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应用FISH技术鉴定一个小冰麦易位系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以生物素(biotin16dUTP)标记的天蓝冰草(Agropyronintermedium(Host)P.B.=Elytrigiaintermedia(Host)Nevski=Thinopyrumintermedium(Host)BarkworthandDewey)染色体组DNA为探针,普通小麦(TriticumaestivumL.)“中国春”DNA为封闭,用荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术对小冰麦33号进行检测。结果表明:在一对染色体的端部显现出绿色荧光,这说明小冰麦33号携带外源基因的冰草染色体片段位于小麦染色体端部,而且易位的染色体片段是较小的。从DNA水平直接证明小冰麦33是一个冰草染色体片段易位到小麦染色体端部的易位系。  相似文献   

方宏筠  何孟元 《遗传学报》1996,23(3):220-227
本文研究了天兰冰草(Agropyronintermedium2n=42)染色体导入小麦后对小冰麦外植体再生能力的影响,从而分析调控再生能力的基因所在天兰冰草染色体的定位。对异源八倍体小冰麦的研究表明,与天兰冰草强再生能力有关的基因主要分布在附加到中2的冰草染色体组上;对7个异附加系小冰麦的研究进一步表明,冰草强再生能力的性状由多基因调控,这些基因主要分布在附加到TAI-11、TAI-12、TAI-13的冰草染色体上。此外,小冰麦杂种F1的研究表明,在组织培养中同样能够表现出杂种优势。  相似文献   

远缘杂交技术是将小麦野生近缘植物的染色体片段导入小麦的有效途径。通过这种方法可以拓宽小麦的遗传基础,导入携带控制优异性状的基因从而达到改良小麦的目的。为了获得在小麦遗传及育种中具有较高研究利用价值的纯合的小麦-冰草小片段异源染色体易位系,我们利用细胞学手段对普通小麦-冰草的远缘杂交后代进行鉴定。本研究以小麦-冰草二体代换系4844-8、二体附加系4844-12与普通小麦杂交后辐照产生的易位系为材料,利用基因组原位杂交(GISH)技术从中鉴定出了2个具有冰草染色体小片段的纯合中间插入易位系。其中1个纯合中间插入易位系(104-3)具有高抗小麦白粉病和高千粒重的特性。另1个纯合中间插入易位系(19-2)具有较高的穗粒数和较高的千粒重的特性。本研究鉴定出的2个小麦-冰草6P小片段纯合中间插入易位系的优异农艺性状表明,它们是丰富小麦基因资源的优异的遗传材料,具有很高的研究利用价值。  相似文献   

对5个八倍体小冰麦种子醇溶蛋白和高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基的电泳谱带进行了分析,结果表明:八倍体小冰麦中1和中2的电泳谱带基本相同,中3、中4、中5的电泳谱带基本相同,但完全不同于中1和中2的类型。八倍体小冰麦中1和中2同天蓝冰草(Agropyronintermedium(Host)P.B.=Elytrigiaintermedia(Host)Nevski=Thinopyrumintermedium(Host)BarkwarthandDewey)在高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基上存在一条相同的谱带,在醇溶蛋白谱带上出现了小麦(TriticumaestivumL.)和冰草均没有的带型。中3、中4、中5在醇溶蛋白谱带上具有一条冰草×染色体组的特征谱带,其基因表达程度同冰草类似。从5个八倍体小冰麦种子醇溶蛋白和高分子量麦谷蛋白亚基的电泳图谱结果,分析了八倍体小冰麦染色体组构成及亲本来源,并探讨了八倍体小冰麦在优质麦育种过程中的价值。  相似文献   

东北地区不同小麦品种对黑麦草的化感作用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以东北地区33个不同来源的小麦品种为研究对象,采用琼脂共培法,评价了不同小麦品种对黑麦草所产生的化感作用.通过分析不同小麦品种对黑麦草根长、苗高、根干重及苗干重的影响,探讨不同小麦品种对黑麦草化感作用的差异,从而筛选出具有较强化感潜力的小麦品种.结果表明,不同小麦品种对黑麦草根长、苗高、根干重及苗干重的影响存在显著差异.利用RI值作为化感作用的指标,结合聚类分析方法,可将这33个小麦品种按化感能力的强、中、弱分成3类;其中龙幅麦9号、龙幅麦13号、锦麦2003和小冰麦33号为化感能力较强的品种.  相似文献   

