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建立稳定的嵌合中国河北株包膜蛋白基因的丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)细胞培养体系,进行传代特性分析。本研究经体外转录获得嵌合中国河北株包膜蛋白基因的丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)全长RNA,脂质体法转染Huh7.5-CD81细胞,连续传代培养,进行Real Time RT-PCR、间接免疫荧光、Western blot、再感染试验与感染滴度检测及序列分析。结果表明:嵌合重组HCV RNA转染Huh7.5-CD81细胞后可产生感染性的病毒颗粒(HCVcc);传代过程中,Western blot可检测细胞内HCV蛋白的表达;IFA检测阳性细胞数逐渐增多,41d升至高峰,达80%~90%;Real Time RT-PCR检测传代细胞上清中HCV RNA拷贝数在104~107拷贝/mL;再感染实验嵌合HCVcc最高感染滴度为104ffu/mL。序列分析显示在传代后期嵌合的HCV包膜基因发生了适应性突变,导致6处氨基酸改变。结论嵌合中国河北株1b亚型包膜蛋白基因的HCV细胞培养体系可以产生具有感染性的嵌合HCV病毒颗粒,传代后感染性增强并且嵌合的HCV包膜基因发生了适应性突变。  相似文献   

为分析四份中国丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)阳性血清中包膜蛋白E1/E2基因的准种特征。本研究对从4份中国HCV阳性血清(1b亚型:274、366、383;2a亚型:283)中提取的HCV核酸,采用逆转录-聚合酶反应扩增编码全长E1/E2蛋白(191~764aa)的基因片段,随机挑取多个克隆测序。根据E1/E2基因核苷酸的序列与其他相关序列(来自于GenBank)构建亲缘性关系进化树,进行核苷酸与氨基酸同源性分析并对重要的基因位点进行分析。共获得阳性克隆序列43个(274株10个,283株12个,366株13个,383株8个),发现高变区HVR1、HVR2的基因异质性高,而其他抗体中和表位及跨膜区I、II及N末端糖基化位点相对保守。并首次发现在HCV 2a亚型(283血清)中多个准种序列存在1279nt(E1区,313aa)处单碱基插入优势基因突变,导致HCV包膜蛋白编码突变与中断(E2区,398aa)。本研究对中国HCV代表株包膜蛋白E1/E2编码基因的准种多样性及一种新型插入突变进行了描述,可为进一步研究HCV免疫逃避与慢性化机制提供重要信息。关键词:丙型肝炎病毒;包膜蛋白;序列分析;准种;插入突变  相似文献   

从中国丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)3b亚型感染者克隆分析包膜蛋白编码基因,并用于HCV 3b亚型假病毒制备。本研究从中国HCV感染血清中筛选克隆到2个3b亚型包膜蛋白编码基因,序列分析后构建表达质粒,以1b(Con1)作为对照,体外转染293T细胞后分析不同包膜蛋白表达水平,并制备了HCV 3b亚型假病毒(HCVpp),比较不同HCVpp感染效率。结果表明:2个3b亚型包膜蛋白编码基因(C27与C30)与国际3b参考株TrKj的进化关系较近。C27与C30核苷酸与氨基酸同源性较高(分别为98.5%与98.2%),包膜蛋白编码区存在10个氨基酸位点差异,且C27包膜蛋白体外表达水平明显高于C30,其中C27可制备出高感染效率的HCV 3b型假病毒,其感染效率明显高于C30与HCV 1型(Con1)制备的HCVpp。本研究分析了2个HCV 3b亚型感染者包膜蛋白编码基因序列及表达特性,并首次获得了高感染效率的HCV 3b亚型假病毒,为HCV研究及疫苗与药物研发提供了有效工具。  相似文献   

