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刘宁  刘建武 《植物学通报》2004,21(2):164-171
介绍了近年来蕨类植物游动精子运动器和细胞骨架的研究进展.游动精子由配子体精子器中的非运动细胞发育形成,其分化过程包括了运动器官和细胞骨架的合成和组装.精子发生过程中形成的运动器的各部分结构包括鞭毛、基体、多层结构及附属结构;基体是细胞中新形成的结构,在不同类群的蕨类植物中分别由双中心粒、分支生毛体和生毛体产生.鞭毛、基体和多层结构中的微管带形成了游动精子三个独特的微管列阵,由于微管蛋白的后修饰作用这些微管列阵十分稳定;centrin是运动器中的重要成分,但功能尚不清楚,可能和细胞骨架及运动器的构建有关.  相似文献   

刘宁  刘建武 《植物学报》2004,21(2):164-171
介绍了近年来蕨类植物游动精子运动器和细胞骨架的研究进展。游动精子由配子体精子器中的非运动细胞发育形成,其分化过程包括了运动器官和细胞骨架的合成和组装。精子发生过程中形成的运动器的各部分结构包括鞭毛、基体、多层结构及附属结构;基体是细胞中新形成的结构,在不同类群的蕨类植物中分别由双中心粒、分支生毛体和生毛体产生。鞭毛、基体和多层结构中的微管带形成了游动精子三个独特的微管列阵,由于微管蛋白的后修饰作用这些微管列阵十分稳定;centrin是运动器中的重要成分, 但功能尚不清楚,可能和细胞骨架及运动器的构建有关。  相似文献   

王珊  那宇鹤  冷雪  那杰 《昆虫知识》2010,47(4):652-656
昆虫的听器是一类对声波具有特异感受作用的器官,对其生存具有非常重要的意义。昆虫的听器主要有听觉毛、江氏器和鼓膜听器3种类型。本文主要介绍了昆虫3种听器的结构和功能特点,并从系统发生和个体发育角度介绍了鼓膜听器的演化过程。  相似文献   

利用人工培养和石蜡切片技术,在光学显微镜下对球子蕨精子器的形态结构和着生位置进行了多样性观察。首次报道了过熟配子体的颈卵器萎缩消失,只有精子器正常发育,且其中肋有突起、中空、分层等现象。精子器可着生在中肋的外表面或埋生在中肋内部,也可以着生在中空中肋的内表面,精子器的结构也各不相同。讨论了球子蕨精子器形态结构及着生位置多样性的系统学意义,为探讨相关类群的系统演化补充了全新的基础资料。  相似文献   

用扫描电镜观察了类褛网蛛的螯肢与纺器、筛器的微细结构。  相似文献   

寄生被子植物吸器的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从吸器的发生、结构、功能、寄生的生理机制等方面概述了寄生被子植物吸器的研究进展。  相似文献   

中国明对虾大颚器的组织学及孕酮和雌二醇的检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LeRoux于1968年首次描述了甲壳动物十足类的大颚器,并认为它与Y-器官是两个不同的腺体,Byard等在研究了美洲龙螯虾(Homarus americnus)大颚器的超微结构后指出,甲壳动物大颚器是类似于昆虫咽侧体的内分泌器官。Hinsch研究了蜘蛛蟹(Libinia emarginata)大颚器的结构和功能,指出该器官与甲壳动物的蜕皮和生殖均有密切联系。  相似文献   

化学反应器理论与食草动物的消化对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
裴艳新  王德华 《兽类学报》2000,20(4):304-312
动物的消化道结构直接决定动物从食物中获得能量和营养物质的速率。最优消化道结构和消化对策是动物充分利用食物中的营养物质同时使能量净获得速率最大的决定因素。利用化学反应器模型及理论可以定量地描述动物的消化过程,阐述动物采取的消化对策和分析食物的消化动力等。章综述了化学反应器理论在食草消化对策中可能的应用。包括理想的化学反应器模型、食草动物的类型、消化对策以及化学反应器理论的局限性等几个方面。  相似文献   

