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【目的】采用叩甲科昆虫的内转录间隔区(ITS-2)片段对叩甲科昆虫部分种类进行系统发育分析,明确各亚科类群间的亲缘关系并同传统分类系统进行比较,验证ITS-2片段是否能用于叩甲科昆虫的分子系统学研究。【方法】基于叩甲科昆虫的内转录间隔区(ITS-2)片段,对10个亚科69个种类的叩甲进行了系统发育分析。进行系统发育信号检测,计算各亚科之间的遗传距离,采用邻接法、似然法和简约法三种模型构建系统发育树。【结果】3种方法构建系统发育树结构基本一致,各亚科都能被很好的聚类,且各亚科间遗传距离符合传统分类学观点。同时,分析结果也支持对传统分类系统进行修改:尖鞘叩甲亚科Oxynopterinae和异角叩甲亚科Pityobiinae被聚入齿胸叩甲亚科Denticollinae,建议将尖鞘叩甲亚科和异角叩甲亚科同齿胸叩甲亚科合并;槽缝叩甲亚科Agrypninae和单叶叩甲亚科Conoderinae并入萤叩甲亚科Pyrophorinae;梳爪叩甲类群Melanotinae被聚类到叩甲亚科Elaterinae内,建议将梳爪叩甲亚科并入叩甲亚科。【结论】分析结果显示,ITS-2片段适用于叩甲科昆虫低级分类阶元的系统发育分析,各亚科之间的亲缘关系符合传统的分类学观点,但聚类结果也有同传统分类系统有所不同,可为分类系统的修改提供依据。  相似文献   

叩甲科昆虫是叩甲总科中最大的一科,广泛分布于全世界。但是直到现在叩甲科的分类系统还存在着不确定的地方,因为早期的分类系统是基于成虫和幼虫的外部形态特征建立的,很多的族、属、甚至亚科的划分都有争议。本研究利用核糖体28S rD NA片段,对国内采集的叩甲科昆虫共80种进行系统发育分析。分析中还采用了Gen Bank已有的86种叩甲科昆虫序列作为内群,14种外群,利用邻接法、最大似然法、最大简约法和贝叶斯法构建系统发育树。不同方法构建的系统发育树结构相同,并部分支持了基于外部形态特征建立的分类系统。结果显示,叩甲科共分为5个分支,分别为齿胸叩甲亚科分支、小叩甲亚科分支、心盾叩甲亚科分支、萤叩甲亚科分支以及叩甲亚科分支。其中,方胸叩甲属属于叩甲科类群,在系统树中却更加接近于红萤科,并且外群中萤科的位置也与以前的观点不同。研究的结果支持叩甲科昆虫具有良好的单系性。并且根据结果提出以下假设:尖鞘叩甲亚科、异角叩甲亚科和胖叩甲亚科可以纳入齿胸叩甲亚科内部;单叶叩甲亚科和槽缝叩甲亚科并入萤叩甲亚科;梳爪叩甲亚科并入叩甲亚科。这个结论还需要引入更多的种类及分子标记来加以证实。  相似文献   

【目的】利用核糖体DNA联合序列探讨天牛总科高阶元分子系统发育。【方法】本研究采用分子标记技术,分析测定了63种天牛核糖体28S rDNA D2和D3区以及18S rDNA V4和V7区的DNA序列,并采用邻接法、最大似然法和贝叶斯推论法分别构建了天牛总科2科6亚科63种的分子进化系统。【结果】序列联合比对分析,最终得到1 404 bp的联合数据组,其中可变位点446个(32.0%),保守位点958(68.0%),转换/颠换的平均值(R值)为1.73。28S rDNA和18S rDNA以及联合序列的饱和度分析显示碱基突变未达到饱和,说明这些序列适合于分子进化树的构建。利用不同系统发育重建方法得到进化树具有相似拓扑结构,结果支持沟胫天牛亚科、花天牛亚科和天牛亚科为单系群,这与形态学分类结果相似;狭胸天牛独立成为亚科得到了支持。【结论】利用28S rDNA D2和D3区以及18S rDNA V4和V7区联合序列成功构建出了天牛总科高阶元的系统发育树。研究表明联合序列分析是探讨天牛高阶元分类的有效的方法。  相似文献   

