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本文描述了锯(虫兆)属Papirioides亚属一新种,它具有夏威夷种P. serrata的许多特征,而与越南北部的P. aequituberculata最为相近。但该新种通过面部毛序具多种类型,大腹前部背面较多大毛和弹器齿节腹面的稳定毛序类型等主要特征与后者区分。包括本新种在内,目前已知国内有mirabilis(Denis)(福建),jacobsoni Folsom(台湾),yunnanus Itot(云南)等4种Papirioides亚属的弹尾目昆虫。  相似文献   

本文讨论了华球角[虫兆]属并描述江苏1新种:五齿华球角[虫兆]Chinogastrura quinidentis,sp.nov.。该种与分布在中国和日本的Ch.duplwispinosa(Yosii),1954最为接近,如具4个臀刺、相似的角后器和弹器的端节等,但在握弹器、弹器基和齿节以及触角上的毛序等方面有别于后者。 正模:♂,江苏南京南京大学校园,1990-Ⅱ-26,采集号8118,KennethA.Christiansen采;副模:2多♂♂和2♀♀,同正模。模式标本保存在南京大学生物科学与技术系。  相似文献   

本文记述了中国刺齿虫兆属1新种——天台刺齿虫兆Homidiatiantaiensis,sp.nov.。该种色斑明显不同于此属所有已知种。它的许多特征与朝鲜的H.flavonigraSzeptycki,1973相似,但上唇、下唇和弹器齿节基部等处的刚毛及腹部第II节的毛序可区分两者。正模♀,浙江天台山,采集号8537,1996-VII-16;副模5♀♀,采集号8535、8536和8537,其它同正模。模式标本保存于南京大学生物系。  相似文献   

正南极洲包括南极大陆及其周围岛屿,是世界上发现最晚的大陆,它孤独地坐守在地球的最南端。其中,南极大陆95%以上的面积被厚度极高的冰雪所覆盖,故有"白色大陆"之称;其平均海拔为2350米,是人类已知的最为寒冷的高原大陆。南极大陆总面积约为1400万平方公里,居世界各洲第五位。位于南极大陆边缘、与大陆相连的浮动冰层,即陆缘冰,又称"冰架",占南极冰盖总面积的10%。另外,南大洋面积约为7700万平方公里,占世界大洋总面积的22%左  相似文献   

记述了采自中国四川鳞姚属(弹尾纲,鳞姚科)1新种,模式标本保存在西南科技大学生命科学与工程学院昆虫标本室.九寨鳞姚,新种omocerus jiuzhaiensis sp.nov.(图1~11)该种与f zayuensis Huang and Yin,1981和f ocreatus Dems,1948相似,主要区别是齿节刺结构、胫跗节刺状钝毛数、小爪内齿的有无、握弹器体上刚毛数等.新种主要鉴别特征:齿节刺简单,胫跗节刺状钝毛数为6、6、6,小爪有1内齿、握弹器体上刚毛数为17支,弹器端节间齿数为3~4.词源:新种种名源自模式标本采集地地名.  相似文献   

<正> 瓜星圆跳虫Bourletiella hortensis Fitch属弹尾目,合腹亚目、跳虫科。 弹尾目(Collembola)昆虫是小型的低等虫类,分布很广。有些种类是蔬菜、粮食和经济作物的害虫,全世界已知该目昆虫有2,000种。笔者从1977年以来,对瓜星圆跳虫进行了考察,菜农称之为“小蹦子”、“褐蹦子”、“菜圆跳子”。  相似文献   

据英国南极局(BAS)的考察结果表明,受 地球温暖化的影响,狗尾草及石竹一类的高等植 物在南极大陆迅速地蔓延开来。这是英国科学家 首次向人们展示了反映南极植物分布变化的具体 资料。目前,在南极开花的高等种子植物有两种, 一种是属于石竹科的南极绿石竹,另一种是属于 禾本科的南极发草。其他的只有苔藓及地衣类植 物。科学家考察了位于南纬65度附近,靠近南美 大陆最南端属于南极半岛的三个岛。考察结果表 明,从1964年到1990年的20多年时间里,上述 两种高等种子植物有了大量的繁衍,其中南极绿 石竹的株数增长了5倍,南极发草的株数增长了  相似文献   

