genes is largely unknown. Previous studies using Dnmt1 knock-out embryonic stem (ES) cells demonstrated that, although re-expression of DNMT1 restored DNA methylation in the non-imprinted regions, the methylation patterns of imprinted genes could be restored only through germ line passage. Knock-out of Uhrf1, an accessory factor essential for DNMT1-mediated DNA methylation, in mouse ES cells also led to impaired global DNA methylation and loss of genomic imprinting. Here, we demonstrate that, although re-expression of UHRF1 in Uhrf1−/− ES cells restored DNA methylation for the bulk genome but not for most of the imprinted genes, it did rescue DNA methylation for the imprinted H19, Nnat, and Dlk1 genes. Analysis of histone modifications at the differential methylated regions of the imprinted genes by ChIP assays revealed that for the imprinted genes whose DNA methylation could be restored upon re-expression of UHRF1, the active histone markers (especially H3K4me3) were maintained at considerably low levels, and low levels were maintained even in Uhrf1−/− ES cells. In contrast, for the imprinted genes whose DNA methylation could not be restored upon UHRF1 re-expression, the active histone markers (especially H3K4me3) were relatively high and became even higher in Uhrf1−/− ES cells. Our study thus supports a role for histone modifications in determining the establishment of imprinting-related DNA methylation and demonstrates that mouse ES cells can be a valuable model for mechanistic study of the establishment and maintenance of differential DNA methylation in imprinted genes.  相似文献   

To clarify the chromatin-based imprinting mechanism of the p57(KIP2)/LIT1 subdomain at chromosome 11p15.5 and the mouse ortholog at chromosome 7F5, we investigated the histone-modification status at a differentially CpG methylated region of Lit1/LIT1 (DMR-Lit1/LIT1), which is an imprinting control region for the subdomain and is demethylated in half of patients with Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome (BWS). Chromatin-immunoprecipitation assays revealed that, in both species, DMR-Lit1/LIT1 with the CpG-methylated, maternally derived inactive allele showed histone H3 Lys9 methylation, whereas the CpG-unmethylated, paternally active allele was acetylated on histone H3/H4 and methylated on H3 Lys4. We have also investigated the relationship between CpG methylation and histone H3 Lys9 methylation at DMR-LIT1 in patients with BWS. In a normal individual and in patients with BWS with normal DMR-LIT1 methylation, histone H3 Lys9 methylation was detected on the maternal allele; however, it disappeared completely in the patients with the DMR-LIT1 imprinting defect. These findings suggest that the histone-modification status at DMR-Lit1/LIT1 plays an important role in imprinting control within the subdomain and that loss of histone H3 Lys9 methylation, together with CpG demethylation on the maternal allele, may lead to the BWS phenotype.  相似文献   

The H19 gene is imprinted with preferential expression from the maternal allele. The putative imprinting control region for this locus is hypermethylated on the repressed paternal allele. Although maternal-specific expression of H19 is observed in mouse blastocysts that develop in vivo, biallelic expression has been documented in embryos and embryonic stem cells experimentally manipulated by in vitro culture conditions. In this study the effect of culture on imprinted H19 expression and methylation was determined. After culture of 2-cell embryos to the blastocyst stage in Whitten's medium, the normally silent paternal H19 allele was aberrantly expressed, whereas little paternal expression was observed following culture in KSOM containing amino acids (KSOM+AA). Analysis of the methylation status of a CpG dinucleotide located in the upstream imprinting control region revealed a loss in methylation in embryos cultured in Whitten's medium but not in embryos cultured in KSOM+AA. Thus, H19 expression and methylation were adversely affected by culture in Whitten's medium, while the response of H19 to culture in KSOM+AA approximated more closely the in vivo situation. It is unlikely that biallelic expression of H19 following culture in Whitten's medium is a generalized effect of lower methylation levels, since the amount of DNA methyltransferase activity and the spatial distribution of Dnmt1 protein were similar in in vivo-derived and cultured embryos. Moreover, imprinted expression of Snrpn was maintained following culture in either medium, indicating that not all imprinted genes are under the same stringent imprinting controls. The finding that culture conditions can dramatically, but selectively, affect the expression of imprinted genes provides a model system for further study of the linkage between DNA methylation and gene expression.  相似文献   