【目的】构建天牛总科高阶元的进化关系,为解决天牛各亚科之间进化关系和归属提供依据。【方法】本研究采用18S rDNA(V4、V7区)分子标记,分析和测定了49种天牛基因序列,并结合GenBank数据库中3科2亚科21种天牛的18S rDNA基因序列,采用邻近法(Neighbor Jointing,NJ)、贝叶斯推论法(Bayesian Inference,BI)和最大似然法(Maximum Likelihood),对天牛总科3科6亚科的70种天牛基因序列构建进化树,探讨天牛高阶元类群的进化关系。【结果】研究表明:序列分析比对后得到序列为703 bp,碱基A、T、C、G的含量分别为21.1%、26.3%、23.6%和28.9%;变异位点(Variable sites)98个占全部位点的13.9%,简约信息位点(Parsimony informative sites)45个占全部位点的6.4%;转换(Transition)/颠换(Transversion)的平均值R值为2.79,转换大于颠换。进化树结果显示沟胫天牛亚科Lamiinae、天牛亚科Cerambycinae、锯天牛亚科Prioninae和瘦天牛科Disteniidae为单系性进化群,这与传统形态学分类结果相似。【结论】本研究成功构建了天牛总科高阶元的系统发育树,研究证明18S rDNA(V4、V7区)是探讨天牛高级阶元分类有效的分子标记。  相似文献   

【目的】针对中国灰蝶科中亲缘关系较近的3个主要亚科[灰蝶亚科(Lycaeninae)、线灰蝶亚科(Theclinae)以及眼灰蝶亚科(Polyommatina)],基于线粒体基因序列数据研究它们主要类群间的系统发育关系。【方法】对3亚科共53种灰蝶的线粒体COI和Cytb基因进行序列测定和序列变异分析,同时,基于最大似然法(maximum likelihood,ML)和贝叶斯法(bayesian inference,BI)等建树方法重建53种灰蝶的系统发育树。【结果】串联的2个基因共1 431 bp,其中保守位点855个,可变位点576个,简约信息位点488个;A+T的平均含量为74.5%,明显高于G+C的平均含量(25.5%)。系统树显示,灰蝶亚科以及眼灰蝶亚科均是单系发生,线灰蝶亚科则为并系群。全部灰蝶物种共分为三大支系:灰蝶亚科为第1支系;眼灰蝶亚科与线灰蝶亚科中的旖灰蝶族(Hypolycaenini)、富丽灰蝶族(Aphnaeini)分别构成单系群并互为姊妹群,它们共同构成第2支系;线灰蝶亚科中的美灰蝶族(Eumaeini)、玳灰蝶族(Deudorigini)、娆灰蝶族(Arhopalini)和线灰蝶族(Theclini)构成第3支系,其亲缘关系为:(((线灰蝶族+娆灰蝶族)+玳灰蝶族)+美灰蝶族)。【结论】本研究涉及的3个灰蝶亚科中,灰蝶亚科是一个独立的支系,眼灰蝶亚科与线灰蝶亚科之间有较近的亲缘关系,但它们内部主要类群间的系统发育关系还需要进一步的研究。  相似文献   

时敏  陈学新  马云  何俊华 《昆虫学报》2007,50(2):153-164
本研究选取矛茧蜂亚科Doryctinae(昆虫纲Insecta:膜翅目Hymenoptera:茧蜂科Braconidae)的6族15属18种做内群,茧蜂科其它7亚科11属11种做外群,首次结合同源核糖体28S rDNA D2基因序列片段和100个形态学和解剖学特征对该亚科进行了系统发育学研究。利用“非圆口类"的小腹茧蜂亚科Microgastrinae为根,以PAUP*4.0和MrBayes 3.0B4软件分别应用最大简约法(MP)和贝叶斯法对矛茧蜂亚科的分子数据和分子数据与非分子数据的结合体进行了运算分析;并以PAUP*4.0对矛茧蜂亚科的28S rDNA D2基因序列片段的碱基组成与碱基替代情况进行了分析。结果表明:矛茧蜂亚科的28S rDNA D2基因序列片段的GC含量在39.33%~48.28%之间变动,而对于碱基替代情况来讲,矛茧蜂亚科各成员间序列变异位点上颠换(transversion)大于转换(transition)。不同的分析算法所产生的系统发育树都表明矛茧蜂亚科是一个界限分明的单系群;在矛茧蜂亚科内,除了吉丁茧蜂族Siragrini为单系群外,其他族(矛茧蜂族Doryctini和方头茧蜂族Hecabolini)都是并系群。对于矛茧蜂亚科内各属之间的相互亲缘关系,不同算法所得的系统发育树的拓扑结构不完全一致,表明矛茧蜂亚科内(属及族)的系统发育关系还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