杨宝军  窦全文  刘文轩  周波  陈佩度 《遗传学报》2002,29(4):350-354,T001
利用根尖体细胞有丝分裂中期染色体Giemsa C-分带和荧光原位杂交从普通小麦-大赖草Lr.2、Ir.7异附加系辐射后代中选育出2个纯合易位系:(1)易位系NAU618(MS142-3),2n=44,易位染色体由大赖草Lr.7染色体的大部分(约5/6,包括着丝粒)及小麦染色体1A短臂的一部分(近端1/3)组成,外源染色体片段的长度约占易位染色体总长度的4/5;(2)易位系MAU601(MS101-4),2n=42,易位染色体由小麦染色体4B的整个短臂和4B长臂近着丝粒部分(1/3)及大赖草Lr.2短臂的绝大部分组成,外源染色体片段占易位染色体长臂的1/2。对易位系进行的双端二体侧交分析证交易位所涉及的小麦染色体分别为1A和4B。连续3年单花滴注法进行的田间赤霉病抗性接种鉴定结果表明,普通小麦-大赖草异源异位系MAU618(MS142-3)对赤霉病的抗性与抗病对照品种苏麦3号相仿,易位系MAU601(MS101-4)对赤霉病抗性低于苏麦3号,但明显高于感病亲本中国春。  相似文献   

异源八倍体小冰麦体细胞无性系的建立及其染色体变异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从5个异源八倍体小冰麦(Triticum -Agropyron)的叶片、幼穗及成熟胚诱导愈伤组织,建立体细胞无性系,获得大量再生植株。附加一个冰草染色体组的异源八倍体小冰麦杂种无性系中37.5% 表现变异,其中非整倍体植株变异较多,很多变异的再生植株形态与小麦近似,同时出现一定数量染色体重排、交换、易位、断裂、融合等变异。结果表明,通过杂种无性系变异进行染色体基因转化及遗传修饰是一条可行的途径。实验还观察了小冰麦愈伤组织分化过程中绿点的形成过程,首次提出两种类型绿点,即芽绿点和根绿点,并描述了两者的差异  相似文献   

利用普通小麦(Triticum aesttvum L.)"小偃6号"与黑麦(Secale cereale L.)品种"德国白粒"杂交,选育出"小偃6号"类型带有黑麦性状的种质材料.应用总基因组原位杂交(GISH)进行检测,在8份材料中探测到黑麦染色质的存在,其中附加系3个,代换系1个,易位系4个;进一步用荧光绿标记探针pScll9.2及荧光红标记探针pAsl的双色荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术,对其中部分品系的染色体组成进行分析鉴定,结果表明:易位系BCll6-1是1RS/1BL小麦/黑麦易位系,BCl52-l是涉及一条lB染色体的1RS/1BL易位系,代换系BC97-2是2R(2D)二体代换系;附加系BCl22-3附加了一条6R黑麦染色体,一条6B染色体的长臂缺失.同时,对连续的总基因组原位杂交和双色荧光原位杂交技术在小麦育种中的应用进行了讨论.  相似文献   

利用普通小麦(Triticum aestivum L.)“小偃6号”与黑麦(Secale cereale L.)品种“德国白粒”杂交,选育出“小偃6号”类型带有黑麦性状的种质材料。应用总基因组原位杂交(GISH)进行检测,在8份材料中探测到黑麦染色质的存在,其中附加系3个,代换系1个,易位系4个;进一步用荧光绿标记探针pSc119.2及荧光红标记探针pAs1的双色荧光原位杂交(FISH)技术,对其中部分品系的染色体组成进行分析鉴定,结果表明:易位系BC116-1是1RS/1BL小麦/黑麦易位系,BC152-1是涉及一条1B染色体的1RS/1BL易位系, 代换系BC97-2是2R(2D)二体代换系;附加系BC122-3附加了一条6R黑麦染色体,一条6B染色体的长臂缺失。同时,对连续的总基因组原位杂交和双色荧光原位杂交技术在小麦育种中的应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