为建立丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)体外感染和细胞培养系统,用定量的HCV RNA阳性血清感染人肝癌细胞系(HepG2细胞系),应用地高辛标记HCV RNA探针原位杂交技术和RT-PCR方法对感染后的细胞和上清液听 HCV RNA进行了检测。在感染后的第一代至第七代的细胞中出现特异性杂交阳性信号,第一代、第二代和第六代检测出HCV RNA正链,并在感染后第一、二代检测出HCV RNA负链。显示HCV不仅能在体外感染HepG2细胞系,而且在基因的复制,证明HepG2细胞能作为HCV的体外细胞培育系。  相似文献   

构建HCV la/1b嵌合型全长cDNA克隆,进行体外转录,脂质体法转染HepG2细胞,以RT-PCR法检测HCV正、负链RNA,Western印迹检测HCV蛋白表达.结果表明,细胞在转染后8代(约35d)内,能间断检测到HCV正、负链RNA以及相对分子质量约70000的HCV NS3蛋白,证明该HCV嵌合体可以在细胞中复制和表达.本研究表明含有该嵌合型全长cDNA的质粒可以为后续HCV的研究提供大量可重复的性质均一的病毒模板,有助于深入了解HCV的复制机制.  相似文献   

构建中国人丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)复制的RNA聚合酶原核表达载体pET30aNS5b,并在大肠杆菌中获得NS5B聚合酶蛋白的高效表达,为建立HCV NS5b聚合酶细胞外分子复制模型的方法创造条件。使用高保真Pfu DNA聚合酶进行反转录及套式PCR扩增,从我国HCV RNA阳性血清中扩增出HCV NS5b RNA多聚酶全基因序列,经BamHI和SalI酶切,将其克隆至同样酶切的pET-30a载体中;转化大肠杆菌BL21,IPTG诱导表达。用抗HCV NS5b单克隆抗体做Western-Blot进行鉴定。结果表明构建了原核表达载体,pET30aNS5bpET30aNS5b明显表达出12-His-NS5b聚合酶蛋白。测序结果表明,与已发表的相关HCV NS5b RNA聚合酶序列比较,其核苷酸和氨基酸的同源性分别在69%-92.7%及88.8%-96.8%之间。在最佳表达条件下,可高效诱导表达融合蛋白(65kDa),最高表达量占菌体蛋白18.9%。Western-Blot结果显示表达蛋白为HCV NS5b酶。HCV聚合酶蛋白全长基因可以成功地克隆在pET-30a载体上并有效表达出目的蛋白,为研究建立HCV NS5b聚合酶细胞外分子复制模型奠定了基础。  相似文献   

猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒(porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus,PRRSV)是近两年来流行于我国大部分省份的“猪高热综合征”的主要病原体.该病毒在繁殖过程中具有遗传多变性和高频率的抗原突变.如何设计有效的疫苗来防治持续多变的流行变异株是研究者所关注的焦点.本研究中我们构建了Ⅱ型PRRSV弱毒株的感染性cDNA克隆,并对编码结构蛋白的ORF1和编码结构蛋白的ORF2之间插入几个酶切位点.通过RT-PCR和DNA测序以及分子克隆方法,获得了细胞致弱株(APRRS)的全长cDNA克隆.APRRSV基因组RNA为15521个核苷酸(不包括poly(A)尾).与PRRSV Nsp株和疫苗株的相似性均为99.7%.根据测序结果,利用基因组上的酶切位点将全长PRRSV cDNA克隆到pBlueScript载体中,在病毒5'末端引入T7启动子序列.为了区分重组病毒和亲本病毒,在ORF5编码区引入Mlu I酶切位点.将最初构建的全长cDNA和带有Mlu I酶切位点的cDNA分别体外转录成RNA后转染MA-104,均能够观察到典型的细胞病变(cytopathic effect,CPE).拯救的重组病毒与亲本病毒有着相同的病毒学特性.通过突变PCR的方法将编码非结构蛋白基因ORF1和编码结构蛋白基因ORF2-7之间的编码区分离,从而构建了克隆pCSA.pCSA体外转录产物具有感染性,而且拯救的病毒与亲本病毒具有相同的病毒学特性.本研究为构建嵌合病毒作为疫苗候选株以此对遗传多变的PRRSV毒株提供有效的交叉保护提供了宝贵的工具,同时也为建立PRRSV为基因表达载体来构建针对其他重要的猪源疾病重组疫苗搭建了一个很好的平台.  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)核心(core)蛋白在病毒复制和感染中的作用,采取基因置换的方法,用HCV1b型J4株的核心基因平行置换2a型J6JFH1株的核心区,构建了FL-J6JFH/J4core嵌合复制子。体外制备RNA转录体,以脂质体介导转染Huh7.5.1肝癌细胞。转染后第5天,用荧光定量聚合酶链反应(FQ-PCR)检测细胞内HCVRNA水平。第8天,以丙型肝炎患者血清为一抗,免疫荧光法(IFA)检测转染细胞内HCV蛋白表达。同时收集转染后第8天的细胞上清液,感染naveHuh7.5.1肝癌细胞,72h后IFA检测HCV蛋白表达。结果显示,FL-J6JFH/J4core转染组第5天细胞内RNA水平与野生型FL-J6JFH1接近,无显著差异(n=4,P0.05)。免疫荧光检测显示,FL-J6JFH/J4core转染细胞后第8天及其上清液感染的naveHuh7.5.1细胞的HCV阳性细胞数都低于野生型。本研究结果初步表明,HCV各株间核心基因的替换会影响HCV的蛋白翻译和感染性病毒颗粒的产生与释放。  相似文献   