研究测定了天牛科3亚科9种昆虫线粒体16S rDNA基因约500bp的序列,对序列的碱基组成和遗传距离进行分析。并基于16S rDNA基因序列数据,采用邻接法(NJ)和最大简约法(MP)分析天牛科3亚科分子系统发育关系。研究结果表明,2种方法得到的分子系统树其分支结果一致,可将内群分为2个分支,第1个分支包括沟胫天牛亚科和天牛亚科;第2个分支包括花天牛亚科。16SrDNA基因对天牛科亚科间系统发育的研究是有价值的。  相似文献   

张锋  洪波  王远征  李英梅  陈志杰 《昆虫学报》2019,62(11):1305-1314
【目的】从线粒体基因组水平上探讨枣食芽象甲Scythropus yasumatsui与近缘种的系统发育关系。【方法】利用Illumina MiSeq测序平台对枣食芽象甲线粒体基因组进行测序,对基因组序列进行拼装、注释和特征分析;利用贝叶斯法和最大似然法构建基于象甲科13个物种的线粒体基因组13个蛋白质编码基因核苷酸序列的系统发育树。【结果】结果表明,枣食芽象甲线粒体基因组全长为16 472 bp (GenBank登录号: MF807224),包含13个蛋白质编码基因、22个tRNA基因、2个rRNA基因和2个非编码控制区,37个基因的排列顺序与祖先昆虫的线粒体基因排列顺序一致。13个蛋白质编码基因的起始密码子为ATN,其中除了cob和nad1基因的完全终止密码子为TAG外,其余11个基因的完全终止密码子为TA(A)。22个tRNA基因中除了trnS1缺少DHU臂,反密码子由GCT变为TCT外,其余均能形成典型的三叶草结构。基于13个蛋白质编码基因序列构建的系统发育树结果显示,象甲科8个亚科系统发育关系为:(((隐喙象亚科(Cryptorhynchinae)+(象虫亚科(Curculioninae)+魔喙象亚科(Molytinae)))+长小蠹亚科(Platypodinae))+(粗喙象亚科(Entiminae)+Cyclominae亚科))+隐颏象亚科(Dryophthorinae)+小蠹亚科(Scolytinae))。【结论】在13种象甲科昆虫物种中,同属于粗喙象亚科的枣食芽象甲与南美果树象甲Naupactus xanthographus在系统发育树中聚为同一分支,表明基于线粒体基因组全序列的分子系统发育结果与传统的形态分类结果是一致的。  相似文献   

【目的】线粒体基因组分析已被应用于昆虫系统发育研究。本研究以蚜科Aphididae重要类群毛蚜亚科物种为代表,测定并比较分析了该类蚜虫的线粒体基因组特征,探讨了基于线粒体基因组信息的蚜虫系统发育关系重建。【方法】以毛蚜亚科三角枫多态毛蚜Periphyllus acerihabitans Zhang和针茅小毛蚜Chaetosiphella stipae Hille Ris Lambers,1947为研究对象,利用长短PCR相结合的方法测定线粒体基因组的序列,分析了基因组的基本特征;基于在线t RNAscan-SE Search Server搜索方法预测了t RNA的二级结构;基于12个物种(本研究获得的2个物种和10个Gen Bank上下载的物种数据)的蛋白编码基因(PCGs)序列,利用最大似然法和贝叶斯法重建了蚜科的系统发育关系。【结果】两种毛蚜均获得了约94%的线粒体基因组数据,P.acerihabitans获得了14 908 bp,控制区为1 205 bp;C.stipae获得了13 893 bp,控制区为609 bp。两种毛蚜同时获得33个基因,包含接近完整的13个蛋白编码基因(PCGs)(nad5不完整),18个tRNA,2个rRNA基因;ka/ks值表明,C.stipae的进化速率更快。从基因组组成、基因排列顺序、核苷酸组成分析、密码子使用情况、t RNA二级结构等特征来分析,两种蚜虫线粒体基因组基本特征相似。系统发育重建结果表明毛蚜亚科、蚜亚科的单系性得到了支持,毛蚜亚科位于蚜科的基部位置。【结论】两种毛蚜线粒体基因组的基本特征相似,符合蚜虫线粒体基因组的一般特征,两种线粒体基因组的长度差异主要来自控制区长度的不同;系统发育重建支持毛蚜亚科与蚜亚科的单系性,毛蚜亚科位于蚜科较为基部的位置。研究结果为蚜虫类系统发育重建提供了参考。  相似文献   