We have used Dnmtc/c ES cells that are homozygous for disruption of the DNA methyltransferase gene to address how de novo methylation is propagated and whether it is directed to specific sites in the early embryo. We examined the imprinted H19 gene and the specific-sequence region implicated as an “imprinting mark” to determine whether de novo methylation was occurring at a restricted set of sites. Since the “imprinting mark” was found to be methylated differentially at all stages of development, we reasoned that the sequence may still be a target for the de novo methylation activity found in the Dnmtc/c cells, even though the loss of maintenance methylase activity renders the H19 promoter active. We used bisulfite genomic sequencing to determine the methylation state of the imprinted region of the H19 gene and found a low level of DNA methylation at specific single CpG sites in the upstream region of the imprinted H19 sequence in the Dnmtc/c mutant ES cells. Moreover, these CpG sites appeared to be favoured targets for further de novo methylation of neighbouring CpG sites in rescued ES cells, which possess apparently normal maintenance activity. Our data provide further evidence for a separate methylating activity in ES cells and indicate that this activity displays sequence specificity. Dev. Genet. 22:111–121, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Wu MY  Jiang M  Zhai X  Beaudet AL  Wu RC 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e34348
Genomic imprinting is a phenomenon that some genes are expressed differentially according to the parent of origin. Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) and Angelman syndrome (AS) are neurobehavioral disorders caused by deficiency of imprinted gene expression from paternal and maternal chromosome 15q11-q13, respectively. Imprinted genes at the PWS/AS domain are regulated through a bipartite imprinting center, the PWS-IC and AS-IC. The PWS-IC activates paternal-specific gene expression and is responsible for the paternal imprint, whereas the AS-IC functions in the maternal imprint by allele-specific repression of the PWS-IC to prevent the paternal imprinting program. Although mouse chromosome 7C has a conserved PWS/AS imprinted domain, the mouse equivalent of the human AS-IC element has not yet been identified. Here, we suggest another dimension that the PWS-IC also functions in maternal imprinting by negatively regulating the paternally expressed imprinted genes in mice, in contrast to its known function as a positive regulator for paternal-specific gene expression. Using a mouse model carrying a 4.8-kb deletion at the PWS-IC, we demonstrated that maternal transmission of the PWS-IC deletion resulted in a maternal imprinting defect with activation of the paternally expressed imprinted genes and decreased expression of the maternally expressed imprinted gene on the maternal chromosome, accompanied by alteration of the maternal epigenotype toward a paternal state spread over the PWS/AS domain. The functional significance of this acquired paternal pattern of gene expression was demonstrated by the ability to complement PWS phenotypes by maternal inheritance of the PWS-IC deletion, which is in stark contrast to paternal inheritance of the PWS-IC deletion that resulted in the PWS phenotypes. Importantly, low levels of expression of the paternally expressed imprinted genes are sufficient to rescue postnatal lethality and growth retardation in two PWS mouse models. These findings open the opportunity for a novel approach to the treatment of PWS.  相似文献   

Most loci that are regulated by genomic imprinting have differentially methylated regions (DMRs). Previously, we showed that the DMRs of the mouse Snrpn and U2af1-rs1 genes have paternal allele-specific patterns of acetylation on histones H3 and H4. To investigate the maintenance of acetylation at these DMRs, we performed chromatin immunoprecipitation on trichostatin-A (TSA)-treated and control cells. In embryonic stem (ES) cells and fibroblasts, brief (6-h) TSA treatment induces global hyperacetylation of H3 and H4. In ES cells only, TSA led to a selective increase in maternal acetylation at U2af1-rs1, at lysine 5 of H4 and at lysine 14 of H3. TSA treatment of ES cells did not affect DNA methylation or expression of U2af1-rs1, but was sufficient to increase DNase I sensitivity along the maternal allele to a level comparable with that of the paternal allele. In fibroblasts, TSA did not alter U2af1-rs1 acetylation, and the parental alleles retained their differential DNase I sensitivity. At Snrpn, no changes in acetylation were observed in the TSA-treated cells. Our data suggest that the mechanisms regulating histone acetylation at DMRs are locus and developmental stage-specific and are distinct from those effecting global levels of acetylation. Furthermore, it seems that the allelic U2af1-rs1 acetylation determines DNase I sensitivity/chromatin conformation.  相似文献   