本研究构建携带HCV代表株H77(1a)、中国HeBei株(1b)以及JFH-1株(2a)丙型肝炎病毒完整的E1-E2包膜糖蛋白基因的表达质粒,间接免疫荧光法及Western blot验证了其在细胞膜(293细胞)上的正确表达.三种包膜质粒分别与慢病毒包装质粒pHR'CMV△8.2及携带EGFP报告基因的自灭活(Self-Inactivating,SIN)转移质粒pCS-CG共转染293FT细胞,产生三种不同基因型的丙型肝炎包膜感染性假型(pseudotyped)病毒颗粒,免疫荧光与Western blot分析验证了E1/E2包膜糖蛋白在假病毒颗粒上的表达与掺人,利用p24 ELISA法及感染性实验对HCV假病毒进行滴定.从上清中获得的HCV假病毒可以在体外感染肝癌细胞系Huh7及Huh7-CD81(且后者上的感染效率约为前者上的2~3倍);利用针对HCV E2蛋白的具有广谱交叉中和活性的单克隆抗体AP33建立了基于上述假病毒颗粒的丙肝病毒体外中和抗体滴定方法,并应用于丙型肝炎患者体内的中和抗体水平的研究.本研究成功包装了包括中国流行株在内的3种不同基因型的HCV包膜感染性假病毒颗粒并建立了基于假病毒颗粒的HCV体外中和抗体检测方法,为研究HCV感染早期特性及特异抗病毒药物的体外筛选提供了有效模型,并可用于HCV感染者体内及HCV基因工程疫苗免疫后中和抗体水平的分析.  相似文献   