本文应用FLUTAX直接荧光标记和抗α-微管蛋白抗体免疫荧光标记.显示了土壤纤毛虫草丛土毛虫(Territricha stramenticola)的皮层纤毛器微管胞器.其中纤毛器基部微管按口围带、波动膜、额腹横棘毛、左右缘棘毛、背触毛等纤毛器图式分布和定位,口围带和波动膜基部含小膜微管托架、小膜附属微管和波动膜微管骨架网;额腹横棘毛基部含前纵微管束、后纵微管束和横微管束:左、右缘棘毛基部含前纵微管束、后纵微管束、横微管束及后微管芽;背触毛基部含前纵微管束、后纵微管柬。横棘毛基部含有较发达的横微管束,缘棘毛基部含后微管芽及其横微管束的定位可能具有本种纤毛虫细胞的特异性。纤毛器微管胞器在细胞表膜下分化形成的基部微管及其微管层使细胞的运动纤毛器与强固的微管骨架结构网相联系.其微管胞器的建构可能是细胞对土壤生存环境的一种适应.是细胞运动胞器的功能活动与环境相互作用的结果。形态发生中,老口围带微管是逐步进行更新的:老棘毛微管胞器对新结构的发生和形成具有定位和物质贡献的作用.并且老结构在新结构分化和成熟期间也经历了行使相应的生理功能及逐渐退化和失去功能的过程.  相似文献   

本文记述寄生于产自隶于珠江水系的西洋江剥隘(云南)的银鲴 Xenocypris argentea Güinther 的指环虫 Dactylogyrus Diesing 三新种。分别订名为①副似兰指环虫 Dactylogyrus paracymbidioides sp.nov.,以其交接器和阴道结构之差异而区别于 D.hainanensis 和 D.leucisculus③多鳌指指环虫 D.polyche-irodactylus sp.nov.,和近似种 D.chernyshevae 之不同,在于交接器结构与量度和辅助片缺如。③半旋卷指环虫 D.hemivolutus sp.nov.,虽然后吸器结构近于 D.iunchisi,但交接器的结构及其量度则不同。  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Short sections of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in the elongated macronucleus of Euplotes eurystomus were labeled by means of a short exposure to tritiated (H3-) thymidine to follow by autoradiography the fate of the labeled DNA during amitotic reorganization of the macronucleus. During amitosis the radioactive DNA that was restricted during interphase to short sections of the nucleus is dispersed and becomes evenly distributed throughout each daughter macronucleus.
Although the reorganization bands normally originate only at the ends of the macronucleus, additional bands can start at other places on the macronuclear surface. Bands of the same macronucleus originate with a high degree of synchrony. DNA synthesis is a constant feature of the rear zone of every reorganization band.  相似文献   

The principal structural compartments of the macronucleus of Euplotes eurystomus were examined by ultrastructural and cytochemical procedures. Interphase chromatin is condensed in highly compact granules that stain intensely with the DNA-specific osmium-amine procedure. Nucleoli react strongly with silver and with thiol-specific reagents, but are almost completely unstained by osmium-amine. The organelle of DNA synthesis, the replication band, is composed of 2 zones. The forward zone consists of highly ordered chromatin fibers, stains strongly with osmium-amine, with silver, and with thiol-specific reagents. The rear zone, which is the site of DNA synthesis, is impoverished in DNA, and is very sensitive to collapse induced by in vivo heat shock, or during nuclear isolation.  相似文献   

The ribbon-like macronucleus of Euplotes eurystomus pinches in half amitotically at each cell division. Several hours before the actual division two lightly staining duplication bands (reorganization bands) appear at the ends of the nucleus and approach each other slowly, finally meeting near the middle. Distal to the bands, that is, in regions through which the bands have already passed, the concentration of DNA (Feulgen) and "histone" (alkaline fast green) is greater than in the central zone. These facts suggest the hypothesis that DNA-histone synthesis takes place in a sequential fashion starting at the tips of the nucleus and proceeding to the middle. That this hypothesis is correct is shown by autoradiographic and photometric observations. Tritium-labelled thymidine is incorporated only in a limited region immediately distal to the bands. The average amount of Feulgen dye bound by the nucleus rises as the duplication bands approach each other, and is double the presynthesis value by the time the bands meet. A similar rise in the alkaline fast green dye is seen in duplicating nuclei, although no completely post-synthesis values were obtained in this study. The quantitative data are consistent with the assumption that the macronucleus contains a number of DNA-histone "units," presumably chromosomes, each of which duplicates once and only once.  相似文献   