海南岛海水鱼类单殖吸虫研究及宽海盘虫二新种记述   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
记述了采自海南岛后水湾的眶棘双边鱼Ambassis gymnocephalus Lacépéde鳃上寄生的宽海盘虫2新种.张氏宽海盘虫Euryhaliotrema zhangjianyingi sp nov.以其边缘小钩明显长于两对中央大钩,支持器的套环状特殊结构,两对中央大钩和联结片而不同于属内的已知种;双边鱼宽海盘虫,Euryhaliotrema ambassisi sp.nov.以其交接器的量度,后吸器中央大钩内突基部较宽,外突较小,钩基部较直,钩尖短而不同于相似种和属内已知种.文中量度μm,模式标本保存在海南师范学院生物系.  相似文献   

记述采自我国海南岛的豹蛛属Pardosa 1新种,针豹蛛P.aciculifera sp.nov.,新种以其独特的外雌器和触肢器而易与本属其它已知种区别。由于其外雌器和触肢器十分独特,目前暂不能将新种归入本属已划定的种组,模式标本存于中国科学院动物研究所动物标本馆。  相似文献   

南极大磷虾(Euphausia superba),俗指南极磷虾,是目前已知的地球上生物量最大的单一生物资源[1],在南大洋一半以上海域均有分布[2],尤以南极半岛海域最为密集[3,4]。其个体较大,最大体长可达60 mm以上,是世界上最大的磷虾种。自20世纪60年代初前苏联率先试捕  相似文献   

太湖流域大型底栖动物群落结构及其与环境因子的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
高欣  牛翠娟  胡忠军 《应用生态学报》2011,22(12):3329-3336
分别于2009年8月和2010年5月对太湖流域37个采样点的大型底栖动物进行调查采样.共采集到大型底栖动物69种,其中寡毛类15种,占21.7%;软体动物16种,占23.2%;甲壳动物5种,占7.2%;水生昆虫27种,占39.1%;多毛类6种,占8.7%.利用大型底栖动物的物种组成以及物种相对丰度,应用双向指示种(TWINSPAN)和无偏对应分析(DCA)将37个采样点分为4组,第1组的指示种为齿吻沙蚕和河蚬等多毛类及软体动物;第2组的指示种为太湖大螯蜚和方格短沟蜷等多毛类及软体动物;第3组的指示种为霍甫水丝蚓等环节动物;第4组的指示种为正颤蚓和摇蚊幼虫.典范对应分析(CCA)结果表明:电导率和总氮是影响底栖动物分布的主要环境因子,铵氮、CODcr、透明度、叶绿素a、水深及硝态氮对底栖动物分布也有影响.  相似文献   

云南哀牢山山地湿性常绿阔叶林附生植物的多样性和分布   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:17  
附生植物对山地森林生态系统的物种多样性形成及其维持机制、生态系统的水分和养分循环等有重要作用。作者调查分析了云南哀牢山原生山地湿性常绿阔叶林 80株不同种类、不同径级乔木上附生植物种类、数量及空间分布特征,结果表明该区森林附生植物种类较为丰富。共收集到附生植物 69种,分属 33科 49属,其中维管束植物32种,苔藓植物 37种。附生维管束植物的Shannon Wiener指数和Simpson指数分别为 2. 93和 0. 91,附生苔藓植物分别为 3. 31和 0. 95。附生维管束植物中蕨类较为丰富,以棕鳞瓦韦 (Lepisorusscolopendrium)、拟书带蕨 (Vittariaflexuosoides)、柔毛水龙骨(Polypodiodesamoenavar. pilosa)等为主;附生种子植物以黄杨叶芒毛苣苔 (Aeschynanthusbuxifolius)、长叶粗筒苣苔(Briggsialongifolia)、白花树萝卜 (Agapetesmannii)等为主。该地区全年气候潮湿、温凉,使得附生苔藓植物非常丰富,主要优势种类包括东亚鞭苔 (Bazzaniapraerupta)、小叶鞭苔 (B. ovistipula)、齿边广萼苔(Chandonanthushirtellus)、树平藓 (Homaliodendronflabellatum)、刺果藓 (Symphyodonperrottetii)、青毛藓 (Dicran odontiumdenudatum)、小蔓藓(Meteoriellasoluta)、尖喙藓(Kindbergiapraelonga)等。从空间分布特点上看,  相似文献   