目的:在应用基因工程技术人工表达获得多表位BCR-ABL融合蛋白的基础上,对该融合抗原在体外诱导对自血病细胞的特异性杀伤效应进行检测,探索慢性髓性自血病(CML)免疫治疗的新途径。方法:从外周血单个核细胞培养树突细胞(DC),以BCR-ABL融合抗原脉冲刺激DC,诱导特异性细胞毒T淋巴细胞(CTL)产生;MTT法检测CTL对白血病靶细胞的特异性杀伤活性。结果:以BCR-ABL融合抗原刺激产生的CTL能特异性抑制b3a2+的靶细胞生长,包括K562细胞(P〈0.01)和HIJA-A2+/b3a2+的CML原代细胞(P〈0.05),而对HIA-A2-或b2a2+靶细胞无明显抑制作用。结论:设计表达的多表位BCR-ABL融合抗原能在体外诱导特异性抗CML免疫反应,抑制b3a2+自血病细胞生长,有望为进一步的体内实验奠定基础。  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) production system consists of transfecting the human hepatoma cell line Huh7 with genomic HCV RNA (JFH1). To monitor HCV replication by fluorescence microscopy, we constructed a recombinant HCV clone expressing Azami-Green (mAG), a bright green fluorescent protein, by inserting the mAG gene into the nonstructural protein 5A (NS5A) gene; the resultant clone was designated JFH1-hmAG. The Huh-7.5.1 (a subclone of Huh7) cells transfected with JFH1-hmAG RNA were found to produce cytoplasmic NS5A-mAG, as readily visualized by fluorescence microscopy, and infectious virus, as assayed with the culture supernatant, indicating that JFH1-hmAG is infectious and replication-competent. Furthermore, the replication of this virus was inhibited by interferon alpha in a dose-dependent manner. These results suggest that JFH1-hmAG is useful for studying HCV life cycle and the mechanism of interferon’s anti-HCV action and for screening and testing new anti-HCV drugs.  相似文献   

Although much has been learned about Hepatitis C virus (HCV), research progress has been hindered by the lack of a suitable cell culture system supporting its replication. Recently, a unique HCV strain JFH1 has been found to replicate efficiently in cell culture with production of infectious HCV (HCVcc). Baculovirus vectors were found to be efficient delivery vehicles and a HBV recombinant baculovirus/HepG2 system efficiently delivered the HBV genome into HepG2 resulting in HBV replication. In this study, we developed a recombinant baculovirus expression system to generate infectious HCV particles in hepatoma cell line Huh7-lunetT7 by using cDNA from the HCV JFH1 genotype. Results show that HCV positive, negative RNA strands and proteins were produced in this system. Furthermore, HCV particles were produced and secreted into the culture medium. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation of the culture medium revealed co-localization of HCV RNA and structural proteins in the fraction with a density of 1.08–1.13 g/ml. Electron microscopy (EM) showed viral particles approximately 55 nm in diameter, which could be recognized by anti-HCV E2 antibodies. Real-time RT-PCR detected that the level of HCV vRNA in the supernatant was 107 copies/ml at 72 h post-transduction (hpt). In addition, the JFH1 virus produced by the recombinant baculovirus was confirmed to be infectious in vitro. In summary, this system provides a novel tool not only for the analysis of the replication and pathogenesis of HCV but also to screen for potential therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

The lack of a culture system that efficiently produces progeny virus has hampered hepatitis C virus (HCV) research. Recently, the discovery of a novel HCV isolate JFH1 and its chimeric derivative J6/JFH1 has led to the development of an efficient virus productive culture system. To construct an easy monitoring system for the viral life cycle of HCV, we generated bicistronic luciferase reporter virus genomes based on the JFH1 and J6/JFH1 isolates, respectively. Transfection of the J6/JFH1-based reporter genome to Huh7.5 cells produced significantly greater levels of progeny virus than transfection of the JFH1 genome. Furthermore, the expression of dominant-negative Vps4, a key molecule of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport machinery, inhibited the virus production of JFH1, but not that of J6/JFH1. These results may account for the different abilities to produce progeny virus between JFH1 and J6/JFH1. Using the J6/JFH1/Luc system, we showed that the two polyanions heparin and polyvinyl sulfate decreased the infectivity of J6/JFH1/Luc virus in a dose-dependent manner. We also analyzed the function of microRNA on HCV replication and found that miR-34b could affect the replication of HCV. The reporter virus generated in this study will be useful for investigating the nature of the HCV life cycle and for identification of HCV inhibitors.  相似文献   