TAI系列Ⅱ天兰冰草染色体上的酯酶同工酶基因定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高明君  郝水等 《遗传学报》1993,20(2):174-179
本文分析了小冰麦异附加系列Ⅱ,八倍体小冰麦,普通小麦和天兰冰草的叶片酯酶(ESTL),胚乳酯酶(ESTE),根酯酶(ESTR)和胚芽鞘酯酶(ESTG)的酶谱表型。把冰草同工酶基因Estl-Ag1,Este-Agi1,Estr-Agij,Estc-Agi1,Estl-Agi2和Este-Agi2定位到异附加系TAI-23,把基因Estr-Agi4和Estc-Agi4定位到TAI-24中的冰草染色体上,根据这些基因定位,结合某些植株形态学特征,推测TAI-23和TAI-24中的冰草染色体分别与小麦第3和6同祖群有一定的部分同源关系。  相似文献   

Wheatgrasses (species of Agropyron complex) have previously been reported to be resistant to barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV). To introgress this resistance into wheat, Triticum aestivum x Thinopyrum (Agropyron) intermedium hybrids were advanced through a backcrossing program and reaction to BYDV, as determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), is reported for the first time in backcross populations of wide hybrids between wheat and wheatgrasses. ELISA values revealed highly resistant to highly susceptible segregants in backcrosses. BYDV resistance was expressed in some backcross derivatives. Continued selection, based on cytology and ELISA in each generation, eliminated most of the unwanted wheatgrass chromosomes and produced self-fertile BYDV resistant wheat lines. The BYDV resistant lines with 2n = 42 had normal chromosome pairing similar to wheat, and their F1 hybrids with wheat had two univalents. DNA analyses showed that the source of alien chromatin in these BYDV resistant wheat lines is distinguishable from that in other Th. intermedium derived BYDV resistant wheat lines. Chromosome pairing and restriction fragment length polymorphism analyses indicated that the 42 chromosome resistant Purdue wheat lines are substitution lines in which chromosome 7D was replaced by a chromosome from Th. intermedium that was carrying gene(s) for BYDV resistance.  相似文献   

Stable introgression of agronomically important traits into crop plants through wide crossing often requires the generation and identification of translocation lines. However, the low efficiency of identifying lines containing translocations is a significant limitation in utilizing valuable alien chromatin-derived traits. Selection of putative wheatgrass-wheat translocation lines based on segregation ratios of progeny from gamma-irradiated seed using a standard phenotypic analysis resulted in a low 4% success rate of identifying barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) resistant and susceptible translocation lines. However, 58% of the susceptible progeny of this irradiated seed contained a Thinopyrum intermedium chromosome-specific repetitive sequence, which indicated that gamma-irradiation-induced translocations occurred at high rate. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of susceptible lines containing alien chromatin, their resistant sister lines and other resistant lines showed that more than one third of the progeny of gamma-irradiated double monosomic seeds contained wheatgrass-wheat translocations. Genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) analysis of selected lines confirmed that these were wheatgrass-wheat translocation lines. This approach of initially identifying BYDV susceptible deletion lines using an alien chromosome-specific repetitive sequence followed by RFLP analysis of their resistant sister lines efficiently identified resistant translocation lines and localized the BYDV resistance to the distal end of the introgressed Th. intermedium chromosome.  相似文献   

Thirty five bands (alleles) from six enzyme systems and fifty seven random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fragments were selected to analyse the genetic diversity of 33 polyploid wheatgrasses (Triticeae) populations of species Thinopyrum junceiforme and Elytrigia pycnantha, and two hybrids, one pentaploid and one novel 9-ploid. Dice’s similarity coefficient, the UPGMA-derived phenograms from RAPD, and allozymes markers showed that the clustering of wheatgrass populations was based on ploidy level. These markers had similar levels of diversity between populations, with high genetic similarity within the same ploidy-level and within population’s individuals. The tetraploid Th. junceiforme populations are closely related, with a large similarity distances varied from 0.8 to 1. Based on the isozyme and RAPD analyses, diploid taxa are related to polyploids with similarity coefficients 0.4.  相似文献   