运用吕梁山南段植物群落及其环境调查数据,比较研究不同稀有种处理(剔除稀有种、稀有种不做处理与降低稀有种权重3种方法处理)对典范对应分析(CCA)排序结果的影响,并用Spearman秩相关系数检验对应排序轴的相关性。结果表明3种方法的分析效果基本一致,但它们对环境因子的解释趋势有差异。基于环境数据、物种数据和样方数据的排序轴相关分析结果显示:未处理稀有种的CCA与降低稀有种权重的CCA吻合度高于剔除稀有种的CCA与降低稀有种权重的CCA的吻合度,未处理稀有种的CCA与降低稀有种权重的CCA的前4轴呈极显著的一一对应关系;剔除稀有种的CCA和降低稀有种权重的CCA仅在基于环境数据和样方数据分析时前3轴呈极显著的一一对应关系,而在基于物种数据的相关分析时前4轴的对应相关性不显著。从物种-环境关系的解释量上来看,降低稀有种权重的CCA最优,剔除稀有种的CCA和未处理稀有种的CCA次之。结合对应排序轴的相关性分析和物种-环境关系累计解释量来看,这3种稀有种处理方法在准确地揭示物种与环境关系时的顺序依次为:降低稀有种权重>对稀有种不做处理>剔除稀有种。  相似文献   

本文采用踏查法对罗霄山脉地区大型真菌资源进行了为期5年的调查, 共采集标本5,100多号。结合形态学与分子生物学方法, 鉴定出大型真菌2门7纲20目72科218属672种, 其中幕阜山脉115种、九岭山脉168种、武功山脉77种、万洋山脉220种、诸广山脉193种; 新增罗霄山脉新记录属37个、新记录种514种。对罗霄山脉大型真菌物种组成分析表明, 含10种以上的优势科有18科, 其物种数占物种总数的73.36%, 为多孔菌科、蘑菇科、粉褶蕈科等; 含5种以上的优势属有34属, 其物种数占物种总数的55.36%, 包括粉褶蕈属(Entoloma)鹅膏属(Amanita)小皮伞属(Marasmius)等; 在该山脉发现中国特有属2个, 中国特有种46个。大型真菌资源利用价值评估表明, 罗霄山脉有食用菌133种、药用菌136种、毒菌87种, 部分种类具有良好的应用前景。本研究为该地区大型真菌资源的保护、利用和管理提供了较重要的科学依据。  相似文献   

秦岭太白山北坡蝶类组成共有78种,隶属6个科,43属。其中凤蝶科Papilionidae 3属8种,粉蝶科Pieridne 7属19种,眼蝶科sartyridae 5属9种,蛱蝶科Nymphalidae 15属27种,友蝶科Lycaenidae 7属8种,弄蝶科Hesperiidae 6属7种。新记录3种。  相似文献   

Questions: Is it possible to render the species pool concept operational for cultural landscape management and restoration? Location: Hordaland and Sogn & Fjordane counties, western Norway. Methods: An initial regional species list, based on information on the distribution of species and habitats in the Norwegian flora, was filtered using information on target communities and species lists from 95 sites in the region. Owing to the importance of both mowing and grazing Ellenberg indicator values were not used in the identification process. Results: The final regional species pool consisted of 227 species, of which 194 were extracted from the flora, while 33 agricultural landscape species were added from the actual pool or from a list of species in additional hay meadows. Some of the 33 species were regular inhabitants of hay meadows, others were rare in the region. The regional species pool list includes information on each species on demands when hydrology, nutrients and base saturation in the soil is concerned, and whether or not they are characteristic for either of the boreal or boreo‐nemoral vegetation zones. Conclusions: Specialist knowledge was an advantage when adding cultural landscape species other than meadow species of the flora; 77 species were documented only by the flora, interesting from the point of view of restoration as this part of the pool would not have been found by just adding species lists. The diversity of the now isolated hay meadow sites in the region may be kept up by replacing the lost natural invasion by an artificial one, using local seed mixtures and transplants.  相似文献   