The lack of an efficient system to produce hepatitis C virus (HCV) particles has impeded the analysis of the HCV life cycle. Recently, we along with others demonstrated that transfection of Huh7 hepatoma cells with a novel HCV isolate (JFH1) yields infectious viruses. To facilitate studies of HCV replication, we generated JFH1-based bicistronic luciferase reporter virus genomes. We found that RNA replication of the reporter construct was only slightly attenuated and that virus titers produced were only three- to fivefold lower compared to the parental virus, making these reporter viruses an ideal tool for quantitative analyses of HCV infections. To expand the scope of the system, we created two chimeric JFH1 luciferase reporter viruses with structural proteins from the Con1 (genotype 1b) and J6CF (genotype 2a) strains. Using these and the authentic JFH1 reporter viruses, we analyzed the early steps of the HCV life cycle. Our data show that the mode of virus entry is conserved between these isolates and involves CD81 as a key receptor for pH-dependent virus entry. Competition studies and time course experiments suggest that interactions of HCV with cell surface-resident glycosaminoglycans aid in efficient infection of Huh7 cells and that CD81 acts during a postattachment step. The reporter viruses described here should be instrumental for investigating the viral life cycle and for the development of HCV inhibitors.  相似文献   

To establish a cell culture system for chimeric hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotype 2b, we prepared a chimeric construct harboring the 5' untranslated region (UTR) to the E2 region of the MA strain (genotype 2b) and the region of p7 to the 3' UTR of the JFH-1 strain (genotype 2a). This chimeric RNA (MA/JFH-1.1) replicated and produced infectious virus in Huh7.5.1 cells. Replacement of the 5' UTR of this chimera with that from JFH-1 (MA/JFH-1.2) enhanced virus production, but infectivity remained low. In a long-term follow-up study, we identified a cell culture-adaptive mutation in the core region (R167G) and found that it enhanced virus assembly. We previously reported that the NS3 helicase (N3H) and the region of NS5B to 3' X (N5BX) of JFH-1 enabled replication of the J6CF strain (genotype 2a), which could not replicate in cells. To reduce JFH-1 content in MA/JFH-1.2, we produced a chimeric viral genome for MA harboring the N3H and N5BX regions of JFH-1, combined with a JFH-1 5' UTR replacement and the R167G mutation (MA/N3H+N5BX-JFH1/R167G). This chimeric RNA replicated efficiently, but virus production was low. After the introduction of four additional cell culture-adaptive mutations, MA/N3H+N5BX-JFH1/5am produced infectious virus efficiently. Using this chimeric virus harboring minimal regions of JFH-1, we analyzed interferon sensitivity and found that this chimeric virus was more sensitive to interferon than JFH-1 and another chimeric virus containing more regions from JFH-1 (MA/JFH-1.2/R167G). In conclusion, we established an HCV genotype 2b cell culture system using a chimeric genome harboring minimal regions of JFH-1. This cell culture system may be useful for characterizing genotype 2b viruses and developing antiviral strategies.  相似文献   