黑麦(SecalecerealeL.)1R染色体上带有磷高效基因,含有1RS/1BL易位的洛夫林10号是一个磷高效的品种。证明P效率的基因是否位于1RS上和洛夫林10号的P高效基因是否来源于1RS具有重要意义。为了验证该假设正确与否,调查了一个DH群体的61个系的P利用效率,该群体来自于高效吸收磷的品种洛夫林10号和低效吸收磷的中国春的F1代花药培养,是否带有1RS/1BL易位和不含有1RS/1BL易位的DH系间的磷利用效率存在差异?应用酸性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(A-PAGE)和基因组原位杂交(GISH)鉴定DH群体中的1RS/1BL易位系。A-PAGE分析表明61个DH系中有34个含有1RS/1BL易位染色体,因为它们含有1RS特有的Sec-1醇溶蛋白带纹。进一步用GISH证明了34个系中33个含有一对1RS/1BL纯合易位,只有一个是1RS/1BL单体。田间试验在缺磷土壤中进行,调查各DH系以及它们的亲本在-P(不施P肥)和 P(60kgP/hm-2)条件下的籽粒产量、生物量、每株穗数、磷吸收效率和磷利用效率。结果表明,土壤缺磷降低洛夫林10号的前四个性状的值,但中国春的降低更加严重。洛夫林10号无论在 P和-P条件下所有测试性状的值都高于中国春,但磷的利用效率二者相似。在-P和 P条件下,所测定的五个性状存在分离,且在DH系之间有显著差异;虽然DH系间的变异超出双亲,但是所有DH系的平均值  相似文献   

It is reported that chromosome 1 R of rye (Secale cereale L) convey phosphorus use efficientgene (s), and 1RS/1BL translocation genotype Lovrin No. 10 is P use efficient. So we hypothesized whetherP efficient gene(s) locate on 1RS, and the high P efficiency of Lovrin No.10 is from 1RS? To test thishypothesis, we investigated the P use efficiency (PUE) of a doubled haploid (DH) population with 61 linesderived from anther culture of F1 hybrid between Lovrin No.10 and phosphorus uptake inefficient genotypeChinese Spring to see whether PUE differs between DH line with and without 1RS/1BL translocation.Acidic polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis (A-PAGE) of gliadin and genomic DNA in situ hybridization (GISH)were employed to discriminate 1RS/1BL translocation DH lines from the normal 1B DH lines. Among the61 DH lines investigated, A-PAGE analysis showed that 34 lines contained the 1RS/1BL translocationchromosome, which was characterized by the presence of a 1RS-specific Sec- 1 marker bands. Furtherverification with GISH proved that 33 in the 34 lines contained a pair of homozygous 1RS/1BL transloca-tion chromosomes, only one line was a 1RS/1BL monosomic line. A field experiment was carried out on Pdeficient soil to investigate grain yield, biomass, numbers of spikes per plant (SPP), P uptake efficiency(PUpE), and P utilization efficiency (PUtE) of the DH lines and their parents under -P (nil P applied) and P(60 kg P/hm2 applied) at maturity. Results showed soil P deficiency decreased the values of the first fourtraits in Lovrin No.10, but were more severe for Chinese Spring. Lovrin No.10 had higher values of all theabove tested traits at both -P and P than Chinese Spring did, but had similar PUtE with Chinese Spring.These five traits segregated, and differed greatly among DH lines under both -P and P conditions.Although the variations among DH lines exceeded the difference between the two parents, the averagevalues of the DH lines were between the two parents. The average of the above five traits, and P deficiencytolerance (PDT) (measured by relative grain yield of -P/ P) were not different between the DH lines withand without 1RS/1BL translocation. This indicated that there was no association between 1RS and PUEand PDT in Lovrin No.10, and 1RS may not have P efficient gene(s). Therefore, in the offspring of LovrinNo.10, it is possible to combine high PUE and PDT with good quality without the negative effect of 1RS onflour quality.  相似文献   

抗黄矮病小麦新品系YW443的分子细胞遗传学鉴定   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以小麦-中间偃麦草二体附加系L1衍生抗病系PP9-1为抗源,与小麦推广品种陕7859.丰抗8号杂交并自交,在F6代中选到农艺性状优良的高抗黄矮病小麦新品系YW443。对YW443及其亲本进行抗病性鉴定。结果表明:YW443高抗大麦黄矮病毒GPV、GAV株系。利用基因组原位杂交,RFLP分析和RAPD分析,研究诉遗传构成及其抗病基因染色体归属。结果表明:YW443(2n=43)的遗传构成了40条(2  相似文献   