The ribbon-like macronucleus of Euplotes eurystomus pinches in half amitotically at each cell division. Several hours before the actual division two lightly staining duplication bands (reorganization bands) appear at the ends of the nucleus and approach each other slowly, finally meeting near the middle. Distal to the bands, that is, in regions through which the bands have already passed, the concentration of DNA (Feulgen) and "histone" (alkaline fast green) is greater than in the central zone. These facts suggest the hypothesis that DNA-histone synthesis takes place in a sequential fashion starting at the tips of the nucleus and proceeding to the middle. That this hypothesis is correct is shown by autoradiographic and photometric observations. Tritium-labelled thymidine is incorporated only in a limited region immediately distal to the bands. The average amount of Feulgen dye bound by the nucleus rises as the duplication bands approach each other, and is double the presynthesis value by the time the bands meet. A similar rise in the alkaline fast green dye is seen in duplicating nuclei, although no completely post-synthesis values were obtained in this study. The quantitative data are consistent with the assumption that the macronucleus contains a number of DNA-histone "units," presumably chromosomes, each of which duplicates once and only once.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. In ciliates belonging to the two gymnostome families Chlamydodontidae and Dysteriidae as well as to the order Chonotrichida the macronucleus is composed of two parts which are distinct but in very close juxtaposition. One part, here called "orthomerous," contains granules or microsomes of desoxyribonucleoprotein and several nucleoli; it thus shows the normal structure of a macronucleus of the ordinary type. The other part, "paramerous," contains desoxy-ribonucleic acid diffused, apparently, throughout a homogeneous karyolymph and possesses, in addition, several nucleoli and an endosome of desoxyribonucleoprotein.
The three groups of ciliates under discussion are closely related and constitute an assemblage of forms remarkably evolved. The "heteromerous" structure of their macronuclei must be considered as a secondary acquisition and a differentiation of the "homeomerous" type which characterizes the structure of the macronucleus in most other ciliates.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS Structural changes in the Feulgen-positive material of the Tetrahymena pyriformis GL macronucleus have been observed during the cell cycle. From the finely granulated appearance in the interphase cell it appears as small rods, often arranged in pairs (probably the endomitotic stage) during early morphogenesis and as larger (and fewer) aggregates of granules during the nuclear division. These latter aggregates are also visible in dividing nuclei in the electron microscope where groups of chromation granules are separated by fairly empty nucleoplasm. It is suggested that these Feulgen positive aggregates in dividing nuclei are macronuciear segregation units or "subnuclei." The number per dividing macronucleus may vary from one experiment to another, but the variation seems to be related to cell volume. The distribution of the aggregates among the daughter nuclei is almost equal. The total number per dividing macronucleus is about 80 which is close to the estimated number of "subnuclei" in the T. pyriformis macronucleus (Allen and Nanney, 1958).
Some calculations are made on the polyploidy of the T. pyriformis GL macronucleus. Using published electron micrographs of micronuclei of known age to calculate the total number of chromatin granules per haploid nucleus, the polyploidy of the strain GL macronucleus is about 40. This figure is half of that expected from Allen and Nanney's estimation, since they assumed that the "subnuclei" were diploid; however, it is in agreement with the reported haploid nature of the "subnuclei" as found by Woodard, Gorovsky & Kaneshiro, 1968. Further calculations suggest that each macronuclear "chromosome" is composed of about 40 chromatin granules; an indication of such a chain arrangement of the chromatin granules has been observed in the phase contrast and electron microscope during the earliest macronuclear events, i.e., at the macronuclear "prophase."  相似文献   

草鱼鳃上寄生毛管虫一新种——变异毛管虫的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
吸管亚纲(Subclass suctoria)中,多数种类具有或长或短的炳,附着它物上营固着生活。寄生在鱼类体表、鳃丝内的毛管虫(Trichophrya)和簇管虫(Erastophrya)的种类中,至今未见报道有固着柄的代表。    相似文献   

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