扩增并测定了我国蝽科4亚科8属11种昆虫线粒体COⅡ基因585 bp的序列,对序列的碱基组成、转换颠换、遗传距离等进行分析,探讨了COⅡ基因在该科的分子进化机制.并基于COⅡ基因序列数据,分别采用邻接法(NI)、最大简约法(MP)和贝叶斯推论法(BI)建立蝽科分子系统发育关系.研究结果表明,蝽科昆虫COⅡ基因A T含量平均为71.7%,存在较强的A T含量偏向性,氨基酸的变异率为27.2%;亚科间的遗传距离介于0.168~0.242之间,大于亚科内属种间的遗传距离,蝽科与盾蝽科2外群之间遗传距离最大,两科之间存在明显的间断.分子系统发育树表明,短喙蝽亚科为蝽科中较为原始的类群,分化较早,益蝽亚科与舌盾蝽亚科关系较近,形成一对姐妹群,蝽科中捕食性种类--益蝽亚科是较为特化的类群,它是由植食性种类分化而来.蝽科4亚科间的分子系统发育关系为Phyllocephalinae (Pentatominae (Asopinae Podopinae).  相似文献   

Bioluminescence has been hypothesized as aposematic signalling, intersexual communication and a predatory strategy, but origins and relationships among bioluminescent beetles have been contentious. We reconstruct the phylogeny of the bioluminescent elateroid beetles (i.e. Elateridae, Lampyridae, Phengodidae and Rhagophthalmidae), analysing genomic data of Sinopyrophorus Bi & Li, and in light of our phylogenetic results, we erect Sinopyrophoridae Bi & Li, stat.n . as a clicking elaterid‐like sister group of the soft‐bodied bioluminescent elateroid beetles, that is, Lampyridae, Phengodidae and Rhagophthalmidae. We suggest a single origin of bioluminescence for these four families, designated as the ‘lampyroid clade’, and examine the origins of bioluminescence in the terminal lineages of click beetles (Elateridae). The soft‐bodied bioluminescent lineages originated from the fully sclerotized elateroids as a derived clade with clicking Sinopyrophorus and Elateridae as their serial sister groups. This relationship indicates that the bioluminescent soft‐bodied elateroids are modified click beetles. We assume that bioluminescence was not present in the most recent common ancestor of Elateridae and the lampyroid clade and it evolved among this group with some delay, at the latest in the mid‐Cretaceous period, presumably in eastern Laurasia. The delimitation and internal structure of the elaterid‐lampyroid clade provides a phylogenetic framework for further studies on the genomic variation underlying the evolution of bioluminescence.  相似文献   

The suborder Myrmeleontiformia is a derived lineage of lacewings (Insecta: Neuroptera) including the families Psychopsidae, Nemopteridae, Nymphidae, Ascalaphidae and Myrmeleontidae. In particular, Myrmeleontidae (antlions) are the most diverse neuropteran family, representing a conspicuous component of the insect fauna of xeric environments. We present the first detailed quantitative phylogenetic analysis of Myrmeleontiformia, based on 107 larval morphological and behavioural characters for 36 genera whose larvae are known (including at least one representative of all the subfamilies of the suborder). Four related families were used as outgroups to polarize character states. Phylogenetic analyses were conducted using both parsimony and Bayesian methods. The reconstructions resulting from our analyses corroborate the monophyly of Myrmeleontiformia. Within this clade, Psychopsidae are recovered as the sister family to all the remaining taxa. Nemopteridae (including both subfamilies Nemopterinae and Crocinae) are recovered as monophyletic and sister to the clade comprising Nymphidae + (Myrmeleontidae + Ascalaphidae). Nymphidae consist of two well‐supported clades corresponding to the subfamilies Nymphinae and Myiodactylinae. Our results suggest that Ascalaphidae may not be monophyletic, as they collapse into an unresolved polytomy under the Bayesian analysis. In addition, the recovered phylogenetic relationships diverge from the traditional classification scheme for ascalaphids. Myrmeleontidae are reconstructed as monophyletic, with the subfamilies Stilbopteryginae, Palparinae and Myrmeleontinae. We retrieved a strongly supported clade comprising taxa with a fossorial habit of the preimaginal instars, which represents a major antlion radiation, also including the monophyletic pit‐trap building species.  相似文献   