A unique hepatitis C virus (HCV) strain JFH-1 has been shown to replicate efficiently in cell culture with production of infectious HCV. We previously developed a DNA expression system containing HCV cDNA flanked by two self-cleaving ribozymes to generate HCV particles in cell culture. In this study, we produced HCV particles of various genotypes, including 1a (H77), 1b (CG1b), and 2a (J6 and JFH-1), in the HCV-ribozyme system. The constructs also contain the secreted alkaline phosphatase gene to control for transfection efficiency and the effects of culture conditions. After transfection into the Huh7-derived cell line Huh7.5.1, continuous HCV replication and secretion were confirmed by the detection of HCV RNA and core antigen in the culture medium. HCV replication levels of strains H77, CG1b, and J6 were comparable, whereas the JFH-1 strain replicates at a substantially higher level than the other strains. To evaluate the infectivity in vitro, the culture medium of JFH-1-transfected cells was inoculated into naive Huh7.5.1 cells. HCV proteins were detected by immunofluorescence 3 days after inoculation. To evaluate the infectivity in vivo, the culture medium from HCV genotype 1b-transfected cells was inoculated into a chimpanzee and caused a typical course of HCV infection. The HCV 1b propagated in vitro and in vivo had sequences identical to those of the HCV genomic cDNA used for cell culture transfection. The development of culture systems for production of various HCV genotypes provides a valuable tool not only to study the replication and pathogenesis of HCV but also to screen for antivirals.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a positive strand RNA virus, and classified within the Flaviridae family. It has been reported that Atg7-knockdown decreases the amount of HCV replicon RNA, when HCV JFH1 RNA and HCV subgenomic replicon were transfected into Huh7.5 cells. However, when infectious naïve HCV particles are directly infected into Huh7.5.1 cells, it is still unclear whether Atg7-knockdown decreases the production of intracellular HCV-related proteins, HCV mRNA and infectious HCV particles. When Atg7 protein in HCV-infected Huh7.5.1 cells was knocked down by RNA-interference, the levels of intracellular HCV core, NS3, NS5A proteins, HCV mRNA, and secreted albumin remained unchanged compared with those in the control HCV-infected cells. However, the level of infectious HCV particles released in the medium was decreased by the Atg7-knockdown. The similar results were obtained, when beclin1 was knocked down by RNA-interference. The colocalization of endogenous LC3-puncta with HCV core, HS5A proteins, and lipid droplets was also investigated. However, little endogenous LC3-puncta colocalized with HCV core, NS5A proteins or lipid droplets. These results suggested that autophagy contributed to the effective production of HCV particles, but little to the intracellular production of HCV-related proteins, HCV mRNA, and secretory pathway, in naïve HCV particles-infection system.  相似文献   

丙型肝炎是由丙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis C virus,HCV)感染所导致的传染性肝病,呈现世界性流行态势,严重危害人类健康。由于病毒自身高度突变,以及广泛高效的细胞培养体系和合适的小动物模型缺乏,目前尚无可有效预防的疫苗。自1989年丙型肝炎病毒基因组首次被确定以来,Con1(1b)亚基因组复制子和JFH1(2a)毒株细胞培养体系相继建立。以此为工具,HCV生活周期多个关键环节得以阐明。近年来,研究者在Con1亚基因组复制子、JFH1和J6/JFH1细胞培养体系的基础上,构建出多个基因型和亚型的复制子和细胞培养体系。不同的体系在HCV复制与致病机制研究、抗病毒药物筛选方面,具有不同的用途及优缺点。针对HCV复制子与细胞培养体系的研究进展进行综述,可为HCV的相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Although in vitro replication of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) JFH1 clone of genotype 2a (HCVcc) has been developed, a robust cell culture system for the 1a and 1b genotypes, which are the most prevalent viruses in the world and resistant to interferon therapy, has not yet been established. As a surrogate virus system, pseudotype viruses transiently bearing HCV envelope proteins based on the vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and retrovirus have been developed. Here, we have developed a replication-competent recombinant VSV with a genome encoding unmodified HCV E1 and E2 proteins in place of the VSV envelope protein (HCVrv) in human cell lines. HCVrv and a pseudotype VSV bearing the unmodified HCV envelope proteins (HCVpv) generated in 293T or Huh7 cells exhibited high infectivity in Huh7 cells. Generation of infectious HCVrv was limited in some cell lines examined. Furthermore, HCVrv but not HCVpv was able to propagate and form foci in Huh7 cells. The infection of Huh7 cells with HCVpv and HCVrv was neutralized by anti-hCD81 and anti-E2 antibodies and by sera from chronic HCV patients. The infectivity of HCVrv was inhibited by an endoplasmic reticulum alpha-glucosidase inhibitor, N-(n-nonyl) deoxynojirimycin (Nn-DNJ), but not by a Golgi mannosidase inhibitor, deoxymannojirimycin. Focus formation of HCVrv in Huh7 cells was impaired by Nn-DNJ treatment. These results indicate that the HCVrv developed in this study can be used to study HCV envelope proteins with respect to not only the biological functions in the entry process but also their maturation step.  相似文献   

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