In different eukaryotic model systems, chromatin and gene expression are modulated by post-translational modification of histone tails. In this in vivo study, histone methylation and acetylation are investigated along the imprinted mouse genes Snrpn, Igf2r and U2af1-rs1. These imprinted genes all have a CpG-rich regulatory element at which methylation is present on the maternal allele, and originates from the female germ line. At these 'differentially methylated regions' (DMRs), histone H3 on the paternal allele has lysine-4 methylation and is acetylated. On the maternally inherited allele, in contrast, chromatin is marked by hypermethylation on lysine-9 of H3. Allele-specific patterns of lysine-4 and lysine-9 methylation are also detected at other regions of the imprinted loci. For the DMR at the U2af1-rs1 gene, we establish that the methyl-CpG-binding-domain (MBD) proteins MeCP2, MBD1 and MBD3 are associated with the maternal allele. These data support the hypothesis that MBD protein-associated histone deacetylase/chromatin-remodelling complexes are recruited to the parental allele that has methylated DNA and H3-K9 methylation, and are prevented from binding to the opposite allele by H3 lysine-4 methylation.  相似文献   

One of the two X chromosomes becomes inactivated during early development of female mammals. Recent studies demonstrate that the inactive X chromosome is rich in histone H3 methylated at Lys-9 and Lys-27, suggesting an important role for these modifications in X-inactivation. It has been shown that in the mouse Eed is required for maintenance of X-inactivation in the extraembryonic lineages. Interestingly, Eed associates with Ezh2 to form a complex possessing histone methyltransferase activity predominantly for H3 Lys-27. We previously showed that G9a is one of the histone methyltransferases specific for H3 Lys-9 and is essential for embryonic development. Here we examined X-inactivation in mouse embryos deficient for G9a. Expression of Xist, which is crucial for the initiation of X-inactivation, was properly regulated and the inactivated X chromosome was stably maintained even in the absence of G9a. These results demonstrate that G9a is not essential for X-inactivation.  相似文献   

Preimplantation development is a period of dynamic epigenetic change that begins with remodeling of egg and sperm genomes, and ends with implantation. During this time, parental-specific imprinting marks are maintained to direct appropriate imprinted gene expression. We previously demonstrated that H19 imprinting could be lost during preimplantation development under certain culture conditions. To define the lability of genomic imprints during this dynamic period and to determine whether loss of imprinting continues at later stages of development, imprinted gene expression and methylation were examined after in vitro preimplantation culture. Following culture in Whitten's medium, the normally silent paternal H19 allele was aberrantly expressed and undermethylated. However, only a subset of individual cultured blastocysts (approximately 65%) exhibited biallelic expression, while others maintained imprinted H19 expression. Loss of H19 imprinting persisted in mid-gestation conceptuses. Placental tissues displayed activation of the normally silent allele for H19, Ascl2, Snrpn, Peg3 and Xist while in the embryo proper imprinted expression for the most part was preserved. Loss of imprinted expression was associated with a decrease in methylation at the H19 and Snrpn imprinting control regions. These results indicate that tissues of trophectoderm origin are unable to restore genomic imprints and suggest that mechanisms that safeguard imprinting might be more robust in the embryo than in the placenta.  相似文献   

The mechanism of DNA hypermethylation-associated tumor suppressor gene silencing in cancer remains incompletely understood. Here, we show by chromatin immunoprecipitation that for three genes (P16, MLH1, and the O(6)-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase gene, MGMT), histone H3 Lys-9 methylation directly correlates and histone H3 Lys-9 acetylation inversely correlates with DNA methylation in three neoplastic cell lines. Treatment with the histone deacetylase inhibitor trichostatin A (TSA) resulted in moderately increased Lys-9 acetylation at silenced loci with no effect on Lys-9 methylation and minimal effects on gene expression. By contrast, treatment with the DNA methyltransferase inhibitor 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5Aza-dC) rapidly reduced Lys-9 methylation at silenced loci and resulted in reactivation for all three genes. Combined treatment with 5Aza-dC and TSA was synergistic in reactivating gene expression through simultaneous effects on Lys-9 methylation and acetylation, which resulted in a robust increase in the ratio of Lys-9 acetylated and methylated histones at loci showing dense DNA methylation. By contrast to Lys-9, histone H3 Lys-4 methylation inversely correlated with promoter DNA methylation, was not affected by TSA, and was increased moderately at silenced loci by 5Aza-dC. Our results suggest that reduced H3 Lys-4 methylation and increased H3 Lys-9 methylation play a critical role in the maintenance of promoter DNA methylation-associated gene silencing in colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

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