The high-level classification of Chrysomelidae (leaf beetles) currently recognizes 12 or 13 well-established subfamilies, but the phylogenetic relationships among them remain ambiguous. Full mitochondrial genomes were newly generated for 27 taxa and combined with existing GenBank data to provide a dataset of 108 mitochondrial genomes covering all subfamilies. Phylogenetic analysis under maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference recovered the monophyly of all subfamilies, except that Timarcha was split from Chrysomelinae in some analyses. Three previously recognized major clades of Chrysomelidae were broadly supported: the ‘chrysomeline’ clade consisting of (Chrysomelinae (Galerucinae + Alticinae)); the ‘sagrine’ clade with internal relationships of ((Bruchinae + Sagrinae) + (Criocerinae + Donaciinae)), and the ‘eumolpine’ clade comprising (Spilopyrinae (Cassidinae (Eumolpinae (Cryptocephalinae + Lamprosomatinae)))). Relationships among these clades differed between data treatments and phylogenetic algorithms, and were complicated by two additional deep lineages, Timarcha and Synetinae. Various topological tests favoured the PhyloBayes software as the preferred inference method, resulting in the arrangement of (chrysomelines (eumolpines + sagrines)), with Timarcha placed as sister to the chrysomeline clade and Synetinae as a deep lineage splitting near the base. Whereas mitogenomes provide a solid framework for the phylogeny of Chrysomelidae, the basal relationships do not agree with the topology of existing molecular studies and remain one of the most difficult problems of Chrysomelidae phylogenetics.  相似文献   

家蚕吡哆醛激酶的融合表达与纯化   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
【目的】吡哆醛激酶(pyridoxal kinase, PLK, EC是维生素B6的关键代谢酶。本研究原核表达家蚕Bombyx mori重组PLK, 为进一步开展家蚕PLK的催化作用机制和表达调控机制的研究奠定基础。【方法】构建家蚕PLK基因融合表达质粒, 转化大肠杆菌Escherichia coli诱导表达, 经Ni2+ 亲和层析纯化后, 对融合蛋白的催化活性进行分析。【结果】纯化后的家蚕重组PLK经SDS-PAGE鉴定为单一条带, 比活力为1 800 U/mg, 纯化倍数为40倍。在底物过量的条件下, 该重组酶的体外最适反应温度是50℃; 最适pH为5.5~6; Zn2+ 是酶促反应有效的激活剂。【结论】重组家蚕PLK与来源于家蚕组织的PLK具有相同的催化性质。  相似文献   

Kundrata, R. & Bocak, L. (2011). The phylogeny and limits of Elateridae (Insecta, Coleoptera): is there a common tendency of click beetles to soft‐bodiedness and neoteny? —Zoologica Scripta, 40, 364–378. Phylogenetic relationships in Elateroidea were investigated using partial 18S and 28S rDNA and rrnl and cox1 mtDNA sequences with special interest in the phylogeny of Elateridae and the position of soft‐bodied lineages Drilidae and Omalisidae that had been classified as families in the cantharoid lineage of Elateroidea until recently. Females in these groups are neotenic and almost completely larviform (Drilidae) or brachypterous (Omalisidae). The newly sequenced individuals of Elateridae, Drilidae, Omalisidae and Eucnemidae were merged with previously published datasets and analysed matrices include either 155 taxa with the complete representation of fragments or 210 taxa when some fragments were missing. The main feature of inferred phylogenetic trees was the monophyly of Phengodidae + Rhagophthalmidae + Omalisidae + Elateridae + Drilidae with Omalisidae regularly occupying a basal node in the group; Drilidae were embedded as a terminal lineage in the elaterid subfamily Agrypninae and soft‐bodied Cebrioninae were a part of Elaterinae. The soft‐bodied males and incompletely metamorphosed females originated at least three times within the wider Elateridae clade. Their atypical morphology has been considered as a result of long evolutionary history and they were given an inappropriately high rank in the previous classifications. The frequent origins of these modifications seem to be connected with modifications of the hormonal regulation of the metamorphosis. The superficial similarity with other soft‐bodied lineages, such as Cantharidae, Lycidae, Lampyridae, Phengodidae and Rhagophthalmidae is supposed to be a result of homoplasious modifications of the ancestral elateroid morphology due to the incomplete metamorphosis. The results of phylogenetic analyses are translated in the formal taxonomic classification. Most Drilidae are placed in Elateridae as a tribe Drilini in Agrypninae, whilst Pseudeuanoma and Euanoma are transferred from Drilidae to Omalisidae. The subfamily Cebrioninae is placed in Elaterinae as tribes Cebrionini and Aplastini. Oxynopterini, Pityobiini and Semiotini are lowered from the subfamily rank to tribes and classified in Denticollinae.  相似文献   