小麦-中间偃麦草双体异附加系的选育和鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在小麦-中间偃麦草59个杂交后代种质系中,筛选出6个小麦-中间偃麦草双体异附加系(line 0605,line 0607,line 0609,line 0610,line 06ll,line 0625),并对其进行了形态学、白粉病抗性、细胞学和RAPD鉴定。形态学结果表明:6个双体异附加系农艺性状较好地结合了双亲的优良特点;细胞学结果表明:6个双体异附加系具有高度的细胞学稳定性,花粉母细胞减数分裂中期I(PMCMI)的染色体构型为2n=22II;RAPD分析表明:在供试的209个随机引物中有5个引物分别能在6个异附加系中稳定地扩增出不同的特异带型,可以作为各个异附加系所附加染色体的特异分子标记;白粉病抗性鉴定结果表明:line 0605表现免疫,line 0610和line 0625表现高抗,line 0607表现中抗,line 0609和line 06ll表现中感。  相似文献   

利用RAPD分子标记对番茄杂交种纯度的鉴定研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李丽  郑晓鹰  E.Klocke 《广西植物》2003,23(2):149-154,148
应用RAPD(RandomlyamplifiedpolymorphicDNA)分子标记对番茄京丹1号和毛粉802的F1代杂交种纯度进行鉴定的实验研究。该项研究使用了10个碱基的单随机引物和10个碱基的双随机引物进行扩增。在60个单引物扩增反应中获得7个京丹1号父本特有的核酸标记片段。但在14个双随机引物对京丹1号和毛粉802杂交组合的扩增反应中获得了7个京丹1号F1代杂交种特有的核酸标记片段和5个毛粉802父本特有的标记带。实验结果显示,双引物的扩增反应对鉴定双亲亲缘关系极近的杂交种纯度较单引物扩增反应更有效。其中,京丹1号的14个标记片段在北京蔬菜研究中心,种子纯度检测室又进行了重复扩增实验。实验结果为87%的RAPD标记可以在使用不同的PCR仪和不同来源的Taq酶的实验条件下得到。RAPD分子标记技术对鉴定双亲亲缘关系极近的杂交种纯度是真实可靠的。  相似文献   

L Qi  M Cao  P Chen  W Li  D Liu 《Génome》1996,39(1):191-197
A new powdery mildew resistance gene designated Pm21, from Haynaldia villosa, a relative of wheat, has been identified and incorporated into wheat through an alien translocation line. Cytogenetic and biochemical analyses showed that chromosome arms 6VS and 6AL were involved in this translocation. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was performed on recipient wheat cultivar Yangmai 5, the translocation line, and H. villosa with 180 random primers. Eight of the 180 primers amplified polymorphic DNA in the translocation line, and the same results were obtained in four replications. Furthermore, RAPD analysis was reported for substitution line 6V, seven addition lines (1V-7V), and the F1, as well as F2 plants of (translocation line x 'Yangmai 5'), using two of the eight random primers. One RAPD marker, specific to chromosome arm 6VS, OPH17-1900, could be used as a molecular marker for the detection of gene Pm21 in breeding materials with powdery mildew resistance introduced from H. villosa. Key words : RAPD analysis, 6VS-specific marker, Pm21, Erysiphe graminis f.sp. tritici, Triticum aestivum - Haynaldia villosa translocation.  相似文献   

Various pea cultivars, lines, and mutants were studied by the RAPD method. Polymorphic fragments characteristic of certain pea genotypes and which can be used for identifying genotypes were detected. Inheritance of some polymorphic RAPD fragments was studied. Mendelian inheritance of these fragments was shown. By analyzing the data obtained in studies of RAPD polymorphism, genetic distances between different pea cultivars, lines, and mutants were calculated and a genealogic dendogram showing a varying extent of differences between RAPD patterns was constructed. Ten new RAPD markers linked to various pea genes were detected. Genetic distances between RAPD markers and genes to which they are linked were calculated, and the respective disposition of RAPD markers on chromosomes was established.Translated from Genetika, Vol. 41, No. 3, 2005, pp. 341–348.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Koveza, Kokaeva, Konovalov, Gostimsky.  相似文献   

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