Caterpillar ensembles were sampled on 16 species of shrubs from the family Asteraceae and the genus Piper (Piperaceae) in open and forest habitats in the Andean montane forest zone of southern Ecuador between August 2007 and May 2009. Trophic affiliations of caterpillars to the host plants were confirmed in feeding trials. Overall, species richness of herbivorous caterpillars was high (191 species across all plants), but varied strongly between ensembles associated with different plant species (2?C96 lepidopteran species per shrub species). Ensembles on Piper species were characterized by low effective species numbers and high dominance of one or two species of the Geometridae genus Eois Hübner. Low species number and high dominance were also found on latex-bearing Erato polymnioides, whereas ensembles on two other Asteraceae species were far more diverse and less strongly shaped by a few dominant species. The observed diversity patterns fit well to the concept that anti-herbivore defenses of plants are the major factors regulating associated insect ensembles. Local abundance and geographic range of host plants appear to have less influence. Lepidopteran species feeding on Asteraceae were found to be more generalistic than those feeding on Piper species. We conclude that caterpillar ensembles on most, but not all, studied plant species are defined by a small number of dominant species, which usually are narrow host specialists. This pattern was more distinct on Piper shrubs in forest understory, whereas Asteraceae in disturbed habitats had more open caterpillar ensembles.  相似文献   

Twenty-five islands of different sizes were rapidly surveyed in the Andaman islands for patterns of butterfly distribution and abundance. The surveys were conducted in the dry seasons of 1992 in the South Andaman islands, 1994 in the North Andaman islands and on both these years on the Little Andaman Island. Different habitat types were identified on each island and butterflies were sampled by the line transect method in each habitat type. Sixty-five species of butterflies were recorded from six families. Fifty-one species were less common and contributed to 25 % of the total count. Six species were very common. The overall distribution patterns of the species were nested. This suggests that small islands share their species with the larger islands but not vice versa. Many uncommon species were found exclusively on large islands. The presence of evergreen forest on islands significantly influenced the species encountered. Small and medium sized islands with evergreen forests had significantly more species than those without evergreen forests. Loss of primary forests due to logging and encroachment will result in the loss of many butterfly species. It is recommended that the large patches of primary evergreen forests be protected on a priority basis on large islands.  相似文献   

闽南丘陵山地引种栽培树木的物候期与抗寒力调查   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本试验以厦门同安祥溪国有林场为试验点,进行为期30多年的引种驯化试验。对35种主要树种的物候观测表明,引种树木叶芽及幼叶的生长集中在每年3月,花期集中在2~6月,果熟期集中在7~10月。寒害调查结果表明,引种保存的117个树种中,未受寒害或受寒害轻、能在同安正常越冬的有83种,占70.9%;中度冻害的有八宝树、石笔木等16种,占13.7%;而受冻严重和地上部分冻死的有柚木、白格等18种,占15.4%。绝大部分树种均可顺利渡夏,90多种已开花结实;无病虫害或危害轻微不影响生长发育的有109种,占93.2%;病虫影响严重的有桔红、细子龙等8种,占6.8%;造林成活率大于80%的有110种,占93.8%。试验结果表明,闽南丘陵山地收集保存的树种种质资源的生态适应性是多样的,这些树种在生长发育和适应性等方面表现出较大的差异性。  相似文献   

Abstract. The impact of cattle grazing on the vegetation of calcareous fens was compared to the effects of traditional autumn mowing in southern Germany. Vegetation composition was studied in adjacent pairs of fen meadows and pastures with similar environmental conditions and biomass production. Vegetation data were analysed with respect to species richness, species composition and response of species traits to disturbance, including morphology, defence mechanisms, clonal growth form and generative reproduction. Species richness was significantly reduced by grazing, but the percentage of typical fen species or Red Data Book species was not affected by land use type. Detrended Corrspondence Analysis indicated that species composition could best be explained in terms of a land use gradient. Species traits showed a clear trend in their response to land use type. Grazing favoured grasses and small forbs. Only a few species with defence mechanisms against foraging were more frequent or abundant on pastures. Many other species with defence mechanisms, however, did not have an advantage on pastures. Flowering and seed dispersal traits did not respond significantly to grazing or mowing. Species with fast spreading stem derived clonal organs were favoured on pastures, whereas all other clonal growth forms and, particularly, non‐clonal species were more abundant on meadows. More indicator species of wet soil conditions and species adapted to flooding were found on pastures. Grazing can be recommended as an alternative land use to mowing in contrast to abandonment, but a reduction in species richness and changes in species composition and species traits may occur.  相似文献   

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