The Lejeuneaceae are the largest family of the liverworts (Hepaticae), with almost a thousand species in 91 currently accepted genera. We analysed phylogenetic relationships of 69 genera, representing all major subfamilies and tribes recognized in the family, by using 49 informative morphological characters (31 gametophytic, 18 sporophytic), one chemical character, and applying equal and successive weighting of characters and parsimony analysis. In all trees recovered, the Lejeuneaceae were monophyletic with Nipponolejeunea (subfam. Nipponolejeuneoideae) forming the basalmost lineage. The remaining genera clustered in two major groups, the monophyletic Lejeuneoideae (52 genera) and the paraphyletic Ptychanthoideae (16 genera). Within each, several multigeneric lineages corresponding in part to previously described taxa were recovered: the Acrolejeuneinae and Ptychanthinae clades in the Ptychanthoideae, and the Brachiolejeuneinae, Lejeuneeae and Tuyamaella–Cololejeunea clades in the Lejeuneoideae. Bryopteris , a genus sometimes treated as a separate family, was nested in the Ptychanthinae clade. The Tuyamaella–Cololejeunea lineage corresponded with three previously recognized subfamilies (Cololejeuneoideae, Myriocoleoideae and Tuyamaelloideae) and contained genera with neotenic features, in two subclades. These features seemed to have originated by multiple heterochronic events: single origins were detected for 'protonemal neoteny' and 'primary neoteny', whereas 'secondary neoteny' probably evolved twice. Relationships within the large Lejeuneeae clade (43 genera) remained largely unresolved, although several putative lineages were detected in majority rule trees. Additional characters such as DNA sequences may provide better phylogenetic resolution in this group.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 143 , 391–410.  相似文献   

Geometridae is one of the most diverse families within the Lepidoptera, comprising nine subfamilies. Winter moths, which have a unique life history, are found in three subfamilies. To examine the phylogeny of the Geometridae at the subfamily level and determine the evolutionary history of winter moths, we constructed phylogenetic trees for all nine geometrid subfamilies using two mitochondrial and two nuclear gene sequences. Specimens of all subfamilies were sampled from Japan. Simultaneous analyses of the combined data from all genes revealed that the Geometridae comprised two major clades: one with subfamilies Larentiinae and Sterrhinae, and the other with the remaining seven subfamilies. The second clade included the largest subfamily, Ennominae, and the subfamily Archiearinae, which is traditionally considered to be an ancestral lineage of the Geometridae. The Larentiinae+Sterrhinae clade contained one winter moth lineage, and the second major clade consisted of three winter moth lineages, including Alsophilinae, which contains winter moths exclusively. Using a Bayesian inference of divergence times, we estimated that geometrids began to diverge 54 Mya (62-48 Mya), whereas winter moth lineages differentiated from non-winter moth lineages 34-12 Mya, during the global cooling events in the Oligocene and the early Miocene. The adaptation to cool climates may have been a preadaptation that facilitated the winter moth life cycle.  相似文献   

Although the taxonomy of click beetles (family Elateridae) has been studied extensively, inconsistencies remain. We examine here the relationships between species of Elateridae based on partial sequences of nuclear 28S ribosomal DNA. Specimens were collected primarily from Japan, while luminous click beetles were also sampled from Central and South America to investigate the origins of bioluminescence in Elateridae. Neighbor-joining, maximum-parsimony, and maximum-likelihood analyses produced a consistent basal topology with high statistical support that is partially congruent with the results of previous investigations based on the morphological characteristics of larvae and adults. The most parsimonious reconstruction of the "luminous" and "nonluminous" states, based on the present molecular phylogeny, indicates that the ancestral state of Elateridae was nonluminous. This suggests that the bioluminescence in click beetle evolved independent of that of other luminous beetles, such as Lampyridae, despite their common mechanisms of bioluminescence.  相似文献   

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